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Chapter 748: Sacrifice for Faith

Chapter 748: Sacrifice for Faith


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 748 A Sacrifice for Faith


  A deafening roar echoed in the tunnel of Blood Mountain. The Plague Champion, covered in blood, walked forward with heavy steps.

  Not far in front of him, four members of the Alpha Task Force were waiting in full battle array.

  The high-intensity battle, like minced meat, caused heavy losses to both sides. Nearly 3,000 Plague Monks of the Bloodhoof Clan were killed, and most of the Alphas who entered the tunnel of Blood Mountain were also killed, with only more than 400 left.

  As for the damaged drones, there were countless of them. The narrow pit was full of metal fragments and muddy corpses.

  It was impossible for only four people to resist the attack of the Plague Champion, but no one retreated.

  Their superiors issued an order to

  fight to the death. Even when they were inoculated with the unknown biological prosthesis, they were ready to die.

  The four looked at each other, had a brief exchange in the communication channel, and then took the initiative to launch an attack.

  Two assault rifles and two Gauss rifles were placed at the end of the tunnel at the same time, emitting alternating yellow and blue flames.

  It seemed that he had not expected that these humans would dare to come out of the bunker and fire. The Plague Champion let out a painful roar, stretched out his right arm and quickly mimicked the shape of a gun barrel, and then a stream of light red smoke rushed towards the position held by Alpha.

  The dense cloud of spores exploded quickly, covering the faces of the four Alphas like an exploding grenade, and quickly burned through their gas masks.

  Fortunately, they were all inoculated with Xiaoyu’s biological prosthesis, and the specifically enhanced immune system easily blocked the erosion of Alpha protozoa.


  the trouble was not just that.

  The spreading smoke obscured the vision, and even if the thermal imaging of the tactical helmet was activated, only a vague heat source could be seen.

  The footsteps that shook the tunnel were approaching quickly. An Alpha took out a solid hydrogen battery and threw it out, and then fired an air-blast incendiary bomb in the general direction.

  Dense flames instantly rose into the air, forming a sea of ​​fire that covered the entire exit of the tunnel.

  Two Alphas fired at the other side of the flames to suppress it, while the other two Alphas quickly retreated, trying to distance themselves from the Plague Champion.

  However, this painless attack did not stop the guy from moving forward. The three-meter-tall black figure ran over the dense wall of fire like a tank in a pit and killed the four people directly. In

  its left hand was a large shield, and in its right hand was a large sword-like club, which formed a sharp contrast with the Alpha Task Force’s sophisticated and almost sci-fi equipment.

  However, when it comes to the technical content, it is indeed no worse than these Alphas.

  Although the Torch did not complete the Gestalt life system, it still achieved a breakthrough on the original basis –

  that is, consciousness controls the life process, rather than the life process controls consciousness.

  These Plague Champions can select the required gene fragments from the designed organs for customized expression, thereby achieving the mimicry of weapons.

  This is a singularity that has not been completed in the prosperous era of “design evolution”!

  It can be said that their existence itself is the crystallization of technology, an incredible miracle.

  The two Alphas who continued to fire only felt that a train hit them.

  The black shadow that pierced the flames was just a flash, and it split them in half, and the broken organs were scattered all over the ground. They

  couldn’t even scream, and the two died on the spot.

  The Plague Champion, who was covered in blood, let out a hearty howl. The wounds on his body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the new flesh that grew was more hideous than before.


  ”No doubt.”

  The two Alphas looked at this guy in fear, but no one retreated.

  According to the battlefield situation analysis system, they have calculated that their chance of survival is less than 1%. Turning around at this time will only accelerate their death.

  In this case, they must at least die meaningfully.

  The two Alphas looked at each other and opened the safety of the self-destruct plug-in on the exoskeleton at the same time.

  The moment their life signals disappeared, the self-destruction plug-in would activate the battery that detonated the exoskeleton.

  Although it might not be possible to kill that guy, it should be no problem to cause it some trouble.

  Its recovery ability is not infinite, and it will die if the damage exceeds the limit of healing.

  The teammates who died previously have shared this experience, and what they have to do now is to use the last bit of life left to increase the possibility of survival for the teammates behind them.

  The battle is about to start!

  Just when the Plague Champion was about to quickly execute the two guys and then search for the next target, a scorching flame suddenly passed through the two Alphas and rushed to its face!

  It subconsciously raised its left arm to block, and the scorching flame was quickly swallowed by the flesh-red spores on the shield. Although the flame did not cause fatal damage, it still caused its forward steps to pause.

  The two Alphas suddenly showed surprised expressions on their faces and looked back.

  They saw an exoskeleton warrior standing behind them, holding a large-caliber shotgun in his hand.

  ”Get out of the way!”

  Edgewater shouted, and the manual “Flame Dragon” shotgun continued to fire, spraying hot flames at the guy holding the shield.

  After enduring the scorching damage, the Plague Champion let out a painful roar, and used the shield on his left arm to hold up the spurting flames, and rushed straight up.

  At the same time, a power player stood up with a ceramic steel shield, looking at the right arm that was whistling and hitting him, and rushed up without dodging.


  The dull sound echoed in the tunnel.

  The knees of the power player holding the shield sank down, but that was all.

  The Plague Champion, on the other hand, widened his eyes in astonishment, looking at the intact shield in disbelief.

  The biomass battle axe on its right arm could even tear apart armored steel, but it failed to leave a shallow scratch on this thing!

  Obviously, it didn’t know that this thing was a structural material used on the space station.

  Although the effect against armor-piercing shells was a little weak, the effect against high-speed object impact was one of the best.

  The player who was hit threw down his shield and rushed to the Plague Champion. Then he roared and stabbed the needle tied to his waist into the monster’s thigh.

  The B-type Naguo strain has a significant inhibitory effect on the J-type Naguo strain. This inhibitory effect is not only reflected in the phagocytosis of the J-type strain, but also in the inhibition of the proliferation of the J-type strain.

  The self-healing ability of the Torch Church’s biological power armor is provided by the Naguo bacteria, which is also the result of the analysis of the remains of “Gaen” by the Alliance Biological Research Institute last year.

  So the Alliance used this technology to make a “J-type strain inhibitor” specifically for limiting the self-healing ability of the Torch’s biological power armor.

  The inhibitor can last for at least three minutes, and during these three minutes, the recovery efficiency of the biological power armor can be reduced by at least 90%.

  Until it completely metabolizes the injected “toxin”.

  The Plague Champion, who was injected, roared in pain, raised his right leg forward, and kicked the power player holding the needle directly out.

  The player hit the rock wall, groaned and fainted, and seemed to be offline.

  The Plague Champion angrily pulled out the needle stuck in his right leg, but was horrified to find that the blood could not stop coming out of the needle hole as big as a grain of rice, and there was no sign of healing.

  Seeing that the attack was effective, another player who followed the edge into the hole looked happy, half-crouched on the ground, set up the RPG rocket launcher, turned on the safety and shouted.


  White smoke rushed out of the launcher and hit the shield fiercely. The flames of the explosion flew everywhere, and a large piece of stone was blown away, almost sending away the friendly forces in the pit. He

  retreated two steps with his arm protecting his head, and looked up while holding the edge of the shotgun, only to see that the Plague Champion who was hit by a high-explosive bomb was like nothing happened.

  The shield connected to the guy’s left arm was blown out with a hideous wound, but the damaged area was still healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  ”Fuck?! Why didn’t it work?!” The guy carrying the RPG was shocked.

  Edge was also stunned for a moment, but soon reacted and shouted at him.

  ”Right leg! The needle is stuck in the right leg! Aim for the right half of the body!”

  His knowledge level is average, and he doesn’t know much about what biological power armor is.

  But if it is analogous to anesthesia, it seems that only the area where the needle is stuck is numb.

  Similarly, it is likely that only the area where the needle is stuck will inhibit the recovery efficiency.


  Suddenly coming to his senses, the player immediately re-inserted a bullet into the launcher, continued to aim at the staggering Plague Champion, and pulled the trigger.


  Another white smoke rushed out, this time hitting the right leg of the Plague Champion.

  The shrapnel of the explosion was like a raging storm, whizzing into the right half of the body of the big guy.

  The Plague Champion let out a painful roar, looking at the bleeding half of his body with unbelievable panic.

  Its recovery ability has lost its effect!

  Not only that –

  the entire right half of the body seemed to have lost consciousness, and the power was draining away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Without giving it a chance to breathe, Edge of the Flame Dragon shotgun rushed forward and emptied the magazine directly at the retreating beast.

  With a series of bangs, the towering body finally fell heavily to the ground and stopped moving completely.

  Seeing that the boss was finally killed, the players cheered excitedly. Looking

  at the friendly forces coming to reinforce, the two Alphas had a look of confusion on their faces.

  Edge of the Edge walked to the side of one of them and explained the situation in a concise manner.

  ”Edge, leader of the Alliance Death Corps, in half an hour, the Torch Church launched a surprise attack on almost all of our frontline positions, especially the Weifu military base.”

  The Alpha looked at him and asked.

  ”Then… why are you here?”

  ”Because we are needed here,” Bianbian Huashui glanced at the fallen Plague Champion, grinned and continued, “Besides, the enemy’s attention must be on the Weifu Military Base at the moment. Now is the best time to take down the Blood Mountain! The administrator asked us to take down the mother nest hidden deep in the Blood Mountain at all costs!”

  ”Understood.” The Alpha nodded, and white mist floated out of the gas mask, “We will do our best to support you.”

  Bianbian Huashui asked with a smile.

  ”I have introduced myself, what about you? What’s your name? Where is your captain?”

  The man said concisely.

  ”Alpha 1006, our captain is everywhere, don’t worry, just talk to me.”

  Bianbian Huashui was stunned for a moment, then smiled and stretched out his fist.

  ”This name is too long… I’ll just call you Ah Liu.”

  The man nodded, bumped fists with Bianbian Huashui, and reloaded the weapon in his hand.

  ”Tell me about your plan.”

  Edge: “We plan to attack the main body of the mother nest directly. As long as we get rid of the source of the plague, those mutants are not worth mentioning at all.”

  Ah Liu looked at him indifferently.

  ”You carry a large-yield bomb?”

  ”No need to use that thing.” With twenty gnawers that eat like a mountain of meat, Debt Big Eyes came out from the back and said with a happy smile on his face, “They are enough.”

  These are the smallest ones, and the fatter guys can’t squeeze in at all.

  I don’t know why, obviously Brother Luoyu’s fruiting bodies know how to control their “body shape”, but these guys he raised are like retards, eating and stuffing all day long, and then turning themselves into a ball. Except for helping to move things or build a bridge, they are useless on the front battlefield.

  But now it’s good.

  Finally, there is a chance for them to be useful.

  Seeing those fruiting bodies, Ah Liu immediately understood what they meant and nodded.

  ”Understood, I will cover you.”

  The two teams joined forces, reversed the previous decline, and launched an attack towards the depths of the Blood Mountain again.

  There were a total of fifty Plague Champions wearing biological power armor. The Alpha Task Force had killed ten of them before, and there were nearly forty left.

  These guys had different abilities, just like the Plague Monks, with twisted forms and unexpected fighting methods, and their tactics were so cruel that it made people’s scalps numb.

  However, for the Alpha Task Force and the Death Corps, this level of fear was just a drizzle.

  Especially the latter.

  They were a group of guys who didn’t even take the tide seriously, and even dared to charge at fruiting bodies and evolutions that were hundreds of times larger than themselves with the most primitive weapons.

  Now their equipment is no longer what it used to be, so naturally there is no reason to frown.

  The bloody fight continued in various places in the tunnel, and the strong smell of blood even overwhelmed the stench of the spores.

  Both sides had a belief that they firmly defended and a reason not to retreat.

  It was precisely because of this that both sides suffered huge casualties.

  Soon only half of the remaining forty plague champions remained.

  And the remaining half were mostly panting, and both their recovery and physical strength were on the verge of limit.

  Standing in the “palace”, Sodo’s face gradually showed a trace of fear, and the previous excited shouting could no longer be seen.

  It could feel the passing of the believers’ lives and hear the wailing of the Lord of Plague.

  The gods it believed in were calling it, urging it to stop the group of rude guys at all costs.

  However, the group of rude guys seemed endless. People kept falling down, and people kept coming up from behind. Even the personal guards of His Majesty the Beast King could not withstand the continuous torture. The

  fat body trembled, and it shook its toad-like cheeks and murmured.

  ”Respected Lord of Plague… Your servant can’t stop them with this weak body. Please give me a stronger body, and I will eat them clean for you.”

  It muttered, and its ugly face was full of piety, but no one responded to its prayer.

  Not only the mother nest hidden in the deep pit, but even the “Beast King” who controlled everything was tense and was stunned by the situation in front of them. Especially

  the Beast King.

  He thought that the military base of the Guard House was threatened, and the coalition forces would at least mobilize troops from various positions to defend it, but he didn’t expect that they still didn’t intend to give up the Blood Mountain position and the Alpha Task Force that was almost trapped on the mountain.

  There were at least 3,000 troops reinforcing this hill, and most of them were awakened.

  Their fearless fighting style even made those plague monks who had lost their sense of pain feel a little scared.

  He didn’t want to do it himself.

  But if he didn’t get rid of these troublesome guys, he was afraid that he would not have the chance to go out and meet the manager. His

  pale green eyes stared at the soldiers standing in front of him, and he directly controlled a plague champion beast king and let out a low roar from his mouth.

  ”Get out of the way.”

  The voice carried a spiritual pressure, just like the suppression of the upper ones on the food chain.

  However, what surprised him even more happened. After hearing his voice, those people not only did not show fear, but their pupils were filled with excitement.

  ”Fuck, this thing can speak human language!”

  ”MMP! This time it should be the real boss, right?”

  The outlaw howled excitedly after loading the shotgun in his hand.

  ”Brothers! Fight!”

  He was answered by a series of shouts.

  ”Oh oh oh!”


  The Beast King was stunned for a moment as he watched the group of guys whose emotions suddenly boiled.

  It was not until a rifle grenade exploded in front of him that he roared with an angry face and rushed towards the noisy guys.

  His right arm was like a battle axe, and with just a sweep, the guy in front of him flew away with his shield.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that in the face of his tyranny and strength, the noisy guys became even more excited.

  Those pairs of pupils burning with fighting spirit seemed to have set their eyes on a delicious prey.

  It was this arrogant and disrespectful disrespect that made the anger burning in his chest boil even more.

  These weak human things…

  are they all masochists? ! With

  unprecedented rage accumulating in his chest, the Beast King tried to calm his breathing, but found that his mind could not control the out-of-control emotions.

  The violent power flowed in his veins, and he was not controlled by his consciousness as never before.

  That feeling was just like the desire for food, which was also the instinct of living things. The

  reason why he could control the ups and downs of his emotions and make the calmest decisions before was simply because he did not have a physical body in the mortal world when he was in the sanctuary.

  He had been away from the mortal body for too long and had long forgotten how to restrain his instincts.


  He was completely enraged, like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins, and he killed the group of ants that blocked his way.

  Seeing his irritable appearance, the players only felt that this boss was realistic.

  Especially the guy who was picked up first.

  He coughed up a mouthful of blood when he returned to the line, and shouted excitedly while coughing.

  ”Brothers, work harder!”

  ”This BOSS is anxious!”


  On the other side, deep in the underground rock mass of Blood Mountain.

  Ah Liu continued to move forward with Edgepad and Debt Eyes.

  The remaining forces of the Alpha Task Force are basically here.

  What is regrettable is that the original full-strength brigade of more than 1,000 people now has only 112 members.

  As for the side of Edgewater, in addition to a dozen brothers, there are the twenty uniquely shaped “babies” raised by Debt Eyes. The

  passage under their feet at the moment is the road mapped by the Alpha Task Force Mobile Team at the expense of nearly a thousand drones and hundreds of members.

  According to the tracking of the bodies of the fallen members of the 13th Squadron, they have locked the approximate location of the mother nest.

  Most of the plague monks of the Bloodhoof Clan were pinned down near the palace of the prophet named Sodo.

  There are not many garrisons here, which should be heavily guarded, and there are only dozens of plagues.

  Edgewater estimated that there should be a problem with the command system of the Bloodhoof Clan, otherwise those guys clearly deployed a careful plan, and there would not be a flaw in such a critical place.

  For example,

  the Lord of Plague must rely on the “Beast King” or “Prophet” to communicate with the minions below, after all, those Plague Monks are not its real fruiting bodies.

  If the Beast King and the Prophet were both unable to take care of the situation at the same time, it is very likely that the command system of their subordinates, whose means of communication are already primitive, would be blocked.

  In fact, let alone the mutants, their own command system does not always work in such a complex tunnel terrain, and the signal is often intermittent.

  Even if we don’t consider the electromagnetic pulse trap hidden in the tunnel by the torch, the solid rocks themselves are natural barriers.

  Edgewater doesn’t know how Alpha maintains its organization, but they do have to rely on the “offline scheduled contact” plug-in to transmit some important information.

  ”Any questions?”

  Seeing that the head of the Death Corps kept glancing at him, Ah Liu cast an emotionless gaze at him and asked.

  Seeing that he noticed his gaze, Edgewater didn’t hide it and simply asked it.

  ”No, I’m just a little curious… How do you communicate with each other?”

  Ah Liu: “It’s very simple, our thinking is shared, and everyone is a communication node.”

  Hearing this, a strange expression appeared on the face of the debt-eye, and he couldn’t help asking.

  ”What if I accidentally think of something strange?”

  Perhaps because it was not a secret, Ah Liu didn’t hide it and said it concisely.

  ”For us, there is no such concern. We have already removed some tissues in the cerebral cortex. Even the necessary thinking activities are based on the Alpha Task Force as a whole.”

  Debt Eyes: “Removal… But why do we have to do this?”

  ”Why…” Ah Liu pondered for a moment, “I don’t know what the top management thinks. Maybe it’s to improve combat effectiveness, or maybe it’s to eliminate other hidden dangers, but even if these are put aside… don’t you think this is very convenient?”

  Debt Eyes looked at him in astonishment.


  Ah Liu nodded and said concisely.

  ”Even from an individual’s perspective, meaningless fantasies will only add unnecessary pain. Is our sacrifice meaningful, what will we get after victory, and why we can only eat four bowls of rice at most in one meal… Even if we get the answer, it won’t change anything. In this case, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saving this part of computing power. At least we can enjoy the remaining time in the plan without any worries.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”I have to thank you for this. Our lives should have ended half an hour ago, but now it seems that we may still have breakfast tomorrow.”

  Looking at this guy, Bianbianhuashui felt a little sympathy for some reason, and his Adam’s apple moved and said.

  ”… I’ll treat you when we get back. You can have as many bowls as you want.”

  Ah Liu nodded and said.

  ”I appreciate your kindness, but it’s not a matter of money. However, we are still looking forward to what new things will be in the cafeteria tomorrow.”

  Looking at this rigid guy, Bianbianhuashui made a helpless expression.

  ”Then it’s okay to eat together?”

  He could order a few more dishes, and these guys who always focus on one dish can also change their taste.

  Ah Liu thought for a moment and nodded.

  ”No problem.”

  Their superiors didn’t say that they couldn’t eat with friendly troops, but most people thought they were boring and didn’t want to get close to them.

  The target was getting closer and closer, and the stench in the air was getting stronger.

  Everyone was 120% alert and didn’t talk to each other.

  At this moment, a spacious underground space came into everyone’s sight.

  In the center of the underground space, there is a deep pit over a hundred meters wide.

  Various wooden and iron utensils are placed next to the deep pit, making the whole cave look like an altar with a mystical atmosphere.

  In addition to the altar, there is a group of plague monks with three heads and six arms, numbering more than a hundred.

  Their ugliness cannot be described in words. Even the multi-legged beasts with tentacles are much cuter than them.

  Seeing the intruders, the group of plague monks immediately rushed up with howls, trying to tear the intruders to pieces.

  However, this number is no different from cannon fodder for the Alphas who have completed the assembly.

  They have long been familiar with the unique fighting style of these monsters and their almost abnormal self-healing ability. With the firepower formed by alternating firing at a distance, they easily killed the hundred minions in the tunnel.

  The group came to the side of the deep pit. The dark red mist seemed to be coming from here. Just standing on the edge of the pit and looking down, one could feel the threat of death. The

  surrounding Alpha protozoa were restless, and they could not erode these guys.

  The call from the dark was like the howl of a wild beast, and it seemed to be begging for mercy.

  Edge Water gave a look to the debt-ridden big eye, indicating that it was

  time to take action. Although he already knew the content of the task, and there was nothing wrong with the compensation given by the manager, but when he really had to push the baby he raised with his own hands down, Big Eyes still felt a little reluctant.

  He was not really a newborn after all.

  Looking at the big fat boys with round bellies, he said naggingly.

  ”Xiao Hui, and Xiao Xiao Hui, Xiao Xiao Xiao Hui… Don’t blame Daddy after you go down. Daddy was also forced to do it. It was all forced by the manager…”

  Hearing his mumbling, Edge Water couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

  If this dog thing was really so reluctant, why did he take the task of selling his wife?

  No one forced him.

  There are plenty of gnawers in Qingquan City. Although not many of them are so fat, it would be fine if we could raise more.

  Before Big Eyes in Debt finished speaking, the twenty fruiting bodies seemed to be unable to listen anymore. They cried “Ew” as a farewell, and then jumped into the deep pit by themselves.

  They are just a “cell” in Xiaoyu’s body. Xiaoyu had given them orders long before entering the cave. They don’t need the orders of the “keeper” to carry out the task to the end. However,

  Big Eyes in Debt looked shocked when he saw this, staring with his eyes wide open.

  ”What the hell?! Is it so real?”

  He didn’t even have time to say goodbye to his children!

  Padding: “They are fruiting bodies and have no self-awareness. What do you think?”

  The drum shampooer following next to them couldn’t help but complain.

  ”That’s right! You want to buy a wife with 100 silver coins, what are you thinking?”

  ”Oh my God!”

  Ignoring the noise of those guys, Liu walked to the edge of the pit and looked down.

  ”Is that all?”

  Patting the debtor’s big eyes on the shoulder, the roller shampooer said with a smile.

  ”It should be! Our work has been completed, and the rest depends on Xiaoyu. If it doesn’t work, we can still throw this guy down, and he also carries Xiaoyu’s seeds.”

  Big Eyes: “%¥#@!”

  Ah Liu nodded, and looked at the deep pit but frowned slightly.

  The indicator on his helmet showed that the concentration of spores around him was changing rapidly.

  Obviously, those fruiting bodies are indeed a poison for the mother nest named Alpha under his feet.

  However, toxicity is relative. “Alpha” is not the same type as the mother nest in Qingquan City.

  The latter shared most of the organic matter with its children, while this guy hoarded most of the organic matter on himself.

  The two sides explored the path of evolution in completely different ways.

  If the mother nest in Qingquan City is a king who has canonized countless knights and lords, then this mother nest is a wizard living in an ivory tower.

  It is even stingy to not share its own materials at all, but to expand its territory with the help of believers.

  ”…The concentration of Alpha protozoa is decreasing, and the concentration of spores is increasing.”

  ”The missiles have stopped firing, and the offensiveness has weakened… Is it because they have determined that the danger has been resolved? Or is it because they simply have no more energy to spare?”

  ”If it is the latter, the concentration of spores should have decreased at the same time.”

  ”‘Winning is in the bag’?”


  ”If the conclusion is drawn based on the number of fruiting bodies that have been deployed… twenty fruiting bodies may not be enough to completely devour this guy. Another possibility is not ruled out. Fruiting bodies alone are not enough to devour this guy, and something else is needed.” ”

  What is the result of the possibility assessment of mobilizing fruiting bodies from the rear?”

  ”0. It will take at least an hour to pass the message out, and according to the information provided by friendly forces, the rear is in an emergency and may not be able to support us.”

  ”If ‘Alpha’ adapts to the devouring of ‘Xiaoyu’, or absorbs its gene fragments for targeted evolution, I am afraid that this means of attack will lose its deterrent significance.” In

  just a few breaths, the group completed the communication through radio waves.

  And they have already reached a unified consensus on what to do next.

  The attack is effective.

  But it is not enough.

  After taking a look at the friendly soldiers who were laughing and scolding, Ah Liu looked at the edge of the water and suddenly spoke without warning.

  ”Tomorrow, I may have to break my promise.”

  Edge of the water was stunned for a moment, and the big eyes that were pulling the drum washing machine’s head were also stunned.

  Before the players could come to their senses, Ah Liu had already untied the exoskeleton, gas mask and helmet on his body. It was not

  until now that Edge of the water found that the guy was actually a girl with long hair.

  It was completely unrecognizable from the sound…

  Not only Ah Liu, but everyone moved at the same time, leaving their weapons and equipment in place.

  Although the battery of the exoskeleton can be the last bullet, what they have to do is not to destroy this mother nest, and that little damage is useless against creatures of this level. Only strategic-level bombing can completely destroy it.

  The little feather on their body is the last bullet.

  Between countless injuries and healing, the little guy has become a part of their body and has grown stronger.

  Although they can feel that the guy doesn’t really like them, just like the other survivors in the military base.

  But that kind of thing is not important.

  No one hesitated for even a moment. They calmly walked towards the bottomless abyss and jumped in…


  (Happy Labor Day! Since I am still working overtime during the holiday, I beg you brothers to vote for me for the month! Double the salary at the beginning of the month, please! TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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