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Chapter 734: The Empire in Action and the Utopia City’s “Ganbu”

Chapter 734: The Empire in Action and the Utopia City’s “Ganbu”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 734 The Empire “Opening” and the “Eat Buckets” of Ideal City

  ”The potatoes are all gone.”



  ”Damn Enterprise.”

  ”Ideal City, you are an eater.”

  ”The barbecue rice is good, I recommend it.”

  ”Try it.”


  ”It’s really good.”

  ”Not bad!”

  ”Really good.”




  At the entrance of the cafeteria.

  Seeing the Alphas who were busy eating, a group of soldiers from the 100th Mountain Division were dumbfounded.

  ”Good guy, one person eats three bowls?!”

  ”Are these guys all pigs?!”

  Seeing these guys wolfing down their food, a young man couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

  ”What the hell smells so good?”

  While he was still hesitating, the young men next to him had already come up eagerly.

  ”Try a bowl…”

  ”I’ll have a bowl too.”

  ”Wait for me!”

  Soon, a long line formed in front of the food pick-up point.

  People from the Free State and other settlements saw the people from Ideal City queuing there, and followed behind to join in the fun.

  As we all know, the food in Ideal City is the best. If the residents of Ideal City line up for it, it must be delicious. No matter

  how many dishes the canteen prepares in advance, it can’t withstand tens of thousands of people ordering those few dishes.

  Just like that, under the trend of an inexplicable trend, the crowd finished a large plate of barbecue in a short time.

  Those who got the rice ate it with relish, and the rest of the people were swallowing their saliva.

  A group of people just waited like this.

  Some people who couldn’t wait ordered something else to fill their stomachs, and found that the taste was unexpectedly good, so they looked forward to the signature dish that was sold out in seconds.

  Today’s victim is cumin-flavored barbecue rice.

  But surprisingly, it’s not the barbecue that’s out of stock, but the barbecue sauce and cumin for the rice…


  Eat, eat, eat, you bunch of gluttons only know how to eat all day! What else can you do besides eating!”

  A row of depressed and dusty soldiers stood in the open space outside the military base.

  Several rat people wanted to speak but didn’t dare to, so they could only hang their heads and remain silent.

  What the commander said was all right.

  They themselves felt that they were not good at fighting, so they could scold them.

  But the problem was that they didn’t eat either!

  The meal cards of the gluttons in Ideal City were worth 3,000 silver coins, while their meal cards only had 100 silver coins.

  The reason why there was 100 was because there was a minimum recharge threshold for opening a card, and

  it couldn’t be done if it was lower than this number. Thank God for this threshold, otherwise they had no doubt that General Babita would not even give them 100 silver coins.

  There was no red soil to eat here, and there was not even a village to rob. The horsemen who rode horses to sell goods looked much better than them…

  Seeing these guys’ useless appearance, General Babita was so angry that he wanted to pull off the belt attached to his belly and whip them twice.

  These people were all under the command of Captain Modrick, that is, the guys who escaped from the battlefield yesterday.

  However, what made him angry was not entirely the cowardice of these guys that killed Captain Modrick, but another thing that happened yesterday.

  At that time, he was having a meal in the canteen of the military camp, and happened to see the commander of the airship of the legion, General Lium.

  Based on the position that both sides were allies, he immediately came up with a plate, and wanted to say hello with a smile, but he was scolded before he sat down.

  ”It’s really useless. Is this what the idiot McLen taught you? Shameful stuff! It’s better not to go up! I can kill more people with one cannon than you can in half an hour! Bah, you haven’t lasted half an hour, and you are not as good as my clones!”

  The guy’s voice was so loud that the whole cafeteria could hear him.

  Babita’s face turned pale and blue when he was blamed for no reason.

  Although this guy scolded McLen, he still felt aggrieved.

  He didn’t even blame this guy for throwing the shells on the head of the centurion Modrick who had not had time to retreat.

  However, the Weilantes were friends of His Majesty, so he didn’t dare to talk back. Under the gaze of the crowd, he walked away dejectedly with the plate in his hand.

  There was no other way.

  After being upset outside, he could only vent his anger on his own people.

  After roaring for a long time, General Babita took two breaths, unscrewed the bottle cap and drank a sip of water, and cursed again.

  ”…What a bunch of trash! Rats are still rats. It’s unrealistic to expect you to win a battle. It’s better to grow something here to save some food!”

  He waved his index finger, shook his head and turned away. Seeing this,

  the officer standing next to him hurriedly stepped forward, took his place, stood in front of the group of rat soldiers, and shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”From today on! I am your centurion Kumar! Since you can’t be a good soldier, then return your guns to His Majesty and go to farm! This wasteland under your feet is your mission. I need you to turn this land over and plant cabbage and potatoes here! This is your last chance to prove that you are still useful!”

  Hundreds of soldiers heard this, looked at each other, exchanged confused glances, and were at a loss for a moment.


  Are you kidding?

  They are here to fight, not to be farmers.

  But Babita was obviously not kidding them. He walked to a rented truck and waved.

  A dozen soldiers next to him immediately jumped on the truck and dragged down the bundles of sacks containing hoes and shovels. Soon, they piled up a small mountain on the ground.

  This guy was obviously prepared and even bought tools for turning the soil.

  But looking at the old appearance, it is probably second-hand goods discarded by some settlement.

  The centurion named Makur pointed to the shovel and spade on the ground and roared with full momentum.

  ”Each person has three acres of land! At least work half an acre today!”

  ”When will you finish the work? When will you go to eat?”


  Under the scolding of the centurion, a group of malnourished soldiers could only bite the bullet and start working with hoes.

  Most of them came from the western part of Borneo Province.

  There were noble manors and farms everywhere, and the people living there were either slaves or serfs. Even the few free people had worked in the nobles’ plantations. That

  ’s why farming was not a difficult job for them, it was just a difference between rich and poor experience.

  Several players of the Death Corps looked at them from afar, all with strange expressions on their faces.

  ”…My goodness, has the Empire’s expeditionary army started?”

  Just lost a game and it was like this.

  Not that bad…

  Looking at the surprised faces of the construction site boy and brick, Debt Eyes touched his chin and looked thoughtful, and spoke after a moment.

  ”I think this is not a bad thing.”

  The construction site boy and brick looked at him blankly.


  Debt Eyes looked at him meaningfully.

  ”If you are on the front line now, and these guys are behind you, do you think it is better to have them or not?”

  The young man and the brick thought for a while, and then suddenly exclaimed “Fuck”.

  It seems to make sense!

  Compared with a bunch of unreliable guys standing behind him, he would rather face the mutants alone.

  Just as the two were talking, a familiar strange laugh came from behind.

  ”Haha, I knew it would be like this! So I have solved this problem for you!”

  Hearing this voice, the two turned around and saw that it was Mosquito.


  ”Aren’t you on the south line? Why are you here?”

  Hooking his arms around the shoulders of the two and patting them, Mosquito looked up at the imperial soldiers waving hoes, and said with a grin.

  ”I’m just wandering around… Hehe, by the way, I came here to expand the business, respond to the call of the manager, and make some extra money.”

  The latter is the key.

  It’s good for ordinary players to be able to fully understand the benefits of one line, but a high-level player like him is naturally not satisfied with the benefits of one line.

  The boy and the brick on the construction site: “Good fellow, haven’t you made enough money from the Thunder plane?”

  Mosquito waved his hand and sighed.

  ”That doesn’t make much money… Damn, the big money was taken by the reverse design institute, and we only make a small part.”

  Seeing that this guy deserved a beating, Debt Eyes couldn’t help but complain.

  ”Be content, what else have you come up with besides a brain hole?”

  Mosquito rolled his eyes: “Do you think it’s free to run a factory? Do you think the production line fell from the sky? There are also those that were ruined. The successful one is called Thunder, and the unsuccessful one doesn’t even have an official number.”

  In order to make the vertical take-off and landing plasma engine fighter, his brother Luoyu didn’t know how many times he fell to his death.

  That was really miserable.

  However, he was just talking about making too little money, and he didn’t really complain.

  After all, if it was really an unprofitable business, he wouldn’t do it. At most, he would burn money for a ticket and then stop.

  Moreover, only when the scientific expedition team makes money can they give money to the players who do the ruins recycling mission, unlock more technology, and form a virtuous production and research cycle.

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “Stop talking nonsense. What business have you set your sights on? Tell me.”

  The debt-ridden big-eyed man who came back to his senses also asked curiously: “Yes, I almost forgot because you interrupted me. What problem did you just say you helped us solve? What was it?”

  Mosquito squinted and smiled, pointing at the truck in the distance.

  ”I sold them those junk.”

  The two were shocked when they heard it.

  ”What the hell?!”

  ”You are corrupting military discipline!”

  ”What do you mean by corrupting military discipline? You are worthy of being called an army just to make up the numbers? You can’t even beat goblins!” Mosquito rolled his eyes, “I’ll tie them here, you can just be happy.”

  Big Eyes and the construction site guy exchanged glances with strange expressions, thinking that it seemed to make sense.

  Although it seems a bit like a perverse logic.

  The young man and the brick said with some emotion: “But that Babel is really brave to buy…”

  Mosquito said with a smile.

  ”Why not? I didn’t sell them any broken ones, just some old things.”

  And this is only the first car, just for the deserters to use first, there are thousands of pieces on the train behind!

  This thing is sold by kilogram in Dawn City, and it is an obsolete thing like a sewing machine.

  Looking at the two people with surprised faces, Mosquito continued.

  ”I did some calculations with that guy. This war will last for at least a few months, and the food expenses will not be small. In this kind of one acre of land, the output in one season is at least 700 to 800 silver coins, right? One person reclaims three acres, and 20,000 people can at least reclaim 60,000 acres of land. That is a production value of tens of millions of silver coins! Is it a loss to spend hundreds of thousands of silver coins to buy some shovels? It’s really profitable, okay!” 60,000

  acres is 40 square kilometers, a 5×8 kilometer piece of land.

  The entire Weifu City is an uninhabited area, with tens of thousands of square kilometers of uninhabited land. It is not easy to find a piece of arable land along the upper reaches of the Wei River. It is only difficult to

  open up the land. At that time, I can sell more than a dozen earth-moving trucks and tractors to these guys.

  If they need it.

  However, the two people standing in front of him are concerned about another thing.

  ”The income from one acre of land in one season is so much? What a joke!”

  The construction site boy and the brick stared wide-eyed, and the debt big-eyed was the same, with an expression of disbelief on their faces.

  ”Ahem, ignoring fertilizers, pesticides and seeds, there are actually so many, maybe even more! I remember that the alliance’s subsidies for agriculture are basically in these three things, but this is not the point.”

  Mosquito smiled and continued.

  ”The point is that when they have reclaimed the land and are ready to start planting, I can still sell these three things to them, and then I can make a fortune!”

  As an export product sold abroad, there is naturally no subsidy.

  But he will not increase the price too much, and even sell it to them at a price slightly cheaper than the market.

  After all, people are not fools. They don’t have to buy from him. If it’s too expensive, they can buy from others.

  The boy and the brick on the construction site obviously thought of this, and muttered while touching his chin.

  ”Fertilizers, seeds and pesticides for tens of thousands of acres of land… Damn, that would cost millions of silver coins, right?”

  ”Millions? The profit is about the same.”

  Mosquito chuckled and continued slowly.

  ”It’s not over yet. When the crops grow in the fields, they have to find someone to sell them, right?”

  Debt Eyes was stunned for a moment.

  ”Can’t they sell it to the cafeteria?”

  Mosquito looked at him like an idiot.

  ”How is that possible! That’s the cafeteria of the military base, not the canteen at your doorstep! They have their own supply chain. I’m afraid the contract was signed before the seeds were planted. How could they buy something that was planted temporarily?”

  When he said this, a dagger gradually appeared on his face.

  ”I bet these idiots will not be able to sell it! Then I’ll give them a discount to take it away… Believe it or not, this kind of artificially cultivated ‘organic crops’ may be cheaper than the mass-produced goods imported from Luoxia Province.”

  In fact, in this way, General Babita can also make a little money.

  After all, its labor cost is about 0, which makes the rat people suffer.

  But it’s not completely hard. Working in the rear is much better than grinding meat on the front line.

  According to the post updated by Sisi on the official website, except for the central army directly under the province and the several armies built by the Weilants, the local troops controlled by the nobles in the province of Boro all implement feudal supply methods.

  That is, the emperor pays money and the generals spend money.

  Including the purchase of logistical materials and the payment of military pay, all are handled by the latter.

  Although the Empire’s expeditionary force has received training from the legion, it is too far away from the Empire’s logistics system after all, and the “infrastructure accessibility” of the production facilities is too low, and it can’t even be transported to Silver Moon Bay, so the old method of direct payment is still used.

  Mosquito has fully understood this point, otherwise he would not have taken a different approach to this fat sheep that looks like it has no oil but is actually fat and greasy when everyone is staring at the three companies of enterprises, legions, and colleges.

  Both of them stared at him with wide eyes.

  Good guy.

  What a professional…

  ”This dogecoin is too bad!” Debtor Big Eyes couldn’t help but sigh, “Hang it on the street lamp!”

  ”How can you talk like that?” Mosquito rolled his eyes at this guy, “If I don’t spend money for them, won’t they just put the money in their pockets and take it back? Is that appropriate!”

  The construction site boy and the brick didn’t want to listen, but just sighed like Big Eyes.

  ”It’s so bad!”

  Mosquito: “…@#%#!”

  At this moment, neither the rat soldiers who were busy swinging hoes nor the players who were watching the fun noticed that several soldiers from the Free States in the distance were also curiously looking at this side, whispering to each other.

  On the apron in the distance, four more killer whale transport planes landed with azure arcs of light.

  A group of strong men carrying large and small bags strode out of the cabin.

  They all wore exoskeletons painted in lime. The design of the humanoid equipment was obviously a product of Ideal City, but the dark color did not look as bright and beautiful as the “Vanguard I” exoskeleton of the 100th Mountain Division.

  General Modlin, who was smoking a cigarette beside the airport, glanced at these people and smiled slightly.

  ”It seems that there are some capable guys among the weaklings on the East Coast.”

  He was the captain of the 310,000th Squadron. He was the commander of the battle the day before yesterday. He had seen with his own eyes how difficult it was to deal with those green-skinned mutants and the goblins they raised.

  The Torch Church used the technology of the Prosperous Era to force the group of barbarians to a height that they could not reach. Even though it was not the first time for his subordinates to fight mutants, they still felt a little tired.

  It was precisely because of this that although the equipment of the 100th Mechanized Mountain Division was indeed good, he did not think highly of those good-for-nothings.

  If 10 points were the full score, the individual quality of those people was only 4 points at most.

  Because some details were too amateurish, he couldn’t help but suspect that those guys were not regular soldiers at all, but a group of new recruits who were forcibly pulled out to make up the numbers. They were not even as good as the wastelanders in the River Valley Province.

  However, these guys who just got off the plane looked like some soldiers.

  Perhaps these people are the real elite of the enterprise.

  ”They are mercenaries from Yunjian Province,” the adjutant standing next to him smiled, but there was a trace of sarcasm on his face that he did not agree with, “a group of guys who work for money.”

  ”No matter why they work for their lives, those who dare to fight are ruthless people,” Modlin threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stepped on it with his boots, and said calmly, “Don’t underestimate them.”

  Just as the group of soldiers walked towards the barracks, in the shooting range not far away, a group of young men from the 2nd Company of the 1st Battalion of the 100th Mountain Division were receiving the final training before going on the field.

  They held G9 assault rifles in their hands and fired at the green targets.

  Since they were equipped with the most advanced optical sights and their helmets were noise-reducing, they were all sharpshooters. Only one or two shots missed the target occasionally, and almost every shot hit the bull’s eye.

  However, the instructor who was walking behind them in a military green vest was obviously not satisfied with this result.

  His face was as black as iron, and he shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Pull yourself up!”

  ”Your opponents are mutants who eat people without spitting out bones! And they are the kind of green-skinned guys!”

  ”They are stronger, more patient, and more cruel than those scaly fishmen! If you fall into their hands, don’t think about paying the ransom and going home. It’s better to pray that they will kill you!”

  The group of young men had long been accustomed to the rough roar.

  But there were also some troublemakers who loved to show off. They emptied their magazines in advance and shouted.

  ”You’re right, sir! But we won’t fall into the hands of those idiots–”

  Before he could finish his words, he was kicked in the buttocks and fell on the table, almost falling over and into the shooting range.

  The instructor grabbed him by the back of the neck and lifted him in front of him like a chicken.

  ”Report before you speak!”

  ”Yes! Sir!”

  ”I told you to report!”

  ”Report! Report!”

  Looking at the trembling eyes, the instructor narrowed his eyes slightly.

  He was a soldier of the 26th Commando. He once followed the Cloud Team to follow the trail and signal of the Pioneer, and walked all the way from the Cloud Province to the Great Desert.

  Unlike those guys who signed up for the frontline after playing two rounds of “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds”, he had not only seen what the wasteland looked like, what the mutants looked like, but also what the unlucky guys who were killed by the mutants looked like.

  However, he did not say anything, but just gave the trembling guy a meaningful look, and then let go of the hand that was holding the man’s collar.

  Looking at the new recruits who stopped their actions and looked over here, he yelled at the top of his voice.

  ”What are you looking at me for! Stare at the thing in your hand! Stare at your target! Pray that it won’t move, and don’t piss yourself when you get to the frontline!”

  The foul-mouthed voice echoed in the training ground, and even the bang bang bang of the gun could not cover it.

  After the training, a group of people left the training ground in a crowd and rushed to the direction of the cafeteria.

  Although they were scolded, this little unpleasantness did not affect their appetite.

  ”Damn it… You’ve been scolding me for three months, and tomorrow I’m finally going to the front line!”

  ”Haha, my sword is thirsty!”

  ”I’ll show you the power of the P City Sniper God!”

  ”I don’t know if there’s anyone selling LD-47 here, that gun is powerful enough!”

  ”Indeed, the G9 assault rifle is too weak! It’s not even worthy of my exoskeleton!”

  ”I’ll borrow one from my brothers in the alliance later…”

  At the entrance of the training ground.

  Looking at the noisy guys, Bianbian Pashui looked at Su Ming standing aside in confusion, swallowed his saliva and asked.

  ”Are these guys…really okay?”

  Although most of them were also so noisy, it was because they wouldn’t really die.

  And considering the difficult three days, most people still showed their skills and fought seriously when they really fought.


  This group of NPCs is not.

  It’s more like they don’t know where they are going tomorrow and what they will see when they get there.

  Su Ming’s expression was a little embarrassed, and he coughed lightly and said.

  ”Don’t look at them like this… In fact, they have also trained in the recruit camp for three months, so they won’t be a drag.”

  Bianbian Huashui asked tentatively.

  ”… Virtual reality training ground?”

  Su Ming tried to explain.

  ”That only accounts for 50% of the training time… We also have live ammunition training and physical training.”

  Bianbian Huashui was stunned.


  It actually accounts for 50%!

  But let’s be honest.

  The board of directors is still good to these rookies. The bullets they fired today are almost more than what he fired in the two years before he changed his job to become a firefighter.

  Looking at the sophisticated equipment, Bianbian Huashui was somewhat envious, just like the young men in the company looked at him with envy.

  It’s good to have money…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode