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Chapter 770: A red flower becomes redder if it is close to a red flower, a black flower becomes blacker if it is close

Chapter 770: A red flower becomes redder if it is close to a red flower, a black flower becomes blacker if it is close


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 770: A red bird becomes redder if it is close to a red bird, and a black bird becomes blacker if it is close to a black bird

  ”It’s technology.”

  On the Embassy Street in Dawn City, young men and girls dressed in bright and beautiful clothes come and go on the street.

  Occasionally, one or two “glowing” clothes can be seen, which are probably the “holographic clothes” of Ideal City. Even the color of hair can be switched freely.

  ”Technology is really good…”

  Duke Galava, looking out the window at the Ideal City Hotel, suddenly sighed leisurely, and suddenly sighed again.

  ”If the technology of the empire is stronger, and the Human Union leaves more legacy to my empire… the people in my territory will not have to eat dirt. It’s really a sin.”

  Yesterday, the “Survivor Daily” of Dawn City reprinted “Red Soil”, and he naturally saw it, although he only read the reprinted preface – “L Biography”.

  Although the article was mostly deliberately slanderous, he had to admit that there were indeed some lazy guys in White Elephant City who couldn’t even afford to eat beans.

  But where are there no lazy people?

  Besides, the Daily Survivor is obviously a newspaper of the Alliance, but it reports on lazy people thousands of kilometers away, but turns a blind eye to the lazy people in Boulder City who have lost their wives and children because of alcoholism.

  From this point of view, the Dawn Garden Newspaper, which dares to speak the truth, seems to be speaking for the millions of suffering survivors of the Alliance.

  However, the skill of talking is actually a small matter. Duke Galawa does not care about the slander of the Daily Survivor, but when he saw the red soil, he was suddenly moved. It

  would be great if there was technology to produce nutritional paste.

  It is said that the thing can make inedible things edible, and it sounds very nutritious.

  The more Duke Galawa thought about it, the more he felt that General Lowell was really not a good thing. He reduced the cost of survival of the survivors in the Borneo Province too low.

  Farming requires taxes, but eating soil does not. The entire process from production to circulation does not require the participation of nobles and officials appointed by nobles. Moreover, even if he wants to intervene, he cannot intervene. This is unfair to those who farm.

  ”…If that year was a year of ice and snow, and Lowell had not made red soil, but had made some real technology, such as producing nutrient paste, my empire would not have been so weak.”

  When Ni Yang heard the Duke of Galava sighing, he was still a little nervous, but he was relieved when he heard this.

  This guy did read what he wrote, but fortunately not much.

  There are a thousand Bols in the hearts of a thousand readers, including Bol, who sees things differently.

  And his Duke is still as stable as ever. This time he regards technology as red soil in the ground. I’m afraid he is still thinking that he can make a miracle by burying something in the soil and digging it out to dig out technology.

  It’s easy to fool this guy. Just do what he wants, bury some heritage of the prosperous era in the soil, and wave the shovel in the same way, I’m afraid he can make him happy.

  Ni Yang has even thought about how to use this “charity” in his mind, but he didn’t expect that the next sentence of the Duke of Galava would disappoint him. This guy was actually smart for once and didn’t leave professional matters to laymen.

  ”I have an appointment with Mr. Lister. You go and entertain him later. Don’t neglect the distinguished guest.”

  When Ni Yang heard the name Lister, he always felt familiar. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have seen it in an advertisement.

  That guy is also a legendary figure. He started out as a peddler, and took advantage of the Bone Chewing Rebellion to rise to become a celebrity in Boulder City, and escaped unscathed before Boulder City collapsed.

  There is a saying that he is wealthy enough to rival a country and is the richest man in Dawn City.

  However, Ni Yang always felt that it was a bit far-fetched to say that Lister was the richest man. The one who attended the hearing was obviously more valued by the alliance.

  Of course, this is not a big deal.

  ”Mr. Lister is… the entrepreneur who produces exoskeletons and batteries?”

  ”Yes,” Duke Galava said indifferently, imitating someone’s style of adding some milk to black tea, “I carefully studied the evolution of the Stone City. The businessman named Lister made a lot of money from it, including a steel manufacturer named Sun. They are basically the richest people in the alliance. Bribing them is much easier and more effective than bribing the residents of the shelter.”

  Thinking that this idiot had actually investigated the Stone City, Ni Yang was shocked and asked carefully.

  ”Do you want him to set up a factory in Bobo Province?”

  ”Yes, I should have done this a long time ago. As a diplomat, I have to do some practical things for the empire.” Duke Galava smiled lightly, with a gleam of alertness in his eyes.

  Ni Yang reminded him cautiously.

  ”But we don’t have nuclear fusion there, nor do we have as many experts as Camp 101… How can we attract Lister to come over?”

  ”This is actually easy,” Duke Galava said with a smile, “I’ve asked, the Alliance didn’t have those things at the beginning, and Lister’s factory can still be established. As for nuclear fusion, it’s nothing more than a matter of electricity prices, I will just exempt him from the electricity price.”

  If Lister’s factory can be moved to White Elephant City and a few thousand exoskeletons can be built for him, I’m afraid there is no need for His Majesty to take action, the private soldiers in his manor can beat the Alliance to a pulp.

  Duke Galava showed a happy smile on his face, and he wanted to go to the Alliance post office immediately to send a telegram to share his joy with His Majesty at the moment.

  Ni Yang couldn’t keep up with his thoughts, but he thought it was not a bad thing to let this guy toss so much, so he nodded.

  ”As you wish.”


  In the sunny and windy Golden Gallon Port, the rainy season is slowly passing, and today’s good weather is as good as ever.

  On the dock surrounded by seagulls, a large and long destroyer docked, and several tall and strong Alliance soldiers wearing exoskeletons came down – or players.

  In fact, it is okay not to wear them.

  But wearing this thing is more eye-catching, and [Zero Chong] happens to like to show off.

  Walking in front of the teammates, [Shanhe Rumeng] looked around at the beasts and said in a serious voice.

  ”Go to Lowell Camp to sign in later, and someone will contact us about the mission. Remember, don’t go into the villager’s house even if it rains, let alone artillery shells!”

  When saying the last sentence, Shanhe Rumeng especially glanced at Zero Chong.

  The latter scratched his head awkwardly, and [Two Liang Moonlight] and [Bianshisheng] said in high spirits.

  ”Got it!”


  The gunpowder barrel in the southern waters could explode at any time.

  Logically speaking, they should not come to Golden Gallon Port at this time since they have been transferred back to Baiyue Province. However, a foolish man resigned with a group of officers, so they could only come back at the request of the Golden Gallon Port authorities to train some officers to fill the militia.

  The player’s tactics are not suitable for NPCs, but the experience on the battlefield is the same.

  Moreover, after countless attempts without fear of death, the players of the Burning Legion have honed some tactics to the extreme.

  For example, the tactics of multiple artillery groups firing slow-moving barrages to cover the infantry’s advance. The players of the Burning Legion can even charge forward by touching the edge of the shrapnel, using the 155mm howitzer as their bayonet. Another

  example is airborne operations behind enemy lines, and hunting large alien species, etc.

  A group of people walked through the bustling Tulip Street and headed towards the Lowell Camp.

  Passers-by frequently “saluted” these alliance soldiers, and these players wearing exoskeletons were also observing the people on the street. The

  first coastal freight railway and the first subway that runs through the entire settlement of Jingalon Port have been officially opened to traffic. Although there are still many old buildings on the streets, the originally chaotic slum shacks have basically been replaced by “alliance-style low-rent housing” with a higher volume ratio.

  Bicycles and pedestrians are traveling on the spacious road.

  The street lights that originally belonged to Tulip Street are also extending along those main roads. Perhaps it won’t be long before they can be spread all over the city.

  Walking on the streets of this settlement feels a bit like Cyber ​​Bombay, especially since the most profitable industries here are cotton weaving and dyeing factories, which are quite similar to the real Bombay in the second half of the 18th century.

  However, the area here is much larger than that of Bombay.

  In Zero’s impression, Bombay seems to be more than 4,000 square kilometers, while Kinggallon Port, including the large undeveloped areas in the suburbs, is a full 10,000 square kilometers.

  Another thing is that Bombay is on the west coast of Indy, similar to the location of Xifan Port in Borneo Province, while Kinggallon Port is on the east coast, right next to the end of the Yongliu River.

  Of course, the most discordant or split thing is actually the strange habit of the locals.

  Whether it is the residents of the lower class or the upper class, there is a “League flavor” in their mouths.

  It’s like inserting two English sentences into Mandarin. The locals like to insert two sentences of player-specific grammar and modal particles into their local dialect.

  ”…Fuck, why do people here like to greet each other’s mothers when they talk?” Ling Chong muttered, wondering if there was a problem with the map loading program.

  Er Liang Yue Guang glanced at him with a subtle expression and coughed lightly.

  ”…I think you should reflect on your usual words and deeds.”

  Version Chusheng also nodded and agreed.

  ”+1, it is unrealistic to expect others to learn only good things and not bad things. If you eat grapes too fast, you will inevitably swallow the skin.”

  Ling Chong was stunned.

  ”Fuck, can you blame me for this?”

  Er Liang Yue Guang shook his head.

  ”Tsk tsk, look at what I said?”

  Shanhe Rumeng laughed and patted Ling Chong on the shoulder.

  ”Relax, this is not a big problem…as long as you don’t go into the homes of fellow villagers, it’s a small problem.”

  ”Fuck, how long are you going to play this lousy joke!?” Ling Chong grinned angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

  But then again, the evolution of local customs may really have something to do with the players.

  In fact, the human language of players is very different from that of NPCs, which is similar to the translation language in another sense.

  Except for those high-level players who have played for a long time or have had in-depth exchanges with NPCs, most players’ human language is a “bulk version”.

  That is, they learned a few pronunciations from the VM, and they no longer look at the translator after listening to and using it more. On the one hand, human language does have strong compatibility, otherwise it would not be compatible with the diverse cultures of the old era. On the other hand, this game is realistic enough that people can’t help but indulge in it.

  However, knowing how to use it and using it well are two different things. Even a very small number of big players are good at daily communication terms. They can only understand the incomprehensible terms and cultural stalks based on the context.

  As for most ordinary players, of course, they use whatever is convenient.

  As long as the key words are used correctly, even if the grammar of Chinese is used, the NPC can understand it.

  Jingalon Port is essentially a settlement led by players. A series of advanced ideas, including equality, are brought by players from the harmonious society in reality.

  As they have enjoyed the benefits of modern civilization, the emerging citizen class in Jingalon Port and the old nobles who have followed the trend have also unconsciously moved closer to the “iron men” of the alliance in terms of customs.

  Under the subtle influence, the current result was eventually led to.

  That is, the iron men of the Burning Corps used the scattered human language to “pollute” the language of the locals.

  This situation is the same as Xiaoyu’s “焯”.

  It is obviously just an interjection, but it is used as a communication tool by it, which is good at learning.

  ”Well, rational analysis, what you said makes sense, but I don’t say “特麻的” and “特娘的” every time… and why didn’t this happen in Dawn City?”

  Facing the confused eyes of his good brother, Erliang Moonlight said eloquently.

  ”Because the NPCs there mainly worship the administrators, and worship you as a by-product, such as Xiaoyu is the most typical example… and the players in Dawn City are more diverse, such as Miss Teng Teng and Ya Ya, have you ever seen them say “fuck” like you? They are as civilized as me, okay!”

  ”You are not civilized at all.” Ling Chong rolled his eyes.

  Er Liang Yue Guang said with a smirk.

  ”Hey, better than someone, even the children are not spared.”

  ”Fuck me! @#@%!” Ling Chong’s nose was almost crooked with anger, and he started to curse.

  These bastards.

  He accidentally touched his head, and later clarified the misunderstanding, but the rumors became more and more outrageous, making everyone look at him with disgust.

  Looking at the exasperated Ling Chong, Shanhe Rumeng sighed.

  ”There are too many irritable brothers in Jin Jialun Port. It would be better if Ya Ya was invited over.”

  At this time, the version Chusheng, who was not very talkative, suddenly shivered and spoke.

  ”Let’s not do it… What if she comes and thinks this place is too shady and goes to the forum to tag the dog planner to crack down on pornography?”

  Three pairs of eyes looked over at the same time.

  Shanhe Rumeng: “What the hell?”

  Erliang Yueguang: “Tell me more about the shady place.”

  Lingchong: “Fuck, I don’t understand, brother, please tell me more!”

  Facing those burning eyes, Banban Chusheng subtly moved his eyes away and coughed lightly.

  ”Do the quest first… Let’s talk about the paid stuff offline.”

  Shanhe Rumeng: “…”

  Lingchong: “@#%@!”


  There are thirteen pronunciations for the surnames of the rat people, and there are exactly thirteen states

  in the Borneo Province. The state where Jin Jialong Port is located is called Lowell State. The origin of the name is naturally related to the Lowell Camp in Jin Jialong Port. It is also the only state in Borneo Province that is “not related to animals”. The

  Naxit State where the westernmost Xifan Port is located means lion. The easternmost Lowell State has the Tiger State above, the Leopard State to the left, the Snake below, and the Borneo Sea to the right.

  The widely circulated saying among the local intellectual class is that although the states use the names of animals, they actually worship – or seal the gods behind the animals.

  Although Lowell is not an animal, he is a totem buried in the hearts of every survivor in Borneo Province, and he is also the only “human god” who is not among the thousand pillars.

  Because everyone is a “pillar”, in other words, a walking “human pillar”.

  Or a sacrifice.

  However, according to Ms. Han Mingyue’s interpretation, there is another explanation.

  That is, two hundred years ago, Borneo Province was a large ecological reserve, Lowell State was the only scientific observation station and tourist resting place at that time, while Tiger State was the main living area of ​​tigers, Leopard State was the main living area of ​​leopards, and different species of snakes, elephants, lions, cattle, wolves, etc. were all the same.

  These wild animals were the food source of the survivors for a long time. After eating those wild animals to near extinction, the locals sanctified them out of some kind of gratitude.

  Superimposed with the influence of the “Animal World” video data, it evolved into a belief in thousands of tribes and thousands of gods.

  The two explanations are actually different perspectives. One is based on the analysis of the spiritual level, and the other is a purely rational deduction based on scientific evidence.

  The difference between them is roughly equivalent to oil painting and sketching. They are all the same apple, but not exactly the same.

  At present, the entire northern part of Lowell State is under the control of the Tiger Army, and the west and southwest are under the control of the Black Panther Army.

  The two armies have become de facto warlords. Although they are still receiving military pay from the imperial court, they are actually alienated from the empire.

  The relationship between the two sides is completely maintained by money.

  When the empire stops paying, these warlords will basically tear off their last face.

  In fact, due to the embargo strategy of the empire on Jinjialun Port and the anti-embargo measures taken by Baiyue Company, the two major warlords on the border have long achieved “financial freedom” through smuggling.

  And not only financial freedom, but also the productivity in the area under their control has increased a lot.

  This is not because those warlords know how to govern, but on the contrary, most officers know nothing about governance and have no intention of governing at all, even worse than the civil servants of the empire.

  But it is precisely because of this that these officers simply adopted a completely laissez-faire economic model, letting the merchants of Jinjialun Port and the local nobles do it themselves.

  Whoever gives money, these military masters will give the green light, and even help those merchants to fight against the affairs officers sent by the empire, and bring guns to the nobles’ manors to force buying and selling.

  This kind of barbaric behavior is naturally undesirable, and it even seriously damaged the empire’s serf economy and tax revenue. In the long run, it will eventually harm the warlords themselves.

  However, who wants these barbarians to catch up with the good times and get the dividends of the development of Golden Gallon Port by accident?

  Productivity and development have regional diffusion effects. The

  advanced productivity of Golden Gallon Port will more or less move in the opposite direction of the immigration tide, feeding back to other parts of Lowell State, and even to Tiger State and Leopard State adjacent to Lowell State.

  After all, to open a dyeing workshop in Golden Gallon Port, you have to pay workers 1,600 gallons of wages.

  There will always be people who want to move the sewing machines and dyeing vats they bought to a place where labor costs are cheaper and the alliance is out of reach to open a small workshop, and cut off some profits from the industrial chain.

  Don’t underestimate this little profit. A workshop doesn’t make much money, and a hundred workshops can catch up with a large factory.

  And these “shop owners” who are different from factory owners will also purchase machines to improve their productivity.

  The improvement of productivity not only led to the accumulation of wealth, but also changed the relationship between people and between groups.

  Especially after more and more old nobles tasted the sweetness of productivity improvement and the pain of being pointed at by guns, they also began to seek the development of productivity.

  Before, the rations of the Black Panther Army still depended on the appropriation of the empire, but now the fiscal and tax revenue in the Jiaotou Bay area alone is enough for the local generals to feed their people, and even occasionally give the brothers some canned beef that the alliance soldiers are tired of eating as welfare.

  This little life is much more comfortable than being a dog for the empire.

  As for the centurion who put the gun to Asin’s head, he now has to politely call Asin “Master”. After all, the latter has established a connection with the boss of his immediate boss, and there is no need to play with him as a small centurion.

  However, Assin did not argue with him because of the past incident. He even politely helped him make some arrangements, allowing this arrogant officer to become a captain of ten thousand men. He also helped him to marry the little daughter of a viscount noble family in Leopard State, and helped them to buy a wedding house on Tulip Street in Golden Gallon Port.

  With money, status and position, and a beautiful wife, the more reckless man than Laxi was naturally grateful and shed tears. He almost changed the word “Master” to “Dad”.

  With the support of this captain of ten thousand men and other senior officials of the Black Panther Army, the business of the Assassin Gang was getting bigger and bigger, almost monopolizing the cotton in the entire Leopard State.

  Although the quality and output of cotton in the Borneo Province could not catch up with that of the Baiyue Province, it was cheaper and larger in size, and it also occupied a considerable market share in Golden Gallon Port.

  Even if the ceasefire agreement was signed now, the unit price of smuggling was not as high as before, they could continue to do legal business with those mature ports and money houses for exchange, and the profit was even greater than before.

  However, even though the “radiation effect” of the Golden Gallon Port has a great impact on other areas of Lowell State, the growth rate of other areas cannot catch up with the Golden Gallon Port itself, which is the only import and export port on the east coast.

  At present, the 10,000 square kilometers actually controlled by Baiyue Company is only one-fortieth of the entire state, but thirty-nine-fortieths of the wealth

  of the entire state are concentrated in the Golden Gallon Port. If the distribution of interests between the Alliance and the Golden Gallon Port is uneven, just like silver coins and gallons, then the distribution of interests between the Golden Gallon Port and Lowell State and even the entire Borneo Province is even more extremely uneven.

  The residents of the Golden Gallon Port have already ridden bicycles as fast as the wind, and the children who recited books have begun to think about the position of people in the mountains and rivers, and where people will be many years later, but there are still many people in Tiger State and Leopard State who eat cakes made of mud and have to sell their children for a living.

  ”Red Soil” has finally been serialized to the third chapter “Soil” after “L Biography” and “Diary of a Mad Mouse”, and it seems that it is about to enter the bloody topic.

  The “Survivor Daily” in King Galleon Port was almost sold out. Some people who didn’t know “Red Earth” before watched “Earth” and went back to buy the previous L and Crazy Rat.

  Some booksellers began to think about publishing a collection of this serialized short story, so that people wouldn’t have to cut up newspapers one by one.

  They couldn’t contact Mr. Rat, but they received a letter from French Fry Harbor –

  [You can publish it as you like, just donate my copy to the Union. ]

  This letter inspired many young people in King Galleon and the members of the Union.

  Mr. Rat was right next to them!

  And he was watching them!

  A ray of dawn seemed to appear on the horizon, and the future seemed bright.

  There was only one copy of “Boll the Awakener” in Boulder City, but they had thousands and thousands.

  Inspired by “Survivor Daily” and “Red Soil”, young people wrote their simple and even naive ideas into poems, painted them into paintings, composed them into songs, and integrated them into a corner of the busy street scene in King Galleon Port.

  People added another line of belief to the background of the idea that “gods do not exist” –

  they need to unite!

  Just like the residents of Boulder City!

  Even if people have thousands of different ideas, they have one idea in common.

  That is to pull out the thousand pillars!

  And smash the old shackles!

  And just when a storm was brewing in Jingallon Harbor, a hot-tempered angry young man finally saw the army he had been dreaming about.

  It was not an army at all, but more like refugees or bandits, and even worse than when he attacked Lowell Camp –

  at least at that time, he and his men, those who dared to fight and fight, still had some blood and courage.

  It was just such a group of people, naked, carrying farm tools in their hands, hiding in a deserted valley in Tiger State where the Tiger Clan’s power was entangled, reclaiming some wasteland in a place that the nobles could not control, living on the aid sent by fellow Moon Clan members with great difficulty, and occasionally eating some dirt, or causing trouble for the surrounding small nobles.

  After all, the Moon Clan had a large population, and there was no shortage of handsome men and women. Those nobles more or less bought some Moon Clan members as slaves or concubines, so it was reasonable to rob them in the name of saving their compatriots.

  Moreover, they only robbed people and food but did not kill people. The incident was not serious, and some small nobles really had no way to deal with them. The big nobles saw them as fleas and were too lazy to care about them. They could also annex the land of the small nobles and bargain for the land price.

  As for the Tiger Army, the main force was on the border of Lowell State, so they were even more lazy to care about them.

  Nowadays, anyone who has some energy is managing their own territory. Who would spend the time to help the court suppress bandits? Instead, they could use the name of the Moon Clan as a pretext to ask the court for more money.

  It was precisely because of this that the Moon Clan thought that they were well disguised and could escape the eyes of the Tiger Army by pretending to be refugees fleeing the war. However, they did not expect that even Asin, the leader of a gang far away in Jingallon Port, could easily find them.

  Everything was as cowardly as he saw in the war report.

  Even the Tiger Clan captain who sent him here joked that if they met on the battlefield next time, if they didn’t want to fight, they could just throw their equipment on the ground and run away, and everyone would make money together.

  What a shame!

  ”Damn it…”

  Looking at the group of young men sitting casually on the ridge of the field, Laxi gritted his teeth and cursed, suddenly pulled out the gun from his waist, and pulled the trigger towards the sky.


  The thunder-like sound scared the Moon Clan members working in the field. When they looked up, they saw a ferocious man with a group of evil spirits standing by the field, looking as if they wanted to eat them.

  Standing in the field, a middle-aged man stared at him in a daze, and suddenly recognized the face. His expression of astonishment was exaggerated as if he had seen a ghost.

  ”La… Laxi?!”

  Laxi didn’t even look at him, stretched out his hand and grabbed a boy’s neck, pulled the skinny boy out of the field like a chicken and threw him on the ground. ”

  It hurts… it hurts…” The boy kept shouting in pain, and tears came out, but he didn’t expect that the evil spirit saw him crying and kicked him in the butt again.

  ”If you are afraid of pain, go back and find your parents. Don’t mess around with these people! Go, call your parents over!”

  The boy said timidly, with fear in his eyes.

  ”I don’t have parents… I was sold to a nearby place, and the guys here saved me.”

  ”No parents… Hehe, then wipe your eyes for me, or I’ll send you down to see them first!”

  Letting go of the child, Laxi glared at the farmer who tried to stop him, and then looked at the resistance soldiers who came with guns.

  The commotion at the village gate did attract some people’s attention.

  These guys who didn’t even arrange a sentry, at least their ears were not deaf, at least they could hear their own gunshots.

  Those people looked alert and stared at him with unfriendly expressions, with guns in their hands, but they didn’t dare to point them at him.

  Some of them recognized this guy, who was the ruthless man who took down the Lowell camp and hung the commander on the tower.

  No matter how much effort the Alliance put in, and how many cannons and guns they gave them, it was he who took down the camp.

  Laxi didn’t even look at the firewood sticks, but just squinted at them.

  ”I told you to go and farm, and you actually did it. Look at how pathetic you are. Do you expect the girls in French Fries Port to support you for the rest of your life, or do you expect the people in Baiyue Company to support you for the rest of your life?”

  A middle-aged man mustered up the courage to step forward and stared at him.

  ”What do you mean!”

  Laxi squinted at him.

  ”Are you the person in charge here?”

  ”I am–”

  Before the man could finish his words, he was slapped on the head by him and fell directly into the field.

  ”You are a fucking hammer!”

  This was what the Alliance instructor said to him when he was training him, and now he said this to this guy again.

  It was this guy who caused Fang Chang to be transferred!

  At least that’s what he thought.

  The slap was loud enough, and it really ignited the anger of the resistance soldiers. One by one, the young men raised their guns and pointed them at Lacy and the more than 100 officers behind him.

  ”No! Don’t shoot!”

  The man who fell in the field didn’t care about himself, and shouted to his comrades in the resistance army in horror.

  But Lacy seemed to be angry enough, and he stepped forward and walked directly in front of the group of young men, grabbed the muzzle of a man’s gun, and stabbed it into his chest.

  ”Come on! Shoot at me! Kill the compatriots who came to save you, come on!”

  The young man was pale, and his hand holding the gun was shaking, as if it could go off at any time.

  Obviously, he had not been on the battlefield many times, nor had he practiced with a gun, let alone had the opportunity to practice.

  After all, the safety was off, and he just loaded the gun…

  Seeing the cowardice in his eyes, Lacy snatched the gun from his hand and stuffed it into his chest, causing him to take two steps back, and he was supported by others to stop.

  ”Hasn’t anyone taught you to turn on the safety when killing people? Weld the shoulder strap to my shoulder. If anyone dares to grab your gun, just hit him in the face with the butt of the gun. Losing your gun on the battlefield means losing your life. You should be glad that it was me who grabbed your gun.”

  A pair of eyes stared at him, with anger, surprise, shame and humiliation.

  But there were also people whose eyes ignited with hope.

  Including the man sitting in the field who claimed to be the person in charge.

  He knew better than anyone that they were not the survivors of French Fry Port or Golden Gallon Port. What they needed was not a guy who led them to plow the fields, but a guy who could lead them to victory!

  Laxi looked around at everyone, not only the resistance soldiers standing at the entrance of the village blocking him, but also the farmers in the fields next to him who straightened their backs and looked at him.

  ”If you want to farm, stay here and farm as much as you want. If you’ve had enough of being a coward, get up and follow me.”

  A resistance officer swallowed his saliva and stared at him and asked.

  ”Where are we going…”

  ”Where are we going?”

  Laxi laughed, turned his back to the dusk and looked towards the northeast, squinting slightly at the dim sky.

  He had thought about it while on the way.

  It was unrealistic to fight the Tiger Army. These guys had guns and food, and their combat effectiveness was no less than that of the Gray Wolf Army. They even “divided” the Gray Wolf Army on the border.

  Just like the people in the Alliance said, fighting these guys would only be treated as wild monsters.

  They had to open up a new battlefield, and the best choice was the northeast corner of the Borneo Province.

  It was close to the Zhuobar Mountains, and across the way was the Silver Moon Bay. A Tasang River flowing down the mountain irrigates an alluvial plain called Tasang Plain, where marginal ethnic groups from the Borneo Province live, and even some believers from Silver Moon Bay.

  In the administrative division map of the empire, the name of that land is Mammoth State, which shares a freshwater source with Silver Moon Bay, and is as fertile as Lowell State.

  The most important thing is that the emperor is far away from the mountains, and the local area is close to the supply network of the alliance.

  Although the development is a bit poor, there are also advantages to poor development.

  There is no road network connecting Tiandu, and it is not on the edge of Yongliu River. It is difficult to deliver the supplies needed by the army loyal to the royal family and the army to the area.

  Another thing is that there is no shortage of soldiers

  in poor places! Only there can he gather a large group of troops. Starting an uprising in Huzhou, where the majority of the tiger people are, is simply courting death!

  ”You will starve to death sooner or later if you stay in this mountain valley. If you want to survive, follow me to the seaside!”

   I usually don’t like to interrupt readers when writing the plot, but I still have to say a few words. Reading comprehension should be interpreted from the plot itself or the characters. This is a wasteland, not reality. Don’t be too obsessed. If

    you read a little more books, you will know that some things have happened not only in certain places, but in many places. Don’t say it’s a horse just because you see a hoof. Otherwise, even if I deliberately write it as not resembling anything, there is no guarantee that some people will think it is resembling.

    In addition, the characters that have appeared so far are not suitable for being defined as good or bad, including Laxi, Niyang, and even Yodu. They, like the players participating in the game, do not represent right or wrong, but only their own positions.

    Once you think that a certain character represents the right, and you force it to fit in, and you think that he must do something, say something, and have a certain ending to be reasonable, then it’s over, and the novel is no longer called a novel.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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