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Chapter 749: Blood Mountain Captured!

Chapter 749: Blood Mountain Captured!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 749 Blood Mountain Conquered!


  A roar erupted from the bloody cave, and the blood-soaked beast king suddenly woke up from his furious mood, and at the same time heard the wailing in the red mist.


  Those guys touched the altar!

  A drop of cold sweat mixed with blood plasma slid down his forehead, and he suddenly realized that he had focused his attention on a certain body for too long!

  After completing all the arrangements, he wanted to know the expression on that guy’s face, so he specially selected this most perfect body from his collection and used it as his container to walk in the mortal world.

  However, it was precisely because of this arrogance that the plan had an unnecessary mistake.

  The negative emotions generated by the imperfect container backfired on his spirit. He should have been thinking calmly, but he was led by anger and became a puppet of emotions.

  And in this moment of trance and negligence, those people actually touched the side of the mother nest.

  But now it’s too late to regret it. He can only hope that the guy’s two hundred years of “cultivation” can play a role.

  ”…No, my friend, can you hear me? Answer me!” After

  smashing a soldier who was firing at him, the Beast King used a deafening roar to drive away the others.

  Taking advantage of the slight pause in the offensive of those tough guys, he called out to the Lord of Plague in his heart, and tried to contact the Plague Monks in the “altar”.

  However, what made him feel depressed was that he couldn’t contact those guys at all.

  They had asked him for help, but the voices for help were drowned out by the noisy gunshots and roars.

  At this time, a weak voice floated into his ears, like the whispers of a dying person lying beside a hospital bed.

  ”… Goodbye, my friend.”

  ”It was a pleasant journey of two hundred years, but… the world ultimately belongs to the new little guys, and I am still too old.”

  ”For more than two hundred years, my footprints have crossed five light years, but I have not been able to walk out of this mountain. What the child said is not without reason. My method may have been wrong from the beginning.”

  ”But fortunately, you are still very young… whether by human standards or by our standards.”

  ”May you find the ideal heaven.”

  That sentence was like a last word.

  At the same time as the voice fell, the last trace of thought connecting his sea of ​​consciousness was completely cut off, and fell into the bottomless abyss along with its breath.

  Although it could not affect the “heaven” that had already arrived, he lost the most important “card” in his hand!

  Now he can only hope that the power of the heaven itself and the reinforcements of the emperor are reliable enough.

  ”Go to hell! All of you go to hell!”

  The beast king roared furiously, venting his anger on the group of guys who were biting him, but it was this rage that caused more and more flaws in his offensive. A second

  needle was inserted into his right leg, and the B-type strain extract injected into his body completely broke through his recovery limit. Then another white phosphorus bomb hit the right half of his body. The

  boiling flames carbonized a large area of ​​skin, and the severe pain almost made his consciousness leave this body.

  He staggered backwards, but stepped on a corpse, and his three-meter-tall body fell backwards uncontrollably.

  That was the corpse of [I am responsible for dying first], and this guy was indeed the first one to lie down among the hundreds of corpses lying in the entire tunnel.

  Without missing this fleeting opportunity, the outlaw took the needle thrown by his teammate, rushed forward desperately, and stabbed the needle into the monster’s chest.

  Just as the sense of frustration that pierced his flesh and blood reached the base of his right hand, the Outlaw felt a big hand grab his waist, and then he was lifted up.

  ”Ah! Get out of here, you bug!”

  The Beast King roared in pain, grabbed the human lying on his chest with his right hand, and roughly pushed him against the wall, pressing him into a pile of minced meat.

  At this moment, the self-explosion drone controlled by the intelligence-type [Sleepy When Wake Up] rushed in front of him and directly activated the self-explosion switch.

  The explosion pushed him back down after he just sat up, and his upper body fell heavily to the ground. It was

  too late to say it, and Midnight, with an umbrella but no knife, flashed forward and grabbed the shotgun that the Outlaw had dropped on the ground, and then smoothly pushed the huge muzzle directly into the monster’s chin.


  He pulled the trigger.

  The broken bullets exploded with the jet of flames, and the head was shattered like a watermelon.

  He did not stop, but pressed down the muzzle and fired five more shots until the magazine was completely emptied.

  The Plague Champion’s body was a bloody mess, with scarlet pieces of flesh all over the ground.

  In the pieces of flesh, he even saw the emerald eyeball…

  ”Is it over…?” He let out a long breath and sat back on the ground. He could no longer tell whether the heat flowing through his body was blood or sweat.

  His right hand touched a pool of slippery liquid. He raised his hand and took a look. It was pitch black. Then he wiped it on his body with a bitter smile.

  If this game does not come up with a harmony system, it will be difficult to get a version number…

  The whole tunnel was full of corpses, including players of the Death Legion, Plague Monks and Goblins. And the thing in front of him, the talking Plague Champion, was probably the final boss.

  At the same time, the red mist that filled the tunnel also changed slightly. The stench

  seemed to disappear, replaced by a familiar smell.

  All players knew what it was.

  ”Xiao Yu should have won.”

  Laplace looked up, then glanced around, and then looked at Brother Umbrella who was slumped on the ground, “What should we do now? Keep going forward? Or go back and plant the flag on the top of the mountain?”

  Their mission is to capture the mother nest.

  In fact, conquering the mother nest is equivalent to conquering the entire Blood Mountain.

  When Xiao Yu completely controls the mother nest in this mountain, he can quickly synthesize new fruiting bodies to search every corner of the mountain for filth and find those hiding mutants and their captured human survivors.

  If there are any left.

  ”Definitely go forward and see.”

  He quickly got up from the ground, reloaded his shotgun with an umbrella but no knife, and his tired expression was swept away, and he regained his spirits.

  ”…I’ll go and see what treasures those mutants have hidden in the palace. Since I’m here, I’ll be missing out if I don’t take a look.”

  Laplace’s expression became a little subtle, and he looked aside with a lingering look.

  ”I think it’s more likely to be mentally polluted…”


  ”No, respected Lord of Plague, please don’t leave your children… We can’t live without you.”

  The bloated body was squeezed into a ball, and Sodo’s face was full of despair as he sat in front of the cauldron. He even lost interest in his never-ending skill of making soup.

  It used to be supported by countless believers, but now it is alone.

  The plague monks who used to crowd here all died in the battle with those humans, and there are no weak cubs craving for its soup.

  The red mist around was still rich and bloody, but he could no longer smell the breath of the Lord of Plague, and the only thing that responded to its prayers was endless silence.

  Its evolution has stopped here.

  No new stuff will come out of his pustules.

  It lowered its head, like a 200-ton child, staring at the belly piled on the ground and mumbling.


  A sigh came from the gradually clearing light red fog.

  He raised his head and looked at the fog blankly, trying to find the source of the voice.

  ”…You, what kind of evolution do you want to be satisfied?”

  ”Being able to eat everything!” Sodor said without hesitation, without even thinking for a second.

  The voice floating from the fog made a long sigh.

  ”…That kind of thing does not exist. Even a black hole has things that it cannot swallow.”

  What is a black hole?

  Sodor looked ahead blankly, not knowing what that meant, but he heard the denial in that sentence.

  In an instant, the hideous face twisted into a ball, becoming more and more ugly.

  ”You…nonsense! The great Lord of Plague told us that its mother can swallow an entire planet! As long as we keep evolving, one day we can also-”


  As if not wanting to listen to its dream talk, the voice interrupted it lightly.

  ”…But if that day really comes, it must be a disaster for the entire universe.”

  The voice disappeared.

  As if it had never happened.

  Sodo looked around uneasily, feeling a little panicked by the silence that suddenly surrounded him.

  Just then, a burst of brisk footsteps and noise broke the silence in the palace.

  The footsteps stopped at the entrance of the palace.


  ”What a big toad! Wait… can this thing be considered a toad?”

  ”Fortunately I came to take a look, I almost missed the real BOSS.”

  ”Brothers, get ready to fight!”

  ”Oh oh oh!”

  Although he didn’t know what those people were saying, Sodo could feel that it was definitely not a good thing.

  Facing those guys with green eyes alone, Sodo was completely panicked this time…


  The battle of Blood Mountain has come to an end, but the fierce battle in the Weifu Wasteland has just entered a white-hot stage.

  With the artillery support of the Iron Heart and the Loyalty airships, the armored formation of the Skeleton Corps fought its way out of the encirclement of a group of fruiting entities.

  The 37mm rapid-fire guns continued to vent their firepower, and there was also the vehicle-mounted machine gun of the Type 2 tank.

  Whether it was the infected people corroded by the Naguo or the dead bodies awakened by the Naguo, they all turned into dust in front of the steel rain of fire, and then were crushed into the tracks.

  But even so, the puppets controlled by the mycelium still did not stop, either gathering towards the armored formations that broke into the wasteland, or rushing towards the Weifu military base.

  The ones that were killed would sink into the soil, and would grow again after a long time.

  Just like the weeds after the spring breeze.

  As long as the gray-green haze does not dissipate, as long as the mycelium rooted in this soil does not die –

  they are endless!

  Above the Weifu military base.

  The fierce exchange of fire continued, and twenty cloud dragonflies shuttled freely in the gray fog-filled air, pouring ammunition from machine guns and rocket nests.

  However, the number of bat-winged people flying in the sky was too large. Even with the support of ground air defense positions, it was still difficult to stop them with only three attack formations consisting of twenty cloud dragonflies.

  Four “Thunder” fighters parked in the base took off urgently for support, and the 20mm machine guns continued to roar, leaving dazzling traces in the air.

  In addition, 100 propeller planes took off from the Iron Heart.

  However, even so, the number gap between the two sides was still huge, and it was not at the same level at all.

  In particular, those bat-winged people did not rush up to die in a swarm, but were scattered in the vast night sky.

  Not only that.

  Their special maneuvering method determined that their flight trajectory was difficult to predict. Even if their speed and speed climbing rate were far inferior to the old propeller planes of the alliance, it was still difficult to hit them.

  This was not unexpected by the alliance. After all, many players had already experienced it in the battle of Jinhe City, and even developed a “bird-shooting tactic” specifically for dealing with this kind of birdman, and they would turn their heads and leave after shooting a shuttle.

  Although the maneuverability of propeller planes was not as good as those guys with wings, it was almost impossible for those guys to catch up with the propeller planes that were running away at full speed.

  However, Torch seemed to know this in his heart, and did not entangle with the Alliance’s planes in the sky at all, but went straight to the ground military base, especially the airport!

  As long as the airport was captured, the Alliance’s planes would not be able to resupply, and they would either return to the Heart of Steel or land somewhere in the wasteland.

  The entire wasteland was full of fruiting bodies awakened along with the “Kingdom of Heaven”.

  Even though their individual combat power was weak, even the Death Claws could not withstand the entanglement of such a large number.

  The air defense line was quickly broken, and the center of the battlefield shifted from the air to the ground.

  Faced with the monsters that fell from the sky, the air defense positions of the Weifu Military Base were forced to stop output.

  A group of soldiers had to pick up their rifles and engage in close combat with those beasts with fangs, wings and claws.

  As for those targets close to friendly units, the hovering aircraft in the air could not support them freely, and could only focus on those targets that had not yet landed.

  As the war continued to burn, not only the air defense positions and airports were affected, but even the machine gun positions on the edge of the military base were drawn in.

  Sitting in the cockpit of the Thunder Fighter, a trace of hot sweat crossed Luo Yu’s forehead.

  The four ground-to-ground TV missiles had been used up, and there were still 300 rounds of machine gun ammunition left.

  Even though nearly a hundred bat-winged people had died in his hands, it was still difficult to have an effective impact on the current war situation.

  Unless –

  all those guys wearing biological power armor were killed!

  He clearly remembered the information on the official website. These bat-winged people were bred by mutant cubs. Due to their rapid growth rate, they did not have a complete mind, just like those “goblins”.

  They were even more chaotic than goblins, so they needed the help of mind interference modules to command them.

  The Alliance Biological Research Institute tried to crack the mind interference signal that controlled them, but unfortunately failed.

  This technology is a singularity-like existence for both the Torch and the Alliance. The use of this technology and the ethical boundaries are still being explored.

  Since the Torch has no bottom line in the application and experimentation of this technology, and has been studying in this field for more than ten years, it is difficult to say whose technical strength is better.

  However, one thing is certain: as long as the biological power armor as the “communication node” is destroyed, these winged monsters will immediately lose their backbone like headless flies, and turn from collective cannon fodder back into unorganized beasts.

  Beasts are not to be feared, just like the alien species that can be seen everywhere in the wasteland. No matter how many there are, they are just mobile experience packs.

  At least that’s the case for players.

  But then Luo Yu was in trouble again.

  There was fog everywhere around here. It was difficult enough to just shoot down those bat-winged people, let alone identify the guys wearing biological power armor from them.

  Those people were very smart. They didn’t throw all the cannon fodder on the military base, but left a considerable part to continue to entangle with the coalition’s aircraft, so as to cover themselves hiding in it.

  What’s more terrible is that this time is different from the last time. There may not be only one biological power armor mixed in.

  At this moment, a voice that had been silent for a long time suddenly came from the communication channel.

  ”Eh! (I’m fine!)”

  Luo Yu was stunned when he heard it, and then said in surprise.

  ”Did you get it done? Great! How do you feel?”


  Xiaoyu seemed to be in a complicated mood, and Luoyu didn’t understand what it was saying for a while.

  This situation is not uncommon.

  In a sense, its voice is an expression of emotion, and when it itself can’t describe the feeling, others naturally can’t understand it.

  Even he is the same.

  ”Did you have a stomachache?”

  ”Eh. (No, but it’s a pity… Those people are actually quite interesting.)”

  Those people?

  Are you referring to those guys wearing gas masks?

  Luoyu remembered that Xiaoyu had complained to him about the boredom of those guys before, and now he suddenly changed his opinion of them.

  Guessing vaguely what happened, his Adam’s apple moved slightly.

  Just as he was thinking about how to comfort Xiaoyu, the little guy suddenly cheered up.

  ”Eh… Hmm? (The battle is not over yet, I won’t let their sacrifice go in vain… Is there anything I can do to help?)”

  Now is not the time for small talk.

  Hearing the firmness in the voice, Luoyu said immediately without hesitation.

  ”Can you sense the spores around you? Spores secreted by the Naguo hyphae!”

  ”Eh! (Yes!)”

  Luo Yu was delighted and asked quickly.

  ”Then… can you find where their mother nest is? Or, the core that controls them and similar existence?”

  His expression was very abstract, but he believed that Xiao Yu could understand it. After all, sound is just a carrier of information. On the surface, they communicate with language, but in fact they communicate with each other through thoughts.

  Xiao Yu: “Eh… (I can’t sense its existence.)”

  Hearing this, Luo Yu suddenly remembered that the fourth stage of the kingdom of heaven seemed to exist without a mother nest, and this was also the final stage declared irreversible by the Torch.

  But at this moment, another idea suddenly came to his mind, and he suddenly thought.

  ”If we use the mother nest on the Blood Mountain to produce some fruiting bodies, can we use those fruiting bodies as a seedbed to cultivate the B-type Naguo strain?”

  Although the mother nest on the Blood Mountain has no experience in synthesizing fruiting bodies, the mother nest in Qingquan City has a large number of fruiting body “blueprints” in reserve.

  Even mutants of different species can be used as seedbeds for producing spores, so there is no reason why the gnawers, who can emit spores, cannot be used as seedbeds.

  They only need to find a way to insert the gene fragment of the B-type Nago strain into the body of the gnawer.

  The ability to “borrow spores” is stored in the mother nest named Alpha on the Blood Mountain.

  That guy has been studying this skill for nearly a hundred years, and can even transform mutants into a variety of shapes without duplication.

  Luo Yu clenched his fists and prayed in his heart.

  Xiao Yu was silent for a while, as if he was seriously thinking about the feasibility of this, and seemed to be making some kind of attempt.

  After a moment, it gave a positive answer.

  ”Eh! (I just tried it and it can be done.)”

  Hearing the voice that sounded like the sound of nature, Luo Yu’s face suddenly showed a happy expression, and he almost wanted to hug this guy and kiss him… It’s a pity that he was on the plane.

  The B-type strain has an inhibitory effect on the growth of the Torch-modified J-type strain, and the spores produced by the former have the same effect on the latter.

  In other words, the gnawers carrying the B-type strain will be the most direct nemesis of the puppets controlled by the J-type Naguo strain!

  Those guys will destroy the heaven of the Weifu Wasteland from the root!

  Let those dirty things that keep coming out lie down completely!

  ”Quick! Give birth to more!” Without a moment’s hesitation, he shouted loudly to the communication channel.

  And there was a full of energy answer from the other end of the communication channel.

  ”Ew! (Received!)”


  At the same time, in the altar deep in the blood mountain, the bottomless abyss was rising with dense red mist.

  Standing next to the deep pit, the debt stared at the red mist in a daze.

  The other players next to him were the same, including the roller shampooer that he had pressed on his head before, all staring at it blankly.

  ”It would be better if I could go down…” Big Eyes in Debt muttered, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

  If they had brought a few more, it would have been better.

  Not twenty, but one hundred and twenty, those people might not have to sacrifice themselves…

  Although he had developed feelings for those fruiting bodies, he knew in his heart that they were just Xiaoyu’s dandruff, without independent consciousness, and had never regarded him as a father or anything, just eating and drinking from him.

  But those guys are living beings… Even if they are AI running on the server.

  Edge Strike put his hand on his shoulder and shook his shoulder.

  ”We should go… At least, we have to take their things back and give them to their families.”

  In order to capture this position, the entire thousand-man brigade was almost wiped out.

  Including those who came to reinforce, they also left behind thousands of corpses, and the corpses they left almost filled the entire passage.

  This victory can be said to be quite tragic…

  Big Eyes in Debt nodded, took a last look at the deep pit, and was about to leave from here.

  However, at this moment, the crimson fog suddenly shook, and something crawled out of the deep pit.

  He was slightly stunned, and suddenly a trace of joy arose in his heart.

  Could it be…

  However, before that trace of lucky joy climbed onto his face, the moment he and the thing met eyes, his mood sank to the bottom of the valley along with the disappointment that followed.

  The miracle did not happen.

  What climbed up was a group of “crawlers”.

  Some of them had a few “gnawers” or other types of fruiting bodies on their backs.

  However, none of those faces were familiar to him.

  ”Only we are immortal… It has been like this since the server was opened.” Standing next to him, Bianbianhuashui slowly spoke.

  Although he had only known her for a short time, he admitted that she was a brave guy.

  ”… I knew it a long time ago. I didn’t just get the helmet. You don’t need to remind me.” Debt Big Eyes muttered.

  Bianbianhuashui nodded in understanding, and did not continue this heavy topic, patting his good brother on the shoulder.

  ”…It’s time to go.”

  Big Eyes didn’t say anything, just nodded silently, and then followed him.

  The battle outside is not over yet. Brother Quanshui and his men are probably fighting fiercely with Torch at this moment.

  There are still a lot of things to do.

  They have to leave some people to consolidate the position here, and at the same time, they have to send some people to reinforce the friendly forces in the Weifu Military Base.

  If the administrator needs it…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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