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Chapter 725: Contagious Flames

Chapter 725: Contagious Flames


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 725: Contagious Flames

  Since becoming a manager and dealing with the family affairs of a large number of survivors, Chu Guang has rarely listened to a guy’s one-sided statement.

  It’s not that he is worried about who will harm him.

  It’s that anyone who speaks human words, whether consciously or unconsciously, will more or less bring a little bit of his own position and ideas.

  This depends on the person’s cognition of himself, as well as his cognition of others and the world.

  Therefore, when explaining something, most people may not be “absolutely” objective even if they are telling the truth.

  If you believe it completely, it is easy to be led by others.

  Of course, this does not mean that statements that are not objective are lies. After all, even if it is a real liar, it is stupid to lie directly.

  Once the logic cannot be self-consistent, it will fall into a deadlock that cannot be defended, and in order to maintain the self-consistency of the logic, you have to make up one lie after another with many loopholes.

  A more clever way is to pick out the exaggerated adverbs that are beneficial to you from the facts and modify them, and interpret the unfavorable parts of the facts from a tricky angle.

  For example, if he only listened to Sun Yuechi’s one-sided statement, the food and supplies of the survivors in the southern sea area were probably the little reserves taken out of the shelter.

  If he had not been a householder and knew how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt were, he might have really believed that guy’s nonsense and regarded them as a group of naive people.

  Of course, he did not only believe the survivors in the southern sea area.

  After all, according to the wording that Charas claimed in the broadcast, the residents of Shelter No. 70 had to become the evil “colonizers” of the pre-industrial revolution era and accept the trial of the new era.

  He was probably not lying, otherwise he would not have confidently asked the survivors to go back and ask their relatives at home. Obviously, some regrettable things did happen in the southern sea area in the past century, and they were not properly resolved, otherwise there would not be so many people on his side.

  This is also the experience gained by the alliance in the process of digging graves. If one or two lunatics appear in a settlement, it may be the lunatics’ own problem. But when everyone went crazy, someone showed a lighter, someone immediately handed out an oil barrel, and the others either watched the fun or were just blowing the wind, then the whole settlement must have been seriously ill.

  Chu Guang felt from the beginning that Sun Yuechi might have dug a big hole for himself, or that he might have thrown a big pot into his hands.

  And the fact is indeed so, free is not cheap, and things thrown into people’s hands in a hurry are probably not good things.

  The seemingly peaceful southern seas are actually brewing waves that endanger the entire wasteland.

  Generally, the predators at sea only drive a small boat to rob, and his players didn’t see it because they were lucky, and if they saw it, they would have killed it with a flick of their fingers.

  But these guys not only drove battleships, but also had complete factories and research facilities, and even formed a complementary advantage with the Torch Church – the former provided technology, and the latter provided resources.

  Combining the various intelligence listed by players on the forum, Chu Guang could basically conclude that the guy had only one thing that he didn’t hide from him.

  It was undoubtedly a mess that was handed over to him.

  ”…Is that so?”

  Shelter 404, Browsing Room on Floor B4.

  When Sun Yuechi learned from Chu Guang that the Federation that was born without his knowledge was broken into three pieces without his knowledge, he could not help but groan in pain.

  His face was full of despair, and he became much more haggard in an instant.

  Compared with the sincerity when he first asked for help, the panic when he heard about the big change, perhaps this is the most real feeling in his heart…

  What is coming has finally come.

  In fact, Chu Guang felt that this guy might have known from the beginning that it would turn out like this, but he still resolutely did the worst shock therapy.

  But whether it is true or not,

  only he knows.

  ”…You put your hopes on outsiders, I think this approach is not advisable.” Chu Guang looked at him meaningfully.

  The expression on his face was somewhat embarrassed, and Sun Yuechi tried to explain that he was not the kind of person who could do anything, or that he had carefully selected who would take over this task.

  ”I have carefully examined your handling of the Cindyson case and your handling of the relationship between the wastelanders and the residents of the shelter. There are many things worth learning from. I just saw your shining points…”

  ”That’s not what I’m talking about.”

  Looking at Sun Yuechi who was busy quibbling, Chu Guang shook his head and looked at him seriously and continued.

  ”First of all, our method is not omnipotent. There is no omnipotent method in this world. Secondly, we don’t know your situation at all, and you didn’t explain your condition clearly… Even if we have been very careful to clear the mines, there is still an unexpected flame.”

  He has no doubt that his little players are already excellent “bomb disposal experts”.

  Including Brother Fang, who he uses most easily, they are all talents that have been tested in practice, not appointed by him.

  The submarine freshwater pipeline is a good move, which is similar to the railway in Luoxia Province. If everything goes well, it may really win over most settlements and divide the unstable federation.

  After all, the Federation was not established for long, and the autonomy of each settlement was very high. The governor was not responsible for the capital of the Federation, but was responsible for the residents of the island first, and then the president.

  Unfortunately, the wasteland is not the 21st century in the world of the players. The other party did not give him time to unite the islands. He directly used a trick to send his cannon fodder to the pipeline to send a wave of heads, which exposed the problem that was originally hidden under the sea surface and completely forced the Torch’s allies in the Federation to rebel. Even if

  Fang Chang calculated that the Torch would definitely make trouble on the day when the pipeline was put into use, and successfully thwarted the Torch’s actions through careful layout, it would be of no avail.

  The other party is very clear about their position. They are the destroyers of order. If they compete with the alliance to see who can establish order better, then they have no chance of winning.

  So they turned the table upside down.

  However, from this point, it can also be seen from the side that the bishop in charge of the affairs of the southern sea area of ​​the Torch Church and Luo Qian, who tried to establish a distorted order in Jinhe City, are completely different chess players.

  That guy might be a “living person”.

  Faced with the pointed accusation, Sun Yuechi was speechless for a moment, and after a while, he sank into the sofa behind him a little dejectedly.

  ”…You are right, I shouldn’t have placed my hopes on you who don’t know the situation at all, and I did hide something in this matter, but in order to get you involved quickly, I can only do this.”

  His Adam’s apple moved, and he continued.

  ”It’s true that I’m not completely ignorant of the affairs of the Federation. The signs of division didn’t even appear in my generation, but in my generation before that. I still remember when my former administrator gave me the authority, he said that perhaps young people would have a way… My God, how the hell could I have a way? He might as well throw this trouble to another old man who won’t live for a few more years! Can you imagine? When the residents of the island heard that I was only in my thirties, everyone was going crazy. I even suspected that the old guy did it on purpose. He wanted me to be the scapegoat for the gallows!”

  He took a deep breath and buried his nose between his palms.

  ”I actually thought about whether it would be better if I took on everything by myself, but I didn’t want to die, at least I didn’t want to die so pathetically, so I picked up the broken watch and fixed it. The residents of the shelter all praised me, saying that it was a brilliant move for me to move the patrol from the fleet to the cabinet, digging out the eyes of the jackals and pressing them on the dogs, successfully delaying the crisis… But everyone knows that it was just removing the wooden boards on the deck and sticking them on the bottom of the ship! The dogs and wolves on the ship are all unhappy with us!”

  Then he looked at Chu Guang and said bitterly.

  ”Whether you believe it or not, the ship has reached the end, and it will be useless even if I stay there. In other words… I will not leave there if there is still a glimmer of hope. The shelter is not a wishing machine, and there is no button that can solve all problems by pressing it.”

  Chu Guang nodded gently.

  ”I can understand your feelings, but I’m afraid your residents may not.”

  Sun Yuechi sighed, looking at the ceiling, and said with a lonely look.

  ”I understand… Anyway, I’m still young, and I won’t die from two punches.”

  For some reason, Chu Guang suddenly couldn’t help laughing, but he felt that it was a bit unkind to laugh out loud at this time.

  This guy’s previous manager even considered that his next manager would be beaten, and deliberately picked a young and tough successor.

  I don’t know if my predecessor also left me a body with explosive fighting power for the same reason.

  Looking at Chu Guang with twitching facial muscles, Sun Yuechi made a rather helpless expression.

  ”I know you want to laugh, just laugh, but after this, can you tell me what you plan to do next?”

  Chu Guang thought for a moment, and gently put the teacup in his hand back on the tray on the coffee table.

  ”Since the Torch Church has intervened in the local situation, this is no longer your own problem. We originally planned to launch an offensive against the southern part of Jinchuan Province and Haiya Province at the end of the year, but now it seems… we have to move forward.” At the

  same time as he finished speaking, the movable door of the browsing room opened with a squeak, and a man in formal clothes walked in hurriedly.

  Sun Yuechi looked over there and saw that the man looked familiar. After looking at him for a while, he suddenly recognized that this man was Yi Chuan, the representative of the company stationed in Shuguang City.

  He gestured to X-16 standing beside him to pour a cup of black tea with milk for the guest. Chu Guang looked at him and smiled faintly.

  ”You came at the right time. I was discussing the situation in the southern sea area with the former manager of Shelter No. 70. As I said in the email I sent you, the situation there is probably worse than what the Council knows.”

  Sitting on the sofa, Yi Chuan nodded seriously, his eyes sparkling.

  ”Thank you for the information you provided. We have learned about the situation there. The Council attaches great importance to the affairs of the southern sea area. We will never allow anyone to arm those scaly demons, let alone those lunatics to continue their crazy plan, or even spread the pollution of Naguo to the ocean–”

  Chu Guang coughed lightly, interrupting his lengthy speech.

  ”Relax, this is not the meeting site of the Sticky Community, there are no reporters… Let’s discuss something practical.”

  Yi Chuan smiled awkwardly and touched his nose embarrassedly.

  ”…How much?”

  Chu Guang coughed several times before he stopped, almost choking on the milk tea he had just drunk, and glared at this guy.

  ”You are too practical…”

  Yi Chuan was stunned for a moment and asked guiltily.

  ”Didn’t you ask?”

  ”That’s what I said, but I still hope to be a little more tactful,” Chu Guang looked at Sun Yuechi, “You can also tell this friend about the situation over there. As for the part about how the Torch Church contacted you, it is enough to talk about it before you went ashore.”

  Sun Yuechi looked at the two of them blankly and nodded.



  Shelter No. 70.

  After a delay at the door, everyone finally entered the interior of the shelter.

  The space behind the door is very spacious.

  Because it is an entrance for engineering purposes, it is not connected to the shelter hall, but a huge and empty warehouse.

  Judging from the dust on the ground, this place should have not been used for some time.

  This layout is somewhat similar to Shelter 404, which, in addition to the entrance and exit on the surface, also has an entrance connected to the subway line, and even a sealed passage that leads to nowhere.

  Thousands of people from the entire shelter gathered here, whether they were “orthodox” blue coats or survivors who retreated here when the accident happened in Coral City.

  Without hiding the fact that he had the key, Sisi immediately confessed after crossing the door.

  ”I have the password for the proxy authority in my hand, and I will get temporary authority through the administrator certification in a while. Of course, if you don’t trust us, or don’t trust your administrator’s arrangement, we will leave here with the key.”

  The people crowded in the spare warehouse looked at each other, and no one raised any objections. Several guys wearing exoskeletons even took the initiative to make way for the terminal.

  In the case of not being too perverse, beautiful faces are indeed more likely to gain a good first impression, whether for men or women.

  Of course, the residents standing here do not rely entirely on emotions to judge good and evil, but have gone through rational thinking.

  Although it was frustrating to tell the truth, they were not so stupid that they could not see the obvious facts –

  the problem here was no longer something they could solve by themselves.

  If they could, they would have solved it long ago, and would not have dragged it on until now when the crisis broke out completely.

  Nodding to the people who made way, Sis walked through the bustling crowd to the side of the terminal, closed his eyes, copied the homework from the official website, and then entered the dynamic password on the screen.

  [Temporary authority recognition successful… biometric information is being registered. ]

  [Registration completed… Welcome back, acting administrator. ]

  Looking at the light blue text that appeared on the screen, Sis retracted his index finger on the screen, and then looked at Captain Chen Jianhong.

  ”Can you take me to where the security equipment is?”

  Chen Jianhong put down his arms and nodded.

  ”No problem.”

  Having joined the alliance for some time, he was quite confident in the professional ethics of these people.

  Looking at Captain Chen who was leading the way to the depths of the shelter, the tail and his group followed behind.

  As for Captain Dong Wen of the Glory, the nearly 200 crew members on board, and the crew of the Dolphin, they temporarily moved into the unused living area under the arrangement of the residents of Shelter No. 70.

  According to the initial exchange of opinions, they planned to establish a new authority.

  Not only the abandoned Coral City, but also Shelter No. 70 – which was the part that the previous federal authorities did not mention in the declaration.

  After all, at that time, they needed a common object of hatred to complete the union.

  Facts have proved that the shortcut is not feasible. Even if no one pushes them, they can play themselves out.

  And now, the new authorities must learn from this lesson in front of them and come up with a better plan as soon as possible.

  In the meeting room, the representatives nominated by both sides stood together and discussed how to draft this new draft.

  Looking at the people who exchanged opinions, they pondered for a long time, and Lin Nuo, who was touching his chin, suddenly raised his hand.

  ”How about calling this new authority… the Southern Seas Alliance?”

  Everyone who heard this was stunned.

  It’s not that this idea is so unique, but everyone is considering the content of the draft, but this guy is considering the title.

  The tall man shook his head and said seriously.

  ”It doesn’t matter what it’s called, what’s more important is what we do. Now the most urgent task is to get in touch with the warring parties. We must at least win the support of one side.”

  His name is Yang Lirong. He used to be an environmental engineer and his political views belong to conservatives.

  Since Sun Yuechi left, the residents of the shelter have elected him as the temporary manager, not only because his voice is loud enough, but also because his voice can represent the opinions of most residents.

  Hearing his speech, many people who hold the same opinion nodded in agreement, but some people also expressed different opinions.

  ”Indeed, it is important to do something, but before that, we need a slogan that can unite everyone.” A tall and thin man raised his hand and said seriously.

  His name is Wang Sihai. He is a crew member of the Dolphin and a member of Shelter No. 70 who went on a “pilgrimage” to Dawn City with Captain Chen Jianhong.

  In that place where miracles were born, he saw another model that was completely different from the southern sea area – a model where the residents of the shelter and the wastelanders get along equally.

  They may not be able to successfully copy it, but at least it is worth referring to.

  Another middle-aged man standing next to Yang Lirong shook his head.

  ”I know what you want to say, but they have long been tired of hearing that kind of slogan, I’m afraid it will be difficult.”

  Without giving up, Wang Sihai continued to argue.

  ”So we have to try to remove the label of Shelter No. 70 from the slogan, such as… How about the survivors unite?”

  Everyone looked at each other and discussed in whispers.

  To be honest, this is not a very inspiring statement.

  Not only is it not as good as Charas’s powerful speech, it is even not as good as Li Minghui’s impromptu inaugural speech.

  But it also has its own advantages, such as being concise and clear enough, and getting to the point enough… Aren’t all the sufferings they have suffered because of the false union?

  Moreover, this borrowed slogan is not completely without “mass base” in the southern waters.

  At least the residents of the ring island have seen those united people, and have deeply felt the order they brought.

  The residents of other islands have also heard more or less about the story of the alliance, or those who were taken in by them to open up a new home in the Baiyue Strait.

  The wind blowing from the river valley province has blown across the ocean to here, and a group of brave people have already given them a good demonstration – there

  is a way for the survivors to unite!

  Now they just need to bravely take that step forward, thoroughly settle past mistakes, and move towards true unity.

  Watching the people around them gradually change from suspicion to hesitation, and then to a subtle expectation, whether it is the captain of the Glory, Dong Wen, the employee of the radio station, or Wang Sihai and other representatives of the Dolphin, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Although

  the road ahead is still long, at least the first step just taken has allowed all of them to see a glimmer of light at the end of the long night…


  On the way to the arsenal.

  Rourou, who had dozens of pigtails hanging from her hair, swallowed her saliva excitedly, and muttered to herself excitedly while gathering her thick bear claws.

  ”Will there be a nuclear bomb?”

  I heard that friends from the Burning Legion picked up a tactical nuclear bomb as big as a bowling ball in Boulder City!

  It would be great if we could find one here too!

  Tail, who was walking beside her, said in a condescending manner.

  ”Your vision is too narrow, my Rourou! Just looking at the background setting, there are many guys in the Prosperous Era who are more powerful than nuclear bombs… such as neutron annihilation or something.”

  ”There can’t be that kind of thing in the shelter…” Zhimahu said with a smile. ”

  That’s right, there can’t be that kind of thing in the shelter. If you expect there to be powerful weapons there, you may be disappointed.”

  In order to take care of the NPC who couldn’t understand human language, when she said this, Sis deliberately used the human language in the game.

  However, to her surprise, Chen Jianhong, who was walking in front of her, smiled and dismantled her plan.

  ”… Well, that’s not the case. For example, the ‘back door’ you saw just now has never been connected to the shelter’s security system. This is what Mr. Sun Yuechi told me.”

  Sisi was stunned for a moment and looked at him in surprise.

  ”That is to say…”

  After hesitating for a while whether to say it, Chen Jianhong finally sighed and said something that someone would find out sooner or later.

  ”During the three-year war, the door was probably secretly opened once, and it should have been shortly after the fall of the Tianting… After all, there was such a big commotion outside, it is reasonable to see if the bicycle parked at the door is still there.”

  After a pause, he added in a low voice.

  ”Of course, this is just a metaphor. After all, Shelter No. 70 is on the seabed, and the things parked outside may also be submarines or something like that.”

  He remembered that it was mentioned in the recorded materials that Shelter No. 70 originally deployed a large number of construction equipment and building materials near the entrance, but due to the fall of the Tianting, those equipment were lost.

  If the door was really closed so tightly, how did those people who just went out a century ago know how those things were lost?

  It is possible that they were picked up by the wastelanders as rubbish. The survivors outside are not real natives, but ruthless people who drove sand-blowing ships to build artificial islands. Before they came out of the shelter, those people were also growing slowly, but their growth was slow and deformed.

  Sisi swallowed his saliva.

  ”Did they bring some things back at that time?”

  ”Yes, out of concern for the future, such as the final victory of the ‘enemy’ or something, the first generation of managers of Shelter No. 70 may have recovered some things that fell from the sky from the vicinity after the tsunami subsided, while the wartime government had not yet launched a search for the Tianting Space Station, and brought them back to the shelter through the spare back door.”

  After a pause, Chen Jianhong continued with a complicated expression.

  ”For example, the battleship parked on the North Island, the naval gun on it was actually dismantled from the aerospace frigate, and then transported into the shelter through the back door.”

  Tail said with shining eyes.

  ”Oh! Sure enough, there are such powerful weapons!”

  Rourou, who was also eager to watch the fun, looked at the captain with excitement.

  Not knowing how to respond to this overly expectant look, Chen Jianhong scratched his head and coughed.

  ”There are for sure, but it’s not as exaggerated as you and those people outside imagine… It’s just some wreckage removed from the starship, and some power armor of the aerospace forces. We repaired some of them in the first century, and after the door was opened, our focus of work returned to the construction outside the shelter.”

  Unexpectedly, his prediction failed, and Sisi awkwardly changed the subject.

  ”By the way, how did you know that there was a word engraved next to the back door just now? Did Sun Yuechi tell you too?”

  Chen Jianhong shook his head.

  ”That’s not the case… Mr. Sun has never been there. To be precise, since the main door of the shelter was opened, no one should have used that door. As for the reason, you should be able to guess it. It’s not a glorious thing. As for why there are words engraved, it’s my guess.”

  Sisi was a little confused at first, but soon came to his senses.

  Those words were engraved on the door of the back door, not the main door of the shelter connected to the security system…

  In other words, the identities of those who first entered this shelter are very likely to be questionable.

  Sisi looked at him with wide eyes in surprise.

  ”You mean…”

  Chen Jianhong looked to the side with a complicated expression and expressed his guess.

  ”There are two possibilities. They are on the list, but because the door was blocked by a group of ‘troublemakers’ who wanted to survive, they went through the back door and wrote their regrets on the wall.”

  ”Another possibility, which is more conspiracy-theory-oriented, is that they may not be on the list at all, but the construction party or people who know about this shelter. They found a way to get the identity of the construction workers, or used other methods to sneak into the shelter and modify the asylum agreement, replacing those who should have entered the shelter…”

  When he said this, Chen Jianhong paused for a moment and added a third possibility that he himself did not believe in.

  ”Of course, the third possibility is not completely ruled out. They are on the list and did enter the shelter through the main door. It’s just that when they used the back door, they thought of their compatriots who died outside, so they left their regrets there… just like going to the balcony to smoke a cigarette.”

  The truth is like Schrödinger’s cat. If no one opens the box, I’m afraid no one will ever know what happened.

  It’s hard to say whether the first generation of managers will leave this memory in the log.

  It is hard to say whether it is better to keep the truth buried or to dig it all out at once.

  Looking at the stunned Sisi, Chen Jianhong’s face showed a complicated expression.

  ”I won’t ask you about your affairs, but do you really think… all the people who could enter the shelter 200 years ago were good people? You should have seen what was happening at the entrance of the shelter.”

  Sisi shook his head and said concisely.

  ”I never thought so, and I don’t think I am a good person.”

  ”Ha, stop it, in our opinion you are already good.” Chen Jianhong laughed and touched his unshaven chin, but fell silent again after a while.

  This is actually not a funny thing.

  It is an objective fact that the prosperous era has achieved equality in a broad sense, and it is also a fact that the crisis of survival will release the suppressed bestiality in human nature.

  The Human Union needs a group of brave, capable and faithful people to go to the distant future and rebuild a new home on the soil where civilization may have disappeared.

  To do this, they need to select some real good people.

  However, the contradiction is that when a set of rules is designed to screen out the “good people” in the crowd, the most likely ones to be screened out may not be “good people” but may be real ruthless people.

  Only the real elites can enter the shelter, and there has never been such a saying.

  The real cruel truth is that it is precisely because of living in the shelter that they have become the so-called elites…

  After learning about other shelters, Chen Jianhong also felt a little bit that the residents of the shelter are not really “naive”.

  After all, people are complex and diverse animals, and they can even change their minds three times a day. Using the word “naive” to describe a group itself is the most naive arrogance.

  Those guys… that is, his fathers, may just be the winners of the test 200 years ago.

  There are many ways to win, some by following the rules, some by breaking the rules, or cheating in other ways.

  At the same time, “elite” is not a pass to survive. The outside world has been running for 200 years, and it has changed countless sets of test papers.

  That is why they “don’t always” compete with the wastelanders after they come out, so they unconsciously tie authority to bloodline.

  ”Many of us have made a mistake. The shelter is not a country or a political group at all. It is a special disaster relief agency similar to the police and firefighters. It’s just that its special nature gives it an overly transcendent status and benefits… For example, the power of survival was extremely scarce in that era. So that those children think that their fathers are elites among ten thousand, and they are also elites. They think that as long as they learn to speak like them, they can be worshipped by ordinary people. In fact, not to mention that it is not appropriate now, even in that era, it was not said like this.”

  Sisi looked at him with a little surprise.

  ”I am surprised that you can think so much.”

  Mainly because when I first met this guy, he didn’t seem to be such a person, but more like a potential supporter of the Enlightenment Society.

  Can a trip to Dawn City have such a big impact?

  Facing the surprised eyes, Chen Jianhong was also a little embarrassed. He reached out and scratched the back of his head, laughing and said.

  ”To be honest… I was inspired by a wastelander.”



  Sis was stunned for a moment, then remembered what it was, and couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

  Tail interrupted with his eyes shining.

  ”Oh! It was written by Sibo, right?”

  Unexpectedly, he met a kindred spirit here, and Chen Jianhong’s eyes suddenly lit up and said with a smile.

  ”Haha, you guys have read it too!”

  Tail scratched his head embarrassedly and muttered in a low voice.

  ”Well, actually not, our Rourou was still floating on the sea at that time.”

  In fact, someone copied it on the forum, but it is indeed more interesting to read books in the game world in the game.

  For example, in “Elder Roll 5”, even if someone organized the books in the game into text, it would not be the same when moved to reality.

  ”Suddenly I remembered that we haven’t been back for a long time.” Hearing the sudden mention of “hometown”, Zhimahu’s face also showed a trace of nostalgia.

  Although the ramen restaurants in Dawn City have all opened in Golden Gallon Port, they haven’t been to the ramen restaurant on North Street for a long time.

  Chen Jianhong was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding this kind of nostalgia, after all, it only took two days to take the airship from French Fry Port back to Dawn City.

  But soon he remembered that the flight seemed to have only been opened for two months, maybe they were not idle yet.

  ”That… it’s a pity.”


  Walking through the corridor of the shelter.

  Everyone passed through a huge freight elevator and entered the warehouse deep in the shelter.

  According to the rules written by the first generation of managers, only those with manager authority can enter here.

  This is a large space, as large as four football fields.

  Standing on the gangway at the top of the warehouse and looking down, a series of neatly shaped mechanical structures are displayed in the center of the open space.

  Some of them are repaired equipment, such as the “Dragoon” power armor and so on. There are actually a hundred of them piled in the corner of the warehouse!

  Even more than the inventory that the Alliance found in the Boulder City Arsenal before!

  Not only that, there are also some individual equipment such as Gauss rifles and energy weapons, which have been repaired and placed on the warehouse shelves… What is

  even more surprising is the thing displayed in the center of the warehouse, that is a metal track as long as two high-speed rail carriages – or gun barrels!

  No doubt!

  This thing is undoubtedly the electromagnetic gun used on the aerospace frigate!

  And there are actually four in stock here!

  As for other strange things, it is probably the reactor or anti-gravity device on the starship, which is also surprising enough.

  When he thought that the Rourou would be able to fly in the sky in the future, Wei Ba clenched his fists excitedly, and even his eyes turned into the shape of silver coins.

  ”Giao! Si! We’re rich!”

  Si Si couldn’t help but hold his forehead and reminded him in a low voice.

  ”Awei, wake up, this is not our reward, it’s a task prop.”

  Rourou was so shocked that his chin almost dropped on the railing, and he was speechless for a while. Zhimahu also showed a surprised expression on his face, but not as exaggerated as Rourou and Awei.

  Looking at the shocked crowd, Chen Jianhong couldn’t help but curl up his lips and said with a hint of pride.

  ”A century ago, when we were still in the shelter, we improved the shells of these four guns so that this electromagnetic gun could be used in the atmosphere. Not to mention anti-ship, this thing can even shoot a 500-kilogram mass projectile into low-Earth orbit!”

  500 kilograms? !

  Upon hearing this, Rourou couldn’t help but exclaimed.

  ”Wow, half a ton launch load?! Then you can’t… use this thing to launch satellites?!”

  Of course, whether the environment of outer space can operate satellites is another matter.

  I heard that there are astronomical amounts of garbage floating there, and even the bosses of Ideal City can’t do anything about it.

  Sis Khan said.

  ”It should be impossible to launch satellites. Electronic components that can withstand 32 megajoules of muzzle energy… at least there are none in reality.”

  Generally speaking, the muzzle energy that a rifle-fired missile can withstand is about this.

  And for this gun, the muzzle energy is obviously not measured in megajoules.

  After all, the Alliance’s self-developed No. 60 electromagnetic cannon has a muzzle kinetic energy of 60 megajoules, which is about three times that of conventional naval guns in the real world.

  This thing is estimated to start at 30 times, and the upper limit is unknown.

  However, considering that the semiconductor materials used in the wasteland are not the same as those in reality, she did not say too much.

  Looking at the shocked compatriots in Shelter No. 404, Chen Jianhong smiled and continued to introduce the unique skills of his own shelter.

  ”When we first considered the Legion as our imaginary enemy, we actually considered using terminal deceleration missiles to deal with airships with deflector shields. But then we thought that they might set up a point defense system on the airship to deal with low-speed targets, so we thought of installing this electromagnetic gun on a warship with a large enough tonnage.”

  ”Even without the assistance of the phase gun to break the shield, the kinetic energy of the shells themselves can overload the shield. In theoretical calculations, three shells are enough to shoot down the Legion’s conventional airship!”

  ”As for whether they have other trump cards, we don’t know… At least let them know that we are not easy to mess with.”

  Sisi couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”This is already a very super-standard force… If Charas gets these equipment, he may really have the hope of leading you to dominate this sea.”

  Just like this guy said, their enemies are not completely without a chance, and both sides are waiting for the opportunity.

  ”Dominate the sea? Hahaha!”

  Chen Jianhong grinned, cast his eyes on the wreckage removed from the frigate, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”…Then his ambition is too small.”

  ”Follow your administrator to step onto the starry sea again, isn’t the scenery more wonderful than a small pond?”

  To be honest.

  Whether it was Mongo before or Charas now, those guys have such small visions that even their dreams are so restrained.

  A federation with the survivors of the southern sea as the main body?

  The border of the Human Union is five light years away!

  In comparison, the gentleman’s words are indeed more pleasant to hear and his pie is more delicious… Whether it is the wastelanders who focus on the present or the blue jackets who dream of returning to the prosperous era, they can all get the taste they like from him.

  They are not going to the prosperous era.

  But from now on, they will create a greater era!

  No wonder Sun Yuechi stayed in Dawn City and refused to come back…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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