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Chapter 752 LV61! The seventh stage of the gene sequence!

Chapter 752 LV61! The seventh stage of the gene sequence!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 752 LV61! The seventh stage of the gene sequence!


  The southernmost end of the Ten Peaks Mountain, the top of Lai Mountain.

  The “Human Emperor” stared at the north expressionlessly for a whole night, until the dawn light slowly rose from the horizon, and then a barely perceptible coldness twitched at the corner of his mouth.

  Just at this moment, a figure appeared beside him.

  The middle-aged man in a white robe was none other than the “Beast King” who had promised him not long ago that he would stay in the Ten Peaks Mountain for at least half a year.

  ”There was a little accident…”

  When the Beast King said this, his face was a little embarrassed, and his facial muscles were still twitching from time to time.

  Especially the place where he was hit by two punches before.

  Even though he had abandoned the tattered body, he still had not completely walked out of the looming phantom pain.

  The Human Emperor stared at him expressionlessly, and his deep pupils were like a black hole that swallowed everything, causing him to unconsciously move his eyes down an inch.

  There was no way.

  At this moment, he was weaker than ever. Even though he was unwilling, he could only lower his head reluctantly.

  Since the Holy Land needs to rely on the real body as a container to store consciousness, it can be said that the power of the Forerunner is proportional to the power of the believer. The stronger the power of the believer, the greater the impact of the Holy Land on the mortal world.

  For example, if the believers who installed the chip were just a few serfs, then let alone have any impact on the mortal world, I am afraid they can’t even leave the slave owner’s farm.

  But if the believer who installed the chip is the slave owner himself, then with the help of the slave owner’s authority, he can control the survivors of an entire farm.

  At this moment, his situation is similar to the former.

  Until yesterday, he was the uncrowned king of Shifeng Mountain, but now he has lost all his chips.

  Not only that.

  He even lost the kingdom of heaven in the Weifu Wasteland.

  This was undoubtedly a disastrous defeat, especially now that the mother nest on the Blood Mountain had gone from being their ally to a huge trouble that threatened the Heavenly Kingdom of the Seaside Province… The

  Human Emperor did not speak, but just looked at him in silence, until the latter felt a little scared, and the former slowly spoke.

  ”Where is Kubo?”

  The Beast King’s expression was stiff, and he lowered his head after a long time.


  ”Just sorry?”

  The Human Emperor looked into his eyes and raised his chin slightly.

  ”That was my apostle, he should have asked you to take your dirty hands away immediately and get out of his armor, but you completely ignored his request – even begging for mercy, and still insisted on being stupid to the end.”

  ”This is also for our plan -” Seeing that the tone was getting heavier, the Beast King couldn’t help but defend himself, but he was interrupted before he finished.

  ”Plan,” repeated the word, the Human Emperor stared at him, “So is this situation also part of your so-called plan?”

  The Beast King fell silent.

  Looking at this speechless guy, a trace of disappointment appeared on the face of the Human Emperor. He sighed softly and turned his gaze back to the north.

  ”I didn’t expect to implant a backdoor in the armor. Not only me, but also the ‘Holy Son’ was furious after knowing it. You made a mistake that absolutely cannot be made, and everyone has to pay for your stupidity. I hope you understand this. The reason why you are in this situation today is not just because of your failure… and, don’t blame me.”

  Hearing this, the Beast King was stunned for a moment, and suddenly raised his head to look at him.

  The eyes were cold as if there was no temperature, just like the snow covering the mountain.

  A trace of panic rose in his heart involuntarily. He stared at this former comrade in a daze and took a step back involuntarily.

  ”What… are you going to do?!”

  ”This is the unanimous decision of the Holy Hall Meeting–”

  Looking at the Beast King whose face finally changed completely, the Human Emperor said with a normal expression, and then continued to announce his ending.

  ”You’re removed from the list.”


  Before he finished speaking, the illusory figure disappeared in the whistling cold wind like a slide that stopped abruptly.

  It seems that the “operation” has been completed.

  It’s a pity that I didn’t hear the guy’s last words.

  After a second of silence for the old friend who had no chance to go to the new world, the Human Emperor turned his head slightly and glanced behind him.

  He saw several men wearing exoskeletons standing not far behind him, as if they had been standing there for a long time.

  They are the executioners of the Tribunal, mainly responsible for executing some stubborn and difficult heretics, and dealing with the Forerunners with problems.

  Although the Forerunners do not have physical bodies walking in the mortal world, they can be eliminated by resetting the chips in the believers’ brains.

  This backdoor is in the hands of the Tribunal, and it has existed as a means to check and balance the Forerunners since the birth of the “Sanctuary”.

  It can be seen that these guys should have just arrived here not long ago, and the Tribunal sent more than just a small team.

  They have completed the operation after just a short chat.

  ”…We reset the chip belonging to the Beast King and completely erased his consciousness. According to the will of the Holy Son, they now belong to you.” The executioner standing at the head of the team looked at him and explained the situation in a concise manner.

  The Human Emperor nodded slowly to show his understanding.

  ”Got it.”

  The executioner did not continue to say anything more about what happened just now, but just glanced at the Blood Mountain in the distance, and then looked at him again.

  ”What are you going to do?”

  Without hiding anything, the Human Emperor said concisely.

  ”This place can no longer be defended. I plan to abandon the Ten Peaks Mountain and withdraw the mutant tribes in this area to the Sea End Province, and reorganize defense on my territory to resist the offensive of the coalition forces.”

  The executioner nodded.

  ”A wise decision, this is up to you.”


  The Human Emperor replied absent-mindedly, not really wanting to talk to these guys.

  The executioners did not continue to bother him, turned around and disappeared from his sight.

  This was not to activate the optical camouflage, but to directly disconnect the connection with his sea of ​​consciousness.

  This can be considered one of the executioner’s “privileges”.

  When they move within the parish, they can be exempt from the forerunners’ prying eyes, walk in places where the latter cannot see, and decide whether to establish a connection with the forerunners.

  This is why the Beast King did not notice their actions at all.

  He did not care about those elusive guys, and the Human Emperor just stared at the mountains north of Laishan.

  Not far away, densely packed mutants and goblins were withdrawing from the top of the mountain along the winding mountain road.

  Those guys were noisy, carrying large and small bags of luggage, eating and fighting guys, as well as livestock and stored food.

  Although it is a good idea to leave them on the Ten Peaks Mountain as cannon fodder, they are unorganized and may not last long against the well-trained soldiers of the coalition.

  They are now his pawns.

  Before sending them to the front line to be consumed as cannon fodder, he needs to make some “fast and good” transformations on these guys.

  ”Chu Guang, huh…”

  The Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, and gently touched his cheek with his index finger. His calm face suddenly twisted into an unusual smile.

  That punch really hurt. It’s been

  a long time since I met such an exciting guy…


  It has been a day since the decisive battle in the Weifu Wasteland ended.

  After dealing with all the things, Chu Guang returned to the Iron Heart and slept for a full ten hours to relieve the accumulated fatigue.

  Not long after he woke up, he received the physical examination report sent by Heya.

  To his surprise, in just a short time last night, he actually upgraded another level, and the progress of gene sequence development jumped from 60% to 61%.



  Chu Guang Gene sequence: Manager (Seventh stage)

  Level: LV.60→LV61

  ——Basic attributes——

  Strength: 79→80 (+1)

  Agility: 60→63 (+3)

  Constitution: 64→65 (+1)

  Perception: 62→65 (+3)

  Intelligence: 66→68 (+2)


  ”The data is for reference only. To be honest, I feel that the original attribute conversion formula is outdated for you. Only 80 points of strength is not enough to punch with that kind of power.”

  Chu Guang was still calculating what 80 points of strength meant in his mind. He put down the medical examination report in his hand and cast a curious look at her.

  ”Why do you say that?”

  ”Because that is an empirical formula set according to the standards of normal people, and your body, whether it is the muscle structure or the way of movement, is far different from the standards of ordinary humans. It is no exaggeration to say that your existence itself is enough to provide a large number of research samples for the Gestalt life form research project. I am not sure whether this is the future evolutionary direction of mankind, but… this is at least a possibility.” Heya stared at him with a sharp eye.

  Chu Guang believed what she said. After all, this guy always had this strange expression when he saw precious research materials.

  Just like Yin Fang when he saw the unusual coffee machine.

  ”Gestalt life form… huh.” Chu Guang looked at his right hand, clenched his fist, and felt the surging power.

  It is said that it is the holy grail of biological and gene tailoring technology in the prosperous era, the lifelong pursuit of countless scholars and engineers, and millions of scientific research projects are related to it.

  It’s a pity that until the end of that great era, this singularity isolated outside the horizon is still just a proposition that exists in imagination.

  Perhaps the first generation manager of Shelter No. 404 is also an expert in this field.

  After all, there are really so many biologists in Qingquan City that it’s a bit unusual. There’s nothing unreasonable about having one more.

  ”Do you feel that you are getting further and further away from your identity as a human being?” Looking at Chu Guang who was lost in thought, He Ya teased, “I don’t think you need to worry. From what I observe, you are still quite popular with everyone.”

  Chu Guang shook his head and said.

  ”I haven’t thought about this. I’m just thinking… what will happen after the development progress reaches 100%.”

  ​​”I’m afraid we won’t know until then. There is no relevant data in the shelter’s database for reference, and even the empirical formulas that worked before are no longer effective.”

  After a pause, Heya shrugged her shoulders lightly and said in a comforting tone.

  ”But don’t worry, no matter what happens to you at that time, no matter what you become, even if you grow two heads and six arms, you will always be you, and you will always be me… I mean the you in our hearts.”

  She is not good at saying comforting words, and even worse at reading other people’s emotions. After all, she spends most of her time immersed in scientific research, so she stopped halfway through.

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned for a moment, and after two seconds he realized that this guy was actually enlightening him, so he smiled and said.

  ”What are you talking about? Why would I worry about such a thing. But I am thinking… it would be nice if I could grow a pair of wings.”

  But that kind of thing is too magical.

  Even the bone structure and nerve distribution are completely changed. It is probably impossible to do it without installing prostheses.

  ”It seems that I am being too sentimental…” Her face flushed, and Heya coughed hard, trying to hide her embarrassment.

  ”That’s not the case,” Chu Guang interrupted her, with a hearty smile on his face, and said sincerely, “Thank you, it feels good to be cared for by others.”

  ”You… No, you are quite… quite normal when you don’t talk.”

  Looking at Heya who turned her head away incoherently, and the red glow faintly shining through the silver thread, Chu Guang’s face showed a little surprise.


  Shouldn’t I say this?


  [Yesterday, the offensive of the Sticky Community Coalition in the Shifeng Mountain area won a crucial victory.

  The mother nest deep in the Blood Mountain finally fell under the joint offensive of the Alpha Task Force and the Death Corps, and the tumor toxin buried deep under the Weifu Wasteland was also completely removed.

  So far, all the lands in Jinchuan Province that were eroded by the evil cult have been liberated!

  Although the soil corroded by the Nago mycelium is still being purified, it is only a matter of time to completely eradicate the corruption left by the Torch Church…

  In order to prevent the seeds of chaos from sprouting again, the administrator said that the seventh survivor settlement of the alliance, “Weifu City”, will be built on the Weifu Wasteland, and a “Weifu City Station” will be added to the railway line of the alliance.

  The preparation and construction of the settlement is currently in the charge of the Alliance Southern Construction Corps. Please pay attention to follow-up reports for more information.

  On the other hand, at the initiative of Chu Guang, the manager of the alliance, the Sticky Community proposed Resolution No. 6, at which all parties will discuss the compensation of the soldiers and their families who died in the Torch Church War. The

  list of the dead soldiers is currently being compiled, but due to the uneven communication technology of the survivors and the limited level of household registration management, this work may take a long time to complete.

  In addition, due to the defeat of the “Beast King”, the mutant tribes stationed on Shifeng Mountain have gradually moved south.

  Since the first mutant tribe wandered to the local area and settled more than a century ago, this is the first time that Shifeng Mountain has completely gotten rid of the threat of mutants.

  At present, the 1st Regiment of the 100th Mountain Division of the Enterprise has been stationed in Laishan.

  Considering the complex local situation in Haiya Province, the Corps, the Enterprise and the Academy have all expressed that they will send more reinforcements to the front line.

  However, due to the width of the front line, the logistics capacity and many objective factors, the maximum number of troops that the northern battlefield can bear may not exceed 20 divisions.

  Military analysts believe that the northern front has successfully opened a breakthrough, and the next turning point of the entire war may appear on the southern front.

  Sammy, the president, reporter and editor of the French Fries Port branch of the “Survivor Daily”, reports to you!


  On the south bank of the Baiyue Strait, in the military camp of Youtiao Port, in a single-family cabin, Iser, the captain of the 30,000-man expeditionary force, was reading the newspaper in his hand.

  It was obviously more than 30 degrees, but he felt a chill in his hands and feet. What

  made him hold his breath was certainly not the victory report on the headline, but the casualties counted by the various units of the coalition on page 2.

  Excluding the clones of the legion, the Empire ranked second, with 14,700 people killed in battle alone!

  Nearly three-quarters of the people died…

  He couldn’t imagine that if he hadn’t boarded the wrong ship, he would still be alive.

  At this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside the door. The one who

  stepped over the threshold and walked in was his adjutant, named Jin De.

  The guy was holding a newspaper in his hand, and it looked freshly published, and it was obviously the same issue as his own.

  As expected by Issel, Jinde came straight to the point after entering the room.

  ”Sir, General Babita’s men suffered heavy losses, which is not good news for us… Well, it seems that you already know.”

  Halfway through his words, his eyes fell on the newspaper in Issel’s hand, so he stopped talking tactfully.

  However, Issel heard the first half of his words and couldn’t help but frowned slightly.

  ”What does this have to do with us? We are responsible for the southern battlefield.”

  ”Strictly speaking, it is true, but General Babita is our immediate superior after all. Do you think he will honestly admit his own problems with his personality?”

  ”Is there anything to refute?” Issel sneered, “The guy who even cares about the money in his subordinates’ meal cards, even if he doesn’t admit it, can he save more than 10,000 people from death?”

  Since the French Fries Port branch of the “Survivor Daily” was run by the Moon Clan, and those Moon Clan girls always like to insert private goods in the newspaper, they don’t care about the clones of the Legion, but only focus on the reports of the Empire’s expeditionary force, and only report bad news but not good news.

  He despised those Moon Clan people at first, but after working with the residents of the Alliance for a while, he gradually began to think that General Babita was a lunatic, and the guy who appointed that guy as the commander of the expeditionary force was also a lunatic.

  However, although Issel disdained that guy, Jinde still spoke cautiously.

  ”…It’s not surprising that you think so. In fact, I despise that idiot, not to mention you, but I have to say that this guy is good at manipulating power. For example, he can blame the failure entirely on your failure to arrive at the front line as planned, and his efforts to turn the tide allowed two 10,000-man troops that should have been annihilated to survive by 20%-”

  ”What a joke!” Iser slammed the table, “No matter what he said, His Majesty would never believe such nonsense!”

  Jin De shook his head and whispered.

  ”Calling black as white is the basic skill of power. In the court, thick skin is more important than ability. Since he is your boss and closer to His Majesty, he must be more skilled in this aspect than you…”

  Looking at General Iser who looked uneasy, he paused and continued.

  ”Of course, even if the situation is quite unfavorable to us, we are not without a chance…”

  In this month, they have built Youtiao Port in a decent shape, and the alliance has paid them part of the wages as promised.

  Even more than wages.

  The current Baiyue Strait is no longer as lively as before. Although the development of Youtiao Port cannot catch up with that of French Fries Port, it has also benefited from it. Whether it is the merchants in Silver Moon Bay, the merchants in the South Islands Alliance, or the bigwigs from Dawn City, they have all set up businesses in this generation.

  Managing plantations, helping at construction sites or docks, and even warehouse management and import and export business, the 30,000th Expeditionary Force has been involved.

  Although they are still the Expeditionary Force in name, they have actually changed from a military organization to a large labor agency.

  After all, the ruthless people in the Jungle Corps are too good at fighting, and they don’t need them to play at all.

  In this month’s accumulation, they have saved at least 500,000 or 600,000 silver coins.

  For those poor people in the Borneo Province, this money itself is a huge bargaining chip.

  Seeing the serious expression on General Iser’s face, Jin De continued.

  ”Your Majesty’s intention in this matter is very important, so we just need to send the battle report to Tiandu first, and then Your Majesty will believe that General Babita’s incompetence has made the Empire lose face in front of the Legion, and then propose to divide the expeditionary force into two fronts, north and south… I think Your Majesty will consider your suggestion.”

  After listening to the adjutant’s words, Isel was slightly moved, but there was still a trace of hesitation on his face.

  ”But… skipping the level to report is a taboo.”

  Jin De said patiently.

  ”That’s easy. Do you still remember Governor Nihak?”

  Isel nodded.

  ”Of course I remember. He is Your Majesty’s confidant. Do you mean to use his connections? But isn’t he in prison in Golden Gallon Port?”

  Because Duke Galawa was unwilling to sign, the Alliance and the Empire have been in the ceasefire negotiation stage and have not signed a specific ceasefire agreement.

  It is precisely because of this that both the prisoners of the Gray Wolf Army and Governor Nihak are now detained in the prisoner-of-war camp or prison in Golden Gallon Port.

  He really couldn’t think of what the use of using the relationship of a prisoner was.

  Seeing Iser’s confused expression, Jind continued patiently.

  ”…Now things are different. The Empire suffered heavy losses in the war against the Torch Church, and the Alliance adjusted its diplomatic strategy towards the Empire. Even out of pity for the weak, they will no longer make unreasonable demands.”

  ”In addition, the Empire has not been peaceful recently. The Black Panther Army and the Tiger Army, which have their own troops, are becoming a big problem. Your Majesty also wants to ease relations with the Alliance so that he can free up his hands to deal with the internal chaos. I think he will make some appropriate concessions… This ceasefire agreement that has not been signed for a month, I think it will be signed soon.”

  Isel’s expression was moved.

  ”Are you saying that Governor Nihak will be released?!”

  Jinde nodded seriously.

  ”That’s for sure, including Prince Dilip who is imprisoned with him. I think it won’t be long before they can get on the ship back home.”

  His eyes flickered slightly, and he revealed his plan.

  ”… Reporting it over the chain of command certainly won’t work, but if Governor Nihak or Prince Dilip were to deliver the letter, this problem would naturally not exist.”

  (Thanks to “Book Friend 20230411005002872” for the reward!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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