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Chapter 755 I am the wave!

Chapter 755 I am the wave!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 755 I am the wave!

  In the gray-green fog, a team of ten people armed to the teeth was slowly moving forward.

  They wore fully protective exoskeletons, holding compact G9 assault rifles or Gauss rifles equipped with extended magnetic rails, and some had two short and thick portable rocket launchers on their backs.

  In the center of the team, there was an unmanned tracked vehicle about three meters wide following. The remote-controlled weapon station welded on the roof had a hideous 20mm barrel, and a 60mm short grenade with a belt was hung under the barrel.

  The silver-white paint seemed out of tune with the surrounding atmosphere, but no one dared to doubt the firepower of this team.

  Just a few days ago, the Council finally approved a batch of new equipment procurement projects and bought the bottom-of-the-box inventory of Changge Group.

  Perhaps shocked by the tragic battle situation on the front line, no one in the board of directors finally said such stupid things as “We don’t need Gauss rifles to deal with a group of guys who don’t even have exoskeletons. Our soldiers just need to tell the planes where to bomb.”

  Thanks to this, Tang Feng finally saw the “sniper” he had been thinking about.

  But at this moment, he was no longer interested in this thing. All the messy parameters were just clouds. Of course, the most important thing for a life-saving thing was to use it smoothly.

  ”…Where are we now?”

  ”Hai Ya.”

  ”Hai Ya…Is this Hai Ya? I thought it was Mars.”

  The machine gunner carrying a light machine gun glanced at the yellowed and damaged tourist poster in his hand, and then glanced at the viaduct that was broken into two pieces in front of him, and the rusty highway sign that was tilted in a pile of concrete garbage – [

  Laishan City, 5km ahead]

  Laishan City is ahead, and it is also their first stop on Hai Ya Province.

  But there is no city here. Everywhere you look is a piece of visible desolation and desolation.

  This land seemed to be not on Earth at all, but on another dead planet.

  Dark green slurry flowed under the black soil, just like the magma that cut through hell. The corrosion from Naguo penetrated every inch of the soil

  here. There was not a single living tree or even a single living grass.

  The dead trees standing on the land were like bones that had weathered for many years. Their nutrients had been completely deprived and used to feed the owner of this land – Naguo.

  The situation here was worse than that of the Weifu Wasteland.

  Or rather, the hell they saw in the Weifu Wasteland was just the tip of the iceberg of this real hell. With

  a slight twitch of his lips, he threw aside the poster he had picked up from somewhere.

  Not far from him, a soldier holding a rifle leaned over and took out a test tube from the sample box on his waist, routinely sampling the soil rich in Naguo mycelium on the ground.

  This was one of the tasks entrusted to them by the Frontline Research Institute – to collect a soil sample every 100 meters they advanced after entering the Haiya Province.

  As for the main task, it is to “scout the edge of the city ruins of the ‘North War Zone No. 1’ and confirm the position of the enemy.”

  This sounds like a job for a drone, but unfortunately, the drone flew here twice before, not to mention human figures, not even a living creature was seen.

  Reasonable analysis shows that the Torch Church has probably massacred this land with a total area of ​​nearly 670,000 square kilometers.

  Of course, another possibility is not ruled out, that those guys hid the people.

  After all, breeding mutants also requires people, and experiments on gestalt life forms also require people.

  Although cloning can solve some problems, considering a series of factors such as scale and cost, of course, naturally produced people are cheaper.

  After all, this land has become a ghost, and it is not like the Great Desert, which is full of all kinds of strange and bizarre equipment from the Prosperity Era. It is impossible to expect that there is still a large-scale power station, a large group of skilled workers, and a cloning factory full of high-tech equipment here.

  If that is the case, it is easy to solve.

  Only a missile with a nuclear warhead can remove the Torch from this land.

  Unfortunately, however, those monsters don’t need “industry”. They don’t need electricity or consumer goods. At most, they have some discrete processing workshops to improve some weapons that suit them.

  The coalition staff analyzed that the Torch Church probably controlled several shelters as research and development bases, and probably also controlled a batch of black boxes with special functions.

  This can also explain why they obviously don’t have a large-scale processing center, but they can come up with some equipment with technical specifications far exceeding the actual conditions of Haiya Province.

  ”… I heard that there is a very famous hot spring in Laishan City.” Picking up the poster thrown by the machine gunner, a soldier took it up and glanced at it and said with a smile, “The location is in the suburbs… It seems to be near us.”

  The soldier next to him whistled and said jokingly.

  ”Do you want to take a bath?”

  ”I heard that the guys infected in Yongdong City are still lying in the research institute of Yunjian University.”

  ”Haha… Let’s forget it.”

  A group of people were making jokes in the communication channel, and Tang Feng, who was standing outside the team, suddenly frowned vigilantly.

  The dark green slurry flowing under the soil seemed to be surging and gathering near them.

  Although the amplitude of the surge was small, the bionics plug-in attached to his iris recorded the movement parameters, and the digital changes visible to the naked eye could not be mistaken.

  He opened the safety of the rifle in his hand, and the muzzle was slightly pointed at the ruins filled with gray fog on the side.

  ”Something is happening.”

  The noise in the communication channel stopped abruptly.

  The soldiers immediately became alert and spread out to form a defensive formation.

  A heavy infantryman quickly unfolded the folding bunker on his back and stuck it heavily into the ground, like a fan-shaped shield.

  The machine gunner quickly approached, placed the light machine gun in his hand above the firing hole in the center of the shield, and shouted to his teammates behind him.

  ”The machine gun bunker is ready!”

  Another drone operator with a backpack on his back half-crouched on the ground, and the backpack on his back made two bangs.

  Two folded quadcopters were ejected into the air, flipped several times in the air, stabilized their bodies, and then rushed into the fog like an arrow from a bow.

  ”Drones are taking off! Searching the surrounding area… No moving objects are seen!”

  The sniper with the Gauss rifle looked at the empty thermal imaging screen with a hint of confusion on his face, and looked at Tang Feng who was the first to discover the situation.

  ”Did you see it wrongly?”

  ”On the ground!” Tang Feng took a deep breath and said in a positive tone, “The dark green mucus… they are gathering near us. I always feel that something bad is going to happen.”

  The captain of the team walked to the side of the drone operator and patted the latter on the shoulder.

  The drone operator immediately understood and gave the vision of one of the drones to the captain.

  Wearing a visual operating device shaped like glasses on his helmet, the captain operated the drone to circle around and carefully examined the dark green slurry that spread all over the land through the drone’s vision. His brows soon frowned. It

  was indeed as his team members said, the dark green slurry was shaking at a stable frequency, as if it was transmitting some unknown force to somewhere under their feet.

  If you look down from above, the pattern is more obvious and more spectacular.

  The pictures taken by the drone were synchronized to the tactical eyepieces of all the team members. A rifleman couldn’t help swallowing his saliva and complained in a low voice.

  ”I heard that some organs are not used at ordinary times, and will only be congested when they are needed… Damn, I’m starting to have a bad feeling.”

  The captain’s Adam’s apple moved, his expression became more solemn, and he immediately reported the frontline situation to the headquarters, and then shouted orders in the communication channel.

  ”Mission canceled! Prepare to retreat–”

  Almost at the same time as he welcomed it, a rustling sound passed through the thick fog.

  It was like the sudden chirping of autumn cicadas.

  Catching the fleeting figure, Tang Feng raised the muzzle of the gun reflexively and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

  ”Tu Tu Tu–!”

  The muzzle sprayed orange-yellow flames, and tracers instantly pierced through the black shadow that sprang out of the thick fog.

  It was a half-human, half-dog monster, with a skinny body like a sausage, and a bald face and head that looked like they were burned by fire.

  It howled miserably after being shot several times in the chest, and blood that was green to black spilled onto the ground from the wounds. But even so, the guy still did not stop, and used all four hands to run wildly towards the position of the Enterprise team.

  At this moment, an electromagnetically accelerated mass bullet instantly penetrated its crown and passed through its buttocks.

  The guy was like being caught in a meat grinder, and his whole body was blown up by the huge kinetic energy, and instantly exploded into a dark green blood mist.

  The four types of broken limbs and arms rolled on the ground, and the dark green blood mist slowly merged into the mist.

  ”‘It’s a fungus variant’!” The drone operator confirmed the identity of the monster and reported in the communication channel.

  The so-called fungus variant is a general term for the fruiting bodies born from Nago corrosion, which is used to distinguish it from the fruiting bodies of mutant slime molds.

  Depending on the species, there are several subcategories under the fungus variant category, such as the common “walking corpse” and “corpse dog”.

  As for the guy they encountered, it was a bit like the crawler produced by the fruiting body of the slime mold in Qingquan City, but it was smaller in size, strength and speed.

  The precision shooter who lowered the muzzle and looked at the Gauss rifle couldn’t help but curse in a low voice.

  ”Damn, didn’t the drone already sweep this area? How come this thing came out!”

  Tang Feng stared at the scope, aiming at the direction where the monster rushed out.

  ”It’s probably the same as the situation in the Weifu Wasteland. It crawled out from underground–”

  ”Fuck! Down there!”

  The scream from the communication channel interrupted his words. He subconsciously glanced behind him and saw a skinny hand seeping out of the soil and grabbing the calf of a comrade not far behind him.

  The hand was not very powerful, at least it couldn’t do anything about the exoskeleton leg guard.

  But the rifleman was still startled, and hurriedly pulled out the pistol at his waist and banged it at the person below.

  The arm that just stretched out of the soil was instantly broken into pieces, but the splashing shrapnel almost scratched his chest armor.

  Seeing the situation of their comrades, everyone’s eyes were filled with panic.

  They didn’t expect that the danger was not only from all around, but also from right below their feet.

  At this moment, screams rang out from all directions, and the sound of running surged up like a tide.

  ”Three o’clock direction! Machine gunners suppress fire!”


  The captain shouted loudly and gave the order to attack. The machine gunner leaning behind the bunker gritted his teeth, and his index finger was almost welded to the trigger.

  As the roar of the machine gun sounded, the silence and thick fog that permeated the wilderness were torn apart.


  The corpse dog waving its limbs howled and rushed over, followed by a large number of zombies.

  The riflemen scattered around also immediately pulled the trigger and fired, shooting and killing the mushroom mutants that surged up.

  At the same time, the tracked vehicle parked in the center of the team also entered combat mode. The 20mm machine gun on the remote weapon station spewed out thick and long flames. Under the guidance of the laser of the precision shooter, it vented fierce firepower towards the most densely populated area of ​​zombies.

  However, even though the firepower of this mechanized team was fierce enough, those fierce bacterial variants could not even last two seconds in front of them. Facing the continuous impact, the soldiers still felt a little obvious difficulty.

  There are too many of them!

  These guys are like pus squeezed out of the soil. Apart from the visible part, there is no telling how many are buried underground and have not yet been squeezed out!

  Looking at the increasingly dense bacterial variants, the machine gunner squatting behind the mobile shelter shouted loudly while changing the magazine.

  ”How long will it take for the plane to take us away!”

  The captain shouted in the communication channel while continuously pulling the trigger.

  ”It’s on the way! It will arrive in 20 minutes!”

  ”Twenty minutes?!”

  ”Damn…are they going to come to collect our bodies?!”

  There was a lot of curses in the communication channel, and the captain couldn’t help but shout again.

  ”Stop talking nonsense! Keep your eyes on your target! And watch your feet–”

  The enemy’s attacks came not only from all around them, but also from under their feet.

  Arms would occasionally emerge from the soil, like sprouts breaking through the soil.

  Although it was not difficult to deal with them, they could be smashed with a dagger or a rifle butt, but they still couldn’t withstand their waves. Even

  though they were carrying three times the standard amount of ammunition, they still couldn’t withstand the dense numbers.

  Ten minutes left–

  looking at the last magazine in his hand, Tang Feng gritted his teeth and inserted it into the rifle.

  If the evacuation planes didn’t arrive, they would have to fight these twisted things hand-to-hand.

  At this moment, the captain’s surprised voice suddenly came from the communication channel.

  ”Yun Ting! It’s our air force! They’re here!”

  Tang Feng subconsciously raised his head, and the gray fog blocked the sky, so he couldn’t see anything.

  But at this moment, a voice with an electric current sound came into their communication channel.

  ”This is ‘Raccoon’, we have entered your airspace, please place an attack beacon to provide us with guidance.”

  There was no need for their reminders at all. The precision shooter in the team had already taken action and fired the signal flare under the elevated road bridge where the fungus variants were most densely populated.

  The voice full of security soon continued to come from the communication channel.

  ”The beacon position has been confirmed, please keep a safe distance… 3, 2, 1–” At

  the same time as the countdown fell, the tracer bullets like a storm also poured down from the air, and in an instant, the fungus variant running on the concrete gravel was crushed into a piece of meat paste.

  Dozens of rockets followed closely behind, and the flames that exploded instantly cleared a vacuum zone in the center of the wave-like bacterial mutation.

  In the center of the flames, a zombie with half of its body missing screamed miserably, but soon lost its voice.

  Blocked by the surging heat wave, the zombies pushed and shoved for a long time, and finally no one dared to move forward. They could only rush to the sides of the sea of ​​fire, trying to bypass the burning sea of ​​fire.

  ”Well done!”

  The precision shooter in the team cheered excitedly, and then fired the second and third beacons in the same way.

  According to the triangle circled by the beacon, the six Yunting flapping-wing aircraft on standby in the air confirmed the position of the friendly forces, and completely let go, while continuing to vent 20mm machine guns, while emptying the ammunition nests filled with rockets!

  Boiling walls of fire separated the surging bacterial mutations from the soldiers inside the walls of fire.

  At the same time, about ten wooden gliders suddenly broke through the smoke screen above the blazing fire and crashed heavily into the rocky wilderness.

  About forty or fifty soldiers jumped out of the ten gliders.

  They were holding LD-47 assault rifles with bayonets under the muzzles of the rifles, wearing gas masks on their faces and sapper shovels on their waists.

  They were obviously from the Alliance.

  And looking at the logo on their clothes, they were still the famous Death Corps.

  But for some reason, these people did not wear exoskeletons, but only brought some simple equipment.

  Those people were shouting noisily, saying words he could not understand, and he didn’t know what they were shouting…

  ”Super! This thing is also called an airplane?”

  ”My ass is going to split!”

  Looking at the noisy newbies, the outlaw couldn’t help but think of himself a year ago.

  At that time in Luoxia Province, they were also so noisy when they charged towards the battlefield guy.

  However, it was also thanks to that “live-fire training” that they grew from novices who knew nothing to qualified soldiers in less than a month.

  Now he is also considered to be promoted to the ranks of “old players” and has become the backbone of the Death Corps.

  And this operation is the task entrusted to him by the Corps Commander Bianbianhuashui himself. He will lead these newbies to die – bah, to accept the baptism of war!

  ”It’s a one-time thing anyway… Don’t complain, take down the machine gun quickly! This thing can still be used!”

  The outlaw who walked to the front of the battle with a shotgun in his hand shouted at the rookies unhurriedly, raised his foot and crushed the palm that drilled out of the soil and stretched towards his ankle.

  The player who was still lying next to the glider had just found his rifle and turned back to shout at him.

  ”Captain, where is the ammunition box? Drag it out too?”

  The outlaw rolled his eyes.

  ”Nonsense! Do you still need to ask?”

  As soon as he finished speaking, another player shouted.

  ”Captain! How can we get back if the plane is broken?”

  Seeing that the question was getting more and more stupid, the Outlaw replied impatiently.

  ”When did I say I was going back?”

  Are you kidding? This plane doesn’t even have an engine, how can it fly back?

  However, when the newbies heard this, they were stunned on the spot.

  I will form the head: “Fuck!”

  High-end ingredients: “This is a black car!”

  Staying up late and dying suddenly: “I’m crying! Captain, is it too late to get off the car now?”

  The retreating dwarf: “I can’t play the game for three days… That kind of thing, don’t do it!”

  Looking at the newbies who were crying and howling, the Outlaw couldn’t help but spray and roared.

  ”Don’t you even read the rules before joining the Corps? Cheer up!”

  ”Use your bullets, bayonets, rifle butts, engineer shovels, fists, and even teeth, use all the methods you can think of, all the tools you can find, to smash the enemy’s skull until they or you stop beating!”

  ”There are no cowards in the Death Corps who retreat. No matter what the opponent is, we only have one whistle, that is, forward! Forward again–!”

  ”Open your safety and load your rifles! Let me see where your limit is!”

  The roar really ignited the blood in the hearts of some people, and the noisy voices finally subsided.

  But he still wanted to say that the newcomers now have so many problems, and each generation is worse than the last!

  The outlaw complained in his heart, but he put his stupidity when he first entered the game behind his head.

  Knowing that it was too late even if they wanted to get off the car, a group of newbies could only settle down.

  Even if it was to live a few more minutes, even if it was to get the generous task reward, they had to show some real skills.

  However, perhaps because they already knew their own fate, these rookies who were on the battlefield for the first time were not as nervous as when they just got off the plane. Instead, they were looking forward to the next battle.

  Seeing two soldiers dragging ammunition boxes out of the cabin of the glider, as if they were holding their ground, Tang Feng, who was leaning against the concrete wall, was stunned for a moment and shouted at them.

  ”Hey! What are you doing here?”

  The outlaw shouted back with a smile.

  ”Come to help!”

  ”Help… help? We are all ready to retreat!” Tang Feng replied with a confused look on his face.

  The outlaw smiled and said, “We are here to cover your retreat!”

  Hearing this, Tang Feng was even more confused. When he came to his senses, he was touched and ashamed.

  What touched him was the care of the allies for them. It was really ironclad. It was the same

  when they attacked the Fushan position before. If it weren’t for their help, who knows how many people would have died on the mountain.

  What made him ashamed was that in order to save these 10 people, they sent nearly one-third of the company’s troops…

  What a group of selfless good people!

  He was not the only one who felt this way. Most of the soldiers present were like this.

  They were grateful and guilty, and they cheered up again.

  With the arrival of support, the situation of the battle was reversed for a while.

  But even so, it would not be good to continue to entangle here. They had collected the samples they needed, and confirmed the local situation through this first confrontation. Now it was time to go home with the spoils.

  Twenty minutes later, a killer whale transport plane appeared in the air, and two groups of blue plasma plumes stabbed the soft soil like spears.

  Dust billowed, and the rear hatch fell heavily to the ground. A soldier wearing an exoskeleton stood at the hatch, holding a miniature machine gun fixed in the cabin with both hands.


  The captain of the Enterprise team shouted in the communication channel, calling on his teammates to retreat to the open hatch.

  Including the tracked vehicle with a remote weapon station welded on the roof, the ten-man team all retreated to the cabin. Although everyone’s face was exhausted, fortunately there was no casualty.

  Standing at the door of the cabin, Tang Feng shouted to the friendly troops outside who had not yet boarded the plane.

  ”We are taking off! Come on up!”

  However, to his surprise, the man smiled and replied.

  ”No need! Have a good trip!”

  After that, the cabin door slowly folded up.

  Tang Feng widened his eyes and watched the figure disappear at the edge of the cabin door.

  ”Wait, why are you withdrawing!”

  With disbelief written on his face, he strode to the crew member, grabbed the man’s shoulders with both hands and shouted, “Our friendly forces haven’t boarded the plane yet–”

  ”That’s their mission!”

  A voice from behind interrupted him.

  The captain, who tucked his helmet under his armpit, walked to his side and put his hand on his shoulder with a heavy expression.

  ”Their mission is to test the limits of the ‘wave’. They will fight there to the end until the ‘real enemy’ emerges from there… That’s the speculation of the battlefield research institute. Nago doesn’t have a mother nest, but it should have similar hatching organs. They need to study the whole process completely.”

  In addition, they were inoculated with biological prostheses with “Type B strain plug-ins”.

  However, how much effect that thing can produce remains to be further observed.

  ”…Keep going with respect for them. This war is not over yet. It’s too early to be sad now.”

  Looking at Tang Feng, who was stunned and wide-eyed, the captain sighed softly, patted him on the shoulder, said nothing, and returned to his seat.

  Although he was a nobody, he couldn’t help thinking sometimes that they who lived in Ideal City might really owe a lot to the people in the wasteland.

  Their ancestors accomplished a feat that could be called a miracle. They were much nobler than those wastelanders. However, even so, this should not be a reason for them to enjoy everything in peace.

  When some people sacrificed their lives for a common disaster, the survivors should shoulder the responsibilities and obligations that were equal to the “weight of the loss”, instead of considering being alive and rich as an inherent privilege.

  They survived because some people died for them…

  just like now.

  Just when these guys from Ideal City were feeling heavy-hearted, the players who were left on the battlefield were getting more and more emotional.

  The offensive of the fungus variants was getting more and more fierce! It was

  completely different from the hesitation just now!

  Perhaps seeing some people retreat, they felt that they were fine again and had the confidence to take care of those who stayed behind!

  At first, only some zombies or corpse dogs, which were dangerous level 1, appeared, but soon more and more dangerous level 2~3 monsters also appeared.

  After all, those present were newcomers, and there were already some casualties.

  Looking at the increasingly turbulent “wave”, the outlaw’s face twisted into a hideous smile.

  Good thing you came!

  I haven’t had such a good time in a long time!

  Shaking off the mucus and blood on his arm, he loaded the shotgun and let out a final roar.

  ”Brothers! Show those cowards who only dare to hide behind the scenes and plot intrigues! Let them see who the real wave is!!!”

  He was responded with excited roars.


  Looking at the high-spirited younger brothers, a smile gradually curled up at the corners of his mouth.

  This bunch of rookies…

  they can’t even shout in unison, how damn embarrassing!

  But –

  it seems that they have gradually experienced the fun of the Death Corps.

  This life is worth it!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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