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Chapter 732: Now that you are here, you can stay and work

Chapter 732: Now that you are here, you can stay and work


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 732 Since you are here, you should stay and work.

  ”Survivor Daily”

  [Yesterday, the survivor forces of enterprises, colleges, legions and other parties completed the meeting at the Weifu Military Base in the southern part of the alliance. The commanders of all parties discussed the specific combat plan and their respective tasks.

  In an interview, Chu Guang, the manager of the coalition, said that the sticky community will go all out in the fight against the enemies of civilization, and at all costs, let those beasts who have committed numerous crimes pay the price they deserve! ]

  A hotel in the north of Shuguang City.

  Flipping the newspaper in his hand again and again, Duke Galawa raised his eyebrows with displeasure.

  The headlines did not mention the Xilan Empire at all, which made him feel a little bit disrespected.

  ”These rats in the gutter will play tricks on some trivial issues.”

  With a sarcastic remark, Duke Galawa threw the newspaper aside.

  Just at this time, the waiter came up with a plate and placed a plate of curry omelet rice in front of him.

  The rising heat was mixed with an alluring aroma. Galawa took a deep sniff and couldn’t help but grab the spoon beside him. There are

  indeed many kinds of food in Dawn City. If you spend time looking for them, you can even eat different things 365 days a year.

  This is the dish that is most like the food of his hometown. Although it lacks some rich taste, the fragrant and salty taste is paired with baked soft eggs and distinct rice. It is simply a must!

  Galawa reluctantly admitted that in addition to beans and cakes, there are other ingredients that can be paired with the spices of Borneo Province.

  Looking at the Duke who vented his unhappiness on lunch, Niyang, who was standing next to him, saw the regret between his eyebrows at a glance and whispered respectfully.

  ”My lord, maybe there will be news about us in other newspapers. Do you need me to buy it for you?”

  Galawa, who was busy eating, was moved in his heart and was about to ask him to buy it, but suddenly remembered the doctor’s advice and shook his head with lingering fear.

  ”Forget it… I don’t want to read it.”

  Seeing that the Duke suddenly got the idea, Ni Yang felt a little disappointed and secretly said what a pity.

  Compared with the “Survivor Daily”, the headline of today’s “Goblin Observer” is really explosive…


  ”Goblin Observer”

  [Shocked! Thirty thousand people went to the front line, but a full ten thousand were lost! The fierce general of the Xilan Empire, Babita Wanfu, was furious. He shouted “Where are my people?” and scolded the train conductor in front of the battle! ]


  ”Where is my steel???”

  French Fry Port.

  Standing on the dock of the Light Industrial Zone, Fang Chang looked at the delivery note in his hand, and then looked at the piled cargo ships, and he was dumbfounded.

  Two weeks ago, when he was still in Jingalon Port, he ordered 10,000 tons of overproduced steel through a Weilant broker at an ultra-low price 50% lower than the market price.

  According to the other party, these steels are all crude steel that has not been shaped and processed. There is no need to worry about the quality. They are all produced according to the casting standards of the Weilant people.

  Whether it is rolled into T-shaped steel for construction, or mixed with other things to make high-end alloys, it is very useful.

  Although there are steel mills in King Gallon Port, the production capacity is basically spent on local infrastructure projects and infrastructure projects in French Fries Port, and the orders are already too many to be arranged.

  After signing this unexpected surprise, Fang Chang immediately arranged them to Anle Island, intending to let the submarine factory and technicians there help him to solve the “submarine mother” brain hole that he and his good brothers discussed on the forum before.

  According to the contract, the two parties completed the delivery of goods at French Fries Port. Today, the other party should deliver 5,000 tons of steel bars to him, and he should also pay 40% of the payment.

  Worried that cheap goods are not good, he ran over from King Gallon Port to take a look.

  Unexpectedly, it was not steel bars that came, but more than 10,000 soldiers? !

  If these people had not behaved in a restrained manner, he almost suspected that these guys had not learned their lesson and were going to repeat their old tricks.

  The man standing at the bow was also embarrassed. He was sure that he had boarded the wrong ship.

  But it was impossible to expect him to admit his mistake.

  In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, he cleared his throat and introduced himself.

  ”I am Isael, a horseman, a baron… the commander of the 30,000-man expeditionary force.”

  Fang Chang stared at him intently: “I don’t care what you are, I just want to know why you are here! And where is my steel!”

  Isael was stunned and looked at him in confusion. His expression clearly showed that he didn’t know about the transaction.

  ”What steel?”

  ”Steel! The steel I bought with those big-nosed guys!” Fang Chang took a deep breath, quickly calmed down, looked at him and asked, “Where is your captain? Find him!” It

  was meaningless to discuss who was responsible now. The problem had to be solved as soon as possible.

  Soon the captain was brought out.

  To be precise, he was dragged out by a group of soldiers holding his arms.

  Looking at the murderous Fang Chang and General Isael, the captain of the rat tribe was so anxious that he almost cried.

  ”My lord… I don’t know either! The Weilantes told me not to ask anything, not to look at anything, and just wait until the ship is full and sail along the route. Then the next day, these people rushed up and urged me to sail quickly. I couldn’t contact the person who arranged the flight for me, so I… I had to sail.”

  Isael was embarrassed and kicked the guy in the ass.

  ”Why didn’t you tell me that we were going to French Fries Port?”

  The captain said with a tearful face.

  ”How dare I ask a question with your attitude?”

  Looking at the two people on the deck, Fang Chang was dumbfounded.

  So his steel was not sent to Silver Moon Bay or Golden Gallon Port, but was not loaded at all? !

  ”… Didn’t you realize that this is a cargo ship?”

  Isael looked at him in confusion.

  ”What’s the difference?”

  Fang Chang was speechless for a while, but soon thought that several gunboats of the Xilan Empire Navy were converted from cargo ships, and the previous raid on French Fries Port used civilian ships, and his expression became helpless again.

  Good fellow…

  He had not expected such a novel way of holding back, because there were so many points to complain about, he didn’t even know how to complain.

  He estimated that the Willant who sold him the goods probably didn’t expect that the cargo ship he arranged didn’t deliver the steel, but sent the expeditionary army…

  Seeing that the “person in charge” of this port was speechless, Iser coughed and continued.

  ”Excuse me, how far is it from here to Jinchuan Province?”

  Fang Chang pinched his brows and said with a headache.

  ”Not far, Shifeng Mountain is just a little east of the south of Baiyue Province. It’s less than 1,000 kilometers from here.”

  Isel was delighted when he heard this.

  ”That’s great–”

  Before he could finish, Fang Chang couldn’t help but spray.

  ”What a hammer! Are you going to walk through here with your two legs? You won’t be able to walk even after the war is over!”

  Of course, the greater possibility is to die in this forest.

  Even if the French Fry Port has successfully stood on this land, the radius of the player’s activity area is unlikely to exceed 50 kilometers. Without a stable supply line, you can’t go too far, unless you don’t plan to come back from the beginning.

  After thinking for a moment, Fang Chang looked at the captain and said.

  ”Wait for me on the sea. I will discuss with others how to solve the problem… Drive a little further out, don’t block the dock yet.”

  ”Wait, please wait a moment!” Seeing Fang Chang turning back and walking out of the dock, Iser, who was standing on the deck, hurriedly called him and said with difficulty, “We are running out of food. Can you… lend us some?”

  Fang Chang’s brows twitched.

  ”…Wait here.”

  … ”

  Wasteland OL” forum.

  Fang Chang brought what happened in French Fries Port back to the forum, and the mystery of the collective disappearance of the 30,000th team of the Xilan Empire Expeditionary Force was finally solved.

  Edge paddling: “Good man… It’s ridiculous that they can get lost.”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Hahaha! I’m laughing to death, today’s headlines are here!”

  Fang Chang: “Okay… don’t worry about the headlines for now, Steel, I will urge that Willant merchant again, if not, I will go to Xifan Port myself. The question now is, what to do with these people? You guys can also give some ideas.”

  Kuangfeng: “It’s pretty awesome to be able to make you speechless. (Squinting smile)”

  Debt Big Eyes: “Just let them stay on the South Line, they are here anyway, and seeing that group of people are equipped with the same equipment as the clones, I feel that they will just make up the numbers on the North Line. (Funny)”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “+1, the North Line currently belongs to It’s like a fight between gods. 20 of the Cloud Tingtung flapping-wing aircraft were grounded. We can’t even transport the ammunition. Now we have to repair the airport. Fortunately, the 500 Death Claws we raised are still useful, otherwise they would have become useless.”

  Commander of the Spring: “Aren’t you planning to land from the Death Coast? Let Lao Bai and Brother Chicken teach them a lesson. (Laughing)”

  Lao Bai: “Their foundation is a bit poor. I’m afraid we have to start teaching them from eating.” (Laughing and crying)”

  Midnight Killer Chicken: “I am against letting them go ashore. They are soldiers of the Empire. They have previous criminal records. No one can guarantee their safety.”

  Sisi: “+1, our port has many Moon Tribe people living there. They were slaves freed from Golden Gallon Port before. The Empire does not recognize their status as free people. If they are allowed to go ashore, friction is inevitable.”

  Aoao Zhimahu: “Well… it’s not impossible if they give up their status as imperial soldiers. Doesn’t French Fries Port need a lot of people to work?”

  Sisi: “That’s unrealistic… and even if we need labor, there’s no need to look for the slave owners’ accomplices. Golden Gallon Port has so many better laborers who want to come.”

  Ye Shi: “It seems that the Alliance needs to set up customs and immigration offices. In the past, There have never been so many people at once. (Funny)”

  Irena: “+1, the game will be dead without new players, but it’s not always a good thing if new players increase too quickly. When the free week comes for major multiplayer online games, the server environment will deteriorate at a visible speed, just like changing the game. (Funny)”

  Tail: “Oh! That’s true, but it’s too pitiful to send them to the front line as cannon fodder. How about setting up another settlement on the south bank? How about letting them train while opening up the wasteland? _(:з」∠)_”

  Fang Chang: “It’s not cost-effective. Just maintaining the port on the north bank consumes a lot of our ammunition. As for training… I guess even if they are trained, they will hardly be useful in that state. ”

  The feudal lord’s army can only have a little fighting morale when their hometown has been bombarded with gold coins, but the scope is limited to local operations.

  This is completely different from cultural concepts, bloodline ethnicity, and belief traditions. As long as it can be said that specific belief traditions and cultural concepts can reduce this debuff. For example, the restoration army of the Honey Badger Kingdom is an example. They are united from top to bottom. Even after their hometown was bombed, they were able to establish an exiled government. The princess was even willing to marry a “pagan” in order to restore her country. However, it was a different situation in the Lion Kingdom. The serfs in the occupied areas were looking forward to the royal army’s action, and the royal army was looking forward to the alliance’s action. As

  for the Borneo Province, objectively speaking, they used two hundred years of self-justifying the theory of a thousand tribes and a thousand gods to divide the contradictions and consolidate the authority of the royal family, but it also brought greater problems.

  Fang Chang has no hope of training them into a capable army. This is not something that can be changed in a few months.

  Tail: “Then just open up the wasteland without training! (`ω)”

  Midnight Kill Chicken: “What about the ammunition expenses for maintaining the settlement? ”

  Sisi:”I heard that Dawn City is upgrading its industries again recently. The latest ammunition production line completed at the B7-level processing center has been assembled there and is ready to replace the original production line…why don’t we buy it and ship it to Golden Gallon Port, process the bullets there and send them to the Baiyue Strait, which should save some costs.”

  Lao Bai:”That’s a good idea…what about after the war is over and the expeditionary force withdraws? I’m afraid ten thousand vacant jobs will be a problem.”

  Sisi:”It should be no problem to introduce some population from Golden Gallon Port. After the infrastructure there is completed, a lot of labor will be freed up. We can use this new port as a buffer zone for the introduction of population to French Fries Port. ”

  There are also large tracts of undeveloped land on the south bank of the Baiyue Strait that can be reclaimed.

  And compared with the rugged terrain of the north bank, the land on the south bank is flatter, suitable for planning into large plantations and farmland to produce tropical cash crops.

  It is a good choice to let the Jungle Corps be responsible for expelling the alien species on the shore, and then let those expeditionary soldiers who have gone the wrong way go there to reclaim the land.

  Anyway, sending them to the battlefield will probably be a drag, so letting them pretend to shoot and practice every now and then will be enough to show their intention.

  Fang Chang: “Then the question is, what’s the name of the new settlement?”

  Irena: “We already have a French Fries Port, how about a Coke Port. (Funny)”

  Ye Shi: “If you keep doing this, the alliance map will become a recipe in the future. (Funny)”

  Macabazi: “Hahahaha fuck! ”


  At this moment, General Iser didn’t know that the fate of him and his cannon fodder had been clearly arranged in another world.

  But thanks to this, they also accidentally embarked on a completely different path of destiny.

  The northern line.

  On the third day after the arrival of the coalition forces,

  a bloody battle had just begun on the second peak of the Ten Peaks Mountain, Black Cloud Peak.

  It seemed that seeing the Alliance’s Death Corps taking Fushan so smoothly, the Willant people who came from afar couldn’t wait to show off their skills to their allies.

  The commander of the Legion, Lium Wanfu, almost “robbed” the commanders of the Academy and the Enterprise to seize the task of fighting for Black Cloud Peak at the combat meeting.

  Thanks to the help of his old friend, Babita, the commander of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, also took advantage of it and sent a thousand-man team to serve as a feint attack – in other words, a substitute. After all

  , the winding mountain road of the Ten Peaks Mountain is so wide that the battlefield can only accommodate one or two battalions of troops at most.

  If nothing unexpected happens, the Legion will send the Glorious Army first and put the main force on the main battlefield after the Ten Peaks Mountain.

  As expected by Babita, the Glorious Army of the Legion gathered at the foot of Fushan Mountain early in the morning, led up the mountain by a team of Willant officers.

  At ten o’clock in the morning, the “Bison” walker raised its 200mm gun and poured shells that could fill five train carriages at the top of the Black Cloud Peak like spitting!

  Dense flames exploded on the towering mountain and on the left and right, burning the trees on the hillside and shaking off the clouds and mists entangled in the mountains.

  At the same time after the bombardment ended, a thousand-man team of the Glorious Army gathered on the top of Fushan Mountain launched a charge with rippers amid deafening roars.

  They stopped along the narrow mountain road and relied on the rugged rocks to engage in fierce exchanges of fire with the mutants.

  Sitting on the bridge, Lium, while eating ice cream, overlooked the battlefield where shouts and killings filled the mountains and plains, with a faint smile on his face.

  Suddenly, he turned his head slightly and asked the adjutant beside him.

  ”By the way, how long did it take the Alliance to take Fushan?”

  The adjutant standing beside him said respectfully.

  ”I remember it was before dusk.”

  Lium nodded, glanced at the mechanical watch on his left wrist, then leaned back comfortably on the chair, with his right leg resting on the knee of his left leg.

  ”It seems that the battle can be over before noon. I plan to go downstairs for dinner later… I heard that the cooks of the Alliance are good. You went there yesterday to eat. Do you have any recommended dishes in the canteen in the camp?”

  The adjutant was slightly stunned and hesitated for a moment.

  ”The pig’s trotter rice I had yesterday was good.”

  It tasted really good.

  In Triumph City, pig’s trotters are usually roasted or smoked in wooden boxes. This is the first time he has seen such a pig’s trotter that is softer than bread when bitten, and it feels a bit like jelly.

  Lium said with a smile.

  ”Let’s go and try it together later.”

  Not only Lium didn’t take the group of mutants seriously, but Babita, who was commanding the front line, did the same.

  However, unlike the Weyland people who have seen many mutants, Babita’s confidence comes from the fact that he has never seen such green-skinned things.

  Based on the rumors he had heard along the way, he thought that group of guys were just a bunch of unevolved savages. Only

  beggars in the wasteland could fight with them for three hundred rounds. The province of Boro was not a wasteland at all. If he were to go on the field, he could kill those noobs in a few minutes.

  However, it was probably not necessary for his men to go on the field in this battle, as the Weylants had already taken action.

  Just when Babita thought that this battle was just a formality to go to the front line and then go back, the development of the matter was beyond his expectations.

  The clone soldiers who rushed to the mountain were actually deadlocked with the group of unevolved savages!

  ”… Damn it.”

  Babita stared at the group of clones for a long time with a telescope, and seeing that the group of clones could not push up, he could not help but curse in a low voice.

  ”What are those Weylants dawdling about…”

  He had never fought in a mountain battle, but at least he could understand the battle line. Even if his eyes were not always accurate, the basic skills of “listening to the gunshots to judge the distance between the front and the rear” were impeccable.

  In a blink of an eye, the two hundred-man teams were wiped out.

  The wounded Weilant officers were carried down the mountain by the medical soldiers, and those green-skinned guys kept popping up, and even seemed to be getting braver and braver.

  Looking at the tragic battle, Babita’s palms were sweating.

  If his old friends didn’t use all their strength, they would be pushed down the mountain!

  Babita was not the only one who was stunned. The players standing on the top of Busan Mountain were also dumbfounded.

  The previous round of bombardment was so lively that they even opened a bet on how long it would take for the big-nosed guys to plant the flag on the top of the mountain.

  The result was shocking. The group of mutants who were bombarded were like nothing happened, and they beat the clone cannon fodder who rushed to the middle of the mountain.

  Debt Big Eyes swallowed his saliva and complained in amazement.

  ”Good guy… They used artillery shells to wash the entire mountaintop, and they can still fight like this?”

  Did the mutants also open fire?

  The young man holding the telescope frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

  ”There is something wrong with those guys.”


  Bianbianhuashui nodded, his face solemn, “It is indeed different from what we encountered when we first came here.”

  They killed half of the greenskins with one shot, and the remaining half were killed in one round of charge.

  When pushing to the top of the mountain, they did encounter some resistance, but it was only a little.

  Seeing that the friendly position was crumbling, Babita could no longer sit still and hurriedly urged the centurion beside him to launch an attack.

  ”Take your people and charge up! Quick!”


  The centurion did not dare to neglect it, and hurriedly called his men to kill more than a thousand people.

  The mountain looked right in front of him, and it seemed that there was nothing big. However, when he really approached the front line, he found that the situation here was far from as simple as General Babita thought.

  The towering mountain was like an insurmountable cliff. There was nothing that could be called a road. There was only a narrow path that barely led to the top of the mountain.

  It was impossible to bypass the mountain. There were steep cliffs on both sides of the mountain, and further away was a mountain without a name. The situation there was even worse than here.

  Their soldiers could only climb up while grabbing the rocks on both sides of the mountain road. While firing at the enemy, they had to be careful not to be hit by the bodies of their teammates.

  On the other hand, their opponents, the mutants, fired at them from a high position.

  Some short goblins would suddenly jump out from behind the bunkers, holding stones, daggers, or even explosive packs, to give them a “surprise”.

  In the past two weeks, the Death Corps had already experienced this kind of surprise, and they were not surprised to see it.

  However, these guys from the province of Borneo saw such a vicious thing for the first time.

  The glorious army of the Weyland people finally advanced to the middle of the mountain before their offensive was blocked, and their morale was close to collapse before they even touched the buttocks of their friendly forces.

  No matter how General Babita yelled and scolded in the back, he could not stop the rat soldiers who were frightened by the green-skinned giants and goblins.

  The battle lasted from morning to dusk, and the whole sky was dyed blood red.

  The bridge of the Loyalty airship.

  Lium stared at the silent mountain in amazement, his mouth wide open and speechless for a while. The

  popsicle stick that was originally in his hand had fallen to the ground early, but no one noticed it.

  Because he was not the only one who was stunned, everyone in the entire bridge was silent.

  A hungry “grunt” sound broke the silence in the bridge at an inopportune time.

  Seeing the hill that had not been taken until dusk, Lium’s face gradually turned red, and he suddenly punched the armrest of the chair in anger.

  A bunch of shameful trash!

  If he had known earlier, he would have let General Modlin go!

  ”Prepare the bow main gun! Aim at that hill!”

  ”Bomb it for me!!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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