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Chapter 740: Phased Victory

Chapter 740: Phased Victory


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 740: A Phased Victory

  The dawn slowly rose in the sky, and the snow on the peak of Blood Mountain was also coated with a layer of burning gold.

  As the highest peak of the Ten Peaks, this place is about 3,000 meters above sea level. The mountain is rugged and rocky, and there are only two or three narrow paths that can pass through the mountainside.

  Suddenly, a breeze blew, and in just a blink of an eye, two phantoms stood on the snow.

  Looking carefully, it was seen that the two people did not leave a footprint, and no one knew how they got up there.

  ”… I remember that the Rock Axe Clan is your most proud work, and that guy named Orlon.”

  ”I said this two years ago, and your database should be updated.”

  ”Oh? So what is your proudest work now?”

  ”The next one.”

  Looking at the mountain in the distance, the Beast King said this calmly.

  The Rock Axe Clan is still far from perfection.

  Including that Orlon.

  But this is the meaning of his existence.

  In the competition with those corrupt old forces, he will continue to perfect his work until he finally breaks through the limits of the organism and completes the ascension in the physical sense.

  He will create a true “Beast King”.

  ”Interesting statement, the best is always the next one.” Looking at the Beast King beside him, the Human Emperor smiled faintly and continued in a casual tone, “But I have to remind you that you have lost one-third of the position.”

  ”It’s three-tenths.” The Beast King corrected the imprecise statement with a blank expression.

  The Human Emperor shrugged lightly.

  ”In any case, I need you to stay here for at least half a year, until Alzu succeeds in opening up the situation in the south.”

  ”Half a year,” the Beast King continued expressionlessly with a hint of imperceptible coldness on his slightly raised lips, “The mountain range under my feet is their destination.”

  ”Don’t be too radical, my friend,” the Human Emperor smiled faintly, “I hope our plan can proceed in an orderly manner, rather than being based on an assumption without any basis. An unexpected result may not be a surprise to us, but more likely a risk. I hope you keep it in mind…”

  After leaving these words, the figure standing next to the Beast King slowly disappeared in the wind and snow.

  After taking a last look at the two flags on the distant mountain peak, the Beast King frowned slightly and turned around and disappeared.


  As the Storm Corps planted the flag on the top of Broken Blade Mountain, the Battle of Broken Blade Mountain officially came to an end.

  The Alliance rescued more than a thousand survivors from the caves on the mountain, seized thousands of tons of weapons and ammunition, and nearly 10,000 tons of various supplies such as food.

  According to the discovery of the Stormtroopers’ frontline troops, these mutants would grow some fungi crops in the fortifications as a supplement to their food.

  Not only that, these beasts would also use some simple production equipment to modify weapons, and even smelt ore to make them.

  These weapons are usually very rough, and the quality of those DIY modified weapons is usually not as good as before the modification.

  But even so, compared with the garbage man who can’t even use chopsticks properly, these people’s craftsmanship can be called dexterous.

  Moreover, they are not frustrated by the inefficiency of modifying weapons, but they are happy to do it. Some guys in the tribe have even evolved to be proficient in this.

  Some large-caliber rifles with overcharged chromium bullets can even penetrate 45mm hardened steel plates at a distance of 100m.

  This thing can no longer be considered a gun, it has reached the category of a cannon. Even for human awakeners, it is difficult to use it without an exoskeleton.

  ”They are evolving creativity, just like the mutants in the Great Desert and the mutants we encountered in Jinhe City…” Commander Quanshui fiddled with the calf-thick guns in his hands, thought for a moment and threw them back into the cart where the spoils were stored.

  ”Can this be called creativity?” I said disapprovingly.

  ”Don’t underestimate these guys. Creativity is the driving force behind the birth of civilization, no matter what form of civilization it is. As for knowledge, it is just one of the results of the former.”

  While speaking, Commander Quanshui glanced around the production equipment in the cave, and a trace of worry floated between his brows.

  The troubles left by the Torch Church may not be just a few coding genes and a few Naguo…

  But no matter what, this war ended with a great victory for the Alliance.

  Although there are still some remnants of mutants active in the tunnels of the mountain, just like the situation on Black Cloud Mountain, it is only a matter of time to eliminate them.

  Three of the ten natural barriers in the entire Ten Peaks Mountain are in the hands of the coalition.

  At present, the construction team of the Southern Construction Corps has headed to Fushan and started to dig caves, build concrete roads and railways through the mountains.

  It is just around the corner to open the gateway from Jinchuan Province to Haiya Province!

  The victory news quickly spread from the front line to the rear, and also spread throughout the Fushan Military Base. The Storm Corps of the Alliance became famous in the coalition forces!

  As for the Legion, it was unfortunately played as a clown.

  Although their combat quality is actually good, and the fierce offensive has indeed caused huge casualties to the mutants, it is also a fact that they launched an attack without communicating with friendly forces.

  If they won, it would be fine, but the key is that not only did they not win, but they almost lost the position of Black Cloud Mountain by the mutants.

  This time, even General Babita of the Xilan Empire didn’t know how to blow it…


  The Storm Corps handed over the position of Broken Blade Mountain to the 100th Mountain Division of the Enterprise.

  The next mountain is the highest and most dangerous one in the Ten Peaks. It was formerly known as Snow Peak, and the wastelanders call it Blood Peak.

  It is said that the Bloodhoof Clan entrenched there is the largest and most mixed branch of mutants in the entire Ten Peaks.

  They raise some strange “ugly things”.

  Unlike those “dwarf things”, these guys who look like humans are extremely dangerous. Most survivors would rather take the risk of taking a long detour than pass by them.

  However, ordinary merchants can take a detour, but the coalition forces cannot go around and put the supply line on the enemy’s head.

  This position will be attacked by the Alpha Task Force of the Academy.

  After seeing the “strength” of the Legion and the Enterprise, friends in the north seem to be unable to resist showing off their skills.

  At the same time, the Iron Heart has arrived at the edge of the Weifu Military Base and stopped not far from the Loyalty.

  On the other side, at the Weifu Military Base, the conference room of the combat command center was crowded with people.

  The officers of the Enterprise came to the meeting table early, and there were five or six people from the division headquarters, second only to Xilan, who brought 30,000 troops to the war and lost a full 10,000 people.

  Hearing that the lunch boxes were free, the latter even had a thousand men come to support the scene.

  Only one commander came from the Alpha Task Force of the Academy, and two people came from the “Hound” Special Forces of the Free State. There were also some commanders from the Lion, Honey Badger, Humpback, Golden Lizard, Falcon Kingdom, and other survivors. There were more than 20 people in total.

  The representatives of the Legion came last, and only General Lium came.

  Looking at General Lium who came late, Lin Shangwen did not say anything, but the two officers sitting next to him looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

  One of them tore off a piece of conference paper, folded a paper airplane in his hand, and frowned at his colleague next to him.

  ”Watch carefully, I will only demonstrate it once.”

  He threw the plane gently, deliberately throwing it under the table but not reaching out to pick it up, but coughing exaggeratedly.

  ”…The one just now doesn’t count, let me try again.”

  The representatives of other survivor forces did not know about the phone call last night, and naturally did not understand his performance art.

  However, the officers of the Enterprise understood it, and one or two of them were holding back their laughter.

  Including Lin Shangwen’s adjutant, who also had an expression of laughter, but Lin Shangwen himself coughed lightly and used his eyes to remind the guy who folded the paper plane what kind of occasion this was.

  Lium’s eyebrows twitched fiercely, and he sat in his seat with a gloomy face without looking over there.

  The commander of the Alpha Task Force glanced at him, and his emotionless pupils seemed to see through everything, but did not make any comments.

  The two commanders of the Free State exchanged glances and whispered a few words, as if they were weighing something.

  Sensing the unfavorable atmosphere at the conference table for the legion, General Babita from the Xilan Empire keenly smelled the opportunity to show off, and tried to please Lium with a shy smile.

  However, after trying several times, Lium ignored him, so he had to give up in disappointment.

  Seeing that everyone was present, Vanus, who was sitting at the conference table, piled up the documents in his hand and stood up from his seat.

  ”Then, let’s start the meeting–”

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a voice from the conference seat.

  ”Wait a minute.”

  Vanus looked in the direction of the voice, only to see General Lium, with no unexpected expression on his face.

  ”Any questions? Mr. Lium.”

  Lium stared at Vanus for a long time, but saw that the latter had no expression on his face and did not react at all, just looking at him calmly.

  Seeing that Vanus was indifferent, Lium suddenly smiled, and his tense expression seemed to relax.

  However, it was only his expression that relaxed, and his tone was not relaxed at all, and he asked word by word.

  ”Where is Chu Guang?”

  Vanus looked at him and said.

  ”Mr. Manager is listening to General Li Jinrong’s report and inspecting the situation at the military base.”

  Obviously not satisfied with this answer, Lium asked with narrowed eyes.

  ”Such an important meeting, why is it not hosted by him?”

  Vanus continued meticulously.

  ”It is precisely because it is important that he chose to hand it over to professionals like me.”

  ”Professional?” Lium laughed, with disapproval written on his face.

  He didn’t think that a mere centurion of a cannon fodder team could have any insights.

  However, he seemed too ignorant to talk about his status, so he just smiled and started to make trouble from another matter.

  ”What about him? As the supreme commander of the coalition forces, what does he do?”

  Vanus said concisely.

  ”In the words of Mr. Manager, it is his job to let you sit here. If you feel that you are not qualified for this job, you can raise it as soon as possible. We will communicate with your superiors and arrange other candidates who are qualified for this job.”

  Lium stared at him intently, but in the end he didn’t say anything else and sat down at the conference table honestly.

  Vanus nodded to him, without saying much, just cleared his throat.

  ”Well, the meeting will start now.”


  In a corner of the Weifu military base, at the entrance of a three-story concrete building, Chu Guang was inspecting the battlefield research institute on the front line accompanied by Li Jinrong.

  Specimens sent from the front line are stored here.

  These include specimens of the Stonehorn Clan, the Rock Axe Clan that was just defeated by the Storm Corps, and the huge guy who yelled “Olon”.

  It was not easy to send that guy from the front line, so the enterprise dispatched a killer whale transport plane for this purpose.

  At present, the research team of the enterprise and the alliance is dissecting the specimens to try to crack the mystery.

  After handing this place over to Heya, Chu Guang took Li Jinrong and Lu Bei and his party to visit the largest cafeteria in the military base.

  While walking on the road, Xiao Qi said in a voice with a hint of worry.

  ”Is it really okay to hand over that meeting to Vanus?”

  It remembered that before coming here, Chu Guang had mentioned to it once what the Legion thought of Vanus and other Willant people who chose to stay in the Alliance.

  Although Vanus’s ability was good and his performance in the Alliance could be regarded as loyal, it was always worried that his presiding over the meeting might cause dissatisfaction on the part of the Legion.

  Hearing the concerns in Xiao Qi’s voice, Chu Guang smiled faintly and communicated with it in a very light voice.

  ”He, like Yin Fang, is an expert in his respective field. He is best at strategic deployment and coordination between various military branches. It is best to hand it over to him. As for the Legion, their opinions are important, but not so important that we need to take into account the personal emotions of each of them. If even this point cannot be overcome, it can only mean that Lium is not the material for this job. I will suggest that their marshal be replaced.”

  Chu Guang knew very well that his area of ​​expertise was not the deployment of a certain battle or how to fight each war, just like his players knew what kind of game was fun, but they might not be able to make games that suited the tastes of most people.

  The best option is to hand over specific work to professionals.

  As for himself, he just needs to be the mascot of the coalition forces. There is no need to deploy every machine gun position and command every battle in person.

  That would not only give the soldiers a headache, but the generals would also have a headache.

  He would rather walk around the settlement and see how his little players have built it.

  Seeing Chu Guang with a satisfied smile on his face, Li Jinrong guessed that he was in a good mood, and spoke after thinking for a moment.

  ”Sir, there is one thing… I can’t say it on the phone, I have to report it to you in person.”

  Chu Guang: “Go ahead, no need to ask me.”


  After thinking for a moment about how to start, Li Jinrong continued hesitantly, “Some time ago, the expeditionary army of Xilan reclaimed wasteland and planted crops in the north of Wei River. At first, we didn’t take it seriously, but they had a special training method at that time, but later they seemed to… put the cart before the horse.” When he

  talked about the expeditionary army of the Xilan Empire, he had a strange expression on his face.

  He wanted to complain when those people just arrived. Those guys didn’t look like they were here to fight at all, but seemed to come here to tell jokes.

  Not to mention the 10,000 people who were lost in Baiyue Province, just the 20,000 people who went to the front line, none of them looked like they could fight.

  Especially after a defeat some time ago, General Babita simply got a batch of farm tools and distributed them to his subordinates.

  At first, he really didn’t want to care, but the area reclaimed by those people was getting bigger and bigger, and they took over 40 to 50 square kilometers of land along the river.

  Some of the land was originally intended to be distributed by the Southern Construction Corps to the soldiers who participated in the construction of the Weifu military base, and there were some frictions between the two sides.

  After learning that the farm tools in those people’s hands were sold to them by the residents of the shelter, Li Jinrong was unsure whether this was the intention of the administrator, so he took this opportunity to ask.

  Chu Guang was also surprised after hearing this, but didn’t say much.

  ”If they are really not good at fighting, it’s okay to stay in the rear and farm.”

  It is said that the 30,000th expeditionary force performed well in the Baiyue Strait, and under the leadership of his little players, a second port, Youtiao Port, has been opened.

  If these guys can play a role in rebuilding the Weifu City area, it would not be a bad thing.

  Attacking Shifeng Mountain is a short-term tactical goal, and destroying the Torch Church is a mid-term strategic need, but in the final analysis, “wasteland reconstruction” is what the alliance will eventually do and what it will do in the long run.

  Whether it is the reclamation of Baiyue Province, the reconstruction of Jinchuan Province, or even the reconstruction of all areas in the wasteland such as Bola Province, the southern sea area and Haiya Province, they are all within this long-term goal, but the order is different.

  ”But… how to calculate the ownership of the land?” Li Jinrong asked the question that the soldiers were most concerned about.

  Many people in the Southern Construction Corps are criminals who have been reformed by the Punishment Camp, and some are refugees from nearby areas or volunteers who have migrated from other areas of the alliance.

  Except for a few people who are for the ideal of rebuilding the wasteland, most people’s ideas are actually more realistic.

  That is, the land promised by the alliance.

  Many of them have no place to stay in their hometowns and are looking forward to a new beginning.

  The alliance promised them that it would help them open up their own home in the southernmost part of Jinchuan Province.

  However, the sudden influx of a large number of outsiders made many people feel at a loss, especially when these outsiders began to occupy the living space that originally belonged to them.

  The most typical example is the expeditionary force of the Xilan Empire. They came here to fight, but they set their sights on the fertile land north of the Wei River.

  There are also a number of survivor settlements such as Mafu Town.

  These guys can’t take the train to the front line, so they ride horses and drive ox carts to the front line to do business, and even occupy the uninhabited villages they have set their

  sights on. From the perspective of the alliance, this is naturally a good thing, but from the perspective of the grassroots personnel, it is a completely different point of view.

  They welcome the good-for-nothings in Ideal City and the Academy, and they don’t like or hate the Willant people in the Legion. They hate and even annoy the rat people in the Xilan Empire and those foreign merchants who come to steal business.

  As the head of the Southern Construction Corps, Li Jinrong is sandwiched between the grassroots and the top.

  He has to perform his duties and take into account the feelings of the people below.

  Of course, the most critical thing is the attitude of the manager.

  So he found a less sensitive entry point and planned to test Chu Guang’s intentions.

  Chu Guang saw Li Jinrong’s thoughts and embarrassment at a glance, and he didn’t point it out directly, but just smiled and said.

  ”Of course, we should calculate it as we should. The wasteland is not short of land. Whoever cultivates it will own it… Of course, it’s not fair to you to say that. After all, you have made great efforts for this military base.”

  Li Jinrong explained hurriedly.

  ”I dare not… This is what we should do.”

  Seeing his nervous look, Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”Nothing is supposed to be done. Since I said that I would make beautiful things stand out from the society of the alliance, I will definitely give you enough rewards for your contributions. Don’t worry about this.”

  ”Jinchuan Province has more than one river. Tianshui has hundreds of tributaries, large and small, and there is a lot of land that can be cultivated. What’s more, there is more to do in the alliance than just farming. In the future, the Weifu wasteland will become a settlement. The land under your feet is the ‘Changjiu Farm’ of Weifu City. I have said so much, you should understand what I mean, right?”

  Li Jinrong’s face became serious and he nodded seriously.

  ”I understand!”

  ”You understand nothing,” Chu Guang smiled and patted his shoulder, and said earnestly, “I hope you can take a long-term view, and not always focus on the little bit of immediate benefits. Fighting with refugees for land, fighting with vendors for stalls, is this what you should do?”

  ”Don’t think I don’t know anything in the shelter. It’s not that I don’t see the friction between you and the expeditionary soldiers and the residents of Mafu Town, arguing over a field by the Wei River and a house in Kun Town. I just find it funny when I see it.”

  ”Remember your names, you are the Construction Corps, your task is not just to build a military base, but to ensure that those who want to farm have land to farm, and those who want to do business have an environment to do business. They will leave one day, but not everyone will. You must let those who stay stay with gratitude to us, and let those who leave us in the end bring their admiration for us back to their hometowns.”

  “And what you will get is not only honor, but also a brand new settlement, a hometown to start a new life! Aren’t there many of you who can’t go back to Big Stone City? There are also people who made mistakes in Dawn City and are too ashamed to see their relatives and friends there. Including you, you can’t go back to Haiya Province. Although this is not your problem, since you were once a member of the Iron Tower Organization, it is impossible to say that their failure has nothing to do with you!”

  “Don’t say that the Alliance or I didn’t give you a chance. The land under your feet is your Dawn City. What you have to do now is the same as what we did back then – rebuild a new order on a wasteland without order, a better order!”

  Looking at Li Jinrong who was thoughtful, Chu Guang withdrew his hand on his shoulder, stared into his eyes seriously and said.

  ”This is my greatest expectation for you, for you, and for the entire Southern Construction Corps.”

  ”Sorry…” Li Jinrong lowered his head with a look of shame, and said in reflection, “I have failed your expectations.”

  There are so many people who can be united and are already standing here, but they did not unite those people.

  From this point of view, it is not the expeditionary force of the Xilan Empire, nor the country bumpkins from Mafu Town who came to steal business, but they who could have done something. It was not

  until this moment that he realized where the problem was.

  ”Haha, that’s not the case! Your contribution is obvious to everyone,” Chu Guang smiled and looked around. “To be honest, this military base is still well built, and the hardware facilities are impeccable, but the things on this basis need to be strengthened.”

  Li Jinrong said solemnly.

  ”After returning, I will convene officers at all levels of the Corps to review seriously! Discipline from top to bottom!”

  Chu Guang urged.

  ”Not only do you have to enforce discipline, in addition to raising requirements, you also have to seriously address issues of concern to the grassroots. After all, the Southern Construction Corps is not a real army. Except for a small number of people who come with military ranks and establishments, most of them are here to open up wasteland. These people will work for two or three years at most and then retire locally. It would be strange if they were not anxious when they saw those refugees coming to pick peaches. You have to take care of their affairs after they die.”

  ”For example, the equipment for building a military base is still here. Now that the military base has been built, you can take those idle people to renovate the nearby infrastructure, build some houses while repairing the roads, and distribute them to those pioneers who have shed blood and sweat for the land reclamation. In this way, they will not be anxious about those outsiders who sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor, and they will be more understanding and cooperative with your work.”

  ”This kind of thing cannot be done by calling on and mobilizing alone. You have to unite your own people first before you can unite others.”

  If the Home for Refugees is to absorb the huge and unstable group of wastelanders and help those who have left civilized society reintegrate into civilized society, then the Southern Construction Corps is Chu Guang’s attempt to promote the alliance’s active outward expansion.

  If used properly, it can transform those who have undergone labor reform in “punishment camps” and “prisoner of war camps” into units similar to “pioneers” in “Civilization 6”, opening up more bases for the alliance.

  Baiyue Company is actually a similar existence, but the name, action subject, operation mode and logic are different.

  That is the gameplay that players gradually find suitable for themselves in the rotation of versions.

  Chu Guang actually hopes that the NPCs of the alliance can be as active as the players and take the initiative to explore the way to rebuild civilization.

  However, after being a manager for so long, he has more or less understood the difficulties.

  The loyalty of those people is unquestionable, and they are also loyal to the union and equality he advocates. After all, most of them are the beneficiaries of this concept.

  Not to mention loyalty, their beliefs and ideals are almost fanatical, and they even want to push him to the same high position as the Great Horned Deer God.

  However, when he mentioned that the ultimate goal of the alliance was to end the wasteland era, whether it was Lü Bei following behind him, Wrench and others guarding the border of the alliance, or Luca sitting diligently in the position of the city lord, they all showed blank expressions.

  Just like real NPCs.

  He could feel that they were not blank about the concept of the alliance, nor did they doubt what he said, otherwise they would not have followed him so far.

  It’s just that in the eyes of many people, the wasteland of the alliance seems to have ended.

  Why end something that doesn’t exist?

  They even got recognition from the ancient survivor forces such as the Legion, the Academy, and the Enterprise, and also got respect from other young survivor forces.

  It’s fine to go on with the current way. Exploring new ways requires taking some unnecessary risks.

  And the people who can really understand him, besides the players, seem to be only Yin Fang, Heya, Old Charlie, Vanus and a few others…

  For some reason, Chu Guang suddenly felt a little sympathetic to the marshal of the Legion.

  Although he didn’t know what kind of life that guy led, if he really lived to this day as the legion claimed, the Weilant comrades who accompanied him at the beginning should all be gone…

  Whether it was Vanus who was presiding over the meeting, or Lium who was sitting at the table with a gloomy face, they were just the great-great-great-grandsons of that guy’s comrades.

  He simply couldn’t imagine how difficult this game of chess would be without those brave little players…

  Watching Li Jinrong’s back as he walked away, Chu Guang sighed softly.

  ”Xiao Qi, our work is arduous and long.”

  As if hearing the emotion in his voice, and as if he was feeling the same, Xiao Qi whispered softly in his ear.

  ”Yes, master.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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