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Chapter 769 If you want the grass to grow well, you have to set it on fire first

Chapter 769 If you want the grass to grow well, you have to set it on fire first


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 769 If you want the grass to grow well, you have to set fire to

  the Governor’s Office of Jinjialun Port.

  One person sat on a chair with a big horse and a golden sword, and the other paced back and forth in the office with an anxious look.

  There were two cups of tea on the low table, one was still hot, and the other was cold and untouched.

  Laxi saw that Yodu, who was pinching his chin and thinking, did not reply for a long time, and could not help but curse.

  ”…Can you stop beating around the bush? You don’t feel dizzy, but I feel dizzy just looking at you.”

  Yodu glanced at this guy, then glanced out the window, sighed heavily and shook his head.

  Seeing that this guy wanted to say something but didn’t say it, Laxi’s brows twitched fiercely.

  ”If you have something to say, just say it.”

  Yodu finally spoke.

  ”General, do you know why Mr. Fang Chang transferred you from the front line to the rear?”

  Laxi picked up the teacup and blew it, and replied indifferently.

  ”I know.”

  Yodu’s eyebrows jumped fiercely, and he continued to ask with temper.

  ”Then why are you so impatient?”

  ”Impatient? Ha, the empire killed my compatriots and massacred my relatives, and you ask me why I am so impatient?” Lacy raised his eyebrows, but his eyes narrowed into slits, and both glances shot at him, “Every day I spend here, I don’t know how many families are broken up!”

  ”I will never forget what happened in Camp Lowell, and that was just a speck of dust on these four million square kilometers of land! A piece of grass! I tell you, I wish I could go to heaven and chop off the old emperor’s family! And tear down the one thousand pillars of the City of Thousand Pillars!”

  Yodu wanted to say something, but Lacy interrupted him.

  ”You are a member of the snake tribe. There may be your compatriots who died on the Ten Peaks Mountain and the Weifu Wasteland. You have read the survivors’ daily report. That kind of death is not even cannon fodder. But Wutuo, that idiot, not only did not reflect on himself, but was overjoyed and planned to continue sending people to that damn place to die. Before you advise me, you might as well think about your compatriots first–”


  Yodu suddenly roared, interrupting Laxi’s chatter.

  His chest heaved, and a rare loss of control appeared on his face that was written with sophistication, tactfulness, and forbearance. He

  stared at Laxi with a pair of eyes, and he wanted to grab the guy by the collar, but he held back.

  ”I’m really worried about you! You short-lived ghost, you know the situation in the north. Those idiots are your compatriots, but they are not even as good as the feudal lord’s army. What’s the difference between you and your death?”

  Laxi showed a trace of surprise on his face. He didn’t feel offended, but he didn’t expect that this guy who usually doesn’t show his talent would have such a straightforward side, so he laughed.

  ”What a joke! The turtle who shrinks his head lives longer, why should I be a turtle! You laugh at my short life, and I laugh at your long life. Hey, I will be this short-lived ghost today!” Yodu didn’t know whether to

  laugh or cry. Seeing that he had finished his tea and was about to leave, he personally went up to pour him half a cup and stopped him.

  ”My general, my ancestor, you should also consider the actual situation–”

  Laxi curled his lips: “What is the situation in the north that I don’t know better than you? Don’t forget that the war report was sent to my office first! I have a first-hand war report to think about, but I don’t think more than you who read the second-hand war report? A bunch of pigs are fighting stupidly, and the more I read, the angrier I get. I’m so angry that I drink one bottle after another!”

  As he spoke, he seemed to think of those war reports again, and he gritted his teeth.

  Yodu sighed.

  ”But what changes will you make if you go there, general?” Laxi said

  without hesitation.

  ”The resistance army is incompetent, but I am not incompetent! My Moon Clan is even more incompetent!”

  Yodu couldn’t help but say again.

  ”What if we lose?”

  Laxi said lightly.

  ”There is only death.”

  The room fell silent.

  Yodu looked at him in a daze, thinking that the short-lived ghost just now was a joke, but he didn’t expect that he was serious.

  This guy really gambled his life…

  His Adam’s apple moved, and he silently picked up his teacup and toasted the general.

  ”I didn’t expect you to be so aware. I’m sorry.”

  ”Don’t make it look like you’re sending me off. I’m not dead yet.” Laxi clinked glasses with him and grinned, “But even if I die, I’ll take them with me. It’s better than them being so half-dead and cowardly. In the end, they didn’t bring down the emperor, but they cooled the enthusiasm of the young people in the province of Boro. I’m really unhappy!” As

  the two were talking, footsteps were heard outside the office door, and a young man pushed the door open and walked in.

  ”Mr. Yodu, a telegram from Dawn City.”

  ”What does the telegram say!” Before Yodu could speak, Laxi stood up and asked.

  The young man looked at Yodu cautiously, and when he saw the latter nodded, he continued.

  ”Mr. Fang Chang said… it’s approved.”

  Laxi showed an ecstatic expression on his face, laughed a few times, and bowed to Yodu.


  After saying that, he walked out of the door like the wind, without stopping for a moment, leaving only Yodu and the young man.

  After glancing at the direction where Laxi left, the young man looked at Yodu again, and after a moment hesitantly asked.

  ”Mr. Yodu…is this really okay?”

  He was a horseman. Although he was not a noble before he became a civil servant in the city hall, he was also a person who worked for the nobles, so his family was quite wealthy.

  For people like Laxi, he could be said to be both admired and afraid, and there was also a hint of disgust.

  Admiration is because the old nobles and masters are afraid of this guy, and fear is naturally because this guy is really not a good thing, and he is moody and ruthless.

  As for disgust, there is probably a bit of jealousy.

  It was the city hall that led the locals to build railways, subways, and renovate the high city area, but the middle and lower class civilians admired Laxi more for being ruthless and killing even his own people.

  Compared with Yodu, Laxi’s prestige among the people of Jingalon Port is much higher.

  If he himself had no interest in being the mayor, it would be difficult for the respected Mr. Yodu to compete with that guy…if he didn’t use tricks.

  ”Maybe Mr. Fang Chang has his own judgment.” Yodu was silent for a long time and sighed softly.

  Having been the “acting mayor” for so long, he has also felt the difficulty of Mr. Fang Chang.

  Most of the time, what he has to do is not to choose the best one from two reliable options, but to choose the lesser of two evils from two unreliable options.

  Should he put out the flame that had finally started, or let the fire burn and see what would come out…

  He felt that if he were in Mr. Fang Chang’s position, he might make the same choice.

  In fact, that guy wasn’t that bad. A guy who clearly wanted to be an emperor and a warlord was better than Charas, who shouted about freedom but became the emperor and called himself the president of the Northern Federation.

  The former could be changed for the time being. At least the young people in the Borneo Province didn’t think equality was a disaster. As for what Lasi thought, it didn’t matter. But the latter was difficult. Right and wrong would be reversed, and only a vigorous war or a fire that burned to the extreme could start all over again.

  As a reformist, he didn’t really hate people like Lasi. If he had to rank them, such people would always be more likable than royalists, although he couldn’t appreciate them either.

  ”Let’s take it one step at a time.” Yodu shook his head, returned to his desk, and continued to review the new textbook plan submitted by the Educators Association…

  On the other side, Lacy, who left the city hall, stopped at the door of the city hall.

  He suddenly turned his head to look at the Golden Galleon flag and the Union flag fluttering in the square in front of the city hall, then took off the officer’s hat on his head and placed it on the flagpole standing on the flagpole.

  ”You said you can’t kneel, so I won’t kneel today.”

  ”In the future, the survivors of my Bora Province will bow and clench their fists instead of kneeling. Whoever dares to kneel again, no matter whether he kneels to me or to someone else, I will saw off his grandmother’s legs first!”

  After saying that, he bowed three times in a row, straightened his back, turned around and left.

  On that day, the Golden Galleon Port City Hall accepted the resignation submitted by Lacy, the director of the Civil Defense Office.

  There were also 100 officers and soldiers of the militia who resigned with him.

  It is said that Lacy went back to the barracks and gave a speech that day, and the number of people who submitted their resignations more than doubled.

  Under the instruction of the governor’s secretary, the authorities of Kinggallon Port approved all these resignations.

  Those young men returned the military caps, uniforms and epaulettes issued by the authorities, as well as the guns on their shoulders.

  From today on, they were no longer the awe-inspiring militiamen, but ordinary residents of Kinggallon Port.

  However, when they walked out of the barracks, they were cheered by the survivors of the entire city of Kinggallon Port.

  People gathered in the streets, throwing flowers to them, handing them fruits, and hugging them, as if they were seeing off a group of heroes going to war.

  When everyone was complaining about the shamelessness of the empire, this group of young men stood up.

  Their birth was not glorious, their resumes were not heroic, and their ancestors had no illustrious military exploits, but everyone could see the courage and determination in their eyes to face death.

  The young men walking in the crowd also raised their heads and chests, looking at the crowd who presented them with flowers, their eyes full of pride.

  If there is such a thing in a lifetime, there is no regret in death!

  Many of them remember it.

  Something similar happened once before, on the day when the Empire was defeated.

  It was just that the flowers were thrown to the Alliance, not to them who had also shed blood.

  They were not jealous of the Alliance for taking away their glory. After all, they knew that they could not defeat the Empire on their own, and their performance was indeed not as good as those guys. A hundred people chased tens of thousands of people and jumped into the river.

  However, even if they took the worship of the Alliance by the residents of Jingalon Port for granted, they could not help but feel a little envious.

  Don’t they long for the recognition of their compatriots?

  And don’t they look forward to those who have united!

  Especially when they learned about what happened in Dawn City, Dawn City, Boulder City, etc. through those books and newspapers that traveled across the ocean, the light of their longing was magnified to the point that it became a new belief.

  Miracles are not born, nor are they supposed to happen.

  The awakening of the residents of Jingalon Port began with the “Survivor Daily”, and the seeds of their awakening were planted from the moment they fought side by side with those people.

  Someone must take the first step!

  Now it’s their turn to walk the path those people have walked before!

  Just as the young men were walking forward with their heads held high, Palu, who was transferred from the Port District Police Station to maintain order at the scene, was looking for the leather shoes that had been stepped on.

  He spent half a month’s salary to buy them, which cost him more than 900 gallons.

  Finally, he found it in the corner of the crowd. He jumped on it with joy, hugged it in his arms and breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”Thank God for the blessing of the horse!”

  He muttered to himself, put on the shoes hurriedly, and walked back to the crowd with

  his head held high. He turned his hands and gave instructions, scolded a few children who were just joining in the fun, and when it was dark, the crowd dispersed. After exerting a lot of effort, he wiped his sweat and walked to the rest room of the nearby Security Bureau to rest his feet.

  The Security Bureau was full of young men, and they were also talking about the empire indignantly, cursing Wu Tuo for not treating the rat people as human beings, and not treating ordinary people in the empire as human beings.

  ”Of course it’s good to join the Sticky Community! But can’t we try another way? Mr. Manager didn’t force everyone to put their heads on the line and support the cause of all mankind. Can’t we try another way?” ”

  That’s right! We could have used the pension given by the Sticky Community to buy some industrial equipment, and then take some orders from the Sticky Community, but this damn Wutu wanted to exchange human lives for it!”

  ”I don’t know where the money was spent!”

  ”Hey, I hope those guys can win…”

  ”Many stalls in the Kraba Market have donation points. The owners of dyeing and textile factories are calling for donations. I also donated some yesterday.”

  ”Is it reliable?”

  ”Why not? The boss of the Assassin Group donated one million silver coins himself! Are those big businessmen thinking about your little money?”

  ”Hiss… This money is enough to buy a tank!”

  Cursing the Empire has become a fashion in Golden Gallon Port. Everyone is cursing, including Palu, who originally missed Nihak, but recently he doesn’t like that outdated thing very much, and occasionally he joins in cursing.

  But when it comes to those guys who caused the traffic jam and caused him so much trouble, he can’t be happy.

  Can’t they leave quietly at night without making any sound?

  Especially that unlucky guy, he almost lost one of his new leather shoes.

  But sitting here, he didn’t dare to sing a different tune in public, just hummed softly.

  ”Oh, let alone that kind of thing, even if they are given power armor, it’s useless… Following that drunkard Lassi, I’m afraid all my enthusiasm will be in vain.”

  Bashak, who happened to be sitting at the edge of the crowd, heard this complaint, looked at his colleagues in surprise, and said in disbelief, “How can you say that about them?”

  He was indifferent to things outside of work, but at least he didn’t hate those guys who dared to be the first.

  If they succeed, it will be good. At least there will be fewer innocent souls drowned in the Yongliu River.

  Seeing someone interrupting him, Palu said with a contemptuous smile.

  ”Do I need to say this? How can that Laxi succeed? A guy born as a slave is nothing without the alliance. Does he think those people are afraid of him?” He

  seemed to feel that it was not convincing to just say this, so he hurriedly added a sentence, as if he was afraid of missing something.

  ”And the most important thing is that he has no ideas.”

  Bashak said with a smile.

  ”Then, what is that… Are we talking about the same thing?”

  He thought the old man would say that the young men did not bring guns when they went out.

  Seeing that the boy was indeed young, Palu snorted and raised the corners of his mouth to talk about it like a treasure.

  ”The gods are just fictitious shackles, and thoughts are the sword that cuts off the shackles! It is better to rely on yourself than on heaven and earth. To get rich, you must rely on your hands and brain. Respecting others is to respect yourself… You have never read the survivor’s daily report. You don’t even know such an important thing as thoughts. How can you be a guard! The young man’s style is very problematic!”

  Bashak looked at him blankly. He really couldn’t remember that there were so many things written in the newspaper. He only remembered that the guys from the Alliance told him that rat people can also be guards. If they are illiterate, they can learn slowly.

  Facing the reprimand of the old senior, he felt his face burning hot. For a moment, he actually reflected on whether he really talked about equality in his daily work and interpersonal relationships.

  ”Then… do you have that thing?”

  Bashak asked this question with a guilty conscience, and he wanted to ask for advice.

  But he didn’t expect that after being heard by Palu, the old senior who was still proud a second ago, jumped up as if his tail was stepped on.

  ”You sly fellow, how dare you say I didn’t! Of course I did! When the alliance first landed, I knew that those guys who united everyone would definitely win!”

  ”Besides, if I hadn’t turned a blind eye and let them land, they wouldn’t have won so easily. Otherwise, you should think about why I am a guard in the port area, while you are only qualified to do odd jobs in Knight Road? The guy with long hair has short knowledge, how can you, a hairless guy, have such knowledge!”

  Bashak stared at the excited old senior in a daze, took a step back, with some pity in his eyes, but also a little fear.

  He was not afraid that this old guy’s mouth was really good and ruined the lives of those young men, after all, gods do not exist, but suddenly thought that the other side of the river was full of such guys.

  They were very much like the preface that Mr. Rat wrote for the biography of General Lowell, and this time the Ls read about what the alliance brought, just like when they read about the good things that the Weilant people gave a thousand dinars…

  It is not difficult to kill the emperor.

  But these people are immortal…


  Dusk gradually fell, the night gradually deepened, the Yongliu River was quiet and peaceful, and the reeds were lush and green.

  This is the northwest of Jingalon Port, an undeveloped wasteland.

  This place was originally called Lucaopo, but now it is called Dead Man’s Slope by the locals, because the ghosts buried under the reeds are drowned.

  The residents of the settlement saw them off all the way here, and then stopped sending them on.

  Lasi and his followers will board the boat at the ferry by the river, and under the cover of the Assassins, they will pass through the territory controlled by the Tiger Army.

  Some people get on the boat and some people get off.

  Looking at those poor people who thanked the boatman for his rebirth, and the corpses hidden in the reeds, Lasi, who stood on the bow of the barge, had a trace of contempt in his eyes.

  He turned his back to his subordinates and said in a voice that was neither light nor heavy.

  ”…Did you see those refugees on the Yongliu River?”

  ”They are like dogs that fell into the water, desperately trying to climb to the shore, as if they could live like human beings by climbing to the shore… It’s so damn pathetic, they don’t want to be good people, but have to be dogs.”

  Everyone was silent.

  Although they supported Laxi and did not even oppose him to sit on the throne, it did not mean that they agreed with everything he said.

  Except for the officers who submitted their resignations with him at the beginning, they were his confidants, and many people followed him with a passion.

  There were many people who sympathized with these illegal immigrants, and stood up for the reason of helping them from the root.

  Seeing that no one responded, Laxi snorted coldly, but changed the subject.

  ”You can say that being a dog is shameful, but who turned them into dogs!”

  ”Is it their parents?”

  ”Is it the people here?”

  ”Is it you?”

  ”Or the Alliance? The Legion? The Ideal City?”

  ”None of them! It was that Wu Tuo, his prime minister, his ministers, and the thousands of slave-holding estates and the farmers sitting in the estates! It was this bunch of cannibals who turned people into dogs and twisted the relationship between people into dogs and dogs!”

  ”Today, you will follow me upstream, not only to save the Moon Clan, but also to save the thousands of slaves! If I am crowned emperor in the future, whether you believe me or not, I will never let a Xilan person be a pig or a dog again!”


  A week has passed since Laxi resigned, and the commotion caused by those young men has also been boiling in Jingalon Port for a week.

  The entire settlement praised Laxi and those young men, even the old nobles who used to fear the plague god the most.

  Port area.

  The breakfast shop not far from the entrance of the Triumph Hotel has a facade decorated exactly like the one in Dawn City. Occasionally, people wearing blue coats come here to eat, so this breakfast shop is also quite popular among the locals.

  Two well-dressed men sat at the table, ordered three baskets of soup dumplings, ate them with ginger vinegar, and pointed at the newly-made “Survivor Daily”.

  ”Red Soil” had just finished writing the story of L, and finally got to the point, but it did not talk about General Lowell or the red soil. Instead, it used a madman’s diary as an introduction, and talked in detail about eating soil that was briefly mentioned in the prologue.

  The article made people sweat.

  The soil chewed in the mouth was like delicious meat, and the bloody mud cakes looked like human hearts.

  The protagonist is a madman, and the madman’s diary is naturally nonsense, but Mr. Rat wrote it as if it were true, which made people doubt whether he was mentally normal, but thinking about it carefully, he doubted himself again, and even the soup dumplings in his mouth were not fragrant.

  After a shudder, the two quickly changed the topic and hurriedly talked about the “Union” that has been bustling the city recently.

  That was the name given by the young people of Jin Jialun Port to Laxi and a group of young men who followed him out of the city to fight to overthrow the empire. It was also the expectation they placed on those people.

  At first it was just a name, and later some radical young men registered this organization and registered a regulatory account in Jin Jialun’s bank in accordance with regulations, actively raising funds for those people, and now it has some sense of a group faction.

  Although Laxi, who is still on the way, may not recognize this “posthumous” identity, he should not refuse the equipment and money that are delivered to his door.

  ”That Laxi may have bad intentions. I can see at a glance that he wants to be the emperor.”

  ”Oh, you are the only one who can see it?”

  ”Don’t you think this is nonsense?”

  ”I flipped through the old books sent by the Alliance, and the history of the Human Alliance actually has a recipe for constitutional monarchy.”

  The cattle man sitting opposite widened his eyes.

  ”What are you doing with that shameful thing? The Human Alliance has been buried in the garbage heap of history! You are still looking for food in the garbage heap of the garbage heap!”

  The horse man who was eating soup dumplings gave him a helpless look.

  ”But no matter how rotten it is, can it be worse than the witch camel?”

  The cattle man stopped talking.

  That’s true…

  Who can be more shameful than Xilan.

  Even though he has half royal blood and a title given by the empire.

  He usually doesn’t even like to talk about those things with others, for fear of being looked down upon.

  In the corner of the breakfast shop, a rather mature teenager sat there quietly reading a newspaper.

  Several ordinary-looking but strong guys were sitting around him eating noodles casually. Whenever someone tried to get close to him, he would use his eyes to dissuade them.

  Except for the waiter who came to refill the tea.

  Looking at the newspaper in the guest’s hand, Zayed said in a very light voice.

  ”The news on this page is about Youtiao Port. There is a plan to renovate the port there, and more steel and cement are needed, as well as workers to work.”

  Asin raised his eyebrows slightly, smiled at the interesting waiter.

  ”Can you tell that I can’t read?”

  Zayed nodded slightly and said in a gentle tone.

  ”You are very enthusiastic about knowledge, but it is better to eat beef noodles while it is hot. The soup will clump when it soaks into the noodles.”

  Asin smiled faintly.

  ”You are an interesting guy. With the culture of reading books and newspapers, why don’t you go to teach and come here to serve tea and water.”

  This man looked familiar. It seemed that he had seen him in the Triumph Hotel, but he was probably fired for some reason.

  He could think of the reason. It was probably because he interrupted the guests while they were eating.

  This is not a good habit.

  He just met a grassroots person like himself who had risen from the bottom, so he didn’t bother to argue with him. In addition, this is the territory of the alliance, so he had to act like a good man.

  If it were a guy with a narrow mind, he would definitely argue with him.

  Of course, it is not ruled out that this brother came up to him because he was sure that he would not bother to argue with him.

  Hearing the frivolity in the voice, Zayd smiled lightly without caring.

  ”Teaching can’t change the empire. I teach one person, I teach ten people, it won’t change anything.”

  As if he heard something funny, Asin laughed out loud and put down the newspaper in his hand.

  ”You are an interesting guy. I praised you for being educated, but you stuck a green onion in your nose. Then tell me, how can being a waiter… change the empire?”

  Not only Asin laughed out loud, but also the gang members sitting next to him.

  Except for the silly Kunar.

  He didn’t find it funny, but simply curled his lips in disdain.

  Nowadays, everyone talks about rebellion. Even the breakfast shop clerk has such a daydream.

  The noodle shop owner was winking at this side frantically, and was even about to cry in anxiety, trying to get Zayd away from the plague god.

  This guy is the boss of the Assassin Gang!

  Who in this port doesn’t know what kind of business he is doing?

  If he is upset, I’m afraid he will have to be fished out of the Everflow River.

  However, Zayd seemed to have seen nothing.

  He didn’t care about the job he was doing, just like he never cared about the job at the Triumph Hotel.

  He came here to work just to wait for a nobleman’s favor, and now he has finally waited.

  As for whether it can be successful, it depends on God’s will. Anyway, it’s not the first time he has failed.

  With a faint smile, Zayd continued.

  ”Being a waiter can’t change the empire, but it can save me some money for the trip.”

  When Asin heard that he was a “peach kernel” who was saving money to buy a boat ticket, he looked down on him even more, but it didn’t show on his face. He just picked up the chopsticks and ate noodles.

  ”… French Fry Port, huh, it’s a good place, but it only welcomes guys who work hard. I advise you to change your bad habit of being ambitious but incompetent. You are slow in doing things, not like people from Golden Gallon Port at all. I’m afraid you can’t even be a good noodle shop guy.”

  He was a little annoyed.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that the guy said.

  ”Why go to French Fry Port? I want to go to Dawn City.”

  ”What are you going there for?” Asin stopped eating and looked at him for a while, but he didn’t expect the guy to say something shocking.

  ”Laxi can’t do it, and Yodu can’t do it either. No one in the entire Golden Gallon Port can save the Borneo Province. What happened in the Stone City has no one in ten thousand chance of repeating here… They are all missing something, and that thing is in Dawn City.”

  Staring at the stunned Asin with a sharp gaze, Zayed put his hands on the table.

  ”I don’t want to see the young people in the Borneo Province bleed in vain. I have to go there and bring it back!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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