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Chapter 760 The Revealer of the Era

Chapter 760 The Revealer of the Era


Author: What’s wrong

   Chapter 760 The Opener of the Era

  Is there anyone who doesn’t know that even rockets can be bought in Douyin’s live broadcast room?

  With the successful sale of five rockets, Douyin’s live broadcast e-commerce reputation began to become more and more famous. At the same time, Douyin also received a wave of traffic and the number of users skyrocketed.

  The media also paid close attention to this aspect and reported several news stories in succession.

  Whether it was hype or gimmick, Douyin’s goal was achieved, and the sales index of Douyin’s e-commerce was also rising.

  Someone once asked, if group buying enters the e-commerce market, how long will it take to threaten Taobao at the fastest?

  Some people said one year.

  To be honest, if someone else said that he could threaten Taobao in ten years, it would be bragging, so one year is actually a compliment.

  But the real result is that after group buying entered the e-commerce market, it took less than half a year to threaten Taobao.

  According to the sales volume circulated internally, in December, the month when the rockets were sold, the sales index of Douyin’s e-commerce increased by 583% year-on-year compared with the internal test period.

  Some people say that this growth rate is faster than the rockets sold by Douyin.

  As 2016 came to an end, another piece of news came, which was pushed by Douyin with a large amount of traffic.

  The Kuaizhou-1 rocket that was purchased online was successfully launched, and a Jilin-1-3 satellite was sent into space and entered the predetermined orbit.

  The rocket ignited and launched, and the picture of the sword pointing to the sky was very clear, and the buzzing sound in the video was also very shocking.

  This is because in recent years, film and television works on the theme of “The Rise of Great Powers” like to use this kind of rocket launch as the opening, so when the picture appears, many netizens’ DNA can’t help but move.

  The heat of selling rockets had originally gone down, but it has been boiling again because of this.

  ”Fuck, this marketing topic is actually a TV series?”

  ”So shocking, is this the rocket that I watched being bought away?”

  ”If you think about it this way, I, who earns 2,500 yuan a month, actually participated in a rocket launch!”

  ”No, a rocket purchased online can also be launched? This world is too crazy…”

  Tonight’s headlines and Douyin also made a series of videos about astronauts, praising China’s aerospace industry and bringing themselves along.

  Do you remember the five rockets sold in the Douyin live broadcast room? The first one has been successfully launched!

  The rockets purchased on Douyin have all gone to space. Has your group purchase arrived?

  The Douyin project department under Pintuan originally made videos, so this series of short videos were made very beautifully and generated a lot of popularity. They were then reposted by many official organizations.

  Not long after that, on a winter day, the Hurun List ranked Pintuan as the world’s number one unicorn company, surpassing Ant Financial and SpaceX.

  ”Mr. Lei, welcome to the “Entrepreneur” program. I have a few questions from netizens that I want to ask you. Is it okay?”

  ”Of course.”

  The host smiled and said, “Some people are very curious about what entrepreneurs do in their daily lives? Do they take planes to meetings everywhere?”

  Lei Jun smiled slightly after listening to it: “In fact, we are just like everyone else. We also watch TV and watch Douyin on a daily basis.”

  ”You watch Douyin too?” The host was a little surprised.

  Lei Jun nodded: “Of course, we need to capture young people to capture the market. Douyin is so popular now, we also need to keep up with the trend.”

  ”You are good friends with Mr. Jiang from the group buying, right? There are many comments about Mr. Jiang from the outside world. Some people say that he is a rare business talent, and some people say that his vision exceeds the times. So how do you evaluate him?”

  ”I… can’t evaluate.”

  Lei Jun spread his hands and said frankly that he

  couldn’t evaluate. This sentence does not mean that Jiang Qin is difficult to evaluate. Of course, Jiang Qin is indeed difficult to evaluate, but he doesn’t mean that at this moment. He thinks that only those who are running in the front are qualified to evaluate those behind.

  Jiang Qin is undoubtedly the fastest and most stable one in this era.

  At this time, there are also many old friends, such as Zhang Tao, Zhang Xuhao, etc., who look back at the past and can’t help feeling a little disappointed.

  They feel like they are the supporting characters in a storybook. All these years of hard work and struggle seem to be used to set off Jiang Qin’s existence.

  Business bloggers on major platforms also use this statement when making videos, calling him the king of the market.

  Some people even say that the history of the development of mobile Internet in China is actually Jiang Qin’s autobiography.

  As this statement emerged, one of the videos with the highest number of likes and reposts surprisingly showed Jiang Qin’s own reply.

  ”No, even if there is no me, there will definitely be someone else.”

  ”We are the inaugurators of the era, but the era will never come because of anyone.”


  Some people saw Jiang Qin and immediately called him dad, and then paid close attention to him.

  This is Jiang Qin’s personal account on the Douyin platform. There are not many videos in the video column. The only one is a video of his wife.

  In 2017, Douyin continued to grow, and Douyin’s no-source model + brand cooperation marketing also developed rapidly.

  During the New Year’s Goods Festival, the combination of local group buying and Douyin’s local live broadcasting sold package coupons.

  While Douyin’s popularity continued to rise, surprising news came from overseas markets.

  Group buying successfully won the takeaway market in South Korea, Thailand and Singapore, and the plastic bag strategy once again confirmed its powerful effectiveness.

  During this period, many domestic brands have also successfully entered the overseas market by riding on the big ship of group buying.

  Jiang Qin has become a bridge builder and built a fast track for the internationalization of Chinese brands.

  Ordinary consumers do not pay attention to the achievements of group buying abroad, but for the business circle, this is a very silent thing. The

  person who is best at business wars goes abroad and is still the best at business wars.

  In 2014, a reality show called “Running Brothers” became a hit, attracting people all over the country to play the game of tearing name tags.

  But in fact, the show “Running Brothers” was introduced from SBS in South Korea, so after the copyright expired, they directly changed the name to “Running”.

  Korean variety shows are indeed the ceiling level in the entire Asian circle, so many people in China like to go to Korean variety shows to watch.

  At the beginning of the year, a variety show clip was circulated on Douyin, causing heated discussions.

  This Korean variety show is a travel show, and the celebrity tour group from South Korea chose China as their destination this time.

  After experiencing China’s cashless payment and online ordering, these Korean guests expressed some dissatisfaction while sighing.

  Because in the eyes of Koreans, China is actually far worse than their country. After all, they are a developed country, while China is a developing country.

  However, when these guests were taken shopping by the tour guide, a group of guests suddenly became excited.

  The sound of “Oh Mo Oh Mo” continued to sound in the video.

  And several guests in the video looked at each other, pointing in the direction outside the camera and laughing.

  So the camera turned and pushed forward, and the Xitian sign appeared in the camera.

  Several guests happily said that this is a century-old tea brand in Korea, and they also lamented that they didn’t know that this brand would be so powerful before, and it opened in China quietly.

  Netizens who saw the video were all numb, showing a big-headed son’s expression.

  ”This is our most popular tea brand in Korea, and it is the pride of Koreans.”

  ”Big hair!”

  And many domestic brand owners were a little surprised after watching this video.

  Anyone who has been online in China probably knows that the Xitian brand was founded in 2008 and was a gift from Jiang Qin to his wife.

  As a result, after almost two years of group buying, South Korea has added a century-old tea brand.

  No wonder they can also succeed in overseas markets.

  Dogs are dogs wherever they go.

  Damn, it’s terrible.

  After watching this video, netizens couldn’t help but start to ask for follow-up.

  Soon the follow-up of the video came. Several guests in the picture went to buy milk tea and asked the clerk if she was Korean. The clerk immediately shook his head.

  Then these guests asked her if she knew that this was a century-old tea drink in South Korea. As a result, the clerk opposite told them that this was a brand created by their boss in 2008.

  The guests didn’t believe it and immediately went online to find information for him. They were anxious as if they were looking for evidence that the Dragon Boat Festival was theirs in their own nihilistic history.

  But as the search deepened, the guests began to keep silent when asked.

  Damn, how come Xitian is not only a century-old brand in South Korea, but also a century-old brand in Thailand, and also a century-old brand in Singapore.

  The video finally freezes on the guests’ incredible expressions. Seeing this, even Big Head Son lives in Bengbu.

  Damn, this is too dog.

  Going to other countries to do business, pretending to be a century-old brand, making people so proud, but when you go to a place, you promote yourself as a century-old brand in the local area!

  What’s the difference between this and Old John’s century-old Chinese medicine store and Los Angeles First People’s Hospital.

  However, some people on the Internet have different opinions on this matter, and some are even leading the rhythm.

  ”Why do you say that you are a time-honored brand in other countries? The position of such enterprises is not very firm.”

  ”I think so too. Is it shameful to say that you are a Chinese brand?”

  ”It feels a bit worshipful of foreign things, so why don’t we boycott it together.”

  Xitian did not reply at first, but with the continuous accusations of a small number of netizens, they still posted a video and announcement on Douyin.

  The content of the video is an official Weibo released by Xitian in early 2016.

  They donated the profits from overseas markets through the Jinsinan Foundation to help orphans in China go to school, build libraries for left-behind children in rural areas, and set up a psychological institution to help children from single-parent families get professional growth guidance.

  It’s just that this announcement did not attract attention last year, but it has become the best clarification at this moment.

  They made money abroad and donated it back to China…

  The key is that netizens all know the rumors about the vicious stepmother, and they think Xitian’s donation is instantly reasonable, because the beautiful Mrs. Jiang also grew up in a single-parent family.

  (Seeking monthly tickets…)

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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