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Chapter 761: The Swampland Training Session and the Drastic Changes in the Southern Seas

Chapter 761: The Swampland Training Session and the Drastic Changes in the Southern Seas


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 761: The seminar in the swamp and the dramatic changes in the southern sea area.

  There is no cafe or restaurant in the 721 site, but there is a library.

  Not only that, there are quite a few books here, and it is also very impressive. It is basically the largest “cement house” in the town.

  In the morning, students of school age are in school, and workers are working in the well team, so the three “college people” who returned home to visit their relatives chose to gather here.

  There is also Ye Shi from the alliance.

  Jiang Xuezhou originally planned to make a cup of coffee for everyone, but Wu Xiaoxiao took it over as soon as he took out the coffee pot.

  ”Let me do it.” The girl smiled shyly, with a very shallow dimple on her face.

  Jiang Xuezhou did not refuse, and politely said thank you, then pulled out a chair and sat at the table.

  Soon four cups of coffee were placed on the table.

  Seeing a pair of expectant eyes looking at him, Ye Shi, who had just picked up the coffee and took a sip, immediately understood their eyes, so he coughed lightly.

  ”Where was I talking about last time?”

  Li Xiang said with a gleaming look.

  ”The decisive battle on Beth Street!”

  ”Oh oh…” Ye Shi suddenly remembered, and his old memories were opened up.

  But that thing is also called a decisive battle?

  But after all, he was the one who told the story. Ye Shi cleared his throat and continued to tell the story with the emotion at that time.

  Including Wu Xiaoxiao, who was still an explorer, everyone was fascinated by it.

  But just when he talked about the beginning of the alliance’s industrialization, Li Xiang suddenly raised his hand and interrupted his story.

  ”Wait a minute, there is one thing I don’t understand… You just said that the original residents of the alliance were mostly wastelanders and liberated slaves. They had no education at all and didn’t even know how to read. How did they develop industry?”

  Wu Xiaoxiao also nodded in agreement.

  ”I heard that people in the wasteland can’t even count…”

  Ye Shi nodded in agreement.

  ”It’s really difficult. Even our wise and powerful manager found it difficult. However, he was not discouraged. On the one hand, he called on knowledgeable residents of the shelter to join the front-line construction. On the other hand, he opened a night school in the industrial zone to teach the experience, methods and skills in production to the liberated people. He even became a tutor himself.”

  Li Xiang frowned slightly and asked.

  ”Is night school… a kind of school?”

  Ye Shi said concisely.

  ”It is, but unlike the school on Bette Street, night school mainly helps adults to learn literacy. After all, the workers have to go to work during the day and can only study at night.”

  He is a combat professional player. Although he also participated in the construction work in the early stage, he still fought more later.

  In contrast, the life professional players of the alliance may understand the situation better at that time. After all, many of the things he heard were also from the forum.

  ”Working during the day and studying at night…then they don’t have much time in the day.” Holding the warm coffee cup, Wu Xiaoxiao said with emotion.

  ”Learning is also for their own benefit. If one person wants to be relaxed, he must use more advanced production tools. If a group of people want to be relaxed, most people must use more advanced tools. The Alliance cannot be built by relying on pot-carrying machines, although it was indispensable at the time.”

  After a pause, Ye Shi continued.

  ”Moreover, their hard work was only temporary. Later, we returned their time to them, including other things borrowed from them.”

  Li Xiang asked with interest: “For example?”

  Ye Shi thought for a while and said: “For example, power and responsibility. In the future, we will no longer teach them how to make products better. They have their own industry representatives and institutions. They need to make their own rules and define what is “good” by themselves. Not only products, but also lifestyles and so on. After all, the version… cough, I mean that the world is constantly updating, and we are ahead of the world, such as liberating more people.”

  The eyes of the three people were shining, attracted by the story he described.

  Strictly speaking, this cannot be considered a story. After all, this is something that happened in the wasteland and is happening now.

  Although the light from the flame itself is not surprising, what is surprising is that it was born in the ruins of nothing.

  There is no near-magical technology of the Science and Technology Commission, no iron-clad ruling power of the Legion, and no rich resources of the enterprise. There is only a group of people who survived. It

  would be great if such a miracle could be born in the Wandering Swamp. Although it is a bitter and cold place, the conditions are actually much better than those in the Valley Province.

  With a gleam of longing in the eyes of the three people, Ye Shi coughed lightly and said.

  ”…I still have to say that our way is not the only way. You are actually doing pretty well. The people here are already living better than most of the survivors in the wasteland. You don’t have to learn from us and start from scratch. That would be putting the cart before the horse.”

  Li Xiang looked at him and asked sincerely.

  ”Then what do you think we should do?”

  ”How should I know? I’m not you…” Ye Shi said with a smile, scratched his head and gave an ambiguous answer, “For example… still taking finding a new home as the long-term goal, but at the same time being a little better to those who can’t go to the new world?”

  When hearing this, Wu Xiaoxiao’s eyes suddenly became a little fearful, and she lowered her voice and said,

  ”This is something that only the conclusion doctor can decide…”

  ”Then don’t set such a lofty goal, just start with the small things around you, such as being a little better to the ordinary people around you, and using your knowledge to improve their living conditions. G points should be more than just food.”

  ”Oh, right,” Jiang Xuezhou’s expression was a little bit enlightened, and he nodded thoughtfully, “I can bring back some tools that the well team can use.”

  Ye Shi said patiently.

  ”Not only tools, but also more critical methods… Although the description is a bit abstract, your vision is much higher than that of the residents of Site 721, and you should be able to help them in many ways.”

  Li Xiang touched his chin and thought to himself.

  ”You mean knowledge? But the academy is a school, and the people here have been learning since they were born. They probably don’t need us to do anything.”

  Jiang Xuezhou shook his head.

  ”The school in the academy only teaches them what the academy needs, but they need very little. We have to teach them the latter as well, just like the schools in the alliance teach them scientific methods and the logic of exploring the laws of objective things… At least we can’t let them become selfish guys like Su Qiming.”

  Ye Shi: “Su Qiming?”

  Li Xiang said with a smile.

  ”Ah, that’s the one who had the argument with you on the train, an E-level researcher, a sophisticated egoist.”

  He said the latter part in a teasing tone.

  Ye Shi suddenly came back to his senses.

  ”Oh… I forgot about it.”

  But can such mild words be considered an argument?

  Sure enough, the guys in the academy are very narrow-minded…

  Wu Xiaoxiao said hesitantly.

  ”But we can’t take up the children’s time, they need to take the exam.”

  Jiang Xuezhou touched his chin and nodded.

  ”I think so too… Then how about it as extracurricular tutoring? Only teach 12-14 year olds and 18-20 year olds. The former just meet the age limit for taking the exam, and the exam pressure is not that heavy, while the latter basically has little chance. If it can influence more people, it may promote the spontaneous reform of the Science and Technology Committee.”

  Li Xiang’s eyes lit up.

  ”This is a good idea! I agree!”

  Seeing that both of them agreed, Wu Xiaoxiao hesitated, but did not refute anything.

  Seeing that someone supported him, Jiang Xuezhou’s eyes became brighter, and he clenched his fists on the table and continued to speak excitedly.

  ”We have to give this organization a name… How about calling it the Student Union?”

  At first, Ye Shi was still watching them discuss it happily, but when he heard this name, he almost spit out the coffee in his mouth, and coughed twice and said,

  ”Let’s call it the Research Association… It sounds better.”

  Because of playing this crappy game, he was deducted points by that thing when checking the dormitory, although he didn’t know what the deduction of that thing was for.

  Jiang Xuezhou and Li Xiang looked at each other, but they didn’t have any objections and nodded.

  ”I think it’s okay.”

  ”I don’t care… Then this name is good.”

  ”Then I… agree too.” Wu Xiaoxiao’s eyes were a little worried, but she didn’t say anything in the end.

  The Science and Technology Committee did not restrict researchers from organizing the survivors of the Science and Technology Committee to study, but this kind of thing has never happened.

  She admitted that the story of the alliance sounded very attractive, and she even had a faint desire to go there to take a look.

  However, although some stories sound beautiful, she doesn’t know if it is right to make some changes.

  In the final analysis.

  Senior Xuezhou is just a D-level researcher.

  Even though she is a promising research department and her mentor is a powerful person who is only one step away from A-level, this force is still too small compared to the entire college.

  What’s more, such things may not be supported by her mentor.

  The second half of this meeting basically became a discussion on the details of the seminar and how to attract more researchers to participate.

  To this end, they also discussed the specific policy of helping students of appropriate age to enter the college and thereby expanding the influence of the seminar among the grassroots forces of the college.

  Ye Shi originally wanted to continue telling the story he had just made up, but found that both Jiang Xuezhou and Li Xiang had lost interest in the second half of the story. Only Wu Xiaoxiao looked at him eagerly, looking forward to the sequel of the story.

  Unknowingly, it was already evening. It

  was not until he followed Jiang Xuezhou back home that Ye Shi, who was standing at the entrance, suddenly reacted.

  He originally wanted to poach people from the academy, but he spent the whole day telling stories. As for the serious work, he completely forgot about it and made no progress at all.

  ”Fuck, this is a rip-off!”

  ”Wocao?” Jiang Yuehan, who was hiding at the entrance and peeking, tilted her head.

  ”Children should not learn this.” Ye Shi hurriedly went up to cover her mouth, but was caught by Jiang Xuezhou.

  ”What do you want to do to my sister?”

  ”No, I–” Facing the murderous gaze, Ye Shiyi had a constipated expression and hesitated for a long time without explaining clearly.

  The little guy hiding behind the shoe cabinet laughed secretly and made a naughty face.

  ”Hehe, wocao!”

  Ye Shi: “…@#%!”


  Just when Ye Shi was caught on the head by Jiang Xuezhou and hit hard, and hid in the kitchen for refuge, the Rourou, which was moored in Xifan Port, was also a scene of jubilation and excitement.

  The dock of Xifan Port.

  In the vault of Rourou, a man and a bear were rolling around in a pile of gold coins.

  Lying on the floor covered with gold coins, Tail was doing a backstroke and talking in his sleep with his eyes closed.

  ”Oh, Rourou, you know what! I always had a dream when I was a child! I could swim in the pool of the vault like Donald Duck!”

  ”What is Donald Duck?”

  ”Hey, hey, haven’t you seen Donald Duck?”

  ”…Pfft, there is still some gap between our vault and that guy.”

  ”It doesn’t matter! It’s right as long as you feel it!”

  Zhimahu, who couldn’t catch up with the topic of the two, stood aside with an aunt-like smile on his face, admiring, while Sisi sat at the table and meticulously checked the accounts.

  A total of 650 tons of goods have been sold out, and the total sales reached 4.9 million silver coins.

  Deducting the purchase price, labor expenses and other shipping costs and taxes, the profit of this trade has reached an astonishing 2 million silver coins!

  Part of the payment was paid through the electronic currency settlement system of the sticky community, and part was paid directly in dinars at an exchange rate of 1:5.

  Taking the exchange rate difference into account, the profit of his trading may be higher than the actual calculated amount.

  After all, in the main trading area of ​​the legion, the general exchange rate between dinars and silver coins is around 1:3.

  At this moment, the gold coins earned have been spread on the ground by Awei and Rourou, saying that they want to experience a gold coin bath that is difficult to experience in reality.

  ”…When I get old one day, I will change all my money into gold coins and hide them on a small island!” The tired Wei suddenly sighed and stretched his hand to the ceiling and said.

  ”Can you tell me secretly where you plan to hide it?” Rourou asked with his ears pricked up.

  Wei smiled, climbed up from the pile of gold coins, and sat cross-legged on the ground.

  ”Oh! Rourou also wants Black Tail’s treasure? Then go find it, it’s at the end of the sea of ​​stars! Go, all the wealth in the world is there!”

  This joke is too old, Rourou rolled her eyes and didn’t play dumb with this guy.

  In fact, she is a person who is easily satisfied, and she doesn’t have any special desire for money. She enjoys the process of adventure with her partners more than the process of making money.

  In contrast, Sisi might enjoy making money more, after all, she is always so serious.

  But what makes Rourou curious is why she would share this profitable business on the forum.

  The furry bear paw picked up a gold coin, and she looked at Sisi who was stretching and leaning back in the chair, and asked curiously.

  ”Why put such a profitable route on the official website? Isn’t it better to make a fortune in silence?”

  Sisi couldn’t help but smile and said casually.

  ”It’s okay to make a small fortune by taking advantage of the information gap, but it’s still a bit difficult to make a fortune.”

  ”Huh?” Rourou tilted her head in confusion.

  Seeing her confused expression, Sisi thought for a moment and continued.

  ”This is actually the same as the listing of Baiyue Company. It is indeed feasible to keep all the shares in one’s own hands. Moreover, with the current scale of Baiyue Company, there is really no need to share the profits with others. It is enough to just keep the existing cake. But if we want to go further, we must get the support of more people. Not only the support of our customers, but also the support of the majority of residents in the alliance… and the fastest way to get their support is to make them our shareholders.”

  Although the NPCs of the alliance do not have the GM authority to ban accounts like managers, they also have some authority.

  For example, they can truly participate in legislative work through the representative meeting, and can participate in the selection of personnel in local and alliance institutions, etc. In other words, they are worth winning over.

  This is not to say that they are bribed or something.

  It’s just that if the profits of Baiyue Company also have a share of those NPCs, instead of just sharing among players, it will be safer for Baiyue Company.

  I think those NPCs will consider the interests of Baiyue Company more without touching the principles, even if it is for their own interests, instead of singing the opposite tune on some issues.

  When an organization accumulates huge wealth but is reluctant to share it with the majority of people who create wealth, it is a dangerous thing at any time.

  Moreover, the funds brought by the listing itself can also accelerate the overseas business expansion of Baiyue Company.

  The Baiyue Strait has a vast primeval forest. It is far from enough to expand the business by relying on the little savings of the players and the limited profits at present.

  They need to make use of the deposits that the residents of the alliance cannot use temporarily, and if necessary, they have to rely on the power of the ideal city and use the huge legacy left over from the prosperous era. The

  administrators have paved the way for them, including the earliest currency exchange agreement, and today’s electronic payment and settlement system of the sticky community.

  ”So… opening a new route itself is also a way to make the pie bigger?” Trying to understand the complex mystery, Zhimahu asked thoughtfully.

  ”That’s right.”

  Sisi nodded approvingly and continued.

  ”It’s hard to expand this market by ourselves, even if we buy more ships and make more trips. It’s better to let other players who are interested in sailing participate and use their power to expand the entire market… Moreover, even without us, they will find out sooner or later, but we have accelerated the process.” Although

  Xifan Port has a large population, it is still the territory of the Weilant people, and the situation is much more special than that of Jingalon Port.

  Under the iron-fisted governance of the Weilant people, the locals have no political power, not to mention the freedom to eat, and can only serve as slaves of the Weilant colonists. Even if they want to make money from these people, they have to make the locals rich first.

  There is no point in selling goods to livestock.

  At present, there is only this route from the Eastern World to the Western World, but it will be different when other players of the Alliance come here.

  When the players become active in the local area, they can even expand the branch of the White Bear Knights Bank here to help those newbies who want to start a business solve the funding problem and provide shovels for those who want to pan for gold.

  This business can earn much more than just running a business.

  Tail nodded seriously and said proudly, “That’s right, Rourou, you have to look further ahead! Only then can we buy a ship five light years away!”

  Rourou couldn’t help but complain: “That’s just a pie in the sky drawn by the planner!”

  Tail raised the corner of his mouth proudly: “Too naive, Rourou, how do you know it’s not true? After all, no one has been there.”

  ”Is it called Gaia Planet… I really want to know what it looks like there.” Looking at the vast ocean outside the porthole, Zhimahu said with a fascinated face.

  Tail: “Oh! Xiaoyu’s hometown! There must be a lot of strange tentacles!”

  ”Ahaha…” Zhimahu smiled reluctantly.

  Forget it.

  Although Xiaoyu is quite cute, if it is the kind in the center of Qingquan City, it is a bit of spiritual pollution…


  The Rourou bound for Xifan Port is just an ordinary cargo ship that can’t be more ordinary.

  At this moment, neither the guys laughing and playing in the vault nor the drunk sailors realized that they had planted a seed in this land that had not been there for two hundred years. The

  stevedores at the port looked at the sailors with envy, or at the bottles of wine in their hands.

  It was an imported product from the east of the continent. A bottle cost hundreds or thousands of Xilan coins, which might be more expensive than working at the port.

  Obviously, there were some people from the Boro Province among the sailors. They couldn’t understand why those guys were just like them, and even couldn’t endure the hardships as they did, but their treatment was so different.

  Sure enough, it was those hateful Moon Clan people who stole their pockets… In

  the Silver Moon Church in the port area, Melgio was locking himself in the attic and thinking about the name of the newly established newspaper. His sight happened to fall on the crescent moon outside the window, so his eyes lit up and wrote the religious name “Silver Moon Gospel” on the paper.

  Originally, this newspaper was also intended to spread the beliefs of the Silver Moon Sect.

  However, out of consideration for the feelings of the locals, he thought about it and removed the word “moon” and changed it to “Silver Gospel”.

  Although it seems a bit inappropriate to serialize entertaining novels in such a religious newspaper, the book was handed to him by the incarnation of the Silver Moon Goddess in the mortal world, so it can’t be said to be irrelevant.

  Compared with the Spirit of the Sand Sea, the Silver Moon Sect is a sect that has undergone secular reform. It is not so stubborn in dogma and is open to new things.

  Moreover, he carefully read the old books he found on the Meat Meat. Relatively speaking, the story of “Awakener Bol” may be the most likely to resonate with the locals and is more suitable for illiterate people to pass on by word of mouth.

  Just as the new wind blowing towards the wasteland became more and more fierce, the situation in the southern seas finally changed after a long period of silence.

  The Shazhou Island, which had turned to the Northern Federation under the pressure of the battleship “Sea End”, broke out in an uprising with the “Off-site Garrison Act” signed by the new cabinet as the fuse.

  The guards on the island quickly went out, first suppressing the local military camp, then occupying the Governor’s Mansion, declaring the new cabinet of Charas an “illegal organization”, and declaring the separation of Sand Island from the Northern Federation in the name of defending the declaration.

  Although it sounds a bit weird, there are only 70,000 people on Sand Island after all.

  The soldiers on the entire island add up to less than a company, while the young men in the Guard Bureau have a battalion.

  In addition, the stability of the Charas authorities is completely maintained by the battleship, and the legitimacy itself is a question mark. The soldiers can’t muster any will to resist. After firing a few shots, they tied up their superiors, so that this strange uprising ended without a drop of blood.

  The young men who made a fuss were actually confused. They were dissatisfied with Charas and looked down on Charas’s puppets, but they really didn’t think about what to do if they drove that guy away. What’s

  even more weird is that when they occupied the Governor’s Mansion, the Governor sitting in the Governor’s Mansion simply took off his hat and threw it to them with a sense of relief, leaving a sentence “You won” and resigned on the spot.

  They did something that everyone expected, but no one knew what to do next…

  But one thing is certain, obviously Charas will not tolerate this betrayal, and the radicals behind him will not tolerate it either.

  They need to use the blood of traitors to deter other people who are ready to make a move.

  Not to mention that they did it once before –

  ordering the battleship Haiya to fire at Anle Island.

  The new authorities of Shazhou Island obviously realized that Charas would definitely respond, so they hurriedly sent a telegram of surrender to the South Sea Alliance.

  Behind the South Sea Alliance is the Alliance, and behind the Alliance is the Sticky Community. This big tree is much easier to take shade from than the Northern Federation, and there are not so many outrageous demands.

  After receiving the telegram from Shazhou Island, the South Sea Alliance authorities did attach great importance to it, especially when they found that a destroyer was covering another cargo ship converted into a landing ship from the North Island, and they became more alert.

  This looks like a bait, Charas can’t have expected that they would be dispatched, and the battleship might have been quietly ambushed somewhere on the sea.

  But, this is not ruled out as an opportunity.

  In order to be fully confident, Commander Li Minghui immediately called French Fries Port while dispatching the fleet, hoping to get reinforcements from the Alliance.

  After receiving the telegram, Fang Chang did not hesitate. After asking the governor appointed by the manager, he immediately took action.

  The two sides had already had substantial military friction, and there was no need to hide anything. What’s more, the collusion between the Northern Federation and the Torch Party was already an open matter, and at most it just didn’t break the window paper.

  The guy squatting in the landing craft might be a mutant controlled by the Torch!

  This is not the first time!

  Two H-10 “Overlord” transport planes stationed at the military base on the north side of French Fries Port took off urgently, carrying two companies of the Burning Corps and flying towards the direction of Shazhou Island.

  At the same time, two L-10 “Thunder” forward-swept wing vertical take-off and landing fighters were also dispatched.

  Full loads of ammunition were hung under the steel wings, and the pilots of the Goblin Corps were also ready.

  The quiet sea was brewing with the sound of rolling tides, and invisible waves were surging up and down on the sea.

  The war is about to begin!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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