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Chapter 764 Baiyue Company goes public!

Chapter 764 Baiyue Company goes public!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 764 Baiyue Company goes public!

  As the players expected, they found four injured mutants in the residential area of ​​Shazhou Island.

  Three of them hid in the sewers, and one hid in the morgue of the hospital.

  The special living habits developed on Shifeng Mountain made them accustomed to hiding in dark corners.

  After solving all the hidden dangers, the residents of Shazhou Island finally returned home one after another on the second day after the naval battle.

  The construction of the submarine cable and fresh water pipeline leading to Shazhou Island will start as soon as possible, and the construction period is expected to be completed in late August to early September.

  After absorbing the technicians and experience from Shelter No. 70, Baiyue Company’s submarine construction capabilities can be said to have made great progress.

  From the “crab” underwater engineering armor to the “electric ray” underwater self-welding unmanned boat, to the modular construction plan for deep-sea environment, etc., both “hardware” and “software” have been greatly improved.

  Of course, this is mainly because Baiyue Company itself has a good foundation.

  With the strong backing of the two major industrial areas of Dawn City and Boulder City, as well as the engineering technology discovered by the scientific expedition team from a series of ruins including Shelter No. 100, and more importantly, there is a powerful alliance behind it, otherwise the technicians of Shelter No. 70 alone would not be able to achieve such an amazing construction speed.

  In addition to Shazhou Island, the four southern islands in the southern waters and Coral City near the midline have been connected to the fresh water supply network and power grid of French Fries Port.

  Although the facilities in Coral City have only been restarted by 20% due to the high power consumption, it is enough for the plan of the Conch “Submarine”.

  On the fourth day after the naval battle, a twin-engine “Viper” transport plane landed on the apron of Anle Island, and a group of 20 players walked out of the cabin.

  They are all pilots with superb driving skills. Not only have they been tested in countless actual combats, but they have also obtained the “Ace Pilot” certificate issued by Brother Mosquito!

  Soon they will go to the Conch to complete the test of the alliance’s new “underwater carrier-based aircraft”.

  Not far from the apron.

  Commander Li Minghui of the Anle Island Fleet of the South China Sea Alliance looked at the Viper transport plane with envy, and said to Fang Chang who was standing beside him.

  ”Your aircraft has quite a lot of tricks.”

  Fang Chang said with a faint smile.

  ”That is a masterpiece of Giant Stone Military Industry, which existed before the birth of the Alliance.”

  ”It looks much smaller than that “Overlord.”

  ”After all, before this, the nobles in the inner city of Giant Stone City only focused on regional affairs and themselves, and the residents there only served the nobles in the inner city. The Viper transport plane has completely covered their short-distance “travel needs.” ”

  Li Minghui raised his eyebrows with interest, looked at Fang Chang and asked.

  ”What about now?”

  Fang Chang continued.

  ”Now Giant Stone City has no inner city. They have their own city hall, city lord and court. Residents only need to fulfill their obligations as survivors of Giant Stone City and citizens of the Alliance, such as abiding by the laws that everyone must abide by, etc.”

  Li Minghui nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly asked another question.

  ”What about other settlements? Is it the same?”

  Fang Chang said with a faint smile.

  ”Of course not. For example, Singularity City has a clear hierarchy and promotion system, but this is what the local survivors expect. Our managers respect their choices and only deprive them of the freedom to sell other people in accordance with the Alliance Constitution. As for the others, no obvious changes have been made, and they have even generously given them an absolutely fair AI supervisor.”

  Li Minghui nodded approvingly and said in agreement.

  ”I think he is right to make decisions based on local conditions… We should consider the survivors’ own ideas.”

  ”Me too, after all, in my opinion, it is stupid and ridiculous to let a group of people who understand equality as ‘do whatever they want’ suddenly get equality. They feel uncomfortable, and we are uncomfortable too. In the end, there is no other use except to discredit the word equality. The managers said from the beginning that we can’t take everyone to the new world, and some people are destined to live at their own pace.”

  Looking at Li Minghui with a flickering look in his eyes, Fang Chang’s heart moved slightly and said with a smile.

  ”If the survivors of the South China Sea Alliance support you to be their president, our managers will certainly recognize you.”

  Li Minghui was stunned for a moment, and then laughed and said with a relaxed look.

  ”Come on, I haven’t thought about it that way… Even if they all support me, they have to ask for my opinion. Don’t forget that I am also one in a million of the South China Sea Alliance. Don’t even think about pushing me to the front without authorization, forget it!”

  Fang Chang smiled noncommittally, and didn’t say anything, but just cast his eyes on the submarine in the distance.

  ”I hope everything goes well, if this war can end sooner.”

  People’s hearts are separated by their stomachs, and there are many people in the wasteland who do bad things with their consciences. He is not a student like Ye Shi who has not yet entered the society, and he keeps thinking about what people say in his heart for a long time.

  He doesn’t care what this guy says, and I think the managers won’t care either.

  But they will all watch and see what he does.

  Li Minghui also looked in the direction of the submarine, and after a long time, he sighed softly and said insincerely.


  It would be nice if it could end sooner.

  Although it might be better later…

  … ”

  Wasteland OL” Forum.

  The test of the new equipment has not yet ended, and half of the ace pilots have come online.

  ”This new plane is so fucking exciting!”

  ”To be honest, it’s true. It highlights the features of stability, accuracy and ruthlessness. Of course, I didn’t say the plane, I said the machine gun.”

  ”It would be great if it could be put on insurance.”


  The discussion post quickly went up to dozens of floors, making the onlookers feel itchy.

  Finally, someone couldn’t resist the curiosity and asked under the post.

  ”Hello, big guys, do you have any pictures or videos? I don’t mean anything else, I’m just curious about what the plane looks like.”

  ”I haven’t seen it, I’m curious.”

  Seeing someone asking questions, an insider quickly came out to answer.

  ”I didn’t bring a camera up there.”


  ”Damn it! Can this be confidential? Can it be leaked on the forum?”

  ”Why are you in such a hurry? There will be a PV video on the day of landing, and you will see it naturally. (Funny)”




  Irena: “Is it my illusion? I remember there were only 20 pilots. (Funny)”

  Ye Shi: “My goodness, how many clouds are there?”


  Time passed day by day, and soon it was from the beginning of August to the end of the month.

  The coalition forces sent by the Sticky Community to Haiya Province have advanced the battle line from the north of Laishan City to the southern suburbs through a step-by-step offensive strategy. Although no survivors have been found, the purification of the local soil has been advanced to 70%.

  In addition, the purification of the Weifu Wasteland is also continuing to advance.

  Influenced by the order of the alliance, more and more survivors from the southern part of Jinchuan Province settled near the Weifu military base, and the population of the Weifu City settlement officially exceeded 50,000 and was heading towards 100,000. The

  progress of the northern line is amazing, and the progress of the southern line is not much less.

  The missile launchers and radars of the alliance have been successfully deployed on Shazhou Island, and the Conch submarine has been quietly completed and secretly served in the alliance’s navy.

  All the chess pieces are ready, and now they are just waiting for a suitable opportunity.

  According to the news released by the Survivor Daily, the Alliance and its allies in the southern seas are planning a decisive battle with the Charas authorities, and there is not much time and space left for the latter…

  In addition to the progress on the front line, two major events have happened in the Alliance recently.

  The first thing is that the Alliance and the Xilan Empire have officially signed a ceasefire agreement.

  The Empire needs to pay the Alliance a total of 500 million silver coins in compensation, and immediately stop the suspension of operations at the Golden Gallon Port, and restore normal shipping and trade activities in the Yongliu River area.

  However, considering that the Empire does not have enough silver coins and foreign exchange reserves, the compensation will be mortgaged with foreign trade tariffs, and the Alliance’s entrusted agency will collect it on its behalf, and pay it to the Empire in proportion to the compensation.

  The part collected on behalf of the Alliance is mainly the goods from the Golden Gallon Port to the Borneo Province, and the tariffs of different goods will be discussed and signed by both parties in another agreement.

  In other words, the emperor of the Empire does not need to take out the compensation from the treasury, and can even collect money from the Alliance. And considering that the trade varieties of Golden Gallon Port are much more than before, they may be able to make more money.

  Therefore, after hearing this “improvement plan”, Duke Galawa immediately agreed.

  As for the ownership of Golden Gallon Port, the Alliance could not let the Empire take it back and mess around. Duke Galawa obviously did not expect to take it back by talking, so he proposed to shelve the dispute and maintain the status quo.

  That is, the Alliance will not turn Golden Gallon Port into its seventh or eighth settlement, and the Empire will neither ask for it nor give up the right to ask for it in the future.

  However, the Alliance did not intend to turn Golden Gallon Port into its own territory, which was neither in the interests of the Alliance nor in line with the purpose of the Alliance, so the Alliance’s Foreign Minister Cheng Yan agreed.

  After the ceasefire agreement takes effect, Golden Gallon Port will officially release all prisoners of war.

  In addition, the Empire also received a total compensation of 150 million dinars.

  However, this compensation is not in the ceasefire agreement, but because of another agreement-the pension bill recently passed at the meeting of the Community of Sticky.

  This compensation mainly comes from the Community of Sticky, paid from the military expenses paid by all parties of the Community of Sticky, and is used to compensate soldiers who “fight for the fate of mankind and are killed or disabled as a result.”

  The party receiving compensation can decide how to use the compensation according to its own situation, but it must ensure that at least 30% of the compensation is spent directly or indirectly on individuals.

  One thing is one thing. No matter how low the power and status of the rat people in the Borneo Province are, they are all people recognized by the slime community as “natural persons and social persons with unified identities”, and they come from provinces with less slime mold influence, so they enjoy full compensation.

  As for why the compensation is dinars instead of silver coins, which have signed the most currency swap agreements, it is mainly due to the strong request of Duke Galava.

  Although Chu Guang felt strange, he thought that the Empire was a good friend of the Willant people after all, so he didn’t say much and agreed to it.

  However, he didn’t know that Duke Galava didn’t think about it at all. He was just afraid that if the slime community gave silver coins, the alliance would directly deduct the money.

  If he knew, he would definitely laugh out loud at this cute idea.

  In addition, since most of the treasury of the Golden Gallon Port Bank is the proceeds from the slave trade, it will not be returned to the Empire, but will belong to the local residents of Golden Gallon Port for local construction and will be managed by the reorganized Golden Gallon Port Bank.

  The Duke of Galawa, who had already asked His Majesty about this, had no objection, but only proposed a supplementary clause for the establishment of embassies in each other, and the Alliance Foreign Minister Cheng Yan also gladly accepted it.

  In short, with the formal signing of the ceasefire agreement, the Alliance’s military operations in Golden Gallon Port were officially declared over.

  Although there are still some problems in Golden Gallon Port today, such as low labor income, rampant smuggling and rising crime rates caused by the influx of immigrants, it is much better than the previous settlement where people either ate dirt or ate people.

  Problems must be solved one by one, and problems born out of development must be solved with development methods. Local survivors cannot expect players to solve all problems, not to mention that the Alliance players have left them some good tools and methods.

  For example, representative meetings selected from citizens, and courts and police agencies that separate law enforcement and judicial powers.

  As for the second thing, it is the establishment of the Shuguang City Stock Exchange and the listing of Baiyue Company.

  After more than a month of auditing and investigation, the Alliance Bank and the Economic Department approved the listing plan of Baiyue Company.

  The economic experts of Camp 101 completed the supervision and design of the trading system for this listing, and the listing guidance agency of Ideal City completed the listing guidance of Baiyue Company.

  According to the listing plan approved by the board of directors of Baiyue Company, the first batch of issued capital is 50 million shares, with an issue price of 10 silver coins per share, accounting for 8% of the total shares, and promised to allocate no less than 10% of the profits for dividends every year.

  The funds raised will be used entirely for the expansion of Baiyue Company’s main business, striving to make the company bigger and stronger.

  According to the valuation calculated by the issue price, the valuation of the entire Baiyue Company has reached 6.25 billion!

  This figure is even higher than the fiscal expenditure of the alliance for the whole year last year!

  However, everyone who knows about the development of Baiyue Company knows that this value is actually underestimated.

  Just based on the business of Baiyue Province in Golden Gallon Port, the most conservative price-earnings ratio of 20 times is more than 6 billion silver coins, and the issue price of 40 silver coins is conservative. The

  relatively low issue price is also to share the dividends brought by development with the residents of the alliance to some extent.

  After all, if there were no workers in the alliance working hard in the factory to create value, the alliance would not have become an economic miracle in the wasteland, and it could not even use surplus resources to hatch a new land like French Fries Port.

  The best way to repay these people is to give them money directly.

  Of the 50 million shares, 30 million non-circulating shares have been subscribed by social insurance (pensions, unemployment insurance, etc.) in the alliance, and the other part has been bought by public insurance (railway insurance, housing insurance, etc.). The biggest beneficiaries are mainly low- and middle-income residents who pay social insurance and enjoy the most public services.

  As for the remaining 20 million shares, they will be issued as circulating shares to middle- and high-income residents of the alliance. You

  can open an account at the stock exchange by holding an alliance ID card and providing bank deposits or bank flow certificates within the alliance. An individual can subscribe to a maximum of 100,000 shares, and there are no restrictions on buying and selling in the secondary market.

  Players can also trade Baiyue Company’s stocks, but only the silver exchange channel is open for trading for the time being, and the trading ratio in the silver exchange is not restricted. Just like other ongoing equity transactions, only large-scale equity transactions are reviewed.

  The reason for doing this is that the trading system of the silver exchange is relatively mature, and on the other hand, the player’s task income is already an order of magnitude higher than that of ordinary NPCs. There is no need to compete with NPCs for that little dividend, just play behind closed doors.

  Moreover, with the NPC’s deposits, it would be difficult for players who want to cash out and leave the market to take over.

  But the silver exchange does not have this problem. There are a lot of “mysterious customers” waiting there, and are willing to pay real money to buy at any time.

  In order to take care of the work and rest of most people, the issuance date was specially set on a holiday.

  Not only that, banks in various settlements of the alliance have opened windows for agent account opening, but on that day, a long queue still formed in front of the door of the Dawn City Exchange, almost paralyzing the traffic on the nearby streets.

  Although most residents of Dawn City still have the impression of Baiyue Company in the seafood market in the northern suburbs of Dawn City, and don’t know much about the specific business of this company, the headline of the Goblin Observer has ignited a fire in everyone’s heart-[

  Subscribing to Baiyue Company’s stocks is to support the overseas expansion of the alliance! ]

  When everyone saw this, they were immediately excited like chicken blood.

  Supporting the overseas expansion of the alliance is not to offer loyalty to the management?

  Although the managers never said so, the young guys could not help but fill in their own brains.

  Of course, the most important thing is that they have money in their pockets.

  Since Boulder joined the Alliance, the Alliance has absorbed not only Boulder’s technology, but also Boulder’s “Awakener Bol” and the Workers’ Union.

  Merchants have their own merchant guilds, and workers have their own organizations. Under the checks and balances of the two forces, the median hourly wage of most factories has increased from 5 silver coins per hour before Boulder joined the Alliance to 8 today. At the

  issue price of 10 silver coins, as long as you are not an alcoholic who spends all your income on alcohol, even a guy washing dishes in a tavern can buy 100 shares.

  Most people who open accounts have never even thought about making money from this thing, but just have the simple idea of ​​contributing their own strength to the managers.

  1,000 silver coins can be exchanged for 5 assault rifles.

  One Boulder City has increased their hourly wages by 60%. If donating 5 guns can help the Alliance liberate a few more “Bulder Cities”, it doesn’t matter even if the 1,000 silver coins are lost!

  ”…Are these guys crazy?!”

  Looking at the crowded stock exchange, Niyang, who slipped out of the Embassy Street to join in the fun, widened his eyes in surprise, and his expression was just like seeing a sea monster in the Borneo Sea.

  The security guard who maintained the order of the team took a look at him and felt that his face did not look like a local, so he said politely.

  ”Hello, sir, the original ID card of the Alliance is required for equity trading… Can you show it to me?”

  Many wastelanders tried to get into the queue before, but in the end they found that they couldn’t do it and started to make a scene and even act arrogantly, causing a lot of noise, so his superiors asked him to politely ask those who were not eligible to subscribe to leave the queue to avoid wasting everyone’s time.

  He didn’t suspect that this guy didn’t bring his ID card, but he suspected that this guy didn’t have one at all.

  However, to his surprise, the man first glanced around furtively, as if confirming something, then straightened his chest, took out an ID card from his arms and handed it to him, and said politely.

  ”Of course it’s convenient, this is my ID, a genuine ID card… Ahem, I mean it can’t be fake. Do you need to enter my ID number in the system to confirm, sir?”

  The security guard was stunned, on the one hand because this guy cooperated so obediently, and on the other hand because this guy actually had it.

  Since the establishment of the Sticky Community, the threshold for applying for an ID card has been raised from three months to one year, and a series of complicated procedures such as tax payment certificates and work certificates are required. Otherwise, even those who come in through the refugee home can only obtain residence rights as “supervised persons.” Are

  they the refugees from the Battle of Sunset?

  Glancing at him strangely, the security guard nodded and returned the ID card to him.

  ”That’s not necessary. Just show it to me. The staff will confirm the authenticity of the certificate later. In addition… Thank you for your cooperation and I wish you a happy life.”

  ”I wish you a happy life too.”

  Ni Yang bowed politely, even more politely than to Duke Galava, with a sunny smile on his face.

  As early as the first day he arrived in Dawn City, he was already learning about how to get the Alliance ID card. At that time, the threshold for getting an ID card was not as high as it is now. As long as you were in Dawn City and worked a full 120 hours a month, you could get it.

  He found a tavern run by a wastelander, gave the boss some money, and easily solved the problem.

  Although Duke Galava had a bad temper, he was very generous as long as he licked that guy well.

  Of course, there were still many smart people in the Alliance, especially with the Moon Clan girls from French Fries Port helping them. The loophole of “paying for work” had been plugged, and the threshold for getting a certificate had also been raised a lot.

  It’s just that the law does not apply retroactively, and it has no effect on the “Dawn City resident identity” he had already obtained.

  At that time, he only applied for the certificate out of admiration for that adult, but he didn’t expect that the decision at that time would bring him such a big benefit.

  Although Baiyue Company beat up his emperor, so what?

  He hated the thousand pillars in the Thousand Pillar City. He wished that Baiyue Company would take another step forward and smash all the pillars there.

  Even if only the pillar of the rat people was smashed!

  The residents of Dawn City felt that losing money didn’t matter. It was a coincidence that he happened to be the same, even more radical than them. There were still too few dead rats on Shifeng Mountain!

  Of course.

  He had carefully read every copy of the “Survivor Daily” and knew very well that this was actually a benefit given to everyone by the manager. It was almost impossible to lose money, and it was almost the same to pick it up for free.

  The team moved forward slowly.

  After waiting in line for two hours, Niyang finally saw the gate of the stock exchange. His heart was beating with excitement as the team kept moving forward.

  Although he was checked for documents three times by three different security guards in these two hours, his mood was not affected at all, and he did not feel discriminated against.

  After all, compared with the humiliation he had suffered in White Elephant City and at the hands of Duke Galawa, this little offense was nothing.

  They had better check more strictly and not let other rats sneak in and use their dirty claws to taint the little bit of cream he had finally tasted.

  The line finally came to the end.

  The air conditioning in the hall blew away some of the heat in his heart. Under the guidance of the staff, he quickly got his number and the forms he needed to fill out, and rushed to the counter impatiently after hearing his number being called. The one who

  helped him with the procedures was a beautiful girl from the Alliance. Her face was as delicate as pebbles on the beach, her eyes were sparkling, and her eyes seemed to reflect the light of water.

  Compared with her, the wife and lovers of Duke Galawa were just like cows in a shack!

  He admitted that he might have a filter in his eyes, and the cosmetics of the Alliance had the effect of turning decay into magic, but he could swear that he was absolutely not lying.

  In the Alliance, even ordinary people are so sparkling!

  Feeling a little uncomfortable with the fiery eyes, the teller coughed lightly and said in a businesslike tone.

  ”Please show your ID.”

  ”Nianyang, a citizen of the Alliance.”

  Niyang quickly showed the ID in his hand, which was covered with patina, and smiled at her attentively.

  She had to face at least a thousand such smiles a day, but she still responded with a professional smile, and after confirming the ID, she took away the form he had filled in his hand.

  This attentive and almost fanatical look, probably means that he is a wastelander who has just joined the Alliance.

  She thought so and looked at the form, but after seeing the numbers filled in the form, a trace of surprise appeared in her eyes, and she couldn’t help but open her small mouth with lip gloss wide.


  This is almost the upper limit of personal purchases!

  How did this guy make so much money?

  It’s not that she is snobbish. She treats all customers equally. It’s just that the contrast brought by this customer is too great, just like a beggar taking out a large stack of banknotes from his pocket.

  It’s hard not to wonder where his money comes from.

  Seeing the surprise in the eyes of the beautiful woman, Ni Yang smiled modestly, but couldn’t hide the pride in his eyes.

  ”I made a little money from my business. It is definitely a legal follow-up business. You can check it as you like… But please give me this opportunity after the investigation. I am also a citizen of the alliance. I want to use this money to invest in a greater cause.”

  The teller restrained the surprised expression on her face and stared at him and continued.

  ”As a matter of duty, I must say that Baiyue Company is not engaged in any great cause. It is just an organization for profit, which is fundamentally different from other relief organizations such as the Refugee Home.”

  ”We need you to clearly realize that this is an investment behavior. It is neither a donation nor gambling. At the same time, any investment behavior has risks. You must be responsible for your own choices and swear that you are fully aware of what you are doing.” ”

  How many fingers do you need me to swear?” Ni Yang smiled and raised his right hand above his head.

  ”No need for either,” the teller took out two contracts from the drawer, “You need to carefully read this equity subscription agreement and risk notice, and sign at the end.”

  Reaching out to take the contract and pen, Ni Yang signed his name on the two agreements without even looking at them, and then gently placed the pen on the table.

  ”I know very well that this is not a great cause, and I know that the respected managers don’t need my little money at all, but I still hope that they can go faster, faster… Please understand the tiny wish of a mouse. My power is too small, so small that my master doesn’t take me seriously at all, and even thinks that I am too weak to even betray him… And I really don’t have that qualification, and I really don’t have that qualification. My business can’t do without his support.”

  Looking at the bewildered teller, Ni Yang slightly performed the imperial court etiquette.

  ”I wish you a happy life, beautiful lady. Girls of your age in the Borneo Province are just goods… Of course, as a livestock, I am actually the same.”

  Looking at the guy who turned around and walked out of the door after completing all the procedures, the girl standing behind the counter blinked in confusion, looked at the older colleague next to her and asked in a low voice.

  That was her senior at work, and she trusted him very much.

  ”Is the Borneo Province so exaggerated?”

  While saying this, her hand did not stop, and she clicked on the tablet and called the next number.

  The colleague next to him shook his head, teased without comment, and then dealt with the next task.

  ”Who knows how much truth there is in what the wastelander said? Maybe he just wants to pick you up. Look, that guy is from French Fry Port. I heard that people there dream of dating someone from Dawn City… Well, French Fry Port is far enough away.”

  As for the Boro Province, it was too far away, so far that he had no interest in understanding it. He just ate the special dishes there in a restaurant out of interest.

  But those “porridge” tasted just like that. He couldn’t tell the difference between the porridge, and it was completely incomparable to the dazzling array of food in the Alliance.

  Maybe Baiyue Company really changed the lives of the people there, such as teaching the people there to eat with utensils and eat at the table, so that the people there still expected more.

  But that was their business. He was just a small employee in Dawn City. He didn’t care about that kind of thing.

  In contrast, he cares more about the respected manager and the interests of the alliance, at least this is worthy of his hourly wage of 8 silver coins.

  Praise the manager!

  He is always loyal to that noble gentleman, who can obviously put all the money in his pocket, leaving the guys in the queue to watch enviously.

  I heard that the survivors of the Golden Gallon only make one-tenth of his hourly wage, and before that it was even less than this number.

  I really wonder how they survived.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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