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Chapter 766: The Unexpected is the Normal State of Life

Chapter 766: The Unexpected is the Normal State of Life


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 766 The unexpected is the norm in life.

  House: “Sinking in a beautiful dream, perishing in madness… this is probably the most realistic portrayal of the survivors of Dawn City. A fish selling company was hyped up by them for 25 billion silver coins. The entire alliance combined does not have so much money. This is much more expensive than the S coin that destroyed Boulder City!”

  ”It can be seen that they have not learned the painful lesson of Boulder City at all. Instead, they treat garbage as treasures and treat real treasures as garbage and discard them like old shoes.”

  ”The former greatness of Boulder City was not because of the chips, but those hardworking workers! But the alliance gave those guys money… well, what I mean is, if people can have income without working, which fool would still work? They are using the wrong methods to corrupt these hardworking people into lazy people and drunkards!”

  ”Let me put it here. Sooner or later, the alliance will collapse. Those who have silver coins in their pockets now will regret it in the end. It’s only a matter of time!”

  Host (applauding): “So Mr. House, what do you think is the right thing to do?”

  House: “Mr. Sigma is quite good. Although the Firestone Group has monopolized the most profitable industries in Bugera, that gentleman is not stupid enough to distribute dividends to shareholders… Of course, what I mean is that this is a good thing. The Firestone Group has quietly moistened the pockets of all the people in Bugera, giving back to the entire settlement, not just fattening up a few people. The wallets of a small group of shareholders. The loss-making financial report is the best proof. They have been losing money, but they have been operating diligently! Unlike managers who buy people’s hearts, Mr. Sigma is an unknown philanthropist, a real good man! ”

  The host (drinking water): “I also think that Mr. Sigma did the right thing, but that gentleman is not someone you can evaluate… Well, our interview ends here. Today’s theme is Baiyue Company. Please invite the next interviewee…”

  The radio on the bar counter played soft music, and the host interviewed the next victim of the bankruptcy of Boulder City. The

  recent events in Dawn City hurt the residents of Bugera, and they need to give these children who are hurt in the heart some mental massage to lower blood pressure.

  After all, the Alliance and Bugera are too close, heaven and hell are actually in the same province, and there are often merchants traveling between them, which inevitably brings some gossip.

  This is true for both sides.

  For example, now, the radio in Boulder City can listen to this broadcast.

  And the residents of Boulder City are very familiar with that very distinctive duck voice.

  ”Sometimes I don’t understand… Has this guy really listened to what he said?” The middle-aged man sitting at the dining table eating breakfast made a helpless expression.

  It was his suggestion to see how Mr. House’s condition was, but now he regretted changing the channel.

  It’s better to listen to the war report from the front than to listen to that guy barking. Although the latter is a bit boring, it’s not that boring.

  The waiter who came over with a plate shrugged his shoulders and put a palm-sized piece of grilled ribs on the table.

  ”I don’t know, but we seem to have collapsed again. After all, it’s morning now.”


  The waiter made everyone laugh. The workers who were eating laughed so hard that several people almost choked.

  This is the Walnut Tavern near the Boulder City Industrial Zone. The old sign looks a bit old.

  Workers who used to work in the cannery used to come here to pick up cigarette butts and drink cheap wine diluted with water, but now they are used to ordering a 3-silver beef rib before work so that their energy can be kept at its best between 8 a.m. and noon.

  The drunkards who got drunk early in the morning were only a minority. Most people still needed to be decent, especially after they had savings and families.

  It was only after they had everything that they realized that the so-called quality, elegance, decency and other messy things were not the patents of the nobles at all. They were just a series of lies woven by those guys who got something for nothing in order to suppress them mentally.

  They saw it most clearly. After their lives got better, they knew more about shame and etiquette than the old nobles.

  At least they would not use money to humiliate their compatriots, and would not ask for privileges that override the dignity of others.

  Although the mainstream media in the Bugera Free State used to call what happened in Boulder City “Bulder City Bankruptcy”, the residents of Boulder City themselves preferred to call it “Bulder City Great Change”.

  For example, House, who was invited to the radio to complain at this moment, was the “victim” of that change.

  Looking at the workers who laughed at House, only one person showed a little sympathy.

  When Joey and Lovett took people to occupy the radio station, he was also among them. When he let House go, he clearly saw the expression on that guy’s face.

  ”I don’t hate him, actually. He’s a pitiful man, and even more pitiful now. We were both hamsters in the same cage. We finally broke free from the cage and were able to run outside the wheel, but he hurriedly got into a new cage before dawn… I have to admit that we really scared him.”

  The studio was another kind of assembly line, and the high-handed host obviously didn’t respect House very much, and it was even more impossible for Sigma, who was praised by him, to respect him.

  The people sitting at the table looked at each other.

  ”I can’t agree with you. At least in my opinion, that guy doesn’t deserve sympathy. He never said a good word for us until the end, saying that he was forced. And now it seems that he was lying at the time. This guy has never reflected on himself.”

  ”That’s right. If he really felt that he was wrong, he wouldn’t have run away from here. Isn’t there a saying that liars are not afraid of their lies being exposed, but they are afraid that someone will remember that they lied, and everyone here remembers it.”

  This statement was recognized by many people, but not all.

  ”…But because of this, I think it is understandable that he ran away. We have made laws, but there are too many people who hate him. Even if we don’t persecute him systematically, we can’t stop friends who lose control of their emotions from throwing bottles at him, or even shooting him in the back of the head.” The noisy

  argument continued until the time bell rang, and the workers threw away the mess of cups and plates and walked towards the place where they went to work.

  In the past, they had to arrive at the cannery on time when the bell rang, but the workers would ask the factory to either provide free meals or give workers 20 minutes of commuting time on the grounds that “the workers don’t have watches, and they only know the time when they hear the bell after leaving home” and “you can only work energetically after eating.”

  Although the reasons sound a bit absurd, “choose the lesser of two evils”, the industrial owners’ association finally chose the latter, giving workers 20 minutes of “paid commuting” time in exchange for not affecting production plans and not drinking before work.

  For the factory, getting these alcoholics to drink less alcohol can already increase production capacity significantly. As

  for those workers, even if it is to keep the dignity they have worked so hard to win, they will be a little more serious when they work.

  However, what no one expected was that the biggest beneficiaries of the bargaining between the Workers’ Union and the Industrial Owners’ Association were the breakfast vendors pushing food carts around the industrial zone, so that some taverns that were not open in the morning even became open for 18 hours or even 24 hours.

  Longer business hours mean more employees are needed, otherwise expensive overtime pay will have to be paid, so even the Stone City, which has the least shortage of people, has a labor shortage again.

  Fortunately, the survivors who continue to pour into the giant wall have filled this vacancy, especially the immigrants from the Borneo Province and the central provinces. Most people will start by washing dishes.

  However, it does not mean that all.

  For example, Niyang is an exception.

  When most people rely on washing dishes to get their ID cards, he immediately came up with the idea of ​​paid work and hired citizens of the alliance to be his boss.

  Not only that.

  When the stupid wolf guards were still thinking of ways to make the Duke happy, he had come up with a brilliant idea – to open a newspaper office by himself, specializing in writing things that Duke Galawa likes to read.

  This is actually very easy, and he doesn’t even need to waste his brain cells to think about it, because House has already thought about it for him. He just needs to pinch his nose and copy the guy’s nonsense in the studio onto paper, then add some seasoning and bring it to the Duke of Galava’s table.

  The name of this newspaper is “Dawn Garden Street News”. Dawn naturally refers to Dawn City, and Garden Street Subway Station is the historical place name of Qingquan City.

  No one will know that this newspaper is just a small newspaper, because this newspaper will not be publicly issued at all.

  This is actually a small loophole in the alliance law, just like when he first got his identity.

  Only publicly issued newspapers need to be certified by the industry committee, and the readers of the newspaper he runs are only the Duke of Galava and the staff of the Xilan Empire Embassy, ​​and it is printed in the name of office supplies, and even the [Entertainment News] logo does not need to be added.

  In fact, “Dawn Garden News” is not registered in the name of a newspaper company at all, and the business categories filled in are office supplies and baby products.

  It’s just called a newspaper company.

  Of course, due to the ruthless suppression of honest people who dare to tell the truth by the Dawn City authorities, the survival of the Dawn Garden Newspaper is in jeopardy, and it needs the sponsorship of kind-hearted people to continue to tell the truth.

  Ni Yang asked the editor in charge of typesetting to leave the bank card number for receiving donations on the last page of the newspaper in addition to selling misery.

  Sure enough, his newspaper received one “anonymous donation” after another.

  These donations are sometimes signed by “the supreme giant of White Elephant City”, sometimes “the kind and loving elephant poet”, and “the boatman fighting for equality on the Yongliu River”, but Ni Yang knows better than anyone that these vests are actually one person.

  After all, there is only one person in the entire Xilan Empire Embassy who will read the Dawn Garden Newspaper from beginning to end.

  What’s more, every time he went to the bank to transfer money, he went on behalf of Duke Galawa.

  If it weren’t for the bank’s receipt, he could even save the step of sending money.

  Sometimes, the Duke of Galawa was so overjoyed by the newspaper that he would send a telegram to Tiandu in the Borneo Province to share the simple joy with the respected Wutuo.

  However, neither the Duke of Galawa nor His Majesty knew that the entire newspaper was opened by his loyal servant from beginning to end.

  ”You are playing with fire, my boss… Dawn City is not Boulder City. The people here will not tolerate anyone making fun of their respected managers. Even the most outrageous Goblin Observer will not make fun of living gods.” Looking at the increasingly excessive content in the newspaper, the editor in charge of typesetting shook his head and looked at the man standing by the blinds and said.

  He was a recent immigrant who had not experienced the past and had not even obtained an ID card. His feelings for the managers were not as fanatical as those of ordinary people. He just had ordinary respect.

  After all, after seeing Sigma’s hypocrisy, he realized how good it was to have a leader who truly cared about his subordinates.

  But the guys in Dawn City didn’t think so. Their feelings towards the Manager were like those of the residents of Luoxia Province towards the “Spirit of the Sea of ​​Sand”.

  Ni Yang didn’t look back, but just looked through the gap in the blinds in the direction of the Embassy Street not far away, and said in a very light voice.

  ”No one knows the Alliance better than me, and no one knows the Manager better than me… I am his real fan, and as long as we don’t break the rules, nothing will happen.”

  The editor said with a wry smile.

  ”You must not have heard of the Cindyson case.”

  Before coming to the Alliance, he had heard of it. After all, the TV stations in the Bugera Free State had made a lot of fuss about this incident to mock the freedom of the Alliance.

  Ni Yang continued slowly.

  ”Of course I have heard of it. I even read the verdict in court and studied the file carefully. But you, most likely only know the name Cindyson, and you think you have seen through the entire Alliance. You are actually the same as those guys in your hometown of Bugera Free State. You have lost your sense of taste after drinking too much sewage, and you can’t live without simple definitions and labels.”

  The editor was obviously not convinced, but because the other party was the boss, he still suppressed his temper and asked back.

  ”Isn’t that the truth? He asked the Guards to arrest that guy.”

  Ni Yang looked back at him and said with a smile.

  ”Then guess what would have happened to that guy named Cindyson if he hadn’t done that? This is a wasteland. The law can punish people who make mistakes, but it can’t resurrect the dead. I bet, let alone getting on the train home, if the Guards hadn’t arrived in time, he wouldn’t even be able to walk out of the hotel alive.”

  The editor laughed and said, “According to you, can he still protect that guy?”

  Ni Yang said with a smile.

  ”Protect that guy? Haha, it turns out that only I really understand that gentleman… He is not protecting Cindyson, nor those guys who are making trouble in his name, but the order of the alliance.”

  In fact, it was also the Cindyson case that caused the citizens of the alliance to burst into unprecedented enthusiasm, spontaneously participated in the affairs of the representative council, and improved the formulation of a series of laws, such as the method of regulating the newspaper industry.

  Unlike the emperor of Xilan and Sigma of the Free State, he guided people’s enthusiasm and loyalty to him to the right place.

  And this is what Ni Yang admires most about him.

  Looking at the speechless editor, Niyang continued.

  ”Just do as I say. That gentleman is not a stingy person. I told you long ago that our job is to cheat, and I also need Duke Galava’s money, and I need him to continue to be stupid. In addition, I have to do a lot of things, not just to improve my life… I have to do a little good.”

  In fact, after staying in Dawn City for a while, his mentality has changed a little, especially after reading “Awakener Bol”.

  He can’t forget the sentence most-

  ”The tangible Stephen can be eliminated, but the invisible Stephen cannot be destroyed. We are their ghosts, and they are also our ghosts.”

  That sentence was like a revelation, making him suddenly sober up from the maze he was in. What the province of Boro needed was not the man he admired. It

  was meaningless to piss off the Duke of Galawa. There was more than one White Elephant City and more than one duke in the province of Boro. Moreover, the duke had a large group of wives and a large number of sons, and he could pass down the title from generation to generation. If you

  want to kill a nest of cockroaches, you can’t just focus on one cockroach.

  If he really pissed him off to death, not only would the Xilan Empire not change, but it would also be able to regain its glory because it lost a fool who was good for nothing except blood unity.

  This was possible. After all, there were not many people who could attract hatred like the Duke of Galawa. He couldn’t make the foreign minister of the alliance slam the table in anger, but that guy could make the ally, Captain Bennot, look disgusted without even acting.

  In the end, the Duke of Galawa died, and he would lose the only tool he could use.

  Therefore, instead of using the Goblin Observer to annoy him, it is better to use a pacifier to coax him like a baby and let him immerse in the sweetness of milk and honey.

  Duke Galava will never know where his money was spent.

  He will use the money to sponsor the Survivor’s Daily in French Fries Port, sponsor the Moon Clan who escaped from the Lowell Camp to publish more Survivor’s Daily in Golden Galleon Port, West Sail Port, and all places where a spark can be ignited.

  Not only will he pay money, he will also contribute to the Survivor’s Daily in French Fries Port, just like Mr. Sberg who wrote “The Awakened Bol”.

  For this purpose, he specially visited Boulder City and visited those who experienced the change. He even talked with the white-haired director of the Boulder City Library, Mr. Melvin, and read the draft of the chronicle written by the old man for Boulder City.

  He and the old man agreed that it was Hal’s “Survivor’s Daily” that ignited the fire of enlightenment, and Sberg’s “The Awakened Bol” united the poor people in Boulder City who suffered.

  The beginning of the change had actually begun long before anyone realized it, and by the time Master Sid tried to strangle it in the cradle, it was already too late. As for the chips, S coins, economic overheating and a series of crises, they were just the fuse that eventually ignited the powder keg, accelerating the process and saving a few lives. If

  there hadn’t been the enlightenment of the new culture, it would have been useless no matter how many people died that night, and the Stone City would always be the Stone City.

  After talking with the old man, he had found a way to change the Xilan Empire.

  Just when the Duke of Galawa generously gave to the Dawn Garden Newspaper and was complacent as the “Supreme Giant of White Elephant City”, he had already written the things he hated most in the newspapers of French Fries Port under the pen names of “Mr. Rat” and “Big Horned Rat” – “The Emperor’s New Carriage” and “A Thousand Needles”.

  Compared with Sberg, he has a little advantage. Both his literary talent and knowledge are much richer than a cannery worker, and the most important thing is that he doesn’t have to start from literacy.

  Thank God, whether it was for the sake of the nobles’ face or because he was too lazy to write love letters to the noble ladies, the Duke of Galawa hired tutors for all the servants. Even a silly guy like Babulu could write, not to mention him.

  Looking at the editor working honestly at his desk, Niyang, who was standing in front of the blinds, took a sip of tea.

  He didn’t feel any ripples in his heart when he saw the manuscript slandering the manager, but at this moment his eyes lit up, and he suddenly had a new inspiration, and thought with a smile.

  ”Actually, what House said makes sense. The ‘lazy’ Stone City is doomed to perish. Poverty is the best way to keep progressing… Let me think about it. The next article should be called “Red Soil.”

  Apart from the thousand pillars of the City of Thousand Pillars, nothing can touch the deepest part of the souls of the survivors in the Borneo Province more than “Red Soil”…


  Since the “War in Heaven” was mainly fought by the residents of the shelters on the front line, and the cost of the war was borne by all parties in the Sticky Community, the residents of the Alliance far behind did not feel that their lives were greatly affected.

  On the contrary, because of the orders brought by the war, the factories in Dawn City and Stone City started operating in three shifts again, just like the war in Sunset Province.

  However, the difference is that the Alliance today is different from the past in terms of productivity and material abundance.

  In order to attract workers to work in their factories, each factory has also tried its best, not only promising them free housing and insurance, but also offering higher salaries than the other.

  Especially for those workers with skills and experience, those factories would like to take care of the education of their next generation, and the treatment is more fancy than one, highlighting the exaggeration.

  As for those factories that can’t attract people even if they try their best, they can only think of ways from the two directions of “improving productivity” or “introducing foreign labor”.

  Some old production lines with high manual participation are slowly being eliminated and replaced by production lines with higher electrification and automation.

  Due to the controlled fusion reactor in Xizhou City, the energy cost of the alliance is very cheap, and there are experts from Camp 101 and students trained by them to help in automation.

  In addition, with the “pond” of the Borneo Province that can accommodate backward production lines, a series of equipment such as obsolete sewing machines and pot-carrying machines also have a place to go.

  The residents of the alliance, especially those in Dawn City, have ended the wasteland around them through their own diligence and wisdom to a certain extent.

  Chu Guang doesn’t expect much from them. He just hopes that they will continue to maintain it, live their own lives, and influence other wastelanders in the wasteland within their capacity. It is enough…

  the front line of Haiya Province.

  Today’s front line is still the same as usual, the only difference is that those newbies who have adapted to death are becoming more and more skilled in mincing meat.

  The changes that have happened to them are obvious.

  Players who used to be defeated after killing a dozen or twenty bacterial variants can easily reach three digits even if their levels do not change much.

  Attributes are only one aspect that affects combat effectiveness, not the only determining factor.

  This is probably the most realistic part of this game.

  Chu Guang, who was on the Iron Heart, received two reports from afar.

  One of the reports came from Camp 101, and the report was written by Xiaoyu.

  The report mainly described the listing of Baiyue Company and the opinions of the expert team of Camp 101, including the current market problems and loopholes that need to be fixed.

  Chu Guang was quite satisfied with this report.

  Not only because the report was written in a way that even a person with only a half-bucket of knowledge could understand, but also because he saw Xiaoyu’s growth between the lines of the report.

  Thanks to the scholars at Camp 101, the little girl did not waste her talent for numbers and found a career she was passionate about.

  It was indeed a wise decision to let her follow Pai to Camp 101 for further studies.

  After all, if she had stayed with me, I’m afraid she would have learned quadratic functions and bulk economics at best.

  As for the more difficult things, he would have to ask professionals for their opinions.

  Looking at the beautiful handwriting on the tablet, Chu Guang sighed with some emotion.

  ”Time flies so fast, and Xiaoyu has grown up in the blink of an eye.”

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the pen holder, nodded gently, holding her cheeks with both hands and said.

  ”Yes… It feels like you taught her arithmetic and literacy just yesterday.”

  Chu Guang coughed lightly.

  ”… That’s not the case.”

  Although he did feel as if he was in another world occasionally, this guy’s insensitivity to time was a bit exaggerated.

  With a light stroke of his index finger, Chu Guang put this report aside for the time being and read the second report.

  This report came from the social science information sorting department of the scientific expedition team, and the author was Ms. Han Mingyue, who was investigating the local cultural and folk phenomena in Jingalon Port.

  He was not very familiar with this name, but he remembered that it seemed to be the “little popsicle” discovered by the Thorn Corps in the pioneer city, which once belonged to Shelter No. 288.

  The situation in the Great Desert is different from other areas. It has suffered the “great collapse” of the entire space elevator and even the terminal orbital space station. It is the most complicated place in the wasteland, and the shelter there is also the same.

  For example, the manager’s log of Shelter No. 288 was lost, and a series of accidents such as opening the door in advance occurred. In addition, the various situations that happened to Han Mingyue are also quite similar to those of Heya, and the report on her life is a total of 5 pages.

  In short, something seems to have happened in a place he doesn’t know, and this lady Han was influenced by Rama, the commander of the Thorn Corps, and became interested in the great migration of survivors that had occurred in the Borneo Province.

  Her work is not only to investigate what happened in the past, but also to observe the changes that are happening in Jinjialun Port.

  Because a lot of good things were found in the Governor’s Mansion in Jinjialun Port, the scientific expedition team has always been more supportive of her project, and Chu Guang has always paid attention to the reports she submitted.

  Borneo Province has no shelters, but there are a large number of survivors.

  In a sense, her research is to make up for the missing manager’s log for them.

  【…Under the influence of the Baiyue Company, the Jinjialun Port authorities used the foreign exchange reserves of the Xilan Emperor to build a large number of schools and night schools for adults in the settlements, and promoted a compulsory education bill similar to that of the Dawn City, which improved the local literacy rate to a certain extent.

  Influenced by the improvement in literacy and the citizens of the South Sea Alliance who went to the area to teach, some novel music, painting, and text art works began to appear in Jinjialun Port.

  Local residents are not only actively pursuing a better life, but also actively exploring new theories beyond the “Thousands of Clans and Thousands of Gods”, and trying to criticize and decompose some outdated and feudal traditions and concepts. The idea that “gods do not exist” has become popular among some progressive people, and this is what surprised me the most. According to common

  sense, the local conservative forces should be more deeply rooted than the Lion Kingdom and the Camel Kingdom, but the result is exactly the opposite of what I saw. In this “new cultural activity”, “looking to the East” quickly became a consensus among the upper and lower classes, just as they had previously looked to the West. The conservative forces that should have been in opposition to the progressive forces did not play a role at all, but were unexpectedly obedient. After judging that they could not resist, the conservatives surrendered immediately.

  I think this is not due to some kind of capitulationism or xenophilia, nor is it a real surrender, but more like “forbearance” integrated into the civilized attributes of the local survivors.

  The tolerance of the local survivors is something I have never seen in other settlements. The farmers in Jinchuan Province dare not do this to their serfs, but they are used to it.

  Not only that, their “endurance” is as deep-rooted as the “stubbornness” that is rarely shown directly in their character. These survivors will never change themselves easily, but they do not reject bowing their heads and pretending to have changed. Just like the

  old nobles who learned to dress and eat from the alliance, they immediately drew a line with the majesty and the governor who were once loyal to them, cooperated with your subordinates, and tried to show that they were more progressive and more diligent and studious than the pro-alliance faction.

  You may think this is a good thing, and your subordinates think it is insignificant, but I still have to say that I have a different opinion. That hidden power is more like pus hiding in the blood vessels disguised as blood. They are waiting for an opportunity. Once they find an opportunity, they will immediately change themselves and block the original leaky window to make it more difficult for the wind to blow in.

  Of course… everything has two sides. Even if there are a series of hidden worries, the series of innovative measures implemented by your subordinates in the local area are worthy of recognition, and the results they have achieved are also obvious to everyone.

  At present, my research is still ongoing, and there may be omissions. I hope I am just worrying too much.


  Guang read the report to the end, touched his chin, and wanted to reply “Sociology +3”, but thinking that it was a report written by an NPC, he finally replied “Read”.

  He looks at the problem from a different perspective than Fang Chang, and of course from the scholars of the Alliance.

  The problem she mentioned certainly exists, and he can see it, but as she has mentioned in the report, the local survivors are spontaneously seeking progress under the influence of the residents of Shelter 404, and the progress they are exploring may change the hidden dangers buried deep in their civilization.

  It’s not that I don’t feel back pain when I sit and talk. This is destined to be a difficulty that the local survivors have to overcome by themselves.

  Even if Han Mingyue pointed out the problem, it was too difficult for him to do anything.

  His players have already done a lot of things, and any further step would be too much.

  He believed that Fang Chang actually noticed something.

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the pen holder, looked at him and teased him playfully.

  ”Master, you said before that you didn’t think much of the players’ practices, but they seem to be doing quite well?”

  Chu Guang made a helpless expression and stretched out his index finger to turn off the report from the back.

  ”You have been with me for so long, you should know that my judgment is not always correct.”

  The unexpected is the norm in life, and only gods are omniscient and omnipotent.

  If he could really be that godly, why would he need so many experts and scholars?

  He has done all the work by himself.

  And it’s too early to draw conclusions now.

  However, to his surprise, he just said something unintentionally, but for some reason Xiao Qi was stunned there, and the movement of shaking his calves also stopped.

  There was a glimmer of hope in those pupils, but it seemed like an illusion.

  Looking at it in a daze, Chu Guang frowned slightly and tapped its head with his index finger.

  ”What’s wrong? Is it stuck?”

  ”No…” Xiao Qi looked at him as if he had come to his senses, and then smiled, “Nothing… You are worthy of being the master. You made Xiao Qi’s intellectual plug-in beat so fast that it almost burned out.”

  As it spoke, it started shaking its legs again, looking at him with bright eyes.

  Chu Guang made a helpless expression.

  It’s okay to burn it.

  I always feel that this guy is talking more and more nonsense.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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