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Chapter 727 The war machine starts!

Chapter 727 The war machine starts!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 727: The war machine is on!

  In the middle of Jinchuan Province, next to a lush mangrove forest, there is a settlement called Mafu Town, about 150 kilometers away from Singularity City.

  Although it is just an inconspicuous town, the population living here is actually not small.

  At least compared to the surrounding uninhabited areas, this can be regarded as a “smoke-filled” settlement.

  A century ago, the local survivors made a living by raising horses, and only two or three hundred people lived in the settlement.

  Around the 100th year of the Wasteland Era, Jinchuan Province had more farms and manors, and the manor economy headed by slave owners prospered. The local survivors changed to herding cattle and sheep, providing food and accommodation for the merchants coming and going from the south and the north, and the town gradually developed to two or three thousand households and seven or eight thousand people.

  As for now, the alliance’s railway has been built, and the locals have added a new business of guarding the railway and selling grilled sausages and melon seeds near the train station.

  Every day, they only need to ride along the railway line to ensure the safety of the nearly 150-kilometer railway section and ensure that the alliance’s trains do not have accidents here, and the alliance’s insurance company will give them a sum of money.

  As for why the insurance company instead of the railway company gives this money, they don’t quite understand, anyway, those people are willing to pay.

  And since the railway was built, the smoking train always brings some interesting little things along the way every now and then.

  For example, tables and chairs, newspapers and books, clothes and pants, furniture and home appliances, as well as some puffed and canned foods that no one has seen before, etc., you can take them home as long as you take out silver coins.

  In order to earn more silver coins, the idle young men in the town got on the train and planned to go to the alliance’s territory to make a living.

  In the past, people would still worry about being too far away from home and it would be difficult to come back after going there, even if they thought there might be opportunities to make money there, but now the journey to Dawn City is less than a day, and many people got on the train with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

  Although most people in the town do not think of themselves as members of the Alliance, they only think that the Alliance is no different from the merchants who come and go, except that their business is slightly bigger. However, even so, their lifestyle and habits are still more or less influenced by Dawn City, just like the slave owner’s manor economy affected their production and life.

  Whether the young men who went to Dawn City to work brought back pancakes and ramen, or the big-horned deer god and big-horned rat, or the “Awakener Bol” and the “man and automation” of Singularity City, they are always things that this town has never had before.

  Especially in recent days, not only the young men got on the train, but even the old mayor of this town went to Dawn City to attend the slime community meeting.

  According to the letter sent back by the old man, he met many big men there, not only the big nose from Triumph City, but also people from Ideal City and the Academy.

  Those big men sat together to discuss that solving the mutant slime mold should be the primary goal.

  But before that, they have to get rid of a group of guys called Torch. Those lunatics planned to use the technology of the Prosperity Era to spread something called Nago into the sea.

  The people in the town didn’t understand what that meant. Many of them had never seen a mutant slime mold or the sea in their lives. At most, they could occasionally see one or two lunatics preaching.

  But the old mayor, who had seen some of the world, told them that this stuff was definitely an opportunity!

  And it was a big opportunity!

  Although there was no slime mold nest around Mafu Town, there were a lot of them in Jinchuan Province.

  Solving the slime mold was really not important to them, just like the railway built by the Alliance.

  But if they could help those big guys solve the problem, their lives would be visibly better!

  In the words of the manager of the Alliance, making money was not shabby at all.

  They could live their own lives well, let people live the life they should live, get rid of poverty and ignorance, and they had already made a great contribution to ending the Wasteland Era.

  He would not ask them to hold the torch in their hands high like the Alliance.

  As usual, the old mayor who was in the meeting in Dawn City probably heard some encouraging words. Seeing that the sun was about to set, he sent an urgent telegram to the town hall.

  The mayor’s secretary at the town hall yawned, posted the telegram on the bulletin board in the square, hammered nails to it, and then went home to play cards in the tavern.

  The townspeople in the square gathered around curiously. After a shove, a literate shoemaker finally got together to read the telegram sent by the mayor.

  ”The slime mold research community meeting voted to pass Resolution No. 1. All members of the meeting declared war on the Torch Church and its servants…” After reading out his summary in a low voice, the man’s face changed slightly, and he whispered in disbelief, “Is this going to war?”

  Hearing this, the people around him immediately whispered.

  Especially the young man whose family runs a farm and a forest farm, his face showed an eager expression.

  But some people also showed worried expressions on their faces, because they quickly remembered that they were also members of that community, and their mayor was holding a meeting there, and they might even have voted at the meeting. The

  people of Mafu Town were tough. They were not afraid of those crazy missionaries, but when they thought about fighting a group of strangers, most people were still very hesitant, even though they knew that torches were not good things.

  A farmer in the town looked at the shoemaker who read the notice and asked with a frown.

  ”Do you need us to go to the battlefield?”

  In the past, when Mafu Town fought with outsiders, those who had horses would go out, those who had guns would go out, and those who had nothing would go out with their lives. I don’t know what the rules are now.

  Since the Alliance built a railway here, the predator camps and mutant nests around them seemed to have disappeared. Although there are occasionally some small predator groups or aliens that wander into this area, large-scale fights have not happened for a long time.

  ”…That’s not necessary. The work we need to undertake is logistics, providing accommodation, food, fresh water and daily necessities for those who come to fight.”

  The shoemaker read the notice on the bulletin board to the end, paused and said.

  ”By the way, the mayor also asked us to make use of the unused warehouses, cow sheds, stables and even the attics at home, and convert them into hotels, pubs, B&Bs and so on… In the next few days, there will be many people coming from Dawn City.”

  He didn’t know what a B&B was, but he thought it should be similar to a hotel or a pub.

  Everyone looked at each other after hearing this, with hesitation written on their faces.

  At this time, a burly housewife stepped forward and asked doubtfully.

  ”They pay?”

  The shoemaker was stunned for a moment and asked back.

  ”Why not?”

  In his impression, it seems that no one who followed the train did not pay. It is better to say that those guys are eager to put the silver coins into their pockets, although they will earn the money back in various ways soon.

  Everyone felt that it made sense. Except for a few guys who were eager to try and showed a listless expression when they heard that they had no chance to play, most of the hesitant people’s eyes lit up.

  Finally realizing what a big deal the old mayor brought back to them, the people gathered in front of the notice board dispersed in a swarm and ran back home to clean up the empty houses. The

  wasteland is not short of land, especially the area of ​​Mafu Town, which is sparsely populated. There are large areas outside the town that are uninhabited.

  Many residents here live in two-story wooden houses with ladders outside. It is not impossible to convert the empty first or second floor into a hotel. It just so happens

  that many young people have gone to Dawn City recently, freeing up many empty houses and rooms.

  In addition to those who were busy rushing home, someone also shouted in the square.

  ”Oh, I suddenly remembered… there seems to be a big iron lump in my old warehouse, with tracks hanging underneath. It seems to be something from the Prosperous Era. My grandfather dragged it back from the city more than a hundred kilometers away.”

  The man was wearing a straw hat on his back and a sweat towel on his shoulders. He looked like a farmer.

  Someone looked at him curiously and asked.

  ”What is that?”

  The farmer shook his head.

  ”I don’t know… but it looks like something from the battlefield. We wanted to turn it into a tractor before, but we couldn’t disassemble it, so we threw it in the warehouse.”

  Soon someone patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

  ”When the next train comes, tow it to Dawn City and ask. There are many archaeologists there, and they should be able to give you a good price.”

  Then someone else responded.

  ”If you sell it, buy us a drink!”

  The farmer scratched the back of his head and said with a smile.

  ”Haha, for sure!”

  It would be great if it could really be sold for money…

  Just as the residents of Mafu Town were busy preparing for the upcoming war, the settlements connected by the railway and the Tianshui tributary were also the same. As telegrams or express letters flew out, they all took action.

  A unified front was slowly forming.

  Those settlements were like gears on a huge machine. Although they were not very noticeable when thrown on the ground, and might not even be noticed by the giants in the wasteland, once they were connected together by a chain, the energy they exploded was also not to be underestimated.

  Even the person who connected them in series might not be fully aware of what was on the chain.

  After all, whose ancestors did not come from the prosperous era?

  Those wastelanders were not real primitive people. Their fathers had once lived in a great era, but later that era went away with their fathers.

  Maybe some gathering place has some killer weapon left over from the prosperous era, but it has never been used because it has never been used.

  Just as those rusty gears were turning for the same goal, the city of Dawn, located in the center of the machine, was also busy.

  A military train from Dawn City blew its whistle and stopped steadily beside the platform of the Dawn City Railway Station.

  The carriages towed behind the locomotive were filled with ammunition and supplies, and there were also rows of trailers packed with artillery.

  These were all supplies shipped to the front line.

  Some of them were bought by the Alliance itself, and some were sponsored by the members of the Sticky Community or shipped from their homes.

  For example, the two 902mm heavy mortars were one of the war machines sponsored by Triumph City.

  The short and thick gun barrels made of steel were like pig noses raised high, and the huge muzzle could even fit two people.

  The Weilante people called it “wild boar”.

  Although this thing looks retro, its lethality is not ambiguous at all, and is even higher than some tactical nuclear weapons. This

  is especially true when dealing with hard targets such as concrete bunkers.

  The only drawback of this thing is that it is too bulky. Not only does it weigh 150 tons, which is far more than the Alliance’s No. 2 tank, but the weight of the shells is a terrifying 5 tons! It is a postmodern enhanced version of the “Carl Cannon”!

  In comparison, the main gun of the Heart of Steel looks much smaller and cuter.

  It is said that these two heavy guns were produced by the factory under the Southern Legion, and were shipped across the ocean from the port of Triumph City to Silver Moon Bay for unloading, and then sent to Dawn City by rail.

  Although it is unknown what kind of paranoid thoughts the Willant people in the south of the Western Continent had to design such a twisted weapon, the Alliance naturally had no reason to refuse something given for free, and happily accepted this gift.

  However, the Alliance currently does not have a vehicle capable of towing these two heavy guns, and it is not appropriate to build a tank specifically for these two imported goods, so they simply welded it to the train carriage.

  In comparison, the No. 60 electromagnetic cannon donated by the enterprise seems to be more sincere and has a wider range of uses.

  Although the Alliance is already able to produce this thing independently, its production capacity is definitely not comparable to that of Ideal City.

  As for the Academy, it sent a batch of automated combat drones and swarm missiles to Dawn City, which can be used with neural connection devices.

  Intelligence players have new toys to play with

  . In addition to the weapons sent to the front line, waiting at the train station are also players who are about to go to the front line.

  At this moment, 500 Death Corps players wearing exoskeletons are riding on the backs of Death Claws, which are also wearing exoskeletons, and reluctantly bid farewell to their fellow refugees who are seeing them off –

  at least in the eyes of those wastelanders who can’t understand Mandarin.

  ”Hahaha! Are you stupid? I’m in the first batch!”

  ”Brother Edge is awesome!!!”

  ”Brothers! Dial 6 for our leader! This is finally useful!”


  All the players in front of the platform looked at these lucky guys with envy, and they only regretted that they were not the ones to get on the bus.

  Seeing those guys’ arrogant faces, the canyon escaped mole couldn’t stand it and couldn’t help but whined.

  ”Fuck, my Chimera is much more awesome than these cannon fodders!”

  When they attacked Jinhe City, it was their Skeleton Corps that took the lead. They thought there would be no suspense this time, but they didn’t expect to be snatched away by the Death Corps.

  [Beta, who was driving a toy car] on the side couldn’t help but say.

  ”That’s right! Why the hell aren’t we the first to take the lead!”

  Shuke, who was flying the helicopter, said: “There may be some hidden PY deal behind this.”

  Looking at these wailing losers, the honest man riding on the back of the Death Claw was almost laughing to death and shouted at the Mole.

  ”Come on, I have 500 armored death claws under my command, they can climb mountains and cross the country, they can wade through forests and rivers, if we don’t go, who will? Can your Chimera cross a small ditch?”

  Midnight with an umbrella but no knife: “That’s right! Can your turrets turn as fast as I can rush?”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Damn! Come and try! Camp 101 Arena is waiting for you!”

  ”Go there and play by yourself,” Edge Paddling smiled as he covered the eyepiece of his helmet, and with his right hand he grabbed the death claw that was ready to move forward, “I’m going to the front line to get heads.”

  Debt Big Eyes also said with a smirk: “Mole, listen to my advice, you can’t control yourself, so go back to play your game! Fighting is something that only professionals like us can do!”

  His more than 100 fruiting bodies are useless and they are gluttonous. They are all fat and big-eared, making him almost eat dirt.

  Now that the fight has finally started, those fruiting bodies can be used.

  Even if you can’t hold the front line, it’s great to help transport supplies or go to the front line as a ward.

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Go away! Is your specialty fighting?”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “Hahaha!”

  Looking at the noisy crowd, the Fountain Commander with his arms folded shook his head and sighed, saying helplessly.

  ”I thought about it all night and couldn’t figure out why our Storm Corps didn’t take the lead.”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group also sighed: “Indeed… it’s outrageous that the first battle has the highest casualty rate.”

  The Silver Father, who was also standing on the platform, was immediately unhappy when he heard this, and looked at this guy with a sad and angry face.

  ”Have you considered the feelings of our Silver Corps?”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group was stunned for a while, and it took a while to remember that this guy’s casualty rate was not low, and then laughed and laughed.

  ”Sorry… I forgot.”

  Silver Father: “@#%@!”

  In this peaceful atmosphere, the marginal brother and a group of brothers boarded the train to Jinchuan Province.

  They will take the train to the central area of ​​Jinchuan Province, join the construction corps that went to that area at the beginning of the year, and then launch an offensive from the north of the area actually controlled by the Torch Church, pushing the front line to the junction of Jinchuan Province and Haiya Province.

  At that time, the reinforcements of the legion, enterprises, and even the academy will meet them here.

  The managers have only one requirement for them, that is, to play the momentum they had in Luoxia Province!

  Don’t let the allies look down on you!


  Not only the train station is busy, but also the airport of the alliance.

  I saw a huge transport plane, ready to go, parked at the end of the runway.

  The towering fuselage is like the wings of Kunpeng, and the four huge engines are welded to the wings like the feathers of the wings.

  This is the first “self-produced and self-developed” large aircraft of the alliance!

  Its number is H-10, code-named “Overlord”, and it was jointly designed by Factory 81 and the design institute under the scientific expedition team!

  In fact, at first, the little players of Factory 81 were going to use the code name “Kunpeng”, after all, this thing is really big, but in order to take care of the children who always confuse virtual and reality, they considered again and again and changed it to the weapon code name that is not occupied in reality. The

  energy storage equipment of the entire aircraft uses completely solid-state hydrogen for energy supply, and the power system is a plasma engine similar to the “Orca” transport aircraft.

  Its maximum range can reach 2,000 kilometers, which is slightly inferior to the Orca with a range of more than 3,000 kilometers, but the maximum load is a little higher than the latter, reaching 150 tons!

  After all, this thing is equipped with four engines, which can be said to be a miracle.

  In fact, it is still a bit modest to say that this thing is similar to the Orca.

  After all, if you ignore the differences in the appearance of the fuselage and the engine, this thing is almost a copycat “Fat Tiger” or “Thin Whale” except that it cannot rotate the wings at will to complete various difficult maneuvers, and switch between fixed-wing mode and vertical take-off and landing mode.

  Of course, in order to make up for the lack of vertical take-off and landing, Goblin Technology also worked with the research institute under the scientific expedition team to design a “small plane” that can switch between fixed-wing mode and vertical take-off and landing mode.

  The name of that thing is “Thunder”, but it is not deployed here at the moment.

  As a more powerful version of the “Lingyun” fighter, it uses an electric propulsion plasma engine like the “Overlord”, but the energy supply unit is not solid hydrogen, but a nuclear fusion battery similar to power armor, with higher energy density and more expensive cost.

  The biggest advantage of the plasma engine is neither thrust nor energy saving, but the stable output capacity of the plasma plume. Both the controllability and stability are much stronger than the chemical engines used in traditional jet aircraft.

  It is precisely because of this that players can have more room to give full play to their creativity and use some brain holes that are impossible to achieve in reality or too costly to achieve in the game.

  As for the actual performance, it can only be tested on the battlefield.

  At this moment, ground handling vehicles shuttled back and forth between the runway and the warehouse, loading boxes and bundles of supplies into the cabin at the tail of the “Overlord” transport aircraft.

  As the cabin was filled, the door slowly closed. The pig brother who was chewing gum pushed the switch skillfully, controlled the plane to drive onto the runway, and drew four blue arcs of light towards the horizon.

  Although his route was in the same direction as the military train heading south, his destination was not Jinchuan Province, but Baiyue Province, located southwest of Haiya Province.

  There is a two-kilometer-long runway near the military base on the northwest side of French Fries Port.

  Although the maintenance cost of building a runway in Baiyue Province is high, Chu Guang finally paid the money and let the local small players build this runway for strategic needs.

  After all, there is only one Heart of Steel, and it is too slow to rely on inflatable airships to transport supplies at critical times.

  This war alliance will launch an offensive against the areas actually controlled by the Torch Church from both the north and south directions, so military deployment in the area of ​​French Fries Port is also necessary. Next

  to the airport runway, two pilots of the Enterprise looked at the direction where the “Overlord” transport plane disappeared and looked at each other with strange expressions.

  The more honest one among them directly expressed his confusion.

  ”… Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that thing is a bit like our engine?”

  The one standing next to him opened his mouth and gave an ambiguous answer.

  ”Maybe… it’s an illusion.”

  Just treat it as an illusion.

  Anyway, there is no patent for this thing in the wasteland.

  Their engine was copied from the plasma thrusters on the starships of the Prosperity Era. The Alliance has so many residents in the shelters, so it doesn’t seem unreasonable to copy the parts of the starship.

  After all, now is not the time to argue about this, and the Alliance is still their ally.

  Even if there is a dispute, we have to wait until this war is over…


  In the north of Dawn City, near the Legion Mission, the lobby of a hotel was also bustling with activity.

  The focus of everyone’s hot discussion was naturally the latest issue of the “Survivor Daily”.

  Today’s newspaper has two big news for the first time.

  One of them is that the “Sticky Community” declared war on the Torch, and the other is the newly established South Sea Alliance.

  Although the Alliance rarely actively exports its values, there is always no shortage of believers who actively embrace the Dawn in the wasteland.

  I heard that the territory of the South Sea Alliance is even larger than that of the Alliance!

  It’s just that their “land” is so small that compared to what happened there, the residents of Dawn City are more surprised at how they squeezed people into that small island.

  But surprise is surprise.

  The topic of the southern sea area is not very popular in Dawn City, at least not as hot as the real big event of “Sticky Community declares war on the Torch Church”!

  After all, in the past four months, nothing has been more topical than the ongoing Sticky Community meeting.

  As for the atrocities of the Torch Church and its believers, the survivors of Dawn City are deeply impressed.

  After all, most of them are survivors of the Bone Chewing Rebellion, and there are also survivors who escaped from Jinchuan Province. Almost everyone hates that group of lunatics.

  Now that all members of the Sticky Community have declared war on the Torch Church, almost everyone can’t help but cheer.

  ”It’s time to settle accounts with those bastards!” A drunken mercenary pounded his right fist on the table and yelled drunkenly.

  The merchant sitting next to him also said in a calm voice.

  ”I remember their presence in the Bone Chewing Tribe! These beasts, a bunch of inhuman things…”

  ”But I didn’t expect the Weilants to stand with us. Those guys have done a lot of beastly things.”

  ”And those guys in Bugla, I always feel that they are not good people.”

  ”In the words of the manager, those guys are not good people, but the conflict with them can be put aside for now. We have to solve more critical problems first.”

  The hotel lobby was filled with noisy voices, and no one noticed the person sitting in the corner of the lobby.

  That person was the ambassador of the Xilan Empire, the Duke of Galawa, who had just been discharged from the hospital.

  Although the doctor told him to drink less and read less newspapers, it was obvious that he did not listen to the doctor’s advice. At this moment, he stubbornly held a copy of the “Survivor Daily” bought by the servant in his hand and

  stared at the headlines on the newspaper. The Duke of Galawa’s face was printed with a trace of sick blush, and he whispered excitedly.


  Finally fighting!

  Once the war machine of the alliance is started, it will definitely have no time to take care of the affairs of the Borneo Province. Their empire will not only get a chance to breathe, but may also be able to take this opportunity to reverse the decline in one fell swoop! Regroup!

  However –

  the Legion seems to have also participated in the war against the Torch, and it is said that they have also sent out the direct troops of the Eastern Legion.

  As the Legion’s largest ally and one of the main signatories of the Sticky Community, Duke Galawa thought that they should express something.

  At least let the Legion realize their importance.

  Moreover, this is a completely risk-free deal.

  At the same time, if you provoke three gods, let alone how long the Torch can survive, I am afraid that even its ashes will be scattered.

  Maybe you can get some spoils by then.

  Touching his chin, Duke Galawa thought in his heart.

  ”… Let His Majesty send some people over symbolically.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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