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Chapter 73 Guano Business

Chapter 73 Guano Business


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 73 Guano Business

  This is the second snowfall in Qingquan City since September.

  And it happened to be when the players were taking turns to log in and out. Many people pushed the door and saw the silver dots scattered by the torches.

  ”It’s only late September… winter is coming too early.”

  ”It’s really early.”

  ”Let’s analyze it rationally. Maybe the orbital debris in outer space blocked part of the sunlight, causing the planet to absorb insufficient heat. In addition, the civilization activities caused by the war declined rapidly, and the lush vegetation weakened the greenhouse effect…” “No

  , this game can be so realistic?”

  ”That depends on how the game operator sets it. Anyway, the official website’s setting says that they have reached the sky, so they are allowed to talk nonsense, but I am not allowed to talk nonsense?”

  ”Ni Ma…”

  There was a knock at the north gate.

  After confirming that it was his own people, the guard on the wall greeted him, and the player next to the door lifted the bolt and let the people outside in.

  Chu Guang looked at the north gate.

  A strength player and a perception player walked over quickly, carrying a man who was tied up like a dumpling and missing an ear, and threw him in front of them.

  Also thrown on the ground was the body of a mutant hyena.

  ”Dear administrator, we found this guy near the observation point of the northern elevated road!”

  Both players were injured, but the man was obviously more seriously injured. A broken arrow was stuck in his knee, and he grimaced in pain.

  The man lying on the ground didn’t understand what the two people behind him were saying. He just stretched his head with a look of panic and begged Chu Guang for mercy.

  ”Sir, I’m a scavenger nearby. I don’t know how I offended you.”

  ”Scavengers won’t be outside at this time.”

  ”I accidentally delayed for a while…”

  Ignoring this pale rhetoric, Chu Guang took out 5 silver coins from his pocket and handed them to the players, letting them divide them themselves, then leaned over to look at the man, and hooked the necklace on his collar with his index finger. There was a

  human finger bone strung there.

  And it looked like it was the index finger.

  In the Blood Hand Clan, skulls are the chief’s “royal” utensils, while finger bones are the favorite decorations of most plunderers.

  He would cut off the index fingers of the captives, dry them and make them into bracelets, necklaces, pendants and even bone armor to show off his bravery and barbarity.

  Chu Guang threw away the greasy necklace with disdain and stood up expressionlessly.

  He did not look at the man with a dead face, but at the two players.


  ”Send to the gallows.”

  The two players said respectfully.


  ”As you command!”

  Bringing them back alive was just because the reward for doing so was higher. Most players were no strangers to the methods of the plunderers.

  So after hearing the order to send them to the gallows, they were not surprised at all.

  But for the man who was about to be hanged, it was a different mentality.

  As if he had guessed his fate, he was dragged all the way to the north gate with hysterical wailing and begging for mercy, adding a bit of fear and blood to the desolate woods outside the gate.

  The sound and the sin stopped abruptly.

  The north gate closed again, and the two players dragged the corpse towards the morgue.

  Chu Guang, who was standing in front of the sanatorium, had no pity in his heart, and even yawned. Seeing the furnace of the extractor start to operate, he turned and walked towards the elevator of the sanatorium.

  It was already twelve o’clock in the morning.

  I had to get up at six o’clock tomorrow.

  The enthusiasm of these players to go online was higher than expected. Chu Guang felt that his biological clock was about to be messed up.


  The snow was not heavy, but it lasted for a long time. It lasted from early morning to five o’clock the next morning.

  There was a layer of white frost on the ground, which made a rustling sound when stepped on. When the sun rose, it disappeared completely, as if it had never existed.

  ”There seem to be fewer alien species in the city at night.”

  ”Is it because of the snow?”

  ”I guess so. They may have hidden themselves because of the cold weather. But the gnawers don’t seem to be affected. I saw them walk out of the community and wander around the streets until four or five o’clock, then they slowly moved back.”

  ”Do you remember where they came from?”

  ”I remember it roughly. I’ll go offline to have a meal first, and then mark the map and post it on the forum.”

  ”Brother, stay calm!”

  The players who came back from the reconnaissance point talked with other players in the square of the base. Chu Guang, who was standing at the door of the sanatorium, took in all the voices.

  Since there was no radio, these players usually exchanged intelligence in the square, especially during the peak hours of logging on and off.

  For Chu Guang, this was another good channel for obtaining intelligence besides the forum.

  These players were like his eyes.

  However, he had things to do later and couldn’t stay here forever.

  He had to go to Brown Farm again to exchange some supplies before the heavy snow blocked the road. This time he prepared a new trade item – some guano.

  It should be able to sell for a good price at Brown Farm.

  ”Mr. Administrator, the supplies you ordered are ready, we can set off at any time!”

  [Mole on the Run in the Canyon], wearing a hyena skin coat, came over excitedly.

  He carried a temporary 7mm bolt-action iron barrel rifle on his back, a nailed wooden stick and a short knife on his left waist, and a Molotov cocktail filled with wood tar on his right. He looked more and more like the natives of this wasteland.

  However, he has not yet mastered the essence.

  Chu Guang tried so many weapons, and the most convenient one was the water pipe with a “fork”.

  Seeing him nod, Chu Guang said.

  ”Wait for me.”

  With that, Chu Guang turned back to the shelter, and soon came out wearing a KV-1 power armor, and also carried the nitrogen-powered hammer drawn from the system on his back.

  Seeing the administrator’s outfit, the players around him stared.

  ”Fuck, this hammer is pretty cool!”

  ”Awesome! Did I miss some plot? When did our NPC change his equipment?”

  ”I don’t know, maybe it was already in the shelter… Didn’t the official website say that there is a huge cryogenic hibernation facility underground? Maybe there is an equipment warehouse?”

  ”Fuck! I want to make one too!”

  ”Don’t think about it. The NPC’s equipment is just for you to see. But I’m curious if this thing is really useful in the wasteland? Facing bullets.”

  ”You’re stupid. Just because you haven’t seen awesome armor doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Maybe this thing is used in conjunction with something else.”

  ”The atmosphere suddenly becomes cyberpunk.”

  ”What cyberpunk? This is wasteland punk!”

  ”I know, but you’re so stupid if you take the meme so seriously.”

  As a competent NPC, Chu Guang neither picked up their memes nor paid attention to their excited exchanges. He performed his duties on his own and walked to the prepared caravan. Chu Guang

  had previously given him a task in the form of [WC Really Mosquito], asking him to design a medium-distance transport tool with a cargo capacity of more than five tons.

  Facts have proved that as long as he makes tools within the scope of normal people’s understanding, this guy’s technology is still quite reliable.

  The entire caravan is 2.5 meters long and 1 meter wide. The space inside is quite spacious. The chassis also uses springs to make simple shock absorbers, so it is no problem to transport goods and people.

  Considering the protection from rain and dust, the roof is covered with two layers of plastic sheets picked up, and curtains are made in front and back.

  In this way, even on rainy days, there is no need to worry about the things inside getting wet, which can be said to be quite useful.

  The only drawback is that the outpost does not have cattle or mules, so the players can only pull them temporarily.

  ”Let’s go!”

  With Chu Guang’s order, the caravan team consisting of 6 players and 1 NPC left the south gate of the outpost and headed towards Brown Farm under the envious eyes of other players.

  It’s different from last time.

  This time, the noise is so loud that it will inevitably attract the attention of some alien species.

  Especially the mutant cockroaches as big as puppies and the mutant flies as big as washbasins. These insect-like alien species seem to have lost their fear of humans after mutation, and they crawled out of the shadows when they heard the noise.

  However, these players are no longer new to the game. Especially after the baptism of that battle, they can already do it handy when facing the enemy.

  Chu Guang did not make any move at all. He sat in the back and watched the players kill these miscellaneous soldiers with swords, guns, sticks and stones.

  If there were aliens that they could not deal with, or other high-threat targets, he would naturally take action.

  What was more interesting was that Chu Guang found that his gene sequence was not only a basic exercise, but also could accumulate a small amount of development progress when leading players in battle.

  This unique way of evolution made Chu Guang very curious.

  However, he could not record the development progress of the gene sequence in real time for the time being, and could only wait until conditions were met before doing in-depth research.

  They walked and stopped along the way, bypassed the ruins that could not be passed, and finally arrived at the destination before 9:30.

  Outside Brown Farm.

  When Chu Guang and his party arrived near the door, they saw a strong man with a shotgun on his back, leading a thin serf out of the wall.

  The two sides met, and Chu Guang was not nervous, but the other party became nervous.

  Especially when he saw the exoskeleton on Chu Guang’s body and the slightly exaggerated hammer behind him, he subconsciously reached for the shotgun behind him.

  ”We are traveling merchants passing by. Don’t be nervous.”

  ”How can there be traveling merchants at this time? Hey, it’s you?”

  Liu Zhengyue, who was standing on the wall, was stunned for a moment. He retracted the gun barrel that had just been stretched out, and stared at Chu Guang’s exoskeleton and hammer – and the blue coat under the exoskeleton.

  He clearly remembered that this guy was not dressed like this when he came here last time.

  ”Yes, it’s me.” Chu Guang smiled faintly and shouted at the wall, “We need food, steel and copper.” ”

  What are you going to exchange?”

  Liu Zhengyue stared at the group of people outside the wall vigilantly, looking back and forth at their equipment, a little undecided.

  This group of people is obviously much stronger than the last time they came.

  In principle, this is not a good time to do business. Today’s winter comes earlier than in previous years. They also have to save some food for the winter, and they have to prepare some surplus food to prevent the looters from taking advantage of the situation.

  The looters from the north come here from time to time. Although there are guns in the farm, no one is willing to take the risk of fighting those people.

  If they harass them during the spring ploughing season, the loss will be more than the grain they paid as tribute.


  the gun on the other side made him think carefully about the risk of refusing.

  Chu Guang didn’t say anything, but walked to the front of the caravan, opened the curtain, took out a sack from it, and tore the rope tied to it.

  Liu Zhengyue narrowed his eyes, trying to see more clearly.

  ”This is…”

  ”High-purity magnesium ammonium phosphate. If you don’t understand, you can understand it as guano. In short, it is a high-quality fertilizer.” Chu Guang looked up at Liu Zhengyue on the wall, with a slightly unhappy tone, “Can you come down and talk? I’m tired of talking like this.”

  ”Wait for me for a while… I have to ask my master for instructions.”

  After throwing down this sentence, Liu Zhengyue disappeared on the wall, but not long after, he led a serf out and reappeared at the main entrance.

  ”My old friend… you have changed a lot.”

  ”You have made a fortune recently.”

  ”Are you really nomads?” Liu Zhengyue stared at the blue coat under Chu Guang’s exoskeleton, and it was obvious that he was not so sure of his judgment.

  ”Does it matter what it is?” Chu Guang smiled faintly and said, “Don’t worry, I picked up this coat.”

  Seeing that Chu Guang didn’t intend to reveal more, Liu Zhengyue stopped asking and looked at the bag of fertilizer.

  ”I need to inspect the goods.”

  This was a reasonable request, and Chu Guang nodded.


  The inspection method was the same as last time. Liu Zhengyue kicked the serf next to him and pointed at the bag.

  The slave stepped forward, stretched out his index finger and wiped it in the bag, then put his finger into his mouth and tasted it as if no one was around.

  ”It’s guano.”

  Hearing this, Liu Zhengyue smiled.

  Although I don’t know where this group of people got these good things from, these things are indeed what they need.

  Although livestock and human feces are also a kind of fertilizer after being heated, they do not contain enough nitrogen, and the comprehensive fertility is obviously not as good as guano after being precipitated over time and washed by rain.

  Often a handful of guano is equivalent to a large bucket of cow dung. And if the latter is used, it must be mixed with urea and spread together.

  Brown Farm itself is not capable of mass production of high-quality urea. Using urea directly will not only burn the roots, but also easily cause soil compaction when mixed with manure.

  Therefore, they often import synthetic and organic fertilizers from Boulder City or Red River Town and mix them with fermented manure.

  It is not just Brown Farm, but also the entire Qingquan City and almost all the survivor settlements that grow crops are like this.

  ”Name your price!”

  ”We only brought 300 kilograms. Give me a sincere price and we can still cooperate in the future.”

  One acre of land requires about dozens of kilograms of organic fertilizer, which cannot be generalized according to the crops, soil conditions, fertilizer types, and expected harvests.

  From the pre-war map, the area of ​​the entire farm is not large. At most, it can gather 80 to 100 acres of arable land, which is equivalent to 7 to 9 standard playgrounds.

  Of course, it is not ruled out that they are engaged in vertical agriculture and indoor planting. After all, similar technologies were not uncommon before the war.

  Chu Guang couldn’t guess their needs, so he simply asked them to quote their own prices.

  Liu Zhengyue hesitated for a moment and said tentatively.

  ”300 kilograms… How about 2 tons of green wheat?”

  Hearing this number, Chu Guang couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

  Fortunately, he didn’t speak first.

  The wholesale price ratio he found on the Internet on the Earth side was about 1:5, and his psychological expectation was about 1:6~7.

  Now it seems that the prices in the parallel world can be said to have no reference value at all.

  Chu Guang looked at him and said.

  ”Minimum 5 tons.”

  ”5 tons?! This is impossible,” Liu Zhengyue exclaimed, “Our yield per mu of land is only 500 kilograms of green wheat.”

  ”That’s because you didn’t use our fertilizer. Starting next year, it will be 1,000 kilograms.”

  The yield of this mutant crop is not good… It would

  be great if we could get the pre-war seed bank.

  In terms of wheat, the yield per mu of land on the Earth in the parallel world is at least 600 kilograms. It’s not a problem to have a high of 1,000 kilograms, but tens of thousands of kilograms is definitely bragging.

  Chu Guang thought to himself, his own shelter is fine, but those normal shelters should have some seed stocks, right?

  I don’t know if it’s because of the distance or the climate that the pre-war crops didn’t become popular in the wasteland.

  Or is it just that they don’t have them in this area?

  ”Are you dreaming? One thousand kilograms per mu?” Liu Zhengyue’s eyes widened and he shook his head and said, “Friend, if you are really sincere, 3 tons… this is the bottom line I can accept. We have a stable supplier to supply a large amount of goods. Do you think your guano is irreplaceable?”

  ”But it is definitely the most cost-effective, and I don’t think they will sell it to you cheaply after transporting it all the way here,” Chu Guang looked at him and said, “1 kilogram for 12 kilograms of grain. Considering that winter came early this year, this is my biggest concession.”

  ”We will also supply a large amount of this stuff next year. If you can’t accept this price, I would rather return the same way and sell it to the passing merchants.”

  The guano stones by Linghu Lake are scattered in the shallows on the south side and extend all the way to the east. The reserves are not abundant, but they are definitely not small. It can be dug up with some time and manpower.

  Chu Guang didn’t know why the survivors didn’t find the Feng Shui treasure land, but it was his territory now anyway.

  Liu Zhengyue hesitated for a while, but finally nodded.

  ”Okay, you better not lie to me… Next spring, we need 3 tons of guano stone, which will be used during the sowing season. Where are you? Qingquan City or the surrounding area? If it’s not far, we can pick it up at your door.”

  ”That’s not necessary. After this winter is over, we will naturally deliver the goods to your door.”

  Chu Guang smiled and stretched out his right hand.

  ”Then I wish us a happy cooperation.”

  Although his face was painful, Liu Zhengyue still forced a smile and shook his outstretched hand.

  ”…Happy cooperation.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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