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Chapter 767: Hope Emerging from the Ground

Chapter 767: Hope Emerging from the Ground


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 767 Hope Breaking Out of the Ground

  Before coming to Golden Gallon Port, Suni had always thought that the residents here were conservative, feudal, and even a little stubborn.

  Just like the believers of the Sand Sea Spirit in Luoxia Province, they always carry a handful of rusty sand in their pockets.

  Thieves never dared to cut the pockets of these guys. After all, even if they lost money, they would only call the police, but if the sand in their pockets was gone, they would really dare to kill people.

  In order not to offend the locals, and in order not to be beaten to death by the other party’s family when he was still in the southern sea area, he seriously consulted the Moon Clan girl who worked in the Yiren Bar in French Fries Port, and carefully studied the religion, taboos, and customs of the Borneo Province, and even wrote them down in the booklet he carried with him. It can be said that he had done enough strategy.

  However, when he really arrived at Golden Gallon Port, he found that what he heard and what he saw were completely different.

  There are not so many twists and turns and taboos here.

  The locals were conservative only towards him. They were not conservative towards outsiders like him, and were even more open than he could imagine.

  There were bars in French Fries Harbor and on the roundabout, but no one had ever drunk so much as to get drunk and lie down in his arms and blow into his ears after just a sip of beer. Are

  all the people here so bad at drinking? !

  If he hadn’t brought a mirror with him, he wouldn’t have been able to help but suspect that he was actually very handsome, but because the roundabout was too small and no one noticed him, his gang of bad friends deliberately suppressed him.

  Although he enjoyed it at first, he got tired of it after doing it too many times.

  Compared to the most primitive Yu Wang, he actually enjoyed the sparks created by the collision of two different souls more, while most people here just wanted to sleep with him, and after that, they would lie on his chest and talk about life and dreams, future plans, bicycles and the next generation… His head was about to explode. He was only twenty years old, why was he thinking about those things?

  And bicycles were useless. If you wanted to run faster, wouldn’t it be better to drive a speedboat?

  What frustrated him the most was that he came here with the impure purpose of “hunting for beauties”, but after coming here, he found himself becoming the “prey”. The girls sitting at the bar were even more playful than him.

  This feeling was not good at all, and it could even be said to be terrible, so much so that he quit drinking because of depression.

  It was not just the bar.

  It was also the same at work.

  For example, his first job was to tutor the daughter of a local wealthy businessman.

  This job was introduced by a Weilant agent. It was said that the wealthy businessman was once a nobleman in Jingalon Port and had been very rich since the Nihak period.

  The salary for this job was also quite high, 10,000 silver coins a month.

  The employer had only one requirement, that is, he must be a member of the alliance. The South Sea Alliance was also considered an alliance. Anyway, the Weilant agent said it was okay, so he took the job.

  He thought that the nobles living in the mansion would be more reserved, but he didn’t expect that not only the girl always touched him inadvertently, but even the wife of the wealthy businessman flirted with him intentionally or unintentionally.

  Suni felt like he was going crazy.

  Especially when he heard that the rich businessman had business dealings with the famous local gang “Assassins”.

  In the face of a generous salary and a life, he finally chose the latter and reluctantly quit this high-risk job.

  Of course, it must be said that only a very small number of people are abnormal.

  Just like a large group of hungry people rushing into the cafeteria, it is inevitable that some people will be like starving ghosts, eager to eat back what they didn’t eat in their previous life, and finally be carried out horizontally.

  Compared with the extreme cases of being reluctant to eat and eating to death at one time, most people are still very normal. Working hard and studying well are the norm for ordinary people.

  It took a week to adjust his state. Under the introduction of the employment office of the city hall, he came to the public school founded by Baiyue Company in the local area and became a Chinese teacher.

  Most of the students here are children of nearby community residents, some are poor and some are citizens. Since the Jinjialun Port authorities promised to provide students with free lunch and breakfast, literacy can find better jobs, so most locals are quite cooperative with the compulsory education policy promoted by the authorities.

  Regardless of which class the children belonged to, they all performed very hardworking, even to the point that Suni himself felt a little ashamed of his hard work.

  They were eager to change their fate.

  There was also free education in Roundabout Island, but he finished college in a muddle, went to a cannery after graduation, and later worked at the docks, and then simply collected unemployment benefits and slacked off…

  Compared with these young men and women, he had spent the past 20 years in a daze.

  Inspired by those pairs of diligent and studious eyes, he also put in 120% of his energy and devoted himself to the cause of education. He even sent a telegram to his friends in Roundabout Island, asking them to send books there so that he could make up for the knowledge he had forgotten before.

  Although the salary paid by the public school was not much, only 12,000 gallons per month, it was still much higher than the salary of local residents. Moreover,

  the cost of living here was very low, and eating, traveling, and haircuts were all very cheap. It was just that imported goods, luxury goods, and assets were relatively expensive, which was very suitable for him, a “street kid” who had no pursuit of life.

  But to be honest, his life now can no longer be considered as a mess. It can even be described as free from vulgarity and extremely fulfilling. He has found something that can really be called a “career” and spend his whole life pondering it.

  Of course, even so, there are still some rebellious guys from time to time who try to create some waves or surprises in his ordinary teaching career.

  It was a sunny afternoon.

  He had just finished teaching geometry to a senior class, and was blocked in the office by a tall girl to ask math questions.

  At first, they were indeed discussing math, but it didn’t take long for the girl to change the topic and look at him with eyes full of smiles.

  ”Teacher, what’s your last name?”

  Suni looked at her puzzledly.

  ”Su…what’s wrong?”

  The girl looked at him in surprise.

  ”I see, I always thought that Suni was your first name, and your last name was something else.”

  Seeing that she was curious about his hometown, Suni said with a smile.

  ”There are many ways of naming in our place, mainly depending on the parents. My father told me that my great-great-grandfather might be a resident of the shelter, but my great-great-grandmother was from the islands. In addition, there are some people who have no surnames at all, just like you here, they only have a given name.”

  The latter is common among wastelanders, and some special shelter residents choose to use slang that outsiders cannot understand as their names, such as Shelter No. 404.

  The girl’s eyes flickered with curiosity about the outside world, and there was also a faint longing.

  ”…We don’t just have names, we actually have surnames, for example, the Rat Tribe has 13 pronunciations, the most common of which is Skaven, but the Snake Tribe also has Skaven, so we rarely use surnames.”

  ”So that’s how it is, I thought you just didn’t have surnames… Ah, sorry, I didn’t mean to offend.” Suni looked at her in surprise, but soon realized that his statement might be too frivolous, so he quickly added a sentence at the end.

  The girl smiled, but said indifferently.

  ”It’s okay, it’s normal that you don’t know when you first came here. By the way, my name is Anushka.”

  Suni praised. “It’s

  a nice name.”

  ”Really… But I don’t think it’s very nice, there are too many syllables, I’ve always wanted to change my name,” Anushka’s pupils showed a trace of melancholy, and suddenly looked at him with eyes full of smiles, “What do you think of Suan or Suka?” The

  sudden straight ball caught Suni off guard, especially the face that suddenly approached and the hair ends shaking beside the cheeks.

  A wisp of fragrance penetrated into his nose, and he coughed dryly and unconsciously took a half step back.

  ”For this kind of thing… I think you’d better ask your parents for their advice.”

  ”But you have better ideas than them,” the girl took a step forward and looked at him with a sharp gaze, “You are from the Alliance, right?”

  ”I’m from the South Sea Alliance… Actually it’s quite far away.” Suni explained with a smile.

  ”Actually it’s not far, after all, you are so knowledgeable from there… It would be nice if I could go there to take a look.”

  The girl’s eyes flashed with hope and a hint of desire.

  Suni wanted to say that there was actually nothing good there, the streets were narrow and short, and he came here to try his luck because he couldn’t stay there anymore…

  But looking at the expression on the girl’s face, he knew that it would be useless for him to say anything.

  Just when he didn’t know what to do, the footsteps outside the office finally broke the abnormal atmosphere.

  Suni, who was saved, breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t wait for the girl who said “I’ll take you there” to show a disappointed expression, but he still thanked him for his teaching, bowed slightly, and ran out of the door with the notebook.

  Glancing at the girl who hurried out of the door, the colleague sitting next to him guessed what happened with his toes, and looked at him and teased.

  ”It’s a headache, right? The girls here are too enthusiastic.”

  This colleague is the employee with the longest tenure here, and he came from Dawn City. He can be said to have a lot of buffs on him.

  The female colleague sitting at the opposite table was not very satisfied with this statement, and said with a curled lip.

  ”It’s not just girls, but also boys. I can meet three locals asking for directions when I have a meal. I don’t know who gave them the illusion that the residents of the Free State have silver parties every day… It’s enough.”

  Looking at her rolling her eyes, the colleague from Dawn City smiled and leaned back in his chair.

  ”Hahaha… Don’t mention it, I actually heard about it when I was in Dawn City!”

  Being stared at by the murderous eyes of the opposite side, he shivered unconsciously and stopped this unfunny joke.

  Suni made himself a cup of tea, sat back in his chair, and sighed at the mist on the cup.

  ”To be honest, I’m worried. It doesn’t matter if this kind of atmosphere appears in the bar, but it shouldn’t appear in the classroom… Many girls from French Fries Port are also from here, but they are completely different from them. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder if there is something wrong with our education method. We should teach them not only knowledge, but also self-esteem and self-love. Otherwise, if they don’t become slaves of Wu Tuo, they will become slaves of others… What’s the difference in the end?”

  The teacher from Dawn City patted him on the shoulder.

  ”Relax, and don’t always look for the reason in yourself. Maybe… the girls from French Fries Port are just cold to you. After all, you have rejected them before.”

  Suni shook his head.

  ”Okay, you’re from Dawn City, so it may be a different story for you, but you have to admit that they are all the same people, and the people there are indeed more normal than here… Damn, I just want to teach well! Wait, I just want to teach well?”

  He clearly remembered that before he came here, he was here to pick up girls.

  As a result, after only a month or two, he found that he had completely changed and became pure and unselfish.

  Maybe that saying is right, only those who respect themselves will be respected, and only those who love themselves will be loved.

  Walking in this settlement are all empty shells without souls. Before those people find their own souls, it is indeed difficult for him to fall in love with the people here, and it is also difficult to find the kind of love he longs for in his heart…not just sleeping. At

  this time, Sunny suddenly noticed the newspaper on the desk of his colleague at the next table, and curiously reached out to take it over.

  ”By the way, there is also a survivor’s daily here?”

  He flipped through it randomly, but found that the newspapers here are completely different from those in French Fries Port. They mainly talk about the latest news in Golden Gallon Port, and publish some literary works submitted by local people.

  ”It’s only recently available. I heard that it was published by the Rat Tribe and the Rat Tribe. I don’t really understand it, but the content is pretty good,” the teacher from Dawn City said casually after drinking a cup of coffee. “I brought it back to teach students to read. The literacy effect is better than the textbooks in Dawn City. Recently, several schools are proposing to have their own textbooks in Golden Gallon Port. Let’s select some articles from the Survivor Daily and put them in the textbooks. I collected all the recent issues.”

  Suni’s face showed an interested expression.

  ”Can you lend it to me to have a look?”

  ”Whatever,” the Dawn City teacher shrugged and said with a smile, “Just don’t lose it.”

  ”Thank you.”

  Anyway, there was still some time before the next class, so Suni curiously opened the borrowed newspaper, and was quickly attracted by the title at the beginning. The author of

  ”Red Soil”

  is Mr. Rat.

  Is this about the origin of red soil?

  He thought so at first, but found that things were not as simple as he thought.

  ”…I wanted to write a biography of General Lowell a long time ago.”

  ”That year, the world was covered with ice and snow, and the sun and moon were dim. He made great contributions and found a shortcut to survival for his descendants – eating dirt to survive. Ironically, he did not have a good end despite his great contributions. He was buried in the dirt by a group of ignorant people, and even spat on him… just like the martyr who carried firewood for the people but was buried in the snow.”

  ”At first I thought those people were not smart enough, until later I came into contact with some descendants of the ‘shovel-wielding men’, and was surprised to find that those guys’ ancestors were actually scholars, experts, engineers, and even soldiers who originally supported General Lowell in the great era. These people are not stupid, and it is obviously not feasible to explain from an intellectual point of view. Mocking them makes me look smart and stupid. There is only one explanation… They all went crazy at the same time and buried the only normal Lord Lowell.”

  ”I couldn’t understand why so many people went crazy and wanted to harm a person who had cared for them, loved them, and even saved them, just because he was a little dictatorial…until later I met L, a young man from the Rat Tribe who lived in White Elephant City.”

  ”He wore tattered clothes, which couldn’t even be called clothes, but only rags to cover his body. He had a scar on his head, and it was said that he was burned by a cigarette butt thrown by a patrolling young master when he was working as a part-time worker on the farm. That was worthy of anger, but every time he talked about that glorious moment, he was quite proud of it, and boasted to everyone that the scar was blessed by a noble person, and that he would be reborn into a noble person’s family in the next life. Fortunately, others also thought that this sounded very unrighteous, and did not dare to pass the news to the young master’s ears, otherwise the young master would definitely cut off his head alive and make him unable to even enter the red earth.”

  ”The first time I met him was at the master’s farm. He was talking about how smart the young master was and how he looked like the master’s offspring. However, he didn’t expect that he didn’t get any benefit in return, but was beaten up by the servants. I heard that he was also from the Rat Tribe. Seeing the bloody appearance, I wanted to judge for himself, but was stopped by others. After a conversation, I found out who L was.” ”

  I hated him for not fighting for it, but I also thought that I had no right to blame him because I relied on the master’s appreciation to have a meal. I had praised the young master before, too. Over time, I comforted myself and then forgot about it. Until a big case happened in Baixiang City. It was said that the Moon Tribe had rebelled again. The whole city was in a panic and wanted to arrest more Moon Tribe members. I comforted myself again and said that it had nothing to do with the Rat Tribe, let alone the master’s servants. But I didn’t expect that I would meet him on the execution ground.”

  ”The fates are so similar. Those who planted the red soil and those who ate the red soil were buried in the red soil. Therefore, before praising General Lowell’s greatness, I want to use L’s story as a ‘preface’. It is also a moving story…”

  Suni initially opened the newspaper just to kill time, but he didn’t expect to be so obsessed with it that he forgot the time for a while until the bell rang.

  ”Good guy.”

  Is this… something they wrote themselves?

  Although the previous text is boring, the more you read, the more you see the blood dripping under the skin, and the silent cry like a ghost.

  Suni recited it softly, and only felt the rolling thunder echoing in his ears, like a deafening shout.

  He was not a survivor of the Borneo Province, but he could still hear the cry between the lines – the people here don’t eat soil, but clearly generations of people buried in the soil!

  He stood up from the chair, tightly grasping the newspaper in his hand and rushed out the door.

  He was excited, energetic, and walked like the wind. He didn’t even bring the lesson plan that he never put down… because he didn’t need it at all now.

  His duty as a teacher told him that he had to read these words to those children.

  They shouldn’t sit there holding books for a boat ticket, let alone for the work visa promised by French Fry Port, or to find a messy place in the wasteland to sell themselves.

  They should study for themselves! To learn real knowledge, to understand the relationship between people, to understand the laws of operation of all things in nature, to think about their position in the mountains and rivers…

  They need souls!


  The box of the Triumph Hotel.

  Not only a half-baked teacher who read aloud in a solemn classroom, but also a rather mature teenager had read the article “Red Soil” written in the Survivor’s Daily.

  Or to be more precise, it was the preface of the long serial novel “Red Soil”.

  The guy who called himself “Mr. Rat” almost took off the pants of the rat people.

  However, after listening to the whole article, Asin, who was sitting in the box, burst into laughter and clapped his right hand on the armrest of the chair twice.

  ”Hahaha, wonderful! Damn wonderful!”

  A group of young men in formal clothes stood behind him with serious expressions, their eyes full of ruthlessness.

  They were all the backbone of the Assassins Gang. They used to live on the street in front of the Governor’s Mansion with the boss. Naturally, there were also rat people among them.

  The girl who read the article to him was full of fear in her eyes, and she looked at the man sitting at the table anxiously.

  She was a cow tribe member, and she was a small noble in Jingalon Port before. She had to teach people to read and read to make a living.

  Obviously, the identity of the cow tribe member is no longer useful here. Whoever can take everyone to eat and support their wallets is the real noble.

  For example, the rat tribe member in front of him did not take her bloodline seriously at all.

  However, he still respected knowledge, so he was very polite to her, and did not seem to be angry with her because of the article she just read.

  Seeing that it was getting late, Asin waved to the side, took out a check, wrote a few numbers on it and handed it to the “tutor” sitting next to him.

  ”This is last month’s salary. I may be busy in the next few days, so I’ll give it to you in advance.”

  The girl nodded quickly, took the check and looked at it, and subconsciously held her breath.

  100,000 gallons!!

  She cast an unbelievable look at him, but saw him gently wave.

  ”The rest is a reward… My guests are coming, and it’s getting late. Go home.”

  The girl said thank you, lowered her head, and hurried away with red eyes.

  Watching the noble lady leave, Kunal looked at the boss who pretended to be able to read the newspaper with a confused expression, and said in a buzzing voice.

  ”Boss… Don’t you feel offended?”

  Asin said patiently while trying to match the words and sentences he had just learned.

  ”Kunar, my friend, only patients with terminal illnesses will get angry with doctors. If a person is beyond medical help, it is truly kind to let him eat well and have a grand funeral. Advising him to smoke less will harm him and his family… And you and I obviously haven’t reached that point yet. Have you eaten dirt?” Kunar shook his

  head like a rattle.

  ”Who eats that stuff now?”

  ”Really?” Asin smiled faintly, “At least the residents of Jingalon Port don’t eat it anymore. At most, those who swim up from the river eat it, but that’s only at the beginning… Sooner or later, that thing will be toppled down like the thousand needles in the City of Thousand Pillars.”

  He was still young, and the survivors of the entire Borneo Province were all young. It was the feudal lords and old aristocrats who were on the decline.

  He was very happy that so many young people were as indignant as him, walking on the same sunny road, even if they had different ideas.

  As he was talking, footsteps came from the door, and a tall and strong guy walked in from the door.

  He had a gun on his waist, and only two followers followed him. The LD-47 assault rifle on his back suppressed the momentum of the gang members around him.

  These two guys were ruthless men who had been on the battlefield, and they were the type who charged forward in the hail of bullets.

  The man in front looked lazy, with a hint of arrogance on his face. He walked in carelessly, not taking the people around him seriously.

  However, including Ashin, no one thought he was arrogant.

  After all, this guy did have the capital to be proud.

  When everyone was tied up with ankle chains, he was the only one who caught the gun thrown by the adult.

  If catching the gun was just luck, then he relied on his ruthlessness to lead the troops in pushing the cannon to blast the door, and he actually took down the Lowell camp.

  Compared to a mouse hiding in the shadow like himself, Ashin knew very well that this person was the real big shot.

  This person was Laxi, the director of the Civil Defense Office of the Port Area of ​​Kinggalun Port, who was responsible for the strategic dispatch and logistics of the militia group, which was basically equivalent to the top leader of the Kinggalun Port army.

  In order to invite this big shot, he spent a lot of money to smooth things over and arrange things.

  Even so, this big shot only agreed to meet him once, and did not agree to anything else.

  Ashin quickly stood up, put on a warm smile on his face and made a gesture of invitation.

  ”General, please take a seat.”

  Lasi sat directly opposite him, giving him some face and getting straight to the point.

  ”What do you mean by inviting me to be your guest?”

  He signaled the waiters to serve the dishes with his eyes, and Asin looked at him with a warm smile.

  ”I heard that the general has been depressed recently. I just miss the general’s hard work for the people and want to help the general solve his problems.”


  Lasi snorted, pushed away the waiter’s hand reaching for the wine jug, picked up the wine jug and poured himself a glass, then put the wine jug on the table.

  ”Help me solve my problems… what the hell do you know? If you ask me, businessmen should do business honestly, do less illegal things, and don’t reach out everywhere, otherwise they will die without knowing how one day. I will drink this wine today, but I will not be soft-hearted when it’s time to send you away.”

  Kunal’s mouth twitched, but he didn’t dare to move his shoulders because he was stared at by two soldiers.

  Asin looked normal, after all, it was not the first time he was pointed at by a gun.

  ”General, you are joking. What I do in ‘Golden Gallon Port’ is all legal business. I even helped the Alliance to destroy several smuggled drugs and human trafficking. If my men touch something they shouldn’t touch, I will clean up the mess without the advice of that lord.”

  ”That’s none of my business.” Laxi waved his chopsticks to stop him, and just focused on eating. “Talk about your business.”

  Axin nodded slightly and said respectfully.

  ”There is a Moon Clan resistance army in the north. I wonder if the general has heard of it?”

  ”I have heard of it… Haha, so what if I have heard of it.” Laxi sneered and curled his lips, “A bunch of insignificant things, one village can have seven or eight hundred hilltops, noisy and disorderly, not doing things well, and even more restrained in doing big things. They fight the stupidest battles with the best equipment and are chased away by second-rate troops. They are worse than bandits.”

  Axin said with a thought in his heart.

  ”Then according to the general’s opinion, what should they do?”

  Laxi said without thinking.

  ”My opinion? Oh, in my opinion, there is no need to waste so much time. Tell them to go east and go east, tell them to go west and go west, tell them to take a few steps and take a few steps. I’ll see who dares to take one more or one less step. If they don’t obey, they will be killed. If you want to fight a good war, you must first attack your own people. If you don’t dare to do it, go back home and farm as soon as possible.”

  Laxi became more and more angry as he spoke. He was so angry that he dropped his chopsticks and shook his head.

  He really didn’t have much in his stomach, and he couldn’t talk about many military theories, but he was still anxious when he saw those guys fighting. After fighting for so long, they didn’t even take down a settlement.

  He sympathized with those compatriots, including the Moon Clan in French Fries Port, and even the people in the alliance sympathized with them and even placed high hopes on them. At least in the eyes of Fang Chang, these guys have suffered from persecution, and they will definitely not follow the old path of the empire again after overthrowing it in the future.

  For this reason, Baiyue Company contacted the guerrilla Yue people more than once, gave them money and equipment, but the final result was that these guys couldn’t even beat a local warlord who was doing business, but were used by the other side and became self-reliant.

  He looked for Fang Chang more than once, and also looked for other people in the alliance, but the people in the alliance thought he was too murderous and worried that he couldn’t manage the Borneo Province.

  Every time he thought of this, Laxi was angry. Why couldn’t he manage it?

  The alliance’s method was certainly good, but there were only a few hundred people on the shore. The transformation of Jinjialun Port was so smooth, didn’t he have any credit?

  In order to deter those diehards and thugs who took advantage of the fire, he killed a lot of people, and those monsters dared not breathe, and said they would go east and never dared to go west.

  In the end, the transformation of Jinjialun Port was over, and he became a chamber pot. The gentleman’s military power was reduced by a move that was a promotion in name only, and he was placed in the office as a mascot, which was considered an explanation to the locals.

  Asin could actually understand the resentment in this guy’s heart. After all, the business he was doing was actually a kind of chamber pot.

  The infrastructure of Jinjialun Port required a huge labor force, and at the same time, it had to absorb immigrants from the Yongliu River. A

  large labor force without discipline would inevitably breed violence, and it was impossible to completely suppress violence in a land without some traditions by relying solely on laws or chanting. It was necessary to use a basket to hold the power that had nowhere to go, so that they would not vent on ordinary people.

  The Assassins Gang rose up with this east wind.

  As for Banana Head Bay, it was a way out for him to find himself, including investing in those warlords. When the

  infrastructure of Jinjialun Port was completed one day, the Alliance planned to throw away his chamber pot, and he could also rely on investments in Banana Head Bay and the Empire’s territory to find a way out for himself and his family.

  But he was much luckier than Laxi. The infrastructure of Jinjialun Port could not be completed in a day or two. As long as he was restrained under the eyes of the Alliance, he would not be punished by the Alliance. At most, he would be punished by the Jinjialun Port authorities.

  ”…I understand your difficulties. A great talent like you should display your ambitions on the battlefield, not at the wine table.”

  Laxi laughed and ignored his flattery.

  ”Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want to do.”

  ”The resistance of the Moon Clan is weak and incompetent. They are being played around by the Tiger Army in the north. I think the reason is that they lack a brave general who can unite them and lead them to fight!”

  Asin stared at Laxi with his eyes sharp, and put his right hand on the table.

  ”General, you are undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. Only you can unite those former slaves into one! Plus, you have learned the new military concept of the alliance, so you will definitely beat those feudal nobles to a pulp!”

  He agreed with the general’s point of view. It was precisely because of the unity of his Assassins that they were able to defeat other gangs and gain a place in Golden Galleon Harbor.

  Lacy laughed loudly when he heard this. Naturally, he would not be incited by these words. Instead, he looked at him and teased him.

  ”You are an interesting guy. You flatter me in various ways. If I don’t expose you, you will get addicted. You and I are talking easily here. Can you show me the shells and bullets?”

  He is a rough man, but he is not stupid. War is not a joke. No matter how

  capable Laxi is, he is nothing without the alliance.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that the young man in front of him simply nodded and agreed.

  ”I will give it! I will give ammunition for 100,000 people and 1 million people! As long as you are willing to come out and pull down the old emperor, I, Asin, will support you even if I lose everything! If you don’t believe me, I will go to the bank to withdraw the money now!”

  Laxi narrowed his eyes, put away the smile on his face, and looked at him intently.

  ”…If you are too kind to others, you must be a thief. I want to ask you what you want.”

  Asin didn’t say anything, but put the “Survivor Daily” on the table and gently pushed it in front of him.

  ”I, Asin, am a businessman. I only do business for money, but this is nothing but a fight… We rat people are not born to eat dirt.”

  Looking at the headline on the newspaper, Laxi laughed, grabbed the newspaper, put down his legs on his knees, shook his clothes and stood up.

  ”Coincidentally, we moon people are not, but I can’t give you an answer for such a big thing. Give me three days.”

  After saying that, he didn’t eat the rest of the food, and didn’t drink the wine that he regarded as his life. He waved his sleeves and took the newspaper and left.

  Looking at the table full of uneaten dishes, Kunal felt a little distressed and looked at Asin.

  ”Boss… do you think he is reliable?”

  Asin sat back in the chair gently, picked up the untouched chopsticks, and said lightly.

  ”Kunar, what do you think is truly reliable, and when will it be truly reliable. Or, does he need to consider who is worthy of doing it or who is not worthy of doing it?”

  ”I… don’t know.” Kunar scratched the back of his head and said with a bitter face.

  ”It doesn’t matter whether our generals can succeed or not. It’s like the warlords of the Tiger Army have business dealings with us, but we have to invest in them while investing in their enemies.” After

  pouring himself a glass of wine, Asin said in a very light voice.

  ”The wasteland is undergoing a dramatic change that has not happened in two hundred years. The River Valley Province is reborn in the raging fire, Jinchuan Province has also found hope in the flames, and the Sea End Province is also… We have been quiet for two hundred years, and we also need a fire. Now is the best time. The real empires are settling old problems and continuing the war that was not completely ended two hundred years ago. No one has time to pay attention to us. Someone must take the opportunity to fire now, so that other people who are ready to move can see what the witch camel riding on their heads is.”

  Outsiders can only see their obedience and forbearance in their bones, but as a member of the Rat Clan, he knows better than outsiders that there is actually another word hidden behind these two words.

  That is rebellion.

  Or rebellion.

  Just like mice, they are usually chased and thrown by cats for fun, but when they are really pushed, they dare to bite even people.

  As he said this, he looked around at the brothers around him and spoke in a friendly manner.

  ”…Come and sit down to eat. You know I don’t like to waste. This big table of food was originally ordered for everyone. I can’t finish it all by myself.”

  ”Didn’t you order it for Laxi?” Kunal asked doubtfully in his ear while inviting the brothers to sit down.

  Asin smiled faintly and picked up the chopsticks for everyone, even though he was not very skilled in using them.

  ”That adult will not eat with people like us. It will be bad for both him and me if it gets out. Having a drink before leaving is already a great honor for us.”

  ”His ambition is much bigger than a small character like me.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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