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Chapter 742 It’s her again!

Chapter 742 It’s her again!

2024-02-19 作者: 山前月古

  Chapter 742 It’s her again!

  Xu Xiuwen explained, “I have something to deal with in the company, so I won’t take you back.”

  Yang Baishan smiled and said, “It’s okay, we can just take the bus back, no need to trouble you to take us back.”

  ”Okay, see you back at school.”

  Xu Xiuwen turned to look at Shen Minyao and handed over the camera.

  After Shen Minyao took the camera, Xu Xiuwen said, “Then I’ll leave first.”

  After that, he waved goodbye to the three people, then turned and left.

  After Xu Xiuwen left.

  Yang Baishan turned to Shen Minyao and said, “Shen Minyao, you can take the bus back with us.”

  Shen Minyao glanced at the direction Xu Xiuwen left, then shook her head and smiled and said, “No, I still have some things to buy, you can go back first.”

  Then Shen Minyao also left.

  After Xu Xiuwen and Shen Minyao left.

  Yang Baishan turned to his girlfriend and said, “Yueyue, let’s go back too.”

  Qian Yue suddenly asked, “So, Senior Xiuwen did cheat on me, right?”

  Yang Baishan always thought that the three of them did a good job.

  Qian Yue didn’t see it.

  As soon as the two of them left, Qian Yue said it out.

  Yang Baishan was so surprised that he didn’t know how to answer for a while.

  Qian Yue glanced at him and said, “Why are you so surprised? Do you think I didn’t see it?”

  Yang Baishan couldn’t help asking, “Why didn’t you say it before you saw it?”

  Qian Yue rolled her eyes at him again, “Do you think I’m as stupid as you? If I say it out, how embarrassed will Senior and Senior be.”

  Yang Baishan wanted to help explain, “Yueyue, actually their relationship is not what you think!”

  Qian Yue glared at him, “I haven’t said anything about you yet, you actually helped outsiders to deceive me, and now you want to continue to deceive me?”

  ”I… I…” Yang Baishan was speechless.

  Qian Yue stared at him for a few seconds, retracted her gaze and said, “Forget it this time, if you dare to lie to me again next time, I’ll see how I deal with you.” Seeing that

  Qian Yue let him go this time.

  Yang Baishan breathed a sigh of relief.

  Immediately, Qian Yue said to herself, “I never thought that Senior Xiuwen would cheat, and that Senior Sister would actually be willing to be a mistress!”

  Yang Baishan warned, “This is someone else’s business, don’t worry about it. And don’t tell anyone about this.”

  Qian Yue nodded, “I know, who can I tell, and even if I tell, no one will believe me.”

  Yang Baishan thought about it and felt relieved.

  Later, the two took a car back to school.

  On the other side.

  Xu Xiuwen left first and returned to the car.

  He was not in a hurry to drive back to the company.

  In fact, going back to the company was just an excuse.

  He just wanted Qian Yue to think that he and Shen Minyao were not dating, but really met by chance.

  After waiting for a while.

  The passenger door was opened.

  Shen Minyao got in.

  After Shen Minyao sat down, she exhaled

  She turned her head and looked at Xu Xiuwen and said, “How could I be so unlucky to run into them?”

  In fact, Jinling is so small, and there are only so many places to play.

  It’s normal to run into them in Confucius Temple.

  Xu Xiuwen comforted her, “It’s okay, she didn’t see through our relationship.”

  ”What if she saw through it?” Shen Minyao asked worriedly. Xu

  Xiuwen said, “That’s okay, I’ve already told Lao Yang not to tell anyone. He will definitely remind Qian Yue not to tell anyone. It doesn’t matter even if she tells anyone.”

  Shen Minyao said, “Why is it okay? I don’t want Weiwei to be talked about, I’m worried that she will get hurt.”

  Xu Xiuwen fell silent after hearing that.

  He didn’t think of that.

  Shen Minyao guessed his thoughts when she saw his expression.

  The girl suddenly snorted, “Scumbag!”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled bitterly and said, “Okay, okay, I’m a scumbag, you’re a scumbag, we’re a perfect match.”

  Shen Minyao looked embarrassed.


  If Xu Xiuwen is a scumbag, then

  she’s also a scumbag.

  Neither of them are good people.

  ”Okay, let’s stop here. Don’t let it affect your mood.”

  Xu Xiuwen started the car and turned around to ask, “Where do you want to go next?”

  Shen Minyao said indifferently, “You decide.”

  Xu Xiuwen blinked and asked, “How about we go to get a room?”

  Shen Minyao blushed.

  The next second, she frowned and said, “You’re dreaming!”

  Xu Xiuwen heard this and said, “You are my girlfriend. How can we go to get a room and become a dream?”

  Shen Minyao rolled her eyes at him, “Who do you think I am? Do you think I am the same as those girls who don’t know how to keep themselves clean? I like you, but if you think I will agree to go to get a room with you, you have made a mistake.” Xu

  Xiuwen was amused when he heard this.

  You know, Shen Minyao was very proactive before.

  Now she says that she is a girl who keeps herself clean.

  How can it not be funny?

  But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with what Shen Minyao said.

  Although she has taken the initiative, she is still a girl who keeps herself clean in essence.

  Because in his previous life, when he and Shen Minyao had sex for the first time, she was still a virgin.

  The key for a girl is that she is still very beautiful.

  She was able to keep her virginity until she was 30 years old.

  This is enough to show how chaste this girl is.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t really plan to get a room with Shen Minyao.

  Although he liked women, he was not in a hurry.

  He and Shen Minyao had just confirmed their relationship.

  How could they go to get a room right away?

  They were all serious college students.

  She is not the kind of nice girl who hangs out in nightclubs all day.

  Her crotch is not that loose.

  As for what she said just now, it was just a joke.

  Shen Minyao’s reaction was also within his expectations.

  He was quite satisfied with her answer.

  If Shen Minyao directly agreed to get a room,

  he would be unhappy.

  Xu Xiuwen thought about it and suggested, “Minyao, let’s go to the movies. It seems that I haven’t watched a movie with you yet.”

  Shen Minyao was also quite satisfied when she heard about going to the movies.

  She nodded and said with a smile, “Okay.”

  In the blink of an eye, it was night.

  Xu Xiuwen drove Shen Minyao to the downstairs of the girls’ dormitory.

  After this day’s date,

  both of them completely opened their hearts and were more certain of each other’s feelings.

  Shen Minyao’s eyes were full of reluctance.

  For the first time, she felt that separation was so sad.

  Even though they had been together for a day,

  she still felt it was not enough. She

  wanted to be with Xu Xiuwen for the rest of her life.

  When a girl falls in love for the first time, there is usually a period of infatuation.

  Xu Xiuwen is used to it.

  He didn’t waste any words, just unbuckled the seat belt, pressed forward, and kissed the girl’s lips.

  A kiss was used as a way of parting.

  After the kiss.

  Shen Minyao blushed and her breathing was a little rapid.

  Facing Xu Xiuwen’s burning eyes, her heart beat very fast, shy and sweet, but also a little nervous.

  Shyness is easy to understand.

  Nervousness, mainly because she was worried about being seen by passing students.

  She quickly said: “Xu Xiuwen, it’s too late, I… I’ll go back first.”

  After that, she hurriedly opened the door, got out of the car and ran away.

  After she ran to the dormitory door, she turned around and saw that Xu Xiuwen’s car was still parked in the distance.

  So she waved, then turned around and went into the dormitory.

  It was already very late at this time.

  Xu Xiuwen slowly turned the car around.

  The car drove to the west gate of Jiangling College.

  was about to return to Jiangning Garden.

  He glanced inadvertently and seemed to see a familiar figure.

  It was Du Qingling.

  Since the last encounter in the hotel, they have not met again.

  Unexpectedly, they met again tonight.

  She was riding the ladies’ bicycle and was about to go to the main gate.

  This was originally just an ordinary scene.

  Although he knew Du Qingling, he was not very familiar with her, so he did not stop to say hello.

  At this moment,

  an accident occurred.

  Three boys suddenly rushed out from the alley next to the west gate and

  blocked Du Qingling’s way.

  This scene reminded Xu Xiuwen of the first time he saw Du Qingling.

  The only difference was that it was in the teaching building, and this time it was outside the school.

  Du Qingling was not stupid.

  In the middle of the night, these three boys blocked her way, obviously with bad intentions.

  When she was still some distance away from the three people,

  she quickly turned around on the road and prepared to ride away in the opposite direction.

  As a result, when the boys saw it, they reacted quickly and immediately rushed towards her.

  Because of the U-turn, the speed of the car dropped.

  Du Qingling’s bicycle was not an electric car, and she rushed out as soon as the ignition was turned.

  She had to rely on her legs to exert force.

  It was difficult to increase the speed in a very short time.

  As a result, she was caught up by the three people.

  One of the boys directly reached out and grabbed the back seat of Du Qingling’s bicycle.

  Du Qingling was forced to stop.

  Seeing this,

  Xu Xiuwen had roughly guessed the next plot.

  But he did not get out of the car to help immediately, but took the initiative to park the car on the side of the road.

  In the shadow not far from the four people.

  Xu Xiuwen is not a person who holds grudges.

  But Du Qingling left a bad impression on him.

  Therefore, he did not get out of the car to help immediately, but sat quietly in the car.

  Through the front windshield, watching the development of the situation in front.

  After Du Qingling was surrounded by boys, she

  was directly pushed down by the boys who chased her, including the car.

  Du Qingling immediately shouted for help.

  The street where Xu Xiuwen was located was the street on the west side of Jiangling College and Jiaotong University.

  There were always fewer people on this street.

  There were even few street lights on the street.

  If it was in the snack street outside the north gate.

  The three people would not dare to do this.

  But on West Street, at this time of night, there were no people on the road.

  In addition, it was dark.

  It was indeed suitable for doing bad things.

  But even so.

  The three boys saw her shouting for help and were still anxious.

  They were worried that it would attract the attention of the residents around them.

  If someone came to inquire about the situation,

  their plan would not be able to continue.

  One of the boys immediately covered her mouth from behind and dragged her into the alley on the side of the road. The

  remaining two boys followed, one quickly picked up the bicycle on the ground, and then walked into the alley together.

  Seeing this scene,

  Xu Xiuwen took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police.

  At this moment,

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly opened his eyes wide.

  Du Qingling did something that surprised him.

  Du Qingling suddenly bit the boy who was covering her mouth.

  The other man felt the pain and immediately let go.

  After Du Qingling stood firm, she quickly looked around West Street.

  She saw a car parked in the shadows not far away.

  But she was not sure if there was anyone in the car, so she didn’t dare to gamble.

  Then she immediately ran along the road towards North Street without looking back.

  From here, we can see that Du Qingling is very smart.

  Her resistance before was not very strong.

  But suddenly she found an opportunity, got rid of the restraints and ran out.

  And the direction of escape was also the crowded North Street.

  It is not very far from North Street.

  As long as you run to North Street, you will be safe.

  The three boys have been planning for tonight’s plan for several days.

  As long as they enter the alley,

  Du Qingling will be helpless.

  But something went wrong at the most important link.

  They were about to drag Du Qingling into the alley, but she broke free and ran away.

  It was also their own fault for negligence.

  In fact, if the second boy helped to catch Du Qingling,

  she would have no chance to break free and run away.

  The remaining two boys didn’t care to blame the boy who was bitten, and immediately turned around and chased after him.

  The third boy even rode Du Qingling’s bicycle to chase after him.

  The boy who was bitten was both self-blaming and angry.

  He cursed, “You stinky bitch dare to bite me!”

  After cursing, he strode after him.

  Du Qingling didn’t have to choose such a radical move.

  The three boys dragged her into the alley, but they didn’t necessarily violate her.

  If they just beat her up,

  she would have been used to it, and it didn’t seem like a big deal.

  But Du Qingling didn’t dare to gamble.

  She didn’t want to leave her innocence to these guys.

  She found a chance to escape.

  But she still underestimated the difference in physical strength between men and women.

  The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and they were about to catch up.

  At this moment,

  a car suddenly drove up from behind.

  The bright headlights gave Du Qingling hope.

  Du Qingling stopped running.

  She suddenly ran to the middle of the road and kept waving at the car.

  This car was of course Xu Xiuwen.

  He had been watching for so long, and knew that he couldn’t continue to watch the fun.

  So he drove after him.

  Xu Xiuwen passed the three boys, drove in front of Du Qingling, and stopped the car.

  Du Qingling immediately ran to the outside of the co-pilot door, opened the door and got in.

  The next second,

  the car rushed out.

  The three boys who caught up saw Du Qingling being picked up by the car.

  The duck in the mouth ran away.

  The three boys were also extremely annoyed.

  In the car.

  Du Qingling was too nervous just now, and she didn’t have time to look at the car number plate.

  So she didn’t recognize that the car was Xu Xiuwen’s.

  After she got in the car, she saw the car start, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  She panted a few times, turned around and was about to say thank you.

  The next second she was stunned.

  Du Qingling saw Xu Xiuwen’s profile and recognized him immediately.

  She never thought that the person who drove to save her would be Xu Xiuwen.

  For a moment, she even thought that the three boys just now were arranged by Xu Xiuwen.

  No wonder she was so suspicious.

  Including this time.

  Xu Xiuwen has saved her three times in total.

  Once or twice can be said to be a coincidence.

  But three times in a row, it is inevitable that people feel that it is too coincidental.

  But she immediately rejected this idea.

  Let’s not talk about this time.

  The first time was in the women’s restroom, and the person who bullied her was her classmate.

  It couldn’t be arranged by Xu Xiuwen.

  The second time was on the street behind the bar.

  Those gangsters didn’t seem to be arranged by Xu Xiuwen.

  This time shouldn’t be it.

  No, it is definitely not.

  Because after calming down.

  Du Qingling remembered.

  Among the three boys just now, one of them was known to her.

  He was from the same hometown as the girl who often bullied her in class.

  So these three people should have been arranged by that girl.

  Du Qingling adjusted her mood and said to Xu Xiuwen: “Thank you for helping me again.”

  Xu Xiuwen was driving seriously at the moment.

  After hearing the girl’s thanks.

  He did not turn his head to look at the girl, but still looked forward, his expression seemed a little cold.

  His voice was also faint: “No need to thank me, I just happened to pass by.”

  Du Qingling suddenly remembered.

  Just now, it seemed that she saw a car parked not far away.

  It seemed to be this car.

  That is to say, Xu Xiuwen may have seen the scene of her being surrounded by three boys a long time ago.

  But he never got out of the car to help.

  This means that at least he didn’t intend to help at first.

  But he changed his mind later.

  Du Qingling didn’t know why he changed his mind, but she could guess why he didn’t intend to help at first.

  Du Qingling remembered that time in Xu Xiuwen’s counselor’s office.

  She lowered her head, with some complexity in her eyes.

  After a moment.

  The girl whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  Xu Xiuwen asked in surprise, “Why are you apologizing?”

  Du Qingling didn’t say anything else, just shook her head gently, and then turned to look out the window.

  Seeing this, Xu Xiuwen stopped talking nonsense.


  The car drove to the north gate of Jiangling College.

  Wait for the car to stop.

  Xu Xiuwen turned around and said, “We’re at the north gate. Do you want to call the police or go back to the dormitory? It’s up to you.”

  Du Qingling shook her head and said, “I won’t call the police. It’s useless to call the police.”

  Xu Xiuwen did not comment on this.

  Du Qingling suddenly turned around and looked at him, with a little hesitation in her eyes.

  ”Xu Xiuwen, can you accompany me back to where we were just now?”

  ”You want to go back? Isn’t this a sheep walking into

  a tiger’s mouth?” Xu Xiuwen couldn’t understand Du Qingling’s train of thought.

  Du Qingling shook her head and explained, “My bicycle is still there.”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t say anything.

  Seeing this, Du Qingling said, “It’s okay if you don’t want to, I’ll go by myself.”

  Hearing this, Xu Xiuwen reminded him, “You can go back, but I can’t help you a second time.”

  Du Qingling looked hesitant, but finally said stubbornly, “Then I have to go back too, I can’t leave my bike there.”

  ”It’s just a bicycle, is it that serious? And if I remember correctly, that bicycle doesn’t seem to be new either.”

  Hearing this, Du Qingling glanced at him, then lowered her head and said, “Do you think everyone is as rich as you? That bicycle is indeed not a new one, I bought it from a senior sister, but so what, it is very important to me.”

  ”You are really stubborn! Can’t you just buy another one? Do you have to risk going back to find it?”

  Du Qingling glanced at him again and said, “You won’t understand.”

  Xu Xiuwen was so angry that he laughed at her words.

  ”Okay, okay, I won’t understand, and I don’t need to understand. If you want to find it, go ahead, it’s none of my business.”

  Du Qingling was silent for a few seconds, and then said again, “Xu Xiuwen, thank you for helping me tonight. Then I’ll get off the car first.”

  After that, the girl opened the car door and got off.

  Xu Xiuwen turned around and prepared to go back to Jiangning Garden.

  When he passed by the girl,

  Xu Xiuwen did not stop.

  But after driving away, he could not help looking back through the rearview mirror.

  The girl walked alone along the road towards West Street.


  Du Qingling had just walked to the three-way intersection of West Street and North Street.

  She saw a boy pushing a women’s bicycle coming towards her.

  She took a closer look and

  recognized it as Xu Xiuwen!

  Du Qingling’s eyes widened instantly, very surprised.

  Didn’t Xu Xiuwen drive away?

  Time went forward for a few minutes.

  Xu Xiuwen drove to the intersection, and originally turning right would have led back to Jiangning Garden.

  But he thought of Du Qingling’s beautiful face and stubborn character.

  In the end, he softened his heart.

  So he temporarily changed the route and returned to the alley.

  When Xu Xiuwen returned here,

  the three boys had just not left.

  The three were discussing something on the side of the road.

  Du Qingling’s bicycle was lying behind them.

  Xu Xiuwen parked the car, got out, and then ignored the three people and prepared to push the car.

  The boy who was bitten was already full of anger. Seeing Xu Xiuwen preparing to push the car without saying hello, he yelled, “Who the hell are you? Who told you to touch our things?” Xu

  Xiuwen just took Du Qingling away in front of the three people.

  It’s okay that the three people didn’t recognize him, but they didn’t even recognize his car.

  I don’t know whether to say that they have poor observation skills or that they are too stupid and slow to react.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and asked, “Is this your stuff?”

  The boy yelled, “Nonsense, it’s not ours, is it yours! Get out of here before I get angry!”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t get angry but laughed, “What if I insist on pushing the car away?”

  The boy was furious and rushed up to teach Xu Xiuwen a lesson.

  Xu Xiuwen had fought with gangsters more than once or twice.

  Facing this boy, he naturally had to fight with him.

  The other party stepped forward with his left hand and punched.

  The fist went straight to Xu Xiuwen’s left face.

  Xu Xiuwen’s response was also very simple. He simply tilted his head to the right and dodged the fist.

  If the opponent was a fighting expert,

  then his left fist would directly change to a golden dragon hook, and he could grab to the left and continue to attack Xu Xiuwen.

  Or he could change his moves directly, punching left and right continuously, followed by a swinging fist to the head, and then turning around and whipping.

  Maybe he could create some trouble for Xu Xiuwen.

  Unfortunately, the boy didn’t know these moves.

  He could only punch at the face.

  As expected, he was kicked to the ground by Xu Xiuwen.

  The two boys next to him saw their companions suffer, and they immediately stepped forward to help.

  As a result, thirty seconds later,

  all three boys were lying on the ground screaming.

  The screams upset Xu Xiuwen.

  He said coldly: “Don’t let me see you again, otherwise I will beat you every time I see you. Get out of here!”

  The three boys knew that Xu Xiuwen was not easy to deal with, and they were also very sensible, so they were ready to get up and leave.

  As a result, Xu Xiuwen suddenly called them.


  ”What else?”

  ”I ask you, why do you want to trouble Du Qingling? How did she offend you?”

  He heard the three words Du Qingling.

  The three of them were shocked.

  At this time, one of the boys recognized his car and asked hesitantly: “Did you drive to pick her up just now?”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled faintly, “It turns out there is a smart person, I thought they were all s/bs.”

  Being called a s/b in front of others.

  The three boys didn’t dare to talk back at all.

  They felt so frustrated.

  But their fists were not as hard as others.

  They could only feel frustrated.

   There is another chapter at 12:10. The plot may be a little faster later. The next chapter enters the winter vacation, and the scum Xu will be busy.


  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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