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Chapter 765 Carnival!

Chapter 765 Carnival!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 765 Carnival!

  20 million shares were sold out on the same day.

  The next day, the Shuguang City Stock Exchange opened the trading of circulating shares. The big screen in the hall updated the buy and sell orders and transaction prices of Baiyue Company’s shares in real time.

  Since the entire exchange only listed one stock, Baiyue Company almost passively became the focus of attention.

  Looking at the transaction price that set a new high, the enthusiasm of investors once lost rationality, resulting in the triggering of the trading circuit breaker mechanism several times, and the trading suspension time was even longer than the trading time.

  In the corner of the hall, looking at the continuous skyrocketing prices, the residents from Ideal City widened their eyes in surprise, with an expression of disbelief on their faces.

  He was the representative of the institution that helped Baiyue Company with the listing guidance.

  Although he had expected the surge after the public offering after studying Baiyue Company’s business, he did not expect the scene to be so exaggerated.

  In Ideal City, there has never been a stock that doubled after listing.

  If that kind of thing really happened, it can only mean that the auditors were negligent and the issue price was set too low!

  However, he was sure that the current situation of Baiyue Company was not because of his lack of professionalism. Although the 20 times P/E ratio was a bit low for such a high-growth company, it was far from being so low.

  Another explanation –

  the investors in Shuguang City were all crazy!

  ”… If I had known, I would have applied for an ID card when I came here to travel at the beginning of the year.” The representative of the institution couldn’t help but sigh.

  The crazy prices made him feel itchy, but unfortunately he could only watch without an ID card, and couldn’t participate.

  Standing next to him was an expert from Camp 101, who was also one of the designers of the trading rules of the Shuguang City Stock Exchange.

  Hearing the sigh of the representative of the institution, the expert smiled and said.

  ”You make a lot of money, don’t you? Are you still thinking about the money in the pockets of ordinary people?”

  ”It’s different,” the representative of the institution shook his head, “Can the money earned from working be the same as the money picked up for free?”

  After a pause, he couldn’t help but say again.

  ”Are you really not considering opening the restrictions on purchase qualifications? I bet that there will be countless investors pouring in with money in Ideal City, and the amount of money you can raise will be several times more than now! Even dozens of times!”

  In fact, compared with Dawn City, Ideal City is a more suitable place for Baiyue Company to go public. Not only is there more capital there, but the resources are also far richer than here.

  The expert from Camp 101 smiled faintly and said,

  ”Currency is just a tool, and money is just a number. Our managers said that we have completed the distribution of social productivity through a series of means, and now we must also distribute the profits generated to those who create wealth, that is, the ordinary citizens of the alliance.”

  ”The instructions of the managers are that we will open investors outside the alliance to participate in transactions when the situation is appropriate, but it must be when the rules of the Dawn City Exchange are mature and the funds have formed a sufficient scale… This is obviously not now.”

  The representative of the institution shook his head regretfully and sighed.

  ”By that time, I’m afraid the price will have risen to the sky, and the institutions in Ideal City are not fools. They will not come to take over.”

  The expert from Camp 101 nodded, agreeing with his statement, but also expressed a different opinion.

  ”But if we let you in now, our investors will be eaten up by you, and all the wealth they created will go into your pockets, which is what our managers don’t want to see. There is no way to have the best of both worlds in this world. We can make countless assumptions, but we can only choose one of them to do.” ”

  Understand,” the representative of the institution nodded, looking at the number jumping up with envy, and said regretfully, “I hope you can prepare faster…”

  In fact, the most envious people are not the residents from Ideal City, but the merchants from other parts of the wasteland.

  Especially the merchants from the Bugla Free State in the north, their eyes are so green that they almost write the word envy on their faces.

  They know the business operated by Baiyue Company better than the residents of Dawn City themselves!

  This huge giant enterprise is backed by two giant industrial bases. It not only controls the Baiyue Province, a raw material production base with abundant products, but also owns the rich mineral deposits of the Borneo Province. Its business scope covers one-third of the Central Continent!

  Not only that, hundreds of alliance companies, including Niu Ma Group, Jushi Military Industry, Goblin Technology, Factory 81, etc., have also opened up overseas markets along with this behemoth that is going global.

  Now this giant enterprise has also taken advantage of the east wind of the sticky community, and its influence is continuously expanding as the influence of the alliance increases!

  Now you only need to move your fingers to fill out a form to become a shareholder of this giant enterprise!

  Not to mention the issue price of 10 silver coins. Even if

  it is an issue price of 100 silver coins, they will open their wallets without hesitation to pay!

  After all, if it were in Bugera, such an excellent enterprise would never be underestimated like this, at least the issue price would be hundreds of thousands of Bu Yuan!

  The powerful Firestone Group will eat the first bite of fat meat, and their captive gloves will eat the second bite, and the manipulated auditing agencies and supervisory agencies will give the green light to its financial reports, making it convenient for them to make feces into cakes and serve them on the table in the name of chocolate, and when ordinary people can buy it, they will only be given to those big guys to take over, and only the foam tube of beer can be drunk as much as you want.

  As for the truly high-quality assets, they would try to package them in Ideal City and sell them in exchange for Cr. Only then would they do the accounting seriously. After

  all, Ideal City is not easy to fool, and the cost of bribing the Council is too high, so high that they would have to buy the entire Ideal City… that would be too unrealistic.

  However, they envied it, and they only had the bank card of the Alliance, not the card proving their identity, as they had been traveling all year round.

  Even if they had the channels for investment immigration, it was too late to operate now…

  so they could only watch.

  A merchant from Bugera couldn’t help but muttered sourly.

  ”Selling so cheaply… isn’t it just to buy people’s hearts.”

  ”Indeed,” another salesman also muttered, “Ten silver coins… one hour of work can buy one share, they might as well just give the company to the poor.”

  The mercenary next to him nodded in agreement, his clear pupils filled with the light of great wisdom.

  ”Indeed, distributing dividends to everyone is equivalent to no dividends. If they continue to play like this, they will be the same as us sooner or later… The dividends will not even catch up with the inflation.” At

  the same time, at the entrance of the exchange, several players in blue jackets also looked at the numbers jumping on the screen with extremely happy expressions.

  ”Wow! Twenty silver?!”


  ”Oh my god…”

  ”Hey, I wish I were an NPC.”

  ”It’s okay to be a soul-crossed game.”

  ”Come on, you bastard, can you survive two episodes if you really cross over into the game?”

  ”Fuck! Can’t I be a little more survivable?”

  ”By the way, is there a possibility that there are soul-crossed or reborn people hidden among the NPCs?”

  Listening to the nonsense of a group of newbies, Bored Tiger laughed and teased.

  ”And that guy has read the script in advance, so now he is sitting here buying Baiyue Company’s stocks, right?”

  Makabazi laughed out loud, “Hahahaha, it’s okay to suddenly start daydreaming.”

  The two of them were not very interested in Baiyue Company’s stocks, and they were not short of this little money.

  When Baiyue Company went to the south to open up wasteland, they had already upgraded the occupational levels related to planting to LV9, and bought a large piece of land in the north of Xizhou City to open a large farm.

  Who knows, one day, their own farm will also be listed here, wouldn’t that be much better than buying other people’s stocks?

  ”Is it fun to watch

  here? You can’t buy it?” Looking at the players crowded at the door, Teng Teng, who was passing by the door, couldn’t help but complain in a low voice.

  A newbie said with a smirk. “I understand the truth, but it’s fun to watch.”

  At this moment, a cry came from the door.

  ”Thirty silver coins!!!”


  this, the man turned his head back with a whoosh and cheered with everyone. ” Awesome!


  ”Well done!” “Good shot! Pah – so much!”

  Teng Teng couldn’t help but hold his forehead and muttered in a low voice.

  ”These guys are crazy…”

  Ya Ya: “Emmm… Actually, they haven’t been normal before.”

  Teng Teng: “Well, that’s right…”


  Just when the stock exchange in Dawn City was bustling, the official website of another world was also unusually lively.

  On the same day that Baiyue Company went public, the Silver Exchange opened a new sub-page – “Share Equity Asset Trading Page” and installed the newly listed Baiyue Company in it.

  Before this, although the Silver Exchange could also trade assets in the game, such as buying and selling equity, it did not classify the assets in detail.

  After the new subpage was launched, it undoubtedly released a signal that the game officials intended to rectify the virtual asset trading market.

  The shares of Baiyue Company, which obtained the listing number, can only be traded with the silver coins designated by the game officials, and cannot be directly purchased with real money or other forms of currency. All trading orders are conducted in public and can only be carried out in the form of transfer.

  In other words, Baiyue Company cannot raise funds at the Silver Exchange, and players can only cash out from other players through personal trading behaviors. After all, there are

  a large number of silver coins piled up on the Silver Exchange, which are actually “game coins” distributed by Chu Guang to players. There is a certain amount of water in the value. If Baiyue Company is allowed to raise funds there, it is equivalent to catching back the bubbles that he had squeezed into the reservoir and “cancelled” with great difficulty. However,

  if players are prohibited from trading equity, the listing will lose its meaning.

  So Chu Guang came up with this compromise. The equity held by NPCs is circulated in the Shuguang City Exchange, and the equity held by players is circulated in the Silver Exchange, and the two sides do not interfere with each other.

  The collective financing of Baiyue Company can only be carried out in the Shuguang City Exchange.

  In this way, it can be ensured that the money flowing into the production and operation links on a large scale is not the “inflated and squeezed out” bubble, but the actual profit generated by the alliance society in the production and operation activities.

  In the future, Chu Guang will consider gradually relaxing this restriction, but it is too early for the alliance where “players can earn an ordinary person’s daily income by killing a monster”. That is tantamount to condoning players to use their privileges to plunder the wealth of the alliance citizens.

  No matter how you look at it, the money and green light he gave to the players are enough. They should expand outward and open up a wider wasteland instead of harvesting their own people.

  And the facts have proved that Chu Guang’s “preparing for a rainy day” is not without reason.

  Not long after the sub-page of the Silver Exchange was launched, the share price of Baiyue Company soared to 200 silver coins per share!

  During the same period, the average transaction price of the Shuguang City Exchange only rose to 37 silver coins.

  Although there is no such thing as “issue price” in the Silver Exchange, after all, there is only trading here and no issuance, but such an outrageous gap still silenced both buyers and sellers.

  The scene was quite weird. There were a lot of buy and sell orders on the market, but no one executed them. There was obviously no circuit breaker mechanism, but the transaction volume was 0 for several minutes

  . This picture seemed to be when the Silver Exchange had just come out and the auction function had not yet been launched.

  Tail: “giao! 200 silver coins… Si! Help me calculate how much money we have! Σ(Д;)”

  Sisi: “Awei, you will be hated if you say it out loud. But it is a bit outrageous that it has risen to such a high level… I don’t know who is buying it.”

  Quit smoking: “Actually, I am more curious about who is selling it. Isn’t it fragrant to cover it? (Covering face)”

  Tail: “Hehe, Tail secretly sold a little at around 50. (~︶~)”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “Good guy, fifty?! That’s a loss!”

  ④Who knows: “It is indeed sold at a low price. I am afraid that those listed on the Dawn City Exchange will rise to 50 in two months.”

  Tail: “Let’s make money together. Anyway, the tail has several zeros. (*/ω*)”

  Working Warrior: “Damn, it’s careless. TT”

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “MMP, damn Fang Chang, if the price keeps rising like this, this dog’s net worth can buy the entire earth!”

  Fang Chang: “Tsk, I think you are not a rookie, why are you saying such stupid things? Can valuation be used as money? (squinting)”

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “I don’t care! Big planner, if you don’t cut a knife, this game will be unplayable!! T T”

  Ye Shi: “Good fellow, it’s ok to be the thief crying “Catch the thief”, but I almost forgot that you also invested, let’s cut this guy first!”

  Irena: “I advise you to stop shouting, or A Guang will really cut him. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “A Guang: You guys are causing me so much trouble. (Funny)”

  Lightning King Professor Yang: “Hey, to be honest, I’m worried about you guys. 37 silver coins per share in the game, 200 silver coins per share on the official website, with such a large arbitrage space, if you can get the NPC’s stocks to the official website and sell them, wouldn’t it be easy to make money!”

  Ye Shi: “Even you can think of this problem, don’t you think A Guang can’t think of it? (Funny)”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “Go to sleep, the planner has already blocked this bug. NPCs and players can’t transfer equity at all. The equity ratio can only be changed through financing.”

  Lightning Mage Professor Yang: “Fuck, then aren’t all the shares you hold non-tradable shares?!”

  Fang Chang: “To be precise, they are ‘restricted tradable shares’. Financing through public offerings can sell equity to NPCs. Using Baiyue Company’s working capital to repurchase tradable shares and cancel them is equivalent to purchasing stocks from NPCs, but these operations can be completed in an integrated form.”

  ”In addition, the next issuance plan is also 8% of the shares, and the time is tentatively scheduled after the next quarter’s financial report or dividend plan comes out. I estimate that when the social shareholding reaches a certain proportion, players will be allowed to participate in the trading activities of the Dawn City Exchange. After all, it is indeed not fair to NPCs to open players to free trading at this stage. Players are generally too rich.”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder: “Do you have too much money and have nowhere to spend it? You are still worrying about the rich and poor gap between NPCs. (Laughing and crying)”

  Fang Chang: “After all, this is a development game. It is also a great sense of accomplishment for us to see the alliance become stronger. (Funny)”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder: “6…”

  Riding a donkey to catch up Ji: “In fact, there is a very obvious loophole in this set of rules. According to this gameplay, the player’s shareholding ratio will continue to be diluted. After all, ‘repurchase of equity cancellation’ is definitely much more difficult than ‘financing’. In the overall trend, equity will definitely flow from the hands of players to the hands of NPCs.”

  Ye Shi: “How do you know that this is a loophole, and not deliberately designed by the planner? (funny)”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “Aren’t you in a hurry? (laughing and crying)”

  Fang Chang: “Be content. If you play a few more games, you will know that the means taken by A Guang to maintain the stability of the game’s economic system are already quite mild. If you change the operator, there is no need to beat around the bush to reason with you. Just change your profit coefficient directly.”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Anton Xing, who cut the ordinary account’s profit into a negative number, gave a thumbs up. (funny)”

  Riding a donkey to go to the market: “…6.”


  The listing of Baiyue Company was just a small episode for the residents of Shuguang City.

  If it weren’t for the joke in the “Goblin Observer”, most people might not have queued up until a few days later when Baiyue Company rose to 40 silver per share.

  The lobby of the Highway Town Hotel.

  Looking at the newspaper in his hand, Zhou Nan shook his head and sighed unsatisfiedly.

  ”It’s a pity that each person is limited to buying 100,000 shares. I really hope the upper limit is 1 million… Do you know? The thing I regret most in my life is that I chose to go to business instead of opening that steel plant with you.”

  In just a few days, the market value of the 100,000 shares in his hand has quadrupled!

  Worth 4 million silver coins!

  Although the market value is not money, he believes that as long as he takes out these 100,000 shares and puts them on the exchange, it will take less than a day to trade.

  There are still many rich people in Shuguang City, such as the one sitting opposite him.

  He dared to bet that if he was willing to sell, this guy would definitely sell without hesitation!

  Looking at the drinking buddy who was sighing there, Sun Shiqi smiled.

  ”It’s not too late to regret now. Maybe my steel plant will be listed in a few months.”

  ”Have you heard any rumors?” Zhou Nan’s heart moved, and his eyes looked at him eagerly.

  After taking a sip of beer, Sun Shiqi looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to this side, so he said softly.

  ”There is no need to listen to any rumors. If only Baiyue Company is approved to go public, why would the alliance set up an exchange in Shuguang City? I estimate that not only Baiyue Company, but also Niuma Group, Factory 81 and other companies collectively controlled by the shelter will transfer part of their equity to the general public of the alliance.”

  Not only these giants that have begun to snowball, but also some start-ups that lack funds can be supported.

  And the best way is to let the investors who invest in the former make money, and then dig gold mines in a bunch of small companies under the temptation of more benefits.

  If you want the residents of the alliance to invest in Baiyue Company, you must first let them have money. And if you want them to invest in small and medium-sized enterprises with higher risks and growth space, you must let them make money from stable investment projects.

  He believes that it will not take too long before the Shuguang City Stock Exchange will appropriately lower the market entry threshold.

  Zhou Nan pondered in his mind, and it seemed to be true. If it was just to sell 8% of the stocks, there was no need to open an exchange. In other words, there would be many opportunities in the future.

  ”That makes sense…hiss…after you said that, I suddenly feel that 40 silver coins are still too cheap. I have to buy some more.” Zhou Nan said while thinking, and suddenly regretted that he didn’t buy more when it was cheap before, and was only busy with the little money that increased.

  Seeing his regretful look, Sun Shiqi laughed and took a sip of the wine glass.

  ”Don’t be too greedy. I told you that there will be opportunities in the future. You can’t eat hot tofu if you are impatient.” What

  his friend saw was that the stock price of Baiyue Company increased by 4 times, while what he saw was the terrifying market value of Baiyue Company after the surge, which has reached an astonishing 25 billion silver coins!

  What is the concept of 25 billion silver coins?

  When he bought the “Li Da Wuxian Steel Plant” from Fred, he only spent 50 million chips, which was only 25 million silver coins at the exchange rate at that time.

  Since he borrowed this money from the bank in Shuguang City, he remembered this number very clearly. It is no exaggeration to say that the acquisition was the starting point for his career to really take off!

  At present, the Lida Wuxian Steel Plant in Boulder City has resumed operation after completing the debt liquidation, and it is still the largest steel plant in Boulder City.

  Assuming that Baiyue Company is really worth 25 billion silver coins, the steel plant is worth at least 1 billion or even 2 billion!

  If Baiyue Company had not gone public, he would not even know that he was so rich.

  By the way, how much is the Lister Factory worth?

  That guy recently won the bid for the power system of Jin Gallon Port. I heard that he recently built an electric car factory. The valuation may be as high as 5 billion… No, 10 billion is possible. After all, 25 billion silver coins are obviously not the limit of Baiyue Company.

  In an instant, Sun Shiqi, who was drinking beer, suddenly sighed with emotion.

  ”Actually, I am both happy and afraid…”

  Zhou Nan, who was counting how much money he had “lost”, looked up at him, stunned for a moment and smiled.

  ”Are you still worried that Mr. Manager will make trouble for you? I dare say that adult has long forgotten you.”

  Sun Shiqi shook his head and said.

  ”No, that’s all in the past. I was thinking about that incident. Do you remember the S coin?”

  Zhou Nan: “Of course I remember. How could I forget such a big thing?”

  Sun Shiqi nodded, his eyes lost in memories, his thoughts seemed to drift away with the memories.

  ”…The chips that rule this area have been running stably for more than 150 years. Its designers include experts from the pre-war era and residents from the shelter, but just a small mistake ruined everything. I still remember the guy who sold the steel plant to me, and occasionally I would treat him to a drink.”

  ”Ah…you mean the drunkard, I remember him.” Zhou Nan remembered that person.

  That guy occasionally appeared in the tavern on the North Street of Shuguang City. He was a guy who never cared about his appearance, was not nearsighted at all, but wore a gold-rimmed monocle.

  After taking a sip of foamy beer, Sun Shiqi said leisurely.

  ”Stupidity will not destroy a person, but madness will…this is what I am most worried about. I am afraid that it will not move, and I am afraid that it will take a step too far and bring all of us into the ditch.”

  Zhou Nan thought for a while and shrugged lightly.

  ”It’s reasonable to worry, but I don’t think there’s any need to worry too much… After all, are you the drunkard?”

  Sun Shiqi: “That’s not the case.”

  ”Right, you’re not him, you’re the winner…” Zhou Nan clinked glasses with his drinking buddy with a smile, and winked at him, “The lesson of Boulder City is heavy enough, and I believe our managers must know more deeply than you do. I don’t mean to offend you, after all, you just picked up a steel plant, but he picked up the entire Boulder City.” ”

  Haha, that’s true.” Sun Shiqi smiled and nodded, and the sorrow in his heart suddenly dissipated.

  After all, the Alliance is different from Boulder City.

  They absorbed not only the technology of Boulder City, but also the experience and lessons of those people.

  The Workers’ Union and the Survivors’ Daily are the best proof that the Alliance did not reject them because they were made by Boulder City, but took them to the wasteland to develop them.

  Since VM will not become a black card, what should he worry about?

  For a moment, he suddenly felt that the Workers’ Union that always troubled him was not so annoying.

  Those people were sometimes a bit rude and “greedy”, but at least they were reasonable and law-abiding.

  If it weren’t for that thing, he felt that his final fate might not be more decent than Fred and Weijia.

  The latter at least ran away, and I heard that he was living a good life in the Free State. The former did run away, but because of greed, he lost his S coins, and all his wealth was reduced to zero overnight, which was really miserable.

  Of course, understanding is understanding, and he will not be soft-handed when it comes to fighting for his own interests.

  ”Greed… Yes, not just madness, there is also greed. Greed and madness are taboos! I have to write it into the ancestral precepts.” Shaking the foam in the wine glass, Sun Shiqi muttered to himself.

  Seeing his nervous look, Zhou Nan laughed and said.

  ”Do you know who your parents are? There is a bird’s ancestral precept.”

  He has a family after all, and recently he has brought the alliance from Jinchuan Province.

  Although this guy never talked about his background, since he was born in Honghe Town, he was probably a slave or a slave’s child in the mine there.

  Of course, he didn’t mean to look down on this good friend, just like he never concealed his serf origin.

  ”It doesn’t matter,” Sun Shiqi coughed, smiled nonchalantly and said, “It’s not too late to write a family tree from now on… Although I was born in this damn place called the wasteland, my next generation may not be.”

  Zhou Nan laughed and teased.

  ”Wait until you find a good man and get married first.”

  Sun Shiqi laughed and fooled the remark.

  ”Hahaha, let’s talk about it later.”

  The night gradually deepened.

  As a group of shelter residents joined in, the lively atmosphere in the lobby of the Highway Town Hotel also reached its peak, and the sound of clinking glasses was heard.

  I don’t know if it was an illusion of the crowd, but the beer tonight was particularly intoxicating, and even the aroma of malt was full of alcohol, which was particularly intoxicating just by smelling it.

  A drunkard suddenly stood up and shouted loudly.

  ”Praise the manager!”

  The voice was recognized by countless people, and for a while, the voices of praise rose and fell in the laughter of people.

  The battlefield atmosphere group sitting in front of the bar smiled, and put the wine glass close to the helmet. Just when he was about to drink, he found that the glass was empty, and put it back awkwardly.

  He was wearing a K-10 “Iron Wall” exoskeleton. Since there are many Willant people in Dawn City recently, he can only wear this full-protection armor when he comes here to drink.

  To be honest, it is really inconvenient to drink in this thing, especially when you drink too much.

  Not long after he put down the wine glass, a petite figure came over with a tray and brought him a new glass.

  Looking at Lisa with beads of sweat on her forehead, the battlefield guy said a little embarrassedly.

  ”Thank you.”

  Looking at the helmet with bright eyes, Lisa smiled at him cheerfully and said in a very light voice.

  ”You’re welcome.”

  Looking at that charming face, the battlefield guy felt a little embarrassed.

  At this moment, a thick palm patted his shoulder, which scared him. He thought his identity was exposed, but when he turned around, he found that it was just a drunkard.

  ”Hey, brother in a blue coat, say thank you to our respected manager for me, hiccup – guess what happened just now? In the blink of an eye, the 1,000 silver coins in my pocket turned into 4,000 silver coins! I have never been so rich!” There was a

  laugh from the side, which seemed to be the drunkard’s friend.

  Seeing that this guy was really drunk, the battlefield guy helped him sit on the stool at the bar and said casually with a smile.

  ”Our respected manager doesn’t want to see you drink like this. Besides, he doesn’t need your thanks. He just hopes that next time you lose so much money that you can’t even afford to drink the swill, don’t curse him for not saying it in advance. That place is not a place for you to gamble.”

  ”How could that be?” The man widened his eyes and shouted, “He saved my life, I can dedicate my life to him! A few thousand silver coins can’t buy me, nor can they change my beliefs!”

  Not taking his words to heart, the battlefield guy just patted him on the shoulder, and then handed the glass of water that Lisa handed to the guy.

  ”In that case, you should keep your word. Don’t sell it at any time, and don’t sell it for the rest of your life. I don’t know how much the dividends are every year, but there is no problem in letting you soak in the wine jar.”

  The drunkard laughed loudly.

  ”Hahaha, don’t worry, I won’t sell it even if you kill me! I will always be loyal to him! I will pass it down from generation to generation, to my sons and grandsons!”

  Looking at this drunk guy, the battlefield atmosphere team said with a smile.

  ”Really? That’s better. You will thank me later.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode