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Chapter 751: A Breakthrough from the North Line

Chapter 751: A Breakthrough from the North Line


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 751 A breakthrough from the north line

  The underground monitoring room was filled with deathly silence.

  All the researchers, whether from the enterprise or the alliance, stared in astonishment.

  Except Heya.

  As the only researcher of the “relevant research project”, she was probably the only one among all the researchers here who knew the inside story.

  Her fair face was flushed and her eyes were flashing with excitement.

  As if she was looking at an incredible scientific miracle, she stared at the screen intently, her eyes were full of enthusiasm, and she couldn’t stop muttering in a low voice.

  ”Is this the strength of 60% unlocking the gene sequence? This feeling is simply… It’s even more exaggerated than the theoretical analysis value in the test!”

  No –

  should it be said that this is still a carbon-based creature? !

  With the frame rate of the security monitoring, it was impossible to capture the trajectory of the punch!

  Her heart was pounding and her breathing became rapid.

  At this moment, Heya suddenly came to her senses and talked to herself.

  ”…Wait, that unrecognizable ‘talent’… could it be related to this?!”

  Is it a power enhancement?

  Or is it not just the power that is enhanced…

  Just as the researchers were amazed, the monster in the biological power armor suddenly jumped up with a cry of surprise and launched an attack again.

  He seemed to be enraged, and the whole corridor was filled with the violent roar.

  The dark green eyes were burning with madness, and the muscles that were swollen with the power of an evolutionary body suddenly exploded, and the huge body shot out like a cannonball again.

  The terrifying explosive power seemed to be stronger than before, and the speed was faster than before!

  However –

  the result this time was no different from the last time. The beast king who took the punch with his face didn’t even have time to let out a howl of pain, and fell to the ground.

  ”Don’t you have any other tricks?”

  Looking at the beast king trapped in a pile of concrete wreckage, Chu Guang gradually felt a little bored, so he reached out and picked up the hammer standing on the ground, watching him walk over.

  Hearing the steady footsteps, the Beast King struggled to get up from the broken stones, wiped the mucus flowing from the corners of his mouth, and stared at Chu Guang who was walking towards him.

  ”You…what kind of monster are you!”

  His voice was trembling, and his sharp claws were shaking uncontrollably.

  It was not because of fear.

  It was purely because the three punches of bang bang bang had disrupted his endocrine system.

  ”I’m not a monster, I’m just me.” Chu Guang said in a calm tone.

  ”Impossible!” The Beast King roared and interrupted Chu Guang’s words, staring at him with dark green pupils, “This can’t be human power…Even if you transform his power armor, your body will definitely not be able to withstand that speed and power!”

  ”Transform?” Chu Guang smiled faintly, “There’s no need for that.”

  He knew this guy was trying to trick him.

  But unfortunately, he himself didn’t know what was happening to him.

  According to the conclusion that Heya had drawn a long time ago, the “results” of his players’ exploration of the gene sequence would eventually accumulate on him in some form.

  In a sense, his existence itself is a “singularity” outside the horizon. With existing theories, we can only glimpse its surface, and cannot touch the root.

  Just like the “morphogenetic field” connecting the players.

  Including the “gestalt life form” that Torch has been seeking…

  The eyes of the Beast King were filled with disbelief, and he obviously did not believe Chu Guang’s words.

  However, Chu Guang did not intend to explain to him, but just swung the square iron hammer –

  and the nitrogen condensed on the hammer surface, which was almost compressed into a solid!

  ”Go to hell.”

  He said calmly, announcing the death sentence of this demon.

  ”You belong there.”

  The bursting airflow gushed out in an instant, like a sharp blade, tearing open the window and even cutting the surrounding walls!

  There is no fancy moves, and there is no need for that kind of thing.

  Chu Guang swung the war hammer in a circle and smashed it at the Beast King who was half squatting on the ground.

  Facing the heavy hammer as fast as the wind, the Beast King subconsciously raised his arm to block.

  However, the biological power armor he was so proud of was as fragile as paper, and was torn into pieces in an instant.

  The severe pain made him howl, but the raging wind blocked his mouth and swelled his cheeks like balloons.

  Then –

  the war hammer that disintegrated his arms hit his head hard, pressing his head into his shoulders, and crushing him into meat paste with half of his body. The

  violent airflow blew up a rolling dust.

  When the dust settled, the whole corridor was instantly covered with scarlet droplets, as if it had rained blood.

  In the center of the storm, only Chu Guang, holding the hammer, and a pool of flattened meat paste were left.

  There were hurried footsteps at the end of the corridor, and Lu Bei was anxiously leading a group of soldiers from the Guards Corps from the basement.

  He brought people here from the moment he found that the administrator was not around.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that what he saw was such an exaggerated scene…

  Not only Lu Bei, but also the guards standing behind him were all stunned.


  is their manager?

  The manager who is humble, broad-minded, and almost never loses his temper…? !

  Even though they knew about the manager’s strength, they didn’t expect it to be exaggerated to this extent.

  All the eyes were filled with respect.

  Although the reason they offered their loyalty to the manager was not because of his strength, in the wasteland where the law of the jungle is generally practiced, strong power is naturally respected by wastelanders, which is also an objective fact. In the

  underground monitoring room.

  A group of researchers were also stunned and couldn’t say a word.

  After a long time, an old professor from Yunjian University swallowed his saliva, poked the researcher of the alliance next to him with his index finger, and asked with a trembling voice.

  ”Is this… really your manager?”

  What he originally wanted to ask was “Is that guy still human?”

  But after thinking about it, he felt that asking this question was too offensive, so he changed his words temporarily.

  The researcher of the alliance was also confused, but he nodded subconsciously.

  ”Of course… it’s genuine.”

  A female researcher from Yunjian University had a fanatical look in her eyes and grabbed the collaborator from Camp 101 next to her.

  ”What kind of technology is this? I don’t mean to pry, I just want to find out what happened just now… Can you lend me some samples–”

  Without waiting for the collaborator to answer, Heya interrupted the guy’s whimsical speech without hesitation like a cat guarding its food.

  ”Don’t even think about it!”

  At the same time, outside the research institute, the players and NPCs in the open space also looked at the damaged wall and the corridor where Chu Guang was standing.

  When the winged guy broke through the wall and rushed in, they noticed the movement over there, and then heard the explosions like artillery fire.

  Realizing that the Alliance’s manager was there, General Babita had a mixed feeling of joy and sorrow on his face, but he was still more happy in the end, and he couldn’t help but cheer for the monster in his heart.

  On the other side, the sergeant of the “Hound” special forces looked at the soldiers of the Storm Corps and couldn’t help asking.

  ”Your manager is there… Aren’t you going to help him?”

  Hearing the NPC’s voice, the grave ghost looked at him strangely, thinking that this was just a cutscene, what was the fuss about.

  With the manager’s level and attribute panel, it would be too much to underestimate the power of “technology” if that thing wanted to hurt him.

  Waving his hand, the grave ghost said with a smile.

  ”There’s no need for that. By the time we get there, I’m afraid he has disassembled the thing into parts.”

  The sergeant of the Hound special forces: “……?”

  Although the description was exaggerated enough, the grave ghost still underestimated the respected manager.

  Strictly speaking, let alone disassembling it into parts.

  With that pile of “mosaic”, I’m afraid I can’t even find a complete part.

  Looking down at the thick blood all over his body, Chu Guang was silent for a moment and then muttered.

  ”It seems that I used too much force.”

  He should have kept his head.

  And he was covered in blood…

  But it doesn’t matter.

  X-16 will clean it for him anyway.

  After shaking off the broken meat and blood plasma stuck on the hammer, Chu Guang stepped over the body of the beast king, climbed up the stairs to the third floor of the institute, and stood in front of the gap in the collapsed wall.

  When they saw the figure appear in the gap in the wall, almost everyone’s eyes were filled with disbelief.

  Except for the residents of Shelter 404.

  The players who have fought side by side with him more than once are very clear about his strength.

  More than that.

  He is like a flag.

  No matter what kind of opponent they face, as long as they stand beside him, their hearts will burst out with indomitable courage and determination to win.

  That’s why.

  When they saw him appear on the battlefield, almost all the players shouted excitedly——

  ”The manager is awesome!”

  ”Long live the alliance!”


  Bathed in the inspiring cheers, the soldiers of the Hound Special Forces looked around in astonishment, and then followed the people’s sight to look in the direction of the research institute.

  They didn’t understand what the residents of the shelter were cheering, but they could feel the enthusiasm in the cheers.

  The man they regarded as their leader led them from one victory to another, and they had no doubt that their future was bright.

  Many of the soldiers from the Free State showed envy in their eyes.

  They didn’t understand what kind of belief it was to fight to pay off the debt as soon as possible, but this didn’t prevent them from casting envious eyes on those shining people.

  If only they could have such a manager who cared about them.

  Everyone couldn’t help but think so in their hearts.

  Compared with the ideal of the ideal city, this seems to be easier to achieve.

  Unfortunately, with such thoughts, they can only choose between a very bad option and a worse option, and most of the time they don’t even have the chance to choose.

  It’s not just the soldiers of the Hound Special Forces.

  Even the soldiers from the Falcon Kingdom look up to that man.

  Even though they were beaten black and blue by this guy, they found that they didn’t hate him at all…

  At least from the perspective of a soldier, a general who can stand with them is much better than those cowards hiding in castles and airships.

  Looking at the intact Chu Guang, General Babita’s face showed a trace of loss, and he sighed in his heart.

  What a pity.

  God doesn’t bless my empire…

  I don’t know when this long night will end.

  Looking around at everyone on the battlefield, Chu Guang dropped the war hammer in his hand heavily to the ground.


  He turned on the speaker of the helmet, raised the volume, and issued a deafening shout.

  ”Our enemies are also at the end of their strength. Their madness can’t cover up their weakness!”

  ”Their ‘beast king’ has died under my hammer!”

  ”If they still want to die! Let us fulfill their wish!”

  The voice was like a sharp sword, tearing apart the curtain of night and the noisy gunfire and artillery fire.

  Whether it was the people watching him

  or the soldiers who were fighting, they all burst into unprecedented morale.

  In response to him, there were deafening shouts.



  The deafening shouts were like a shot of cardiotonic, piercing the hearts of every soldier.

  Facing the high-spirited coalition forces, the monsters entangled outside the institute struggled to their death, but eventually lost.

  At the same time, the battles in other parts of the military base also came to an end.

  Under Xiaoyu’s control, the mighty army of gnawers and crawlers successfully took over the east and west wings of the military base, blocking the corpses that kept crawling out of the soil.

  The kingdom of heaven over the Weifu military base has collapsed, and it is only a matter of time to send away the puppets awakened by the kingdom of heaven.

  On the other side, the armored formation of the Skeleton Corps also killed to the north of the military base.

  While getting rid of those “living dead”, they also got rid of the bat-winged people who attacked the northern defense line and those half-human and half-ghost things wearing biological power armor.

  As Chu Guang said in the call for mobilization, the power of the Torch in this generation is already at its end.

  They have no cards to play!

  At the same time, the Loyalty airship.

  General Lium, who was sitting in the bridge, finally waited for the battle report from the front line.

  After reading the report carefully to the end, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the adjutant standing beside him and said in high spirits.

  ”The position of Blood Mountain has been taken, and the crisis of the Weifu military base has been resolved. We have won this war!”

  The adjutant also showed a relieved expression on his face, and said with lingering fear.

  ”I didn’t expect these guys to have such terrible weapons in their hands…”

  Perhaps they should follow the example of the Alpha Task Force of the Academy and give the clone troops a set of gas masks.

  Although it is useless against the weird biological weapons of Alpha protozoa, it can at least resist the corrosion of Nago mycelium.

  The performance of the Glorious Army in this battle can be said to have completely lost the face of their legion.

  General Lium nodded and squinted his eyes to the west outside the French window.

  He has reported the situation here to Triumph City, and reinforcements will arrive soon.

  Ten Peaks Mountain is just a necessary checkpoint for them to reach the Seaside Province.

  The war between the coalition and the Torch has just begun.

  After that, there are games with the enterprise, the academy, the Great Rift Valley… and even the alliance.

  For the legion, that is the highlight.


  The raging war seemed to rise in an instant, and it seemed to end in an instant.

  When the last bat-winged man was cut in the throat by the player who had emptied his magazine with a combat knife, the gray sky actually turned pale.

  Unknowingly, the soldiers in this military base had been fighting all night!

  Although Xiaoyu’s fruiting body was still fighting with the puppets of Naguo mycelium for control of the land, the latter no longer posed a threat.

  As those guys wearing biological power armor died one after another, both the bat-winged man and the “living dead” became empty shells without souls, just zombies acting under the drive of instinct.

  These unorganized guys were obviously no match for the fruiting body army led by Xiaoyu.

  It was only a matter of time to completely clean up the corrosion on this Weifu wasteland…

  The news of victory quickly spread throughout the army.

  Knowing that the enemy had been defeated, the tense nerves of the soldiers finally relaxed.

  Many people simply sat on the ground or stared at the corpses on the ground in a daze.

  The strong smell of blood filled the nasal cavity, and the entire military base was completely turned into a sea of ​​blood.

  The intensity of this battle exceeded most people’s imagination.

  After all, the population of most settlements in the wasteland combined is not even as much as the population of any random pit for burying corpses here.

  However, the Weilants were quite calm, and even lined up at the entrance of the canteen with their lunch boxes.

  Perhaps this can only be considered a small scene in the west of the continent…

  Apart from the Weilants, the calmest people in the entire coalition are naturally the players.

  In order to prevent the accumulated fatigue from affecting the “daytime” game, some people have already run back to the hibernation capsule to lie down and rest.

  There are also some guys who didn’t grab the save point, and they didn’t waste time. After a simple meal, they helped the NPCs clean up the battlefield.

  To the east of the military base.

  The Southern Construction Corps drew a piece of land on the wasteland specifically for stacking corpses.

  They used trucks to drag the corpses out of the military base and dumped them here, waiting for the crawlers hatched by Xiaoyu to transport them away.

  Looking at the piles of dead people, Mosquito couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”Oh my god… I’m afraid the Empire will have to pay a lot this time.”

  He could guess without asking that the most deaths in this battle, apart from the clone cannon fodder, were probably the rat people of the Xilan Empire Expeditionary Force.

  Those guys were really miserable.

  They just wanted to have a few full meals, and they didn’t commit any big crimes. At most, they just thought about it in their heads, but they were tossed around by their superiors. Not only was their life uncomfortable, but their death was also not glorious.

  Standing next to him, the construction site boy and the brick glanced at him.

  ”… Why do I feel that the Empire is not the one who paid the most.”

  Mosquito was stunned.

  ”… What do you mean?”

  Debt Eyes reminded him.

  ”Aren’t you still waiting to collect their food?”

  Mosquito’s eyebrows twitched and he coughed dryly to defend himself.

  ”I just said that the plan is to collect… They haven’t grown it yet, so why not collect it.”

  Although he said this, he still felt a little regretful when he thought about the free money he couldn’t pick up, and he couldn’t help smacking his lips in pain.

  Not making money is also a loss.

  He had to figure out how to fill this hole…


  On the other side, at the Weifu Military Base, tents painted with medical logos were set up on the open space in front of the temporary research institute.

  Half an hour ago, the company’s medical team set off from the Shuguang City Airport and arrived at the front line of the Weifu Military Base. Nurses and doctors from Ideal City were bandaging the wounds of the injured soldiers.

  In fact, before it was converted into a temporary research institute, this concrete building itself was a reserve medical facility, but it was later converted into a research facility because there were not many wounded.

  The open space in front of the building was reserved for accommodating “exceeding expected wounded”.

  However, no one, whether it was the Southern Construction Corps or the coalition forces, thought that this open space would actually have a chance to come in handy.

  And it was before the coalition forces entered the Haiya Province.

  After all, judging from the first two battles, the Torch Church did not show strong strength, and their positions fell down with a slight push…

  Just as Chu Guang was comforting the wounded, Li Jinrong, the head of the Southern Construction Corps, limped over here.

  His arm was bandaged, as if he had been shot. I think it was shot by the clones of the Glorious Army.

  Although the technical content of the Eviscerator Rifle is not high, the damage of the full-power bullet is no joke.

  Fortunately, the bullet passed through his arm, neither hurting the bones and arteries, nor staying in the body.

  It is precisely because of this that this minor injury did not affect his work at all. He did not even find a doctor. He just bandaged it himself.

  ”Except for the Corps’ refusal to cooperate in the investigation of the Glorious Army’s casualties, the casualties of various units of the coalition have basically been counted. At present, the heaviest losses are the expeditionary forces of the Xilan Empire. Many of them were poisoned when the fog just started…”

  Chu Guang frowned and asked.

  ”How many of them died in total.”

  Li Jinrong swallowed and continued.

  ”Including the missing… there are 14,700 people in total.”

  If Xiaoyu had not rescued some, this number would probably be even more exaggerated.

  Even though it was expected that the casualties of the Xilan Empire Expeditionary Force would be outrageous, Chu Guang couldn’t help but hold his breath when he heard this number.

  Nearly 15,000 people…

  There were only 20,000 soldiers who successfully reached Jinchuan Province, and this reduction was close to three-quarters!

  Looking at Chu Guang with a heavy face, Li Jinrong hesitated for a moment and continued.

  ”The commander of the Xilan Expeditionary Force hopes that the coalition forces can give some compensation to the families of those fallen soldiers… They are the backbone of 14,700 families. They came here for the common destiny of all mankind. Their families should not only get ashes and honor, but also be supported by other people who survived for this.”

  Hearing this high-sounding statement, Chu Guang couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

  The backbone of 14,700 families is okay…

  I’m afraid it’s just livestock on a farm.

  Although he has never been to the Bora Province, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t know the situation there.

  He was sure that even if he asked for compensation from the academy or the company, or even paid the money out of his own pocket, the money would not be given to the families of those people, but would most likely go into the pocket of a noble.

  Or even go into the pocket of Babita himself.

  But at this moment, he thought of a friend who died young.

  In a sense, he was already in a similar position at the moment.

  He could ignore those guys, and no one would think that he did anything wrong. Even General Babita, who made the request, would blush when he thought about it.

  After all, those rat people were of no use at all, and in the end, they foolishly pitted a wave of friendly troops, and even the legion closest to them disliked them for being in the way.

  But if they didn’t plant the seeds in their pockets, no matter how many seeds they saved, the wasteland would always be a wasteland, even if they finally won the war.

  After thinking for a long time, Chu Guang spoke.

  ”Tell Babita that the coalition is a military organization, not a support organization, but the community recognizes the sacrifices of those people.”

  ”If he really wants to do something for the 14,700 dead soldiers, he should carefully count their names, families, and addresses.”

  ”We will give appropriate compensation to the families of all the fallen soldiers and their collectives in a way that is approved by public resolution.”

  Li Jinrong nodded seriously.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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