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Chapter 737 Watch carefully, I will only demonstrate it once!

Chapter 737 Watch carefully, I will only demonstrate it once!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 737 Watch out, I will only demonstrate it once!

  At this moment, the pioneer called “Beast King” did not know that his opponent was indeed carefully considering how to play the next card.

  It’s just that the cards he played were somewhat different from what he imagined…

  At the door of the tavern.

  Looking at the smoky atmosphere in the tavern and the card players who were playing cards with red faces and thick necks, the fountain commander who had just arrived at the front line was dumbfounded.

  It took him a long time to come back to his senses and said in a daze.

  ”Good guy…”

  The reason for the decline in the combat effectiveness of the enterprise was finally found. It turned out

  that these hangers-on were all playing cards in the back? !

  Kakarot stretched his neck to look around in the crowd, and soon saw the familiar culprit, with an expression of “as expected”.

  ”Well, I guess it was Brother Mosquito who did it.”

  I was the darkest: “Tzeentch!! It’s a spy sent by Tzeentch!”

  Ten Punch Man: “Call the Iron Can of the Burning Legion!”

  Grave Head Catcher: “Drag this thing that corrupts military discipline out and be loyal.”

  Just as everyone was chattering at the door, Mosquito, who had just finished bringing the goods, slipped out from the center of the crowd and saw the guys standing at the door at a glance.


  His eyes suddenly lit up, and Mosquito walked up with a playful smile and patted his arm.

  ”Why are you here? Didn’t you say you were still waiting for dispatch in the rear?”

  These were all his big customers.

  In comparison, the cards he sold were just pocket money.

  ”It’s true that we are waiting for dispatch, but the dispatch order has come,” Commander Fountain Water smiled and continued, “The manager plans to come to the front line, so he transferred us here too.”

  ”What the hell? The manager is coming?”

  Mosquito was shocked when he heard this, and immediately threw the sack with a few card packs left in his hand to the NPC next to him.

  Apparently, this guy also realized that he had done nothing good, and he quickly cut off his relationship with the deal.

  The young man next to him was sensible, and he quickly took the sack and pretended not to know him.

  The guy didn’t look like a person from the River Valley Province. His hair was slightly curly, he was a little short, and his black eyes were flickering. He looked a bit like a rat from the Borneo Province.

  ”It’s not here yet, don’t look.”

  Looking at the mosquito looking out the door, Quanshui made a helpless expression, and then glanced at the smoky air in the tavern, and couldn’t help but tease.

  ”Now everyone says that you are the one who destroyed the combat effectiveness of our friendly forces. How are you going to explain it when the manager comes?”

  Unexpectedly, this big hat was put on his head, and the mosquito immediately cried out.

  ”Fuck, what does this have to do with me? It’s not my fault that they can’t fight.”

  Speak with conscience.

  This group of people was like this before he came!

  However, these bastards didn’t listen to him, they just kept yelling.

  Kakarot: “You’re still saying it’s not you! Do you think these guys are good at fighting?”

  I’m the worst: “Yes! Too weak!”

  Kevin with a broken leg also shook his head and said.

  ”If you keep fighting like this, you won’t be able to get over this mountain until next year!”

  ”What does this have to do with me?” Mosquito said with a smile, “You guys are awesome, go ahead!”

  ”Coincidentally, we have this plan.”

  Looking at Mosquito, the commander of the fountain laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”Just wait and see, when the manager comes tomorrow, I’ll show you my skills and let you see how the war is fought.”


  Actually, to be honest, it’s not that the company is giving up.

  The average altitude of the Ten Peaks Mountain is more than a thousand meters, especially those dangerous peaks, which are two or three thousand meters.

  The terrain is so dangerous that it is far from being comparable to the small hills of two or three hundred meters. It can be compared to the Hengduan Mountains in reality.

  In a place like Broken Blade Mountain, the tactical width is limited. Only two or three hundred people can go up at a time, and the people behind have to step on the corpses of the people in front.

  In addition, a large number of fortifications have been built on the opposite side, making the entire mountain like a fortress.

  Even if there are 100,000 troops standing on the side, it will not be of much use.

  In just two days and one night, the Enterprise tried to launch three rounds of offensives. In the last round of offensives, two ground-penetrating missiles with 500 kilograms of warheads that had just been dragged out of the laboratory were used, but the flag was still not planted on the top of the mountain.

  The total number of casualties of mercenaries has reached more than 300, which has exceeded the non-clone casualties suffered by the Corps on Black Cloud Mountain.

  Considering that the next battle will still need those mercenaries, the commander of the 100th Mechanized Mountain Division can only turn his attention to their allies who are good at fighting-the Alliance.

  When he was still in Dawn City, the commander of the Spring Water took the initiative to take on this task on behalf of the Storm Corps.

  However, neither the spring nor the commander of Enterprise had expected that when they were planning the next offensive, the Willant people stationed on Black Cloud Mountain could not wait any longer and reached out their hands impatiently… On

  the third night.

  On Black Cloud Mountain.

  Looking at General Modlin who was wearing night vision goggles and looking at the distant positions, the adjutant standing beside him could not help but ask.

  ”Isn’t it too hasty to do this?”

  Although Enterprise’s performance on the front line was disappointing, he did not suggest taking the task of attacking the mountain away from Enterprise.

  Not only because it would consume their strength, but also because it could be a great opportunity to test the strength of Ideal City.

  Those mercenaries attacked the mountain three times without achieving effective results. He felt that if they pushed harder, Enterprise might be willing to send out regular troops to fight.

  At that time, they could also observe how powerful the troops armed to the teeth with machines were.

  In the final analysis, Enterprise, who was also the heir of the old era, was their real competitor.

  As for the Torch Church, it was just one of the most powerful grasshoppers among the many annoying ones.

  However, General Modlin standing next to him had a different opinion and said it concisely.

  ”…Didn’t you notice that the positions on the first few hills were relatively easy to take, while the positions on the back were more difficult than the last.”

  Adjutant: “So?”

  General Modlin narrowed his eyes and continued, “So the sooner we complete the mission, the better it will be for us. According to the agreement before the war, we need to undertake the attack mission of at least two hills. Counting the Black Cloud Mountain that has already been captured, as long as we complete one more, we can sit in the spectator seats and watch the show.”

  At that time, they can hand over all those hard bones to other people in the coalition to chew.

  And if others want to ask them to take action again, they have to come up with other conditions in exchange at the negotiation table of the Sticky Community.

  Completing the combat mission ahead of time is a sufficient bargaining chip in itself.

  I believe that Lord Lium also thinks so, so he instructed me to carry out the military operation tonight.

  At this point, he looked at the adjutant beside him and continued with a normal expression.

  ”Notify General Mekal that our men have arrived at the combat position, so his glorious army can move forward.”

  Before sending the Weylandts, he needed those clone cannon fodders to go up and consume the physical strength and ammunition of those mutants.

  The adjutant understood instantly, then his expression became solemn and he saluted.



  At twelve o’clock that night, without any warning, the Loyalty airship fired ten 400mm chambered rockets at Broken Blade Mountain.

  The boiling flames were like a cloud of fire falling from the sky, engulfing the entire mountain. The vegetation on the mountain was instantly turned into ashes, and even the stones on the ground were roasted hot. At the

  same time, the thousand-man team of the Glorious Army waiting at the foot of the mountain had already hung their bayonets on the gun chambers.

  A centurion with a high nose bridge stood in front of the formation, drew his pistol and fired a shot at the mountain, shouting loudly.

  ”For the marshal!”

  ”For loyalty!”


  With fanaticism written in their pupils, the clones roared deafeningly and rushed up the mountain with their rifles.

  ”Long live!”


  Those two short sentences were the few human words that the clones could say.

  They develop at eight times the speed and do not have a complete human mind at all. The information that their brain can process is only one-eighth of that of an ordinary person.

  However, these two short sentences are enough to summarize their lives.

  From the moment they were born, they have been preparing for today’s burning.


  The green-skinned big guy hiding in the tunnel roared, swung the empty shotgun in his hand into a club, and smashed the skull of a clone.

  However, before it could taste the snow-white brain, a bayonet flashed like a white light and pierced his chin from bottom to top!

  The hot blood sprayed on the face of the clone soldier, which was twisted by fanaticism, but the latter continued to roar and charge.

  They were like mad dogs on drugs. If their legs were cut off, they would crawl forward with their hands. If their arms were also broken, they would bite with their teeth. They were even crazier than those green-skinned big guys who were howling obscene words!

  Apart from those who were numb to death, there were also some mentally broken clones who curled up in the blood plasma and wailed.

  However, even so, no one retreated.

  Under the command of the Weylandt centurion, they rushed forward like wild beasts, and then died quickly in madness.

  Seeing such a cruel “ration” for the first time, the mutants of the Rock Axe Clan were also a little confused for a while.

  Although the combat effectiveness of these lunatics was obviously not as good as the humans wearing exoskeletons they had encountered before, this group of people’s desperate fighting style really brought them a lot of mental pressure.

  At the same time, on the other side, the combat command center of the Enterprise was in a panic and commotion.

  The Loyalty airship suddenly opened fire, and then suddenly sent out the clone troops. This series of actions outside the combat plan was beyond everyone’s expectations.

  Lin Shangwen, who rushed to the scene, stared at the picture on the holographic screen without blinking, without saying a word.

  The adjutant standing next to him cursed and couldn’t help but roared.

  ”What on earth do those big-nosed people want to do?! Are they taking the wrong medicine?”

  Even if they were showing off, they shouldn’t even say hello, right?

  When they were fighting in Black Cloud Mountain before, he wanted to complain about these arrogant guys.

  It’s just that the commander of the Xilan Empire was more tolerant. He didn’t take those compatriots who were accidentally bombed seriously. As an outsider, he couldn’t say anything, so he didn’t make a fuss about it.

  Chief of Staff Yun Song also stared at the holographic screen in silence. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the movements of another group of people at the bottom of the mountain. He suddenly understood and said in a deep voice.

  ”They probably want to pick peaches.”

  The adjutant was stunned when he heard this, and then he came back to his senses and cursed in a low voice.

  ”This group of shameless robbers!”

  They have sacrificed more than 300 mercenaries on the mountain, poured hundreds of rockets and more than a thousand heavy grenades!

  The number of mutants killed and injured must be 3,000 if not 2,000!

  Seeing that the opposite side’s defense line has been loosened, these guys actually jumped out to grab the credit!

  Lin Shangwen still didn’t speak, just staring at the screen silently, thinking about something in his heart.

  Just when he was about to call Lium to ask what that guy meant, he saw that the other party called him first.

  An ugly nose appeared in the center of the screen, followed by a disgusting face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

  In the middle of the night, this guy was still biting a wooden stick in his mouth, and that thing seemed to grow on his face.

  ”I think you are fighting too hard, I will fight this battle for you.”

  Listening to the shameless words, Lin Shangwen sneered, raised his chin slightly and looked at the face on the screen.

  ”Should I thank you again?”

  ”Haha! You’re welcome,” Lium laughed, leaned back in his chair, and said with a somewhat sarcastic tone, “I just feel sorry for the young masters of Ideal City who have never seen blood, and I’m afraid that they will piss their pants on the battlefield… Let them stay behind and play cards.”

  Play cards?

  Lin Shangwen frowned, and several officers behind him exchanged confused glances, not knowing what this guy was talking about.

  Lium did not explain, but just looked at the weak friendly officers and continued calmly.

  ”Watch carefully, I will only demonstrate it once.”

  After saying that, he closed the video window, leaving the angry officers in the command room and disappeared…


  It must be said that the Legion’s calculations were very loud, so loud that even the commander of the Spring Water who had just arrived at the front line could hear them.

  Gunshots rang out on Broken Blade Mountain, and the roar of cannons, and the flickering fire lit up the place into a daylight.

  The suffocating flames of war could be faintly smelled even from Fushan, which was separated by a mountain.

  ”Good guy… The brothers of the Enterprise are going to be slapped in the face now.” Holding a telescope in his hand, Bianhuashui looked towards the south and grinned.

  Due to the limited field of vision, he could only see a corner of the battlefield from his position.

  But even so, the fighting was tragic enough.

  The old man of the Spring Water standing next to him smiled, but he disagreed with this statement.

  ”I don’t think so.”

  Putting down the telescope in his hand, Bianhuashui looked at him curiously and asked.

  ”What do you mean?”

  Commander of the Spring Water said slowly.

  ”If those mutants were really that easy to deal with, they wouldn’t have been able to hold Enterprise back for three days. To be honest, facing those guys who wouldn’t die even if their heads were blown off and other black technologies that we’ve never seen before, it would be equally difficult for any army to fight. Especially with such a thick rock mass between us, we don’t even know how many people are hiding inside.”

  He did try to sneak in to get information, but the fat rat was a bit too fat.

  The green-skinned big guys really didn’t notice him, but the goblins used him as food.

  After dying three times and failing to get into the cave, the guy stopped wasting his energy and started thinking of other ways.

  Not only did they try, but the people in Enterprise were also making various attempts, such as sending a bionic special forces unit equipped with optical camouflage plug-ins to sneak in and find out the situation in the cave.

  However, no one expected that the bionic team would be hit by the EMP weapon and be beaten to pieces after a short pause.

  Including the rice-sized “Beetle” drones they used later, all ended in failure.

  This information was not made public within the Cohesion Alliance, but was shared between the Alliance and the Enterprise’s military systems.

  In short, the Enterprise has used all the methods it can think of, but the opponent seems to have been prepared and has resolved them one by one. Seeing that tricks

  are useless, the Enterprise can only use the old method of artillery bombardment and infantry charge.

  However, even if they used all the support weapons they could use and washed the entire hilltop countless times, they still failed to snatch the hilltop from the hands of the greenskins.

  Quanshui estimated that the Willant people were probably the same, and they would definitely suffer tonight.

  Those guys are indeed capable, but they always make the same mistake, that is, they look down on others and think too highly of themselves.

  ”…I guess the reason why Enterprise didn’t stop them was that they wanted to use the Weylanders to consume a wave of manpower on the mountain. Although I don’t know how many mutants there are, they can’t be infinite after all.”

  ”Isn’t this a coincidence?” Edgewater grinned and knocked his fist on the chest armor. “We are infinite, let us go.”

  Commander Quanshui glanced at him.

  ”You should save your breath. It’s our turn this time.”

  Edgewater: “Damn! Didn’t you take a break when you just came here?”

  Commander Quanshui said with a smile.

  ”We have been resting since we came down from Jinhe City. We have rested enough.”

  Just as the two were chatting, the situation on the front line changed.

  Just as General Modlin expected, a whole team of 1,000 cannon fodder was quickly wiped out.

  The corpses all over the mountain were mutants and clones, mixed with blood and flesh, and the whole rugged mountain was like being rolled by the blades of a meat grinder.

  Without any hesitation, the Loyalty airship fired another eight 400mm heavy grenades as planned, and cooperated with the 200mm cannon of the “Bison” to launch the second round of firepower coverage tonight on the mutants on the mountain.

  This round of firepower coverage was more fierce than the previous round. Not only did the Weyland people on the front line scream with excitement, but even the friendly forces in the rear were wide-eyed.

  Standing at the door of the barracks, General Babita stared at the “Bison” walker standing on the wasteland with a greedy look, his eyes full of desire.

  If only the Legion was willing to sell this thing to them. If

  General Alayyan had this thing, they would never have lost the Golden Gallon Port.

  The same was true for Mosquito, who had just returned from Kun Town. Looking at the spitting firepower, he was also surprised and couldn’t close his mouth, and kept muttering.

  ”My goodness… What material is the gun barrel made of? Is it so durable?”

  It would be great if the material of this thing could be figured out.

  Compared to the No. 60 electromagnetic cannon that is not used in reality and cannot be understood at all, the actual value of this thing is much higher!

  Having tasted the sweetness of that bottle of aviation kerosene, his eyes became more and more eager, and he even couldn’t help but have a perverted idea.


  we have to find a way to make those big-nosed guys “throw” one.

  At the same time when the wastelanders were looking up at the boiling artillery fire, the battlefield in the distance was as tragic as hell.

  Some green-skinned big guys who didn’t have time to retreat to the caves, tunnels, and bunkers were killed on the spot, and those goblins who tried to carry the wounded back to the tunnels were also killed and wounded. Many guys who were disabled by the explosion could only lie behind the rocks and scream.

  General Modlin, wearing night vision goggles, looked at the battlefield and saw that the time was ripe, and immediately issued an order to attack.

  ”The 2,000-man team under the 310,000-man team advances!”


  The adjutant saluted in response and immediately conveyed the order to the 1,000-man team.

  The 2,000-man team, which had been eager to try, began to attack the mountain.

  Twenty heavy infantrymen dressed like iron pagodas, holding rotary machine guns in their hands, led the charge to a cave entrance on the hillside that had been difficult to attack for a long time under the cover of a hundred-man team.

  The silence of the night was broken for the second time, and the battle once again entered a white-hot stage.

  The well-trained Weylandt soldiers burst out with combat power far beyond those clone soldiers, and for a time, the mutants on the mountain were beaten back step by step. Even Quanshui, who was not optimistic about their ability to take this mountain, could not help but show a surprised expression.

  ”It seems that you are going to miscalculate.”

  Bianbianhuashui smiled and glanced at him, throwing the telescope into his hand.

  ”In an hour, the Weylandts have taken six cave entrances, and the battle outside the cave is basically over.”

  Just now, he saw with his own eyes that a heavy infantryman carrying a flamethrower stepped into the cave. I guess the cave should be filled with the smell of barbecue at this moment.

  Compared to the fancy equipment that the enterprise has taken out, this simple and rough guy is really good.

  At least it suits his taste.

  Quanshui took the telescope and looked at it for a while. Seeing that the battle situation was indeed as the edge brother said, he still said a few words stubbornly.

  ”They just entered the dog hole, and the real mincing has just begun… It’s hard to say how long they can last in there.”

  ”That’s true.” Edge nodded in agreement.

  He still has a high opinion of the opponents he has fought before. The

  reason why their military operations in Luoxia Province were able to win cleanly and neatly was actually due to strategic factors.

  These guys’ combat qualities are not bad. Under the condition of equal logistics, support, air superiority, and terrain factors, it is not easy to defeat them on the front battlefield.

  If it were him, he would probably pay a heavy price to completely wipe out those green-skinned big guys who refused to come out.

  At the same time, in the airspace hundreds of kilometers away, a towering steel airship was slowly moving towards the front line.

  It wasn’t just the players who were keeping a close eye on the battle situation on the front line. Chu Guang’s eyes had never moved away from the front line.

  As early as the same time when the Legion launched the attack, Lin Shangwen, the commander of the 100th Mechanized Mountain Division, had called him about the matter and asked for their opinions.

  At the same time, he contacted Qiangrensuan through the task system and entrusted the latter to act as a war correspondent, holding a camera to peek at the front line.

  To be honest, the Weilant people pretended to be generous but played such a trick, which was indeed a bit unkind. If

  they really let them capture that mountain, the deaths and money spent by the enterprise during this period would be wasted, and instead became the Legion’s victory.

  However, compared to the loss of his old friend, Chu Guang was more curious about the strength of the Legion’s regular army.

  So he reached some exchange conditions with Lin Shangwen and persuaded that guy to give in. He did not put pressure on General Lium on this matter, but let those Weilant people rush up to consume a wave of mutants’ manpower.

  If Broken Blade Mountain is taken by the Legion, he can take another position for the Enterprise as “compensation”.

  Anyway, his players are eager to have more opportunities to play, and he is happy to seek some win-win benefits for the players.

  Of course, as part of the exchange, the ammunition, equipment and “pensions” consumed in the attack on the position must be borne by the Enterprise.

  Lin Shangwen naturally would not refuse such a good thing, and agreed almost without hesitation.

  The Council does not care how much money it costs, nor does it care what people outside the Ideal City think, but only requires him to use the smallest losses in exchange for the greatest results.

  As a result, Chu Guang, who is a part-time marshal of the coalition forces, quickly reached an agreement with his “generals” and gave the stage tonight to General Lium.

  Aren’t they eager to perform?

  Then let them go.

  Looking at the vast sea of ​​clouds outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the bridge, Chu Guang smiled faintly and said.

  ”Vanus, do you think the 310,000th Corps can plant its flag on the top of Broken Blade Mountain tonight?”

  Although he rarely intervened in the command of the front line, with his strategic vision, he was not optimistic that the Willant people could win this local battle without adequate preparation.

  Staring at the picture in the holographic window, Vanus, who was standing aside, thought for a moment, but suddenly spoke.

  ”I think General Lium might contact you.”


  Chu Guang looked at him with interest, wondering why he made such a judgment.

  Vanus calmed down and continued to speak in thought.

  ”Based on my understanding of the organization of the Eastern Legion… I’m afraid they will invest more than a thousand-man team in this battle. And based on my understanding of General Lium, although this man has good talent, his personality is more like a gambler.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang, who originally had a smile on his face, couldn’t help but change his face slightly.

  ”You mean… he has withdrawn the defense forces on Black Cloud Mountain?”

  Vanus nodded. The expression on his face was no longer just solemn, but gradually a visible worry emerged.

  ”He has no reason to plan a third round of offensive for the opponent he despises. In other words, there are probably only two troops deployed on Black Cloud Mountain tonight, one garrison force and one offensive force. The mutants may not have put them into the cave out of weakness. It is very likely that they have judged that our side has invested “unexpected” forces in this battle, so they deliberately showed weakness in the local battle to increase our sunk cost of giving up the offensive tonight.”

  ”And if we have to choose between the two options of ‘try harder’ and ‘bow to the friendly forces’, General Elium’s character is likely to choose to gamble for the dignity of the Willant people and push the defense forces on the front line…”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Those greenskins…”

  ”I’m afraid they will counterattack.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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