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Chapter 750: The Fist That Comparable to an Electromagnetic Cannon

Chapter 750: The Fist That Comparable to an Electromagnetic Cannon


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 750 The Fist That Comparable to an Electromagnetic Gun

  Broken Blade Mountain Position.

  A team of Enterprise soldiers are resting.

  Looking at the blood-stained mud on the ground, Tang Feng, who was sitting on the edge of the trench, panted heavily, his right hand never leaving his rifle, his index finger close to the safety.

  Strictly speaking, this should be his first time on a real battlefield.

  At first, he was nervous and a little panicked, but later he was completely numb, and he would not have any feelings even if he was sitting next to a pile of corpses.

  The situation here is completely different from the virtual reality training system. Those mutants and goblins are not as dull as the program simulation. They are as cunning as monkeys in the zoo, but they are more murderous and cruel than hyenas that have been hungry for three days.

  A small mistake may cost them their lives. In fact, if it weren’t for the bionic prosthesis and plug-ins implanted in his body, he might have died countless times.

  Damn the Council, it turns out that the outside world is already like this.

  And how did those wastelanders survive outside the ideal city?

  Tang Feng felt that his helmet was sticky and full of sweat, but he didn’t dare to take it off.

  It was not until now that he realized how well their superiors protected them.

  At this moment, there was a movement at the foot of the mountain in the south. Hearing the order to assemble, he immediately grabbed his rifle and stood up, and followed the team members to gather over there.

  ”Damn…what is that?” A soldier’s eyes floated with a hint of panic, and he saw hideous monsters crawling out of the thick fog in the distance.

  The most common one was the monster that looked like a human or a spider with four hands on the ground.

  Some others had human shapes, but they moved forward staggeringly like the “zombies” in the game produced by Skull Studio.

  The captain made a gesture, and the group raised their rifles and aimed at the monsters.

  At this moment, a shout came from the thick fog.

  ”Don’t shoot, they are our own people!”

  As the voice fell, a group of soldiers wearing exoskeletons followed closely and walked out of the fog.

  The uniform “Type 5” exoskeleton and LD-47 rifle were familiar to these young men who signed up for the army after playing PUBG for a while.

  They are brothers from the Death Corps!

  The group lowered their guns and looked at the monsters coming out of the fog, with obvious doubts in their eyes.

  After taking a look at the monsters, Tang Feng looked at the man in the lead and asked in a strange tone.

  ”…Our own people?”

  Bianbian Huashui nodded and explained.

  ”The mother nest on the Blood Mountain has been assimilated by us. These are Xiaoyu’s fruiting bodies. We plan to use it to disperse the heaven here…that is, the spore clouds formed by the Naguo hyphae.”

  Not only Tang Feng, but all the soldiers around him looked stunned after hearing this.

  ”Can this kind of thing be done?”

  Bianbian Huashui shrugged his shoulders.

  ”We have to give it a try.”

  The Slime Mold Research Community itself exists to explore ways to solve the mutant slime mold.

  At this time, the captain who had asked his superiors for instructions finally got a reply from his superiors. He walked to the edge of the water and said seriously.

  ”We will help you pass through this position as soon as possible. Please follow me!”

  After saying that, he gestured to his teammates behind him.

  ”Let it go!”

  Edge of the water looked behind him and nodded, then led several intelligence players in the corps to follow the soldiers of the enterprise and walked towards the narrow path through Broken Blade Mountain.

  At the same time, the “Eh” sound all over the mountains and fields kept echoing between the fruiting bodies, with the intelligence players carrying neural connection devices, biological prostheses and communication radios as “node creatures” to convey unified information and instructions.

  At this moment, on the position of Broken Blade Mountain, a group of young men from the enterprise looked at the vast ocean of fruiting bodies, with expressions of surprise and astonishment on their faces.

  One thousand… no, maybe ten thousand!

  What was shocking was not only the huge number, but also that the mother nest could hatch them in such a short time.

  A soldier couldn’t help swallowing.

  ”Is this the wave?”

  another soldier whispered hoarsely.

  ”Eighty percent… it’s even more exaggerated than this.”

  Although he had never seen that thing, he heard that the latest “Zombie Crisis” produced by Skull Studio was inspired by that thing.

  He played the test demo. The outrageous difficulty and the almost suffocating fear of death made people’s adrenaline surge, leaving those “soft” sandbox games on the endpoint cloud far behind.

  ”Oh my god…”

  ”Fighting this thing for 200 years… they are a bunch of ruthless people.”

  Although they knew that a single shell could clear a large area of ​​this thing, they still couldn’t help but feel shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

  Especially when thinking about the terrain of Qingquan City, the brothers of the Alliance were fighting against these guys in the ruins of the city where it was not convenient to launch artillery fire, and the shock accumulated in their hearts was even stronger…

  At the same time, on the peak of Black Cloud Mountain, the Weyland people who had just dealt with the sudden attack of mutants and goblins were also looking at the group of fruiting bodies passing through the winding mountain road.

  Surprise was written on every face.

  Unlike the gluttons in Ideal City, they were not unfamiliar with slime mold.

  This thing can be said to be one of the four pests in the wasteland, along with aliens, predators, and mutants.

  Although the Legion has conquered a vast territory, it does not have much to do with the mother nest within the territory.

  However, the Alliance, whose territory is only one province, not only conquered this thing, but also tamed it? !

  This is incredible.

  ”The gray fog shows signs of weakening…” Looking at the mighty cluster of fruiting bodies, the adjutant standing next to General Modlin had an excited expression on his face.

  General Modlin didn’t say anything, but stared at that place with a frown, and said concisely.

  ”It doesn’t seem to be weakening. Look carefully, there is a clear dividing line between the fogs.”

  The Alliance shared relevant research results at the Sticky Community Conference. That is, when they traced the source of the Naguo, they found that the original B-type strain produced in Baiyue Province had a significant inhibitory effect on the J-type strain modified by the Torch Church.

  The principle of the inhibition is not clear at present. The investigation of the mother nest in Baiyue Province has just started, and many theories are still being explored. However, even if the principle is not clear, it does not prevent them from using the research results first.

  If nothing unexpected happens, those fruiting bodies should be inoculated with type B strains, or simply insert similar gene fragments into the spore secretion organs.

  He is just an officer, not a professional biological expert, and can only make general inferences.

  However, what surprised him was not the biological technology of the alliance, but that they actually “ate” the mother nest on the Blood Mountain.

  In the words of the alliance, it is called “assimilation.”

  This is probably the closest they have ever been to the top secrets of the alliance, but it’s a pity that they are still too far away and can’t see the process of their assimilation.

  A trace of regret flashed across General Modlin’s face, but he quickly came to his senses, and a little enlightenment appeared in his eyes.

  ”… Now I finally understand why the academy, which usually likes to hide in the back, suddenly asked to take on the task of attacking the Blood Mountain.”

  Among all the peaks of the Ten Peaks Mountain, the highest peak, the Blood Mountain, is undoubtedly the most dangerous one.

  They would never do something that is thankless.

  The adjutant looked at him in surprise.

  ”…You mean, they knew from the beginning that there was a mother nest of mutant slime mold there?”

  ”I remember that it was not the Alliance but the Academy that first targeted the Torch Church… This mother nest existed two hundred years ago. Maybe they got the relevant information during the War Construction Committee era.”

  After a pause, General Modlin added with an indifferent look.

  ”Of course, this is just my speculation.”


  A gray-green torrent followed the winding mountain road and headed towards the Weifu military base in the foggy night.

  Wherever they passed, the gray-green mist rolled continuously as if it was boiling, and the gray-green hyphae that drilled out of the soil also drooped down as if they were withered.

  ”Heaven” seemed to be contained.

  And it was collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

  The rats who were corroded by the Naguo looked at them blankly, allowing the fog that exuded an ominous aura to wrap themselves up without the slightest movement.

  The corpses that emerged from the soil had a trace of fear flowing from their disembodied pupils.

  These awakened dead did not have complete consciousness, they were just puppets driven by the Naguo mycelium.

  It was for this reason that their emotions were also the projection of the fear of the countless Naguo mycelium.


  The corpses made a hoarse cry, as if they wanted to intimidate the guys who surrounded them.

  However, the crawlers and gnawers ignored their intimidation and instead stared at them because of the noise they made.

  The desire to eat was released from those pairs of amber eyes. Instead of stopping, the crawlers quickened their pace and pounced on the corpses with an excited “eek” sound. The

  two twisted torrents collided with each other in an instant. Facing the battle-hardened fruiting bodies of Qingquan City, these corpses corroded by Naguo were simply vulnerable.

  Especially under the influence of the spores released by the B-type strain, the Naguo mycelium that eroded the land was withering at a speed visible to the naked eye and eventually died.

  The situation on the battlefield seemed to be reversed in an instant. The south side of the Weifu military base was completely under the control of Xiaoyu’s fruiting body army, and there were still a steady stream of fruiting bodies coming from the rear, pushing the battle line to the east and west wings of the military base.

  ”Well done!”

  Luoyu, sitting in the Thunder fighter, glimpsed the battle situation on the ground with the light of the flare and shouted excitedly.

  ”Ew! (Thank you for the compliment!)”

  There was an intimate response from the communication channel, and the voice sounded as if it wanted to say “Please praise me more.”

  At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield.

  Kubo, flapping his wings, looked at the south of the battlefield in astonishment, and a trace of disbelief appeared on his ferocious face.

  The kingdom of heaven is disintegrating!

  How is this possible!

  He was just an apostle. Although he had assisted the pioneer code-named “Human Emperor” in some research work, the content of his work had never touched the core of the Kingdom of Heaven. He only contained or captured the materials needed for the experiment.

  That was why he could not understand what was happening in front of him.

  At this moment, a sigh came to his ear, and it was the voice of the Human Emperor.

  ”… Although I had expected that the development of things would exceed our expectations, I didn’t expect that guy to not even last a month, let alone half a year.”

  The Blood Mountain fell.

  The mother nest there also fell.

  They can now conclude that the Alliance should have mastered some technology that can assimilate the mother nest, and thus implanted the gene fragments of the original strain of Naguo in Baiyue Province into the mother nest of the Blood Mountain.

  This is indeed an idea they had never imagined.

  Originally, in their imagination, the Alliance would most likely take another technical route, that is, to use gene tailoring technology to improve the original strain of Naguo into a variety that can be planted outside the Baiyue Province.

  This is the safest approach and the first thing most people would think of.

  But if the Alliance really did this, it would be exactly what they wanted.

  Because those guys would soon find out that they just walked the path that the torch had walked again, and from then on they walked into a maze with no exit.

  But now it seems that they bypassed the maze and directly used the fruiting body of the slime mold as a petri dish, playing a trick of using a chicken to lay eggs.

  Even I have to admit that these people’s imaginations are really big.

  Hearing the voice of his boss, Kubo, who was flying in the air, asked respectfully.

  ”Master Forerunner, what should we do?”

  The Human Emperor pondered for a moment and said slowly.

  ”Retreat, it’s meaningless. It’s better to save some strength for later preparations.”

  The Beast King has three cards in his hand, one is the mother nest of the Blood Mountain, one is the mutant, and one is the kingdom of heaven buried in the Ten Peaks Mountain and the Weifu Wasteland. The

  first two cards have been torn off, and it is only a matter of time before the last card is torn off.

  It was a pipe dream to think that he could take down the tough nut of the Weifu Military Base with only the 10,000 bat-winged people in his hands. It would

  be much better to put these guys in the mountains between Jinchuan Province and Haiya Province to fight guerrilla warfare than to let them be cannon fodder here.

  Kubo’s eyes flashed with a hint of hesitation.

  ”The ‘Beast King’…”

  the Human Emperor said without hesitation.

  ”He has already lost. Even if we help him, it will be useless. He will have to pay the price for his arrogance–”

  He stopped talking suddenly, as if a remote control had forcibly changed the channel.

  Kubo was stunned, and a panicked voice suddenly and hastily connected to his sea of ​​consciousness, as if it came from the biological power armor on his body.

  ”Give me the control of your body… Lend it to me for a while, and I will return it to you after I use it.” The voice of the Beast King was a little embarrassed and a little tired.

  The Bloodhoof Clan was destroyed.

  Not only that, but also his carefully crafted masterpieces were lost.

  Although there are still some mutant minions with the torch chip installed on them, those guys are not powerful at all, and can only be used as eyes at most.

  His control over the mortal world has never declined so much, even his colleagues no longer listen to his voice.

  Fortunately, he still left one last trump card.

  Those biological power armors made by him still have his chips.

  Although this apostle named Kubo is a subordinate of the Emperor, the biological power armor he wears is made by himself.

  ”… Wait, what did you do!? Let me go!” Kubo’s voice was filled with a trace of fear. He found that he had lost control of his body and watched himself fall down. It

  seemed that his body no longer belonged to him, but was controlled by another person.

  And that guy was like a madman. He was not satisfied with seizing control of his own body, and bewitched other mutants wearing biological power armor.

  It seemed that he didn’t want to talk nonsense with him. The Beast King didn’t pay any attention to this guy who was roaring in anger in the sanctuary. He controlled his body and dived straight towards the military base.



  ”Use your fangs, use your claws, and cut open the chests of those humans! Decorate this land with their flesh and intestines, and make them regret coming here!”

  He shouted loudly in the communication channel, and at the same time issued an attack order to all the bat-winged people through the mind interference module.

  Under the influence of the mind interference wave, the bat-winged people instantly fell into frenzy, screaming shrilly and rushing towards the nearest enemy without hesitation.

  Looking at the ground battlefield that was like purgatory, Kubo, who was dominated by the Beast King, had a cruel smile on his face.

  He would not go anywhere, and there was nowhere to go. His colleagues wanted to abandon him, but he would not sit there and wait for death.

  This is his parish!


  Since the fall of the Kingdom of Heaven is inevitable, there is only one thing he can do.

  That is to take advantage of the Kingdom of Heaven before it collapses and bet everything to launch a final attack.

  As long as he can disintegrate the command system of the coalition, he will have a chance to make a comeback!

  That’s right –

  the manager of the alliance seems to be here too!

  As long as he gets rid of that guy, everything will be fine!

  At some point, he had forgotten the ideal he had vowed to achieve.

  But that kind of thing is not important.

  He has lost everything, and will even lose the Kingdom of Heaven he has completed.

  He must not let this happen!

  If the new world does not have his name, then what is the point of him having that new world?

  Torch’s plan no longer mattered. He just wanted those guys who ruined his plan to die!

  Everyone had to die!

  On the other side, at the Weifu military base, a temporary research institute where Alliance and corporate researchers were stationed.

  Kakarot, who was gathered near the institute, looked at the suddenly crazy bat-winged people in the sky and exclaimed in surprise.

  ”Fuck… are these guys on drugs?!”

  Just half a minute ago, these guys were still maintaining a steady offensive rhythm, but suddenly they rushed up like crazy.

  ”… But it also shows that they have run out of tricks and can’t come up with any new tricks.”

  Commander Quanshui wiped the blood off his helmet, replaced the magazine of the 20mm “cavalry rifle” in his hand, and continued to fire at the galloping target.

  Not far from them, the Hound Special Forces had suffered more than half of their casualties, and seemed unable to withstand the increasingly fierce offensive, and there were already signs of collapse.

  The officers of the Empire seemed to be there too.

  Although they didn’t know why those guys came here, if they were trying to escape, they obviously chose the wrong place.

  The Torch Church seemed to have sensed something, and the offensive against this temporary research institute became more and more fierce.

  Commander Quanshui couldn’t tell for a moment whether those bat-winged people were attracted by the administrators or the researchers here.

  Or maybe they just felt through their intuition in the battle that the defense force invested by the coalition forces here was extraordinary, so they judged that there was a high-value strategic target here.

  But this kind of thing is no longer important.

  Since the opponent has already used all their strength, they just need to go all out to defeat it.

  All the cards have been revealed, and the chips of both sides have been pushed on the table. At this moment, there is no longer a competition of skills, but a pure collision of hard power.

  Whoever has more strength can press the opponent’s wrist on the table!

  Ten Punch Man drove a semi-open truck to the vicinity of the temporary research institute, and the quadruple anti-aircraft machine gun towed on the trailer of the truck quickly raised its head.

  This quadruple anti-aircraft gun was removed from the anti-aircraft position on the south side of the base. It was no longer needed there, but it could solve the urgent problem here!

  Under the control of an agile player, the four gun barrels vented their anger towards the sky, and the tracers formed a dense net!

  There was no need to aim at all.

  Those guys with wings rushed up in a swarm.

  In a short moment, the open space in front of the battlefield research institute was covered with broken limbs and flesh, and there was a dense blood rain in the air.

  The arrival of the anti-aircraft vehicle boosted the morale of the soldiers near the research institute, and the originally precarious situation was reversed again.

  However, at this moment, an accident happened again.

  A biological power armor suddenly fell from the sky and hit the outer wall of the research institute heavily, knocking a big hole in the concrete wall.

  The two guards who were squatting at the window shooting were killed instantly, and the others were also embarrassed by the rubble and retreated, thinking they were hit by artillery fire.

  It was not until the dust cleared that they saw what had broken in.

  Without hesitation, the two guards immediately raised their rifles and opened fire.

  However, the monster’s movements were so fast that they could not see clearly. Just as the muzzle of the gun was raised, a tail with barbs hit the breastplate of the exoskeleton. The

  bulletproof lining shattered instantly, and the two men flew backwards with blood spitting out of their mouths like baseballs hit by baseball bats, and fell heavily against the wall unconscious.

  The remaining six guards were surprised for a moment, but it was only for a moment.

  They were all the most loyal warriors of the alliance. They had long been prepared to sacrifice their lives for the administrators. No one retreated, and everyone faced the monster and pulled the trigger with fear of death. The

  sudden burst of gunfire wove orange-red bullets in the corridor.

  However, the monster armed to the teeth with biological power armor seemed to be fine, and just headed towards the safety passage stairs on the side of the corridor in the rain of bullets.

  His nose could smell the rich breath of life, a “smell” that made him tremble with excitement. He wanted to rush to the guy right now and pull him out of the azure power armor.

  Not only that, the unknown disturbances sensed by the mind interference module and the determination of the coalition forces to guard this position made him sure of this –

  the supreme commander of the coalition forces and the manager of the alliance are here!

  Fortunately, those guys who are in the way are probably still in the cave of Blood Mountain.

  And this time –

  no one will stop me!

  ”I know you are here! Hahahaha! Unexpectedly, I came to find you!”

  It laughed wildly, roared, and waved its claws to kill two people in an instant. The other four were also picked up and flew out by his violent attack, either hitting the ground heavily, or hitting the wall, or throwing out of the window.

  It was like a mad beast, shaking its python-like tail, recklessly destroying everything in sight, sweeping through the first floor with the force of thunder, and then rushing down the stairs to the lower floor.

  The flames of war suddenly spread to the research institute.

  No one was prepared for this sudden change.

  The researchers hiding in the basement looked at the surveillance footage with horrified expressions on their faces.

  Whether it was from the Alliance or Yunjian University in Ideal City, they had only seen this kind of monster in the zoo.

  No –

  the aliens in the zoo did not have such destructive power, even the Death Claws would have to admit defeat.

  Heya’s face turned pale and she swallowed involuntarily.

  Although Qingquan City was not very safe, her companions in Shelter No. 404 had always protected her very well.

  Since leaving Shelter No. 117, this was the first time she was so close to danger…

  Standing at the edge of the crowd, Lu Bei glanced at his side and was about to evacuate with the manager, but suddenly found that the manager was gone.

  At this moment, the biological power armor that was running rampant in the surveillance footage suddenly flew backwards with a howl as if it was hit by a train.

  The violent airflow blew away the dust, revealing the figure standing at the end of the corridor. After

  getting up from the ground with difficulty, the Beast King shook his ugly head violently and looked at the end of the corridor, trying to figure out what he had just bumped into?

  However, the moment he saw the guy clearly, his dark green pupils suddenly tightened.

  The azure power armor…

  there is no mistake!

  That is what Seven Willard wore, the relic of Mr. Manager.

  ”Are you looking for me?”

  Holding the nitrogen-powered hammer in his hand, Chu Guang looked at the guy in front of him expressionlessly.

  ”Hahahaha!” After looking at him for half a second, the Beast King suddenly laughed out loud.

  The ferocious expression was a little crazy, like a madman who lost everything at the gambling table.

  More than 20 years…

  was it 23 or 24 years?

  They had been away from the shelter for too long. They only remembered that in the 190th year of the Wasteland Era, the residents of Shelter No. 117 were divided into the Gravekeepers and the Torch Faction.

  After leaving the shelter, too many things happened. In comparison, the grudges between the Gravekeepers and the Torch Faction were not worth mentioning at all, so that he could hardly remember the stubborn old man.

  Thinking about it carefully, the old man was not that bad, just a little stubborn.

  From Boulder City to the Coast of Death, they saw a lot of man-eating things along the way. Compared with those guys, their manager was a good man…

  ”…Yes, I’m looking for you. I’m looking for you so hard, respected Mr. Manager.”

  He showed a creepy smile, curled up his long and sharp claws, and the tail behind him was raised like a rattlesnake, posing an offensive posture.

  Then, he said slowly.

  ”You shouldn’t wear this power armor… The last person who wore this thing lost to us 23 years ago.”

  Chu Guang didn’t care, just looked at this monster expressionlessly.

  ”You talk too much nonsense.”

  Before he finished speaking, the monster suddenly rushed towards him like an arrow.

  Those nonsense were deliberately distracting his attention, so that he would reveal the flaw at this moment.

  The explosive feet even crushed the floor tiles of the corridor, and the sound of the sprinting shook the windows that had not yet broken, like a hurricane sweeping across.

  This set of biological power armor is the crystallization of his lifelong learning, and the terrifying destructive power is the most outstanding work he is proud of in his life!

  Even the nitrogen shield can never block this attack comparable to the electromagnetic cannon!

  ”Go back to hell!!!”

  The excited roar surged out of his throat, and the whistling claws killed Chu Guang faster than his roar.


  before he had time to cheer for victory, let alone bathe in the blood of his enemies, the kinetic energy like a cannonball hit his face, squeezing his ugly facial features into his skull.

  The terrifying force seemed to penetrate his mind, causing his consciousness to be dazed for a moment, and

  he almost flew out of the stolen body. However, his body quickly caught up with his soul, and they flew backwards into the air and fell heavily to the ground.

  The Beast King was completely stunned.

  He clearly saw that the nitrogen-powered hammer was still standing on the ground, and it had not moved at all.

  Not only was he confused, but Kubo, who was led here by him, was also confused.

  However, the latter could see clearly that what hit his face was not the hammer at all, but a fist like a cannon.

  Not only that –

  right under the man’s feet, the floor tiles of the corridor were covered with spider-web-like cracks, and large pieces of concrete were shattered inch by inch. The whole corridor looked like it had been bombarded by a cannon.

  This guy is a monster!

  Kubo was desperate and tried desperately to snatch control of his body from the beast king and try to escape from here.

  This kind of one-on-one duel has no chance of winning at all! At least five people are needed to hold this guy back!

  Fighting like this is no different from committing suicide!

  He is not one of those old guys hiding in the sanctuary. That guy can’t die. He only has this one life!

  Looking at the monster that fell to the ground and struggled to death, Chu Guang gently shook his right fist.

  This thing is also attacking by surprise?

  It’s really unethical.

  But he is not the only one who can use a hammer, his fists can also be used to beat people.

  ”…After listening to all your nonsense, I roughly know who you are. The ‘Beast King’ hiding in the Holy Land, right?” The Beast

  King, who was crawling on the ground, stared at him intently, with wisps of white mist leaking out of his mouth, and a fierce light flashing in his dark green eyes.

  Obviously, this guy still didn’t give in and was still waiting for the opportunity to launch the next attack.

  But it doesn’t matter.

  Even if this guy begged for mercy, he had no reason to let it go.

  Glancing at the one-inch dent imprinted on the bone of the steel finger guard, Chu Guang glanced at the so-called Beast King with an indifferent expression.

  ”That’s it?”


  (Thanks to the book friend “Deathelf” for the leader’s reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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