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Chapter 730 Beta07 Update! The Battle of Heaven Begins!

Chapter 730 Beta07 Update! The Battle of Heaven Begins!

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 730 Beta0.7 Update! The Battle of Heaven Begins!

  On the top of the Blood Peak, the sun sets in the west, and the cold wind blows on the branches covered with broken snow.

  A middle-aged man in a white robe stands on the top of the mountain.

  He has a thin figure, a high nose bridge, and a pair of rimless glasses under his eyebrows. If he takes off the white robe on his shoulders that is inconsistent with his temperament, he has a feeling of an ordinary teacher.

  But it’s just a feeling.

  As for a name, he doesn’t have that kind of thing.

  Since the moment he entered the Holy Land and became a pioneer, he has abandoned the name and body of walking in the mortal world.

  But if you want to talk about the code name of walking in the world, he does have one.

  The mutants on the Ten Peaks Mountain call him “Beast King”.

  As for humans…

  those guys eliminated by the laws of nature have no chance to see him at all.

  Staring at the peak of Fushan with an expressionless face, he watched the gunfire there indifferently, watched the wailing everywhere, watched the blood-stained flag rise in the sunset…

  When all the noise subsided, he muttered to himself thoughtfully.

  ”It came a little faster than I thought…”

  The Stonehorn Clan was the barrier he set up at the entrance of Shifeng Mountain. He thought it could at least delay the Alliance for a month, but he didn’t expect that Fushan would change hands in just one day.

  Although there are still some residual mutants and short people left there, it is probably difficult to form an effective combat force. At most, it can cause a little trouble to the Alliance.

  Thinking of this, a trace of regret appeared on the face of the Beast King.

  What a pity…

  That Gray was his carefully selected work, and his prosthesis was even operated on by him personally – borrowing the hands of mutant priests.

  It seems that the strength is still not enough, and the power of the prosthesis itself has not been fully exerted.

  However, he was not discouraged by this, and the expression of interest on his face became more and more intense.

  Mutants are nothing more than tools to them. The entire Seaside Province is their seedbed. They can have as many of them as they want. As long as they are given enough time, they can even fill the entire wasteland with this guy.

  In comparison, experimental data is more valuable.

  They need to test the research results in the laboratory on the battlefield, and constantly improve the plan based on the feedback data, and then they can screen out greater life forms until they finally complete the regret that people in the prosperous era failed to complete – “perfect life forms”.

  Only when humans become a greater species can the paradise they desire be truly realized.

  At that time, he will transplant his consciousness to a new body, and then use that endless time to think of a new name for himself.

  But speaking of it, these shelter residents are quite good at giving people names.

  ”… Goblin? Interesting name.”

  Looking at a short man who was thrown off the cliff, the corners of the man’s mouth curled up with a faint smile.

  He could hear the dying wails of some of the chosen ones, and naturally he could also hear the syllables uttered by the shelter residents who killed those guys.

  The syllable that appeared most frequently should be the name for those short greenskins.

  He was not very good at naming his own works. After making those short mutants, he kept them together with those big guys. Sometimes they were thrown into the frying pan as condiments by those big guys.

  Unexpectedly, their enemies solved this problem for him.

  Since it was the name given by the residents of the shelter, let’s use that name.

  It sounds quite smooth.

  Looking back at the short greenskin standing timidly behind him, the Beast King left a sentence in an understated voice.

  ”From now on, Goblin is your name… Let your enemies and your companions remember it.” An

  unbelievable look appeared in the humble amber pupils, and then the unbelievable look turned into excitement.

  ”Yes… Yes!”

  The short greenskin crawled on the ground, knocking his head hard, thanking the Beast King for giving them names.


  It was so excited that tears flowed down its face.

  From now on, they are also things with names!

  The Beast King had disappeared, as if blending into the snow and wind that day.


  The short green-skinned priest who had not yet fully learned to speak tried to squeeze out this sentence from his mouth, then turned around and looked behind him, at his equally short fellows.

  It screamed, howled, danced, and told its fellows about the miracle it had seen, and shared with them the name given to it by the Beast King.

  At first, there was disbelief and fear in each pair of eyes, but soon it became fanaticism and fanaticism.

  The three-syllable name was like a magical spell, and together with the miracle favored by the Beast King, it was constantly passed between the green heads.

  A tribe called Goblin was born, in the midst of those fierce shouts.

  Although they have not yet invented their own writing and language, they have learned how to call themselves.

  This is their first culture.

  Granted by the enemies who slaughtered them and the gods they worship…


  [Wasteland OL Closed Beta Server Beta 0.7 Version Update Announcement! 】

  【Major updates:

  1. The upper limit of closed beta qualification has been increased from 50,000 to 100,000!

  2. The slime mold research community has been established!

  In addition to reaching a consensus on cooperation on the agenda of “jointly solving the problem of mutant slime mold”, the contracting forces have also reached an agreement on a series of specific cooperation methods.

  Electronic pass system: The system is jointly designed by research units such as the Academy, Camp 101, Endpoint Group, and Triumph City Digital Research Institute. Alliance players can apply through VM. Players holding electronic passes can enter the areas actually controlled by the contracting parties of the slime community (limited to public places and infected areas, excluding sensitive facilities) to engage in production and operation and exploration and investigation activities. The contracting parties promise to guarantee the personal safety and basic legal rights of entrants (see the rules for details), and to review each pass issued by themselves.

  Overseas information services: The contracting parties of the slime community will cooperate on information exchange and set up signal repeaters and wired cables as alternatives to satellite communication obstructions. At the same time, all parties promise not to monitor the wired and wireless signals of the contracting parties. In short, VM can also connect to the Internet outside the alliance! (The premise is that there is a networked signal base station nearby.)

  Electronic account: bound to the electronic pass system, players can use the electronic currency in VM to withdraw cash and exchange currencies at the main bank of any contracting party of the Sticky Community, and the Alliance Bank will guarantee the transaction. The exchange quota without application is 1,000 silver coins per day. If it exceeds the quota, it needs to be reported on the forum official website! At the same time, when players are active in the area actually controlled by the contracting party, they can receive local currency as compensation through VM (currently dinar, Cr, and G points for non-members of the Science and Technology Committee are temporarily open), and the Alliance Bank will settle it as silver coins and deposit it into the player’s account according to the exchange rate of the day.

  3. War in Heaven!

  All members of the Sticky Community officially declared war on the Torch Church! Players can freely choose to join the southern or northern battlefield according to their own situation, or they can engage in production work in the rear to contribute to the front line!

  North Line: The main offensive direction of the coalition! The current front line is the Shifeng Mountain area in the southern part of Jinchuan Province. The main enemy units are mutants and derivatives synthesized by the Torch Church through biotechnology. Troops from many forces such as enterprises, colleges, legions, and Bughra Free State will arrive at the battlefield, take our trains, or use their own methods.

  South Front: The second battlefield opened by the Alliance in the south! Our allies are competing with the Northern Federation for control of the southern seas. The Torch Church has intervened in the regional situation. We cannot let our allies fight alone. Control the area, and the warships of the South Sea Alliance will provide us with cover! Let our tanks land on their beaches!

  4. New maps: Golden Gallon Port, French Fries Port, Southern Sea Alliance Islands, Shelter No. 70, Weifu Wasteland, Weifu Military Base, Shifeng Mountain, Binghai City, Yunxia City Settlement, etc.

  5. Fixed a small number of bugs.



  The update announcement was suddenly refreshed, without the slightest sign.

  The forum was still hotly discussing the bloody battle on Shifeng Mountain, and the next second the topic of the new version quickly jumped to the hot list of the forum!

  Tail: “giao!∑(Дノ)ノ”

  Quit Smoking: “Fuck! Beta0.7!”

  Lightning Mage Professor Yang: “One hundred thousand closed beta qualifications! The public beta is just around the corner! Excited!”

  Night Ten: “Good fellow! Sacrificed a garbage man and summoned the new version directly!”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “Fuck! Are you polite?! (Angry)”

  Macabazi: “Hahahaha!”

  Sisi: “Well… why do I feel that it is because I recycled the submitted log of the administrator of Shelter No. 70? Forget it, it’s a small matter, it doesn’t seem to be very important.”

  Tail: “Oh! Maybe the reason for the surge in closed beta qualifications is actually Shelter No. 70! (/ω*)”

  Meat Mountain Big Bun: “It’s just a coincidence. (Laughing and crying)” There are

  currently about 40,000 closed beta players in the server.

  Compared with the increasingly vast game world and the increasing influence of the alliance, this number of people is indeed a little less.

  Especially in the last Beta0.6 update, the game map was updated to five light years away! The entire server only has 40,000 to 50,000 people.

  Although the skyrocketing game qualifications will not immediately turn into the number of online people on the server, according to past practice, each increase in the upper limit of the closed beta test can increase the number of closed beta test qualifications issued daily.

  And this is the most critical. It is

  also eagerly anticipated by countless pre-registered players.

  Many people have actually run businesses in the game, and some have even invested in their own industries, but people are still queuing outside, which has to be said to be a very annoying thing.

  Compared with the closed beta test qualifications that have attracted much attention from cloud players, old players are more concerned about the content of the game update.

  The newly established slime mold research community has more than doubled the scope of player activities, and now there are alliance save points and communication sites on the territory of enterprises and colleges, and even transactions, handovers and task rewards can be carried out through VM. Coupled with the “Battle in Heaven”, it has to be said that this update is still quite sincere.

  It’s just that the “newly added” maps are a bit unkind.

  Luo Yu: “Wait, Golden Gallon Port, French Fries Port, the Southern Sea Alliance Islands, the Weifu Military Base, Ice Sea City, Yunxia City Settlement… Oh Chao! Aren’t the new maps added in this update all maps that have been opened?!”

  Qingdeng Gujiu: “And there are a few that we made ourselves!”

  Yirena: “Congratulations, you have discovered the essence of sandbox games. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “The dog planner’s laziness is confirmed. (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “That can’t be said. The right of way of Binghai City and the settlement of Yunxia City are the results of the Sticky Community Conference… But French Fries Port and Golden Gallon Port are indeed developed by us, and the allies of the South China Sea Alliance are also won over by us. (Squinting smile)”

  Han Bagui: “Boss, don’t worry about the new maps for now. Which of the two fronts is better to open? Meng Xin It’s my first time to join a group. I haven’t seen the world and I’m a little nervous. QAQ”

  Fang Chang: “It’s up to you. If you join a group, just follow your group leader. If you don’t join a group, it’s up to you. At present, there may be more tasks on the northern line. The southern line is still fighting for control of the island. The two main warring parties are very cowardly. Moreover, it is basically beyond visual range combat at sea. Once locked, it’s just a matter of a few torpedoes or missiles. If you can’t fly a plane or a boat, you can wait and see after landing.”

  Midnight Killing Chicken: “Well, there is no air supremacy without sea control. It would be great if we could use the production facilities in Coral City and Anle Island to build an aircraft carrier, but there are submarine factories there. The largest shipbuilding base in the Federation happens to be in the hands of Charas. In two months, they may be able to launch another destroyer.”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “How about considering a submarine carrier? (funny)”

  Midnight Kill Chicken: “What the hell is that? (dumb)”

  Xinghe Bu Rumeng: “A diving aircraft carrier, an old antique from the World War I era. It was discussed after the Iraq War in the 1990s, but it is too technically difficult to realize. After all, jet aircraft and piston aircraft are completely two different concepts, and the requirements for the deck are completely different… I think it’s difficult.”

  Fountain Commander: “Well, in fact, it may not be necessary to analyze it rationally. After all, the game is not reality, and it is not advisable to copy and paste. Looking at the cargo hold space of the Dolphin, I think it seems to be no different from an aircraft carrier. I’m afraid it’s difficult to build the same model that can’t dive in reality.”

  “If the cargo hold area can be redesigned into an upward-sloping runway or catapult track, and the top deck can be designed as a runway, maybe the drawings won’t need to be changed too much. Even if it’s just used as an offshore airport that can be mobile and deployed and dive to avoid missiles, it would be great for aircraft to replenish ammunition and charge batteries… If I remember correctly, the submarine uses nuclear fusion power, right?”

  Xinghe Bu Ru Meng: “Fuck, awesome…”

  Fang Chang: “Well, that sounds interesting… I’ll go to the game and ask the professionals for their opinions. (Squinting smile)”


  “Talents… These guys are really getting better and better at playing!”

  In Shelter No. 404, Chu Guang, who had just uploaded the update announcement, was full of emotion and couldn’t help but like all the replies below.

  To be honest, his little players’ intuition is still very accurate, and they almost guessed the truth several times.

  Yes, the issuance of closed beta qualifications for “Wasteland OL” is indeed linked to the unlocked shelters. However

  , there is actually nothing to hide.

  After all, even if it is a bit strange, it can be used as part of the game setting – only by unlocking more “novice villages” can more new players be allowed to enter the game.

  For old players, if they don’t want to py with the few familiar people in the list all day long, it is also good to explore more shelters.

  Since unlocking the processing center on the B7 layer, the shelter system has actually given him a lot of permissions.

  Even the culture capsule and the hibernation capsule, which used to be either produced through black boxes or waiting to be delivered after completing tasks, can now not only be produced through the B7 layer, but also some low-tech structural components can be handed over to the factory in Dawn City for OEM, so as to save the precious “high-quality production capacity” on the B7 layer.

  Except for the emergency tasks that will be triggered when certain conditions are met, he no longer guides him like a nanny on how to be a good manager, and he will no longer issue daily tasks such as cutting trees, moving bricks and planting fields like in the early days.

  Recycling manager logs can unlock varying numbers of gene sequences.

  Apart from completing emergency tasks, this is almost the only way to obtain gene sequences, and from the perspective of players, it is naturally the closed beta qualification.

  Previously, the pioneer city managed to recycle some abandoned shelters in the desert, and the total number of gene sequences exchanged through manager logs was about 20,000.

  Shelter No. 70 also rewarded more than 20,000, which added up to almost 50,000.

  Considering the increasing area of ​​the alliance and the ongoing “War in Heaven”, Chu Guang simply issued all the closed beta qualifications and adjusted the daily qualification issuance quantity to three times the basic value.

  In this way, in three months, the server should be able to add 30,000 new people, and the ongoing war can just digest this group of “suddenly extra” people.

  Whether they choose to work in the rear or fight on the front line, there are enough “positions” for them to find a way of playing that suits them.

  And with the old players leading them, they don’t have to worry about these newcomers messing around. When they get the VM according to the game process, they are basically assimilated into their own people.

  In addition, the second battlefield opened by the alliance in the south, that is, the southern line, developing a submarine aircraft carrier is indeed a good idea.

  He actually talked about this issue when he met Captain Chen Jianhong before – the cargo space of the Dolphin is too large, can it be converted into an aircraft runway or something.

  Influenced by the inertia of experience in the parallel world, Chu Guang feels that not only his players, but even himself, have always had a special liking for the development of aviation equipment.

  And practice has proved that airplanes are really useful.

  Especially when operated by the dead card pilots of the alliance, they can not only accurately drop bombs on the enemy’s head, but also transform their bodies into bombs for a wave of precision guidance with a 72-hour CD.

  Unfortunately, Chen Jianhong only gave him an ambiguous answer at that time. After all, that guy was just a captain, not an expert in shipbuilding, and it was not easy to make a conclusion about something he had never seen. The experts in Camp 101 had no experience in shipbuilding, so the matter was dropped. The

  submarine experts of the South China Sea Alliance were all on Anle Island. Now Commander Li Minghui has agreed to form a new joint government with the members of Shelter No. 70. It should not be a problem to borrow some equipment and talents.

  Chu Guang is still very confident in the players he brought up personally, and believes that they have mastered the communication skills of “not being annoying”.

  ”…It seems that I don’t need to worry too much about the things on the southern line. Before the South China Sea Alliance seizes control of the southern waters, we can focus more on the northern line. By the way, Xiaoqi, where are those Willant people? Where are they?”

  Seeing Chu Guang looking at him, Xiaoqi, who was sitting on the edge of the pen holder and swinging his calves, immediately sat up straight and reported crisply.

  ”Report to the master, the army of the Legion arrived in Bicester Town yesterday! According to the report from the local mayor, the Glorious Army consisting of 50,000 clones are queuing up to board the train. They will take the special train we prepared for them and go directly to Jinchuan Province.”

  After a pause, Xiao Qi continued.

  ”The Falcon City Citizens’ Autonomous Committee also sent a message that the 310,000-man team directly under the Eastern Legion also set off on the ‘Loyalty’ airship. In addition to tanks and self-propelled artillery, they also brought a ‘Bison’ all-terrain armored walker, which is expected to arrive at the front within three days!”

  Chu Guang’s heart moved and asked, “Is it the one we saw in Falcon City?”

  Xiao Qi nodded seriously.

  ”I heard it seems to be.”

  Chu Guang certainly has an impression of that “Bison”.

  He had seen it before outside Falcon City. According to the evaluation of the academy, that thing is a freak hybrid of diesel power and nuclear fusion power, but in his opinion, it is more like a railway gun walking on four legs.

  A 200mm cannon with an automatic loader can unleash the firepower of an artillery battalion in a short period of time. Coupled with the deflector shield and steel armor…

  it can be seen that the marshal of Kaixuan City still attaches great importance to the Torch.

  Otherwise, there would be no need to bear such great logistical pressure and throw so many heavy equipment from the west coast tens of thousands of kilometers away.

  Looking at Chu Guang who was lost in thought, Xiao Qi paused and continued.

  ”Also, the troops from the enterprise and the academy are arriving soon. I heard from Yichuan that the 100th Mechanized Mountain Division and the 7th Air Force are entering Jinchuan Province from Yuema Province, and there seem to be more than 10,000 people in total. The news from the academy is that the ‘Alpha’ Mobile Task Force under the Science and Technology Commission will arrive at the air base north of Dawn City the day after tomorrow. Judging from the number of applications for passes, there are about a thousand people.”

  ”In addition, the survivor forces such as Bugera Free State, Lion Kingdom, Honey Badger Kingdom, Falcon Kingdom, Xilan Empire, Garbage City, etc. have also sent troops to the front line, and they are expected to arrive in succession within half a month.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile when he was thinking.

  The stage has been set.

  The actors are also taking their places.

  ”It seems that there will be a good show this time.”

   In the past ten days, I have updated 100,000 words. I have something to do today, so it’s only 6k… By the way, my earliest update was only 2k, don’t say I’m short anymore TT


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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