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Chapter 762: Fierce battle on Shazhou Island!

Chapter 762: Fierce battle on Shazhou Island!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 762: Fierce Battle on Shazhou Island!

  Light blue plumes cut through the silent night sky, and two huge transport planes appeared over Shazhou Island.

  This island is the second largest natural island in the southern sea area, famous for its vast golden sandy beaches. There are 70,000 people living on about 400 square kilometers of land, which is equivalent to a little more than 1% of the population of half the area of ​​Singapore in reality.

  Unlike the narrow and crowded artificial islands like the Ring Island, this place is somewhat similar to the North Island and Anle Island. There are still many natural landscapes with tropical features on the island.

  Most of the residents on the island live on the relatively high south side, and modern buildings of two or three floors are scattered on both sides of the ring road.

  Since there is no airport on the island, the Burning Corps can only land on the sea outside the island.

  The plasma plume ejected from the engine is close to the sea surface, and the scorched waves emit wisps of white mist.

  The hatch of the engine room opened downwards, and a steel landing craft slid along the track to the door of the engine room. Twelve players wearing exoskeletons were waiting on the landing craft. A 12mm caliber machine gun and a coaxial 60mm grenade launcher were mounted on the front of the landing craft.

  The former is mainly used to deal with light targets above the sea surface, while the latter is specially designed for underwater soft targets such as “frogmen”.

  The 60mm underwater grenade equipped with a pressure sensor uses metal hydrogen charge. After approaching the target, it will explode at a very high detonation speed and rely on shock waves to kill nearby targets.

  This landing craft is mainly designed for landing battles in Beidao and Haiya Province. Therefore, in addition to launching underwater grenades, the 60mm grenade launcher can also launch general fragmentation grenades to suppress ground targets with firepower.

  Although the chairman, CEO and factory director of Goblin Technology is addicted to selling junk on the northern line, it is clear that Goblin Technology’s main business has not been abandoned.

  As the target area gradually approached, the player sitting in the cockpit shouted loudly in the communication channel.

  ”…The target is approaching, one minute to prepare!”

  ”Thirty seconds.”

  ”Ten seconds!”

  ”…Let’s go!”

  With a clear “click”, the ropes towing the landing craft were released, and the two Overlord transport planes simultaneously dropped the landing craft hanging on the hatch.

  Then the landing craft were dropped one after another like dumplings, and in a blink of an eye, there were more than 20 speedboats armed to the teeth on the rough sea.

  The speedboats were divided into two teams, heading towards the north and south sides of Shazhou Island respectively.

  At the same time, on the north side of the island, the disarmed Shazhou Island soldiers were digging the beachhead position with a group of guards wearing exoskeletons.

  Half an hour ago, they had received an early warning from Anle Island.

  A destroyer and a landing ship were coming from the direction of Beidao. Judging from the aggressive posture of those guys, it was obvious that they were not here to negotiate with them. The people sitting on the landing ship might be mutants.

  It is said that in the distant southern Jinchuan Province, being caught by mutants is not a joke, and both men and women will be eaten.

  And they were eaten in different ways.

  Therefore, even though they were standing on opposite sides not long ago, they now had to stand on the same front for their relatives, friends and families.

  Looking at a row of landing craft coming straight in the distance, everyone’s eyes subconsciously showed a trace of panic, but soon someone found the flashing signal light on the landing craft.

  ”It’s the alliance’s reinforcements!” A soldier’s face was filled with surprise.

  Standing next to him, the guards not far away were the same. After confirming the frequency of the signal light, they all showed expressions of being saved.

  Ten landing crafts rushed directly to the beach, and players wearing exoskeletons jumped off the landing craft one after another. Two strength players stayed behind and pulled the stranded landing craft directly onto the shore.

  The thickness of the steel plates on both sides of the landing craft is more than 15 mm, and two layers stacked together are 30 mm, which can even block some large-caliber machine gun bullets.

  In addition to the fixed weapons on the landing craft, it is an excellent shelter after removing the battery.

  In addition, the landing craft is also loaded with ammunition supplies and some folding bags for sand, gravel and earth.

  Fang Chang walked to the shore and went straight to the front of the armed personnel. After looking around at them, he briefly introduced himself.

  ”Fang Chang, Burning Corps, who is the person in charge here?”


  A man wearing a military exoskeleton came out. He had a federal assault rifle on his waist, but the bulletproof vest inside the exoskeleton was a police style.

  ”Dumen, Director of the Shazhou Island Security Bureau, and the Army of the new Shazhou Island authorities… uh, Commander.”

  Probably because he had just got this set of equipment not long ago, it was obvious that he had not fully adapted to the use of the military exoskeleton on his body.

  Although it was a serious occasion, Fang Chang’s mouth twitched when he heard the word “commander”. There

  were only about two hundred people standing here, and there were probably only four or five hundred people who were not here. If they were put on the northern line, they could only gather half a thousand people, and I’m afraid they couldn’t even fill two caves.

  But then again, this thing still depends on who you compare it with.

  If these four or five hundred people fight against the mountain battalion of the enterprise or the thousand-man team of the legion, it will probably be a big deal. But if they fight against the expeditionary force of the Xilan Empire, it should be no problem to chase away the latter’s ten thousand-man team.

  Of course, it would be another story if it was the Grey Wolf Army or the two warlords on the border of Golden Gallon Port.

  Dumen seemed to feel a little embarrassed, so he coughed dryly and took the initiative to hand over the command.

  ”Let me be frank, we don’t have much chance to fight here, and the exercise is just a formality. Defense is mainly the work of the navy… The command may be troublesome for you veterans, just tell us if there is anything you need to cooperate with.”

  ”A wise choice.” Fang Chang didn’t waste time talking to him, and directly took out a tablet and threw it into his hand.

  On the tablet was the battle plan.

  In response to the two possible action plans that Charas might take, the Alliance’s Army Staff has already made a prepared response plan.

  After Dumen took it and took a look, a surprised expression suddenly appeared on his face.

  ”Is this… a battle plan? Have you anticipated what will happen today?”

  The tablet not only showed the map of Shazhou Island, but also the positions deployed in various areas and the assigned troops, etc.

  This didn’t look like a job that could be completed in two hours. The details of the content would take at least two or three days to prepare.

  Looking at the surprised ally, Fang Chang smiled faintly and said.

  ”We are used to rehearsing situations that have not happened, and then submitting them to the General Staff, and finally finalizing them into a draft action plan for the manager to sign. Once the situation we envision occurs, the draft action plan will take effect immediately, and our troops will take action immediately while routinely reporting, rather than waiting for the manager’s reply before making the next plan.”

  This is actually a relatively routine operation.

  As for unexpected situations, such as the loss of soldiers in the Xilan Empire, he will respond in accordance with the relevant provisions in the “Player’s Handbook” and the “Alliance Constitution”, and decide whether to fight back and to what extent to stop. The

  swaying sandbar island has been a potential powder keg since the beginning of the split of the Federation. In addition to the residents of the sandbar island themselves, I am afraid that even the keyboard master on the cloud at the end of the ideal city can see it. I

  am afraid that not only they have made a defensive plan, but Charas has also long considered the situation that the alliance will take action, and has long been prepared for both situations.

  At present, two Thunder fighters are searching to the north, testing the firepower of enemy destroyers while detecting possible ambushes determined by the South China Sea Alliance Navy.

  After reading the entire battle plan from beginning to end, Du Men immediately took his men into action.

  At the same time, on the south side of Shazhou Island, the company led by Lao Bai also landed on the island.

  However, due to the large number of residential houses on the south side of the island, they did not rush the landing craft directly to the beach, but landed directly from the dock.

  Like Fang Chang, Lao Bai, who landed on the shore, notified the guards who were consolidating the defense on the south bank of the battle plan.

  Looking at the alliance soldiers who took over the defense mission, the guards on the south bank looked at each other.

  ”…It seems that there is nothing for us to do?”

  A guard with a beard put out the cigarette butt and stuffed it into the garbage bag in his pocket, looking at the soldiers who were busy consolidating the position with a blank face.

  He always had an illusion.

  Compared with these guys, he, who was well-equipped, looked more like a civilian.

  Lao Bai, who was commanding his work, happened to hear his words, and then looked at him with a smile and said.

  ”What are you talking about? There are still many things you need to do. Don’t think of throwing everything to us.”

  After a pause, Lao Bai continued.

  ”Take your family to seek shelter now, remember to stay away from the coastline. In two hours, we will airdrop a batch of supplies to the center of the island to help you build a temporary camp. When everything is safe, we will notify you to go home.”

  The guard who received the task immediately straightened his back and gave a not-so-standard Alliance salute.


  Seeing his funny look, Old White smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”That’s right, cheer up! Since you have the courage to come here, don’t give up halfway, and finish what you should do.”

  The guard took a deep breath and nodded vigorously, but there was still a hint of confusion in his eyes.

  Seeing that the leader from the Alliance was about to turn around and leave, he couldn’t help but call him.

  ”Wait, can I ask a question? I don’t understand… Since you are so well prepared, you can actually drive Charas away from here before we revolt. Why do you have to wait until today?”

  Old White grinned.

  Other players may not know, but he knows that Fang Chang did make a similar plan –

  that is, before Charas consolidates the defense of Shazhou Island, he will use the airport on the ring island as a springboard to occupy Shazhou Island by force, so that the number of islands controlled by the South China Sea Alliance will increase from 4 to 5.

  Compared with the ring island of only 30 square kilometers, Shazhou Island, which has a relatively flat terrain, a smaller population density, and is located closer to the middle of the southern sea, is obviously more suitable as the alliance’s air force base in the southern sea.

  In fact, the South China Sea Alliance authorities also expect this. Commander Li even proposed to risk sending a fleet to provide cover for the troops landing on the island.

  This plan has been submitted to the Alliance Staff, and the staff even made a combat plan and implementation plan, but unfortunately it was not approved by the administrator.

  ”…Equality given by force is not equality. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. I don’t understand everything, but I believe that our administrator can lead us to end the wasteland, just as we believe that he can lead us to stop the Bone Chewing Tribe and the waves.”

  Lao Bai shook his shoulder and let go.

  ”Go do your job, just like us.”

  As they were talking, a thunderous explosion sounded on the quiet sea surface. A series of dense tracers formed a curve in the air, waving towards the sky like a long whip, and then two balls of fire exploded.

  A moment later, the voice of the Goblin Corps pilot came from the communication channel.

  ”… This is Fengqing, the enemy destroyer’s firepower network is too dense! Our missiles can’t break through their point defense system…”

  The Federal Navy was established with the Corps as the imaginary enemy, so it would not be stupid enough to not even have an air defense system.

  What’s more, the main purpose of destroyers is anti-submarine and aviation. The reason why Charas sent destroyers to escort the landing ships was to take into account the Alliance’s “air superiority” and General Li Minghui’s submarines.

  But I didn’t expect these guys to even have an air defense array…

  Lao Bai frowned slightly.

  At this time, new news came from the Southern Alliance Command.

  ”…Enemy landing ships and escort destroyers are approaching 20 nautical miles south of you. We have searched for sonar and radar signals of 27 ships within a radius of 150 nautical miles near Shazhou Island…We cannot confirm that the coordinates are valid coordinates. Can you trouble your air force to go and take a look?”

  27 coordinates!

  Spanning 150 nautical miles!

  Lao Bai’s expression was slightly solemn, and he said in a low voice.

  ”…I have told our air force to ask your submarines to continue searching in the nearby waters!”

  The South China Sea Alliance operator immediately replied.


  Due to the special situation of low-Earth orbit, there are no strategic satellites in the wasteland, and even if there are strategic satellites, it is not easy to lock the precise position of a fleet in the vast ocean.

  After the contact with the Goblin Corps ended, Lao Bai immediately switched to the team voice channel and informed all teammates of the situation on the battlefield.

  ”The enemy intends to attack our southern position! Everyone prepare for battle!”

  A majestic response came from the communication channel.


  The 120-man company was divided into three platoons, and deployed a triangular defense fulcrum along the buildings on the south side of the island.

  At the same time, two huge ships emerged from the sea that had returned to silence.

  According to the information provided by the South China Sea Alliance, it was the Reef destroyer of the North Island Navy!

  The point defense system at the bow and stern of the ship can pour out a dense array of mass bombs weighing 100g at an extreme firing rate of tens of thousands per minute, which is equivalent to delivering a full ton of working fluid into the air in just one minute! The firepower network composed of

  this thing, let alone missiles and drones, I am afraid that even a sufficient number of shells can be intercepted!

  In addition to the point defense system against air, the Reef chase ship is also equipped with torpedoes, missile launchers, and a 150mm naval gun.

  If this thing is allowed to approach the shore, the consequences will be disastrous!

  However, the “asymmetry” in the wasteland is mutual, which is also the biggest difference between the wasteland and the real world.

  The Federal Navy, which has developed for more than 150 years, is certainly powerful, but the land-based weapons of the Alliance are not vegetarian.

  After being improved by researchers in Shelter No. 70, the “Dragon” missile developed by Giant Stone Military Industry has evolved into a land-based “super-long-range anti-ship version” – “Sea Dragon”!

  Shortly after the “Thunder” fighter failed to break through the firepower network, a square missile launcher at the end of the floating airport outside the circular island raised its huge forehead.

  As the launch order was issued, a white smoke broke through the dust cover and rushed into the sky, pushing a silver-white missile through the dense dark clouds.

  The missile was like a sharp dagger. After drawing a parabolic trajectory, it stabbed the “Reef” that was exposed to the radar of the Alliance and the South China Sea Alliance as a “bait”. The

  point defense system of the Reef played a role without any suspense. The dense rain of bullets poured out from the raised gun barrels, and pounced on the “Sea Dragon” that fell from the sky like a dense swarm of bees! The

  dazzling light exploded in the air, but it was not the light of the Sea Dragon’s self-detonation, but the detonation of the mother warhead after detecting the approach of a high-speed object!

  Inside the bridge behind the reef, the pupils of the man wearing the epaulette cap shrank suddenly. He had sensed something was wrong when the missile exploded.

  Their radar did not detect any enemy ships in the nearby waters!

  This was a land-based missile!

  At the same time, there was a burst of exclamations and curses from the row of terminals not far in front of him.

  ”Radar component overload! The transmitter is not working properly!”

  ”Cannot lock the position of the enemy aircraft!”

  ”The sonar system is malfunctioning! Damn it!”

  ”It’s EMP! Quickly notify the repair team to troubleshoot the problem!”

  ”How long will it take?!”

  ”The damage is not serious… It should be fixed within five minutes!”

  ”Five minutes?!”

  The Reef destroyer has an “anti-strong electromagnetic pulse device” installed, but it needs to shut down the active phased array radar and sonar system and enter radio silence before it can be turned on.

  However, their previous attention was completely on the two touch-and-go aircraft and the submarine lurking somewhere unknown, and they did not expect the Alliance to use this trick at all.

  Relying solely on passive anti-electromagnetic pulse components is obviously not enough to completely shield the direct attack of this strategic-level EMP weapon.

  Spear and shield are always relative concepts, and there is no defense that is absolutely impenetrable. The

  failure of sonar and radar is undoubtedly equivalent to blinding the Reef destroyer.

  Although the point defense system on the destroyer has two sets of identification equipment, it can use optical lenses to complete visual identification and locking of flying objects without relying on radar, but the interception efficiency is definitely not as good as radar.

  And the most critical thing is the sonar system…

  The three attack submarines are the biggest trump card of the South China Sea Alliance!

  Realizing the seriousness of the situation, the captain broke out in a cold sweat on his forehead, and hurriedly looked at the operator of the main gun area and asked.

  ”What about the fire control system?”

  ”For the time being… No fault is found!” The operator of the main gun area sitting in front of the terminal swallowed his saliva and answered nervously.

  Hearing this answer, the captain did not get any comfort in his heart, and at this moment, the communicator sitting in front of the radio suddenly shouted.

  ”Sir! The command center sent us a request to bombard the coastline! The landing ship in front will drop the landing craft in thirty seconds!”

  The captain was stunned and widened his eyes.

  ”Are they crazy?! Those are the residents of Shazhou Island!”

  The operational plan did mention covering the landing troops to reach Shazhou Island, and even mentioned in detail that he would use it as bait to lure out the “rebel fleet” of Anle Island, and cooperate with the main fleet ambushed in the nearby waters to sink it, but the plan did not say that he had to bomb his own people!

  Although what happened on Shazhou Island made him very angry, it was the group of guards who made trouble, and the survivors living on Shazhou Island were innocent.

  At least in his opinion, those people were his compatriots!

  The communicator reported the situation to the headquarters, and after receiving a reply, he looked at the captain hesitantly.

  ”The headquarters said… they are traitors, and we have to open fire immediately.”

  There was no time to hesitate.

  The captain gritted his teeth and looked at the artillery operator sitting next to him.

  ”… Aim at the coastline! Avoid the city and fire!”

  The artillery operator was stunned, but still took the order.


  As the order was issued, the 150mm naval gun on the Reef destroyer slowly raised its barrel, first fired a test correction bullet at the south bank of Shazhou Island, and then continued to vent fierce artillery fire.

  Hearing the deafening sound of the artillery, Lao Bai, who was squatting in the urban building, took a deep breath, holding a telescope in his hand and staring at the heavy landing craft approaching on the sea, and issued a battle order on the communication channel.

  ”All teammates, get ready! Release the safety! Put our enemies on the shore first, and then hit them hard!”

  After a pause, he switched the communication channel to Brother Ji and said in a deep voice.

  ”The EMP was successfully detonated… The enemy ship did not respond to the flyby of our fighter planes above the clouds, and the radar system was suspected to be paralyzed. If the analysis of the engineers of Shelter No. 70 is reliable, their sonar system is probably in trouble. Next, it’s your turn.”

  A hearty answer came from the communication channel.

  ”Got it!”

  At this moment, on the turbulent sea, more than 30 landing craft were approaching the shallows on the south side of the sandbar island under the cover of artillery fire, and rushed straight onto the beach.

  As a cockpit door opened, a group of green-skinned mutants roared and rushed to the shore, with amber pupils emitting creepy green light.

  They held large-caliber rifles and even machine guns in their hands, wore modified exoskeletons, and hung thick bulletproof steel plates on their chests. There were even vomit debris hanging on the steel plates.

  Obviously, this was their first time on a boat, and it was likely that this would be the only time in their lives.

  After seeing that the opponents were mutants, and most likely mutants transferred from the north, the players squatting in the city no longer had a trace of mercy in their eyes, and they all became fierce.


  As the roar sounded, the dark windows were suddenly lit up by the flames of the heavy machine guns.

  Tracers rained down on the beach like raindrops, colliding with the mutants who rushed to the beach.

  The spilled blood dyed the beach red, but these mutants had the upper hand in numbers. More than 30 heavy landing craft were stuffed with nearly a thousand people. The heads scattered on the beach were like cockroaches crawling all over the ground.

  Not only that, Charas had obviously made some improvements to these mutants using the industrial equipment of the North Island, and even made them fully protective exoskeletons and mutant-specific assault rifles. The

  mutants who landed on the island were divided into ten teams, like a big bowl facing the streets distributed on the coastline, and the boiling flames of war were burning along the outline of the city!

  At the same time, the Reef, which was bombing the coastline, also stopped firing, and planned to be on alert for the possible appearance of the South China Sea Alliance’s main fleet or submarines.

  Then, to Charas’s surprise, the South China Sea Alliance’s fleet did not appear.

  After the Alliance sent ground forces to Shazhou Island, it seemed that it only used aircraft to test the Reef, and then launched a land-based missile, ending all sea offensives, and even ignored the Reef’s artillery attack on the ground forces they sent to Shazhou Island.

  To be honest, this is very abnormal!

  North Island Command.

  Looking down at the fierce battlefield through the drone, Charas cursed.

  ”… What the hell is Zhang Ruowen doing! Not a single shell landed in the city!”

  Zhang Ruowen is the captain of the Reef.

  The landing battle has been going on for more than ten minutes, and more than half of the more than a thousand mutants who landed on the island have been killed or injured. It was not until then that he came to his senses that the previous round of artillery bombardment was in vain.

  The defense forces stationed in the city suffered almost no losses, at most the artillery shells damaged several roads.

  Now the landing troops were blocked, the main fleet of the South China Sea Alliance was not drawn out, and the fleet he ambushed in the nearby waters was also ambushed in vain.

  Standing next to Charas, the staff officer lowered his voice and said,

  ”The current forces on Shazhou Island may not be enough to occupy the entire island. The Alliance has also deployed a defense force on the northern beach… If the bait operation does not work, I suggest that the Reef be withdrawn first.”

  Charas said with a dark face.

  ”Our operation has not failed yet.”

  The staff officer nodded and said.

  ”Indeed, but there will be no better results if we continue to wait, especially since Anle Island has already known that our main fleet is not on the North Island…”

  Hearing the second half of the sentence, Charas quickly calmed down.


  The biggest risk of the entire plan is not the possible loss of a destroyer, but the risk of a defense vacuum on the North Island.

  With his arms folded in front of his chest, he tapped his arm twice with his index finger and immediately looked at the communicator to give orders.

  ”Let the Reef withdraw… Forget it, let their captain answer the phone, give me the headset! I’ll talk to that idiot in person!”

  As he said that, he snatched the headset of the communicator and put it on his head.

  ”What are you doing! I asked you to bomb the city of Shazhou Island, but you dropped the shells on a place where no one lives!”

  There was no response in the communication channel.

  The guy seemed to know that he was in the wrong and was too ashamed to speak.

  After scolding his men, Charas took two breaths, calmed his breathing and continued.

  ”…I don’t care what your thoughts and excuses are, because of your dereliction of duty, we missed the opportunity to defeat our opponents in one fell swoop! Get back here now!”

  However, what he didn’t expect was that a strange voice suddenly came from the communication channel that had been silent for a long time.

  ”They can’t come back.”

  Charas shuddered all over and blurted out reflexively.

  ”Who the hell are you?!”

  The other side of the communication channel laughed and introduced himself readily.

  ”Midnight chicken killing, Jungle Corps Commander! Anyway, this ship thanks you.”

  Charas: “???”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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