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Chapter 757: The Battle Line Blossoms Everywhere

Chapter 757: The Battle Line Blossoms Everywhere


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 757: The Battle Lines Are Blooming All Over

  The fierce battle in the north of Laishan City has passed overnight, and the first battle of the Sticky Community on the “homeland” of the Torch Church ended in a draw.

  On the position halfway up the mountain of Laishan, Jenning, who belongs to the 310,000th team, took out a telescope and looked down the mountain.

  This is the thirteenth time he has done this action today, and it is still morning.

  He arrived at the front line from the west of the Central Continent a few days ago, and traveled tens of thousands of kilometers all the way. Unfortunately, he still missed the decisive battle in the Weifu Wasteland.

  It is said that the former brothers of the ten-man team he is in now have been killed, leaving only their centurion Oliver.

  There is a deep scar on the man’s face, which is said to be left when fighting with a mutant giant… and Oliver was still a centurion at that time.

  Sure enough, the battlefield is the place where promotion is the fastest.

  Looking at Commander Oliver standing not far away, Jenning’s eyes were filled with a trace of admiration.

  Since hearing about the deeds of this commander, he has become his true fan.

  That’s a monster that can even grow a new head after it’s lost. Their centurion is really a ruthless man to be able to kill that kind of guy!

  ”There shouldn’t be any major battles these days.”

  Standing next to Jenning, a comrade from the same recruit camp as him said boredly.

  ”How did you see that?” Jenning asked curiously.

  ”Isn’t it obvious?” The man shrugged and threw a piece of chewing gum into his mouth. “Yesterday, the Enterprise and the Alliance were defeated down there. Even if they don’t intend to swallow this breath, I’m afraid they have to discuss countermeasures before taking action.”

  ”After all, they are the good-for-nothings and their friends in Ideal City. They can’t stand the death of two people.”


  A group of recruits were talking and laughing, obviously not taking the Enterprise and the Alliance seriously at all. Some veterans who had been on the front line for some time smiled and didn’t explain.

  They also didn’t take the Enterprise and the Alliance seriously. In their eyes, the Legion’s army was the strongest in the wasteland.

  But it must be said that these rookies thought their opponents were too simple.

  If the opponent is really so stupid, what are they doing after fighting with these guys in the desert for several months?

  Although they are both new recruits, Jenin, who graduated from the military academy, has a different point of view.

  The situation in Haiya Province is indeed unusual.

  These guys don’t even have a fixed battle line, and even he can’t think of any better way.

  Especially now, the roads and railways that pass through Shifeng Mountain are still under construction, and it is still difficult to send supplies from the rear to the front line. It is understandable that the coalition’s offensive has stagnated.

  Hearing the discussion of his recruits, Centurion Oliver, who was inspecting the front line, just grinned, as if listening to a group of children’s jokes.

  ”You underestimate those guys too much.”

  He was in Fushan that night and saw with his own eyes what the real elite of the alliance looked like.

  Compared with himself who saved his life, those guys wearing heavy exoskeletons and holding large-caliber shotguns in their hands are the real ruthless people.

  Those mutants were like chicks waiting to be slaughtered in front of them. They were slaughtered one by one in the cave, and the movements were so skillful that it seemed like they had repeated them thousands of times.

  It was hard to imagine what kind of hellish trials those guys had experienced.

  It was true that he had killed a big green-skinned guy, but the number of people killed by their entire team was not as much as the guy who pulled him out of the cave.

  Speaking of this, it was fortunate that the man grabbed his collar and pulled him out of the tunnel.

  To this day, he still remembers clearly that not long after he evacuated from the tunnel full of corpses, dozens of “zombies” rushed to the position where he had fought before, and fought with those guys holding large shields. It was

  only later that he learned that when he was trapped in the tunnel and was in a dilemma, those mutants had chased the main force behind him all the way to the foot of the mountain, and almost took back the position of Black Cloud Mountain…

  Hearing Chief Oliver join the topic, a new soldier reported and asked with a smile.

  ”Sir, do you think they will attack again today?”

  Seeing all the young men looking at him, Oliver smiled faintly.

  ”From what I know about them, yesterday’s attack can only be regarded as a test at most. If nothing unexpected happens, they have already figured out the details of their opponents.”

  After a pause, he continued briefly.

  ”You will know after staying on the front line for a few more days.”

  However, even Oliver himself did not expect that shortly after he finished speaking, there was movement at the position at the foot of the mountain.

  I saw a group of soldiers wearing black exoskeletons, carrying supply boxes taller than themselves, passing through the rugged mountain road one after another.

  Coincidentally, from the armbands on their shoulders, these soldiers were the Storm Troopers of the Alliance!

  In addition to those people themselves, they were followed by a huge guy with tentacles all over his lower body.

  The appearance of that thing looked a bit ferocious, but the round head was also cute after looking at it for a long time.

  If he remembered correctly, that thing seemed to be the “hatching room” produced by the Qingquan City mother nest before it was fully expanded.

  After it was fully expanded, it could transform the organic matter sent by the fruiting body into new fruiting bodies.

  According to the relevant information disclosed by the sticky community, the alliance has already carried out harmless treatment on the Qingquan City mother nest. In this case, this “hatching room” should also be safe, and the gnawers and crawlers produced probably won’t attack people.

  However, even so, Oliver was still a little surprised by the appearance of the Storm Troopers. After all, he hadn’t heard that the coalition had any offensive plans today.

  Unable to resist the confusion in his heart, he shouted to those people.

  ”Are there any missions today?”

  Hearing the shouts from the position halfway up the mountain, Kakarot looked up, took off the tactical eyepiece of his helmet and said with a smile.

  ”Of course, it’s time for a big job.”

  Big job?

  Oliver was stunned for a moment, not understanding what it meant.

  But the man did not explain anything, and led more than 200 brothers behind him straight into the turbid wilderness.

  Shortly after that group of people left, a group of noisy guys appeared on the mountain road below their position.

  They didn’t wear exoskeletons, but carried LD-47 rifles on their shoulders, and some of them had several rocket launchers inserted. The only protective gear was the gas masks they had put on, and they looked like they were just joking.

  There were about a hundred people, shouting noisily, and no one knew what they were shouting about.

  ”Boss, do we really not need to wear protective gear?” A player walking in the team couldn’t help but complain, fiddling with the gas mask hanging on his face.

  His ID was [Born in Spring], and he had just entered the game in Beta0.7. He had been playing for a month and his level had just passed LV5.

  He entered the game with [Born in Summer] and [Born in Winter], and their levels were the same as his.

  As for the guy walking in front of him whom he called the boss, his ID was [Feeling Not as Good as Rick Five], the leader of the Abstract Corps, a physical master who entered the game in Beta0.5, and also the big brother who led them to do the “Passing on the Torch” mission.

  He remembered that when he first entered the game, he still admired this big man who claimed to be able to single-handedly kill monsters, until one time they encountered a real monster in the Weifu Wasteland.

  It was also that time that he deeply realized the reality of this game.

  Even a “powerful person” who has awakened twice may be slapped more than ten meters away by a mad monster because of carelessness and failure to dodge…

  ”What do you mean by no protective gear? I sound stingy. Aren’t you wearing gas masks?” Rick rolled his eyes and explained after hearing his younger brother’s complaints, but he didn’t expect that this sentence would make everyone explode.


  ”You call this protective gear?”

  ”This thing is free, okay!”

  In the “endless mode” monster-killing activity, the gas mask is the only equipment that can be obtained for free, and it is the same model as the Alpha Task Force, produced by the Dawn City Industrial Zone.

  [Spring Born] seriously suspects that if it wasn’t free, this guy would have saved them 80% of the gas mask.

  Actually, there is nothing wrong with it.

  Except for the physical players, with their physical attributes, if they don’t wear gas masks, they can also last for three or four days in the fourth stage of the Kingdom of Heaven.

  Under normal circumstances, they can’t hold out that long with their fighting power. They might be eaten alive by the mutants in the area before they are infected by the Naguo hyphae.

  It is estimated that only those big guys wearing exoskeletons can barely survive for days.

  Looking at the noisy newcomers, Rick coughed and stopped them from talking.

  ”Okay, okay, it’s good to have free use, why are there so many problems! Don’t think about this and that all the time, think about what you have contributed to our army! Listen to my advice, you can’t handle high-end equipment, start with basic skills, lay a solid foundation, sooner or later you can become a strong man like me.”

  Everyone rolled their eyes at this guy when they heard it.

  Seeing that no one refuted him, Rick cheered up again and shouted to his brothers.

  ”Listen up, brothers. We’ll follow the leaders of the Storm Troops in a while! Wherever they put the flag of the purification base, we’ll put it behind them!”

  Xia Tiansheng: “Wait, boss, I remember that the purification bases or purification stations must be at least 600 meters apart to complete the judgment, right?”

  Rick replied with a smirk.

  ”That’s easy. It’s done by blocking 600 meters. Otherwise, why do you think I went out so early?”

  All the players were stunned when they heard this.

  Good guy.

  He’s an expert in getting points!

  Watching those noisy guys walk towards the wilderness, the Willant squatting by the trench and his comrades next to him looked at each other and muttered.

  ”What the hell are they talking about.”

  ”Who knows…”

  ”Do you think they can do it?”

  ”Who knows…”


  This time Oliver didn’t interrupt his subordinates’ topic, but just looked at the mob with a weird expression.

  He was sure that these guys were all new recruits, and they were probably newer than the good-for-nothings in Ideal City.

  If you send these inexperienced guys to the battlefield, only one out of ten will come back alive. Is this

  how the Alliance trains its soldiers?

  This method is too crude…


  Oliver’s surprise was just a small episode.

  Because he soon found that his surprise was not worth mentioning.

  Just as his men were discussing how to bet on how many of the rookies in the Alliance would come back, another large group of people crossed the rugged mountain road and strode towards the wilderness corroded by plague and curse.

  Those guys were noisy and spoke in a language they couldn’t understand, but their hearty laughter didn’t sound like they were going to a cannibalistic battlefield at all, but rather like they were going to a banquet. The

  ups and downs of their voices were full of contempt for death. They were ready to die with the ideal of saving all mankind, but they didn’t care about their own lives.

  At first, the Weilant soldiers looked at them with mocking eyes, but soon they gradually began to realize that the mocking eyes made them look like clowns, so they gradually stopped laughing.

  These guys are real warriors!

  When facing a common crisis for all mankind, they did not shout about the union while practicing compromise, but stood in front of everyone without hesitation.

  Even though most Weilant soldiers have no interest in the ideals declared by the alliance, and even spit on the “equality” that is like a dream, they can’t hate these real heroes.

  They respect the real strong!

  And out of respect for the strong, they silently withdrew the bet on how many people can come back…

  Not only the Weilant soldiers on the front line were surprised, but even General Lium sitting on the Loyal Airship was shocked.

  After listening to the report from the front line, he held it in for a long time before asking the adjutant next to him.

  ”…How many people are there in the alliance?”

  The adjutant was stunned and hesitated for a long time before speaking.

  ”One million?”

  Or it could be one and a half million.

  Since the meeting of the Sticky Community was held, survivors have been pouring into the Alliance. He even heard that the manager of a certain shelter went to settle in the Dawn City area.

  Since the Alliance is quite lenient in the identity review of the survivors who moved in, the population there changes every day. I

  am afraid that even Chu Guang himself may not know exactly how many people there are, let alone him as an outsider.

  General Lium looked away from his adjutant with a strange expression, and cast his eyes on the front line covered by gray-green fog outside the French window.

  According to the report from the Laishan position, as of now, the Alliance has sent nearly 10,000 troops to the front line!

  Some of them are regular troops, and a large part of them are more like wastelanders who bring their own weapons and dry food…

  The only equipment they received from the coalition logistics department is a gas mask.

  And things like rifles and bullets are even prepared by themselves…

  ”…Is this the mobilization ability of the Alliance?” Liwumu’s eyes were shocked.

  Even in the Triumphant City ruled by the great Marshal, this kind of thing is unimaginable…

  Just when General Liwumu was shocked, the battle near Laishan City was in full swing.

  The fungal variants dominated by the Naguo hyphae continued to crawl out of the ground, trying to eliminate the “heretics” who invaded the Kingdom of Heaven, but the fighting power of those “heretics” far exceeded the imagination of those apostles.

  Those guys are obviously living people, but they fight tirelessly like living dead.

  Looking at the almost red-hot gun barrel, [Spring Born], who was shooting from behind a broken earth wall, couldn’t help but shout behind him.

  ”Captain! Call for an airstrike!”

  [Summer Born], who was not far from him, couldn’t help but shout.

  ”We can’t hold on

  any longer!!!” “Wait a minute!” Rick glanced at the numbers on the VM, and although he also felt a lot of pressure, he still gritted his teeth and shouted, “There are still 200 points left! Once I get 1,000 points, I can call for an airdrop!”

  I heard that there is a “Tearer” heavy machine gun in the C2 airdrop box! There are also 3,000 rounds of machine gun ammunition!

  With just the equipment and ammunition they have, they can’t hold on for long. Even if they call for one or two airstrikes, they can only help them clear out some miscellaneous soldiers at most. Only by getting the heavy firepower weapons in the airdrop supplies can they hope to hold on for longer!

  As for the 100-kilogram bombs that require 500 points to exchange, they are reserved for the evolved body!

  He has a detailed plan for how to maximize the value of every point!

  As Rick was thinking this, a violent roar suddenly came from behind the thick fog not far away.


  Before he could ask what happened, he heard the screams of [Born in Spring] and [Born in Summer].

  Then, a giant beast lying on the ground came into his sight.

  The guy looked like a crocodile, but had a body and legs as strong as an elephant. Its three or four meter long mouth was slurping with relish. The flesh and clothing fragments hanging on its fangs were just enough for two people… The

  dark green mycelium sewed its bumpy body. It stared at the prey in front of it, and its pupils flashed with a dark green fierce light. When he

  met the green eyes, Rick couldn’t help holding his breath. He felt his hands and feet cold, and then subconsciously glanced at the number on the VM.


  25 points away from the heavy machine gun!

  No time to hesitate.

  He shouted in his heart, “Fuck!”, while spending 500 points to exchange for air strikes.

  However, when he saw that the airstrike would take three minutes to arrive, he almost vomited blood.

  ”What a rip-off!”

  The crocodile-like monster didn’t care about that, and it opened its bloody mouth and bit towards the position he was commanding.

  The 7mm rifle bullets hit it as if it was a joke, and the RPG rockets were not powerful because of the safe distance.

  Rick anxiously called out to the group of newbies to stand away, trying to attract the monster’s attention, and updating the bombing coordinates for the airstrike that would arrive at the front line in three minutes.

  However, unfortunately, since many players of the Abstract Corps were on the battlefield for the first time, the entire position was in chaos. The

  remaining purification station with more than 90 people was instantly killed by the monster.

  The newbies who were scattered with RPG rocket launchers lost the cover of friendly forces and were caught up by a group of zombies and corpse dogs and had a buffet. They had no choice but to use the remaining strength to pull the trigger and casually fired the armor-piercing shells inserted in the launcher.

  Three minutes passed before the sound of a dive bomber came from overhead, and then a 100-kilogram bomb was dropped.

  The warhead was mixed with solid hydrogen and azide compounds, and the explosive power was no joke. It pressed the arrogant monster to the ground in a minute.

  Looking at the boiling flames and the monster lying down in pain, Rick, who was injured all over, finally couldn’t hold on, and was pounced on the ground by a rushing crawler and had his neck bitten off.

  The remaining points were converted into time, and they only lasted for a little over an hour in total.

  According to the comprehensive difficulty coefficient, 105 players shared the 110,000 silver coin prize equally, and each person could get more than 1,000.

  After deducting the money for bullets, clothes, and remaking the VM, it was a small profit.

  Although it didn’t make much…

  In the wilderness 600 meters in front of the purification station of the Abstract Corps, the battle in front of the purification base of the Storm Corps was also tense, exciting and lively.

  However, the players here are real veterans after all. Kakarot, who is commanding the battle, is an old hand who has participated in the actual battle command on the front line many times. His fighting style is naturally not as abstract as that of the abstract army.

  However, although the friendly forces’ performance is a bit amateurish, they do not mean to look down on those newbies.

  After all, who has not been through the newbie stage?

  Most of the people who play this game are like this.

  They die and die, and suddenly one day they become stronger.

  ”…Brother Ka, the guys who follow us to get points seem to be dying. How about I take people to help them?”

  Wiping off the mucus on the helmet, the old man looked at Kakarot and asked.

  Compared with those newbies, they don’t feel much pressure.

  Moreover, the incubator has been successfully operated and has begun to produce some gnawers and even crawlers carrying type B bacteria. Although the number is not large, it can help them share some pressure.

  So far, they haven’t suffered any casualties. He even suspected that the guys hiding in the sanctuary probably found them hard to chew, so they deliberately targeted the newbies who followed them to get points.

  After all, the kingdom of heaven is not a natural product, but is controlled by human will.

  Kakarot said with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry, let them hold on for a while. How can they grow without going through adverse situations?”

  He always felt that the torch was tempting them to split some of their forces to help the friendly forces behind.

  Dividing the troops at this time might play into the hands of those guys.

  The player standing next to him put down the telescope in his hand and said to the captain beside him.

  ”…No need to help, they seem to be gone.”

  Kakarot’s expression was a little embarrassed, and he continued with a dry cough.

  ”Then…you take a few people to recover their equipment. After the job is done, I will call for artillery bombardment to clean up that place. We can’t let their sacrifice go to waste.”

  If the VM can be picked up, it can help them reduce some of the losses.

  As for the remaining weapons and ammunition, according to convention, the person who picked them up can use them first, and when the task is completed and returned, as much as is left, he can

  return it. When he heard about opening the blind box of his teammates, the player immediately became energetic and agreed with full enthusiasm.


  After saying that, he called several teammates beside him, carried the empty supply box that was taller than a person, and ran to the position 600 meters behind…

  In just one day, the alliance sent hundreds of “troops” to the area around Laishan City, and launched an intensive offensive like a tide against the Kingdom of Heaven of the Torch Church.

  These troops were like nails, staring hard at the flesh of the Torch Church.

  Although not all the nails took root successfully, it was still painful for the Torch Church…

  Looking at the battlefield full of flowers, the calm eyes of the Human Emperor gradually showed a trace of surprise.

  ”…Are these guys crazy?”

  Using this life-for-life method to consume the chess pieces in his hand…

  In just one day, he lost dozens of evolutions and nearly 600,000 “puppets”!

  Even if he had hundreds of millions of chess pieces, this loss was not insignificant.

  Especially since the Alliance liked to use incendiary bombs to clear the field immediately after a game.

  This meant that he had to be careful with the chess pieces in his hand and be prepared that the cards he played could not be taken back. He could not send too many at a time, nor could he send too few at a time.

  After all, once the soldiers of the Alliance took root in the local area, they would continuously send in dirty things…

  The look of surprise was gradually replaced by a touch of fear.

  However, the fear in his eyes only lasted for a few seconds before it disappeared in the unfathomable madness.

  This guy who doesn’t know his place…

  Fighting a war of attrition with him?

  He’s simply courting death!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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