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Chapter 739 A true hero!

Chapter 739 A true hero!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 739 True Heroes!

  Just as the mutants who chased out of the cave expected, these guys wearing exoskeletons were much more dangerous than all the people they had met before!

  Not only because of the heavy exoskeleton that kept throwing mortar shells, nor because of the speed and strength they showed on the battlefield.

  But the momentum that erupted from those guys was

  something they had never encountered before. These people seemed to have died countless times.

  They seemed to have adapted to death!


  Seeing a warrior wearing an exoskeleton coming in front of him, the green-skinned big guy hiding behind the rock roared, and the steel axe in his hand smashed into the man’s face with a thunderous force, but was steadily caught by a square shield.


  A heavy muffled sound merged into the night.

  The power that could chop a cow in two only left a shallow scratch on the ceramic steel shield!

  And it seemed that only a layer of paint fell off!

  The tiger’s mouth was numb from the shock, and the green-skinned big guy staggered back. Before it could stabilize itself, a fist-sized gun muzzle was already pointed straight at his head.

  The player grinned and pulled the trigger.

  ”Go to hell and repent!”

  Along with the grin, a thick and long tongue of fire spurted out from the barrel of the shotgun, and the burning phosphorus fire was the bullet itself!

  Triethyl aluminum mixed with white phosphorus can fully burn in a small space and an area with limited oxygen, generating a high temperature of nearly a thousand degrees, killing organisms to the maximum extent!

  Although the flames produced were not long-lasting, the power was amazing enough, and compared to the white phosphorus grenades that exploded in all directions, the directional spray of flames was more prominent than the one pointed at.

  The mutant slammed into the dazzling flames and let out a painful wail. He rolled to the ground and curled up and lost his movement soon after. Large areas of his muscles were burned to charcoal. The

  shells thrown from the barrel burned with faint flames and rolled down the mountain with a bang.

  The player skillfully filed the shotgun against the shield, and completed the loading action neatly. He held the ceramic steel shield and continued to advance with solid and powerful steps.

  The heavy infantrymen equipped with explosion-proof shields and “Six-type” exoskeletons served as the vanguard of the attack, covering the two light infantrymen wearing “Five-type” exoskeletons behind them, and advanced towards the hillside in groups of three.

  Looking at the sparks shooting at the foot of the mountain in the distance, the Weilant soldiers who had just retreated to the rear could not help but be stunned, with surprised expressions on their faces.

  ”Is that… a white phosphorus bomb?”

  ”… a rifle-fired bomb?”

  A centurion with half of his arm burned couldn’t help but exclaimed in a low voice.

  ”Are these guys going to die?!”

  White phosphorus bombs are not rare in the list of the Legion Logistics Department. From the warhead of a 400mm rocket-assisted extended-range bomb to the projectiles distributed to the front-line infantry, it is a conventional weapon that is both economical and affordable.

  However, putting this thing into a bullet and spraying it out was something that no one had ever imagined.

  Not to mention the high temperature that the barrel needs to withstand, aren’t these guys afraid of setting themselves on fire?

  Even if it’s a two-stage ignition, it’s dangerous enough!

  It’s not just the legion that was surprised.

  Even the 100th Mountain Division headquarters, which was peeking through the drone screen, was amazed at the situation.

  ”Their light weapons are something…”

  ”It’s worth studying.”

  ”Most of them are flashy.”

  ”It may not be flashy, but it’s true that they are too targeted and have limited application scenarios.”

  ”Well… indeed.”

  Whether for the legion or the company, the “two-stage ignition bullet” is a novelty, and on this basis, putting solid incendiary agents into the warhead is even more bizarre.

  Although all the officers were amazed, after thinking about it carefully, they gradually gave up the idea of ​​making one for their own people.

  In fact, with the technological accumulation of the prosperous era, it is not very difficult to make this thing, but investing too many resources in the research and development of light infantry equipment is a matter of extremely low return rate.

  Whether it is a corps or a company, the R&D costs invested in individual equipment are very limited. The former prefers to win with larger calibers and more numbers, while the latter prefers to reduce costs through “unmanned” and “military outsourcing”.

  In terms of tactical style, the most similar to the Alliance is actually the academy, which is not good at force.

  Although the original intention of the academy to equip the “Alpha” Mobile Task Force with a large number of high-tech equipment was not to reduce casualties, but to “overtake on the curve” in areas that they are not good at, those people are indeed a few survivors who will invest heavily in individual equipment.

  However, for the Alliance, since there is no such huge technical reserve as the academy, it can only develop some “outrageous and not so outrageous” ideas under limited conditions.

  ”Second-stage ignition bullets” are the concepts born under this design idea.

  The grenade gun designed specifically for fighting mutants belongs to the category of this concept, and the same is true for this “white phosphorus bomb that ignites in an instant after leaving the barrel”.

  Compared with the bolter shells with shaped charges, this kind of white phosphorus shells not only have no safety distance restrictions, but also have a lower cost. The close-range killing effect is even more amazing than the bolter shells!

  The only disadvantage is the range.

  However, this problem does not exist in the battles in the mountains and tunnels.

  The fighting distance between the two sides is either tens of meters or thousands of meters.

  The former is easy to trigger the safety distance of the bolter, resulting in the failure of the bolter shells to detonate normally, and the latter is far beyond the range limit of general light weapons, which is basically the artillery’s business.

  Therefore, in response to the requirements of many players, Jushi Military Industry has developed a 19mm caliber special shotgun-“Flame Dragon” based on the bolter.

  Although the transportation and maintenance of this thing will make the logistics curse, and even have to be transported separately from other ammunition, but that is another problem.

  In short, just when the commanders of the Legion and the Enterprise were surprised, the vanguard of the Storm Troopers had already slapped the mutant troops who chased down the mountain hard, beating the group of green-skinned big guys dizzy.

  Realizing that it was no longer possible to seize Black Cloud Mountain, the mutants who had chased out of the cave began to retreat, intending to shrink their defenses back into the caves and tunnels, repeating the bloody mincing they had already done with the Weylandts.

  At this moment, a three or four meter tall black shadow rushed behind the mutants like a hurricane.

  The flash of its sharp claws blew up a whistling gale in the night, and the two green-skinned giants were cut in half on the spot, with their intestines scattered all over the ground.

  Facing the amber pupils and the bloody mouth with white mist floating in it, the goblins immediately showed panic and fear on their faces. They screamed, dropped their weapons and fled everywhere, tripping over many green-skinned giants who were retreating towards the mountain.

  A mutant centurion stared at the giant beast waving its claws with his eyes wide open.

  ”Death Claw!”

  And it was wearing an exoskeleton!

  It wasn’t just the goblins who were in panic, the green-skinned giants were the same, with a flash of fear in their eyes.

  They had heard before that the Stonehorn Clan on Fushan was annihilated by a group of guys riding on Death Claws.

  Could it be that those guys are coming?

  Just as Junji was waving his claws and fighting bravely, I wanted to watch quietly from a distance with envy.

  ”… My god, Junji is still awesome!”

  Although the fat rat standing next to him was a little unconvinced, he still nodded reluctantly to show his approval.

  ”Indeed, it would be better if it could last longer.”

  I thought quietly: “Well… this is a problem.”

  This alien sequence is really strong, but it is also really useless, especially in the later stage, when the equipment of ordinary players has been upgraded, the alien players still have to use the equipment of “battle pets”.

  Except for Mosquito Brother and Awei, basically no professional life players are willing to spend that much time to design a piece of equipment that is destined to fail to sell well for a few alien players.

  Once the equipment upgrade cannot keep up, the disadvantage will become very obvious.

  Other players are playing in coordination, only the alien players are still using the old method.

  After harvesting more than 20 mutants’ heads in a row, Junkman who went deep into the enemy’s rear was finally unable to defeat hundreds of hands with his claws. The bulletproof insert on the exoskeleton was broken by the assault rifle, and finally a portable rocket launcher was hit on the shoulder. He fell off the cliff with an unwilling roar…

  However, although Junkman finally failed to hold on until he joined up with Fountain Brother, his sudden appearance really scared the mutants, so that his retreat was slowed down.

  After suffering at least three or four hundred more casualties than expected, the mutants who had chased down the mountain finally retreated to the caves halfway up the mountain.

  Without giving the beasts time to breathe, the vanguard of the Stormtroopers followed closely and killed their way to the halfway up the mountain, controlling several cave entrances halfway up the mountain. The

  large force waiting at the foot of the mountain followed up to the halfway up the mountain, cooperating with the vanguard that had entered the caves, and engaged in a bloody fight with the mutants who were entrenched in the mountain.

  The players still used the same fighting methods as when they went up the mountain.

  A heavy infantryman carrying a large shield led the way in front, and two light infantrymen followed closely behind with light and heavy weapons.

  The tracers formed an airtight net in the narrow tunnel, but they were all blocked by the ceramic steel shield.

  The mutants hiding behind the bunker saw that the rifle bullets could not penetrate the shield, so they roared and took out a grenade launcher, aimed at the cave entrance and pulled the trigger.

  Seeing the grenade flying with a trail of white smoke, the strength player in front quickly raised his shoulder and pushed up with his shield, knocking the delayed-explosion grenade backwards, exploding a fire in the center of the tunnel.

  Shrapnel hung on the shield like raindrops, and only a series of clanging sounds were heard.

  Taking advantage of the suppression effect of the grenade explosion, before the mutant hiding behind the bunker could fire another shot, an agility player carrying an RPG rocket launcher quickly squatted next to the heavy infantry and skillfully opened the safety.

  The “convex”-shaped warhead and cylindrical body have revealed the identity of this thing. It is a thermobaric warhead “imitating the RShG-2 design” produced by Goblin Technology!


  An excited roar sounded, and the player pulled the trigger without hesitation.

  A thick white smoke rushed into the depths of the tunnel, followed by a dazzling firelight that exploded at the end of the tunnel. The overpressure generated by the instantaneous explosion seemed to shake the entire space.

  Although it did not use very dark technology, the lethality of this guy is unquestionable.

  The nearly four-kilogram warhead is filled with high-performance fuel, which is even more powerful than the rockets with the same charge in reality!

  The hot air wave that swept over almost overturned the power beasts holding the shields.

  Needless to say, the mutants who were hit hard by the bullet were killed and injured in an instant, and there was a wailing sound in the cave.

  However, these guys are indeed worthy of being the products of singularity technology. Even after being hit by a thermobaric bomb, there are still a few people who survived.

  There was even a tenacious “Zang Mutant” who stumbled across the bunker and rushed out relying on “muscle memory”.

  The power player who stabilized his body raised the shotgun in his hand and sprayed two white phosphorus shells directly at the guy’s chest.

  The thick flame was like the breath of a dragon, pressing the guy to the ground without a sound.


  With a roar, Kakarot stepped over the body twisting in the flames with a shotgun and took the lead in stepping into the cave in front of him that had been baptized by thermobaric bombs.

  Several green-skinned big guys who were not dead yet tried to stand up from the ground to resist, but were killed one by one by the players who rushed into the cave.

  The tunnel smelled of burnt barbecue, but it didn’t arouse anyone’s appetite.

  Looking at the broken and distorted corpses on the ground, I, who followed Kakarot into the cave, smacked my lips and muttered something.

  ”These Weilantes are really ruthless…”

  In this tunnel less than ten meters long, nearly half of the company’s people were lying there…

  Kakarot grinned and reloaded the shotgun in his hand that had emptied its ammunition.

  ”It’s not like you haven’t fought them before.”

  Recalling the past, I nodded with a little emotion.

  ”That’s right…”

  If it weren’t for the resurrection, it would be difficult to beat those guys…

  But then again, if there is no resurrection mechanism and the account is deleted upon death, what’s the point of playing this game!

  And in terms of the number of plug-ins, who can compare with the group of old monsters who inherited the legacy of the War Construction Committee?

  Whether it is the legion, the enterprise or the academy, the trump cards in their hands are all perverted enough.

  In comparison, the advantage brought by the trump card in the hands of Shelter No. 404 is not so obvious.

  The reason why it can play such an explosive effect…

  Of course, it is because the administrator played the card well!

  At the same time that Kakarot and his brothers had captured a position, the other troops that had gone deep into the “maze” also made considerable progress.

  In just half an hour, the Stormtroopers had pushed the front back to the position the Legion had pushed before, and advanced hundreds of meters forward with unstoppable force!

  During this period, they also destroyed four ammunition depots storing a large number of weapons and equipment, as well as an incubator that imprisoned more than 500 survivors.

  Although the Stormtroopers also paid the price of two companies of casualties for this, the mutants’ casualties were even more severe, at least five times more than theirs!

  Half a company of troops was used to transfer the survivors, and Kakarot led his men to continue attacking the mutants’ positions.

  Faced with the continuous offensive of the coalition forces, the mutants in the cave finally showed a trace of fatigue.

  After all, no matter how strong the recovery ability of these green-skinned animals is, it is not without limit.

  They need to rest when they are injured, and they can only recover to their best condition after eating and sleeping enough.

  However, this group of human things fought with them all night without stopping.

  Seeing that it was almost dawn outside, the exchange of fire in the cave was still going on. Both the green-skinned big guy and the goblins gradually felt a little fear.

  They had never seen such people before –


  These guys were not human at all! They

  looked like something else covered in human skin!

  In this way, the flames that burned into the cave spread all the way along the tunnels in the mountain, even from the ammunition depot on the front line to the foundry in the deepest part of the mountain!

  There was a place where the Rock Axe Tribe repaired and processed equipment. There were several processing forges and large workbenches designed for them by the Torch Church, as well as an explosives workshop with chemical synthesis equipment, which was connected to the various man-made tunnels in the mountain, equivalent to the center of the entire maze.

  Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, even Orlon, who was originally sitting calmly in the “palace”, couldn’t help but panic and dragged his bulky body to the front line.

  It thought that those humans would panic and flee after seeing him, just like the gang yesterday and the day before yesterday.

  What it never expected was that when it roared and appeared in the casting room, the morale of the human things, who were originally a little tired, did not decrease but increased.

  Those people shouted at him in surprise as if they had seen some treasure.

  ”Fuck! Maze BOSS!”

  ”Brothers! The BOSS is here!”

  ”Grab your weapons and kill it!”


  Looking at those roaring human things rushing up, the toad-like face finally showed a rare trace of fear.

  ”What’s wrong with these people?! Beast King! You… Where are you! Tell me what to do now!”

  This was the first time it called that person “Beast King” instead of “that guy”.

  However, the guy who always responded to its voice did not appear this time.

  It was as if he had never been here.

  Seeing that there was no response no matter how he called, Orlon’s face first showed a trace of despair, and then was filled with anger.

  It was abandoned!

  Those human things really couldn’t be trusted! Even if it is just a thing covered in human skin, but is actually something else!

  Looking at the human soldiers who were firing at him, Orlon opened his bloody mouth and roared, and ran forward like a walking tank, shaking the ground with his bloody feet.

  The 7mm bullet could only leave a small blood hole on its body, and the wound opened by the rocket was twisted with a bunch of centipede-like flesh worms.

  Even if it was blown up in the head, it would not die. Its vitality exceeded all known creatures on the surface, and it was even comparable to the evolution of slime mold!

  Howling in pain in the flames of white phosphorus bombs, Orlon dragged his bloody body to kill in front of a group of players, slapped a power animal wearing a heavy exoskeleton with a palm as big as a palm fan, and then sprayed a mouthful of corrosive acid, causing everyone to scream and scatter and retreat backwards.

  ”Go to hell!”

  ”All of you, go to hell, Orlon!”

  Inspired by the rude roar, the mutants in the foundry room burst out with a last-gasp fighting spirit. Whether it was the big green-skinned guys or the goblins, they all howled and rushed towards the players who had entered the cave.

  Looking at the rampaging beast, Kakarot couldn’t help but feel a little solemn.

  But more of it was excitement!

  Since the mother nest in the center of Qingquan City was taken down by the brothers of the Burning Legion, he hasn’t had such a good time for a long time!

  ”Get ready! Don’t use armor-piercing shells and thermobaric shells, all use incendiary warheads!”

  ”I want to see whether it can be repaired faster! Or we can burn faster!”

  ”Bomb it for me!”


  The fierce battle in Broken Blade Mountain was shocking, but outside the mountain was silent, with only faint explosions coming from the cave entrance.

  Black Cloud Mountain.

  General Modlin stared at the cave entrance on the hillside in the distance, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.

  The adjutant standing next to him was the same, silently looking in that direction.

  Although those guys were opponents, he couldn’t help but pray for them silently in his heart.

  That was out of a soldier’s respect.

  Those guys are real heroes!

  They could have completely ignored their former opponents, dragged Enterprise to watch from the sidelines on the grounds that the Legion did not inform them of the offensive tonight in advance, watched him shoot himself in the foot, and then ridiculed him at the next “review meeting”, and even put pressure on Triumph City through the Sticky Community to weaken General Lium’s command…

  But they didn’t do that.

  For the overall situation of the war, for the unity of the Sticky Community, and for the interests of all mankind, those noble people still rushed forward without hesitation, and used their flesh and blood to block the hole that General Lium had poked out of his own selfishness…

  When he thought of this, the adjutant’s back couldn’t help but feel hot, and a trace of shame appeared on his face.

  Although not all the Willant people thought the same as him, in just a few hours, many officers and soldiers of the 310,000th Army did change their views on the Alliance.

  Especially those who survived the front line.

  They were not only grateful, but also full of awe and respect…

  On the other side, the ammunition carried by the six Yunting ornithopters had been used up. Seeing that the friendly positions on Black Cloud Mountain were not in danger, they began to retreat to the military base in the rear.

  Enterprise Front Command.

  Lin Shangwen talked to Chu Guang on the phone, briefly reported the battle situation on the front line, and then continued.

  ”… The enemy units outside the mountain have been basically eliminated, and the exchange of fire inside the mountain is still continuing. Although it is a pity, we really can’t help much.”

  ”It’s okay, just leave it to us.”

  Chu Guang nodded, but his eyes were looking at another screen, which showed the first-hand battle report from the official forum of “Wasteland OL”.

  As he expected, those mutants were not easy to deal with, otherwise the enterprise and the legion would not have suffered a loss, and finally his people would have taken advantage of them.

  This also indirectly confirmed Heya’s conjecture.

  That is, the Torch Church used the technical information about “perfect life forms” collected in the wasteland to improve the deformed product of “mutants”.

  The greenskins on Broken Blade Mountain are different from those naturally evolved greenskins on the wasteland.

  They have stronger vitality, and a few mutants in the group are so strong that they can grow back even if their heads are lost.

  Especially the super mutant who yelled “Oron”.

  That guy’s physical strength was somewhat absurd. He could take ten thermobaric bombs and still fight like nothing happened.

  And it was because of this that this guy caused a lot of casualties to the Storm Troopers. However

  , looking at the players who were sent to wait for the resurrection CD, they gave “rave reviews” to this extremely powerful BOSS and did not look shocked at all.

  It can be seen that they really haven’t met an opponent who can fight as hard as today for a long time…

  Seeing that Chu Guang did not continue to make requests, Lin Shangwen was relieved, but soon remembered another thing. After hesitating for a moment, he finally spoke up embarrassedly.

  ”By the way.” ”

  What’s wrong?”

  ”After all, we have made a lot of efforts on this mountain…”

  Seeing Lin Shangwen’s difficult expression, Chu Guang immediately understood what he wanted to say, and then smiled faintly and said.

  ”No problem, this mountain is yours… Of course, as we said in our previous contract, I’m afraid you will have to bear the cost of this battle.”

  Hearing this, Lin Shangwen finally showed a comfortable smile on his face, and continued in a sincere tone.

  ”Don’t worry, we will definitely not let our friends suffer!”

  After a pause, he seemed to feel embarrassed again, and coughed lightly.

  ”And… Actually, you don’t have to count it all on us, just count it as our joint credit.”

  Chu Guang smiled and waved his hand.

  ”These are all small things, everything is more important for the overall situation.”

  Dawn has risen from the horizon.

  Although the ground is still shrouded in the long night, Chu Guang, standing in the bridge of the Iron Heart, can already see the end of the long night.

  In the distance, on the highest rock of Broken Blade Mountain, a player wearing an exoskeleton climbed up and heavily planted the flags of the Storm Legion and the Alliance on it.

  Chu Guang saw the player, who seemed to have seen his airship as well, and was waving at him excitedly. Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he put his fist on his chest.

  Although he knew that the player would definitely not see it, Chu Guang still smiled and waved at the French window.

  ”…I didn’t expect the Stormtroopers to take it down before dawn.” Vanus glanced at the watch on his hand, with a hint of surprise on his face. Judging

  from all the performance, there is at least a division of mutants hiding in that mountain, and the Stormtroopers only have one regiment of troops on the front line.

  Even if the Enterprise and the Legion have consumed a large number of mutants’ manpower, it is not easy to gnaw this bone.

  Retracting his right hand, Chu Guang squinted his eyes and smiled and said.

  ”I’m not surprised at all.”

  After all, he was watching the whole process on the official website forum, which was no different from standing on the front line and witnessing the whole battle with his own eyes…

  At the same time, the bridge of the Loyalty airship.

  Lium, sitting upright on a chair, also looked at the two flags rising on Broken Blade Mountain, but he had no joy in his heart, and his face was full of complicated expressions.

  The cooked duck flew away, and that was how he felt in his heart.

  At this time, his adjutant walked to his side, with a hesitant expression on his face, leaned over and whispered in his ear.

  ”General… the marshal of the coalition invited you to the command post of the military base for a meeting, saying that he was going to rectify the uncoordinated cooperation and serious parochialism among the armies.”

  The muscles at the corners of Lium’s mouth twitched fiercely, and his old face turned red and white, white and red, and his eyes stared straight at the French window in front of him, as if he wanted to find a crack in the bulletproof glass to get out.

  What was coming finally came.

  When he thought about how the guys from the Enterprise would laugh at him in a while, he almost wanted to jump off the airship.

  Not to mention the people of the Enterprise.

  Falling into the hands of a group of mutants…

  This is simply the shame of his life!

  Seeing the uncertain expression of his superior, the adjutant hesitated slightly and whispered.

  ”…Do you need me to go for you?”

  ”No need.”

  After all, he was still a man who dared to take responsibility. Lium interrupted him with a dark face and said with gritted teeth, “…I will go by myself!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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