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Chapter 754 Chaos at Jingalon Harbor

Chapter 754 Chaos at Jingalon Harbor


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 754: Chaos in Jinjialun Port

  Jinjialun Port.

  The port area’s security bureau faces the most prosperous street in Jinjialun Port, which is bustling with people coming and going.

  Governor Nihak stood on the street, looking blankly at this strange and spacious street, his eyes full of confusion, and for a moment he couldn’t recognize where he was.

  Clean and tidy streets, white-painted houses, black street lights, everything seems to be the same as before.

  But what is different from the past is that the noisy waves are boiling, people are coming and going on the street, and some jugglers are riding two or three wheels, shuttling quickly on the street.

  There is no trace of the dignity and elegance of Tulip Street here, but more like the noisy Klaba Market.

  As expected.

  It’s all messed up here.

  ”You are free.”

  Someone said this behind him, the voice was a little cold, and even had a hint of mockery.

  ”Thank you…”

  Nihak replied subconsciously, and then realized that this was not what he should say.

  After glaring at the prison guard, he shook his sleeves and took a step toward the street. However, because he used the back of his head to look at the road, he bumped into a child holding a pile of papers.

  ”Hey! Watch the road, old man!” The child yelled at him in dissatisfaction, but did not tangle with him.

  Time is money. Instead of wasting time on this nonsense, he might as well make two more trips and earn a few more gallons.

  However, Nihak did not intend to let this guy go. He saw his face flushed and reached out to grab the kid’s neck.

  ”What did you call me… You, do you know who I am!”

  ”I don’t care who you are, you are not those iron men!” The child nimbly dodged his hand and said with a grin, and did not forget to make a face at him before leaving.

  Seeing this kid so rude, Nihak was so angry that he wanted to chase him and teach him a lesson, but he felt that it would be too embarrassing to do it. Seeing that the child was getting farther and farther away, he could only curse a few words and stamp his feet.

  ”Which stray dog ​​is this? How uneducated!”

  Looking at the kid’s outfit, although the clothes were a bit old, they were still neat. I thought he must be the child of a poor noble family. The sleeves were patched, so undignified. The family must have a very unhappy life. The father must be a rough man doing manual labor, and the mother must have to sell her property, and might even have to eat dirt.

  After imagining the pitiful and humble life of that guy, Nihak felt a little better, as if he had won.

  However, it didn’t take long before he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

  It wasn’t just the kid, or even just one or two people. Everyone on the street was wearing clothes.

  Even the laborers who did rough work wore cheap coarse linen shirts and light blue canvas pants.

  Those who rode two-wheeled vehicles were more particular, wearing short-sleeved cotton shirts and pants, with a leather corset tied around their waists.

  It wasn’t just men, there were women too, and this was what shocked him the most.

  Although the poor people in Jinjialun Port have always been ignorant of etiquette and wear whatever they have, and a curtain around the waist is also called a skirt, but for those who can afford to wear clothes, there is an unwritten rule that has been formed over the past 200 years, which is who can wear pants, who can’t, and what to wear on what occasions.

  When he saw the child wearing clothes before, he thought that guy was the child of the down-and-out noble family. After all, most of the poor people in the slums only wear rags, and even if there are clothes, they can’t wear them for children.

  However, now it seems that his cognition seems to have some deviations.

  It was not until now that he realized that there were too many “nobles” wearing clothes on this street.

  Is this Jinjialun Port?

  Nihak was completely confused, his eyes were wide open.

  At this moment, the noisy voices and the noisy information also poured into his ears. The buzzing sound made him feel like his head was about to explode.

  ”Newspapers for sale! Freshly baked newspapers! All the must-eat delicacies in Golden Gallon Port are on them, as well as the latest news in the wasteland!”

  ”Old-fashioned steamed buns! Delicious steamed buns! And freshly baked big meat buns!”

  ”Where are you going, boss? Only one gallon of gas for a mile!”

  ”I pedal fast! Boss, take my bike!”

  ”I heard that the expeditionary army won the battle, although it was a tragic victory, with more than 10,000 deaths!”


  ”That’s fake, there were only 30,000 people in total.”

  ”Hey, it’s not that I look down on those guys. If you say they won with a hundred deaths, I would believe it, but if they still won with ten thousand deaths, I would never believe it even if I die!”

  ”What kind of book is this?”

  ”Principles of mechanics, mathematics, geometry… and some other miscellaneous things, found at the port. I heard that they are old books exchanged from Dawn City.”

  ”Why are you looking at this thing?”

  ”One more skill means one more way. I can’t stay here forever.”

  ”There’s nothing wrong with this, right? His Majesty the Emperor and his governor have already gotten out of here.”

  ”It’s good, but the Alliance and the Empire have ceased fire. Who knows if they will come back in the future.”

  People were making loud noises, talking, hawking, and bargaining, making the originally quiet streets full of smoke.

  Nihak didn’t know what they were happy about, and he didn’t know what was so happy about this mess.

  In his time, if the lower class dared to appear on this street without a reason, his police officers would give them two sticks. As for those girls wearing pants, they would confiscate their pants and drive them away, or lock them up for a few days depending on their mood and wait for their families to come and claim them.

  He thought that the Alliance’s misdeeds would make this place a mess, and the fact was that it was indeed the case. In just a few months, this place had become a mess.

  However, to his dismay, those fools who had suffered enough did not cheer for his return, and even forgot his face.

  Not only those lower class people, but even those nobles who gathered around him, none of them came to greet him. I don’t know what they were busy with.

  An era of moral collapse and social disorder has arrived. People are running around the streets like headless flies, immersed in the sugar-coated bullets brought by the alliance.

  Everything seems to be just his self-conceit – he thinks he is very important and people can’t survive without him, so the alliance is in a hurry to release him.

  The fact is that without him, people are better off.

  Facing all the unfamiliar things, he suddenly felt a little at a loss.

  At this moment, a tentative greeting came from behind him.

  ”Mr. Nihak?”

  Subconsciously reacting to the name, Nihak turned around and saw a man in a leather jacket looking at him.

  He didn’t know this guy, but the man obviously knew him. When he saw his face, he immediately showed a happy expression and walked forward happily.

  ”It’s you! I’m Akshay, Mr. Iser’s servant.”

  The guy was fatter than in the portrait, and his neck was almost gone, so he almost didn’t recognize him.

  ”Iser?” Nihak was a little confused. It was obvious that he had never heard of this name.

  The man saw his expression but didn’t care. He just smiled enthusiastically and continued.

  ”A noble like you certainly won’t remember my master. He is just a baron who deals with rough people like me all the time. But my master has always remembered you. He met you once at the coming-of-age banquet held by His Majesty for the fourth prince two years ago. He always told us that after meeting Governor Nihak, he knew what a real noble was like.” The

  coming-of-age banquet held by His Majesty for the fourth prince two years ago…

  Governor Nihak certainly remembered the fourth prince. He remembered everyone around His Majesty, but who he met at the coming-of-age banquet of a certain prince, and who he drank with. How could he remember such things?

  He only remembered that he woke up in the bed of a countess the next morning. As for the baron, he was afraid that he didn’t even have the qualifications to shake hands with him at that banquet.

  However, although he looked down on this name from the bottom of his heart, Governor Nihak couldn’t help but feel warm in his heart.

  None of those guys who licked his leather shoes on weekdays came to visit him, but in the end, it was a guy who had met him once two years ago who was still thinking about him.

  The only flaw is why this guy didn’t come here himself, but sent a servant to greet him.

  As if seeing the displeasure on his face, the man named Aksh said with a smile.

  ”My master wanted to come and pick you up in person, but he had a military order and couldn’t get away from the front line, so he could only entrust me to greet you.”

  ”Military order? What military order?” Nihak said a little confused, knowing nothing about what was happening outside.

  Aksh said with a smile.

  ”Of course it’s the expeditionary force. Now in the entire wasteland… Of course, it also includes the province of Bharat, which is not a wasteland at all. There is nothing more important than the war against the enemies of mankind. Not only did we send troops, but the legions, enterprises, and colleges all sent troops.”

  Nihak nodded as if he understood, but in fact he didn’t understand at all.

  What is the enemy of mankind?

  When did the empire have another enemy?

  Knowing that these things cannot be explained in a few words, Aksh said smoothly.

  ”The reasons are very complicated and cannot be explained in a short time. My master has prepared a welcoming banquet for you at the Triumph Hotel. Please follow me to the hotel’s private room and I will explain it to you slowly.” “Thank

  you for your help.” Nihak looked around and saw that no one else came to pick him up, so he accepted his kindness and followed behind the servant of Isel.

  The two of them got on a three-wheeler, or more precisely, a covered wagon towed by a three-wheeler.

  At the other end of the street, a young man from the Rat Clan in neat clothes was looking at the prison gate with an indifferent expression.

  He spoke softly until the tricycle disappeared at the end of the street.

  ”Kunar, my friend, do you still remember that guy?”

  The young man from the Dog Clan nodded and said in a deep voice.

  ”Of course I remember, he is the master of the Governor’s Mansion.”

  Asin said slowly.

  ”That was a long time ago. Now he is like a rat that came out of the sewer, frightened by the people on the street. He is cowardly, humble, and weak inside… Tsk tsk.”

  He shook his head gently, not hiding the disgust and ridicule in his eyes.

  That guy is just like his former self. If he were to take off his clothes and throw him on the street, he might not even behave calmer than himself.

  This is the nobles of the empire.

  There are no Japanese, cattle, or elephants here. There are only rats of different species.

  Kunar muttered, “I don’t understand why the alliance doesn’t just kill them.”

  Wouldn’t it be better to be the emperor himself?

  It’s so troublesome.

  If they move one step further west, they can take the City of Thousand Pillars. As long as they add a pillar there, they can rule this land as “Iron Man” and become the 1001st God on this land.

  ”You don’t understand. That’s why I can’t figure it out either. But my intuition tells me that this is one of the reasons why the Alliance didn’t kill them.”

  After looking at his friend, Asin said this simply, and then ended this topic that would not lead to any results.

  What a pity.

  He originally planned to invite the poor old man to dinner, maybe he could get in touch with Tiandu and expand the business in Jiaotou Bay, but it seems that he was still a step slower, and someone else had taken the lead and targeted that guy.

  But it doesn’t matter. It’s unlikely that the old man would drink and chat with a rat man like him, and after seeing the guy’s ugly appearance, he suddenly lost interest.

  Especially when he thought that such a big empire was actually being bullied by such a group of things, he felt ashamed and couldn’t stand up straight. It’s better to

  replace these people. This idea suddenly popped up in his mind. Once

  this idea came up, it was out of control and kept fermenting in his mind.

  Of course, he didn’t think of becoming the emperor himself. After all, the emperor’s life might not be as comfortable as he is now.

  I heard that there is a group of Moon Clan rebels in the forest to the north.

  Maybe he can invest in them.

  For example, he can use his connections among the warlords to send them some equipment and arrange for some people to go to Dawn City to study. It is

  actually very easy to operate. Through the hotel called “Abandoned Ship Village”, he even got in touch with the leaders of the Tiger Army and the Black Panther Army. At least half of the resources produced by the large and small manors and mines in the entire eastern region are sold to the Golden Gallon Port through his shadow port.

  Although the risk is very high, what if those Moon Clan people succeed?

  The return from investing in a new dynasty is much greater than investing in a down-and-out old noble…


  At this moment, Governor Nihak did not know that a young man from the Rat Clan was staring at his back and thinking about something treasonous.

  He followed Aksha to the Triumph Hotel and was completely stunned by the table of delicious food in front of him.

  Compared with this dazzling array of delicious food, the boxed lunch he ate in prison was simply pig food!

  Looking at the former governor-general who was eating voraciously, Aksh was about to say a word of comfort that he had starved in prison, but when he saw the loose flesh on his neck, he held back his words.

  Obviously, the Alliance did not starve him. In just a few months, he was almost fed like a pig. I am afraid that what was flowing in his noble veins was just fat.

  Resisting the urge to laugh, Aksh stood beside him and respectfully told him everything that had happened during this period, especially highlighting the stupidity of General Babita on the northern front and the hardship of his master eating insects on the southern front.

  Nihak, who had eaten and drunk enough, took the napkin to wipe his mouth. When he heard about eating insects, he immediately stopped him in disgust.

  ”Okay, okay, I understand the situation. This matter is easy to handle. I will speak a few words to His Majesty on your behalf and transfer that Baron Babita to the south and transfer your master to the north.”

  Anyway, looking at the titles of those guys, I think His Majesty didn’t pay much attention to the expeditionary force.

  After all, if a baron is the commander of ten thousand men, there are probably not even a few professional soldiers in this army. At most, there are only a group of serfs. The benefits of one hundred people combined are not as much as a regular soldier.

  Arranging a few barons is just a matter of talking for him.

  Aksh almost choked on his saliva when he heard this, and said hurriedly.

  ”Your Excellency, this is not possible… If you move us to the north, won’t we… have to take the blame for General Babita? The suffering we have suffered on the southern front will be in vain!”

  ”What you said makes sense,” Nihak burped and said lazily, “Well, I’m too lazy to think about this little thing, you guys come up with the conditions. If it’s not too much, I’ll help you.”

  Hearing this, Aksh immediately became energetic, smiled flatteringly and whispered a few words in his ear.

  ”…We don’t ask for much. As long as Your Majesty splits the expeditionary force into the Southern Army and the Northern Army, it will be convenient for the command and dispatch of the front line. After all, the North and South lines are too far apart, and there are interferences along the way. Even a telegram has to be transferred twice.”

  ”Okay, I’ll help you with this.” Nihak agreed to this matter after a few words.

  Aksh was also a man who knew how to deal with things. He gave a look to the servant next to him, and immediately picked up a suitcase and gently placed it on the chair next to the table.

  ”This is a little gift from my master… It can also be regarded as an apology for his inability to visit you in person. Please accept it.”

  Nihak stretched out his greasy hands to open the box and took a look, but was surprised by the stack of golden banknotes.

  Dinar gold notes!

  These banknotes with special anti-counterfeiting marks can be exchanged for dinars of the same denomination in Triumph City.

  Although this thing is only circulated in the west of the Middle Continent, there are often Weilant merchant ships on the west coast of the Borneo Province. Those Weilant merchants all recognize this thing and charge a discount of 10% to 5% at most depending on the situation.

  He roughly counted it and found that the total amount of banknotes in such a box was at least 500,000 dinars.

  It was equivalent to 500 strong slaves!

  ”It seems that your master is living a good life.” Nihak narrowed his eyes and glanced at Aksh with a smile.

  This little money is not worth his concern, but he was really surprised that a mere baron could take out 500,000 dinars.

  Aksh made a wry smile and sighed softly.

  ”To be honest, this is all my master’s belongings, but if he can’t come back safely, no matter how much money he has, it’s useless… isn’t it?”


  Nihak laughed and didn’t take his words seriously, but just accepted the box.

  ”Indeed, Isel, I remember your master’s name. By the way… how do we get back to Tiandu from here?”

  Aksh said hurriedly.

  ”Don’t worry, we will definitely not let you go alone. We have arranged a ship at the port. It will take you safely to Xifan Port, which is the territory of the Weilant people. We have arranged a carriage there to take you to Tiandu.”

  Hearing this, Nihak finally relaxed all his worries and anxieties and nodded contentedly.

  ”He is a man who can get things done.”

  Aksh said politely with a smile on his face.

  ”As long as you are satisfied.”

  At the same time, at the port of Jingalon Port, a cargo ship with a white bear flag was anchored next to the dock. The

  cargo hold of this cargo ship was filled with canned herring and distilled liquor produced in Jingalon Port.

  These two things are the favorites of lower-level officers and grassroots soldiers in the legion.

  Although the distilled liquor produced in Jingalon Port cannot catch up with that produced in Dawn City in terms of craftsmanship, flavor, and style, most of the equipment used in the distillery here is discarded from Dawn City and Dawn City, so there is not much difference.

  Now that the electronic pass has been opened for some time, it is no longer a life-threatening matter to go to the territory of the Legion, as long as you don’t run around everywhere.

  Weiwei plans to go to the “West Port” controlled by the Legion to take a look. Zhimahu and Rourou are also curious about what it looks like there. Sisi doesn’t care where to go, so the three of them and the bear hit it off and determined the destination of the next voyage. Rourou

  , with his arm resting on the mast, yawned and muttered with boredom.

  ”When can we set off?”

  Sisi, standing on the deck, glanced at the list in his hand and rubbed his chin with his index finger.

  ”There is another guest… Well, I just realized that this guy seems to be an acquaintance of ours.”


  People with the same name as this guy should not exist in this port.

  Thinking of this, Sisi’s expression gradually became subtle.

  ”Oh! Is it the guy who sells fur?” Weili came over curiously.

  ”The guy who sells fur? That’s not the case… How come you still remember that guy? I almost forgot his name.” Sisi said helplessly.

  With a teasing expression, Weili smiled wickedly and poked her waist with his index finger.

  ”As expected of Si, a ruthless woman!”

  Rourou looked over with a surprised expression, and Zhimahu also raised his cat ears curiously.

  ”What’s the situation?”

  ”Could it be that when we didn’t know… something else happened?”

  Looking at those gossipy eyes, Sisi said with a smile: “What the hell… We just met a few times.”

  After all, they really met a lot of interesting guys on this journey.

  From Honghe Town to the oasis and castle in the desert, to the bay on the edge of the desert and the tropical Baiyue Strait, as well as the distant Jinjialun Port.

  If it weren’t for Zhimahu’s words “I want to travel” and Weili’s words “It sounds interesting”, I might not have gone so far, but like most ordinary players, I would experience the game according to the game process designed by the planner.

  But then again, it was precisely because she met so many interesting guys that she felt more and more that those people were not like NPCs, but like real people.

  What is going on in this world?

  She thought about this question more than once, and even tried to ask the dog planner in private, but she didn’t get an answer.

  Perhaps the answer is placed at the end of the journey, and only those who have passed the level can know it…

  Just as a few good friends were laughing and joking, Governor Nihak, carrying a suitcase, came to the dock with Aksh’s farewell.

  Standing on the dock, he looked up at the deck and saw the white bear speaking human words.

  He was stunned for a moment, and the unpleasant memories of a few months ago suddenly flooded into his mind, and fear gradually appeared on his face.

  Not wanting the servants behind him to see the timidity in his eyes, he coughed calmly and said in a low voice.

  ”Why is there still a bear on it? Can we change a boat?”

  Aksh was stunned for a moment and said with difficulty.

  ”Sir, it’s okay, it’s okay… but this is the only ship that goes from here to Xifan Port recently. The ferry of Yongliu River is still blocked, and Xifan Port is not fully open to Jingalon Port. Only the merchant ships of the Alliance and the Legion are not affected. If you want to go back as soon as possible, you can only make do with it.”

  In fact, there are other ships that only need to wait for two days, but he really doesn’t dare to wait.

  If General Babita’s battle report is sent to Tiandu first, his master’s 500,000 dinars may be wasted.

  After all, emperors have always been unwilling to admit their mistakes since ancient times. Once they are determined, no matter how they operate, it will be useless.

  Hearing that this is the only ship, Nihak cursed in his heart, and could only bite the bullet and walk up to the deck.

  Going home on the Alliance ship…

  It’s really unlucky!

  Standing next to the gangway, a crew member walked up to him and checked his identity with the passenger list.

  ”Mr. Nihak? Please follow me… Wait, you are Nihak?” The crew member opened his eyes wide in surprise and looked him up and down.

  Nihak glared back fiercely with a straight face.

  ”Any questions?”

  ”No… I just think you’ve gained a lot of weight compared to a few months ago.” The crew member looked at him with a strange expression, and before the latter got angry, he retracted his gaze and made a gesture of invitation, “Your room is at the end of the corridor on the right hand side of the negative deck, please follow me.”

  As the last passenger boarded the ship, the Rourou blew the whistle and slowly sailed away from the dock.

  At this moment, most of the residents of Jingalon Port didn’t even know that their governor had left the prison and rolled out of Jingalon Port in disgrace.

  But even if they knew, they probably wouldn’t care, at most they would just look at that guy’s joke. It

  only took them a few months to create a miracle that hadn’t been born in this land for two hundred years. In their hearts, they were grateful to the alliance and had a sense of pride that they had never had before.

  Although there were still some downtrodden nobles and old guards who missed the old days of hierarchy, even they had to admit that life was indeed better now than before. It

  would be perfect if they could combine the two. For example, only use the Alliance’s technology, and don’t talk about that messy equality.

  In fact, those machines are not that difficult to operate. There are not necessarily more tricks than farming. Slaves may not be bad at doing the job. They may be able to do it faster and better.

  But they can only think about it.

  At least here, they have no say in how they come. Those “lower class” who have stood up are almost treating “Iron Man” as a god on earth… At

  the same time when Nihak left with his suitcase, a telegram from the Governor’s Office of French Fries Port was also delivered to Chu Guang.

  Although for the manager who is thinking about the entire wasteland situation, the Imperial Governor named Nihak is just an insignificant little character, but this “Empire” is also a member of the slime mold research community. Above

  the Weifu Wasteland, on the Iron Heart.

  After reading the report from French Fries Port, Chu Guang called the Alliance’s Foreign Minister and gave a concise instruction.

  ”Let the Survivor Daily release the news. There is no need to report it in a big way. Just put it in the middle or on the last page and say ‘Governor Nihak has returned home’. In addition, you should contact Duke Galawa again and give them a way out.”

  The Legion sent 10 additional divisions to the front line, and the academy and enterprises also increased their reinforcements to the front line.

  He had a hunch that when the old bombs were dismantled, new gunpowder barrels would emerge again.

  The sticky community needs unity, not to disperse after the war. He had to eliminate all hidden dangers that might ignite the gunpowder barrel as much as possible.

  After all, the Empire is a guy who doesn’t play by the rules, and the Legion’s team is complicated and full of speculators.

  And this is the real reason why he specifically asked Baiyue Company to restrain itself in the affairs of the Borneo Province.

  Cheng Yan nodded seriously after noting the manager’s instructions.

  ”Okay, sir.”

  Looking at the turned-off holographic screen, Chu Guang leaned back in his chair and cast his eyes on the lifeless gray fog outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

  The vanguard of the coalition forces is entering the Haiya Province.

  According to their feedback, the situation there can only be described as hell…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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