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Chapter 738 The Cave Filled with Flesh and Blood

Chapter 738 The Cave Filled with Flesh and Blood


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 738 The cave filled with flesh and blood

  It must be said that the people who understand the Weilants best are the Weilants themselves.

  Vanus, who once served as the “captain” of the Eastern Legion, knows the temper of those high-ranking officials very well.

  Seeing that the position of Broken Blade Mountain could not be taken for a long time, Lium, who was sitting on the bridge, suddenly became a little impatient and cursed in a low voice.

  ”What is Modlin dithering about!”

  The second thousand-man team had been attacking the cave for a long time, but after fighting for a long time, they still couldn’t take down the position.

  There were wounded being carried out continuously, and then people were filled in. In a blink of an eye, the entire thousand-man team was rotated, and even the cleanup team assigned to the thousand-man team was almost wiped out!

  Seeing this situation, Lium couldn’t help but murmur in his heart.

  Although it was a bit unbelievable to say this, he always felt that this group of mutants just let them in on purpose…

  It was really a ghost.

  Is this an idea that those guys with muscles in their brains could come up with?

  However, even if he realized that there might be something wrong with this group of mutants, it was impossible to expect him to order a retreat.

  If he retreated, wouldn’t what he said before be backfiring?

  Thinking of the previous phone call, Lium’s face flushed.

  He seemed to have seen the ridicule on the faces of those Utopia City good-for-nothings.

  Even for the glory of the Weyland people, he must not retreat!

  His clenched teeth made a creaking sound, and he actually bit the stick into two pieces.

  Lium pounded the armrest of the chair with his right fist, looked at the adjutant beside him and gritted his teeth and ordered.

  ”Notify General Modlin! If necessary, he can use the first thousand-man team on Black Cloud Mountain!”

  ”I allow him to use the strength of two thousand-man teams! No matter what method he uses or what price he pays, he must take that mountain for me tonight!”


  At the same time, Black Cloud Mountain was crowded with people and shouting noisily.

  Wearing matte grey steel helmets and black bulletproof armor, fully armed soldiers were shoulder to shoulder, stepping out of the trenches and anti-artillery holes with great momentum, rushing down the mountain like a torrent.

  They were all soldiers of the 1,000-man team, and were dispatched to the front position tonight to replace the 2,000-man team originally stationed at this position.

  In fact, it was under the name of rotation that Lium was able to release the offensive troops from the position without telling the friendly forces and carry out this offensive tonight.

  But now, the strength of a 1,000-man team seems not enough to chew this hard bone, which is something no one expected.

  Seeing that the front-line offensive troops were in danger, General Modlin could only push the defensive troops on the position up, leaving only two 100-man teams for defense.

  However, for these warlike young men, they did not have the slightest sense of crisis.

  Seeing their allies fighting bravely on the front line, the people waiting on the mountain were eager to give it a try, and they wanted to rush up and teach those mutants a profound lesson.

  After crossing the rugged mountain road, a group of people soon reached the front line of the battlefield.

  A centurion strode to the front of the 100-man team and shouted loudly in his rough voice.

  ”The brothers of the 2000-man team have encountered a little trouble, and now we have to solve this trouble for them!”

  ”For the glory of the Weyland people!”

  ”For the glory of Triumph City!”

  ”For His Majesty the Marshal!”

  ”Follow me and rush up! Go and crush those disgusting and dirty bugs! Everyone behind you will witness your bravery!” The pupils of

  each pair of pupils were burning with enthusiasm, and every soldier wearing a steel helmet burst into a passionate roar.


  In the magnificent shouting and killing, the entire 100-man team rushed to the mountain with great momentum.

  At the same time, dozens of stretchers passed by them and were hastily carried down the rugged mountain road.

  But no one cared.

  They only had one thought at the moment, which was to press those green guys to death in the cave!

  Just when the Weilants were killing each other, the corporate command center, which was monitoring the battlefield through drones, finally found a problem –

  there seemed to be something wrong with the troops that the Weilants had put into the battlefield.

  Yun Song, staring at the holographic screen, had a gloomy face, and was suddenly shocked. He spoke.

  ”They mobilized the defense forces on the mountain!”

  There was an uproar in the command center, and the adjutant standing next to Lin Shangwen widened his eyes.

  ”Is that Lium crazy?!”

  ”When have those crazy people ever been normal…” Lin Shangwen squeezed out this sentence from his teeth, and looked at him with a dark face, “Contact the administrator of the alliance!”


  The adjutant nodded quickly, and was about to order the communicator, but saw that the communication request from the Heart of Steel had popped up on the screen.

  Without hesitation, Lin Shangwen immediately ordered to connect.

  After a short delay, the azure power armor appeared in the middle of the screen.

  The armor codenamed “Order” was like order itself. Just looking at it would give one a sense of reassurance.

  However, Yunsong felt that the majestic yet friendly face gave him more confidence and security than the heavy power armor.

  This was an indescribable intuition. He could see the shadow of the new era in that person’s eyes.

  He had this feeling as early as when they first met…

  The command room became quiet unconsciously.

  Looking at Commander Lin across the video window, Chu Guang said in a very light voice.

  ”During the days when I was away, you were a little too radical.”

  Hearing the hint of displeasure in that sentence, Lin Shangwen also felt a little embarrassed and said with a dry cough.

  ”… Let’s think about how to solve the problem first.”

  Many of the contradictions within the coalition are historical problems that cannot be solved in a short time.

  Obviously, Chu Guang also knew this. He nodded, did not ask too much about what happened tonight, and got straight to the point.

  ”I need you to send a cloud dragonfly attack formation to the west side of Black Cloud Mountain and wait for orders.”

  Lin Shangwen frowned slightly.

  ”To cover the retreat of the Willant people?”

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”It may be difficult to expect them to retreat, but we can’t lose the position of Black Cloud Mountain.”

  Lin Shangwen hesitated slightly, looking at him with a hint of disbelief in his eyes and asked.

  ”You mean the mutants might counterattack?”

  ”Why not? They will even lure the enemy deep into the depths. I have reason to suspect that the Torch taught them not only biological technology, but also communication technology and some command skills.”

  After a pause, Chu Guang continued.

  ”Since we can’t save them, we must at least make their sacrifice more valuable.”

  Lin Shangwen’s expression gradually became solemn, and he said seriously.

  ”I know, the Yunting attack formation will set off within half an hour.”

  Chu Guang nodded and simply instructed.

  ”Well, try to be as fast as possible.”


  At the same time, in another world, the player exchange section of the official forum of “Wasteland OL” was bustling.

  This is the case every time there is a war.

  It is not enough to ask people in the group. In order to fully cover the information, the corps commander usually goes to the forum to shout.

  Commander of Fountain: “@Storm Troops, it’s time to work! Brothers!”

  Kakarot: “Got it!”

  Grave Ghost Catcher: “Received!”

  I’m the Darkest: “Ahhhh!”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “MMP! So jealous! TT”

  Quit Smoking: “Hahaha! Feel sorry for the Battlefield guy!”

  Irena: “Why do you feel sorry for him? He’s the father-in-law who’s watching him too closely. (Funny)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “??? What the hell?”

  Quit Smoking: “… Hey, I was careless.”


  As Brother Fountain shouted, the players of the Storm Troops put on their helmets and returned to the line, gathering towards their respective battle positions according to the pre-made plan.

  Just when the Alliance and Enterprise were ready to put out the fire, the battle between the Rock Axe Clan and the 310,000-man team was also coming to an end.

  The captain of the 2nd Thousand-man Team was injured in the battle, but fortunately the guards risked their lives to save him and brought him back from the front line.

  The “cleansing” team, which consisted of 120 people, was cut off from retreat when fighting for the tunnels, and was almost wiped out after bravely breaking through. The remaining ten teams of 100 people also suffered more than half of their casualties, and were on the verge of collapse under the fierce counterattack of the mutants.

  Even if the 1,000-man team pushed forward in time, it could not reverse the decline of the war.

  The tunnels were like a maze, with several forks in each road, and the forks were connected to each other. If you are not careful, you may lose your way, or even bump into your own people.

  Although the mutants are not smart, they dug these tunnels by themselves, and there are marks on them that only they can understand.

  In addition, there are those short goblins.

  Not only can they get out of the dog holes that are not even the size of a watermelon, but they can also use the knives and sticks in their hands to stab the unsuspecting Weyland people in the ass.

  Although the Legion used a powerful weapon, the flamethrower, as the battle line advanced to the depths of the tunnel, this thing was not as effective as expected.

  Often, the flames sprayed out did not burn the opponent to death, but consumed the oxygen in the entire pit, and the position that was finally captured had to be withdrawn.

  The battle situation gradually changed from being evenly matched at the beginning to a decline in the Weylant.

  In a narrow tunnel, the walls on both sides were full of bullet holes.

  A Weylant team was relying on the protruding rocks on both sides, barely serving as a cover, and engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the green-skinned mutants on the opposite side of the tunnel.

  After emptying a whole magazine, they finally killed a brainless zombie mutant. Damon, whose helmet was covered with blood, was shocked and angry. While changing the magazine, he cursed.

  ”Damn… How many of these beasts are there?! Did they bury a 10,000-man army in the mountain!”

  The whole tunnel was echoing with the roar of gunfire, and he could only speak with a roar.

  ”I think it might be – damn it!”

  The centurion who fell to the ground barely got up with the help of his teammates, took a grenade from his chest armor and stuffed it into Damon’s hand.

  ”Use white phosphorus bombs!”

  Facing those guys who will not die even if their heads are blown up, this thing is the best.

  The dazzling white light can not only interfere with the vision of the group of mutants, but the burning flames and pungent smoke can also stop their offensive, thus buying them a moment of respite.

  Damon took the grenade without hesitation, bit off the pull ring with his teeth and threw it into the depths of the tunnel.

  A dazzling white light flashed, followed by painful roars and wails from the depths of darkness.

  Hearing the howling sound, everyone was immediately alert, and the centurion clenched his fists excitedly.


  ”This will burn at least two or three to death–”

  However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and suddenly a green thing flew out from the depths of the tunnel.

  It was a goblin.

  To be precise, it was thrown over, and its swollen belly looked like something was stuffed into it.

  It staggered to its feet after being thrown down, its bloodshot eyes filled with hatred and fear, and it screamed as it rushed towards the group.

  A sense of crisis suddenly crept into Damon’s mind, and he almost jumped on it without hesitation, shouting at the same time.

  ”Get down!”

  Just as he pressed the goblin with his body and pulled out his dagger to cut its throat, the roar of the explosion sounded from the tunnel, shaking everyone dizzy and tinnitus.

  No one knew what the charge of the bomb was.

  But even if it was black powder, it was dangerous enough in this narrow tunnel.

  Damon, who was lying on the self-destructing goblin, groaned, and his breastplate shattered into pieces and embedded in his body. Under the flickering firelight, the 1.8-meter-tall big guy was actually lifted up by the shock wave of the explosion, and then fell heavily.


  Looking at his unconscious comrade, the centurion’s eyes were instantly filled with bloodshot, and he roared with his eyes wide open.

  An assaulter rushed in front of him, and his trembling index finger probed under his teammate’s nose, and his face suddenly changed.

  ”No breathing!”

  Without hesitation, the centurion suppressed the anger in his chest and shouted loudly.

  ”Peter! Bench! Guard the cave entrance! Medic! Come here quickly!”

  ”…Yes!” The assaulter who was lying next to Damon gritted his teeth, left Damon’s side, stood up and went to the bunker. He and another teammate took turns firing into the depths of the tunnel, venting all the anger in his chest on the flames that shot out of the muzzle. The

  medical soldier with the team crawled on his stomach and quickly crawled to Damon’s side, and turned his body over with great effort.

  However, the moment he saw Damon’s chest, his whole face instantly lost color.

  There was no hope…

  At least half of the fragments of the breastplate were inserted into his body.

  The intestines were twisted into a bloody mess, so that he couldn’t even tell which ones were Damon’s and which ones were the goblin’s.

  However, he still stretched out his trembling index finger, pulled off the bandage hanging on his waist, and bandaged his teammate who was no longer breathing while muttering tremblingly.

  It was like a meaningless prayer.

  Seeing the firepower coming from the depths of the tunnel getting stronger and stronger, the people in the tunnel no longer had the high morale and fighting spirit they had when they came down the mountain.

  Seeing his teammates continue to be killed and wounded, and there was no reinforcement from the rear, the centurion almost gritted his teeth.

  Can’t wait any longer!

  Prepared to be punished by the superior, he shouted to the teammates in front.

  ”Seal the hole with incendiary bombs!”

  ”We have to get out of this damn place–!”

  As soon as he finished speaking, an explosion from the other side of the tunnel blew away the two soldiers guarding the hole.

  Holding on to the wall and barely standing firm, he grabbed the rifle that fell on the ground and looked forward, but his pupils suddenly shrank.

  I saw a mutant with steel plates welded on his body standing in the middle of the tunnel, his face was full of twisted flesh, half of which was covered with scars, and the other half was new flesh that had just grown, showing him a creepy grin…

  The tragic battle continued.

  Every Weylandt trapped in the cave tried his best, but still failed to stop the continuous casualties.

  Objectively speaking, they are indeed more capable than ordinary people.

  But the mutants are standing in front of them.

  In terms of technology, the enemy is no less than them…

  On the Loyalty airship.

  A layer of fine beads of sweat hung on Lium’s forehead, and the expression on his face was no longer as relaxed as before, and his gloomy brows were full of embarrassment.

  Just now, General Modlin reported to him the situation on the front line and asked for a retreat.

  Although he was reluctant, Lium knew that fighting further would only increase casualties and there was no chance of winning, so he could only grit his teeth and issue an order to retreat, asking General Modlin to bring the people back.

  However, things did not end there.

  The group of mutants did not intend to let his subordinates go, and they chased out after the two thousand-man teams.

  Looking at the picture on the holographic screen, the adjutant standing next to General Lium said solemnly.

  ”…That group of mutants probably don’t plan to retreat. They probably want to take advantage of our retreat and kill us directly on Black Cloud Mountain!”

  ”I know,” Lium looked at the adjutant in an annoyed voice and asked, “Where is the nearest troop to Black Cloud Mountain?”

  ”On Fushan… The Alliance’s Death Corps is stationed there,” the adjutant paused and whispered, “For us, the nearest one is at the Weifu Military Base… It’s more than ten miles of mountain roads, and the altitude is one or two thousand meters. It’s probably difficult to get there.”

  If we want to keep the position on Black Cloud Mountain, it seems that there is only one way left.

  Lium felt his heart bleeding.

  If it wasn’t a last resort, he would never ask for help from friendly forces.

  But it’s easier to ask for help from the Alliance than to ask for help from the Enterprise. After weighing

  the pros and cons for a moment, he gave an order.

  ”Contact the Alliance Commander!”


  The radar operator in the bridge suddenly spoke as soon as the adjutant’s voice fell.

  ”Report! The Iron Heart appears on our radar! It’s about 80 kilometers away from us!”

  Hearing the name of the Iron Heart, Lium’s eyebrows twitched fiercely, and he gritted his teeth and said again.

  ”…Contact the Iron Heart directly!”

  The adjutant smiled bitterly and saluted.



  On the mountain road between Black Cloud Mountain and Broken Blade Mountain, Qiangrensuan, who was carrying a camera, smacked his lips in surprise.

  ”The mutants on this mountain are something…”

  No wonder he couldn’t get in no matter what. After a long time, it turned out that it was not his problem.

  Crouching on a stone pier not far from him, the garbage picker 99 level rubbing his claws was like a gargoyle, with excitement flashing in his amber pupils.

  ”Hurry up and make a river of blood!”

  When he fought Fushan, he didn’t kill enough, and he was gone this time. He won’t make the same mistake again.

  ”It looks like it’s almost time,” I thought, standing quietly by the side, holding the telescope in my hand, thinking and muttering, “… My goodness, the Weilants were actually beaten back by them?”

  Not only that.

  The mutants hiding in the tunnels even chased out in batches, howling and rushing towards the Weilants who were retreating down the mountain.

  And those short goblins carried out the machine guns and short guns hidden in the caves and fired at the Weilants down the mountain.

  Tracers poured down like raindrops, and the Weilants down the mountain couldn’t raise their heads.

  The Loyalty in the distance could only watch anxiously.

  The trajectory of indirect firepower is too large, and it is easy to send friendly troops away by firing at such a close distance.

  Seeing that the two thousand-man teams were in danger, the mutants were about to take advantage of the situation to kill the Black Cloud Mountain on the north side. Six Yunting flapping-wing aircraft suddenly came out of the night, and the rockets hanging on both sides fired a round of shots at the machine gun positions on the hillside.

  General Modlin, who was standing on the Black Cloud Mountain position, was surprised by the sudden appearance of the flapping-wing aircraft.

  The adjutant squatting next to him exclaimed in disbelief.


  These guys actually support them?

  The “Beast King” standing on the top of Broken Blade Mountain also shrank his pupils and narrowed his eyes.

  With his understanding of the various forces of the coalition, it is absolutely impossible for those guys to truly unite together. Even if they were forcibly tied to a chariot, they would be wary of each other and keep their own little thoughts in their pockets.

  Therefore, when the Legion launched the raid, he had guessed its intentions, so he used the trick to let Orlon put the group of Willant people into the cave, creating the illusion that the position of Broken Blade Mountain was easy to capture, and luring the Legion to push the garrison troops on Black Cloud Mountain to the front line.

  So far, this plan has been very successful.

  If nothing unexpected happens, he will be able to wipe out the two thousand-man teams of the Willant people at the foot of the mountain in two hours at most.

  However, he never expected that at this critical juncture, the Enterprise would intervene.

  In his initial assumption, even if the Enterprise found that the situation on the front line was tight, it would definitely not send reinforcements to the Legion.

  After all, the Willant people did not act according to the plan and intended to seize the results of the battle.

  They could just take this opportunity to make the Willant people suffer a little, and there was no need to help those guys.

  Looking at the sparks blooming on the hillside, the Beast King frowned and thought for a long time. Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he looked up at the night sky in the north and narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”…Is that guy here?”

  He muttered in a low voice, and his transparent figure gradually disappeared in the night wind.

  At the same time, the two thousand-man teams that were originally in danger finally got a chance to breathe with the arrival of six Yunting flapping-wing aircraft and dozens of rockets.

  Looking at the burning mess beside him, a goblin artilleryman screamed and urged the minions beside him to load the ammunition. He aimed the aiming caliper at one of the flapping wings, and then pulled the gun rope violently.

  A beam of orange-yellow fire rushed over, but it didn’t even touch the shadow of the flapping-wing aircraft, and it was easily dodged by a smooth side shift.

  After completing the evasive maneuver, the Yunting flapping-wing aircraft did not pause for a moment, and the machine gun hanging under the nose swung cleanly, followed by a burst of machine guns sweeping over.

  The orange-yellow bullet rain swept over like a storm, instantly tearing the gun position hidden behind the bunker into pieces, including the people, guns and even the bunker next to it!


  The Willant people lying behind the bunker at the foot of the mountain couldn’t help but shout to the night sky above their heads, but soon remembered that they were people from the Enterprise, so they swallowed the cheers that were on their lips.

  Modlin, who was on the Black Cloud Mountain, was the same. He looked at the Yunting that rescued them with a complicated expression.

  Fortunately, his two thousand-man teams were able to withdraw to rest and wait for reinforcements from the rear, so as not to end up being wiped out.

  However, when he thought that it was the Enterprise that saved them, he couldn’t be happy at all…

  At this time, on Fushan Mountain behind the Black Cloud Mountain, a group of soldiers wearing exoskeletons had completed their assembly and marched over in batches.

  Looking at those guys who passed through their positions without saying hello, Modlin was slightly stunned and couldn’t help shouting and asking.

  ”Which unit are you from?”

  someone replied.

  ”Storm Troops!”

  Storm Troops?

  Modlin was stunned.

  He seemed to have heard of this name somewhere, but he couldn’t remember it.

  The adjutant standing next to him changed his face, remembering the battles he participated in in Luoxia Province when he served in the expeditionary army last year.

  At that time, a group of guys chased them and drove them for hundreds of miles in the desert…

  One of the corps seemed to be called the Storm Troops?

  Just when the Weilant officers were surprised, this high-spirited unit had already reached the front line.

  A man wearing a heavy exoskeleton stood in the back row of the team, carrying a huge gun barrel on his back, and kept firing at the front position, pouring heavy mortar shells. It

  seemed that some special shield was opened beside him, and he was unharmed even in the face of the concentrated fire of the mutants on the mountain, and even had enough energy to open the loudspeaker and shout.


  ”Open the eyes of these big-nosed people who are scared to pee their pants! Let them see what a real fighting race is!”

  ”Dedicate the victory to our managers!”

  Inspired by the roar, the battlefield erupted in a variety of excited shouts, and people shouted all kinds of things.

  ”Crush them!”


  The mixed voices made the already panting mutants on the hillside feel cold in their hearts.

  Their intuition told them

  that these guys who looked nothing special might be more difficult to deal with than all the humans they had encountered before combined…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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