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Chapter 737 Surprise

Chapter 737 Surprise


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 737 Surprise

  In a daze,

  Gu Pandi drank the red wine.

  A figure flashed in front of her.

  two red lips were covered.

  Then, the man’s gentle action made her instantly indulge in it.


  The next morning,

  when Xu Xiuwen woke up, Gu Pandi was gone.

  But don’t get me wrong.

  Last night, apart from kissing, they didn’t do anything else.

  The two still slept in different rooms.

  Gu Pandi’s sudden departure surprised Xu Xiuwen a little, but he was not angry, he just smiled.

  After last night, he could feel that the hole in Gu Pandi’s heart had grown a little bigger.

  Sooner or later, she would completely open her heart to him.

  He had the confidence.

  the next few days,

  Xu Xiuwen started looking for houses.

  After the New Year’s Day car crash,

  he learned his lesson.

  Now the girls all know where he lives outside the school.

  What if this kind of scene happens again next time?

  Xu Xiuwen is not always able to get through it smoothly.

  He looked at houses for several days in a row.

  He has not found a particularly satisfactory house.

  Either the location is not suitable, or the house is too old, or the decoration style is not liked, or the community environment is chaotic.

  Until Thursday night.

  Xu Xiuwen finally saw a nice house.

  The community where the house is located is quiet and the transportation is convenient.

  The house was built two years ago and was just renovated last year.

  The decoration of the house is not as good as the current one in Jiangning Garden, but it is simple and plain.

  The most important thing is that it is not far from Jiaotong University. It

  only takes ten minutes to walk there.

  After buying this house.

  Xu Xiuwen only brought Song Siyu here once.

  He didn’t even tell An Shishi.

  After Song Siyu was brought to this house by Xu Xiuwen, she was a little confused at first, but then she realized that this was his new house.

  Xu Xiuwen explained: “I bought this house specially for you. If you miss me in the future, just send me a text message and I will come here to find you.”

  Song Siyu was very happy to hear this.

  She never thought that Xu Xiuwen would buy her a house.

  What she cared about was not the house itself.

  But Xu Xiuwen’s attention to her.

  Until this moment, she was really sure that Xu Xiuwen really intended to stay with her for a long time.

  Instead of just playing around.

  Song Siyu hugged Xu Xiuwen happily, with a smile on her face.

  Xu Xiuwen put his arms around Song Siyu’s slender waist, gently shook the girl’s body, and asked, “Are you so happy?”

  Song Siyu nodded and said, “Of course I am happy. We will have our own little house in the future, and I won’t have to go to Jiangning Garden to see Youran’s face.” Xu Xiuwen

  showed a self-blaming expression when he heard it, “I’m sorry, Siyu, it’s all my fault for being too fickle…”

  ”No!” Song Siyu interrupted him.

  Xu Xiuwen thought Song Siyu was going to say that he was not fickle.

  Song Siyu said, “When I chose to be with you, I knew you were very fickle. It was my own choice, so you don’t need to blame yourself. But now that you have me, you are not allowed to be fickle in the future. Youran is enough, I don’t want to have more sisters.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled bitterly when he heard it.

  He thought: You don’t want more sisters, but in fact there are already several sisters you don’t know about.

  But Xu Xiuwen was not stupid enough to confess now.

  If you can hide it, you should hide it for now.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly thought of something and asked, “Siyu, I have a question.”

  ”Go ahead.”

  ”What if it’s Cheng Lu.”

  Song Siyu was stunned when she heard Cheng Lu’s name.

  After a moment.

  She stared into Xu Xiuwen’s eyes and asked, “Do you still like Cheng Lu?”

  Xu Xiuwen could have lied to Song Siyu at this time.

  But he didn’t.

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said, “Yes, there is still a place for Cheng Lu in my heart, and I haven’t let her go. I will probably get her back.”

  Song Siyu was very surprised.

  After listening to Xu Xiuwen’s words, she should have been very angry.

  But she wasn’t.

  She even thought it was normal for Xu Xiuwen to think this way.

  Seeing that Song Siyu didn’t speak, Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help asking, “Siyu, are you angry?”

  Hearing this, Song Siyu shook her head and said, “No.”

  ”That’s good.”

  Xu Xiuwen was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Song Siyu say.

  ”If it’s Cheng Lu, I don’t have any objection.”

  ”What?” Xu Xiuwen looked unbelievable, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

  Song Siyu snorted, “Forget it if you didn’t hear it.”

  ”You don’t mind me getting Cheng Lu back?”

  Song Siyu curled her lips, “Didn’t you hear it?”

  After a pause.

  Song Siyu continued, “You are so possessive. You and Cheng Lu are like that. How can you bear to give up her? Even if you agree, you will probably hide it from me and get Cheng Lu back. Instead of worrying all day, it’s better to ignore it. Anyway, I’m not your official girlfriend. If there is a headache, it should be Xiao Youran.”

  Xu Xiuwen suppressed his excitement and defended himself, “Am I very possessive? It’s okay.”

  Song Siyu rolled her eyes at him, “Don’t you know? Your possessiveness is not just strong, it’s very strong.”
Xu Xiuwen

  still wanted to quibble.

  Song Siyu said first, “If a male classmate asks me out for dinner now, will you agree?”

  ”Of course not!” Xu Xiuwen said immediately.

  ”What if he asks me to go to the library to read books together?”
Xu Xiuwen

  said firmly: “That won’t work either! How can I feel at ease if a man and a woman go to the library to read books alone?”

  Song Siyu laughed when she heard this.

  ”Do you still say that you don’t have a strong possessiveness?”


  ”Okay, I don’t mean to blame you.”

  Song Siyu smiled faintly and said: “Now I only have eyes for you. Even if someone else asks me out, I won’t go, so you don’t have to be nervous. And I don’t hate your possessiveness. But courtesy is reciprocity. If you have a possessiveness towards me, then you have to belong to me. You are not allowed to have private contact with women outside of 301, and you must tell me if you have any contact.”

  It seems that Song Siyu doesn’t mind him looking for Xiao Youran and Cheng Lu.

  But the key is that there are more than three of them in 301.

  There is also An Shishi.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help asking, “What if I go find Shishi?”

  Song Siyu immediately glared at him, “Do you have feelings for Shishi too?”

  ”No, no.” Xu Xiuwen waved his hands quickly, “Didn’t you say that you are not allowed to contact women outside of 301? Shishi is also from 301.”

  Song Siyu said, “Shishi is a good girl, but she went the wrong way before. Now she has turned over a new leaf. You can get along with her normally, but you are not allowed to have any ideas about her.”

  It seems that although Song Siyu said she was generous,

  she actually didn’t want him to associate with other women.

  However, Cheng Lu and Xiao Youran

  were both her seniors.

  She knew that it was impossible for Xu Xiuwen to sever ties with these two people and never have any contact with them again!

  So it’s better to be more generous.

  Song Siyu looked at Xu Xiuwen and said, “Okay, laugh if you want to.”
Xu Xiuwen

  asked knowingly, “What are you laughing at?”

  Song Siyu rolled her eyes at him and said, “You’re still pretending. I said no matter what happened between you and Cheng Lu, you must be very happy in your heart, right?”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Siyu, I really don’t know how to say it. I’m so lucky to know you.”

  Song Siyu raised her lips and said, “I’m

you know it. You have to be nice to me in the future.”

  ”That’s for sure. She’s my girlfriend. If I don’t treat you well, who can I treat well?”
Song Siyu laughed out loud.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly sighed, “Siyu, do you know? The way you look now is really different from the impression I had of Song Siyu before.”

  Song Siyu was slightly stunned, and then asked, “Do you like me better now or in your impression?”

  This was actually a question with hidden dangers.

  Xu Xiuwen was not fooled.

  He lowered his head and kissed Song Siyu’s lips, saying affectionately: “Whether it’s you in my impression or you now, the key is that it’s you, so I like it all the same.”

  Song Siyu said with disdain, “Sassy.”

  But the corners of her mouth were almost grinning to her ears.

  Because the newly bought house has not yet been cleaned by someone.

  Although the previous owner has cleaned it.

  After all, no one has lived in it for a while.

  A lot of dust has accumulated in the room.

  Xu Xiuwen did not take Song Siyu to live here directly.

  In the evening.

  After Xu Xiuwen accompanied Song Siyu to dinner, he sent her to the gate of Jiaotong University.

  Xu Xiuwen said apologetically: “Siyu, I will send you here, not to the dormitory building.”

  Song Siyu was not angry. After saying goodbye to him with a smile, she got out of the car and left.

  Xu Xiuwen drove to leave.

  Suddenly, a text message was received on his mobile phone.

  He opened it and saw

  that it was a text message from Song Siyu.

  Xu Xiuwen immediately looked up in front of the car.

  Song Siyu had not even disappeared from his sight at this moment.

  As if guessed.

  Song Siyu happened to turn her head and waved to him.

  There was a hint of mystery in the smile on her face.

  Then Song Siyu turned and walked away.

  Xu Xiuwen looked down at the text message on his phone.

  Song Siyu said that Xu Xiuwen gave her a surprise tonight, and she also wanted to give him a surprise.

  The first surprise.

  Xu Xiuwen knew that Song Siyu was referring to the house.

  The second surprise.

  He didn’t know, and couldn’t guess.

  Thinking of Song Siyu’s last smile just now.

  He couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

  On the other side.

  After Song Siyu returned to the dormitory.

  In addition to Cheng Lu, Xiao Youran and An Shishi were there.

  Xiao Youran originally wanted to have dinner with Xiao Xu in the evening.

  But Xiao Xu said that he had a dinner party in the evening.

  Xiao Youran didn’t want to leave Xiao Xu with the impression that he was ignorant, so she had to let him go to the dinner party.

  She went to the cafeteria to eat.

  But after dinner, she returned to the dormitory.

  After waiting for a long time, Song Siyu didn’t come back.

  She couldn’t help asking An Shishi.

  But An Shishi also said that Song Siyu left after school and was not with her.

  At this time.

  Xiao Youran felt something was wrong.

  He suspected that Song Siyu had gone to find Xiao Xu.

  She wanted to call Xiao Xu to ask if he was lying to her.

  But she didn’t do it in the end.

  In the anxious waiting,

  Song Siyu finally came back.

  Unlike Xiao Youran who was waiting anxiously,

  Song Siyu looked
very happy. She seemed to be in a

  good mood.

  This made Xiao Youran more suspicious.

  She tried to hold back, but couldn’t help asking, “Siyu, where did you go at night?”

  Song Siyu stopped immediately after hearing that.

  She didn’t answer immediately, but just stared at Xiao Youran quietly.

  Xiao Youran was upset by her look, “Why don’t you answer? Is there something that can’t be said?”

  Song Siyu raised the corner of her mouth and asked, “Didn’t you say you didn’t want to talk to me?”

  Xiao Youran was suddenly embarrassed.

  ”I… We are roommates after all.”

  Xiao Youran herself felt that this explanation was forced.

  That’s right.

  They are indeed roommates.

  But they are also rivals in love.

  The relationship between the two took a sharp turn for the worse.

  They didn’t talk to each other for a long time.

  And it was Xiao Youran who started this.

  But Song Siyu didn’t care about Xiao Youran.

  She smiled lightly and said something that shocked everyone.

  The nail polish brush in An Shishi’s hand fell on the table because she was too surprised.

  What Song Siyu said was: “Youran, after these few days, I have figured it out. I won’t bother Xu Xiuwen anymore!”

  Xiao Youran suspected that she had heard wrongly.

  Song Siyu actually said that she would not pester Xu Xiuwen anymore?

  How is it possible?

  Xiao Youran could not wait to ask: “Why? Don’t you like Xiao Xu anymore?”

  Song Siyu chuckled when she heard it.

  ”Don’t you know that you shouldn’t be happy about this news? Your reaction seems like you hope that I will continue to pester Xu Xiuwen?”

  Xiao Youran was speechless.

  Song Siyu said that she would not pester Xu Xiuwen anymore.

  This is good news for her.

  As for whether what Song Siyu said is true or false.

  It is better if it is true.

  If it is false, she has not lost anything anyway.

  But emotionally, she is willing to believe that what Song Siyu said is true.

  Because if Song Siyu is lying.

  She can completely not say such words.

  No one forced her to say it.

  When she thought that Song Siyu would no longer pester Xu Xiuwen in the future.

  Xu Xiuwen belongs to her alone.

  Xiao Youran’s mouth corners began to rise uncontrollably.

  She was really happy. Just thinking about it made her feel sweeter than eating honey.

  At this time.

  An Shishi, who was standing by, came back

  to her senses and couldn’t help but say, “Siyu, something’s wrong with you.” Song Siyu turned her head and asked in surprise, “What’s wrong?”

  Xiao Youran became nervous again when she heard what An Shishi said.

  She also wanted to know what An Shishi found wrong.

  An Shishi continued, “You suddenly said you don’t want to bother Xu Xiuwen anymore. I can only think of one reason after thinking about it.”

  ”What’s the reason?” It was not Song Siyu who asked this question, but Xiao Youran.

  Xiao Youran wanted to know the reason from An Shishi’s mouth more than Song Siyu.

  An Shishi glanced at Xiao Youran, and then immediately looked at Song Siyu, “Siyu, you are not planning to get back together with Wang Juncai, are you?”

  ”What!” Xiao Youran couldn’t help but scream.

  She immediately turned her head to look at Song Siyu, wondering if she was really planning to get back together with Wang Juncai as An Shishi said.

  Break up with Xiao Xu and get back together with Wang Juncai.

  Only Xiao Youran is a lady.

  If she was the rude and ugly Guoyin, she would have to say “what fk!”

  between Xu Xiuwen and Wang Juncai.

  Even a fool would know how to choose.

  There is no comparison between the two.

  Even if Xiao Youran judged the two from a very objective perspective.

  There is still no comparison between the two.

  Get back together with Wang Juncai and stop bothering Xiao Xu.

  In Xiao Youran’s view, this is not picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons.

  This is picking up a grass seed and losing an orchard.

  Song Siyu noticed the gazes of the two women.

  She didn’t know why An Shishi suddenly mentioned that she wanted to get back together with Wang Juncai.

  Even if she was single, she would not get back together with Wang Juncai.

  But at this moment.

  She needed a reasonable explanation.

  So she was silent.

  It was as if she tacitly agreed with An Shishi’s words.

  At this moment, not to mention Xiao Youran, even An Shishi was really surprised.

  Xiao Youran suppressed his excitement and said, “Siyu, Wang Juncai is actually a nice guy and cares about you. He also likes to play games. In fact, boys of this age like to play games. If you talk to him more, he will definitely stop playing… Anyway, you two are really suitable for each other.” An

  Shishi on the side cast a speechless look at Xiao Youran.

  This Xiao Youran really has a different attitude every

  moment. Before Song Siyu was not entangled with Xu Xiuwen,

  Xiao Youran never expressed his support for Song Siyu and Wang Juncai.

  Now he says that the two are very suitable.

  Song Siyu and Wang Juncai have only one thing in common, that they are both from Kyoto.

  There is no other place that is suitable.

  Even as competitors,

  An Shishi does not want Song Siyu to give up Xu Xiuwen and choose to reconcile with Wang Juncai because of a momentary impulse.

  She couldn’t help but persuade, “Siyu, do you want to think about it again?”

  She did not directly say that Wang Juncai was unreliable by name.

  That was not her style.

  Xiao Youran became nervous again when she heard it.

  What if Song Siyu really listened to An Shishi’s words, changed her mind, didn’t get back together with Wang Juncai, and continued to pester Xiao Xu.

  Then she would be the one who would feel uncomfortable.

  So she didn’t want Song Siyu to change her mind.

  The result.

  Song Siyu shook her head gently and said, “No, I’ve thought it through.”

  Then she turned around and went back to her seat.

  Seeing that Song Siyu had made up her mind.

  Xiao Youran was so happy that she almost went to heaven.

  She didn’t care who Song Siyu went to see at night.

  It didn’t matter.

  An Shishi naturally noticed the happy Xiao Youran on the side.

  She couldn’t help but think.

  Could it be that Xiao Youran and Xu Xiuwen were really destined by God?

  Why is luck on her side every time?

  Xiao Youran couldn’t wait to go to bed, and then hid in the quilt and started texting Xu Xiuwen.

  Retweet what she just heard to Xu Xiuwen.

  After Xu Xiuwen returned home, he saw the text message sent by Xiao Youran.

  He didn’t care at first.

  When he saw the content of the text message clearly, he was stunned for a moment.

  Song Siyu wants to break up with him and reunite with Wang Juncai?

  Xu Xiuwen wiped his eyes, wondering if he was still asleep.

  But that was impossible.

  It was night, not morning.

  He hadn’t even slept yet.

  But if she hadn’t woken up

  yet, Xiao Youran would have no reason to lie to him.

  Then the content of the text message must be true.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t understand it.

  You know, he had just bought a house for Song Siyu as their future love house.

  This was already a manifestation of his great attention to Song Siyu.

  Moreover, before they separated, Song Siyu’s mood had been very stable, and she didn’t seem to want to break up with him.

  He felt that even if Song Siyu really didn’t like him,

  she would at least break up with him in person.

  What kind of thing was it to ask Xiao Youran to tell her?

  Just when he was almost unable to resist calling Song Siyu,

  a light bulb suddenly flashed in his mind.

  He thought of the text message that Song Siyu had sent before they separated.

  She said she wanted to give him a surprise.

  Could it be referring to this?

  But breaking up only brings surprises, not joy.

  Xu Xiuwen pondered.

  An idea gradually emerged in his mind.

  He vaguely guessed what Song Siyu was thinking.

  Even though he was not sure if his guess was correct,

  Xu Xiuwen’s heart was already surrounded by a warm feeling.

  Xu Xiuwen thought about it, and finally did not call or text Song Siyu.

  He adjusted his mood and sent a message to Xiao Youran, “I know.”

  Then he did nothing and went to bed.

  Xiao Youran was very surprised when she received Xu Xiuwen’s text message.

  Xiao Xu’s reaction was too calm.

  It was so calm that it even made people feel weird.

  But she didn’t think much about it, just thought that Xiao Xu might be tired, so she reminded him to have a good rest.

  After turning off the lights at night.

  Song Siyu lay on her side on the bed, curled up under the quilt.

  She stared at the screen of her mobile phone.

  But there was no call or text message from Xu Xiuwen asking.

  Song Siyu suddenly smiled lightly.

  Of course, she didn’t plan to break up with Xu Xiuwen.

  She did this because she didn’t want to compete with Xiao Youran in a cold war anymore.

  There was no point in the two of them fighting back and forth.

  Song Siyu had figured it out.

  Anyway, she knew that Xiao Youran was Xu Xiuwen’s girlfriend.

  She chose to be with Xu Xiuwen even though she knew this.

  So it doesn’t matter whether Xu Xiuwen breaks up with Xiao Youran

  or not. It’s enough for her to be with Xu Xiuwen forever.

  In this case, she can completely give up direct competition and go underground.

  Keeping an underground relationship with Xu Xiuwen.

  Of course.

  Xiao Youran might find some clues in the future and suspect her again.

  But as long as Xiao Youran didn’t catch her, rape her, or have sex with her.

  As long as she kept denying it,
Xiao Youran

  would have no way to deal with her.

  As for being caught, raped, or had sex with her.

  She, Song Siyu, was not a fool, how could she be caught.

  And now they had a separate love room.

  The risk of being caught was even smaller.

  This idea.

  She had it

  after returning to the dormitory on New Year’s Day a few days ago.

  But she had never made up her mind.

  Today Xu Xiuwen took her to the house he had just bought for her.

  She finally made up her mind.

  She didn’t want Xu Xiuwen to be caught in the middle and be in a dilemma.

  So before they parted, she sent a text message to Xu Xiuwen, saying that she wanted to give him a surprise.

  was definitely surprised.
Whether he was happy

  or not

  depended on whether Xu Xiuwen was smart enough and could understand her thoughts.

  She knew that Xiao Youran would definitely tell Xu Xiuwen about their conversation.

  She was also prepared for Xu Xiuwen to question her.

  But she waited for a long time, even until the lights were turned off.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t call or text her to question her.

  The reason why Song Siyu was laughing at this moment was because she guessed it, and Xu Xiuwen must have guessed her true thoughts.

  That’s why he didn’t call to ask.

  This kind of tacit understanding that the other party can understand her thoughts without explanation

  made her smile knowingly.

  Since Xu Xiuwen didn’t text her to ask her,

  she couldn’t pretend that nothing happened.

  Song Siyu sent Xu Xiuwen a text message.

  The content was very simple: Do you like this surprise?

  Xu Xiuwen hadn’t slept all the time and was also waiting for text messages.

  After seeing Song Siyu’s text message,

  he breathed a sigh of relief.

  It seemed that things were really as he thought.

  Then he chatted with Song Siyu.

  Song Siyu also told her complete thoughts.

  After reading all the text messages, Xu Xiuwen only replied, “I’m sorry for putting you in trouble.”

  When Song Siyu saw these four words, she immediately felt that everything was worth it.

  ”Be nice to me in the future, otherwise I will really get back together with Wang Juncai, and you will regret it.”

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help laughing when he saw this slightly threatening text message.

  He knew that Song Siyu had never liked Wang Juncai.

  So even if she found a new boyfriend, it was impossible for her to get back together with Wang Juncai.

  He said that just to give him a sense of crisis.
Xu Xiuwen

  immediately bombarded him with a bunch of sweet words.

  Song Siyu almost couldn’t help laughing in her bed.

  On the other two beds in the dormitory.

  Xiao Youran was not asleep at this moment.

  She was having fun.

  When she thought that Xiao Xu would belong to her alone in the future, she couldn’t help but feel happy.

  On the other bed, An Shishi was in a different mood.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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