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Chapter 758 The situation on the front line is very good

Chapter 758 The situation on the front line is very good


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 758 The situation at the front is very good

  . Facts have proved that

  these guys are indeed “crazy”.

  On the first day, the Alliance sent hundreds of teams to the front line, but less than 20% of them survived in the end. But on the second day, more than 50 teams quickly came up.

  Seeing that the Alliance was not strong enough, the Emperor was secretly glad at first, especially on the third day, the number of teams on the front line was reduced by half. I think those crazy people are not really endless.

  Even the clone cannon fodder of the Weyland people who have no complete mind need to be raised for two years, not to mention that the Alliance sent people with complete minds to the front line. With

  such a large number of casualties, I am afraid that it will not take long for the war weariness within the Alliance to explode. After all, the wastelanders are just a group of guys who follow the wind. If someone forces them to die, they will definitely run away without saying a word.

  On the fourth day, as he expected, the battle lines that were everywhere were largely stopped, and only a few positions with more people were still struggling to hold on.

  Although the incubators on those positions were a problem, they could not hold out for long on their own. Faced with the continuous offensive, it was only a matter of time before they followed the footsteps of other positions.

  Just as he was waiting with interest to see how the alliance would perform on the fifth day, when the sun rose from the horizon on the fifth day, he was completely dumbfounded.

  He saw the vast crowd of people, with guns and flags all over the mountains and plains!

  The disappeared people appeared again.

  And there were even more than on the first day!

  They had firm eyes and firm steps, and they stepped shoulder to shoulder towards Haiya Province. They seemed to have no idea where this place was, or they seemed to know but didn’t care at all.

  And the fighting power that these people burst out also surprised him.

  When dawn turned into dusk, the positions that finally persisted were far more than 20%, but more than 40%!

  And those positions that were originally shaky also became strong again with the arrival of these reinforcements, and even relied on the incubators carrying type B bacteria to purify the land under their feet.

  These people seemed to be getting stronger and stronger!

  This is also the most puzzling part for the Emperor.

  On the other side, the army of the Legion also began to advance, and followed the Alliance’s method to establish ten positions in the northern border of Haiya Province.

  The same was true for the academy and the enterprise. They sent out their own teams and set up dozens of positions around the incubator.

  The coalition cleared the corrosion on the Weifu wasteland while infiltrating into Haiya Province, continuously squeezing the living space of the Torch Church.

  Staring at everything happening on the front line in amazement, the “Emperor” opened his mouth slightly, but couldn’t squeeze out a word for a long time.

  Are these guys going to die? !


  In fact, not to mention that the pioneers of the Torch Church thought these guys were crazy, even many senior officials within the coalition thought these people were a bit outrageous. However

  , who doesn’t have their own little secrets these days? Their secrets are no less than those of the Alliance, so even if they think it’s outrageous, it’s not convenient to ask. Besides,

  this is not something that can be exposed to the public.

  Therefore, they could only speculate based on limited intelligence and then report to the high-level officials in the rear.

  For example, the Alliance suspected that they had mastered the black box of mass production of bionic people, or the technology of remote control of clones.

  As for resurrection…

  this kind of thing sounds too incredible.

  There are many similar rumors in Dawn City, but when you really consider the problem, you have to talk about the basis, so few people think about it.

  As for the grassroots officers and soldiers, they didn’t think so much. After all, many of them came to such a far place to fight for the first time and didn’t know the local situation.

  According to the preconceived first impression, their attitude towards the Alliance’s ruthless people is still mostly respect and admiration.

  After all, it is not uncommon to see guys who can fight and die, but so many people appearing at the same time still make them feel a little shocked…


  North of the Weifu military base.

  With the start of a new round of offensive by the coalition forces, Kun Town, which had just experienced a baptism of war, became lively again.

  The densely packed stalls filled the south gate of the town. Some stall owners even decorated their stalls to attract customers, while some unkempt wastelanders simply led a two-headed ox or pushed a tricycle as a stall. The farthest vendor even came from the Borneo Province. The wastelanders who

  settled in the local area did not move away because of the previous disaster. Instead, they were more determined to stay here because of the performance of the Alliance in that battle and the shelter they provided for them. After all,

  there is no foolproof safety in the wasteland?

  No one would have thought that the wasteland that was sunny and beautiful the previous second would become a hell filled with death the next second.

  In theory, similar situations may occur anywhere in this wasteland. The key is not whether the danger occurs, but whether it is properly handled afterwards.

  The power of the Alliance to correct chaos in response to the crisis is itself a guarantee of safety for the survivors who have suffered from the wasteland.

  In addition, another reason for them to stay is the white silver coins.

  Due to the reinforcements sent by the various parties of the Nien Community to the front line, the place was even more lively than before.

  People in the market were shouting and hawking, and the scene was bustling. If it weren’t for the gray-green fog that still remained in the distance, it would be impossible to tell that a catastrophe had occurred here half a month ago.

  But even if it had happened, at least for the people living here, everything is over.

  ”Roasted corn! Fresh corn!”

  ”A scimitar from the Honey Badger Kingdom! Extremely sharp, it

  can cut through iron like mud! Only 100 silver coins for one!” “Buy a goat, sir. The mountain road ahead is not easy to walk on. We don’t know when the alliance will build the railway.”

  ”What era is it still using livestock to pull goods! What do you need to send to the front line? The brothers in our regiment are as good as two cows!”

  ”Fuck, what brothers are you talking about… I think they are cows and horses.”

  ”LD-47! A full set of LD series equipment! The most durable guy on the battlefield… The same model in the “Battle Royale” game!!”

  ”Give me two!”

  ”Okay! Which one do you want, sir?”

  ”Two LD-47s!”

  ”Are you bringing them for a friend?”

  ”Bring a hammer, I plan to dual wield!”


  It’s not just the stalls and the people coming and going that are varied, but also the things sold on these stalls.

  Some sell weapons, some sell clothes, some sell sweet potatoes and baked potatoes, or some sell some strange little gadgets.

  For example, it is said that a secret medicine that can awaken after drinking it, or a “Kun card” card pack that hides the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

  Especially the latter, those colorful cards are the most obsessed by the good-for-nothings in the Utopia.

  There is no endpoint cloud here, and they need a substitute that can serve as a common topic.

  As for the Willant people, their hobbies are the same as always.

  More than 100,000 soldiers from the legion almost sold out the local strong liquor.

  In particular, the “Big Bird Turn” vodka produced by Goblin Technology is the most popular among the lower-level officers and soldiers of Willant.

  Because this thing is brewed with potatoes, the potatoes of the Alliance have been drunk by them and the price has increased.

  Compared to the Utopia gluttons and the Willant people, who have stable demands, the hobbies of the residents of the shelter from the Alliance are puzzling.

  Especially some newcomers who have just arrived here, they are extremely keen on things that look fancy but are actually useless.

  For example, the goods that Goblin Technology moved to the stall for sale – especially the things that their boss personally brought, are basically this kind of stuff.

  After all, if those things are really that useful, there is no need for him, a CEO, chairman, and factory director, to personally bring them.

  ”Tsk, a bunch of things that don’t know the goods!”

  Looking at the busy stalls not far away, WC really has a gloomy expression on his face, and couldn’t help cursing and saying something sour.

  Just passing by, Debt took a look at the things on his stall and almost laughed out loud.

  Among them, the six-barrel pistol and double-barrel assault rifle are normal, at most the shape is unique – or a little retro.

  As for the mobile shelter welded on the tricycle, the automatic magazine changer used with the LD-47, and the rocket backpack for individual soldiers that only cares about going up and not going down, people can’t help but doubt whether his mental state is normal.

  ”Good man, are you selling the equipment of the circus?” Looking at the gloomy face of Mosquito, Debt Big Eyes said jokingly.

  Mosquito rolled his eyes.

  ”You know nothing, this is called art! Don’t touch it if you don’t want to buy it!”

  Putting the six-barreled pistol back on the stall, Big Eyes sighed and said with a look of understanding.

  ”In my opinion, things that can be appreciated by most people are called art, such as the artworks of the rattan hut.”

  Mosquito laughed and said.

  ”Tell that to Teng Teng, and see if she hits you or not.”

  ”This equipment is quite interesting…” At this moment, the construction site boy and brick picked up a steel shield, looked at the hideous scarlet fungus blanket on the shield with interest, and asked curiously, “What is this thing used for?” ”

  Brother, you know what’s good,” Mosquito’s eyes lit up when he saw that someone was finally interested in his design. He smiled and said attentively, “This thing is made of self-repairing materials! Not only is it durable, but it can also absorb organic matter from the outside world to increase the defense and protection area of ​​the shield.”

  ”Fuck?! Damage absorption?!” The construction site boy and brick looked at him in surprise, and even Big Eyes, who looked down on the things on the stall, showed a surprised expression.

  ”How much is this thing?”

  Mosquito said with a grin.

  ”Not expensive, not expensive, only 1,000 silver coins!”

  Big Eyes, who was originally quite interested, almost vomited blood when he heard the price.

  ”Fuck! 1000 silver coins is not expensive?!”

  It’s enough for him to buy ten minions! !

  ”It’s a bit expensive indeed,” the construction site boy and brick also nodded, muttering, “I remember that the ceramic steel shield seemed to be only 1000 silver coins.”

  ”Can that thing compare with this thing of mine?” Mosquito said with disdain, “My thing can be repaired by itself after being pierced, and that thing can also be repaired after being pierced?”

  Just when I thought that brother Mosquito had invented something useful, the debt-eye suddenly reacted when he heard this.


  The ceramic steel shield was pierced, can the person behind the shield still survive?

  Speaking of which, there is no use for this thing to have self-repair ability!

  However, the construction site guy didn’t seem to react yet, and was still thinking about how to use this unique shield, but he couldn’t figure out how to wear it on his arm after thinking for a long time.

  Looking at Mosquito with a confused look on his face, the construction site boy and brick asked in confusion.

  ”Did you forget to install the handle? There’s nowhere to hold this shield.”

  Seeing that this guy looked stupid, Mosquito patiently pointed out.

  ”You held the shield upside down. The scarlet fungal blanket is the handle. You put it on your arm and it connected.”

  The construction site guy was shocked and threw the shield back to the stall.

  ”Fuck?! The side with the tentacles is facing you?!”

  ”…What else?” Not knowing what he was asking, Mosquito looked at him blankly, “You can’t use the meaty side to face others.”

  Debt-faced Big Eyes couldn’t help but complain.

  ”…I’m afraid this damage absorption is not absorbing itself.”

  Thinking that he almost paid, the construction site boy and the brick were immediately angry: “You are really making false propaganda!”

  Mosquito looked away with embarrassment, but did not intend to admit his mistake, and said quibblingly.

  ”I also said it was sucking others.”

  The boy and the brick on the construction site: “%¥#@!”

  Although they were angry, they didn’t suffer any substantial losses. After cursing for a few words, they turned around and left.

  Not long after the two left, another group of newcomers strolled to the stall.

  Seeing that they were strangers, Mosquito thought that he would finally make an order, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.

  ”Brother, you have good taste!”

  [Feeling Not as Good as Rick Five] raised his head and looked at the stall owner in confusion.

  ”I haven’t said I want to buy yet.”

  ”It doesn’t matter! The fact that you can find this place is enough to show your taste,” Mosquito smiled and patted the newcomer on the shoulder, and continued, “How about it? Do you have any equipment you like? Brother will give you a 20% discount!”

  Rick was not very interested at first, but when he heard about the discount, his eyes lit up.


  ”It has to be real!” Mosquito smiled and picked up the shield that the boy and Brick had just thrown down, patted the scarlet fungal blanket and said, “Half-mechanical, half-biological prosthesis! Not only can it absorb damage and repair itself, but it can also train the unicorn arm. If you are a strength type, I recommend you buy one of these things, it will definitely work!”

  Rick was slightly moved when he heard this, but when he saw the price on the label, his interest immediately disappeared like a deflated balloon.

  ”Your thing is too expensive, do you have… a cheap and easy-to-use one? It should be able to increase the survival rate on the battlefield, and it won’t hurt to lose it.”

  Mosquito looked at him in surprise.

  ”Good man, your request is a bit outrageous.”

  Rick asked with an unhappy look on his face.

  ”There’s no need to talk so much nonsense when you’re running a business. Just tell me if you have it or not!”

  ”Of course there is!” The surprise on his face was swept away. Mosquito smiled and hooked his shoulder, saying cheerfully, “Speaking of cheap and easy to use, we have to mention the non-powered armor produced by our Goblin Technology… Not only has it been tested in actual combat, but I can guarantee that it will definitely meet your requirements, cheap and easy to use!”

  Rick’s eyes lit up.


  ”Of course it’s true! And it’s not just non-powered armor, I have a lot of good stuff… Come on, I’ll take you to the warehouse to have a look.”

  While saying this, Mosquito turned around and called his rat follower, asking him to help look after the stall, and he walked to the warehouse in the town behind with the newcomer on his shoulder.

  Under the instigation of a group of old brothers on the forum, he has recently made a lot of new toys, and he is worried that no one will pay to test them.

  Looking at the newcomer who was taken to the warehouse by Mosquito, the old players passing by silently mourned for him in their hearts.

  The brothers of the coalition army all think they are ruthless, but only they themselves know that the brothers who dare to help Brother Mosquito test equipment are the real ruthless…


  While the players were thinking about improving equipment and how to kill monsters more efficiently, Chu Guang, as a planner, focused his attention on the monsters on the front line.

  On the Iron Heart.

  Chu Guang, standing in the bridge, had a faint smile on his face and was overlooking the battlefield through the drone controlled by Xiao Qi.

  ”An elephant with a crocodile mouth, a snake that is more than ten meters tall when standing up… Wow, even Godzilla has been made.”

  Looking at the monster on the screen that was shaking its tail and flipping over the Chimera armored vehicle with one claw, he couldn’t help but admire it.

  ”…Tsk, these guys have a lot of tricks.”

  He didn’t pay special attention to the details of the war, but focused on his job as a planner –

  that is, taking pictures of the monsters that appear in the game and then updating the official setting collection.

  In this way, players will have the illusion that the dog planner is working. Even if it is to live up to this enthusiasm, they will work harder.

  In fact, if Torch hadn’t worked so hard to iterate the types of evolutionary bodies, his players might not have been as excited as they are now.

  However, the guy who calls himself the “Human Emperor” is destined to have no idea about these things.

  Five days have passed since the “Purification Station Activity” was launched.

  In these five short days, the Alliance has placed a total of 5 large purification bases and nearly 300 small purification stations in the northern border of Haiya Province.

  The former is mainly responsible for relatively mature corps such as the Storm Corps and the Death Corps, while the latter is controlled by some small and medium-sized corps and bulk convoys. Therefore, the number is not fixed, and the survival time is calculated in hours or even minutes.

  With the concerted efforts of large and small corps and convoys, the Alliance only took seven days to advance the front line to five kilometers north of Laishan City, biting off at least 70 square kilometers of positions from the 670,000 square kilometers of land in Haiya Province.

  Not only that, the Alliance also used actions to demonstrate to the various units of the coalition forces, showing them how to fight this battle.

  At present, the 10 divisions of the army have entered the territory of Haiya Province one after another, and the enterprises and colleges have also sent more reinforcements to the front line.

  I believe that they will soon achieve good results.

  Seeing that Chu Guang was in a good mood, Xiao Qi was also happy for him from the bottom of his heart, gently swinging his calves hanging on the power armor, with a happy expression on his smooth face like a porcelain doll.

  ”… What an ignorant guy, he dared to go against Xiao Qi’s master. It seems that these bugs have not learned their lesson. Maybe this is a small fish~”

  Hearing the voice that was more arrogant than his own, Chu Guang laughed loudly, and then said teasingly.

  ”Xiao Qi, this kind of words are usually said by villains.”


  Xiao Qi looked at Chu Guang in surprise, and then whispered guiltily, “But… don’t the protagonists in comics all speak like this?”

  Chu Guang was stunned when he heard this, and looked at the little guy sitting on his shoulder with a strange expression.

  ”What on earth did you read on the forum…”

  Xiao Qi looked away subtly, and suddenly his eyes lit up and he spoke.

  ”Master! Someone spent 10,000 purification points to buy a 400mm rocket extended-range bomb! Do you want to approve it?”

  Good guy.

  Someone really bought this thing?

  Although he knew that this guy was changing the subject, and his posture of changing the subject was quite stiff, Chu Guang couldn’t help but show a trace of surprise on his face.

  That’s 10,000 points!

  It’s enough to exchange for 20 close air support!


  ”The suburbs of Laishan City! The southwest side of the abandoned light industrial park!”

  While saying this, Xiao Qi had already switched the holographic screen to the map page and pulled the center of the lens to the position of the artillery coordinates.

  As expected, the Storm Corps exchanged for support. After all, I think only these guys can save so many points and not use them.

  Chu Guang glanced at the position of the friendly forces, which was far away from the artillery area, so he immediately gave the order.

  ”Approve the request!”


  Xiao Qi agreed enthusiastically, then switched the screen from the map back to the drone’s view, and operated the Hummingbird drone to move closer to the bombardment area. At the

  same time as the order was issued, the main gun of the Heart of Steel slowly turned the chassis, raised the thick black barrel, and completed the calibration of the firing parameters.


  The flames of the explosion shot up into the sky, and the deafening roar spread across the deck.

  A thick stream of white smoke shot out of the barrel, drawing an arc and falling into the clouds several kilometers in front of the airship.

  The shells that fell from the sky were like thunder from the sky, and the moment they touched the ground, they exploded into a fiery red cloud.

  The boiling flames rose up, and the spreading shock wave swept across the entire ruins like the magma of a volcanic eruption.

  When the dust cleared, all living things in the explosion area turned into ashes, and only a trace of rising heat remained on the entire black land.

  Looking at the explosion in the distance, the players under the drone camera cheered and applauded, and then at the call of their captain, they packed up the guys on the position and began to move forward towards the scorched earth baptized by artillery fire.

  While waiting for the bombardment, they had already completed the purification of the land under their feet, so they simply used the remaining points to exchange for a 400mm heavy artillery to bombard the new map where they had just placed the purification base beacon.

  After all, the purification points cannot be taken away, and they have been holding on to the previous “level” for a long enough time. Even if the remaining points are converted into time points, it will not increase the benefits too much. It is better to use them to clear the monsters of the next level.

  The corrosion degree is collected and calculated in advance before placing the beacon, and has been fixed on the regional corrosion degree grid of the VM map. Therefore, even if the points of the previous level are used to strategically bomb the new level, it will not affect the difficulty and final benefits.

  Chu Guang knew without guessing that it must be the idea of ​​the guy from the fountain.

  Looking at those smart little players, he showed an approving smile on his face.

  These guys have figured out the rules.

  But this is exactly what he has been encouraging.

  (Thanks to the leader “Yoo~Dongcheng” for the reward!!!)

   My stomach feels better, but not completely. I may have a little gastroenteritis. In addition, I actually want to write more about the rear and the southern line in the subsequent plot. Although there seems to be a lot of things to write about the northern line, some things that are too detailed seem to be only suitable for appearing in the extra story. There are not many plots that can establish a close connection with the main line.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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