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Chapter 746 The fourth stage of heaven!

Chapter 746 The fourth stage of heaven!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 746 The fourth stage of the kingdom of heaven!

  Weifu military base, next to the airport runway.

  A Tyrant transport plane slowly stopped, and two “human” figures passed through the open hatch.

  With a drained expression on his face, Xiaoyu’s fruiting body sighed weakly.

  ”Eh… (Not delicious.)”

  Luoyu, who could understand the message conveyed by the sound, said with a smile.

  ”They are not food in the first place… You must not eat them.”

  Three days ago, the manager suddenly wholesaled a thousand biological prostheses from Xiaoyu.

  Although this amount of biomass is at most a piece of dandruff for Xiaoyu, who inherited the mother nest of Qingquan City, this little guy has a lot of complaints about the users who have been vaccinated with biological prostheses.

  In his own words, those guys are quite boring, and many people share one brain.

  Not only that.

  These guys hate to talk, and they communicate with each other with “eye contact”.

  It doesn’t know how to describe them, but it feels that they are not like normal people.

  Xiaoyu: “Eeh, eh! (Well! Xiaoyu won’t eat random things! But it doesn’t matter, that’s delicious!)”

  Luoyu: “That?”

  Xiaoyu: “Eeh!” (The mother nest at the bottom of the mountain… It’s so big, well, I’m not sure if I can eat it, maybe I need to use more fruiting bodies.)

  Some mother nests are not very strong, but the fruiting bodies are extremely powerful, and the spores they produce can cover the entire city. And some are just the opposite, almost no fruiting bodies and spore clouds are produced, and the limited organic matter is only used to strengthen itself.

  Listening to Xiaoyu’s murmurs, Luoyu reached out and rubbed its round head lovingly.

  ”Do your best.”

  If it doesn’t work, they can still use trains to pull Qingquan City’s fruiting bodies to the front line one by one.

  The communication cables here have been laid, and the base stations have been set up. The total bandwidth of the base stations can support one or two thousand “Eeh”.

  Feeling the warmth on his head, Xiaoyu rubbed his hand with his head with a look of enjoyment.

  However, at this moment, it suddenly stopped its movements alertly, and its amber pupils looked up at the sky.

  Noticing the abnormality of Xiaoyu’s movements, Luoyu immediately retracted his hand and asked seriously.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”Eh. (Something smelly is approaching…)”

  After a pause, it seemed to think for a moment, and its eyes glowed slightly.

  ”Eh! (…But it should taste delicious!)”


  The gray-green mist gradually rose and spread over the endless wasteland.

  The construction team on the Wei River.

  The middle-aged man wearing a safety helmet and carrying a shovel suddenly had a trace of fear on his face, and his lips trembled as he muttered.

  ”…It’s foggy.”

  His name is Wang Youtian, a survivor in the southern part of Jinchuan Province. He heard that working here would not only pay him money but also give him land, so he joined the Southern Construction Corps and has been working here for three months.

  As a local, he naturally knows the situation here better than he can.

  Seeing his pale face, the captain of the construction team, Hong Liming, realized that something was wrong, so he walked up and asked.

  ”What happened? Do you know something?”

  Wang Youtian swallowed hard and said in a trembling voice.

  ”It happened once before…”

  ”It happened?” Hong Liming frowned and asked, “What happened?”

  Recalling what happened at that time, Wang Youtian’s eyes were filled with fear.

  ”It was the same last time. The fog suddenly rose, and when the fog dissipated, the people in the whole village were gone, the livestock were gone, the orchards were gone, the crops were gone…Except for the house, everything alive has disappeared.”

  All disappeared?

  Hong Liming was stunned, looking at him strangely, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

  He had never heard of such a strange thing, but looking at this guy’s expression, it didn’t seem like he was pretending. After

  thinking for a moment, he saw that it was getting late, so he shouted to the team members who were working on the construction.

  ”Closing the shift, return to the base!”

  Hearing the captain’s order, the construction team that was repairing the road immediately packed up their tools, and the two excavators also began to turn around and return.

  Seeing the construction team suddenly stop working, the rat people working in the fields raised their heads and looked over there curiously.

  ”Why did these people finish work so early today?”

  ”The sun came out from the west.”

  ”Could it be related to the fog?”

  ”This fog is indeed a bit strange… It smells a bit wrong.”

  Everyone exchanged glances and whispered to each other.

  At this time, a member of the construction team walked to the edge of the field and shouted at them.

  ”The situation here is not right. You should also finish work quickly and don’t stay outside.”

  A centurion was moved and shouted to the construction worker.

  ”What happened here?”

  ”I don’t know, but it’s very similar to the fog in Jinhe City before… I heard that if you inhale too much of that thing, you will lose your mind, just like Naguo. In short, it’s not a good thing.”

  Although the Weifu military base is also immersed in the fog, there are researchers from the alliance and enterprises there after all.

  With so many experts and scholars, they can always come up with some solutions.

  After saying these words, the construction worker covered his mouth and nose with his clothes and hurriedly caught up with the retreating team.

  The centurion and his fellow ratmen who stayed behind all looked at a loss, not knowing what to do.

  Jinhe City?

  What place is that?

  And Naguo…

  Since they came to this wasteland, they have heard too many things they have never heard of, and have seen too many things that have never been seen in the Borneo Province, so that they seem incredible.

  If it were in the past, most people would not take it seriously, but they were beaten more than half a month ago, and they still remember the pain.

  ”I’ll go and ask Chief Makur.” Without hesitation, the centurion quickly threw down his farm tools and rushed in the direction of Chief Makur.

  When he rushed over, Makur was sitting under a shed, looking at the fog in the sky with an uncertain face and muttering.

  ”Why is it foggy at this time?”

  It doesn’t look like the weather is going to change?

  Seeing his officer running over, Makur sat up straight from his chair, put on a calm expression, cleared his throat and asked him.

  ”What’s the matter? You are so anxious.”

  Without caring about decency and etiquette, the centurion reported in a hurry.

  ”Sir! The Southern Construction Corps of the Alliance just reminded us that there are dirty things in the fog, so we should withdraw to the military base as soon as possible, and it is best not to stay outside.”

  Makur frowned and stood up from his chair.

  ”Retreat? Are those mutants coming?”

  The centurion shook his head and said.

  ”No… but this sudden fog seems to be related to the people of the torch.”

  Hearing that it was not the mutants who came, Makur rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair.

  ”Oh, I thought it was nothing, just a fog, look how scared you are.”

  Seeing the officer’s indifferent expression, the centurion was stunned and immediately anxious.


  Before he could finish his words, Makur waved his hand and made an impatient gesture to drive him away.

  ”I said, it’s just a little fog, it’s not like you can’t see. Hurry up and get back to work! Don’t be lazy all day long.”

  The alliance has bad intentions, and it’s probably another trick directed and performed by those guys.

  He clearly remembered that the coalition’s front line had been pushed to the middle of Shifeng Mountain. How could the torch reach here?

  Seeing that the officer didn’t listen to him at all, the centurion was so anxious that sweat broke out on his head, but he didn’t dare to say anything. Seeing the

  unfriendly look on the face of the overseer holding the whip, he could only bite the bullet and go back to the field and pick up the farm tools thrown beside the ridge.

  Those supervisors were war supervisors on the battlefield. These guys were never polite to their own people, and they were not gentle when they attacked. He didn’t want to go back with a bruise on his face.

  Just at this time, there was a sudden thud, and someone fell down in the field next to him.

  The man was about thirty or forty years old, with a sallow complexion and skinny body. He was a serf.

  Seeing this, the people next to him quickly dragged him out of the field and laid him flat on the ground.

  The commotion here quickly attracted the attention of the supervisors. A man holding a whip quickly came over and shouted at the crowd.

  ”What are you all doing there!”

  A rat tribe member shouted tremblingly.

  ”Someone fainted! Sir!”

  The supervisor laughed.

  ”Fainted? I think he wants to be whipped! Wake him up!”

  Seeing that everyone couldn’t wake him up, the supervisor walked up and squatted, and slapped the middle-aged man twice.

  The man who was slapped twice did make some noises. He opened his eyes weakly, but what was revealed was not the black eyeballs, but the pale whites of his eyes.

  ”Hey, I think you are tired of living.”

  Thinking that the man was provoking him, the supervisor was immediately angry, his eyebrows raised, and he reached out to pinch his neck, but he saw that the man opened his mouth and bit him fiercely.

  This bite showed no mercy at all, as if he had vented all his usual resentment, and for a moment, he actually bit the hand so hard that the skin and flesh were torn and blood flowed.

  ”Ah ah!!!”

  The screams of the supervisor echoed in the field.

  He tried desperately to pull his hand out of the man’s mouth, but the man bit it tightly and refused to let go.

  The people around were so scared that they forgot to go up and stop the fight.

  No one expected that the skinny guy would burst out with such great strength, let alone that he dared to attack the members of the supervision team.

  Is he going to die?

  After all, they were members of the expeditionary army. Who knows, one day General Babita might get angry and send them to the battlefield again. If

  you offend the supervisors at this time, you will probably get shot in the back of your head.

  This is a remote place, and even if two people die, no one will investigate how they died.

  To put it bluntly, they are just a group of rats living in the manors of those nobles. No one even remembers their names…

  A dark emotion swelled in everyone’s heart and gradually twisted.

  Even if this world is destroyed, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, this world has never belonged to them for a second.

  They suddenly didn’t want to go up and pull the two apart. They just wanted to watch the rat with white eyes rip open the stomach of the horse tribe supervisor and let his blood soak the land.

  More than that.

  It would be best if everyone died…

  Only when all human things died, could they disappear with the bad roots of human beings, and they could start over with a new identity and truly end the painful reincarnation.

  Not just the reincarnation of the Bharata Province, but all reincarnations!

  Suddenly, another person fell to the ground, and then climbed up from the soil. Soon, the roars and heart-wrenching screams of wild animals were heard again in the fields.

  The mist seemed to have a strange magic that could affect people’s minds, infinitely amplify primitive instincts and desires, and eventually make them puppets of this trend.

  For example, appetite.

  Tiny hyphae slowly emerged from the soil, infecting all crops and vegetation, and then released spores to assimilate other living things.

  This seemed to be the source of the thick fog.

  The denser the vegetation, the denser the gray-green mist.

  The more malnourished and weaker people are, the more likely they are to be infected by it.

  Especially the land that was developed into an orchard.

  Only a few of the entire hundred people were still awake and ran away screaming.

  These guys who can’t eat a few meals in their lives are undoubtedly the most suitable breeding ground for plague!

  Makur was stunned, staring at the chaotic field in amazement, and finally a trace of panic appeared on his face.

  ”These lunatics…are they going to rebel?!”

  Not really? !

  He just asked them to do some work, and working here is not more tiring than when they were in their hometown!

  It was not until then that he realized what the centurion said before, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

  ”It’s not safe here anymore…we have to leave here as soon as possible. Yes, let’s go to the train station!”

  The whole wasteland is full of lunatics, and people who come to the wasteland will gradually become abnormal.

  He now believes it.

  Only the province of Boro is the safest place, and he must go back there immediately!

  He turned around and was about to run away from here, but saw a group of lunatics had surrounded him, blocking all his retreat routes.

  The overseer who followed him looked at him in panic, his eyes full of fear, as if asking him what to do.

  Makur made up his mind and shouted loudly.

  ”These people are traitors! They… betrayed the empire! Don’t be merciful, shoot them for me!”

  After getting permission to fire, the overseers drew their pistols and pointed them at the lunatics who surrounded them, and pulled the trigger mercilessly.

  The sound of gunfire echoed in the field, but the firepower of several pistols was too small to suppress the surging crowd.

  Including Makur, four officers and twelve overseers were quickly pinned to the ground by thousands of people.

  Screams rang out one after another, and then they were drowned out by the crunching sounds of gnawing.

  ”Stop! You disgusting rats! Let me go! Aren’t you afraid that His Majesty will kill your family–Ah!!!”

  ”Help… Please…”

  The insincere plea for mercy obviously didn’t work at all. Makul’s voice gradually weakened, and finally turned into a pool of bloody meat.

  The crazy rats also ate their fill.

  They could not eat meat twice a year, but this time they had a mouthful of fat intestines.

  The desire for flesh and blood burned in their pupils,

  and a layer of scarlet climbed up the whites of their eyes. At the same time, nourished by the blood, dark green spores slowly crawled out of their nostrils and ears, like moss growing from the corners of the wall.

  Not only that–

  the soil under their feet began to loosen slowly, and something crawled out of the soil that exuded a foul smell along the hyphae that drilled out of the soil.

  Those were skeletons that had been buried for who knows how many years. Most of the bones had even become brittle, but the gray-green spores had glued them together, absorbed the remaining genetic factors, and given them new “bones” and “flesh and blood”.

  The spores in the air pointed out the direction for them to move forward. They dragged their incomplete bodies, made “hashahasha” sounds, and moved towards those stubborn organisms that refused to embrace evolution… The

  gunshots were not only in the endless fields beside the Wei River, but also in Kun Town, not far from the Weifu military base.

  Most of the survivors stranded here were wastelanders from Jinchuan Province, especially those in Mafu Town. They were not only strong, but also had a tough folk style. Not many people were infected by Naguo’s hyphae.

  However, those things that suddenly grew out of the ground still caused them a lot of trouble…

  The tavern at the entrance of the town.

  A volley of bullets knocked down a dozen fruiting bodies that rushed up, and the mosquito cursed and complained.

  ”MMP! What are these guys?!”

  ”Another expansion pack update?” Kakarot, who was standing next to him, was also confused and couldn’t figure out what was going on.

  The rat guy who helped Mosquito sell cards hid under the table trembling.

  This guy has been eating well recently, probably because he has enough nutrition, so he didn’t mutate.

  Ten Punch Man said nervously.

  ”These guys are just like zombies… Could they be the survivors who disappeared from Fuzhuang before?”

  ”I think there are more than that! The Torch guys probably dug up all the old graves from 200 years ago!”

  After changing the magazine of the rifle, Mosquito reached out and pulled out the rat guy hiding under the table, and at the same time shouted to the boss hiding behind the bar.

  ”Don’t hide there! Come out and follow us!”

  ”Hey, what happened?” The boss crawled out from under the bar with a terrified face, looked at him and asked tremblingly.

  Listening to the chaotic gunfire outside, Mosquito spoke concisely.

  ”I don’t know. We’ll know when we get to the military base.”


  What Mosquito didn’t know at the moment was that there was also a lot of gunfire in the Weifu military base.

  In addition to those guys who crawled out of the soil, there was also a large-scale mutiny in the Legion’s clone troops.

  At least half of the entire Glorious Army was infected with Naguo mycelium.

  Unlike the rat people who gnawed with their teeth, they picked up the scavenger rifles and pointed the muzzles at their comrades beside them, and even other members of the coalition.

  After being beaten for more than half a month, the Torch Church finally launched a round of counterattack.

  And in a way that no one expected, they suddenly emerged from underground.

  The Alpha Task Force, which was fighting on the front line, immediately fell into a stalemate with the mutants on the Blood Mountain. After

  learning about the situation in the rear of the coalition from the Beast King, the prophet Sodo of the Bloodhoof Clan immediately seized the opportunity and called on his plague monks to launch a fierce counterattack.

  At the same time, the goblins hiding in the caves and caves on the positions of Broken Blade Mountain, Black Cloud Mountain, and even Fushan Mountain, who had not been completely eliminated, also emerged one after another and launched a suicidal attack on the defenders stationed on the positions.

  The battlefield was in chaos.

  From the front line to the rear, there were flickering flames, and everyone was bloodthirsty.

  On the Loyalty airship.

  General Lium, who learned the news, almost got angry and cursed at the messenger.

  ”Tell General Melka! If you can’t kill those brain-damaged clones for me within half an hour, let him come to see me with his head!”


  The messenger saluted hurriedly and ran to the communication radio to pass on the message.

  Lium, who was sitting on the chair, had an angry face, but was secretly surprised in his heart.

  The clone mutiny, in his impression, had never happened before.

  It seems that this Torch Church has indeed come up with something powerful.

  There is no doubt.

  This is related to the strange fog that covers the entire wasteland.

  His face was uncertain, he looked at the adjutant who was also silent, and lowered his voice.

  ”Notify Benoit in Dawn City and ask him to contact Triumph City. The front line needs five… no, ten divisions of reinforcement.”

  They not only have to ensure victory, but also ensure control of the Seaside Province after the war.

  Until they figure out what the fog is that caused the clones to rebel.

  At least this technology cannot be secretly used by the academy or the enterprise.

  The adjutant nodded with a serious look.


  On the other side, at the Weifu military base.

  The Guards Regiment composed of awakened people quickly suppressed the clone soldiers rushing towards the coalition’s highest command, and completed the reunion with the 2nd Regiment of the 100th Division of the Enterprise who quickly responded.

  The targets of Naguo’s corruption are mainly people with low immunity and weak will.

  All members of the Guards Regiment are awakened. Not only have they received strict selection and training, but they are also loyal to Chu Guang. Therefore, no one has been assimilated into a puppet of the “Kingdom of Heaven”.

  Although the soldiers of the Enterprise are not awakened, most of them have installed bionic plug-ins or prostheses that enhance immunity, so they have not been affected.

  Needless to say, although the Alpha Task Force has average immunity, their gas masks are not for show.

  Only Alpha protozoa can penetrate the gas mask, and ordinary spores and slime molds cannot penetrate it.

  Not to mention that most of them have undergone mental castration surgery, and even if they are infected, it is almost impossible for them to become puppets of the Kingdom of Heaven.

  In the end, the most shameful thing is the Legion.

  Although the Weilants are fine, the Glorious Army exploded a big bomb, and the entire 31st Division was blown up.

  As for the Empire, since most of the rat people were scattered outside and did not carry guns, even if the bomb exploded, no one was blown up.

  The situation in the military base was quickly controlled, but more “zombies” continued to emerge from the Weifu wasteland and gathered towards the Weifu military base.

  Some of the survivors in Kun Town fled to the military base, and some rode horses or motorcycles and tricycles along the railway line to the north of Mafu Town.

  That is the edge of the fog, and there shouldn’t be those dirty things constantly emerging.

  The highest headquarters of the coalition forces.

  Lu Bei, wearing an exoskeleton, walked up to Chu Guang and said with a serious look.

  ”Sir, it’s safe outside. Please return to the airship immediately!”

  ”No need,” Chu Guang looked up at the gray foggy sky and said casually, “I have ordered the airship to retreat.”

  According to the information detected by the radar on the airship, a group of flying units are approaching the Weifu Wasteland from south to north.

  Not surprisingly, those guys should be the “bat-winged people” they encountered in Jinhe City before. Or

  they are improved varieties of those guys.

  The Loyalty airship seemed to have sensed the approaching threat and was moving towards the north.

  It would be really troublesome to be landed on the airship by that thing, especially since he was not on the airship and there were not many players left on it.

  So he ordered the airship to retreat and play the role of a mobile turret and aircraft carrier.

  As for himself, Chu Guang was not very worried.

  He just rarely took action, which did not mean that he was incapable.

  However, Lu Bei still had some worry in his eyes and still wanted to persuade him.


  ”I don’t want to hear an ambiguous answer like ‘but’.”

  Seeing that Chu Guang had no intention of changing his mind, Lu Bei could only lower his head in the end.


  Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction and continued to give orders.

  ”Now, take me to the temporary research institute.”

  When the crisis just broke out, he ordered half of the guards to go to the temporary research institute.

  There were not only the wounded of the Alpha Task Force, but also some prisoners rescued from the front line, who were themselves Naguo addicts.

  As expected, those people also had problems. Fortunately,

  the Guards were fast enough, otherwise the few security guards in the research institute alone might not be able to resist those hundreds of hands. To

  be honest, the bishop on Shifeng Mountain really gave him a surprise.

  While everyone’s attention was on Shifeng Mountain, he actually buried the bomb under their feet.

  Chu Guang actually thought that the “Kingdom of Heaven” in the Weifu City area might have been completed. In the fourth stage of the Kingdom of Heaven, the survival of the Kingdom of Heaven does not need to rely on the entity of the pseudo-mother nest.

  Perhaps this is the real reason why the Torch Church evacuated the survivors, rather than actively shrinking the defense line out of fear of the coalition forces.

  However, the Union Biological Research Institute did not find any traces of hyphae in its investigation of local soil samples, and later the company’s researchers did not find any either.

  Those hyphae seemed to be hiding deep underground, actively concealing their existence.

  They even learned to fish.

  This is very strange.

  ”Sorry… it’s my mistake.” Heya’s face was pale, her lips trembling, and her eyes were full of regret.

  There was blood on her white coat, which was left by the defense personnel when they were protecting her.

  For the current situation, she completely blamed her own negligence in her heart.

  When she thought of those who died for this, her chest couldn’t help but stab, and she couldn’t help sobbing…

  Unlike Heya who was in regret and self-blame, Chu Guang didn’t think it was her fault.

  Any doctor would inevitably be helpless when facing a disease they had never seen before, not to mention that this thing had gone beyond the scope of common sense. Even from his perspective, the card played by Torch was so mysterious that it was almost “magic”.

  She had done a good job.

  However, the brothers and sisters who were from the same school as her were not vegetarians either, and even had eaten more than ten years more than her.

  Giving her a comforting hug, Chu Guang said in a gentle tone as he looked at Heya who was gradually calming down.

  ”It’s not your fault. You did everything you should do, but we can’t always guess every card in the enemy’s hand. And I have to admit that they hid this card very well. Even I almost thought that the mutants on the mountain were the only thing that guy could rely on.”

  ”Rather than being sad for those who died, what we need to do now is to solve the current problem. You are an expert in this field. I need your experience and knowledge. We all need it.”

  As if she felt that she was embarrassed by her current appearance, Heya took the tissue handed by Chu Guang and wiped off the water stains on her cheeks. She

  blew her nose hard, and her usual calm and capable expression quickly returned to her face.

  ”Now…what’s the situation outside?”

  Chu Guang said patiently.

  ”Don’t worry about the situation outside. We have controlled the situation.”

  Heya: “What about those who are out of control?”

  Chu Guang asked Xiao Qi and replied, “Those who can be controlled should be controlled. Those who are seriously infected can only be executed on the spot.”

  For example, the clones of the Glorious Army.

  Those guys are too dangerous. When they go crazy, they not only stab people with bayonets, but also shoot randomly. So he didn’t even need to give orders, the legion had already taken the initiative to order them to be executed.

  Those Weilant people even wanted to execute those who were not infected to eliminate future troubles.

  But he stopped them.

  What he is most worried about now is not the hundreds of thousands of zombies surrounding the military base.

  Those things are just cannon fodder in front of modern weapons, and are probably only a threat at the level of gnawers. On the plains, those guys cannot constitute effective combat power. The only trouble is that they will emerge continuously, making it difficult to guard against.

  However, based on Chu Guang’s understanding of the Torch, these guys are probably holding more than just one card in their pockets.

  This time is probably the same as last time.

  These things crawling out of the ground are just bait to distract their attention, and other things have already set their sights on them.

  That guy’s counterattack has finally begun!

  Hearing that there were still people alive, Heya buried her nose between her palms, took a deep breath, and suddenly spoke calmly.

  ”Type B strain…”

  Chu Guang looked at her and asked.


  Heya: “We collected the Type B strain in Baiyue Province! The results of clinical experiments show that it has a restraining effect on the growth of Type J strains… Since that thing is difficult to reproduce outside Baiyue Province, we tried to collect its extract. According to the results of experiments in Singularity City, the specially treated extract has a significant therapeutic effect on Naguo infected people, and should be able to restore some patients whose symptoms are not serious to normal.”

  Chu Guang said immediately after hearing this.

  ”Is the amount of extract sufficient?”

  Heya nodded.

  ”It’s not very difficult to produce… but it’s best to send the patient outside the contaminated area for treatment.”

  Chu Guang stretched out his hand and tapped his ear, and ordered Xiaoqi.

  ”Ask the 100th Division to send a regiment of troops to the Singularity City to isolate and wait for treatment. Also notify Frost to prepare an isolation area that can accommodate at least 3,000 people.”

  Xiao Qi: “Received!”

  After the order was issued, Chu Guang looked at the increasingly dark sky through the window and frowned.

  The bat-winged people hovering in the nearby airspace probably planned to wait until dark before taking action.

  He had just received news that the flapping-wing aircraft of the Enterprise’s Seventh Air Force was already on standby on the tarmac.

  Considering the large number of enemies and the risk of being dispersed by the enemy, he did not order an immediate attack.

  However, these are all tactical details. Even without his deployment, the various units of the coalition forces would complete the combat plan step by step. What

  he really cares about is the strategic level.

  The Kingdom of Heaven that shrouds the Weifu Wasteland has already shown its fangs, and the puppets that continue to emerge will cause great harassment to the coalition’s logistics.

  Unless they can completely eliminate the Naguo mycelium in this wasteland.

  However, if we want to achieve this goal through physical sterilization, the amount of fuel we need to consume will be an astronomical figure, which is no simpler than leveling the Ten Peaks Mountain.

  It will even be more troublesome.

  After all, they have not stopped growing, but can continuously absorb energy from the soil.

  Only magic can defeat magic.

  If we want to completely eliminate them, we must use similar means to them.

  For example…

  the biotechnology that the Alliance is best at.

  At this moment, Chu Guang suddenly had an idea and spoke on a whim.

  ”What if we inoculate Xiaoyu’s fruiting body with type B strains and produce spores through them?”

  Although the fruiting bodies cultivated by Xiaoyu cannot produce spores, the fruiting bodies produced by the “large incubator” in the center of Qingquan City have the ability to secrete spores.

  It’s just that these fruiting bodies have lost the ability to communicate through spores.

  He thought of the mutants of the Bloodhoof Clan. Those guys seemed to be used as a medium for cultivating spores by the mother nest code-named Alpha.

  If a similar method is used to make Xiaoyu’s fruiting body the medium of type B Naguo strain, it may be possible to solve the problem that type B strain is difficult to reproduce outside Baiyue Province, and it may also accelerate the speed of spore secretion of the strain.

  When they are no longer needed one day, it will be much easier to get rid of them. Just let Xiaoyu drive them to Baiyue Province.

  Although it was just an immature idea, Heya was slightly stunned after hearing it, and then said.

  ”I don’t know… but maybe you can give it a try. From the clinical performance, the spores secreted by type B strains also have an inhibitory effect on type J strains.”

  As she said, her mind seemed to be opened, and her eyes gradually brightened.

  Seeing that there seemed to be a chance, Chu Guang said without hesitation.

  ”Then do the experiment immediately! Here are enough samples for you to study. Whether it is type B strains or other equipment you need, I will arrange a plane to airlift them to you.”

  ”If you have any requirements, just make them. If the alliance can’t solve them, I can also help you think of solutions from the college or the enterprise.”

  This is not just a problem for the alliance, but a problem for all the participants in the entire sticky community.

  He believes that those old guys will not sit idly by.


  (Thanks to the book friend “筮武之魂” for the leader’s reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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