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Chapter 724: The Oath Made Two Hundred Years Ago

Chapter 724: The Oath Made Two Hundred Years Ago


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 724: The Oath of Two Hundred Years Ago

  The angry voice echoed in the spacious cave, and even the sea water rippling on the edge of the square was blown into circles of ripples.

  The crew members of the Glory standing on the concrete ground stopped involuntarily, and were at a loss for a moment.

  The atmosphere on the scene was a bit stiff.

  Or awkward.

  Especially for the few “outsiders” from Shelter No. 404, Zhima Paste looked at Sisi without knowing what to do, and his tail, who had nowhere to put his hands, had quietly started to play with his fleshy chest hair.

  Sisi observed the door of the shelter, looked at Zhima Paste who was looking at him inquiringly, and shook his head.

  ”There is no terminal.”

  ”Ah this…”

  Zhima Paste also showed a headache on his face.

  But this is quite reasonable.

  After all, according to Captain Chen, this was originally the engineering entrance of Shelter No. 70, and it was retained as a backup entrance after completion. Maybe the giant gear door was installed at the end.

  Since it is like an escape passage, it is not used at all, and it does not need to be opened from the outside. The terminals that are not connected to the shelter security system are being cleaned up.

  ”…It might be better to let them solve this kind of thing themselves.” The tail that tied two braids on Rourou’s belly whispered.

  She is agile.

  When she just got ashore, she saw that there was no place to enter the password on the door.

  ”I think so too.”

  Sisi nodded, cast her eyes not far away, and said meaningfully, “If the shelter authority can solve all problems, the problem will not happen in the first place.”

  She had the honor of contacting the shelter authority, that was when she was in Shelter No. 79.

  It is precisely because of this that she is different from most players who have not touched the key. She knows very well that it is not a universal wishing machine. Using it in an inappropriate situation will mess things up.

  Perhaps it is for the same reason that the administrator gave this key to her who had used the “Administrator Authority Experience Card”.

  Facing the tightly closed giant door, Dong Wen was silent for a while, then sighed and said.

  ”…You are right, we are indeed not worthy of your help.”

  As soon as he finished speaking, noisy roars came out from the radio.

  ”Stop pretending to reflect! Do you think we will believe it?”

  ”Ungrateful guy!”

  ”Go back to where you came from!”

  ”Just fight well, it’s better to tear down the coral city, and we will come out after you are all dead!”

  ”Don’t miss us in the future, we don’t deserve it, thank you!”

  The crew members lowered their heads and looked at the Dolphin submarine silently. They wanted to go back, but then they remembered that this submarine was strictly speaking also a thing of Shelter No. 70.

  Listening to the continuous noisy broadcast, Chen Jianhong walked to the side of the cave and fumbled on the wall with a flashlight for a while.

  After a moment, he seemed to have found what he was looking for, stopped groping, and roared at the noisy broadcast.


  The square fell silent for a moment.

  The people in the broadcasting room were obviously stunned, as if they had not expected Captain Chen to attack them.

  ”… If you still want to make fun of your compatriots in Shelter No. 404, I have no objection, but please look down at the coat on your body and ask it, what did our fathers say when they entered the shelter?”

  The square seemed to fall into silence.

  No one responded.

  However, Chen Jianhong did not intend to wait for them to answer themselves. He just cleared his throat and read the words engraved on the wall covered with dust, word by word.

  ”… Thank you for your trust and sacrifice. You are the greatest contributors to our civilization!”

  ”I will be grateful and continue to move forward with today’s shame and your memory.”

  ”We will always remember the suffering you are enduring now! I swear here that your children will live in a beautiful new world in the future! It will be a new era that is more united than the prosperous era, and it will be greater than any moment in the history of our civilization!” ”

  … I’m sorry, we can’t take everyone away, but this is the only choice, so that all of us can have a bright future.”

  ”Are your ancestors here? Don’t worry, I haven’t finished reading, there is still a long list here…” Speaking loudly, Chen Jianhong continued to walk along the wall for a while, stretched out his hand to brush away the dust on it, and his eyes staring at the wall suddenly paused. With

  a hint of complexity in his pupils, he looked at the door of the shelter and read out the sentence he had just seen.

  ”From now on, your children are our children…”

  The square was silent.

  Those words were like sharp knives, stabbing into the hearts of all the residents in Shelter No. 70.

  Chen Jianhong was sure that there were more than just a dozen people gathered in the broadcasting room at this moment. After

  four months of being stuck in the shelter, there were no bars, no news, only the pitiful entertainment facilities in the shelter and the unpalatable food reserves. Like him, they had long been accustomed to life outside, and it would be a miracle if they could stay in there forever!

  The thousands of people in the entire shelter were probably gathered in front of the holographic screen, waiting to see the jokes of those “poor guys”.

  After a long silence, a weak cough came from the broadcast.

  ”…But no matter what, this is our shelter, and we have the right to decide how to use it.”

  ”‘Our’! Shelter!”

  Chen Jianhong looked at the rectangular gear, repeated the sentence, and then said it word by word.

  ”Touch your chest and tell me loudly, who owns this shelter! Who built it!”

  Silence spread across the square.

  Only the resounding roar was echoing.

  Looking at the silent broadcast, Chen Jianhong slowly spoke.

  ”…You all know it, but you just don’t want to think about it. It doesn’t matter, I’m also a member of Shelter No. 70, I’ll tell you.”

  He pointed to the gate of the shelter, like a tour guide, pointing to the people standing behind him.

  ”That giant alloy door was undoubtedly produced in a factory in the Era of Prosperity. I don’t know which factory specifically completed this shield, but I am sure that someone cast it, someone polished it, someone put it on the track, and someone designed the lock and password for it… It is a huge and tight industrial chain, and similar existences like it build our Era of Prosperity. Strictly speaking, it is the common achievement of all participants in the entire industrial chain.”

  ”Not just this door!”

  ”There are also the excavator drivers who dug out this cave, the designers who designed the various functional areas of the shelter, the engineers who installed reactors and light bulbs for you, and even the miners who drove mining ships in outer space… Of course, it also includes the teachers who trained these talents, the doctors who treated them, the parents who raised them, and the countless citizens who contributed their sweat, creativity and taxes.”

  ”Tell me, where are they now!”

  Looking at the indifferent door and the silent broadcast, Chen Jianhong took a deep breath and exhaled the turbid air in his chest and the words he had been holding for a long time.

  ”If you don’t want to say it, let me do it. There is no doubt that they are all dead. Most of them are dead… This is obvious. The shelter was designed for the Wasteland Era, but our planet has never been one. It is like a spacious and beautiful house. When things are going well, no matter how many people are stuffed in it, there will be no problem. However, once the house collapses, 99% of the people will definitely die!”

  ”Some people survived by chance, but their nightmare has just begun. The endless winter, the mutated alien species infected and radiated, and the despair of the collapse of heaven. A few people live as human beings, and more people are twisted into beasts by the environment… The number of survivors may be only 1%, or even less, but no one knows? It is impossible to count this thing in that case!”

  ”They have been in hell for 50 years in the Wasteland Era, a full 50 years! Until they lay in the grave with their children, until their grandchildren just came of age! And at this time, the nightmare only showed signs of ending, but it was not long before new troubles followed.”

  Chen Jianhong knocked on the wall with the words on his index finger, his tone carrying a hint of sarcasm.

  ”This is what happened outside. When did we open the door? It was the 100th year of the Wasteland Era! It was the 50th anniversary after the construction of the roundabout! Our ancestors promised to let the children of those who stayed outside live in paradise, but in the end we moved into their paradise first.”

  ”Do you think you are enlighteners or colonists from outer space?”

  ”Listening to our parents telling stories about the Prosperous Era, we have sweet dreams at night, and we shout slogans of rebuilding the Prosperous Era, but you know best what you are thinking in your hearts! Rebuilding the Prosperous Era? Haha, don’t try to fool me! I’m one of you too!”

  ”Those natives will surely worship us as gods, right? They will surely be shocked when they see the omnipotent black box, right? They will surely kneel down to express gratitude when they see the door of the shelter open, right? Just like those poor fellows’ great-great-great-grandparents knelt in front of the shelter door and begged your ancestors to open the door a crack, now they will surely kneel down in front of the door to thank us for finally opening the door! Am I right?”

  When he said this, his voice was very light, like a needle fallen on the ground, using it to weave the dream he once had.

  ”…Yes, we have the knowledge of the Age of Prosperity, the machines of the Age of Prosperity, and the black boxes designed to be used by illiterate baboons. We can even add a piece of sugar to the tea of ​​those baboons when they are eating dirt. Aren’t we gods in their eyes? Should I use ‘they’ to make it sound more like what we really think?”

  ”There is no future for a dozen small islands, and we can’t rebuild a utopia at all, so we drove back the survivors who escaped from the shore to the sea and asked them to develop settlements on the shore. Later we found that there were big problems there, so we called the deaths a small detour on the right path, and blamed the natives for being greedy for life and afraid of death. They deserved that their ancestors could not enter the shelter, so we had to bear the high cost to build houses for them on the seabed.”

  ”Now that they are disobedient and no longer grateful, we can’t play with them anymore. We shout like a crying child, “Get out of here, we won’t play with you anymore, and we will come out again when you are all dead, and come back to build a Prosperity Era that belongs only to us.”

  ”No wonder the shelter has a maximum shelter period… In my opinion, it is understandable that they are crazy, but you who are hiding in that cave are really crazy!”

  At the end, he seemed to have changed into a different person, and he almost shouted hysterically.

  For a long time, there were only the sound of the gentle panting and the echo of the roar in the square. And the noisy broadcast before, but could not say a word.

  That is a fact that cannot be changed no matter how many hardships there are. The shelter is indeed not a shelter for a certain person or a certain group of people, but a shelter for human civilization.

  After a long silence, Chen Jianhong slowly opened his mouth and continued.

  ”I thought about it for a long time when I was in Dawn City, including when I was on the submarine just now.”

  ”I was thinking, if my ancestor really comes back, it’s hard to say whose childishness he will feel ashamed of.”

  At this time, a dull voice came from the radio.

  As if to soothe his emotions, the voice was very light.

  ”I understand your feelings, but… the things you said are too far away. Two centuries ago, we might have been compatriots with those people outside, but you must also know that after two hundred years, they may not be the same kind of people as us.”

  Chen Jianhong did not feel any comfort from this sentence, but laughed out loud.

  ”So the oath 200 years ago is not counted, which means that the oath engraved on this wall was a lie from the beginning, right?”

  An angry roar came from the radio.

  ”Chen Jianhong! Whose side are you on!”

  ”I’m on the side of humans! Where are you on? Humanoids!”

  Chen Jianhong responded to the roar fearlessly and pointed behind him.

  ”Just look at those guys you despise the most, the Federation that looks like a joke to you! It was built on lies and didn’t even last for 4 months. No one even pushed it, and it fell apart! What about you? Can the prosperous era rebuilt with lies last for 4 months? Not to mention that you haven’t gone back yet, do you have any hope of going back with you crazy people?”

  ”While you were being stupid, what did other shelters do?”

  Without giving the broadcast a chance to speak, Chen Jianhong pointed to the side, pointed to the girl with long hair, and repeated the sentence in a deafening roar.

  ”…From the moment we stepped out of the shelter, we were already aware of our mission. Death is just a return for us! This is what she told me! They told me with their actions! How do you think we got here, waiting for those mutants to drown themselves in the water, and then sneaking over?”

  The topic was suddenly brought to himself, and Sisi was a little amused for a while, and he didn’t expect that guy to take his casual words seriously.


  although she said that casually, she was not lying.

  They were indeed fully aware of their mission.

  Especially when they ticked the box “Do you swear an oath under the flag of the People’s Union…” in the reservation form, they had already clarified their identity, responsibilities and obligations, as well as the punishment they would have to bear for violating various terms.

  Death is indeed just a return for them as players, although they can return many times.

  As a reward for their bravery, their managers will even give them “salaries” – through the special channel of the silver coin exchange.

  However, no matter what the premise is, one thing is an indisputable fact.

  The residents of Shelter No. 404 are indeed not afraid of sacrifice and rush to the front of everyone, whether it is fighting or exploring, they are always on the front line.

  Even if most people do not do these things with noble motives, and there are even many people who are just having fun and performance artists, no matter which set of moral standards are used, what they do can undoubtedly be worthy of noble evaluation.

  At least in general. It is

  precisely for this reason that the wastelanders who are inspired by them will willingly become their followers.

  Although the topic was turned to himself, Sis felt that it would be better for him to quietly play a background board and wait for the NPC to finish the plot.

  Fortunately, the captain did not mean to throw the conversation to her, and his voice did not even pause.

  I think he knew it very well.

  This was the internal affairs of Shelter No. 70, and no one else should interfere…

  ”…They united with the survivors, and what are we doing at this time? The leaks on the ship kept getting more and more, and finally they could not be repaired. Our managers did not know what to do, and actually ran out to find the War Construction Committee that had been gone for a century and a half! Of course, we are more stupid than him. We can’t survive for several months without the weapons in the shelter. We would rather come back here and close the door than face our compatriots!”

  As he said, his eyes were filled with contempt.

  ”What a coward. Aren’t you blaming Sun Yuechi for not opening the armory for you? Now we have the key, take it, and get those weapons!”

  ”Use the guns and cannons made by the ancestors of the survivors outside to wipe out all their children! If that little stock is enough! That’s like sending them to heaven!”

  ”It doesn’t matter if all the people die, go to the Borneo province and rob some real slaves back, and let them build that colonial era for you! You don’t have to build houses for them, or even give them a bite of food, they can lick your toes with that disgusting tongue. If you are unhappy and frown, they can kill the guys you don’t like for you, even if they are their compatriots! Even neighbors!”

  After a pause, the contemptuous look gradually became firm, and he stared at the motionless door of the shelter.

  ”… As for me, I will stand with the people I think are truly worthy of respect, and I will unite with the survivors outside. I believe that my fathers will be very pleased and proud of my choice at this moment, instead of being like your fathers, with a lifetime of shame and regret, leaving jokes as epitaphs on this wall!”

  Finally, after saying all his inner thoughts, he let out a long breath and turned to walk towards the Dolphin.

  Although it was a pity, he had to admit that there was no such union as he longed for here, and perhaps the Enlightenment would be suitable for them.

  In fact, the Alliance was not the most perfect union.

  They also had people who could not be united, and people who could not be united for the time being.

  He still remembered that the manager told him that having ideals without looking at the people under his feet was like burning the hottest charcoal, which was blown into ashes by a gust of wind. He would not ask his supporters to be that kind of person, and never asked them to keep the slogan of rebuilding the prosperous era on their lips.

  In Chen Jianhong’s view, it was more like a humble remark, because what they did was worthy of their oath.

  They were always walking in front of those wastelanders!

  And these guys…

  even myself a few months ago, are simply cold and hard stones.

  Maybe when they first came out, the good people of their ancestors also burned for their ideals, just like the current residents of Shelter 404.

  But that kind of thing is really too far away.

  Even farther than the oath made two hundred years ago…

  Just when he no longer had any hope of persuading these stubborn guys, the gear embedded in the wall suddenly made a slight click.

  It was like a mechanical watch that had not been oiled for many years, and was suddenly wound up again.


  Amidst a series of clanging and deafening roars, the giant gear that rolled to one side slowly made way for the passage behind it.

  Chen Jianhong stopped and looked back, with a hint of surprise on his face.

  About hundreds of people stood at the entrance of the passage.

  He couldn’t see their expressions, but he could feel that all the eyes were staring at him.

  His Adam’s apple moved slightly, and Chen Jianhong suddenly felt a throbbing surge from the depths of his soul, flowing from the back of his neck to his eye sockets.

  The stiff muscles on his face twitched slightly, and in order to prevent the expression that could not be held back from appearing on his face, he grinned and smiled at the crowd.

  ”Are you here to get the key?”

  ”Don’t be like that, Brother Chen…” Lin Nuo, who was standing at the door, sighed, and his eyes drifted to the side, where the words were engraved on the wall.

  ”We have finally made up our minds. Is this all you want to say to us? It’s too hurtful to settle the accounts. Of course, I’m not saying that you are wrong. There is no right or wrong in this kind of thing. Anyway… give us some face.”

  The man standing next to him had the same expression. It seemed that he had grabbed the microphone just now.

  After coughing again, the man spoke.

  ”Let’s think about how to solve the current trouble…”

  Cleaning up the mess may be more troublesome than imagined.

  But at least they now have like-minded allies.

  After a pause, the man looked at Chen Jianhong, then at the residents of Shelter No. 404 standing nearby, and the crew members of the Glory who were hesitating whether to return to the submarine.


  ”Come in and talk.”


  In the waters near Coral City, pieces of broken branches and arms floated on the rocky seabed.

  Two huge mechanical crabs lay on the reef, one of which was missing three legs, and the other only had three legs.

  The communication channel was jumping with rustling electric current sounds.

  After a long silence, intermittent voices reached the ears of the model worker lying on the ground.

  ”…Model worker.”

  The voice was tired, but also had a hint of unsatisfied joy.

  It was like after a thrilling sport.

  No –

  this was much more pleasant than that.

  Not surprisingly, the one they just wiped out should be the trump card of the aquatic mutants. No matter

  how you think about it, there are seven or eight hundred elite monsters of level 20 or 30.

  Although the price they paid was heavy, wasn’t this what they were after when they followed Brother Ji?

  Blood sacrifice to the Blood God, skull sacrifice to the Skull Seat… Of course, long live the true Emperor!

  If only the three-day wait could go by faster…

  Of course, it would be even better if I could save a game before I died.

  Finally reconnected, looking at the cracked observation window glass, the model worker shook his groggy head and replied.

  ”Ah… I just reconnected, I just lost it.”

  There was silence on the other end of the communication channel for a while, and then a laugh came.

  ”Damn… You’re so tired in just one hour?”

  ”Shut up.” The model worker rolled his eyes and began to check the remaining three mechanical legs. Only

  two of the nineteen “king crabs” were left, and they were two big cripples.

  Looking at the only remaining icon in the teammate list, Voldemort held it in for a long time and couldn’t help cursing.

  ”This armor is too fucking lame!”

  ”Ahem… Hahahaha!”

  ”What are you laughing at!”

  ”It’s the equipment that’s okay… Ahem, but to be honest, this thing is really not as useful in the sea as on land, and the mobility is really a bit uncomfortable.”

  Unlike the aquatic mutants who tend to maneuver in curves, the “King Crab” maneuvers mostly go straight, and the result is that the surrounding water flows everywhere, not only prompting the opponent to attack the direction, but also consuming a lot of mechanical energy to resist the resistance of the water flow.

  In contrast, those elite mutants are much more flexible underwater, running around the reef like fish.

  Especially when they use underwater rifles, portable torpedo launchers, thermite bombs and other weapons that can break through the “King Crab” armor, the battle will become extremely difficult.

  Recalling the previous fierce battle, Voldemort sighed and said.

  ”…Sure enough, the beach is the main battlefield for crabs. This thing should be good for beach landing.”

  Communication channel: “+1, it would be better to put on a nitrogen shield or a deflector shield… Hey, go back and do more missions for the scientific expedition team.”

  The loss of one or two battles is nothing. They will only be stronger in three days.

  Facing the silent deep sea and the corpses floating around, the player sitting in the cockpit suddenly thought of something and asked the communication channel.

  ”What should we do now?”

  The model worker was stunned and a little confused.

  ”I don’t know…”

  There are only two of them left in the team. Although the remaining wreckage is worth recycling, it is definitely impossible for them to recycle it alone.

  The “King Crab” amphibious armor is only a single-soldier equipment and does not have the ability to travel long distances.

  Relying on these incomplete legs to run back to French Fries Port, I am afraid that I can’t run back even after the game is publicly tested.

  Just as Lao Mo was hesitating whether to shut himself up on the spot or wait for the Dolphin submarine to come back to rescue the people, the sonar sensor installed on the king crab shell suddenly sensed an abnormal movement coming from above them.

  The noise was very small.

  If it was not close enough, their sonar system might not be able to capture it.

  Fu Di Lao Mo quickly raised his head and saw a submarine slowly approaching from the north.

  A sound of swallowing saliva came from the communication channel.

  ”That is…”

  Fu Di Lao Mo said with difficulty.

  ”It’s probably a submarine from the Federation… Lie down and don’t move, and turn off all the equipment!”

  When they were on the Dolphin before, they had already listened to the broadcast from the North Island.

  As expected, the Northern Federation led by the Charas authorities has stood together with the Torch. In other words, this submarine might come to support the mutants who are blocking this place.

  Thinking of this, Fu Di Lao Mo couldn’t help but feel depressed.

  It’s only been a few hours, and these guys have actually broken free from the initial chaos.

  If they had hesitated for even an hour longer at the French Fry Harbor, the one who would have intercepted the Dolphin would not be a group of mutants, but a real attack-type nuclear fusion-powered submarine!

  The two “king crabs” lay motionless in the wreckage, entering silence.

  The submarine had obviously discovered them, and a bright light shone directly above their heads.

  Voldemort felt his heart pounding and held his breath involuntarily.

  Fortunately, the big guy floating not far above their heads did not seem to think they were still alive, but gave up the search after searching for a circle.

  The sonar system on the opposite side must still be on, and Voldemort did not dare to turn on the engine or communicate with his teammates. What

  he needed to do most now was to quietly be an eye here, stay as long as he could, and pass on the situation here to the tails who might already be in Shelter No. 70 through the official website forum.

  The submarine seemed to be on guard against something. It turned off the searchlight hastily after turning it on for a while, and then turned around and drove west.

  Just as the model worker was confused about what this guy was going to do, a slight noise was suddenly captured by his sonar sensor.

  The ripple was almost fleeting, so fast that it seemed like an illusion!

  Indistinctly, looking up at the model worker above his head, he seemed to catch a glimpse of a sprinting black shadow, passing silently above him.

  Then, the black shadow hit the side of the submarine without bias, and exploded with a dazzling fire!


  The roar of the explosion was swept along with the surging water, blowing him and the only remaining teammate lying on the reef on the seabed away at a distance of hundreds of meters. The

  colorful fireball was burning in the deep sea, and the seawater near the submarine was like boiling, rolling out large patches of dense bubbles. The submarine that

  was hit on the side seemed to have a big hole, and the sunken armor made a wail of being overwhelmed, and it lost power and fell sideways.

  Unwilling to fail, it fired two torpedoes towards the dark sea.

  However, judging from the blooming flames and exploding air columns, the two torpedoes obviously did not hit anything, but just crashed into a steep cliff.

  After finally stabilizing the tumbling body, the lying model worker looked at the submarine that hit the seabed heavily, his eyes almost bulging out.


  What the hell?

  The boss was killed right after it appeared? !

  Although even if the NPC didn’t grab this head, he didn’t know how to spawn that kind of boss…



  At the same time, the tense and solemn atmosphere at the command center of the Anle Island Naval Base was broken by a burst of cheers.

  Even Commander Li Minghui, who had been frowning, couldn’t help but relax his frown.

  It was not only the Northern Federation fleet that got rid of the chaos and entered the battle state, but also the Anle Island fleet.

  It is better to say that compared to the tough guys like Charas who pretended to be tough, they are the soldiers who are really good at fighting.

  Considering the interest of the Torch Church in Coral City, they immediately judged that the Torch Church’s ships or mutants might take advantage of the internal strife of the Federation Fleet to take advantage of the situation, so they decisively sent out the two attack nuclear submarines “Shark Tooth” and “Polar” anchored at Anle Island.

  Unexpectedly, they didn’t see the mutants, but they caught another big fish!

  Not long after, they soon received a communication signal from near Coral City.

  ”This is ‘Shark Tooth’… The Cold Night has sunk, we will continue to remain silent.”

  Restraining his excitement, Li Minghui clenched his fist on the command table and replied with a serious look.

  ”…This is the headquarters, we have received it! Be sure to be careful of their destroyers, and remember your main target! That battleship!”

  The Northern Federation only has one Cold Night nuclear submarine!

  Now the only three submarines left are in his hands!

  Counting a cruiser and two destroyers, although their military strength is still far behind that of Beidao, at least they have regained some advantages.

  At the same time, on the other side of the Northern Federation’s Beidao, Charas, who was sitting in the presidential palace, cursed and threw his pen on the sea chart after listening to the report of his subordinates.

  ”What a waste!”

  The Cold Night was sunk!

  The only nuclear submarine in his hand was lost in the first battle!

  Although the advantage is still in his hands, it is obviously not a good sign.

  Looking at his subordinates who were holding their breath and standing aside, Charas yelled and shouted.

  ”Let the shipyard start work immediately! Don’t worry about the cost, just use all the materials that can be used!”

  The North Island Shipyard has a number of unfinished projects, including a destroyer whose main frame construction has been completed.

  If it’s fast, it should be able to leave the port within two months.

  As for the raw materials…

  it may be difficult to mine the seabed minerals at this time, but the Haiya Province can help them solve part of the problem.

  Charas picked up the ballpoint pen on the table again, supported his hands on the map, and thought with a frown.


  he can consider leveraging the industrial advantages of the North Island to arm their allies, such as getting more decent equipment for those “fishermen”.

  This seems to be more practical than rushing to build a few destroyers.

  Looking at the furious president and the blood on the table that had not yet been wiped off, the aide didn’t dare to say a word, and shivered and straightened his back and saluted.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode