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Chapter 729 Battle of Shifeng Mountain!

Chapter 729 Battle of Shifeng Mountain!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 729 Battle of Shifeng Mountain!

  Wasteland OL Forum.

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “?”

  Quit Smoking: “?”

  Tail: “⊙ω⊙?”

  I Want to Be Quiet: “?”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “????”

  WC Really Has Mosquitoes: “Puhahahaha!”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “Fuck! What are you laughing at! (Angry) (Angry)”

  Ye Shi: “You don’t say it either. (Funny)”

  Irena: “Although I can probably guess it… Anyway, I feel sorry for Garbage-kun. (Funny)”

  WC Really Has Mosquitoes: “Do I need to guess this? (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Hey, this game is too real. (Funny)”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “@#%&!”


  Under the Shifeng Mountain.

  The riverbed was rising with wisps of hot air.

  The boiling flames were like the sun falling on the surface of the earth, and in an instant it actually evaporated a river channel nearly 100 meters wide!

  The reed marshes on both sides, which were originally lush and green, were all turned into ash, slowly floating with the smoke of the explosion.

  A huge bomb crater was imprinted in the center of the 100-meter-wide river channel, and the shock wave of the explosion actually swept a kilometer away!

  As for the mutants who were originally standing there, they were blown to ashes.

  Only the guy who fell on the shore still had a little strength to whimper and wail.

  But that was all.

  The mutant army of a thousand people was wiped out in an instant without any preparation!

  And the dwarfs who followed the green-skinned big guys suffered countless casualties!

  Hiding behind a protruding rock on the hillside, overlooking the battlefield, he was stunned.

  He believed it was caused by a comet.

  Although it is not a nuclear weapon, its power seems to be not much different from some small-yield tactical nuclear weapons. Even as far as the deep pit is concerned, the power of this thing against fixed bunkers may be even greater

  than that of conventional nuclear weapons!

  After all, although the equivalent and the damage effect are positively correlated, they are not completely equivalent. The damage type, transmission medium, damage radius, energy efficiency attenuation, etc. must also be considered.

  Looking at the crater that was slowly filling up with river water, he silently drew a self-created symbol of the Great Horned Rat God Cult on his chest, muttering “Oh my god, oh my god”.

  Pray for Jun Jun for half a second…


  It was not only the little mouse on the hillside that was peeking at the screen, but also a scientific research ship floating more than ten kilometers away.

  Looking at the thick smoke column rising hundreds of meters high, Yang Kai, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, tutted his tongue lightly, with a disapproving sneer on his face.

  ”I thought it was something powerful… a barbarian’s stuff.”

  As he expected.

  The charge of this 902mm shell is probably modified from the armored torpedo of the aerospace cruiser.

  In space warfare, the killing effect of nuclear weapons is quite limited. Especially when the deflector shield can effectively resist neutron rays, that thing is only left with the pitiful killing effect of thermal radiation.

  Therefore, when the Human Union designed weapons for the fleet, the warheads of explosives and guided weapons were mainly chemical explosives with oxidants, high expansion coefficients, and fast detonation speeds.

  This weapon is mainly used to deal with dense fruiting bodies and perform orbital bombing missions.

  I think after the Weilantes inherited the relevant technology, they modified it with their own ideas and made such a backward and advanced thing.

  It’s embarrassing to say that the charge of the warhead is something. It’s advanced to say that this launch device can be made by ancient people in the late industrial age and early atomic energy age.

  Perhaps, these Weilantes have only one hope of conquering the world.

  That is to delay it for two centuries.

  Wait until the ideal city collapses in drunkenness and dreams, wait until the academy completes all preparations to leave this galaxy, wait until all the shelters left on this land in the old era are destroyed, and no more things from the prosperous era appear on this land.

  By then, the Weilants, with their huge industrial and war capabilities, might be able to quickly unify the entire planet, and then rebuild a military, xenophobic newcomer alliance with the Weilants as the main ethnic group, announcing the end of the wasteland era…

  In Dr. Conclusion’s deduction, there is indeed such a possibility, but it is unknown how likely it is.

  After collecting the explosion data, Yang Kai finally connected to the college headquarters in the Wandering Swamp through the communication repeaters set up along the way, with huge delays and packet loss rates.

  ”…As planned, the front-line troops of the alliance have contacted the front-line troops of the Torch Church. At present, there is no suspense in the battle. If nothing unexpected happens, they will be able to end the battle within two hours.”

  After a short wait, a calm and solemn voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Has the Torch Church revealed their trump card?”

  He is the chief technology officer of the college, the highest leader of the college, and also the highest leader of the Science and Technology Committee. He is the direct superior of the four directors and is directly responsible to Dr. Conclusion.

  It can even be said that when Dr. Conclusion is not there, he is equivalent to the projection of Dr. Conclusion’s will.

  ”There are some mutants with modified prosthetic bodies, and some degraded species, probably new things made by the Torch… if that kind of thing can be called a trump card.” Yang Kai reported respectfully, with a humble attitude like a student.

  ”Never underestimate our opponents and competitors,” the chief technology officer said meaningfully, hearing the hint of disapproval hidden behind the respect, and then paused and continued, “This is a precious experimental opportunity. I need you to collect all the data you can, whether it is our people or other parties involved in the coalition. Whether it is the Legion, the Enterprise… or the Alliance.”

  Many years ago, even before the Legion’s expeditionary force launched the Eastern Expedition, the academy with tentacles all over the Middle Continent had already set its sights on the Torch, and the more it understood this organization, the more it felt fearful.

  If the Enlightenment only took advantage of the dark side of the blue coats’ human nature and the despair of facing the wasteland, then the Torch took advantage of the despair of all idealists towards human nature.

  Their distortion is not only in technology, but also in the scope of influence. Even those wastelanders who only care about the present can become their potential assimilation objects.

  If the Weyland people win this competition, for human civilization, it will only be a transformation from materialistic equality to military exclusion or military authoritarianism.

  If these guys win the competition, the entire planet may become a hive similar to “Gaia”, and humans will complete what they call “ascension”, becoming a new species with unified consciousness and strong body. What is

  terrifying is that similar things may have happened on the planet Gaia.

  After all, according to the relevant research literature provided by the colony, before the formation of Gaia consciousness, there was a highly developed civilization before the FTL engine on that planet, similar to the prosperous middle era of the Human Alliance…

  In other words, if the many forces on the wasteland continue to fight, these guys are not without the possibility of winning! After

  comprehensively evaluating the risks and benefits, the Academy has made a series of arrangements to curb the expansion of the Torch, including secretly supporting the local survivor forces in the Valley Province and guiding the Alliance to march south.

  According to the original plan, the local survivor forces in the Valley Province will launch an offensive against the Torch Church in 214 or 215 of the Wasteland Era.

  However, due to the introduction of many variables, including the opening of Shelter No. 404, the Pioneer incident, the resurgence of the Legion’s Eastward Expansion Faction, the Bone Chewing Rebellion, and the Battle of Sunset, the original plan deviated from the original track, not only causing the academy, which originally intended to only indirectly interfere in regional affairs, to be directly involved, but also causing the three major forces that were originally at odds to reunite.

  It is difficult to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

  However, for the academy, this is at least an opportunity to peek.

  It allows them to see how other forces outside the Wandering Swamp have developed over the past century and a half…

  After listening to the instructions of the chief technology officer, Yang Kai’s expression became serious, and he immediately restrained his contempt in his heart and said respectfully.

  ”Yes, sir.”


  Just as he ran to the official website to comfort Garbage Jun, Gray, who had just rushed to the foot of the mountain, had a look of confusion and fear on his ugly face.

  There were thousands of people pouring out from the peak of Fushan Mountain. However, when it rushed to the foot of the mountain, the hundreds of brothers who came down the mountain first seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth.

  The blood was baked and turned black, and scattered everywhere were broken arms like reed sticks.

  Even the Wei River seemed to be narrower and deeper…

  A mouthful of hot saliva rolled down his throat, swallowing the blood and fear that flowed to his mouth. The panic on Gray’s face was quickly replaced by burning anger, and his bared gums were as red as blood.

  Human stuff!

  All must die!

  Looking at the shadows getting closer and closer in the distance, it raised its head and roared to dispel fear.

  ”Scatter! Charge!”

  Although more than half of them were killed or injured, these guys were mutants after all, and their flesh and blood were the byproducts of the unfinished singularity-level technology “gestalt life form”!

  The Torch Church even modified them and gave them powerful strength above the original organic body!

  Gray, holding a shotgun, rushed forward, his iron feet leaving deep footprints on the ground.

  Encouraged by the roar, the stunned mutants shook their heads and came to their senses. They stretched out their bloody arms to hold the rifles that had fallen to the ground again, and re-charged the train in the distance and the rushing death army, crossing the almost dried stream!

  Then –

  these beasts standing on the north bank saw a scene they would never forget in their lives.

  They saw the death claws galloping on the ground with swift and powerful steps.

  The dust raised by the sturdy hind legs formed a rolling torrent in the sky.

  The mutants who finally regained their courage, the twisted expressions on their faces turned into panic again.

  Before they could come to their senses, thick orange-yellow tracers pounced on them like locusts.

  Although the 20mm armor-piercing incendiary bullets were not as fierce as the 19mm explosive arrow bullets, they were still not something that flesh and blood could resist.

  The mutants who were shot fell to the ground with howls, and were crushed to the muddy river bank not long after they stood up.

  Relying on the instinct of fighting to avoid the oncoming shells, Gray strode forward on the meteor, and the shotgun in his hand continued to spurt out thick and long tongues of fire, and roared furiously.

  ”Go to hell!”

  ”All of you die!”

  The gunshots and roars were deafening, but they seemed somewhat pale in the earth-shaking roar.

  The roar of the beasts running was getting closer and closer.

  When he finally met the amber pupils, he felt a chill in his back.

  Death Claws!

  These guys were riding Death Claws!

  He couldn’t see them at all when he was on the train. He thought that there were at most some human things standing on them, but he didn’t expect that the humans had tamed such a terrifying alien species!

  It was too late to dodge!

  He stuffed a rifle grenade of the same caliber into the chamber of his gun and sprayed it at the nearest death claw.

  The grenade hit the head of the death claw straight, but the death claw next to it bit the side of the bullet head, twisted its neck and threw it away.

  The grenade exploded in the air, and the shrapnel flying from more than ten meters away hung on the exoskeleton like scraping.

  Looking at this incredible scene, Gray’s eyes widened and almost fell out of his eye sockets.

  Obviously, he did not understand what kind of incredible operation the combination of the neural connection device and the intelligence player could perform.

  Looking at the mutant carrying a shotgun, paddling on the edge of the death claw under him, he rushed forward without dodging.

  Gray only felt a strong wind coming, and then his three-meter-tall body was like being hit by a train, and the whole person flew into the air and flew backwards.


  Before it could scream, the three-edged bayonet on the lance pierced through its chest like lightning, and lifted it up from the air.

  Gray felt like he had turned into a rag and was thrown out roughly.

  Before it fell to the ground, it watched a bloody mouth bite up and cut off its consciousness in an instant.


  The head was like a tomato being squeezed, and the red and white were squeezed out of the mouth of the death claw.

  The mutants on the battlefield were all dumbfounded.

  They watched their boss, like a grasshopper blocking the wheel, being crushed into pieces of meat.

  Unable to hold back the fear in their hearts any longer, the mutants who had finally recovered some morale completely collapsed, and began to flee in all directions driven by the instinct to survive.

  However, they obviously did not realize how stupid it was to flee in the face of the cavalry’s charge. And these cavalrymen were not riding horses, but the fastest hunters in the wasteland!

  The fear of death accelerated their demise!

  Letting out a hearty howl, stimulated by blood and killing, the Death Claw, which was thirsty for flesh and blood, became more brutal and ran forward more vigorously.

  Seeing the mutants escape, the players switched their weapons one after another, hanging the 20mm caliber “cavalry rifle” on the back of the Death Claw, and replaced it with the “Whirlwind” grenade launcher and the “Town Guard” shotgun. At

  this moment, the bloody fight has just begun!

  At this moment, on the position in front of the military base not far away, the soldiers of the Southern Construction Corps were looking at the battlefield where the shouts of killing were boiling.

  Many of them had participated in the battle against the tide, and some members of the Iron Tower Organization had fought face to face with mutants. After joining the Southern Construction Corps, they were facing the threat of mutants all the time.

  However, even so, they had never seen such a jaw-dropping scene!

  Those ferocious green-skinned big guys were like chickens waiting to be slaughtered, being chased around by the residents of the shelter riding death claws.

  ”God of the Bighorn Deer…” Bit swallowed his saliva, and shock and surprise shook in his pupils.

  Compared with these guys, they were just playing around when they blocked the street to fight the waves…

  The facts are indeed not much different.

  It is said that the battle in the northern suburbs was the real tragedy. Most of the pressure was shared by the brothers in Dawn City. The last raid on the city center mother nest was also their

  former member of the Iron Tower Organization. Li Jinrong stood next to him, with a shocked expression on his face.

  Especially when he saw those mutants turned around and jumped into the river to escape in fear, that expression was more like picking up something incredible.

  Mutants are also afraid!

  They are not invincible, and they will also run away in fear when facing stronger guys!

  An invisible fire burned in his pupils.

  There is still hope for his hometown!


  The battle ended very quickly.

  It was even faster than a certain spectator had predicted. Not to mention two hours, it didn’t even take half an hour. The brothers of the Death Corps drowned the mutants in the river. When they saw a head emerging from the water, they would stab it with a knife or shoot it in the head.

  There were very few mutants who escaped back to the south bank, and all of them had their throats bitten off by the Death Claws that chased them.

  The scarlet blood even dyed the river red, and dark green corpses were washed downstream.

  Looking at the narrowed Wei River, I stopped at the edge of the north bank and paddled in the water and couldn’t help but click my tongue.

  ”It seems that the power of the Legion should not be underestimated…”

  The power of this shell is almost as powerful as a round of rocket launchers!

  If it was a whole round of bombardment, I’m afraid that even a fortress like Bicester Town wouldn’t have much left…

  Of course, logistics is another matter.

  Only trains or anti-gravity airships can carry a five-ton shell, and the materials and man-hours consumed in producing this thing can probably build a Type 2 tank!

  The caliber of 902mm is partly a symbol of strength, but it is also a show-off.

  After all, this thing must be much more expensive than the bayonet charge of the clone infantry…


  Looking at the corpses lying on the south bank of the Wei River, the construction site boy and the brick nodded carefully.

  Although the alliance today is no longer the alliance it once was, it has to be admitted that they are still a little far from those old guys who have been leading for a century and a half. It is

  not easy to catch up in a limited field. There is no need to belittle oneself, but one should not be blindly arrogant. The most powerful trump card of the alliance is not the caliber, nor the technology or the economy, but the people who gather together.

  The residents of Ideal City are willing to give up their comfortable lives to come to Dawn City to be an ordinary teacher, and the researchers of the academy are willing to give up their future tickets to come to Dawn City to help them start from scratch. Even many of the Willant people who had been captured by them gave up the arrogance flowing in their veins and chose a higher ideal.

  Now he understood why the administrators allocated the two cannons to them.

  And they used them in the first battle.

  They need to understand their opponents, learn from them, and eventually surpass them, rather than becoming more arrogant than their opponents.

  On the battlefield not far away, a group of men in military uniforms came over.

  The leader had a look of reverence in his eyes, and saluted after walking to the side.

  ”I am Li Jinrong.”

  He did not get off the Death Claw because the battle was not over yet.

  Edge looked at him and smiled, and returned the salute with his right fist on his chest.

  ”Captain of the Death Corps, Edge.”

  Li Jinrong was surprised when he heard this, and the reverence on his face became more prominent, and he said excitedly.

  ”I have heard about your deeds. I heard that you have experienced dozens of battles, big and small, and you have led the way every time, and you have returned safely every time!”

  Hearing this flattering remark, Bianbianhuashui couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

  In fact, he didn’t return safely every time.

  Among all the players, he died more often, so that his level and so on could hardly get to T1.

  But this is not the point, the “Player’s Handbook” is!

  He laughed and said with a smile.

  ”You’re welcome, you’re welcome, it’s all thanks to technology, technology… just think of it as us opening it.”



  Li Jinrong was stunned for a moment, didn’t understand, but didn’t take it seriously, smiled and said.

  ”We have prepared a place for you to stay, please follow us to the camp to rest!”

  The entire Weifu military base was built according to the standard of 100,000 people. Not only the alliance troops, but also the troops of all parties’ coalition forces can be stationed here.

  After taking over Shifeng Mountain, this will be the land logistics hub of the Alliance Army.

  Hearing that reinforcements were coming, they had already prepared bedding and food, waiting for the brothers from Dawn City to come.

  Edgewater smiled heartily, but declined the kindness.

  ”No need, our base is on the mountain ahead! When you see our flag flying on the top of the mountain, send all the things up!”

  ”On the mountain?” Li Jinrong was stunned for a moment, looking at the eager crowd with a hesitant expression, and opened his mouth in surprise, “Are you…”

  Edge Paddling grinned, cast his eyes on the distant mountain, and narrowed his eyes.

  ”The manager said.”

  ”Let’s show the momentum of the alliance, don’t let our friends in the distance look

  down on us!” After saying that, he looked at the brothers stationed on the north bank and waved the “cavalry lance” in his hand forward.

  ”Brothers! Follow me to kill up the mountain! Plant our flag on the top of their mountain!”

  After a short break, the crowd heard the words and burst into a mighty war roar.

  ”Oh oh oh!”

  Not long after everyone crossed the river with great momentum, the debt-ridden big-eyed finally ran over panting.

  ”MMP! I’m so tired!”

  Behind him were a hundred fat and strong fat men who walked to the left and right.

  After eating and drinking for half a year, these guys no longer looked weak and fragile. One by one, they were as fat as “meat mountains”.

  He propped himself up on his knees and took a deep breath. He looked up and looked around, but he couldn’t see any teammates. He only saw a few men in military uniforms standing there in surprise.

  He didn’t care about that and asked.

  ”Where are the people? Those riding dogs!”

  Li Jinrong pointed blankly in the direction of the mountain, his eyes fixed on the group of fruiting bodies. Li

  Jinrong looked up at the distance, then at the river in front of him, his eyes full of helplessness.

  ”Why don’t you build a bridge?”

  Li Jinrong laughed bitterly.

  ”There are mutants on the mountain… If we rush to build a bridge, won’t it cause trouble for ourselves? But we have all the things ready, and it will be built quickly.”

  ”Forget it… I’ll fix it later, you go and bring the things over.”

  Li Jinrong nodded and hurriedly called his men to rush towards the direction of the base.

  Thinking that he couldn’t catch up, he might as well help collect the spoils. Li Jinrong simply stopped chasing and shouted behind him.

  ”Young men, let’s eat. Damn, I haven’t even said anything yet, why are you all eating?”


  The northernmost peak of the Ten Peaks is called Fushan. Weifu City is named after Fushan and Weishui. The

  Weifu wasteland at the foot of the mountain now inherits the name of Weifu City in the old times, including the Fuzhuang that disappeared earlier.

  As for the mutants on Fushan, most of them are members of the Shijiao clan. The

  eighty-mile-long white bone road is their “contribution”. Behind every bone buried on the mountain, there is a line of shocking blood and tears.

  The mutants used human skulls to build square towers, and femurs to build sentry towers and camps to show off their barbarity and bravery.

  But now, these demons and monsters have finally bitten a hard bone that they can’t chew.

  The humans riding on the Death Claws killed them, and their fighting methods were extremely brutal. In a few breaths, they broke the defense line that they barely organized.

  The truly brave warriors all died at the foot of the mountain with their leader named Gray. Those who were still on the mountain were either old men, or little guys just above the knee, or the wounded who were seriously injured in the previous battles and the goblins tied to the door to guard the door.

  The players of the Death Corps did not hold back on these barbaric guys. As long as they saw them, they would stab them with a knife or shoot them down, granting them equal death!

  This battle was so fierce that the world was dark. They fought from the rock wall into the cave, from the cave into the tunnel, and finally from the other side of the mountain. It seemed that even the dusk in the distance was stained with a layer of turbid scarlet. In

  two hours, the Stonehorn Clan was slaughtered, and the corpses piled up into a small hill on the open ground. There were countless of them.

  A rough count showed that there were more than one or two thousand corpses on the mountain, not counting the goblins!

  And if the goblins were counted, there would probably be five or six thousand!

  It can be seen how heavy this blood debt is!

  After counting the casualties and spoils, Edge tied his mount to a large rock, and then led several players on foot into the Stonehorn Clan Palace.

  Rather than calling it a palace, it was actually the nest in the center.

  Generally speaking, mutants like to put captives in the center of the camp, so that they can have fun, whether eating them or not.

  As soon as they crossed the stone door of the nest, they smelled a pungent stench coming from the cave.

  ”…The smell of hydrogen sulfide, I guess it’s rotten eggs.” Midnight, who was carrying an umbrella but no knife, pinched his nose and complained.

  Laplace, who was walking next to him, carefully searched the surroundings with a flashlight and said in a low voice.

  ”Don’t guess… Pay attention to searching the corners, especially under your feet, so as not to be trapped.”

  [Madam, you don’t want to] added with a playful smile: “That’s right! You don’t want to be fed rotten eggs by mutants, do

  you?” “Go away.” Midnight brother made a vomiting expression, but the expression on his face became serious.

  Fortunately, the mutants didn’t seem to consider that the captives might escape. The players didn’t encounter any traps along the way and easily reached the deepest part of the darkness.

  It was a very spacious space, with about a dozen iron cages that could only fit elephants on both sides of the space.

  The survivors were crowded in the dirty cages, without even enough space to stretch their legs. They didn’t react to the arrival of their compatriots, but just maintained their previous actions with their eyes blank.

  In comparison, even the predator’s dungeon seemed much more merciful. At least those disgusting guys would pour out some feces instead of letting the germs multiply here.

  Until the players stepped into this space, there were still a few short goblins chirping and calling, rudely venting their primitive instincts on a dirty body.

  Judging from the width of the cave entrance, this should be the mutant’s incubator, not the kind of cave with a very short and small entrance.

  These short guys probably sneaked in here while the big guys were out looting.

  He didn’t want to watch the cruel scene for even a second. He strode up to the goblins wearing the edge of his exoskeleton, broke their necks with his hands, and threw them into the corner as they wailed and took their last breath.

  The disheveled woman lay on the stone table, her belly swollen like a balloon, staring at him with lifeless eyes. Her gray expression was as if she was dead, and the only evidence of her being alive was her weak breathing.

  Most of the survivors had such a miserable end after being caught by mutants, whether in the River Valley Province or the Jinchuan Province.

  The only difference was that the Torch’s biotechnology prolonged this despair.

  ”Torch used drugs on these survivors… It’s probably Nago, otherwise the people here might have died long ago.” The construction site boy and Brick whispered, and then stopped talking.

  Edge Paddle was silent for a while, and finally sighed.

  ”…Send them to Singularity City.”

  In the end, he still didn’t make up his mind to send these poor people on their way like Captain Lu did, even though he could feel that person begging him to do it.

  No matter what choice the poor people here make in the future, at least this choice should be made by themselves…


  The construction site boy and Brick nodded, walked forward silently, tore off the shroud on their bodies and covered the woman, carrying her out of the cave.

  After taking away all the rescued survivors, the players of the Death Corps set a fire on the mountain and completely sealed the entrances to the caves that were full of filth.

  Mutants are large in size and it is difficult for them to hide in caves that people can’t enter, but the short goblins can easily hide in cracks that people can’t enter.

  This fire should kill some, but it will definitely not burn them all.

  It is not an easy task to completely eliminate the mutants in this mountainous area. It is far from being done by thousands or hundreds of incendiary bombs or thermobaric bombs.

  However, those stationed here will keep killing, taking turns to go online and kill, and if they die, they will take the train from Dawn City to continue – until this twisted evil is slaughtered.

  Although the evil in the wasteland is far more than the corner in front of us, fortunately they have endless blood and strength! They can keep killing!

  Dusk is coming to an end.

  The flag of the Alliance and the flag of the Death Corps fluttered on the highest peak of Fushan.

  Debt Eyes took his one hundred fruiting body brothers and finally built the floating bridge with the guidance and help of the engineers of the Construction Corps.

  Seeing that the fat boys he fed finally helped, Debt Eyes finally showed a satisfied smile on his face.

  There is also a share in repairing fortifications. As long as you join the group, you are not a slacker.

  Although he soon thought of the money he spent on feed, which could help many young ladies in need, his face was painful again…

  Truckloads of supplies were delivered to the mountainside, and were carried up by logistics soldiers wearing exoskeletons.

  The first peak of Shifeng Mountain has been taken by the Alliance, and the first step of the 80-mile White Bone Road has finally been taken.

  The Alliance’s battle line is still 40 miles away from the highest peak of Xueshan Mountain, and 77 miles away from Laishan, the northern gate of Haiya Province.

  This is the first battle between the Alliance and the Torch Church!

  This battle is a great victory!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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