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Chapter 763: Turning Point on the Southern Front

Chapter 763: Turning Point on the Southern Front


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 763 Turning

  Point of the Southern Line Zhang Ruowen never expected that in just 5 minutes when their sonar system was paralyzed, ten steel king crabs climbed onto the deck of the destroyer.

  Although the Reef had sufficient firepower, the 150mm naval gun could not fire at itself.

  The point defense system and torpedo launcher were the same, which were useless against the “king crabs” standing on the deck.

  Looking at the 20mm gun barrel pointing directly at the bridge, Zhang Ruowen knew that the defeat was inevitable, and did not continue to make meaningless resistance, leading a group of officers and soldiers on the ship to surrender.

  They will be sent to the prison on Anle Island and will be judged by law.

  Looking at the South China Sea Alliance sailors who came on the deck to disarm them, Zhang Ruowen was silent for a while, looked at the huge steel crab standing on the deck and said.

  ”Can I ask a question?”

  After seizing such a large ship, Midnight Killing Chicken was in an unusually happy mood, and said decisively.


  Zhang Ruowen continued.

  ”…How did you get close to us in such a short time?”

  He was familiar with the Alliance’s King Crab Armor. The Northern Federation’s General Staff had conducted a detailed study of the Alliance’s equipment and even developed a suction bomb specifically for dealing with individual armored personnel in response to the Alliance’s frogman tactics.

  According to his understanding, the Alliance’s “King Crab” only had mobility but no cruising speed, especially when underwater, its movement speed was not even faster than the mutants’ swimming speed.

  This sea area was not ordinary vast. If they were waiting to ambush under their ship from the beginning, it would be too coincidental. Moreover, even if they were well camouflaged, they would be identified by the sonar at such a close distance.

  There was only one possibility, that they were silent in an area with low sonar recognition accuracy in advance, and then quickly rushed to the vicinity of the Reef after completing the EMP strike.

  However, this was absolutely impossible at their speed.

  Zhang Ruowen

  was puzzled. Midnight Killing Chicken said with a smile.

  ”What’s so difficult about this? Just make a large underwater propeller and grab that thing and walk away.”

  They encountered a similar problem when they fought with mutants outside Coral City last time.

  Because the king crab’s underwater cruising speed is too slow, once it is separated from the ship, it can only wait for friendly forces to recover it, and it can’t evacuate the battlefield or complete a quick transfer.

  If a large propeller is installed on the king crab here, the entire armor will appear too bloated.

  The Alliance Logistics Department conducted a tender based on the needs of the players and sought solutions from the industry.

  The final winner was Goblin Technology, and Brother Mosquito solved this problem with only 10,000 silver coins.

  The method is also very simple. Make a large battery and a propeller, and make it into a shape similar to a firecracker. The king crab just needs to hold that thing.

  Throw it aside during the fight, and pick it up and transfer it after the fight. It can be said to be both economical and practical.

  After listening to the Alliance’s method, Zhang Ruowen was stunned for a moment, and then a bitter smile appeared on his face.

  ”I see.”

  This is indeed not a complicated solution, but he thought too complicated.

  It’s not unfair to lose this battle.

  ”Speaking of which, I also have a question for you.” Looking at the captain with a bitter smile, Midnight Killing Chicken suddenly said.

  Zhang Ruowen: “What’s the question?”

  Midnight Killing Chicken glanced in the direction of Shazhou Island, and saw that there was a slow black smoke floating on the coastline, which was the trace of the 150mm naval gun bombing.

  But if you look closely, the shells did not fall in the city, but hit the side of the city.

  ”Did you miss it on purpose?”

  Zhang Ruowen was silent for a long time, and slowly spoke.

  ”The people living there are my compatriots after all.”


  Just when all the crew members of the Reef surrendered, the battle on Shazhou Island was also coming to an end.

  The last 100 mutants wearing special exoskeletons were trapped in a cannery in the suburbs. They relied on the walls of the factory as a shelter, and the offensive and defensive situation had reversed.

  A trace of fear finally appeared on the fierce faces that could not be suppressed.

  A mutant with one ear missing walked up to the centurion panting and said in a low groaning voice.

  ”Boss, these humans are not easy to deal with.”

  The guy he called the boss also had a heavy face, and the thick armor on his chest was covered with broken meat and blood.

  Some of them were his own, and some were left by those humans.

  Before boarding the landing ship, Charas told them that there were only a group of weak and incompetent trash on the island. After landing on the island, they could do whatever they wanted and work as long as they wanted.

  However, when it landed on the beach, it found that things were not as simple as it thought.

  The people here are not inferior to those guys they met in the mountains in the north. They are even more fierce and cruel than those guys, and more well-trained!

  They only need three people to block a street, and three groups can surround their entire team of 100 people. But when they landed on the shore, they ran around the street like headless flies, neither finding human females nor seeing the trash that Charas said.

  ”What should we do now?” A mutant muttered, his voice filled with indescribable fear.

  Just as the atmosphere of fear was spreading with silence, a black tin the size of a can was thrown in from the window and rolled on the ground with a clang.

  Before the mutants could react, the tin exploded with a bright red flame, shooting out dazzling sparks and thick white smoke.

  The memory of fear suddenly emerged from their brains, and the twisted faces were full of fear.

  White phosphorus bombs!

  They seemed to have returned to the cave in Shifeng Mountain!

  These guys… are from the Alliance!

  At the same time as they were shocked, crackling gunshots and more incendiary bombs came in with the exploding flames!

  The war was instantly ignited!

  Dense bolts of explosives rained down on the mutants in and around the factory, causing a bloody storm.


  A mutant centurion roared and fired a rifle grenade at the door.

  The thick smoke and shrapnel from the explosion swept the man who broke into the door.

  A hint of ecstasy appeared on its face, but before it could howl in excitement, a figure like an iron tower passed through the thick smoke of the explosion and stepped into the door of the factory.

  The man was wearing a streamlined power armor, holding a huge bolter in his hand, and exuding a murderous and fierce aura from head to toe.

  Even through a helmet mask, it could feel the threat of death coming from its sight.

  It opened its mouth, trying to roar to dispel the fear in its chest, but as soon as it opened its mouth, a bolter bullet flew in front of it and poured into its cheek.


  The broken flesh and brain were smeared on the wall by the metal jet that penetrated the skull.

  The man who easily killed him then aimed at the next target and pulled the trigger to fire, covering his teammates behind him and rushing into the factory.

  ”…The head won’t grow back. It’s not the zombies on Broken Blade Mountain. This is a regular variety.”

  ”Whatever it is, just do it!”

  ”Clear the factory area, leave no one behind.”

  ”Got it!”

  Old White, wearing the Dragoon power armor, personally led eleven players wearing “Sunshine” power armor into the paper mill.

  The roar of the grenade launcher echoed in the factory, along with the roars and wails of the mutants.

  Twelve against one hundred, the whole battle was a one-sided massacre.

  The Alliance never took prisoners of mutants, so there was no mercy at all.

  After a desperate struggle, the last hundred-man team was wiped out. After

  the battle on the island ended, Lao Bai also received good news from Brother Chicken. The sailors from Anle Island had boarded the Reef destroyer by speedboat.

  According to the retrieval of the cache data of the communication terminal, the Anle Island fleet had successfully locked the position of the North Island fleet, synchronized it with the Alliance Air Force, and pressed all three attack nuclear submarines.

  Two Thunder fighters that had just landed in French Fries Harbor took off again and flew towards the coordinates provided by the Anle Island fleet, preparing to provide laser guidance for the land-based missile launchers on the ring island.

  Unfortunately, the other side did not stand stupidly in the same place waiting for the Alliance’s planes and submarines to pass by, and had already moved their positions early.

  Considering that the old coordinates might be new “bait”, General Li Minghui finally gave up the pursuit and withdrew the three submarines after communicating with the front-line command of the alliance.

  After all, the three submarines are the biggest trump cards of the South China Sea Alliance, and there is no room for error.

  In addition, the harvest of this battle is already rich enough. In addition to the landing ship converted from a cargo ship, they even successfully captured a destroyer of the Federation. There is no need to covet that little bit of victory.

  At present, the Northern Federation has only four ships left – one combat ship, one patrol ship and two destroyers.

  The South China Sea Alliance has one patrol ship and three destroyers, a total of four ships, and three attack nuclear submarines.

  In addition, the submarine carrier under construction is about to be completed, and the “electromagnetic gun nemesis” – Meissner effect armor, which will be installed on the cruiser!

  It won’t be long before they can plan a final decisive battle to get Charas and his lackeys out of the southern waters completely. There is no need to waste power at this time.

  After the battle was over, Fang Chang led his men to the center of the island to appease the anxious residents, while Lao Bai led his brothers in the corps to clean up the battlefield.

  A total of 10 players died in the entire battle, 2 were seriously injured, and 20 were slightly injured.

  The lost equipment included 14 “Type 5” exoskeletons and four “Type 6” exoskeletons.

  As for the power armor, there were only some minor bumps and they didn’t even need to be repaired.

  Objectively speaking, the exoskeleton designed by the Northern Federation for mutants is still somewhat strong, at least much stronger than the “Anxunsi Armor” knocked out by the mutants themselves.

  ”My God… This caliber is probably 20 mm.” Picking up a rifle that was only half a person’s height from the ground, the Killing Dagger used his thumb to indicate the caliber of the barrel and couldn’t help smacking his lips.

  Although the gun is still in the shape of an assault rifle, the receiver structure is also a classic version, and it is also a stamped part.

  However, this thing is obviously no longer a gun. In terms of caliber and power, it has reached the category of “cannon”.

  After receiving the “big gun” handed over by Brother Shabi, Kidney Fighter took it in his hand and pondered it for a while, then leaned it against the wall with other captured weapons.

  ”Apart from the mutants themselves, I guess only the beasts with strength can use this thing.”

  ”In fact, what I care more about is their exoskeleton…” Crouching beside the corpse of a mutant, [The good name was given by the dog] stared at the steel plate hanging on the guy’s body. The

  armored steel plate about two fingers thick constituted its chest armor. Facing the bolt bullets fired by the grenade gun, this guy actually took four bullets!

  As for the other pits and unpenetrated places, they looked like traces left by rifle bullets and machine gun bullets.

  Obviously, most of the bullets that hit the mutant’s chest were blocked, and this was also the reason why they could rush into the city under the machine gun fire on the beach.

  If it were aquatic mutants or the Gray Wolf Army of the Xilan Empire, they would probably have died before they even touched the shore.

  In fact, the outcome of this battle was determined from the moment the Alliance’s transport planes landed first and completed their deployment.

  On the coastline.

  Forty iron crabs lurking around the coastline climbed onto the shore one after another.

  Jumping out of the amphibious individual armor, Midnight Killer Chicken strode towards the city. His body was welded with steel plates, which scared the guards who were helping to clean up the battlefield. They thought that the mutants were back.

  This guy is much more exaggerated than the mutants. I’m afraid that only his head is not made of iron.

  ”Great harvest, brother.” Looking at the weapons piled on the ground, Midnight Killer Chicken grinned and said.

  After unbuttoning the mask of the power armor helmet, Lao Bai made a helpless expression to him.

  ”It’s all a pile of garbage. Those equipment are not worth playing with for ordinary people.”

  The Killing Dagger touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

  ”It should be no problem to make a fixed bracket, but the ammunition is different from our 20mm ammunition… Hiss, it’s a bit tasteless when I think about it.”

  Gouzi nodded at the good names.

  ”The most valuable are the batteries on the exoskeletons. Although they also use solid hydrogen energy storage, the energy density of the batteries they designed is much higher than the models we currently have in service.”

  The model worker: “My God, the equipment used by mutants is better than ours!”

  Piltover paratrooper: “Traitor! Damn the traitor!”

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm: “…Why does this sound weird?”

  Just as the players were thinking about how to recycle these spoils, Fang Chang, who was in the center of the island, also saw the survivors who were setting up tents.

  The Overlord transport dropped tents, sleeping bags and other daily necessities that had been prepared long ago to the island.

  More than 70,000 residents who were evacuated urgently were crowded on several square kilometers of land. Tents were crowded together. The whole open space was so crowded that no road could be seen, and there was almost no place to stand.

  Due to the lack of careful planning and preparation in advance, the chief of the Guard Bureau, Dumen, was so busy that he could only lead people to put out fires everywhere. However, the result of all the hard work was still a mess.

  Fortunately, friends from the alliance came with people and stabilized the situation here.

  Listening to the roar of artillery and gunfire in the distance, as well as the crying of babies in the camp and the noisy and chaotic quarrels, the survivors’ faces were filled with anxiety and panic.

  Finally, when the sound of artillery and gunfire subsided, some people began to get up and wanted to go back home.

  At the entrance of the refuge area, a group of survivors walked to the checkpoint and asked the guards and alliance soldiers standing there.

  ”Sir, is the war over? When can we go home?”

  ”My child needs a diaper change and needs to be fed, there is no place here…”

  ”Damn, someone pooped in my tent!”

  Seeing that several guards at the checkpoint were looking at him at a loss, Fang Chang sighed and raised his right arm and shouted.

  ”Quiet, quiet! Please listen to me!”

  The sound from the helmet speaker covered the noisy voice and calmed the noisy crowd.

  When the noisy voice subsided, Fang Chang continued in a patient tone.

  ”The war is over, but we can’t let you go home immediately-”


  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by an anxious voice.

  It was a mother holding a child. She was wearing pajamas and her hair was messy. It was obvious that she left home in a hurry.

  The baby in her arms was crying in the cradle. I don’t know if he was hungry or frightened by the gunfire just now.

  Understanding her feelings at the moment, Fang Chang continued patiently.

  ”This is for your safety. Those guys are mutants who eat people without spitting out bones. They have no intention of fighting a security war with you. They come here to rob, burn and kill everything. Naturally, they will not care about the means in the battle.”

  ”We need to clear the explosives left in the city, especially some anti-personnel mines and unexploded grenades… Those guys neglected to maintain their weapons. Those things are toys to us, but they are really deadly to you. Just a small mistake can send your whole family away. Are you sure you want to go back immediately?”

  When he was halfway through, the scene was completely quiet and no one interrupted him.

  The people here are well educated after all. Although they are not as docile and easy to manage as the survivors in Jingalon Port, they are reasonable after all.

  Besides, no one wants to joke with their own and their family’s lives.

  Whether it is the mother who is anxious to feed her child or the survivor who is clamoring to change tents, they all quieted down.

  Of course, their demands also exist. Solving these problems is exactly what Dumen and other guards should do.

  After a pause, Fang Chang continued.

  ”In addition, we have to make sure that there are no lone mutants hiding in a house in the city. You don’t want to see a big surprise when you go home, do you? Okay, go back to your tents, and we will solve your demands one by one.”

  Under his persuasion, the crowd gathered in front of the checkpoint finally dispersed, and the guards standing in front of the checkpoint finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  The night seemed to have returned to silence.

  Looking at the direction of the city and the thick smoke floating outside the city, the guards standing in front of the checkpoint couldn’t help but think of the past.

  The era of Shelter No. 70 didn’t seem so bad.

  Although most of the power and wealth were in the hands of the residents of Shelter No. 70, they at least had no worries about food and clothing at that time, unlike now, they not only have to endure the life of lack of water and electricity, but also have to be involved in a war that does not belong to them.

  The young man couldn’t help but complain in a low voice.

  ”Why…why do bad things always happen to us? Is it wrong for us to just live our own lives?”

  Fang Chang thought about it and said casually when he heard the complaint.

  ”This is normal, because…you don’t care.”

  The guard was stunned and looked at him in surprise, unable to understand why he said that.

  How could they not care?

  They care about their own fate more than anyone else, whether it is drafting the common constitution or rising up for it now.

  Charas wanted to transfer the troops from North Island to Shazhou Island to protect their families on their behalf, and they stood up without thinking.

  However, the man continued.

  ”…Whether it’s Charas or Li Minghui, it doesn’t matter as long as it doesn’t affect the stability of Shazhou Island… Am I right? Before you finally felt the pain, all of you thought so, didn’t you?”

  ”In fact, from your own standpoint, whether you choose your constitution or Charas, it can be considered a path. The only difference is that one is to hold your fate in your own hands, and the other is to hand your fate to a guy you trust. Both choices are actually not wrong, but the problem is that you don’t care about your own fate, and it doesn’t matter what happens… In this case, you must be prepared to suffer indifferently.”

  Obviously, the survivors in the southern sea area are not as hard-working as the survivors in the Borneo Province. They couldn’t stand it when Charas just moved a little finger.

  But this is not necessarily a bad thing.

  Intuitively, it seems that suffering is more difficult than enjoying, and the latter is much easier than the former. However, the reality is that many things are actually “counterintuitive”.

  ”I didn’t mean to be sarcastic, I just wanted to answer your questions. I’m glad you’re on our side. We won’t let you down. After all, the administrators are watching all of us… Also, be happy. At least your home is still there, and you can go back in less than two days.”

  Looking at the silent young man, Fang Chang patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, then handed the place to his captain and left the post to do other things.


  During the peak period of logging on and off the official website of “Wasteland OL”, an unexpected message was suddenly updated on the forum.

  [Progress on the South Line: The battle line in the southern sea area has been fully advanced to the middle of the sea area. Please continue to work hard on the southern line players and strive to land in Haiya Province as soon as possible to join forces with the northern line players. 】

  Crow: “Good fellow… you guys open the map too fast.!!!∑(Дノ)ノ”

  Makabazi: “+1, Crow hasn’t even left the Novice Village yet. (Funny)”

  Crow: “??? What the hell, I’ve been away from home before, okay?”

  Tail: “Oh oh oh, Brother Fang is so fast! I feel sorry for Miss Dolly! (ω)”

  Ye Shi: “Good fellow, it’s OK to force a way out when there is no road. (Funny)”

  Sisi: “Sorry, my Ah Wei took the wrong medicine again. (o__)”

  Fang Chang: “It’s OK, don’t mind, it’s not as exciting as my brother’s bashing me, I’m used to it. (Squint eyes)”

  Ye Shi: “Translate, Fang Chang: I’ve written it in my little notebook. (Funny)”

  Wei Ba: “Big brother, I made a mistake… (||Д)”

  Ya Ya: “Wait, where is that sandbar island? Your map is too big, I’m almost dizzy. TT”

  Lao Bai: “It’s just northeast of French Fries Port! It’s about a few hundred miles away. Welcome to play! Just treat it as your own home! (grin)”

  Stop bullshitting: “The sea fishing map has been updated, brothers, let’s go!!!”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “There are only eight islands left of the thirteen islands. By the way, we have cleared the Ten Peaks Mountain here. Brothers on the southern line still have to work hard. (Funny)”

  Midnight Killing Chicken: “Come on, come on. -ω-)”

  Due to the breakthrough in the situation in the southern sea area, the players’ activities have expanded to another island.

  In addition to the discussion about this new map called Shazhou Island, the discussion on the forum is more focused on the battle itself.

  In particular, the professional players who have dabbled in the military industry are particularly concerned about the performance of various new equipment of the Alliance in the battle.

  Although most of the technologies are implemented by engineers and technicians of the Alliance, traces of their imagination can be seen on many equipment.

  WC is really a mosquito: “Speaking of which, this should be the first actual combat of the Thunder fighter, right?”

  Luo Yu: “??? Shit, shouldn’t I be the first one?”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Yours doesn’t count. The opponents are a group of mutants. What’s the difference between using the Thunder and the W-2? The killing efficiency may not be as good as the W-2!”

  Luo Yu: “%¥#@!”

  WC is really a mosquito: “@Fengqing@Ghost, come out and talk about it, how do you feel? (color)”

  Ghost: “Huh! Why are you making that expression.”

  Fengqing: “Well… in short, it’s very fast? And the plasma engine is indeed much more stable than the jet engine. If you compare it, it’s like the difference between an electric car and a tractor.”

  Ghost: “Indeed! But the difference in the maximum speed doesn’t seem to be that big? I even feel that the maximum speed of the Lingyun fighter is a little faster.”

  Luoyu: “That’s normal. Our plasma engine has just started. When the steam ship first came out, it was also completely defeated by the sail, but the gap widened over time.”

  Quanshui Commander: “Well, that’s the truth. In fact, we have to consider the reasons for the limitations of the atmospheric environment. I remember that it was mentioned in the setting that the plasma engine of the Human Union era was developed in outer space from the beginning, and the aircraft in the atmosphere seemed to have only developed to the stage of jet engines? Blindly borrowing from the experience of the Human Union is actually not advisable.”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “Borrowing is okay… What on earth do you want to do. (sweat)”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Don’t worry about it, kid. Play your game. (Laughing with sidelong eyes)”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “I don’t have a helmet… Brother, I’m a student. Can you lend it to me for a few days? TT”

  WC is really a mosquito: “… Good guy, sloppy.”

  In addition to the Thunder Fighter, the “Dragon” missile of Jushi Military Industry also performed quite well. The

  ”Sea Dragon” modified by the engineers of Shelter No. 70 carries an EMP warhead, and with just one shot, it paralyzed the radar and sonar systems of the Reef Destroyer, creating a critical opportunity for the Jungle Corps’ occupation plan.

  In addition, this should be regarded as the first “joint operation” of the three armed forces of the navy, army and air force since the launch of “Wasteland OL”!

  Although it is not as exciting as the battle on Shifeng Mountain, the equipment invested in the battle and the various tactical and strategic details are far more than the former.

  Not only the players had a lot of fun, but Chu Guang, who was far away in the north, also praised it sincerely after reading the battle report of the entire battle.

  ”…Shazhou Island has been taken. If the radar station and missile launchers are deployed on the island, the space for the Beidao Fleet to move can be further reduced.”

  The captain’s room of the Iron Heart.

  After reading the battle report, Chu Guang cast his eyes on the world map on the wall. The red dotted line drawn in the middle of the southern sea area has been filled in with a solid line.

  Just a few minutes ago, good news came from the shipyard on Anle Island. It is hoped that the Alliance Air Force can cooperate with them to complete the test of the “Conch” submarine.

  The day of the decisive battle is getting closer!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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