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Chapter 731 Where are my people? They were here just now!

Chapter 731 Where are my people? They were here just now!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 731 Where are my people? They were here just now!

  North line.

  In the boundless clear sky, a towering steel airship was breaking through the clouds, revealing the bridge pod suspended under the bow.

  Looking down at the sunken wasteland and the mountains, Liumwanfu, who was sitting in the bridge, raised his mouth slightly.

  Throwing the popsicle stick to the waiter standing beside him, he stood up with his hands on the armrests of the chair, walked to the French window of the bridge, squinted his eyes and looked down at the nearby Ten Peaks Mountain.

  Eighty miles of bone road?


  In their territory, opponents of this level are just a matter of one round of bombing and one round of charge.

  If it is not enough, then repeat this process again.

  It may not be very effective against the slime mold that is getting more and more, but it is more than enough to deal with mutants.

  ”…Too slow. If these snails keep advancing bit by bit, this battle will probably have to be fought until next year. I think it’s better to cross the Ten Peaks Mountain and wipe out the cultists’ lair in one fell swoop.”

  Hearing the commander’s speech, the adjutant standing behind Lium coughed lightly and reminded him.

  ”General, it’s better for us not to leave the main force.”

  Lium laughed.

  ”Can we take down our airship with just these few mutants?”

  This was not a reckless decision.

  No matter what high-tech the torch used, the mutants on the mountain needed food and ammunition, and these things had to be sent from the Seaside Province.

  As long as the logistical supply of these guys could be cut off, most of them would starve to death.

  The adjutant understood what he meant, but still reminded him cautiously.

  ”Before, the Alliance encountered a group of flying mutants in Jinhe City. They called them bat-winged people. Even under the cover of the plane, they were still landed on the airship by the bat-winged people, and even fell into a hard battle because of this.”

  ”Heh, these idiots can’t use radar?” Lium curled his lips in disdain. He looked disdainful on his face, but he was a little alert in his heart and no longer mentioned the matter of flying the airship directly over the Ten Peaks Mountain.

  He knew that the Alliance would definitely use radar, but as long as there is a spear in this world, there is a shield.

  There are many ways to lock on to a target, and there are also many ways to counter radar.

  The people of the Torch came from Shelter No. 117 after all, and they have been developing for a long time. They are good at biotechnology, but they don’t only know biotechnology.

  Sitting back in his chair, Lium looked at the adjutant next to him and ordered.

  ”Notify General Modlin of the 310,000th Squadron, tell him that he has arrived at the station, and let his people gather in the pod.”

  The adjutant looked serious and saluted at attention.



  North of the Weifu military base, the anchor chain dropped from the Loyalty airship hit the ground heavily, splashing up rolling dust.

  Then, a pod was lowered from the belly of the airship, and it slowly descended to the ground like a swing falling from the sky.

  About a hundred tall and bulging nosed Willant soldiers lined up in a neat queue and walked out of the pod the size of a heavy truck.

  They wore uniform gray-black military uniforms, matte-colored steel helmets on their heads, and all automatic weapons on their backs, with bulletproof plates hanging on their chests. Among them, the firepower operator carrying ammunition boxes and machine guns was even equipped with a fully protective exoskeleton!

  Compared to the guys that the players had seen in the desert before, these guys were undoubtedly much more elite!

  Next to the military base, Debt Big Eyes and the construction site boy and brick looked at these guys from a distance.

  When they saw the Willant exoskeleton, the construction site boy and brick opened their eyes in surprise.

  ”These Weylanders also have exoskeletons?”

  Debt Eyes was also surprised, but felt that it would be a loss to make a fuss like the power-oriented beasts next to him, so he analyzed it rationally.

  ”It’s not surprising, the Boulder City has that thing, and even has self-produced and self-developed prostheses. The Legion is one of the three major forces in the wasteland, so it’s not that they can’t even make exoskeletons.”

  The construction site boy and the brick scratched their heads.

  ”I’m just wondering… why haven’t we seen it before.”

  Debt Eyes: “Emmm… Maybe they were used up in the battle with the Great Rift Valley?”

  Of course, the support of the faction and the efficiency of local logistics are also a problem.

  At that time, the Eastward Expansion Faction of the Legion was already at the end of its strength, and the front battlefield had to be handed over to the vassal army and the clone army, and the ammunition was almost gone. Things like exoskeletons are naturally a bit of a luxury for them.

  If it weren’t for the problem of supply interruption, they wouldn’t have been so eager to march into the Valley Province and look for settlements like Boulder City that could help them solve logistics and equipment problems.

  Of course, the more reasonable explanation is that most players had just left the Novice Village at that time.

  In this case, it was a bit inhuman for the dog planner to swipe more than a dozen airships and a group of fully equipped big men.

  Just as Da Yan and the construction site man were looking at the legendary regular army of the Eastern Legion, another train was coming from the north.

  This train had 32 carriages, and the people in the carriages were mixed and unusual.

  Among them were people from the academy, people from the enterprise, and even the expeditionary force of the Xilan Empire.

  The latter were the largest in number, and 30 of the 32 carriages were filled with them.

  Although the Xilan Empire had just fought an undeclared war with the Alliance not long ago, and even a ceasefire agreement had not been signed, as a member of the Sticky Community, the emperor of Xilan still generously sent 30,000 people with a wave of his hand.

  Of course, this was not generosity for the common destiny of human civilization, but entirely for the face of the Willant people. After all, compared to the death of some insignificant inferiors, of course, the immortal friendship is more important.

  In the last carriage of the train, the front half of the carriage was occupied by a group of guys wearing exoskeletons, tactical helmets and gas masks.

  They exuded an aura of keeping strangers away, and sat motionless in the carriage.

  Sitting in the back half of the carriage was the Enterprise’s Seventh Air Force.

  Their carriage was originally in the front, but was squeezed here by the guys from the Borneo Province.

  I don’t know if the commander of the Xilan Empire Expeditionary Force took the wrong medicine, insisting on cramming 200 people into a carriage with a full load of 118 people.

  The result turned out like this.

  Chewing gum in his mouth, the pilot sitting in the back row glanced at his comrade next to him, lowered his voice and complained quietly.

  ”I guess they are androids… and they are not very smart.”

  As everyone knows, the androids of the academy are the most boring guys in this wasteland, just as boring as their researchers.

  The comrade smiled and was about to make a few teasing remarks. The officer who was sitting next to him with his eyes closed glanced at the two guys who couldn’t sit still, closed his eyes and slowly spoke.

  ”Alpha Task Force, they are not androids, but real special forces, hunters in the swamp. The academy has installed almost all the conceivable prostheses on them, and the per capita prosthesis rate has reached more than 30%. Not only that, almost all of them are awakened, although they are awakened by drugs… Don’t underestimate them.”

  Several pilots heard this and showed surprised expressions on their faces, but they were not surprised because of their prosthesis rate or their identity as special forces.

  ”Drug awakening?”

  ”Why would anyone use that thing?”

  At least in Ideal City, awakening is not a good thing, but it means that life has lost a lot of fun.

  The random expression of non-coding genes may not only cause genetic diseases, but also reduce the probability of having offspring.

  Although most residents of Ideal City are not interested in having offspring, whether they want to or not is different from whether they can.

  Life is only once, and awakening is irreversible. Most people do not dare to joke with their lives.

  After all, if you really want to be powerful, you can just use prosthetics or exoskeletons. There is no need to develop the organic part to the extreme.

  The officer opened his eyes, crossed his arms, glanced at the backs of the heads of the people with their backs to them, and said with a complicated expression.

  ”The Science and Technology Committee is a completely different place from Ideal City. Those guys have proved with their actions that high technology does not necessarily mean high life, and as long as scientific management methods are used, even if most people maintain a low standard of living, it does not prevent them from building spacecraft, and even limited resources can be used in key places…”

  ”For ordinary people who cannot become researchers or even explorers, joining the Alpha Task Force is also another way out. At least the equipment and medicines are free, and they can also improve their lives at home.”

  The pilot sitting next to him couldn’t help but click his tongue, and couldn’t imagine that kind of life at all.

  At least, he joined the Seventh Air Force because he liked flying.

  ”What a terrible bunch of guys…”

  The officer continued to close his eyes and rest.

  To be honest, he had no experience in carrying out bombing and pick-up missions in mountainous terrain, even though the air force base next to the Tianshui tributary was in a mountainous area.

  But compared to his own safety, he was more worried about the 100th Mechanized Mountain Division from Ideal City.

  Those guys seemed to have arrived today.

  He and his men had fighter planes after all, and it was said that many of those guys were on the battlefield for the first time…

  Is it really okay?


  The pilots didn’t know that those guys wearing gas masks were not unintelligent, but they just turned off the extra plug-ins and prostheses during the march to save energy.

  Some bionic prostheses require bioelectric current to activate, and the computing power required to drive these prostheses is also a load on the brain and the chips in the brain.

  Wastelanders who can’t control themselves often become comatose or even crazy because of excessive computing power, but this is not the case for the soldiers of the Alpha Task Force.

  If it is not necessary, they can even keep only the basic body functions and the communication module implanted in the chip, so that the metabolism and nerve activity are reduced to the lowest level.

  Just as the pilots of the enterprise pointed at the back of their heads, they were listening meticulously to the captain’s lecture on the communication channel.

  ”Sitting behind you is the Seventh Air Force of the enterprise. Although they are not awakened, they have all undergone rigorous training and selection, and are also elites selected from tens of millions of people.”

  ”Since the dissolution of the War Construction Committee, Ideal City has been controlled by the chaebol headed by the Ideal Group. Ordinary people must constantly hone their skills if they want to survive. The hardship is no less than digging potatoes in the Wandering Swamp. They are aces who have been tempered like you… Don’t underestimate them! Cheer up!”

  The majestic voice echoed in the silence, and the people wearing gas masks sat upright and responded silently in their minds.



  At the same time when the troops of the Legion, Enterprise, and Academy arrived at the front line one after another, the shouts of killing were deafening and the sound of gunfire was strong on the Ten Peaks Mountain!

  Before dawn, a group of goblins sneaked to the position of Fushan and launched a surprise attack on the sleeping players.

  If it was when the server was just launched, this tactic might have worked, after all, many players played games part-time and had to go to work after getting up during the day.

  But now, let alone the Death Corps, even some individual players have focused on the game.

  Basically, mobile phones and helmets are always with them. As soon as the pop-up window of “@All members” popped up, one by one, they put on their helmets and returned to the line.

  The players patrolling with the Death Claws first discovered the attack. Then, in less than a minute, two hundred players stationed on the mountain collectively went online. Under the leadership of Edgewater, they attacked the attacking goblin troops. In

  just one hour.

  More than half of the two thousand goblin troops were killed or injured, and the remaining less than a thousand fled in disarray.

  Because the battle was going too smoothly, Edgewater didn’t even call the brothers who were resting at the foot of the mountain to help, and he dealt with this pile of scum by himself.

  The only thing that surprised the players was that “Goblin” was originally the nickname they gave to these green-skinned dwarves, but they didn’t expect that these guys would actually shout “Goblin, Goblin” themselves.

  Wiping the blood off the engineer’s shovel, the roller shampooer muttered with regret.

  ”It was careless. If I had known that the dog planner asked us to name them, I should have called them cowards.”

  Laplace was shocked when he heard this. He didn’t have time to wipe the blood off his hands and hurried over to cover his mouth.

  ”Fuck, you are calling the dog planner a fool!”

  Midnight scratched his head with an umbrella but no knife.

  ”But the problem is that mutants don’t look like ogres.”

  Madam, you don’t want to either. He touched his chin and thought for a moment: “Eating people is quite similar.”

  Midnight: “Well, it seems so.”

  He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the goblins today were obviously stronger than yesterday.

  Not only were they more brutal in their fighting style, but they were also more difficult to deal with, and they would even carry explosive barrels on their backs.

  The most incredible thing is that these guys who used to fight on their own actually united this time.

  I don’t know if those crazy guys used some outrageous black technology again.

  If they continue to go crazy, I’m afraid that the “War in Heaven” will turn into a “Chaos Invasion”…

  ”Wow, it seems to be quite lively down there.” The player who was looking down the mountain shouted in surprise.

  Just when they were fighting, the Weylandt airship had arrived at the battlefield.

  The big-nosed guys even brought a big guy that looked like the “AT-AT Imperial Donkey”!

  It seems to be called “Bison”?

  Not just the legion.

  The academy and the enterprise have also arrived at the Weifu military base one after another, including their personnel and vehicles!

  Seeing everyone’s curious expressions, Bianbianhuashui knew what they were expecting, so he smiled and responded.

  ”Everyone hold on for a while, it’s time to rotate soon!”

  Laplace pointed to the corpses scattered on the ground next to him and asked, “What should we do with these corpses? Bury them?”

  The earth on this mountain is not easy to dig, and the soil under their feet is frozen as hard as iron.

  Although their physiques are not enough to be infected with the plague, no one likes to stay next to the bacterial culture dish.

  Besides, there are their teammates down the mountain. Even if they don’t consider themselves, they have to consider those people.

  However, this problem is not difficult to solve. Midnight with a knife in his eyes turned and he came up with an idea.

  ”Let Big Eyes eat it. His wives are good eaters.”

  ”Hahahaha!” The roller shampooer, who was wiping the blood on his face, couldn’t help laughing.

  Everyone laughed, and even the edge paddler couldn’t help laughing and gave a thumbs up.

  ”You are really a talent!”


  Fushan Military Base, the camp that was empty yesterday, is full of people today. A

  full eight Orca transport planes are parked on the tarmac, and their towering bodies are like whales in the sea.

  There are also twenty Yunting flapping wing aircraft next to them, and the blade-shaped flexible wings emit a cold light in the sun.

  In addition, there are nearly a hundred silver-white heavy trucks parked neatly in the wilderness, like sharp-edged cubes!

  The logo of Ideal Group is printed on the bumper below the front of the car.

  That was Enterprise’s 100th Mechanized Mountain Division.

  They flew directly over the mountainous area in the eastern part of Jinchuan Province via Orca transport planes, and were deployed in batches in the eastern part of the plains. After assembling, they all headed here together.

  This was probably the first time Enterprise sent troops to such a distant battlefield.

  Enterprise was not the only one showing off its own toys.

  The same was true for the academy.

  In addition to the Alpha Task Force that arrived by train, there were nearly twenty long shuttle-shaped, about twenty-meter-long flying vehicles that landed on the east side of the Weifu Military Base.

  Although those aircraft used plasma engines, judging from the slow landing method, their lift did not seem to be entirely provided by plasma engines, but were equipped with anti-gravity devices similar to scientific research ships and legion airships. The

  Alpha Mobile Task Force, armed to the teeth with exoskeletons, stepped out of the cabin in unison.

  As if to show off, they deliberately went to the north when they walked towards the camp, passing between the 100th Mountain Division of the Enterprise and the Corps…

  As for the “Hound” special forces of the Bugera Free State, they seemed to be more low-key, just waiting quietly behind the Corps with dozens of military trucks.

  Not paying attention to the little thoughts of those people, the debt-eyes and the construction workers who were standing next to the military base watching the excitement were dumbfounded, and their mouths were open.

  The Corps, the Enterprise, the Academy, the Free State, the Empire…

  and a lot of survivor forces that he had never heard of were all gathered here at this moment.

  The whole camp was as lively as a large military exhibition, and also like a military parade, with all kinds of colorful and bizarre equipment that people were dazzled.

  Debt-eyes swallowed his saliva.

  ”Construction site guy…”

  The construction site boy and brick: “What’s wrong?”

  Debt Big Eyes: “Nothing, just want to ask… Do you feel like you are at a military parade?”

  The construction site boy and brick were stunned for a moment, then shouted, “Damn! Now you put it that way, it really is a bit!”

  The Wasteland Leader is okay…

  Although the foundation of this leader seems a little weak.

  But it doesn’t matter, as long as their manager is not weak, it’s all over. At

  this moment, he just wants to shout that the manager is awesome!

  At this moment, the two people who were surprised suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar face from the crowd.

  ”Su Ming?!”

  Hearing someone calling his name, Su Ming, who was walking towards the camp, stopped and looked at the two people who called him in confusion, but didn’t recognize who it was.

  ”…Do we know each other?”

  ”Yes, I have. Hehe, we met once before in Luoxia Province,” he walked forward with a smile, patted his friend next to him, and introduced, “This is the construction site, my name is Big Eyes.”

  ”Oh! Comrade from that time!” Su Ming nodded suddenly, and was about to complain about the strange names of these two people, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not polite, so he swallowed the words on his lips and said with a smile, “Long time no see, it’s been a year!”

  ”Yes, it’s been a year in a blink of an eye!”

  Without waiting for the NPC to complain about his name, Big Eyes continued to ask with a smile.

  ”By the way, I remember you are not the 26th Commando?”

  ”Yes,” Su Ming nodded, looking at him in confusion, “Any questions?”

  The construction site boy and the brick stared at him straight: “Did you get a promotion?”

  The young man said with a hearty smile when he heard it.

  ”What kind of promotion? I’m a non-commissioned officer, a professional sniper. If becoming an instructor counts as a promotion, then maybe it counts as a promotion.”

  Debt-faced Big Eyes asked, scratching his head.

  ”But… weren’t you in the commando unit before? Is the corporate security department the same system as the regular army?”

  It wasn’t that he wanted to get information.

  It was just too weird.

  It was like a security guard changed his career and became a regular army soldier, and an instructor at that.

  Seeing the confusion in his eyes, Su Ming smiled and explained.

  ”We don’t say that in our place. The 100th Mountain Division is actually an expansion of the 26th Commando… I’m not afraid of you laughing at me. We don’t actually have a standing army. The Council pulled them out so that we can train with them and prepare for the future. There are quite a few newcomers in there, and maybe we’ll have to trouble you to help guide them when the time comes.”

  After all, they were his allies, so he didn’t hide anything when he spoke.

  The construction site boy and brick were stunned, and they still couldn’t figure it out. They were stuck in a dead end for a long time.

  ”But… aren’t you the 100th Mountain Division? If there are 100, there must be 99, right? How can there be no standing army?”

  Su Ming scratched the back of his head and said with a chuckle.

  ”Well… to be honest, when we first mobilized, we were called 001. Later, our cloud team felt that it was not appropriate, so we proposed to the council, and then changed it to 100, so that it sounds more powerful.”

  Suddenly remembering something, he showed a regretful expression on his face, and hurriedly glanced at the airship not far away, and then lowered his voice to add a sentence after that sentence.

  ”By the way, don’t tell anyone about this… If you accidentally tell it, don’t say it came from me.”

  Looking at this guy, Debt Big Eyes and the construction site boy and brick were shocked.



  Is this okay? !

  But to be honest, when they first heard this number, they were really scared…


  Just when the two of them were shocked by the secrets they accidentally heard, the train station next to the camp was in a noisy noise.

  The soldiers of the Xilan Empire were huddled together at the edge of the train station, and it seemed that something had happened.

  Hearing the report from his subordinates, Li Jinrong, who had just received the company, hurried over without stopping.

  After all, the survivors from all over the wasteland have different cultural backgrounds, and the customs formed over the past two hundred years are also different, so friction is inevitable.

  Although the manager specifically told him to be careful about the guys coming from the Borneo Province, he never expected that something would go wrong on the first day.

  After arriving at the scene, he quickly found the guy who was yelling and yelling about making trouble for the train conductor.

  ”I am the person in charge here, Li Jinrong, the head of the Southern Construction Corps. May I ask who you are?”

  The tall man raised his nose and stretched out his right hand.

  ”Babbita, the horse tribe, the baron, and the commander of the Xilan Expeditionary Force!”

  Ignoring the long list of titles, Li Jinrong stared at him and asked seriously.

  ”So General Babita, do you have any questions?”

  ”What’s the problem?” Babita shouted angrily, “I can’t find my men! You ask me what’s the problem!”

  ”Can’t…can’t find your men?”

  Li Jinrong was stunned for a moment, then looked at the huge group of soldiers behind him, and said with a strange expression, “Aren’t they here?”

  Seeing that he was still playing dumb, Babita was even more furious and said angrily.

  ”Not only that! There are 30,000 people in total! But several trains have arrived, and I counted again and again, and there are only two 10,000-man teams! You lost our people!”

  Li Jinrong almost vomited blood.

  ”How could they be lost?”

  ”Who knows! They were on your train! You were supposed to be responsible for the logistics! But now they are missing, don’t you have any responsibility?”

  Babita seemed to feel that this sentence was not powerful enough, and shouted again.

  ”We spent money!”

  This is true.

  The Alliance did not help them with the logistics out of their own pockets, but just sold them the transportation capacity and resources in the form of currency at a cheap price.

  Losing a whole 10,000 people…

  This is indeed a big deal.

  If 10,000 refugees who have received military training suddenly appeared in the Alliance, it would be a big problem even if they did not carry guns when they were on the train.

  Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Li Jinrong’s face gradually changed. He did not dare to delay, but asked this guy to wait for a while, and he went to the communication room of the railway station.

  Before investigating where those people were lost, he had to find out the numbers of the trains that transported those soldiers and which stations they stopped at…

  At the same time, thousands of kilometers away.

  In front of the pleasant French Fry Harbor, cargo ships were floating on the sea, and a group of soldiers with sweat on their foreheads were looking at the shore blankly.

  The officer standing at the stern swallowed his saliva.

  He looked at the people on the shore who were waiting in full battle array, and then he looked at the adjutant standing beside him in confusion, swallowed his saliva and asked.


  ”Did we get on the wrong ship?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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