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Chapter 744 I Already Have Someone I Like

Chapter 744 I Already Have Someone I Like


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 744 I already have someone I like

  Tang Weiwei and Guo Shasha were the first to leave.

  waited for Tang Weiwei downstairs in the girls’ dormitory.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t care that this was downstairs in the girls’ dormitory and he might be seen by others.

  He went up to Tang Weiwei and hugged her tightly, as if he wanted to embed the girl into his body.

  He looked down at Tang Weiwei’s eyes and said in an apologetic tone: “Weiwei, I can’t take you back. You won’t blame me, will you?”

  Tang Weiwei was a little uncomfortable with such an intimate posture with Xu Xiuwen in a crowded place.

  But she didn’t resist. Instead, she tilted her head and looked at Xu Xiuwen with a smile on her face.

  She shook her head gently and said, “It’s okay, I can go back by myself.”

  Xu Xiuwen always felt that he owed Tang Weiwei a lot.

  The girl’s understanding made him feel even more indebted.

  He said softly: “I bought some clothes for my mother-in-law. You take them back and say hello to my mother-in-law for me. When school starts, I will go to see my mother-in-law and pick you up by the way.”

  Tang Weiwei nodded.

  There were many people around pointing at them.

  Xu Xiuwen did not continue to be warm and pulled Tang Weiwei to the car.

  Then Xu Xiuwen drove to the gate of Jinling Normal University.

  Today, the students left the school, and the guards did not let the cars outside in.

  Xu Xiuwen had to park the car outside the school.

  He turned to Tang Weiwei and said, “Weiwei, I’m going to pick up Guo Shasha, you wait for me in the car for a while.”

  Tang Weiwei said, “I’ll go with you. If you need to carry something, I can also help.”

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help laughing.

  ”Forget it with your thin arms and legs.”

  Tang Weiwei blushed, but still insisted, “Xu Xiuwen, don’t look down on me, I used to work at home, I have strength.”

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly stretched out his hand and scratched Tang Weiwei’s nose.

  Such a move was intimate.

  Tang Weiwei was slightly startled and was a little at a loss for a moment.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “Okay, you don’t need to help, just sit down. I’ll be back soon.”

  Tang Weiwei nodded shyly.

  Xu Xiuwen walked towards the girls’ dormitory building.

  When he was less than 50 meters away from the dormitory building,

  he saw Guo Shasha standing at the door of the dormitory.

  But she was not alone.

  There was Ning Jiali

  and a boy next to her.

  The boy was saying something to Guo Shasha and Ning Jiali.

  Ning Jiali ignored the boy.

  She took Guo Shasha’s arm and didn’t say a word from beginning to end.

  Guo Shasha talked to the other person in a random manner.

  At this time,

  a Volkswagen passed by Xu Xiuwen and drove to the dormitory building.

  After the car stopped at the dormitory building,

  a boy got out of the car.

  The boy had a good appearance and was even a little handsome.

  After the boy got out of the car, he walked directly towards Guo Shasha and Ning Jiali.

  Guo Shasha and Ning Jiali also saw the boy at this moment.

  Ning Jiali’s eyes flashed with disgust.

  Guo Shasha still had a smile on her face, and her true thoughts could not be seen.

  The boy came forward and greeted her, “Shasha, Lili, why didn’t you tell me you were going home? I’ll drive you there.”

  The boy in front of her was called Dai Sheng.

  He was their senior.

  They met by chance when they were having dinner in the cafeteria.

  At first, Ning Jiali had a good impression of Dai Sheng.

  He was handsome, kind, and enthusiastic.

  Later, he began to pursue her, often sending her some text messages at night, and always asking her out to play.

  Of course, Ning Jiali refused.

  If that was all, she wouldn’t hate this senior.

  By chance, the roommates were chatting at night.

  She learned that Dai Sheng was pursuing Guo Shasha, Nie Rou, and Lu Bingxin at the same time as she was pursuing her

  . The other three girls also learned that Dai Sheng was pursuing the four of them at the same time.

  Later, she learned from the senior that Dai Sheng was actually a playboy and had dated many girlfriends at school, but none of them lasted long. They all

  broke up after playing around.

  After discovering Dai Sheng’s true face,

  Ning Jiali hated him very much.

  Once, Ning Jiali couldn’t help but come clean and said that she knew he was pursuing four girls in their dormitory at the same time.

  She asked them not to harass them again. But

  Dai Sheng was very calm.

  He first explained that he was not pursuing four girls at the same time, and he only had a good impression of Guo Shasha.

  The reason why he sent them text messages and asked them out to play was,

  on the one hand, because the seniors cared and took care of the juniors.
On the other hand

  , it was because the three of them were Guo Shasha’s roommates.

  He wanted to win the favor of the three of them first and ask them to help say good things

  about him

  After saying this, the girls naturally didn’t believe it.
Then Dai Sheng asked if they had heard any news about him.

  Seeing the girls’ expressions, Dai Sheng guessed it.

  Then Dai Sheng said that he was a member of the student union and had to contact many girls on weekdays, so people often saw him with other girls and would misunderstand their relationship.

  He emphasized that he only dated one person and broke up because of personality differences.

  Because of Dai Sheng’s explanation.

  Nie Rou and Lu Bingxin believed it directly.

  After all, the other party had always had a good image in front of them.

  Ning Jiali didn’t believe it at all.

  Because one time when I went to the cafeteria to eat,

  a male classmate bumped into Dai Sheng.

  Dai Sheng almost got angry at that time.

  Ning Jiali saw

  his fierce eyes at that time

  Although Dai Sheng held back and didn’t get angry later.

  But his eyes at that time made Ning Jiali feel that he was not as kind and enthusiastic as he seemed.

  Ning Jiali was worried that Guo Shasha would be deceived, and she also privately reminded the latter to be careful of Dai Sheng.

  Guo Shasha just smiled faintly and said that she knew it.

  Time goes back to the present.

  Ning Jiali did not tell Dai Sheng that Guo Shasha was going home today.

  So she was a little surprised by Dai Sheng’s arrival.

  But before she could speak first.

  The boy next to her couldn’t help but said: “Who are you? Did you call Sasha too?”

  After hearing this, Dai Sheng shifted his gaze from Guo Shasha and Ning Jiali’s faces to the boy’s face.

  The other party had a short haircut, average looks, and average figure, but the clothes he wore were all branded, and he looked like he had some money.

  The boy’s tone made Dai Sheng’s forehead jump.

  There was also a flash of anger in his eyes.

  But in the end he laughed.

  He turned to look at Guo Shasha and asked, “Who is this?”

  Without waiting for Guo Shasha to introduce herself, the boy introduced himself: “My name is Ge Li, and I am Shasha’s…classmate.”

  Dai Sheng smiled and said, “It’s good that you are not your boyfriend.”

  Ge Li’s face turned dark instantly.

  The next second, Dai Sheng continued: “I am Dai Sheng, the president of the Student Union. I have known Shasha for a long time. It should be okay to call me Shasha.”

  He turned his head and looked at Guo Shasha.

  When the boy heard that the other party was the president of the Student Union, he immediately regretted that he should not have spoken so badly just now.

  But it was too late to regret.

  He could only pretend to be calm.

  He also looked at Guo Shasha, wanting to see what she would say.

  Guo Shasha’s eyes swept over the two people’s faces.

  She said in a light tone: “Dai Sheng, thank you for picking me up, but I don’t need to trouble you, someone else will take me there.”

  Ge Li thought Guo Shasha was talking about him, and immediately straightened his chest.

  Guo Shasha continued, “Also, please call me by my full name Guo Shasha in the future. Only my closest friends will call me by the name Shasha. I don’t want others to misunderstand our relationship.”

  Dai Sheng’s face suddenly became a little ugly.

  Ge Li on the side almost couldn’t help laughing out loud.

  Guo Shasha turned to Ge Li at this time and said: “Ge Li, you should go back too. I really don’t need you to take me there. Someone else will take me there.” Ge

  Li’s expression froze instantly.

  What? Someone else?

  At this moment.

  Ning Jiali on the side suddenly shouted excitedly: “Cousin, we are here!”

  She saw Xu Xiuwen and waved enthusiastically in the direction of Xu Xiuwen.

  Dai Sheng was actually about to explode at this moment.

  Guo Shasha didn’t give him face.

  He wanted to slap her twice and then beat her hard with a belt.

  But the location didn’t allow him to do that.

  More importantly, he hadn’t taken Guo Shasha yet.

  It wouldn’t be too late to change his attitude after he took her.

  Dai Sheng couldn’t count the number of schoolgirls he had dated with one hand.

  He knew that if he got angry at this time, it would only reduce the probability of dating a girl.

  So he suppressed his anger and tried to maintain his demeanor.

  Dai Sheng forced a smile and said, “In that case, I’ll go back first. Sha… Guo Shasha, if you have anything, call me anytime. My phone is open to you 24 hours a day.”

  After Dai Sheng finished speaking, he realized that Guo Shasha didn’t even look at him.

  She stared at the right behind him.

  Just a glance at Guo Shasha made him jealous.

  Because Guo Shasha’s smile was very sweet and bright at the moment.

  This formed a natural contrast with the calm and indifferent expression when she faced him just now.

  So he couldn’t help but look in the direction Guo Shasha was looking.

  Ge Li naturally noticed Guo Shasha’s expression.

  He was also shocked.

  Why is this expression so much like the expression of seeing a boyfriend.

  Could it be that Guo Shasha has a boyfriend?


  As a classmate, he has never heard anyone say that Guo Shasha has a boyfriend.

  Her roommates Nie Rou and Lu Bingxin also said that they didn’t.

  Ge Li suddenly thought of Ning Jiali calling him cousin just now.

  But why is Guo Shasha so happy about being Ning Jiali’s cousin?

  Smiling so sweetly?

  Seeing Guo Shasha’s expression, Ge Li was extremely jealous.

  He immediately looked in the direction of the two girls’ gazes.

  Then he saw Xu Xiuwen walking over. He has

  thick eyebrows, big eyes, a straight nose, and clear eyes.

  is worthy of being Ning Jiali’s cousin.

  He is very handsome.

  For a moment, Ge Li even had a sense of inferiority in his heart.

  Ning Jiali happily greeted him.

  She stood in front of Xu Xiuwen.

  She said with a smile on her face: “Cousin, you are finally here.”

  ”Are you anxious to wait? Your school doesn’t allow cars from outside to come in, so I walked in and wasted some time.” Xu Xiuwen explained.

  After he finished speaking, he paused for a moment, turned to Guo Shasha and said, “Good morning, Shasha.”

  Guo Shasha also came over with Ning Jiali.

  When she heard Xu Xiuwen greet her,

  Guo Shasha said quietly, “Good morning, senior.”

  Xu Xiuwen actually heard the conversation just now.

  He pretended not to hear and asked, “Have you packed your things? Can we leave now?”

  Dai Sheng looked at Xu Xiuwen carefully.

  He felt that this person was very familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

  He tried to recall and suddenly remembered.

  They met on the first day of school.

  After that, he specially checked Xu Xiuwen’s information.

  But he didn’t find any information about him.

  Later, he realized that he was fooled by this person.

  The other party is likely not a student of Master Jin.

  There had been unpleasant contacts before.

  This time, the girl he liked was cold to him, but warm and smiling to Xu Xiuwen.

  This strong contrast made Dai Sheng unable to pretend for a while.

  Dai Sheng suddenly came over and asked, “Guo Shasha, is he the person you said he would send you off?”

  Guo Shasha was slightly stunned, and then nodded.

  Dai Sheng couldn’t help but taunt him, “He doesn’t even have a car, what can he take you?”

  Guo Shasha frowned slightly after hearing

  this, looking unhappy. She glanced at Dai Sheng and said, “Senior is so busy and is willing to personally take me to the train station, even if I take the bus, I am very happy and grateful. So don’t say such incomprehensible words anymore.”

  Dai Sheng was speechless after hearing this.

  He turned his head and aimed his firepower at Xu Xiuwen: “You don’t even have a car, and you are ashamed to follow others to take a girl to the station?”

  Xu Xiuwen had recognized Dai Sheng a long time ago.

  He didn’t like this kind of person at all, so he pretended not to know him and turned to ask Guo Shasha, “Shasha, is this your friend?”

  Guo Shasha waved her hand and denied it quickly, “Senior, don’t get me wrong, he is not my friend.”

  Ning Jiali on the side also interjected, “Cousin, he is Shasha’s pursuer and has been pursuing Shasha for a long time. Shasha doesn’t like him, but he keeps pestering her, it’s so annoying.”

  This was too disrespectful to Dai Sheng.

  Dai Sheng was also a little caught off guard, and his expression froze for a moment.

  Ge Li, who was standing by, almost couldn’t help laughing when he heard Ning Jiali’s words.

  Although he was also concerned about the relationship between Guo Shasha and Xu Xiuwen,

was secretly happy

  to see Dai Sheng embarrassed

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly asked, “Have we met before?”

  Without waiting for Dai Sheng to answer,

  he muttered to himself, “Oh, I remember. We have met before.”

  Ning Jiali asked curiously, “Cousin, do you know each other?”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled harmlessly.

  ”Do you remember that I accompanied you to report on the first day of school?”


  ”When I went downstairs that day, I found him surrounding Youran and asking for her phone number. He was like a fly, and Youran could

  n’t get rid of him no matter what.” Ning Jiali snorted coldly, “Dai Sheng, are you going to continue to quibble now? The seniors are right, you are a playboy, and Sister Youran and Shasha will never fall in love with you. Don’t show up in front of us again in the future.” Dai Sheng

  ’s face turned blue and purple.

  It was very ugly.

  No girl had ever made him lose face like this.

  Guo Shasha hesitated for a moment, and then said, “Dai Sheng, I really don’t like you. I already have someone I like.”

  She paused as she spoke.

  He glanced at Xu Xiuwen obscurely.

  Then he continued, “So, don’t come to see me again in the future, okay?”

  Having said that,

  Dai Sheng knew that staying any longer would only make things more awkward.

  He glared at Xu Xiuwen fiercely, then said, “Xu Xiuwen, you wait for me!”

  After that, he turned back to the car and drove away.

   There is one more chapter at 12:10

  (end of this chapter)



Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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