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Chapter 747 The decisive battle that determines the fate of this land!

Chapter 747 The decisive battle that determines the fate of this land!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 747 The decisive battle that determines the fate of this land!

  Deep in the Blood Mountain, in the deep and dark cave.

  Silent scriptures are chanted slowly in the non-existent void, and one by one, the “sculptures” exuding a stale smell slowly open their eyes.

  They are all mutants with names and surnames, the strongest among countless green-skinned big guys, the champions among countless plague monks, and also the most satisfying masterpieces of “him”.

  They are still far from true perfection, just like the dead “Olon”, just a previous work that is not a big deal.

  But even so, it is enough to be a container for his soul for a moment.

  He doesn’t mind a moment of condescension.

  In order to see that guy, he needs a body that can walk in the mortal world.

  ”…The fourth stage of the kingdom of heaven has been restarted, the eternal kingdom of heaven has come, and all creatures on earth will become believers of the Lord and embrace the supreme evolution.”

  ”My Lord is everything, and everything is my Lord.”

  The statue in the center opened its eyes, and a creepy light was emitted from its pale green eyes.

  The light seemed to shoot to somewhere outside the cave, locking onto a certain azure figure.

  There was no mistake.

  The azure-painted police power armor was the relic of “Mr. Manager”.

  Now it was also used by the manager, but he was the manager of another shelter.

  The monster’s face gradually raised a creepy smile, and a meaningful voice came out of his bloody mouth.

  ”I see you.”

  The tremor of the earth was gradually approaching, interrupting his drifting thoughts.

  The past of Shelter No. 117 is a thing of the past.

  Today, they are no longer the young men who were noisy in order to open the door to save the world in the wasteland.

  They have spent years witnessing the hopelessness of the human species, and they have long known that just pushing open a few doors is not enough to save this fallen wasteland.

  They will bring fundamental liberation to these stubborn and dying compatriots!

  The dust from the explosion floated into the cave, and an Alpha wearing a gas mask rushed in.

  Seeing the group of monsters in front of him, a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes, but without hesitation, he immediately raised the Gauss rifle in his hand. The

  blue arc flashed in the barrel, and the bullets accelerated to the limit filled the entire tunnel.

  As expected, the monster should have been beaten into a sieve. However

  , to his surprise, a huge force hit his chest, and in a burst of spore smoke, he was blown away. His

  back fell heavily on the wall, and the severe pain came from his chest. He couldn’t help but groan in pain. “Ah–


  If it weren’t for the bulletproof armor on the exoskeleton that took 90% of the damage, I’m afraid this blow would be enough to send him away.

  ”It’s a corrosive explosive… All teams pay attention.”

  Looking at the rotten armor, he reported the situation while struggling to stand up from the ground and picking up the rifle that fell on the ground.

  At this moment, he saw a figure three meters tall stepping through the gray-green smoke.

  The guy had a human form, but it was far from human. His body was covered with rotten wrinkles, just like the “swamp monster” in the swamp.

  There were blood holes with dark red blood flowing on his body, which were wounds left by mass bombs.

  What was terrifying was that in the middle of the blood holes, there were twisted earthworm-like things, entwined with each other at a speed visible to the naked eye, stitching the blood holes together, just like a nano-treatment injection that accelerated the healing of wounds.

  A flash of surprise flashed in the pupils of the Alpha, but it was only a flash.

  He quickly took out the short-barreled grenade launcher hanging on his body and fired an incendiary bomb.

  However, the speed of the monster was faster than he had imagined. He just casually swung his arm and slapped the incendiary bomb with white smoke flying out.

  Flames burst out from the depths of the cave entrance, and at the same time, there were also white smoke with sparks.

  Looking at the cave illuminated by the burning, the surprise in the eyes of the Alpha gradually turned into despair.

  There are nearly fifty monsters like this one!

  ”…What do you think of the name ‘Plague Champion’? I’m really not good at naming my own works.”

  Looking down at the soldier who was constantly retreating, the leading monster had a creepy smile on his face.

  Looking at the muzzle of the gun pointed at him, he felt a little bored.

  These incomplete “fakes” didn’t even beg for mercy, just like the pitiful slugs in the swamp.

  He raised his right arm and smashed it down hard. With a snap, the blunt keratin blade split the taciturn guy in half.

  The “smell of corruption” really came from this guy’s stomach.

  After opening the guy’s chest, he even saw the twisted “larva”.

  But even if those little guys tried hard, it was not enough to repair the fatal wound. Sure


  The human body is still too weak.

  After shaking off the intestines and blood hanging on the tip of the knife, he looked back at the group of hungry Plague Champions and roared in a low voice.

  ”Kill them all!”

  The wolf-like plague champions roared with hunger and rushed towards the exit of the cave, opening the curtain of the bloody massacre.

  ”Oh, oh, oh!”

  The Alpha Task Force, which had already entered the heart of Blood Mountain, immediately fell into a bitter battle.

  In the spacious palace, the chosen prophet Sodo saw the hope of victory. He pulled open his cheeks like a toad and shouted at the plague monks who had rekindled their fighting spirit.

  ”Chop up those human things for me–!”

  ”Throw them all into the pot! Boil them into soup!”


  The gunfire was not only in the caves of Blood Mountain and the Weifu military base, but also in the positions of Broken Blade Mountain. There was also a flash of fire and smoke.

  Almost at the same time when the gray fog rose, the mutant giants and goblins hiding deep in the tunnels rushed out as if they had received a signal, and launched a fierce attack on the coalition positions.

  Stationed here are the 1st Regiment of the Enterprise’s 100th Mechanized Mountain Division, as well as a small number of legion officers and alliance players.

  The sudden outbreak of battle caught the new recruits who were on the front line for the first time off guard.

  The commander of the Fountain originally thought that these rookies who were “contaminated by Tzeentch” would be beaten badly, but their performance in the battle exceeded his expectations.

  The sophisticated exoskeleton and rifles ensured the lower limit of their combat effectiveness, and the diversified prosthetic plug-ins greatly improved their battlefield survivability.

  Although they did show serious lack of experience in tactics, even experienced veterans might not be able to beat the rookies who had opened the automatic aiming lock.

  At least, they were “expensive” and their performance was not much worse than those cheap mercenaries.

  The remnants of the Rock Axe Clan were like waves that died on the beach, and soon suffered heavy casualties.

  Except for those mutants who would not die even if their heads were blown up, which caused a lot of trouble for the rookies, the rest of the green-skinned big guys and goblins were shot to death in the caves.

  The exchange of fire on Broken Blade Mountain ended quickly. The leader of the regiment quickly counted the casualties. A total of only 20 people died, 39 were injured, and nearly a thousand mutants were annihilated.

  As for the players, since most of those who stayed on the battlefield to watch the excitement were old players, there were no casualties.

  With the death of the remnants of the Rock Axe Clan, the last bit of pus remaining in the cracks of the Broken Blade Mountain was squeezed out.

  However, the diffuse gray fog showed no sign of fading.

  From the front line to the rear, the continuous sound of gunfire still resounded, especially the Weifu military base, which was even more worrying.

  After wiping off the blood on the engineer’s shovel, Edge walked to the front of the commander of the fountain and said with a serious expression.

  ”… Alpha is almost overwhelmed, the manager asked us to go up and help them, can you please go back to the Weifu Military Base to check?”

  ”We have received the mission to return to the defense, the manager has set up a rally beacon at the Weifu Military Base… In addition to our Storm Troops, there is also the Skeleton Troops of Brother Mole.”

  The index finger tapped twice on the VM screen, and the Fountain Commander looked at the map, but couldn’t help but show a touch of appreciation between his eyebrows.

  ”… So this ‘environment card’ can be played like this, these guys are still quite good.”

  Although the opponent was a group of anti-human lunatics, he couldn’t help but say that it was a beautiful play.

  If he got this card, I’m afraid he couldn’t think of a better way to play it than this.

  Maybe their card master Brother Guang can think of it.

  It can be seen from some details that their managers are still quite good at playing cards.

  For example, it is the most correct judgment to let the two airships withdraw from the fog area immediately.

  On the surface, the gray fog can’t stick to the airships at all, but it’s hard to say what else is hidden in the gray fog.

  ”Have you started playing cards too?” Bianbian said with a smile.

  The spring said with a smile.

  ”No, I just gave a common example. At first I thought they were playing the game of fortifying the city and clearing the countryside, but I didn’t expect that fortifying the city and clearing the countryside was just a cover, and they had another trick up their sleeves.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”If nothing unexpected happens, the highlight should be at night. If the other party has decided to play this card, it should not be just to cause us some trouble. They should know that they can’t beat us with just this.”

  Bianbianhuashui’s expression became serious.

  ”Is there any problem on your side?”

  ”Our side? Are you kidding?” The spring laughed and said in a teasing tone, “We were not afraid of anyone when we didn’t even have a single airship, not to mention that we have two in our hands now.”

  ”Two starships are riding on our faces, tell me how to lose?”


  Just as the Death Corps and the Storm Corps were gathering in the direction of Blood Mountain and the Guardian Wasteland respectively, the chaos in the Guardian Military Base gradually came to an end.

  Near the Empire’s camp.

  General Babita hid under the table, his body shaking uncontrollably.

  It was not until the gunfire outside subsided that he came out tremblingly.

  ”Damn… where did these things come from?!”

  Looking at the mess outside, his face was full of fear.

  Especially when he saw the Alliance’s Chimera armored vehicles shooting at the clones of the Glorious Army, the panic printed on that face could not be described in words.

  The Legion and the Alliance are fighting? !


  why now?

  His brain is temporarily unable to process such complex information, or it is completely different from the vast majority of people here.

  Especially when he saw the Weyland people also shooting at those clones, his brain almost crashed, and for a while he couldn’t decide who to help.


  all crazy!

  This wasteland is really fucking problematic!

  It was a wrong decision to join the Sticky Community. If Duke Galawa hadn’t walked 100 kilometers to the east, nothing here would have happened!

  They shouldn’t have contacted other survivors in the wasteland from the beginning. They just sold cattle and slaves and lived a good life.

  If there hadn’t been that series of accidents and mistakes, the province of Boro should still be a peaceful and pure land, and he should be enjoying his life in the manor now.

  But now is not the time to regret, and such matters concerning the overall situation are not something that a general like him can decide.

  Finally calming down, he turned around and shouted at the adjutant who was also hiding under the table.

  ”Where are our troops? Get them together!”

  The adjutant said with a constipated expression and a sad face.

  ”… Sir, our troops are scattered outside, and only your guards are in the base.”

  General Babita shouted immediately in a hurry.

  ”Then what are you waiting for! Gather them together!”

  ”Yes, yes!”

  Even though he was reluctant, the adjutant had to bite the bullet and ran out of the door. The person

  in charge of the farming affairs was Captain Makur, and he just had to find that guy!

  Watching the adjutant leave the door, Babita paced back and forth in the barracks, his thoughts turning quickly.

  At this moment, a Weylandt officer and two soldiers strode in through the door.

  Seeing the tall nose, General Babita wiped away the anger on his face and quickly smiled to greet him.

  ”Friend, what is going on outside? Why are you so angry about those clones–”

  ”Can’t you see what’s happening with your own eyes?”

  The Weilant officer cursed with a dark face, and then continued to shout, “Count your men immediately, we need to know how many people are infected! This is the order of the coalition commander! If you have any problems, go complain to Chu Guang!”

  General Babita was stunned.


  ”Yes, if you inhale too much fog outside, you will become like that.” Pointing at the executed clones outside the window with his chin, the officer looked at Babita, whose face was gradually turning pale, and couldn’t help laughing, “If you are scared, go home to your mother quickly. Be good, this is not the place for you to come.”

  As expected of the guys brought up by the civil servants, they are really a bunch of cowards.

  Although General Modlin asked them to be a little polite to these people, since he found that these guys like to be looked down upon by others, he was too lazy to be hypocritical.

  Looking at the Weilant officer who turned and left, Babita’s face became paler.

  He was really scared.

  If it weren’t for the order of His Majesty, he would have wanted to get on the train and escape from this place of trouble.

  After an unknown amount of time, his adjutant came back, tumbling and crawling, his face full of panic.


  General Babita raised his eyebrows and stared at the guy.

  ”What’s wrong? Speak properly!”

  Facing the questioning of his superior, the adjutant said with a sad face.

  ”General Makur is dead! Those…those rats rebelled!”

  Babita’s heart skipped a beat and his eyes widened.

  ”Rebelled?! Those rats? How dare they!”

  This bunch of useless people who are more likely to cause trouble than to do anything!

  He provided these guys with good food and drink, and even did not let them continue to eat dirt, and they used this to repay his kindness? They

  are indeed inferior people, a shame to the empire!

  ”No, I don’t know…I just heard that it is related to the fog. It is the biological weapon of the torch. They inhaled too much of the fog and all turned into man-eating things.”

  The adjutant was pale and trembling, but Babita became more and more frightened as he listened.

  Thinking of what the Willant said earlier, he suddenly felt his throat hurt.

  Could this be a sign of poisoning?

  Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he couldn’t stay any longer. He was about to walk out the door, but then he thought of the man-eating rats outside the military base, so he stopped.

  Thoughts turned quickly in his mind.

  Perhaps because of his quick thinking, he really came up with an idea to save his life, and hurriedly grabbed the adjutant and asked.

  ”…Where is the marshal of the coalition? That’s the manager of the alliance!”

  The adjutant was stunned.

  ”In the battlefield research institute in the corner of the camp… Sir, don’t we go find the Willant people?”

  Babita said almost without hesitation.

  ”Those guys are only reliable sometimes, but not at critical moments.”


  Dusk gradually sank into the endless valley, and the night encroached on the blood-stained wasteland.

  Shrill screams echoed in the sky, like the devil’s mockery of the world.

  The three-meter-tall humanoid beast was undulating in the air, flapping its powerful wings behind it.

  From a human aesthetic point of view, its facial features were ugly, and it had a pair of fangs longer than its chin in its mouth.

  His name was Kubo, and he was one of the apostles of the parish where the “King of Beasts” was located.

  He was wearing the biological power armor developed by the Torch Church.

  There were hundreds of “people” wearing the same equipment as him floating in the airspace nearby!

  In addition, there were tens of thousands of bat-winged people following behind them.

  Those people were all mutant babies, cultivated and synthesized in special culture dishes, and they could be given orders through the mind interference module of the biological power armor.

  It didn’t matter if they didn’t give orders. Even if they were thrown into the enemy’s territory and let them hunt and eat by instinct, they could cause great trouble to the enemies of the Torch.

  The relevant technology had been completed in the Jinhe City Parish, and they had enough seedbeds and organic matter to breed this thing.

  Even with larger caliber artillery, it was impossible to stop the wave that spread like a tide.

  ”…We have already started the electronic warfare with the coalition forces, but that is not our strong point. It is probably only a matter of time before we are burned through by the enemy’s radar.”

  Listening to the voice of his companion, Kubo showed a cruel smile on his face.

  ”It doesn’t matter! It’s enough.”

  Their target was not the two retreating airships at all. From the beginning, they were aiming at the Weifu military base.

  Not only were the command levels of the coalition forces stationed there, but also biological experts from the alliance and enterprises.

  Especially the latter, the strategic threat to the Torch was much greater than that of the two airships.

  In order to attract those people to the front line, they could be said to have spent a lot of money, not only releasing enough research materials, but also releasing them to the coalition forces bit by bit through three positions.

  He knew very well how attractive those research materials were to researchers.

  Considering the coalition forces’ overwhelming momentum on the front line, there must be some researchers who were eager for quick success and quick profit, who were attracted to get first-hand information as soon as possible.

  Now the time is ripe, it’s time to close the net.

  ”… Remember your target, and do your best to kill all combat and non-combat personnel in the military base! Don’t carefully identify their identities unless they surrender and beg for mercy! Take the initiative to confess their identities!”

  ”Now! Follow me!”

  Kubo raised his head and roared excitedly, and took the lead to dive towards the ground.

  Under the leadership of the one hundred apostles wearing biological power armor, tens of thousands of bat-winged people scattered in the nearby airspace rushed towards the direction of the military base at the same time.

  The originally quiet gray fog boiled like boiling water.

  As if receiving the order to attack, the zombie puppets dominated by the Naguo hyphae also rushed towards the direction of the Weifu military base one by one as if they were taking drugs.

  Previously, they moved under the drive of instinct and the guidance of spores, but now they heard the call of heaven – or received the signal of the mind interference device.

  The one hundred biological power armors carrying the mind interference module were the source of the signal.

  Looking at the “gnawers” coming in like a tide, many soldiers of the Southern Construction Corps serving in the Punishment Battalion showed surprised expressions on their faces.

  A soldier who was once a gang member in the slums of Boulder City couldn’t help but screamed.

  ”Damn! This is a ‘wave’?!”

  Isn’t the wave something that only exists in Qingquan City?

  How come the wave in Qingquan City ended, but it appeared outside Qingquan City again? !

  It wasn’t until a roar from behind that he woke up from his daze.

  ”Fire! Fire! Are the weapons in your hands just for show?!”

  Heavy machine guns spewed out long tongues of fire, and the orange-yellow tracers whizzed through the dense gray fog, jumping out dancing flames on the plain.

  Not only machine guns –

  the artillery positions deployed in the military base and the Bison walkers also vented fierce firepower, blooming dazzling fireworks in the wilderness.

  Fruiting bodies were constantly crushed on the ground, but not long after, new ones crawled out of the soil.

  That was not a temporary synthesis. It was

  a “fruit” that had been completed a long time ago, but it was buried deep under the soil together with the “Kingdom of Heaven”.

  The exchange of fire around the Weifu military base has gradually turned from sporadic gunfire to white-hot.

  At the same time, the radars on the two airships and the radar station of the military base all detected the approaching threat from the sky.

  Finally, the order to attack was received. The wings of the flying dragonflies began to vibrate, dragging the small fuselage off the apron and killing towards the gray foggy sky. The

  armored forces of the Skeleton Corps were crossing the wasteland near Mafu Town.

  120 Chimera armored vehicles and 24 Type 2 tanks separated from the transport trucks and formed an offensive formation in the endless wilderness, carrying rolling dust and killing towards the endless gray-green haze.

  The Death Corps that rushed to the front line of Blood Mountain for reinforcement also completed the assembly and killed the “plague champions” leading the plague monks.

  The crumbling dusk finally disappeared, and the night completely enveloped the wasteland and mountains where the flames of war boiled…

  All the cards have been revealed, and the chips have all been put on the table.

  Without the slightest sign, everyone knows that the decisive battle to determine the fate of this land has quietly begun.

  Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night!


  (Thanks to the book friend “Miao Miao Sen Sen” for the leader reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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