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Chapter 735: Battle of Broken Blade Mountain!

Chapter 735: Battle of Broken Blade Mountain!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 735 Battle of Broken Blade Mountain!

  ”…This is Feihu, we have reached the target airspace!”

  ”Start working! I don’t want to miss today’s lunch. Damn, the gluttons in the Wandering Swamp are all like starving ghosts, have they never eaten meat?!”

  ”Haha! Maybe they really can’t eat it in their hometown!”

  ”The ‘wontons’ in the morning are good, I think it’s called this name-”

  ”Don’t interrupt, keep your eyes on your target.”


  On the west side of Broken Blade Mountain.

  Twelve Yunting flapping-wing aircraft vibrated their wings, carrying missiles hung on ammunition racks, and circled towards one side of the mountain with great momentum.

  At the same time, three infantry companies composed of mercenaries also completed their assembly and launched an offensive from the north.

  It was eight o’clock in the morning.

  In the hour before that, their friendly alliance had poured at least 500 155mm heavy grenades on the mountain, washing all the places that could be washed.

  As if they had anticipated the coming attack, the mutants on the mountain were already on full alert. They stared at the people below with fierce eyes, clenched their various weapons in their hands, and prepared to teach these ignorant humans a lesson.

  The same was true for the mercenaries below the mountain.

  They came here from the distant Yunjian Province just to slaughter these green-skinned people.

  For the qualification to live in the ideal city, and for the generous reward!

  The moment the two sides met eyes, sparks were visible to the naked eye.

  The mercenary leader: “Fire!” The

  mutant centurion: “Chop them up!”

  The two roars sounded almost at the same time, and dazzling sparks and flying tracers suddenly broke out between the cliffs.

  In the hail of bullets, a mercenary was hit in the chest by a large-caliber single-headed bullet. The bulletproof lining wrapped in blood plasma was instantly shattered all over the ground. Blood was oozing from his chest and mouth. He was dragged back to the back of the rock by his comrades by the collar.

  The mutant who fired the gun was quickly shot into a sieve by a burst of rifle bullets.

  However, until the last bullet drilled into his head, the guy was frantically stroking the shotgun in his hand and firing.

  The battle was about to break out!

  The fighting almost immediately entered a white-hot stage!

  More and more mutants poured out of the bunkers and exchanged fire with the mercenaries who launched an offensive against the mountain.

  People kept falling down, including mutants and soldiers wearing exoskeletons.

  The scene was extremely chaotic.

  The noisy gunshots and shouts mixed together, ups and downs in the mountain stream.

  The offensive of the mercenaries was in a stalemate for a while, and they were about to fall behind.

  At this moment, missiles carrying metal hydrogen warheads suddenly fell from the sky, and without warning, orange-red flames exploded in the mountains!

  The burning flames were like magma that suddenly burst out, and countless goblins were blown away!

  And those big green-skinned guys were blown into pieces of meat before they could even scream.

  The Yunting flapping-wing aircraft hovering along the mountain continued to fire. The co-pilot’s index finger was almost welded to the trigger. Under the guidance of the infantry, they continued to tilt rockets and machine guns, harvesting hundreds of lives in a blink of an eye.

  ”Well done!”

  Looking at the road opened by the flames, the mercenaries lying behind the bunker shouted excitedly to the sky, and then led the team behind them to kill on the winding slope with high morale.

  Following them, there were more than 20 “Hellhound” unmanned vehicles. Facing

  the continuous rain of bullets, those green guys were no match at all. The rugged rocks were covered with broken limbs and scorched blood.

  Under the cover of the Yunting flapping-wing aircraft, the mercenaries who attacked the top of the mountain were unstoppable and soon reached the halfway point of the mountain.

  On the Black Cloud Peak not far away, the young men of the 1st Regiment of the 100th Mechanized Mountain Division were so excited that they were ready to go forward to reinforce.

  ”Sir, when are we going to go?” A soldier wearing an exoskeleton walked to the side of the commander and asked in high spirits.

  His name is Tang Feng. The reason why he joined the army is, on the one hand, to fight for the fate of mankind, but more because of the recruitment advertisement on the endpoint cloud that said “fight for the fate of mankind”.

  The commander glanced at him, then looked at the towering mountain in the distance, and said simply.

  ”Wait until I let you go.”

  Hearing this nonsense, the people who were originally eager to try were suddenly disappointed.

  They have all arrived at the front line, but they can only watch the friendly forces show off in front.

  At the same time, the situation on the front line has changed.

  It seems that the ammunition has been used up, and the two attack formations composed of Yunting flapping-wing aircraft began to return.

  At the same time, the mutant army, which had been in a slump, suddenly started to move forward as if they had taken drugs.

  Especially among those big green-skinned guys, some different things began to appear.

  Even if their heads were pierced, they would not die immediately, but would rush up like crazy, even more dangerous than before their heads were blown up!

  Caught off guard, many mercenaries were grabbed by the head and beaten by the crazy greenskins, and their exoskeletons and bones were beaten into pieces. They were even eaten alive and their throats were bitten off, and half of their faces were torn off.

  Everyone was frightened by this fierce fighting style. They couldn’t die even if they were shot in the head, and they wouldn’t die even if they were shot through the heart. They were not afraid of fire suppression at all. For a while, almost everyone didn’t know what to do. What’s more

  terrible is that these “little cockroaches” with extraordinary vitality look no different from other mutants in appearance.

  They are like mines buried in the crowd, which will explode at a touch, and every “explosion” will cause great trouble to the attacking troops.

  But these mutants would not give them time to breathe. Seeing the humans showing signs of decline, they immediately howled and rushed forward, and their offensive became more and more fierce.

  The three mercenary companies that attacked halfway up the mountain immediately fell into a bitter battle. In a blink of an eye, one company was crippled and had to withdraw from the front line that was like a meat grinder.

  In the command room.

  Looking at the aerial images on the holographic screen, Lin Shangwen, the commander of the 100th Mountain Division, frowned, his face full of solemnity.

  That was the picture taken by the belly camera of the “Seagull” fixed-wing drone.

  At this moment, the drone was hovering 500 meters above Broken Blade Mountain. At the same time, this was the only close-range support that the front-line troops could still use.

  The Chief of Staff Yunsong standing next to him also had a solemn expression on his face. He thought for a moment and then spoke.

  ”There are still eight tactical missiles left. Cover their retreat.”

  As the former captain of the 26th Commando, he knew very well how difficult it was to deal with mutants.

  Most people would lose more than half of their combat effectiveness after being shot, but these guys would fight more and more bravely after being shot until they died.

  Moreover, these greenskins were obviously different from other greenskins. It is

  possible that the Torch Church has not only improved their prosthetics, but also their biology.

  Commander Lin nodded, but he hesitated when he thought of the mocking expression of the Willant people.


  ”You have to choose one, whether to face the ‘pressure’ from Triumph City or the pressure from Ideal City.”

  After a pause, Yunsong continued.

  ”Even if they are just mercenaries, we can’t really let them all die there.”

  Hearing this, Lin Shangwen no longer hesitated, looked at the adjutant beside him and gave an order.

  ”Tell the mercenaries on the front to retreat.”

  ”Also tell them that if they want to get their full reward, they must bring me at least one mutant corpse!”

  The adjutant immediately saluted.



  As the order to retreat was delivered to the front, the mercenaries who were fighting bloody battles finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  The only two remaining companies took turns to cover and retreated in an orderly manner along the narrow and winding mountain road.

  On the Black Cloud Mountain not far away, Midnight, who was carrying an umbrella but no knife, widened his eyes and said in surprise.

  ”The people from the Enterprise actually retreated?”

  Wasn’t the round of shelling in the morning in vain?

  At this time, [Sleepy When I Wake Up], who was standing aside, muttered while touching his tactical helmet.

  ”By the way, what are mutants? New monsters?”

  Upon hearing that a new monster had appeared, the outlaw immediately looked at him and asked curiously.

  ”What the hell? What did you take?”

  He didn’t say anything after waking up. He just uploaded what he had just taken with the quadcopter to the VM and showed it to a few brothers who came over curiously.

  In the video, a mutant with half of his head missing rushed out from behind a rock mass, waving his axe, picking up an unlucky guy and then rushing to the other soldiers behind him.

  A group of corporate soldiers fired at it crazily, but the guy seemed to have no feeling until he was shot into a honeycomb and fell to the ground.

  After watching the video to the end, the players surrounding the VM couldn’t help swallowing their saliva.

  Good guy…

  Is this a slime mold possession? !

  At the same time, the battle on the front line continued.

  Seeing that the troops who attacked the halfway point of the mountain began to retreat, the mutants on the mountain naturally did not want to let these guys go. All kinds of long guns and short guns were dragged out of the cave and greeted these human things.

  But at this moment, a thin white smoke suddenly fell from the sky and hit a cave entrance halfway up the mountain.

  Several goblins who were struggling to carry the shells screamed and turned into a pile of minced meat and blood in the flames of the explosion. The green-skinned big guy carrying the iron cannon in front was also swept into the flames of the explosion and rolled down the mountain howling.

  The missiles that fell from the sky frightened the mutants who were about to come out in full force.

  They thought that the little flies flapping their wings had flown back again, and they all retreated into the cave cautiously.

  The Beast King warned them that the rock mass hundreds of meters thick was the strongest natural barrier, and even nuclear weapons were much inferior to it.

  Even if the equivalent was tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of tons, there was not much they could do in the face of the hard rock mass that had been formed for two billion years. At most, they could scrape down some rocks and earth, or blow up a few landslides.

  They have already dug hundreds of interconnected tunnels in the mountain. Even if half of it collapses, it’s okay. But those humans are still hoping to build roads and bridges on top of them!

  As long as they don’t rush down the mountain all at once, they can rely on the supplies here to survive forever!

  As of 11 o’clock in the morning, the three-hour battle was declared over.

  This battle ended in a draw!


  At the same time as the mercenaries retreated, on the bridge of the Loyalty airship, General Lium’s face was covered with an undisguised sneer.

  He waved his index finger in the air, and a light blue holographic screen unfolded along the trajectory of his finger, projecting a video window with snowflakes.

  The commander of the Enterprise did not appear on the screen, probably because he was embarrassed to turn on the camera.

  Lium didn’t care at all, but just said with a sneer.

  ”Can you guys do it? Otherwise, why not send the regular army? Don’t waste our time.”

  Black Cloud Peak is a position controlled by the Legion. His people have been watching from the side. The 100th Mountain Division has been keeping its troops on the position and has not taken any action at all.

  To be honest, compared to the performance of the vassal army of those guys, he is more curious about the combat effectiveness of the regular army of Ideal City, and this is what the commander of the Eastern Legion, Saren, is most curious about.

  Although the two sides are friendly forces now, no one can guarantee that they will not fight in the future.

  As if to save face, a voice came from the other side of the communication channel.

  ”… We have achieved today’s combat objectives, and today’s offensive is over.”

  Hearing this, Lium almost laughed out loud.

  Or he has already laughed.

  ”Achieved? Isn’t your goal to plant the flag on the top of the mountain?”

  Lin Shangwen said with a dark face.

  ”That is the ultimate goal. Finding out what happened to these mutants is what we have to do today.”

  Lium narrowed his eyes, staring at the snowflakes in the window, and suddenly smiled.

  ”Are you afraid?”

  He used provocation to instigate these guys to send out the regular army.

  Unfortunately, the other party did not fall for it and continued to speak in a calm tone.

  ”If you think that studying the opponent’s weaknesses and defeating them in one fell swoop is called ‘fear’, then you can interpret it as you like. In my opinion, our lives are more valuable.”

  After a pause, Lin Shangwen sneered.

  ”Destroying a thousand-man team in one day, I really don’t know what you are so proud of.”

  Hearing the subtle sarcasm in that sentence, a trace of annoyance flashed across Lium’s face.

  But it was only a little bit.

  It was only the clones that were killed, not the 310,000-man team under General Modlin.

  In any case, their casualties were less than a company, and they successfully planted the flag at the highest point of the Black Cloud Peak.

  Looking at the hung up communication, Lium snorted coldly.

  ”A dead duck is still stubborn.”

  … ”

  Zhiyuan News”

  [At 8 o’clock today, the 100th Mechanized Mountain Division and the 7th Air Force launched a fierce offensive against Broken Blade Mountain. With slight casualties, more than a thousand mutants were annihilated.

  According to the intelligence searched on the front line, more and more clues can directly prove the crimes against humanity committed by the Torch Church.

  A large number of survivors were fed addictive drugs and were artificially imprisoned for reproduction. In addition, the apostles of the Torch Church also used the biological technology of the Prosperous Era to carry out extremely dangerous genetic modifications on some mutants, resulting in a large number of improved varieties with serious safety hazards…

  War correspondent Wu Kaian, reporting for you.


  The next morning.

  A two-engine Orca transport plane and a four-engine Tyrant plane parked on the apron and runway of the Weifu military base, one after the other.

  The former was occupied by a team of biological experts from Yunjian University, and the latter was occupied by technicians from the Alliance Biological Research Institute.

  Although they belonged to different camps, they all came to the front line for the same purpose.

  That is, those mutants who would not stop fighting even if their heads were shot.

  As the person in charge of the military base, Li Jinrong personally came to receive them and arranged them in a three-story concrete building located in the corner of the military base.

  It was originally intended to be a field hospital for the wounded, but there were not many wounded at present, so this place was not used for the time being, and it was just right to be used as a battlefield laboratory first.

  Without a moment’s delay, when the body bags containing samples were delivered from the front line, more than 20 experts simply gathered together for a simple meeting, assigned their respective tasks, and immediately began the dissection work and tested the somatic cell samples of each mutant.

  This work lasted from morning to late at night, and finally made some progress.

  At the same time, in Shelter 404.

  Chu Guang, who had just finished a day’s work and was about to close his eyes, received a message from Heya, so he sat up from the bed again and went to the browsing room on the B4 floor to meet her.

  ”The test results are out, and they are very surprising… There are multiple pairs of chromosomes in the genomes of those mutants that contain coding genes that cannot even be fully analyzed with our current technology. The experts from Yunjian University also expressed that it was incredible. They also claimed that they had never seen such strange mutants.”

  After glancing at the report in his hand that he couldn’t understand at all, Chu Guang pinched his chin and nodded, as if he understood it, and then returned it to Heya.

  ”Amazing… All the specimens are like this?”

  Heya: “Only some! Although they can be generally called super mutants, they are not completely like those guys, but more like something in between. What do you think it is better to call it?”

  Chu Guang took the time to look at the official website and found that there were players discussing this matter, so he picked a nickname that appeared most frequently and said.

  ”… Let’s call them zombie mutants, or zombie mutants, or zombie mutants for short?”

  Heya’s eyes lit up and she snapped her fingers.

  ”Okay, let’s call it that… Anyway, in addition to their extremely strong recovery ability, these zombie mutants also have the ability of self-healing brain tissue that ordinary mutants don’t have! Clinically, even if their heads are smashed, they can grow back!”

  Chu Guang was stunned and couldn’t help asking.

  ”How did they do that?”

  His recovery ability is also very strong, but it is far from being strong enough to grow back after being blown up.

  Even the head can grow back, this recovery ability is a bit outrageous.

  Are these guys earthworms?

  ”…Our initial speculation is that their nervous system has evolved the function of ‘memory backup’. As long as a certain proportion of the nervous system remains intact, the damaged part of the nervous tissue can be continuously repaired. However, when the brain is destroyed, their bodies will temporarily lose control of the brain tissue, and the remaining nervous system will completely control their actions. Another way to put it is that they are completely controlled by instinct.”

  Looking at Chu Guang, who was dumbfounded, He Ya took a deep breath and continued with a serious look.

  ”I have to remind you that the biological experts of Torch may have more technology than we originally thought. I even have a feeling that when we are testing them, they are also testing us…”

  Chu Guang, who has recovered from his initial surprise, nodded and said in a very light voice.

  ”It’s normal. After all, there may be a hundred experienced experts like you.”

  He actually felt it a long time ago.

  While he was testing the trump card in Torch’s hand, those guys were also testing the trump card in his hand.

  Maybe this war is the same.

  The guys were testing the strength of the various parties in the “Sticky Community” bit by bit, and they were constantly honing and improving their own technology on the battlefield of the Ten Peaks Mountain.

  The resistance encountered by the coalition forces on the third hill was obviously much greater than that encountered on Fushan…

  In a sense, the greenskins grew up in a similar way to the players.

  Players who could not really be killed would become stronger because of rebirth again and again.

  And those guys were iterating quickly in death again and again, and the new ones would be more cruel and more durable than the previous ones.

  Whether in the sense of sociology or biology, they were absorbing the civilization achievements of the Prosperous Era in a special way.

  And with the help of the technicians left over from the Prosperous Era…

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang’s face couldn’t help but show a trace of solemnity, and he pondered in his heart.

  Being suddenly praised like this, Heya was a little embarrassed, and said with a slight cough.

  ”It has nothing to do with how many experts there are. Research is a systematic thing. Our current research system is borrowed and improved from the academy. It is relatively mature. At most, it lacks some accumulation and foundation. It cannot be inferior to the Torch… However, the problem lies in the accumulation. I actually suspect that those people may have mastered some information about the lost project.”

  Chu Guang frowned slightly.

  ”Lost project?”

  ”Gestalt life form!”

  Heya looked at him with a piercing look, with a hint of eagerness and desire in her eyes.

  ”That singularity-level technology! The unfinished singularity of the prosperous era! Whether it’s mutants, or the Weylanders and their eight-times-fast-growing clones… they are all byproducts of that technology!”

  Chu Guang showed a thoughtful expression when he heard this, and couldn’t help but think of the fuse that led to the collapse of the War Construction Committee a century and a half ago – the laboratory on the East Coast.

  That laboratory was like a squashed cockroach, with eggs scattered everywhere.

  And that failed military operation has become an indelible stain in the history of the enterprise, including the destruction of Singularity City, which is inextricably linked to that incident.


  Torch might have obtained the information leaked from that laboratory through some means!

  Judging from Torch’s actions in Jinhe City, they are consciously recovering the information about “gestalt life forms” scattered on the wasteland!

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang’s eyes couldn’t help but flicker slightly.

  Although it’s not good to start thinking about friendly forces now, these materials must not fall into the hands of the Legion anyway!

  Looking at Chu Guang who was thinking about his own thoughts silently, Heya continued with a serious look.

  ”Anyway, I have to go to the frontline, including how to restore the soil of Haiya Province…”

  ”Well, it’s good to go to the scene.”

  Chu Guang nodded, and suddenly thought of something, and continued.

  ”By the way, you wait until the day after tomorrow to set off, and I’ll go with you then.”

  ”You plan to go to the frontline too?” Heya looked at him in surprise, and then teased him in a sly tone, “Are you worried about me?”

  Not paying attention to the teasing tone, Chu Guang just smiled faintly and said.

  ”After all, I am the nominal supreme commander of the coalition forces nominated by all parties, and I was supposed to go there. It’s just that I have been dealing with the work in the rear these days, and I was only busy recently.”

  Due to the various conflicts between the legions, the academy, and the enterprises, the election of the representative of any party as the supreme commander will be opposed by the other two parties, so the only “acceptable” candidates are actually the Alliance and the Free State representing the Great Rift Valley.

  Although the latter also received a few votes, it can be completely ignored compared to the huge number of votes of the Alliance.

  Although the representatives of the legion had some complaints about the result of the vote, they only proposed that Chu Guang must be the commander himself, and did not exercise their veto power.

  Chu Guang knew that the group of Willant people did not like him very much, and it was not what the wastelanders always said that “Willant people admire the strong”.

  Those guys were just worried that he would embarrass them if he sent Vanus or other Willant people who were “assimilated” by the alliance.

  From the perspective of Triumph City, this is not impossible. After all, the personnel appointments of the alliance never ask about their origins, but only about their original intentions and abilities.

  Serfs can become city lords, and Willant people can naturally become marshals.

  However, in Triumph City, these guys who defected to the alliance have almost become synonymous with shame, and they don’t think that pursuing equality is something excusable.

  If Vanus is allowed to be the commander of the coalition forces and finally leads them to victory, I’m afraid no one in the entire Triumph City will be happy.

  Including the “Loyalty” sent by the Eastern Legion this time, there may be some yin and yang intentions of those people.

  These guys just have big noses, but it’s hard to say if they have the heart or not, maybe they are even smaller than the people in the academy.

  Hearing Chu Guang’s answer, Heya smiled brightly and said happily.

  ”Great! At least this way, I don’t have to bother you to send the specimens to the front line.”

  ”The physical examination won’t be too late in the next few days.” Chu Guang coughed dryly and said a little embarrassedly, but Heya shook her head and stared at him intently.

  ”No, it has nothing to do with the physical examination, but the research on the gestalt life form.”

  After a pause, her voice gradually took on a hint of enthusiasm, and her eyes became unusually eager.

  It was as if she was staring at some incredible experimental results.

  ”…Others don’t know, but I have clearly witnessed the entire process of the transformation of some of your non-coding genes into coding genes.” I

  always feel that this guy’s eyes make people a little panic.

  Chu Guang picked up the teacup and drank a sip of water, hiding the fleeting embarrassment on his face.


  However, Heya’s next sentence almost made him spit out the water he had just drunk.

  ”Maybe it’s not just the Weyland people, your DNA also has some of the results of that singularity technology!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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