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Chapter 759 The New Wind Blowing into the Wasteland

Chapter 759 The New Wind Blowing into the Wasteland


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 759 The New Wind Blowing into the Wasteland

  The cold wind and snow howled on the endless tundra. The furry lemmings poked their heads out of the snowdrifts, but were frightened by the rumbling sound and hid back.

  A train with only four carriages was moving on the snow.

  This train had no rails, but instead had tracks under the chassis. The carriages were connected by hooks, and each carriage seemed to have its own independent power system, but it seemed that all the power was provided by the car in front.

  Ye Shi, who was sitting next to the window, stared at the vast and amazing tundra outside the window, with unspeakable surprise in his eyes.

  This dog planner is quite something.

  Although the number of players active in the Wandering Swamp is less than three digits, the operator of “Wasteland OL” still made this part of the map.

  The hail hitting the window, the broken snow raised by the tracks, the reindeer walking on the tundra…

  everything is so realistic.

  Sitting opposite him, Jiang Xuezhou misunderstood the surprise on his face and said with a slight curl of his lips.

  ”Is it big?”

  ”It is indeed quite big…” Ye Shi nodded, and added with emotion, “It’s just a little deserted.” What

  he couldn’t understand the most was why the academy had the most advanced technology in the wasteland, but left such a large piece of land undeveloped.

  If the prosperity of the ideal city is actually a bit “watered down”, such as the colorful lights and the endpoint cloud with complex information can give people the illusion of rapid technological progress, but the academy’s technology has indeed reached an awe-inspiring level.

  As the only survivor force in the wasteland that can produce anti-gravity devices without relying on black boxes and has mastered the technology to make superluminal engines, they actually have the hope of building a real utopia on this wasteland.

  This should not be more difficult than finding another planet to migrate to and start over in the universe.

  At least that’s what he thought when he was still a student.

  Jiang Xuezhou tilted his head, not quite understanding what he meant by deserted.

  At this moment, the researcher sitting at the next table smiled and interrupted.

  ”Of course. This is the northernmost part of the Central Continent. The fragile ecosystem can only bear the current population to its limit. It’s fine now. It would be better if there were more people. Things would become more troublesome.”

  Ye Shi looked at him puzzled.

  ”Will things become more troublesome if there are more people?”

  ”After all, the tickets are fixed.” Another researcher who was with him said concisely while flipping through the paper on the tablet in his hand, “There has never been a ‘ship’ that can accommodate everyone, and this item has never been included in the contract we signed with the survivors.”

  Ye Shi: “Contract?”

  ”That happened a century and a half ago. We left the Great Rift Valley to avoid persecution by the Legion and the Enterprise. Some survivors who lost their livelihoods due to the collapse of the post-war reconstruction committee followed our footsteps and found us, hoping that we would take them in. So the Science and Technology Committee was established.”

  The researcher paused, looked out the window, and continued in a tone without too many ups and downs.

  ”As promised, we will provide them with the necessary nutrition for survival, and they also agreed to voluntarily give up all political power, join our plan, and obey our management. We have provided them with the promised treatment, and even rewarded those who obeyed management… and the latter was their promised obligation. Do we have any reason to improve their living standards?”

  Ye Shi looked at him in surprise: “Good man, you are more capitalist than capitalists.”

  The researcher was stunned for a moment and looked at him with a strange expression.

  ”I don’t know what you are talking about, but at least we didn’t deceive them. We told them clearly from the beginning that the academy is not a charity, nor a country, but just a research organization. Our ultimate goal is to complete our ark, and we will leave after completion. We have never begged them to live on our territory. Or do you think it is more correct to paint a pie out of reach for the wastelanders like a company?”

  This sounded like it made sense.

  Ye Shiyi couldn’t think of how to refute it for a while, especially when he suddenly realized that this was someone else’s business, and it was not his turn as an outsider to comment.

  However, just when he was about to end the topic, he did not expect that Jiang Xuezhou, who had always looked like a good girl, suddenly spoke up.

  ”Didn’t you also get into the academy?”

  The researcher glanced at her and said calmly.

  ”Yes, so.”

  Jiang Xuezhou could not help but say.

  ”You were one of them before, why do you say they are like slaves…”

  ”First of all, let me correct your statement. I never said they were slaves.” The man returned his gaze to the tablet and said calmly, “Then answer your question. You also said it was before.” That was all

  he wanted to say. He did not want to make enemies for himself because of this boring argument.

  This was a train departing from Binghai City, and the passenger traveling with her was wearing the iconic VM of the residents of the shelter on his arm. Maybe he was a foreign guest invited to visit by the sticky community project.

  If so, her mentor must be of great importance.

  Jiang Xuezhou stared at him with an expression that was difficult to understand, and was speechless for a while.

  ”It’s my fault. I have to apologize.” Ye Shi coughed lightly, stood up from his seat, and tried to ease the atmosphere in the car. “In fact… our shelter is the same. It is impossible to fit everyone in the shelter, so some people can go in, some can’t, some people enjoy early, and some people suffer early. For a greater goal, some people have to make sacrifices… This is reality, and it is also the most helpless reality.”

  The researcher who was brushing the paper raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, but Jiang Xuezhou looked at Ye Shi in disbelief, as if he couldn’t believe he would say such a thing.

  The latter didn’t look at her, just shrugged and continued.

  ”It’s just that we can’t trample on those who couldn’t get in just because we were lucky enough to be born in a shelter. Our knowledge, technology, methods, black boxes, and everything else should belong to ‘all of us’ of that era. I really can’t understand why we signed an unequal contract with a small group of poor people, only enjoying the legacy left by ‘us’ and refusing to fulfill ‘our’ obligations… Being a coward can be because of the helplessness of reality, but is it something worth holding up your chest and being proud of?”

  The researcher who was brushing the paper twitched his eyebrows fiercely and chose to respond to these words with silence.

  The surprise on Jiang Xuezhou’s face turned into surprise, and then a victorious smile appeared on his face, as if to say that he had not made a mistake. There

  was a whisper in the carriage, and some people looked over, wanting to see what the guy who spoke wildly looked like, and some people curled their lips in disdain, not interested in the wisdom of mortals.

  Of course, some people also showed a thoughtful expression, and they were indeed thinking about the rationality of this statement.

  In the academy, rational voices are relatively popular, especially logical rationality.

  This is also the biggest difference between the academy and other regions. If it is just the output of emotions, no one will pay attention.

  However, the instigator Ye Shi suddenly felt a little regretful.

  His original intention was to apologize, and he shouldn’t be nosy. However, his mouth slipped, and he went off the track while talking, and couldn’t help but say something sarcastic.

  Brother Fang was right, and his habit of talking too much nonsense should really be changed.

  They are here to make friends, not to offend people.

  ”Thank you.”

  Looking at Ye Shi who sat back in his seat, Jiang Xuezhou blushed and whispered.

  ”Oh, what’s there to thank for this.” Ye Shi said indifferently, and didn’t figure out what he had helped her with.

  Although he was very happy that he said what he wanted to say but didn’t dare to say, Jiang Xuezhou soon seemed to think of something, and suddenly became worried and said in a low voice.

  ”By the way… you came here with that electronic pass. If you talk nonsense, your managers won’t blame you, right?”

  All the researchers sitting in this carriage have bionic prostheses installed, so taking photos and recording videos is just a thought.

  She was worried that it would cause some diplomatic disputes, such as the residents of the Alliance’s shelter publicly criticizing the college’s policies and the management methods of the Science and Technology Committee.

  Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said.

  ”Ah? That’s not the case. Our managers are not that petty.”

  Not like a dog planner.

  It’s fine to post a pornographic picture and be banned, but the completely non-pornographic emoticons taken from the notebook are also against the rules. It’s

  really a bit too much!

  While talking, a faint trace of human smoke appeared in the endless wilderness outside the window.

  It was an oil well.

  The “old-fashioned” design style made Ye Shiyi think that he had returned to the real earth.

  When he saw the oil well, Jiang Xuezhou’s expression suddenly became excited.

  ”We’re here!”

  As the voice fell, the sound of the arrival of the station was also heard in the carriage.

  ”We have arrived at Site 721. Passengers who are getting off at this station, please get off in time.”

  Ye Shi was about to help her with her luggage, but she saw the suitcase running down from the shelf by itself, rolling to the door of the carriage with wheels.

  ”What are you standing there for? We should go.” Looking at Ye Shi standing motionless next to the seat, Jiang Xuezhou urged excitedly.

  She hasn’t seen her family for a long time. Others are homesick, but she is looking forward to it.

  ”Ah… OK.”

  Ye Shiyi looked at her suitcase with envy and followed her.

  High technology is still good!

  For a university monk who often takes the high-speed rail to go home, this thing is much more attractive than nuclear fusion…

  A group of people stood in the buffer cabin, and as the door outside opened, the whistling wind and snow rolled in.

  Even though he was wearing a winter coat and was covered in technology, Ye Shi still felt the biting cold coming at him.

  This is a remote corner of the Wandering Swamp, where a settlement called “Site 721” is located.

  According to Jiang Xuezhou, the task of the local survivors is to mine the oil under the permafrost in the weather of minus 20 degrees all year round to provide raw materials for the industrial zone 50 kilometers away.

  Tracked vehicles will come regularly to transport the fuel and bring the daily necessities needed by the local area.

  Although the prosperous era has found a variety of biological or chemical synthesis methods for oil analogs, from the perspective of adapting to local conditions, this diesel-driven drilling platform is more suitable for the environment of the wandering swamp and the special organization of the Science and Technology Committee.

  Advanced production methods are not always good.

  What the Science and Technology Committee needs to ensure is that the colony ship heading for the future can be completed on schedule, and excessive production is equivalent to waste. Traditional economic laws do not apply here, and even to most settlements in the wasteland. There was

  another man and a woman who arrived with them. The man was tall and thin with short hair. The woman had a black ponytail and looked like a very quiet type.

  Just as Ye Shi was looking at the two, the man smiled at him and suddenly spoke.

  ”Excellent speech.”

  Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, and then he felt a little embarrassed. He coughed and said.

  ”Thank you for the compliment. I am a little ashamed. I always talk too much. I am sorry to offend you…”

  Jiang Xuezhou curled his lips and muttered.

  ”There is nothing to be ashamed of. What you said was right. Why should you apologize for the right thing? The strange thing is that those who feel offended have relatives and friends who live in that kind of place.”

  ”Haha, the decision of the Science and Technology Committee is not something I can evaluate, but… I agree with what this gentleman said. We should do something with the knowledge left to us by our predecessors. The pursuit of a better life should not be a sin.” The researcher smiled to smooth things over, and then introduced himself, “My name is Li Xiang, an E-level researcher. This is the explorer in the same department as me, her name is Wu Xiaoxiao.”

  The girl named Wu Xiaoxiao nodded stiffly and glanced at Ye Shiyi, but her eyes were more on Xiao Jiang beside him.

  Ye Shi noticed that there was a hint of obvious awe and envy in her eyes.

  This is actually normal.

  Although Xiao Jiang is only a small D-class, he is undoubtedly a big boss in the eyes of a group of E-class and explorers.

  ”Ye Shi, this is Jiang Xuezhou.”

  Although he thought that the two might know Xiao Jiang who was traveling with him, Ye Shi still introduced himself for her.

  Li Xiang looked at the two and nodded politely, especially to the senior student from the same hometown.

  But what surprised Ye Shi was that he always felt that this guy was more interested in him.

  ”I heard that you are from the Alliance?”

  Ye Shi nodded.

  ”Yes, I am a resident of Shelter 404.”

  Li Xiang’s eyes became more and more interested, especially when he heard about Shelter 404.

  ”Great… I have always been interested in you. Can you tell me in detail? How did you build such a large organization in the wasteland, and it only took two or three years.”

  From those interested eyes, it can be seen that he is really curious.

  Unexpectedly, he could meet fans of the League in such a faraway place. Ye Shi was also very proud, and then he said with a hearty smile.

  ”It’s a long story… Although it’s only two or three years, a lot of things have happened in these two or three years.”

  ”It doesn’t matter! We can talk while walking.” Li Xiang looked at him eagerly, and this time even Jiang Xuezhou couldn’t help but prick up his ears curiously.

  ”Okay, let me think about it…” While recalling the past, Ye Shi made up a story in a chatty tone, “Everything has to start from a mayor named Lao Shuizhi and a girl named Xiaoyu…”

  Beautiful stories always warm people’s hearts, and the howling wind and snow don’t seem so cold.

  At first, he was just talking casually, talking about how the flame of order rose from the wasteland, but Ye Shi was suddenly moved by himself.

  It’s not that he brags.

  It was really not easy at that time. He was a t0 player and had to burn cement himself. The full-level equipment on the server was actually an iron barrel rifle with a scope!

  Not to mention the listeners, even the storyteller was about to cry!

  The three people beside him were also touched, and a faint flame burned in their hearts unconsciously…

  Just when Ye Shi overthrew the old mayor of Bet Street from Chu Guang and talked about the sparks that ignited outside the Stone City, on the Borneo Sea, thousands or even tens of thousands of kilometers away from the Wandering Swamp, an inconspicuous cargo ship was slowly approaching the largest trading port on the west coast of Borneo Province. Standing on the

  deck at the bow, Governor Nihak looked at the port in the distance in surprise, his eyes full of unspeakable surprise.

  The afterglow of the sunset sprinkled on the busy concrete dock, and rows of red brick houses were lined up on both sides of the four or five-meter-wide brick and stone street.

  The prosperity here seems to be no less than that of the Golden Gallon Port, which has changed the world. It is

  even more luxurious and busier than that!

  The art attainments of the Weilants are not inferior to those of the architects of the Alliance, Enterprises, and Colleges, especially in large and beautiful buildings, where they have a unique aesthetic understanding as huge as the caliber of their cannons.

  Some Weilants seem to have settled here. They not only brought their wives, houses, and dinars from Triumph City, but also brought their elegant lifestyle here.

  Governor Nihak saw a supervisor with a high nose bridge waving a whip in his hand, urging the naked workers to carry large boxes that could fit themselves in, and shuttle back and forth on the hot concrete dock baked by the scorching sun.

  That familiar smell!

  Looking at the scene in front of him, Governor Nihak took a deep breath and couldn’t help crying.


  Finally back!

  Not far behind him, the furry white bear stared at his back with disgust and couldn’t help muttering.

  ”Can I throw him off the boat?”

  ”No, Rourou, he’s a mission item! The client of Youtiao Port paid a lot of money for the trip.” Standing beside her, Weiwei put his right foot on the railing, looking excitedly at the legendary Xifan Port.

  What a big port!

  This settlement is probably not smaller than Jingalon Port, and there may be more than one million people!

  In addition to the locals of Borneo Province, there are also a large number of Willant people living in the port area. It seems that the goods they brought should be easy to sell!

  Not long after, the cargo ship docked at the port, and a Willant officer stepped onto the deck.

  Coming out of the captain’s room, Sis handed over the cargo list and took out VM to show the Willant officer his ID and the barcode for identification.

  ”This is an electronic pass issued by the Sticky Community. We want to apply for permission to go ashore.”

  ”It’s up to you,” the Willant officer glanced at the certificate and laughed, “We will guarantee your legal rights, but I still advise you to stay in the port area. Those rats have bad habits. Ladies like you are better off not walking on the road at night or going into the alleys. Our guards may not see you.”

  Noticing the bad look in the eyes, Sis didn’t care, but just said it briefly.

  ”Then don’t bother with it, just don’t be clever.”

  As if he heard a very funny joke, the Willant laughed, and after laughing enough, he pouted and said.

  ”We don’t bother to be clever. We will go to the battlefield to grab what we are interested in.”

  I’m afraid only the Willant can say this with his chest held high.

  Sis shrugged and said in a teasing tone.

  ”You can just tell your own people about this kind of bullshit, there’s no need to tell us. Those who do business with us have made a fortune, but if you want to take even a copper coin from us, you have to be prepared to lose two teeth.”

  Hearing the thorn hidden in the words, the Willant officer smiled indifferently and made a ostentatious gesture of invitation.

  ”I am De Colo, the director of the port office of Xifan Port. Welcome to Xifan Port. I wish you have fun here!”

  After saying that, he handed the cargo list to his deputy beside him and got off the cargo ship.

  In addition to more than 20 passengers, the cargo carried by the Rourou cargo ship also included 500 tons of canned herrings and 150 tons of potato-brewed liquor.

  These are the specialties of Jingalon Port and are also the two most in-demand commodities of the Willant people. Although there is little room for bargaining, there is no need to worry about selling them.

  There are at least 5,000 or 6,000 Willant people who have moved to Xifan Port. If the floating population is included, it may exceed 10,000. The daily consumption of herrings and liquor can be calculated in tons.

  In addition, a few hundred miles to the northwest is the port of the Southern Legion, so even if the locals cannot consume all the goods, they can still be sold there.

  In addition to herring and spirits, there are also some miscellaneous items.

  For example, refrigerators, watches, furniture, electrical appliances, and even old books or other handicrafts from Silver Moon Bay.

  After getting off the ship, Sis rented a cargo beach with a shed at the market through the port office, and then directed a group of crew members to carry several boxes of bulk goods to the stall as samples, insert price tags and sell them.

  The four agreed that two people would take turns to look after the stall, and the grouping would be decided by drawing lots.

  The first group was Sis and Zhimahu.

  In order to kill time without customers, Sis bought a local best-selling book from the market and started reading it.

  Zhimahu looked at the pedestrians coming and going curiously at first, but soon found that the people walking in this area were all Willant people. After looking at it for a long time, he felt bored, so he picked up a book from the wooden box containing old books and learned to read it like Sis.

  As luck would have it, the book she picked up was exactly the “The Awakener Bol” that Awei had been thinking about.

  At first, she just read two chapters casually with the mentality of flipping through, but soon she was attracted by the ups and downs of the plot and was fascinated by it unconsciously.

  Time passed by minute by minute, and Sisi had already closed two deals unconsciously, selling 100 tons of canned herring at a price of 6,300 silver coins per ton, and 80 tons of potato liquor at a price of 11,221 silver coins per ton.

  In Xifan Port, the market retail price is about twice as expensive as the wholesale price. For example, canned herring with a wholesale price of 6.3 silver coins per kilogram will eventually be sold on the shelf at a retail price of 12 to 15 dinars per box (200g).

  In fact, if you convert it a little bit, according to the minimum retail price of 12 dinars, the “wholesale price” of 200 grams of canned food is about 6 dinars, and one kilogram is 30 dinars, which is exactly 5 times the actual wholesale price of 6.3 silver coins per kilogram. The

  highest exchange rate between silver coins and dinars is basically around 1:5.

  But if it is strong liquor, the calculated ratio is often higher than this value.

  Curious about this interesting phenomenon, Sisi wrote it down in the notebook he carried with him, intending to update it in the post as a travel experience after logging off.

  Looking at Sisi working hard, Zhimahu, who had been slacking off for an hour, couldn’t help feeling a little ashamed. He quietly closed the novel spread on his knees and planned to work hard for a while.

  I can’t always leave everything to Sisi alone. At least… sell one order before the sun sets!

  Just as she was thinking this, a customer happened to stroll in front of her stall.

  The man looked thin and plainly dressed. He was not a Willant, but he didn’t look like a local either. He looked a bit like a priest of the Silver Moon Sect in Silver Moon Bay.

  Zhimahu was very familiar with this kind of people, even familiar enough to recognize them in the crowd at a glance.

  After all, every time she didn’t wear a hat to cover the cat ears on her head, these people would rush up to her with a fanatical look on their faces.

  The man glanced at the book on her knees, then looked at the basket of old books next to her, touched his chin and asked curiously.

  ”Are you going to sell these books?”

  Hearing that someone was interested in these books, Zhimahu’s face suddenly showed a bright smile, and she said in a pleasant voice.

  ”Of course, are you interested, sir?”

  The man nodded honestly.

  ”How much?”

  Zhimahu said enthusiastically.

  ”We sell by tons, one ton has about two or three thousand books, only 2,000 silver coins!”

  However, what she didn’t expect was that after hearing it, the man shook his head and complained in a low voice.

  ”It’s too cheap, how can a precious thing like a book be sold cheaper than a can of herring!”

  But these are old books…

  Looking at the customer who stamped his feet and shook his head, Zhimahu made a helpless expression and said tentatively.

  ”Then… 2,500?”

  Before she finished her words, the customer had already taken out the banknotes from his simple robe.

  ”Just 2,000 silver coins, no need to bargain, just give me one ton.”

  Although the minimum order is 5 tons in principle, considering that he is the first customer, Zhimahu still made an exception and accepted the money and gave him a ticket for picking up the goods.

  ”Take this ticket to pick up the goods on the Rourou cargo ship… Then, may I ask, what do you plan to do with these books?”

  The man did not hide it and said with a pious face.

  ”I am the servant of the Silver Moon Goddess. I came to this barren land to spread the gospel of the Silver Moon Goddess. It’s a pity that the local survivors are too ignorant and the people are not enlightened. I plan to start by teaching them to read.”

  Zhimahu looked at him in surprise, and his right hand unconsciously tightened the hat on his head.

  It is said that the Moon Clan had just been purged by the Emperor of Xilan. Is it really irrelevant that the Silver Moon Sect preached here?

  It is difficult to say whether there is any connection between the two. After all, Silver Moon Bay and Borneo Province are so close that many things cannot be explained clearly.

  But she soon thought that this place was ruled by the Weilants, and the emperor should not be able to control it.

  ”Then I wish you good luck… Oh, by the way, in fact, in addition to old books, publishing newspapers can also improve literacy.” Halfway through, she suddenly remembered something, so she kindly reminded him.


  The man muttered to himself with enlightenment, and his eyes gradually brightened. “Well… This is indeed a good idea. We can give it a try, but what should be written in the newspaper?”

  ”It might be better to serialize some popular stories, such as… How about this one?”

  As he said, Zhimahu handed the “Awakener Bol” in his hand to him, and enthusiastically recommended it.

  ”I remember that the “Survivor Daily” in Boulder City first became popular because of the novels serialized in the sub-publication! Once people have a common language and topic, even if they don’t need to be urged, they will take the initiative to learn, and even participate in the creation.”

  She still remembered that the earliest newspapers were all some real-life magic novels copied by players, but later the popular stories were all created by the residents of Boulder City themselves.

  Seeing the book that the girl stuffed into his hand, the pastor showed a flattered expression on his face.

  ”Ah, this is too embarrassing, is it really okay to give it to me like this? Or I should pay for it… How much?”

  As he said that, he hurriedly tucked the book under his elbow and went to search his pockets.

  Seeing him in a hurry to find money, Zhimahu couldn’t help but smile and waved his hand.

  ”No, no, just think of it as a gift for the ton of old books. If your newspaper makes a lot of profit, please send a sum of money to Mr. Sberg in Boulder City. Although the wording is a bit rough, it is written by him after all.”

  ”Don’t worry about that! By the way, my name is… Melgio, what is your name?”

  ”Just call me Zhimahu.” That was actually the name of her cat, and later she used it as an online name.

  At this moment, Melgio suddenly noticed the cat ears sticking up from the edge of her hat.

  At first he thought it was an illusion, but when he heard the name Zhimahu, he vaguely remembered the rumors he had heard in Silver Moon Bay, and the expression on his face gradually changed from astonishment to enthusiasm.

  Noticing the change in his expression, Zhimahu thought to himself that something was wrong, and hurriedly pulled the edge of his hat to plug the exposed ears back.

  But it was obviously too late.

  The man had an extremely pious look on his face, and bowed deeply as if no one was around.

  ”My dear… I’m sorry, please rest assured that I will never let you down! Let the light of the silver moon shine on this barren land!”

  Seeing him obviously overdoing it, and Sisi staring at him in amazement, Zhimahu explained with a smile.

  ”Don’t be like that, and you misunderstood. I’m really not the incarnation of the Silver Moon Goddess… I’m just playing around – hey, how can I make you believe me?”

  ”You’re right, whatever you say is what it is.” Melgio looked pious and kept his mouth shut.

  Just like when he was in Silver Moon Bay.

  These “cat lovers” didn’t listen to what he said at all.

  Although it was fun at first, it would be a headache for anyone after a long time.

  Zhimahu held his forehead and sighed, and finally gave up explaining, hugging his knees and muttering softly.

  ”Ah… Anyway, come on.”

  The voice was full of helpless perfunctory, but it sounded completely different to Melgio’s ears.

  As if he had received the call of the Lord, Melgio looked at her squatting behind the grocery stall and swore very piously.

  ”Yes, sir!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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