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Chapter 741 Next to that gentleman, I saw another possibility

Chapter 741 Next to that gentleman, I saw another possibility


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 741 Next to that gentleman, I saw another possibility.

  In the meeting room of the combat command center, the “rectification meeting” that made Lium restless finally ended.

  Although the division commander Lin did not take advantage of the meeting, the sight that drifted from somewhere inadvertently always made him feel like a thorn in his back.

  This is probably the feeling of doing something wrong.

  However, what surprised Lium was that, apart from the uncomfortable feeling, the content that the guy named Vanus talked about at the meeting actually gave him a sense of benefit.

  The guy made a profound review of the mistakes made by the coalition forces in the battle from the two aspects of tactics and strategy.

  Although the war ended in victory, if the cooperation between the various armies could be more coordinated, the coalition forces would not have to bear such huge casualties.

  Of course, even he could make such a summary after the fact.

  But being able to analyze the problem in an orderly manner and comprehensively in such a short time, and come up with a way to improve it, still requires some level!

  Looking at the guy’s raised nose, Lium’s eyes flashed a sharp light.

  Speaking of the matter, this Vanus is indeed a talent!

  It is hard to imagine that such a talent was just a thousand-man captain of the cannon fodder unit of the Eastern Legion Expeditionary Force.

  If I were his superior, I would definitely recommend him to the Youth Army as a middle-level officer and promote him to a senior position when his resume was suitable.

  After announcing the adjournment of the meeting.

  Lium sat at the table and waited for a while. When most people had left, he stopped Vanus who was about to leave.


  Wait a minute.” Seeing that it was General Lium who called him, Vanus stopped and asked.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Lium looked him up and down, and suddenly said with a smile.

  ”I don’t understand. With your ability, you will definitely make a difference in the legion. Why do you want to be a traitor?”

  Lium bit the word “traitor” very hard, trying to see a trace of shame or similar expression on the face of the man in front of him.

  This made it easier for him to say the next words.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that Vanus’s expression did not change at all. Instead, he looked at him and asked back.

  ”What do you mean by action? Becoming a captain of ten thousand men, or becoming a governor, or owning tens of thousands of slaves and ten thousand acres of fiefdom?”

  Lium was stunned, staring at him for a while and then said.

  ”What about honor? You are a soldier, at least you should have this kind of thing.”

  Vanus smiled faintly and answered gently.

  ”For me, fighting for what you believe in can be called honor. Otherwise, even looters can say that they fight for honor. They can also shout “for the boss” or something similar before robbing.”

  Lium narrowed his eyes.

  ”What do you want to say?”

  ”I am answering your confusion. Didn’t you ask me why I betrayed the legion?”

  Vanus glanced at him, then looked outside the door, and continued to speak concisely.

  ”Next to that gentleman, I saw another possibility.”

  Lium was slightly stunned.

  ”That’s it?”

  Vanus nodded.

  ”That’s all.”


  At noon.

  At the forefront of the battle between the coalition forces and the Torch, a group of young men from Ideal City were waiting on the position of Black Cloud Mountain, ready to march to Broken Blade Mountain.

  The 1st Regiment of the 100th Mountain Division was responsible for taking over the Broken Blade Mountain position from the Storm Corps.

  Since the beginning of the war, these young men have not killed a single mutant, but they have collected a lot of colorful cards and gained weight.

  But even so, they have not forgotten why they came here.

  Everyone’s face was full of eager expressions, and they couldn’t wait to go up and show off to prove that they were not real idiots.

  Listening to the faint gunshots coming from the mountains in the distance, Tang Feng felt the blood boiling in his chest. When he thought that he would soon go there, he couldn’t help but clench the G9 assault rifle in his hand, and his index finger kept rubbing on the safety.

  Not because of fear.

  But because of excitement.

  After several months of training, it was finally going to come in handy!

  ”Are the mutants in this mountain not extinct yet?”

  The officer standing not far from him nodded, narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked ahead, and said simply and clearly.

  ”Those guys are like cockroaches. It takes as much time to completely wipe them out as it does to defeat them on the front battlefield…whether it’s on the beach, in the woods, or in the mountains.”

  As he spoke, he walked to the front of the entire company, looked around at the pairs of energetic eyes, and raised his voice.

  ”When you go to the front line, you must always be vigilant, keep your eyes open, and report any suspicious threats!”

  ”I’ll only say this once, this is not a joke, just one mistake may cost you your life, or even all of you!”

  ”Understood!” After listening to the officer’s speech, the soldiers of the 1st Company shouted with high morale, including Tang Feng who asked the question earlier.

  Looking at this group of energetic guys, the officer nodded slowly.

  ”You’d better really understand.”

  The brothers of the 2nd Battalion have already headed to the front line. Several companies of the 1st Battalion have been waiting for a long time without receiving any orders, so the commander ordered them to disperse and rest, but only asked his brothers not to stray too far from the assembly point.

  After all, Black Cloud Mountain is the position of the Willant people.

  This is not a recruit camp. He doesn’t want to control his subordinates too much, but he is worried that these energetic young men will clash with the Willant people.

  Who asked them to be born to be incompatible?

  Tang Feng didn’t run around, but just sat with the brothers of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Company, watching the dusty big noses not far away chatting casually.

  ”Is that the 2,000-man team?”

  ”It’s the 1,000-man team.”

  ”But I heard that it wasn’t the 2,000-man team that took the lead last night? How come they were also beaten up?”

  A machine gunner curled his lips, his voice carrying a hint of sarcasm.

  ”This is about the cleverness of these big-nosed guys… I heard that they wanted to show us a little trick last night, so they dragged the 2,000-man team that was originally going to be replaced to the front line, but they found that the bone was not easy to chew, and they fought half to death with the mutants. Later, that Lium probably couldn’t stand losing, and he was angry and pressed the defense troops forward.”

  ”In the end, he shot himself in the foot?” A rifleman interrupted in a teasing tone.

  The machine gunner laughed and said.

  ”Haha, that’s it.”

  The 1,000-man team?

  Tang Feng vaguely remembered this number.

  The “exhibitionist” who took off his coat and showed off his muscles seemed to be in that team. I don’t know what happened to that guy. It was so

  embarrassing to be beaten up by a group of mutants.

  Next time he plays cards, he will have to laugh at that guy.

  Use the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in his hand!

  Just as he was thinking in his heart, a Willant man with a cane limped towards this side.

  Judging from his clothes and shoulder straps, the man seemed to be a centurion.

  His left leg seemed to be broken, and there was a bandage on his head. Judging from the faintly exposed wound, it should be a burn.

  Seeing the Willant man coming over, the guys in the 2nd platoon of the 1st company stopped talking and stared at the guy with a cane, wanting to see what he was going to do.

  According to past practice, it must be no good when the Willant man takes the initiative to approach.

  However, to the surprise of the boys, this dusty guy didn’t seem to be looking for trouble. He just glanced at them and asked.

  ”Are you from the 1st company of the 1st battalion?”

  The platoon leader sitting in the middle looked at him.

  ”Yes, what’s wrong?”

  The Willant man grinned.

  ”Looking for someone… Is there a guy named Tang Feng here?”

  Seeing that all the brothers were looking at him, Tang Feng put his rifle aside, jumped down from the stone he was sitting on, and looked at the man in front of him.

  ”That’s me. What do you want to talk to me about?”

  The Willant nodded, and without further ado, he took out the package from under his elbow and threw it into Tang Feng’s arms.

  Looking at the confused Tang Feng, he slowly opened his mouth and continued.

  ”My brother wrote down his last wish in his suicide note. He asked me to send his letters and belongings back home… except for this thing. He asked me to go to the 1st Battalion, 1st Company, 100th Division, 1st Regiment, 1st Division in Enterprise to find a guy named Tang Feng and throw this thing to him.”

  Tang Feng took the package and subconsciously opened it. He took a look inside and saw that it was filled with colorful cards. He was stunned for a moment.

  ”Your brother is…” He raised his head woodenly and looked at the centurion in front of him.


  The centurion grinned, as if to make his expression less stiff, or it might be that the burned muscles twitched subconsciously.

  He looked at Tang Feng and read the guy’s last words to him.

  ”He asked me to tell his family that he was a real warrior and they don’t need to feel sorry for him. It’s his honor to die before he gets old. Please be proud of his bravery… This idiot talks a lot of nonsense, but a real warrior doesn’t need this stuff, right? Keep it for him.”

  After a pause, the centurion’s Adam’s apple moved and he continued.

  ”Also, he asked me to tell you by the way that playing cards with you is actually quite fun… although it’s a pity that I didn’t punch you in the face.”

  ”In our place, this is how we make friends.”

  After leaving these words, the centurion limped away on his crutches, leaving Tang Feng, who was holding a package, standing there in a daze, and two rows of young men sitting on the rocks looking at each other.

  That guy…

  is dead?

  Looking at the package in his hand, Tang Feng swallowed unconsciously, feeling that his ten fingers wrapped in the exoskeleton were slightly cold.

  He didn’t come back to his senses until a voice sounded in the distance.


  Hearing the voice of the commander, he suddenly woke up. He didn’t have time to think more. He tied the package and threw it on his back reflexively, and picked up the rifle on the side. It was not

  until this moment that he suddenly woke up.

  This is not the ideal city.

  It is not a game on the endpoint cloud.

  It is a real battlefield…


  Since the end of the “rectification meeting” of the coalition’s top leaders, three days have passed in

  a blink of an eye. During these three days, the front line was calm. Except for sporadic gunshots from Broken Blade Mountain from time to time, there were almost no large-scale battles and exchanges of fire.

  However, this peace is more like the calm before the storm.

  During this period, the academy has been sending troops to the front line.

  The number of Alpha Mobile Task Force stationed in the Weifu Military Base has expanded from the initial one thousand to three thousand.

  Not only that, the academy’s aircraft flies over Blood Mountain for reconnaissance almost every day, and occasionally drops drones to test the strength of those mutants.

  Compared with the “gambler” offensive strategy of the legion and the method of enterprises to fight and think while fighting, they seem to prefer to make a detailed plan in advance, reduce the possibility of mistakes and the tolerance rate, and end the battle with a final decision.

  It must be said that this is very similar to the style of the academy. When they plan something, few people can guess their real thoughts.

  But what makes Chu Guang curious is that if the plan cannot keep up with the changes at that time, or the opponent takes out unexpected cards, what decision will they make.

  Not only he is curious, but other commanders of the coalition are also curious.

  At present, the alliance, the legion, and the enterprise have each captured a position, waiting to see how the academy performs in the next battle.

  An unprecedented battle is quietly brewing…


  Outside the Weifu military base, along the northern bank of the Weishui River.

  There are ridges and paths connecting the fields, and the rat soldiers carrying baskets are working in the fields with their heads buried.

  The war between the Slime Community and the Torch seemed to have nothing to do with them, and their only achievement so far was to follow the Clone Corps and give away a life.

  While everyone was waiting for the next move of the academy, they had already turned over all the land along the north bank of the Wei River and had entered the sowing phase.

  Most of the soldiers of these feudal lords were serfs or servants. Although they were laymen in fighting, they were experts in farming, but the tools and methods they used were a bit primitive.

  They poured the seeds into the pot, mixed them with fine sand and ash from burning weeds, and then sprinkled them on the already turned soil.

  The area near the military base is a vegetable field, where seasonal vegetables are planted, especially cabbage for pork trotter rice.

  In addition, there are potato fields and so on.

  A little further away, they even made rice fields, as if they were planning to plant a round of late rice in the time window at the end of June.

  General Babita promised them that after the crops in the field were harvested, they would all be given a generous reward.

  Although they never had high expectations for the abstract term “generous”, it was always a good thing not to go to the front line to die.

  Another thing is that these seeds and seedlings were taken out of their food allowance by General Babita after all.

  Therefore, everyone planted very carefully. Not only did no one slack off, they would even take the initiative to protect these fields belonging to the Xilan Expeditionary Army and fight against the “bullies” of the Southern Construction Corps.

  Even though this land nominally belonged to the expeditionary army, the final result was probably no different from the money allocated by His Majesty the Emperor. In the end, it still went into the pockets of General Babita and his officers, but there was still some left for them.

  Just as the rat tribe was busy, two excavators drove in from the direction of the Weifu military base one after another.

  Next to the excavators were a group of construction workers in work clothes.

  There was no doubt that they were all from the Southern Construction Corps.

  The rat tribe looked up and saw it, showing an expression as if they were facing a great enemy. They threw down their backpacks and surrounded them with hoes.

  Under pressure from the superiors, a centurion stood up and shouted at the man sitting on the excavator.

  ”What are you doing here?”

  The construction worker next to the excavator responded.

  ”Repairing the road.”

  Everyone was stunned for a moment, thinking they had heard it wrong.

  The centurion glanced at the bucket of the excavator, then looked at the construction worker and repeated it doubtfully.

  ”Repairing the road?”

  The construction worker said concisely.

  ”That’s right. There is still some cement left from building the military base. Our superiors asked us to build a few roads along the Wei River and connect the nearby land with infrastructure… When the roads are built, it will be more convenient for you to come from the military base to farm.”

  Everyone was surprised when they heard this, and exchanged incredulous glances.

  They clearly remembered that a few days ago, these people tried every means to drive them away.

  Why are they suddenly kind today?

  The centurion looked unconvinced and stared at the construction workers vigilantly.

  ”What exactly do you want to do? Why do you suddenly want to build a road?”

  The construction worker said helplessly.

  ”This… there is no reason. Okay, let me explain it more clearly. The alliance plans to plan a settlement here, and this area will belong to the ‘Weifu City’ in the future. Not only do you want to build a road here, but the Kun Town next to it also needs a road.”

  This is what Li Jinrong, the head of the group, mentioned to them at the meeting the day before yesterday.

  Since he didn’t say that it should be kept secret, and there were so many people present, it would definitely spread by then, so he didn’t bother to keep it a secret.

  At that conference, Li Jinrong mentioned not only the planning of Weifu City, but also the future planning for the staff and non-staff of the Southern Construction Corps.

  In addition to the salary in the contract, the Southern Construction Corps will give each of them who choose to stay in the local area a house of at least 100 square meters after the war, as well as shops that can be rented out or operated by themselves.

  Although the houses and shops here are not as attractive as those in Shuguang City, the potential for development here is obvious to everyone.

  Otherwise, those refugees would run to the nearby uninhabited villages to occupy houses, and the brothers of the Southern Construction Corps would not be itching to do so.

  As the coalition forces are stationed in this area, more and more survivors in the southern part of Jinchuan Province are gathering here.

  These people are not all here to do business, but more are attracted by the safety, stability and order here.

  Even if the war is over and the coalition forces withdraw, the order here will not disappear in an instant, and there will always be some people who stay and become residents of this area.

  At first, he and his colleagues thought that these outsiders were just here to take advantage of the situation, but after listening to Captain Li’s analysis at the meeting, they changed their minds.

  There are no special resources in the Weifu Wasteland, only land, which is the most abundant in the wasteland, and this kind of thing is everywhere.

  In contrast, talent is the most valuable wealth.

  Because the survivors in the wasteland are willing to gather around the alliance, the houses built by the alliance have value.

  In other words, everything they are doing now is not for the refugees, but for themselves, to make their future new homes more valuable!

  With such a tempting pie hanging there, they naturally lost interest in the muddy pieces by the river.

  Even if they were building roads for these “unemployed” rat people, no one complained.

  However, after listening to the explanation of the construction worker, everyone was in an uproar.

  Without waiting for their centurion to speak, a rat tribe member hurried forward and asked.

  ”Weifu City?! Is this your territory? Then, what about the land we planted?”

  The construction worker said with a smile.

  ”It has no impact on you. If you want to plant, just continue to plant. I remember that the law of the alliance seems to have written that it will belong to you after two years of planting.”

  He did not study whether this thing was written into the law, but it was indeed the case in Shuguang City.

  The land to the north of Linghu Lake will be planted for two years or longer. After the expiration of the period, it will no longer need to be shared by Changjiu Farm.

  He just said it casually, but when the ears of these rat people heard it, countless people opened their eyes in shock.

  Plant for two years and it will be yours?

  There is such a good thing? !

  Those pairs of eyes were printed with envious light, and the desire that was so hot that it could be seen with the naked eye…

  In the province of Bora, no one had ever said such words to them.

  No one stopped the construction team of the Southern Construction Corps, and the two excavators did not drive into their fields to cause damage.

  Both sides demarcated the boundaries of farmland and roads, and each did their own thing without interfering with each other.

  Looking at the rat people who successfully “forced back” the Southern Construction Corps, the thousand-man captain Kumar standing in the distance breathed a sigh of relief and a comfortable smile appeared on his face.

  ”General Babita is truly a man of foresight.”

  These disgusting rats are still somewhat useful.

  Didn’t those hypocritical guys say they wanted to unite the inferiors?

  General Babita saw through their hypocrisy at a glance, and used a trick to push these inferiors in front of them.

  Although it is true that these fields belong to the expeditionary army, this is an explanation to the rat people. They have another explanation for the alliance. Going to the outside of the military base to farm is the behavior of the rats themselves, and it has nothing to do with the expeditionary army of the Xilan Empire. Sure

  enough, facing the group of poor rat people carrying hoes, these pretentious river valley people immediately fell into a dilemma. The fact

  that they drove the excavator straight over is the best proof.

  Although these guys concealed their embarrassment very well, Kumar saw at a glance that the two excavators were originally heading for the fertile land by the river.

  These guys are very bad!

  Just when Kumar ran to report another victory of the expeditionary army to General Babita, Chu Guang, who was strolling in the Weifu military base, suddenly received an unexpected message.

  The caller was Yin Fang.

  After hearing his statement on the communication channel, Chu Guang was stunned.

  ”…Are you sure that it was a ‘Prowler’?”

  ”Well… I can still tell the difference between a tractor and a tank, especially one with such distinctive features. But that’s not the point. The point is that this tank is different from the wreckage we recovered from the center of Qingquan City and Luoxia Province. The ‘Meissner Armor’ generation unit inside the vehicle body is actually intact. We infer that it was not destroyed, but more like it was abandoned after the fuel ran out.”

  Chu Guang could hear that when Yin Fang said this, there was a hint of obvious hesitation and even confusion in his voice.

  ”But I can’t figure it out. The existing data does not mention that the People’s Alliance Army has deployed armored forces in the southern part of Jinchuan Province… And how did a farmer in Mafu Town find this thing?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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