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Chapter 771: They were all taught by the same instructors

Chapter 771: They were all taught by the same instructors


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 771: All Taught by the Same Instructors

  In the middle of Huzhou, on the edge of a valley with dense trees.

  The centurion of the Tiger Army was holding a telescope, staring at the northern pass in amazement, and saw a large group of people passing through a messy muddy ground.

  Those people were agile and looked young, so they should be the last wave.

  After a long time, he finally uttered a sentence.

  ”Damn… did these mud-legged people take the wrong medicine?!”

  Those people running to the north in large numbers were naturally the Moon Clan hiding in the deep mountains and old forests.

  Or to put it another way, they were the sheep they kept in the sheepfold.

  Now no one expected that this group of sheep gnawing on tree bark would kick over the fence door of the sheepfold for the first time and trample over the guard dog.

  As for what happened here, it has to start from the heavy rain last night…

  Last night, when the night was dark, a team of 100 Tiger Army soldiers went to the Moon Clan village to change guard.

  In fact, it was called a rotation of guards, but in reality, it was just watching the Moon Clan village. If they saw something good, they would go up and take a basket. If there was nothing good, they would wait.

  This group of Moon Clan refugees usually hid in the wilderness. There was not even a decent village around them. There were only some manors and farms of small nobles, connected by a few shabby dirt roads that were trampled out by foot, and they did not even lead directly to the Moon Clan village.

  No one wanted to be stationed in such a poor place, and the captain in charge of suppressing bandits naturally did not want to be stationed either. Moreover, such a wasteland with difficult supplies was not suitable for a large army to be stationed.

  Therefore, he usually stayed in the nearby settlement to eat and drink, but he sent people to keep an eye on the Moon Clan people according to the boss’s wishes, not to let them make too much noise, and occasionally knock them a few times, so that they could sell their misery to the alliance.

  This rotation of guards was just the same as usual, just a routine matter. He even pulled some newly enlisted young men over to find an opportunity for them to practice shooting.

  However, due to heavy rain and muddy roads, these bastards were delayed on the road for too long and ran into the ambush of the Moon Clan. They were beaten up by the crackling gunshots.

  Hearing the gunshots in the rain, the 100-man team stationed near the Moon Clan village immediately realized that something was wrong, so they hurriedly left their positions and rushed over to support.

  However, those people also encountered the same problem. The heavy rain delayed their march. When they arrived, the guys who came to replace them had been beaten away, and when they came to their senses, they were already in the ambush circle.

  I heard from the centurion who escaped back that when they were fighting, there was a shout in the rain-

  ”If you don’t want to fight, throw your equipment on the ground and run, and everyone will make money together!”

  A group of soldiers thought that there was really no need to fight desperately.

  This is Tiger State, and the Tiger Clan is the majority. Can a group of Moon Clan people who are trampled into the soil still turn the world upside down?

  Let alone let them win once, even if they win a hundred times, the bandits are still bandits.

  Thinking that their lives were at stake, they simply threw their equipment on the ground and ran through the gap in the ambush circle.

  Anyway, that was something they had robbed from the Moon Clan, so it didn’t matter if they lost it.

  In this way, a vacuum appeared in the encirclement of the entire “sheep pen”.

  By dawn the next day, everything was too late.

  They didn’t even have a chance to get back at the Moon Clan. This time, the Moon Clan seemed determined to make a big move and had emptied the entire village…

  The sheep stopped eating grass and started eating meat!

  Holding the telescope tightly in his right hand, the centurion gnashed his teeth.

  The adjutant standing next to him was also stunned, and it took him a while to swallow his saliva and break the silence.

  ”Sir… do you want to chase?”

  ”Chase… Chase for nothing!” The centurion put down the telescope angrily.

  As the saying goes, a horse will die if it is seen from a mountain, and he couldn’t even see clearly.

  In addition, it rained heavily last night, and the already dilapidated dirt road became even more muddy. If he really rushed over, the people would have run away!

  There is no doubt about it.

  It must be the guy who greeted people’s mothers as soon as he opened his mouth!

  He regretted it very much now, and only hated that he should not have let this guy go at that time.

  But it was too late to say anything now…

  ”What should we do now?” The adjutant also realized the seriousness of the problem, and asked the commander with a solemn expression.

  ”Retreat, go back and report to the corps commander, this is no longer something we can handle.”

  The corps commander is naturally the general of the Tiger Army, but it is not an official title, but a popular title in the local area.

  The Tiger Army digested some officers of the Gray Wolf Army, not only learned some of the “new military concepts of the Willant people” brought by General McLen, but also learned some of the “dregs” of the corps, so many Tiger Army soldiers compared themselves to the Eastern Corps.

  As for the Black Panther Army, it was barely a Southern Corps.

  Thinking of the little money that flew away, the centurion felt a pain in his heart, and couldn’t help cursing.

  The weapons and money sent from the Golden Gallon Port, the Tiger Army can more or less “divide” a little.

  Wu Tuo was even more frightened when he heard that the Moon Clan resistance army was active in the Huzhou area. He sent Xilan coins to the legion commander in boatloads.

  Now that these two-legged sheep have run away, the two large incomes are probably gone.

  The centurion was getting angrier and angrier, and he wanted to vent his anger on the man who bribed him.

  Seeing that the general turned around and was about to leave, the small nobles who followed him not far away suddenly panicked.

  The highest title among them was the baron, and some “quasi-barons” were not even nobles, but non-hereditary titles bought from the governor. Their family farms were only 50 to 60 acres of land, and the serfs could be counted on one hand. The private soldiers who guarded the courtyard had a misfired rifle. No matter

  how cowardly those Moon Clan people were, it was still easy for them to beat up small people like them.

  A down-and-out baron was pushed to the front, trembling in front of the general, and begged bitterly.

  ”Sir, you can’t just ignore us! Those Moon Clan members are the rebels appointed by His Majesty. You are His Majesty’s subject. Isn’t it your duty to fight for His Majesty? You can’t just want money… and ignore your duties.”

  ”My duty?” The centurion laughed as if he had heard a big joke.

  He actually stopped and touched the baron’s face. “You dare to talk about duties with me? My salary is given by the legion commander. It is my duty to help the legion commander solve problems. Who do you think you are?”

  All the soldiers looked at this side with a smile, including the adjutant next to the centurion, who all looked like they were laughing at a dead person.

  In this desolate place, even if two people died, it could be blamed on the Moon Clan. How dare these grandsons breathe?

  A group of small nobles panicked, and they all stepped back, discarding the unfortunate guy who pushed him out, and drew a clear line with him.

  However, it was too late to leave. A group of soldiers had already blocked them and pushed them back.

  The baron stared at the centurion in a daze, his eyes full of fear, his face changed again and again, and he trembled.

  ”Duty… He is not my illusion. Why does this word sound like the alliance? You are not a spy of the alliance.”

  ”How, how is it possible…” The baron was sweating profusely, and looked like he was about to cry.

  This is in the wilderness, and the alliance has too much money to spend, and it still sent spies here.

  What’s the purpose?

  Patting the baron’s face with his calloused hands, the centurion looked at the latter who dared not breathe, and admired the timid look on his face.

  What about the baron canonized by His Majesty?

  What about the noble lord?

  In front of the real power of life and death, he is still like a dog.

  His eyes suddenly turned, and he smiled and said, “But what you said makes sense. I remembered that our Tiger Army has a share of the money given by the court, and that money comes from you in the end. We really have to protect you… that’s what, it’s our duty.” The

  cold sweat on the baron’s body was almost flowing into a small canal. Seeing that the evil ghost seemed to let him go, he hurriedly thanked him with a sense of relief.

  ”My lord, you are right… No, no, no, my lord is busy with all kinds of things, how dare you be bothered by such a small matter? We just have to bear it.”

  He didn’t dare to mention the matter of the Moon Clan, just thinking about getting through this hurdle.

  After all, the Moon Clan only robbed money and food but didn’t kill people, but this group of people in front of them might really take them out to vent their anger or kill them for credit.

  The governor didn’t like the little nobles who were opening up wasteland in the wilderness. The merchants who came from Golden Gallon Port to set up factories and workshops were the new favorites of the master.

  However, it seemed too late to change his words now. The centurion laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”…How about this, it’s getting late, I’ll take some brothers to stay at your house for a night, to prevent the Yue bandits from coming to rob your money and women.”

  The baron panicked and said quickly.

  ”No, no need, sir, I’ll close the door tightly at night…”

  ”No need?” The centurion narrowed his eyes and looked him up and down, “I’m afraid there are Yue bandits hiding in your house.”

  Seeing those soldiers put their hands on their waists, the baron felt his legs go weak and almost fell to the ground.

  How cowardly!

  This guy is worthy of being a member of the Tiger Tribe!

  And he’s a noble!

  Looking at the waste coldly, the centurion waved his hand with a fake smile.

  The two soldiers immediately understood, and walked up with a grin, holding the baron who was about to lie on the ground on the left and right.

  They knew what kind of character their leader was, and he would definitely not miss the soup when eating meat.

  ”You two go up and give him a hand! Let’s follow the baron home and say hello to his wife.”

  ”Okay, boss!”


  The two soldiers pulled the baron up from the ground and responded with a smile on their faces.

  The nobles nearby were as quiet as a cicada. No one dared to say a word. They just numbly looked at the guy who was kicking his legs and crying like a piglet to be slaughtered.

  When the Moon Clan attacked them at first, they still thought that His Majesty would save them, but they didn’t expect to be stabbed by their own people first.

  The same was true for those soldiers. They had no awe of the title and the royal power in their hearts. They even smiled and wondered what the wives and daughters of the nobles tasted like.

  Almost simultaneously, in the minds of the whip-wielder and the whip-receiver, Wu Tuo was already dead…

  Although the leader of the Tiger Army did not claim to be the king, the northern part of Lowell State and even the entire Tiger State were already his world…


  On the other side, in the north of the nameless valley, a group of people who escaped were singing songs with tears of joy, and they threw themselves beside the stream and splashed a handful of water on their faces.

  Thanks to the heavy rain last night, the pursuers could not even touch their backs.

  Of course!

  More thanks to their great general!

  Before Laxi came here, they had never won a battle, but they won two battles last night.

  Even the elders of the resistance army had to admit that this guy was really good. Although he didn’t have a big picture or big ideas in his head, and his style was arbitrary and tyrannical, and he even said something as treasonous as “I am equality”, but at least he was a good fighter.

  Before going to Mammoth State, it would be okay to let him lead everyone for a while, and then replace him later.

  However, the elders did not notice that the young men they rescued from the farm looked at Laxi as if they were looking at the reincarnated moon god, with their fanatical eyes shining. Including

  the boy who was kicked in the butt by Laxi when they first met, and the new recruit who welded the shoulder strap of the rifle to his shoulder. The

  resistance army rescued them from the farm, and they were grateful in their hearts, but in the end they still had to farm, starve, and endure… nothing seemed to have changed.

  Moreover, there was no red soil in the deep mountains and old forests far away from human habitation. There were weeds and shrubs on the felled trees. They were so hungry that they even had to gnaw on the bark and eat the kaolin that they could not digest at all. Did

  they rebel because they were hungry?

  Of course not!

  It was because those who held their hands promised that as long as they followed them to rise up, they would be given their own fields and endless food after the success!

  The elders of the Moon Clan also told them that everyone would be able to marry a wife in the future, just like the free people.

  At present, only Lacy has the hope of helping them realize this unattainable dream.

  After all, this dream cannot be realized by farming, even if they farm until the end of the Wasteland Era.

  They must rob!

  Rob the farms and manors of the nobles!

  Rob the most fertile land and abundant granaries, and the money and food that His Majesty has taken from them, and take back everything that originally belonged to them –

  just like a boiling wildfire in midsummer!

  Looking at those young men with high morale, Lacy narrowed his eyes slightly, with a slight smile on his lips.

  This was the first time he saw a little bit of hope in them, instead of the cowardice he saw in the battle report.

  More than 4,000 people escaped with him, about half of whom were the “old men” who had followed the White Bear Knights to cause trouble in Golden Gallon Harbor, and the rest were mostly people rescued by the resistance army from nearby farms.

  The latter included men, women, and some half-grown children.

  As for the elderly, they were rare. After all, unless they were old guys with special skills, slave owners generally would not keep animals that could not work, and many of them were buried directly in the red soil.

  ”You did a good job! But it’s not enough!”

  Looking at the pairs of eyes looking at him, Lacy shouted at the top of his voice.

  “Once on the battlefield, time is your life! You have to be faster than your enemies and more ruthless than them, and the only ones who survive are you!”

  “Remember! If you want to climb out of the pit of the dead, you have to be ruthless to yourself first. If you want to stay alive, don’t take yourself as a human being!”

  “I’m teaching you the skills to survive today, and you have to teach it to your soldiers in the future! Today we only have a few thousand of us, tomorrow we will have tens of thousands, and in the future there will be tens of millions!”

  “The breakout is not over yet, we have to pass through Huzhou, and then through Mazhou, until the people of the empire can no longer catch up with us!”

  “Follow me north! Pack up and move forward!!”



  “…I’m teaching you the skills to survive today, and you have to teach it to your soldiers in the future! Open your eyes and listen with your ears perked up!”

  “…Damn it, you’re imitating me again!”

  ”…Hammer, hammer, you only know hammer all day long. I say hammer, and you say hammer too! Is that what you said? Shout ‘Yes, sir!'”

  In the open space of Camp Lowell in Port King Galleon, the angry roar echoed.

  A team of young men in military uniforms stood in a row, with their chests puffed out and their backs straight enough to be measured with a ruler.

  They are all reserve officers promoted from the grassroots, and they will be the company commanders, battalion commanders, and even regiment commanders of the Port King Galleon Militia in the future.

  Standing in front of them at this moment is the instructor from the Burning Corps, the most elite “quick reaction force” of the alliance – Zero Charge.

  Although this guy is not a serious person, he still has to do his job well, and the method of training these guys is basically the same as in reality.

  The officer who was scolded by him did not dare to breathe, and shouted loudly with his neck held high.

  ”Yes, sir!”

  ”No spirit! Can’t hear!”

  ”Yes!!! Sir!!!”

  ”Very good!”

  The roar almost exhausted all the strength in his body. Ling Chong finally nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his hand to pat the young man’s shoulder, pinched his shoulder and shook it.

  ”Not bad, not bad, very spirited!”

  He was actually a very civilized and quality-oriented person at ordinary times, but he couldn’t be too civilized during training, and there was no way to say it.

  These people only had one life and couldn’t be resurrected like players. Naturally, he couldn’t teach them by joking. He still had to be more ruthless when he needed to be.

  Moreover, looking at those eyes, these young men were actually very grateful to him in their hearts.

  People are not stupid.

  If they suffer more now and sweat more, they will bleed less on the battlefield.

  Outside the settlement is a wasteland, and they will always have to face some things on their own.

  ”Today’s training is over. Everyone has worked hard. It’s time to eat and drink…”

  After returning to the front of the queue, Ling Chong walked around with his shoulders relaxed, and glanced at everyone casually.

  No one moved.

  It was completely different from when he first came here three days ago. These fools finally had some sense of discipline in their hearts, which was worth his words.

  Ling Chong finally nodded in approval and waved his right hand.

  ”All teammates! Disband!”

  Almost at the moment when he finished speaking, a group of people rushed to the cafeteria like a tornado that destroyed the parking lot. After

  a whole day of training, all of them were starving and wanted to eat with buckets.

  Looking at those lively young men, Ling Chong’s mouth curled up a smile, and then he followed them to the cafeteria and found three teammates who were already sitting there. Looking at

  the young men eating in the cafeteria, Erliang Yueguang sighed and said.

  ”To be honest, I feel like I’m going to Africa to be an instructor… It’s really hard to teach these people!”

  Shanhe Rumeng said with a smile.

  ”Haha, what a coincidence! Me too!”

  Ban Duan Chusheng looked at the newspaper and did not participate in the conversation between the two. Suddenly, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

  ”Laxi and a group of retired officers of the militia joined forces with the resistance army three days ago. They are currently breaking out of the encirclement of the Tiger Army and advancing to the northeast… My goodness, this guy is a good fighter!”

  He misjudged him.

  He thought that guy was just an incompetent and cynical young man, but who would have thought that he would dare to throw away the bottle and take up the weapon when encountering trouble, instead of just talking about it in the newspaper like the literati in this city.

  As expected of Brother Fang, he has a vicious eye for people!

  To be honest, he actually admired Brother Fang a little bit, and even felt that the dog planner went too far in targeting Brother Fang.

  Why didn’t others get called to report at the hearing, but he was the only one called back by Xiaoyu for training.

  Without the intervention of the dog planner, he would be killing people in the South China Sea now.

  Erliang Yueguang looked at Lingchong who had just sat down curiously and asked, “Did you teach that Laxi who was full of criticism?”

  Lingchong shook his head.

  ”Turtle, I don’t have that ability. I guess some professional brother taught me.”

  Including Lao Bai, there are some brothers who have retired and changed jobs in the Burning Legion. This is not a secret. It’s just a tacit understanding formed in the early days of the server. People rarely bring their real identities into the game.

  Unless they already know each other in real life.

  ”That’s right,” Shanhe Rumeng nodded in agreement, “After all, people who really follow discipline also–”

  ”If you mention fellow villagers again, I’ll really get angry with you!”

  Ling Chong was about to stand up with a crooked nose, but a new recruit trotted over and saluted with his right fist to his chest.

  ”Report! Sir! Your family is looking for you!”


  Erliang Yueguang, who was drinking seaweed egg soup, sprayed on the spot, and the seaweed came out of his nose.

  The sultry version of Chusheng didn’t react at first, but was amused by the seaweed hanging in Brother Yueguang’s nostrils and fell on the table, pounding the table with his right fist.


  The “students” next to him all looked over curiously.

  Shanhe Rumeng shook his head and cursed.

  ”Fuck! You’re such a novice!”

  Lingchong stood up from his chair with a bang, and covered the recruit’s mouth in exasperation.

  ”Don’t you dare talk nonsense! What family members… I’ve only been here for a short time, how can I have any family members here?”

  The recruit was also a little confused when he heard it.

  The main reason was that the old man always brought the little girl to the gate of the military camp, and asked everyone if there was a blue jacket named “Lingchong” here.

  Although he also felt it was outrageous, after all, the girl was too young, and the relationship was a bit too much, but he couldn’t help but think that there was such a person among the instructors. What

  if it was true?

  Wouldn’t the water of the Yongliu River flood the Thousand Pillars City?

  In fact, Laxi should have been asked to come forward for this kind of thing. He was the one who handled it before. I heard that he sent the old man away with two steamed buns and he never dared to come again.

  However, now that Laxi has resigned, even if the old man is hard of hearing, he can’t hear what the whole city is discussing, so he thought about coming again.

  Seeing the instructor’s anxious face, the new recruit asked tentatively.

  ”Then… I’ll drive that old man away?”

  ”No! Wait… Hey! Damn it, I’ll go by myself.” Facing the three beasts with smirks on their faces, Ling Chong gritted his teeth, threw down his chopsticks and walked out the door.

  He had to solve this matter by himself, otherwise the rumors would spread more and more outrageous, and he would be accused of doing things he had never done.

  While everyone in the barracks was eating, he hurried to the gate of Lowell Camp and saw an old man holding a little girl.

  It can be seen that the earth-shaking changes in King Gallon Port have had a great impact on the two of them.

  Whether it is material or spiritual.

  Whether it is a good influence or a bad influence.

  The “old man” was actually not old, at most he was middle-aged, but the years had left many marks on his face, and he looked anxious like the wastelanders in the wasteland. But now he is full of energy, rosy-cheeked, and straight-backed, and he looks like a middle-aged man.

  He seemed to have some kind of reliance in his heart, and he didn’t take the soldiers at the gate of the military camp seriously, although he also obeyed the rules and didn’t pass by them.

  And those soldiers didn’t dare to offend him, but just politely stopped him from entering.

  The little girl didn’t have so much drama. She was innocent and didn’t understand so many adult things. She just saw that the big brother who gave her candy came back again, and her face showed a happy expression.

  ”Brother Chong!”

  She called out.

  The old man next to her also heard it, and looked at Ling Chong who was walking quickly with joy, and waved at him.

  ”Sir! You are finally back!”

  Seeing a pair of eyes looking at him, Ling Chong felt like ants were crawling all over his body, but he still walked over with his head held high.

  The little girl named Arnold has become more and more beautiful.

  Perhaps thanks to the prosperity of import and export trade, she has eaten well recently, and the contours of her cheeks have become rounder, looking pink, and her pair of black eyes are even brighter and sparkling.

  However, the cuter she looked, the more Ling Chong felt pain and self-blame in his heart.

  The innocent eyes that were not influenced by education were not something worth promoting.

  Just because of a piece of candy, just because of some unrealistic ideas, this family that should have been on the train missed the train to the new era and became people hurriedly left behind by the times.

  He couldn’t imagine it.

  An old man who had said to him a few months ago, “Arnold is too young… change someone else”, now insisted on putting his daughter’s hand in his own.

  It seemed that doing so would help him escape from a certain sea of ​​suffering – a certain sea of ​​suffering in his heart.

  Seeing Ling Chong approaching him, the old man said with a flattering smile.

  ”Sir… my daughter is not young anymore, it’s time for her to…”

  ”It’s time for her to go to school.”

  Ling Chong interrupted him without hesitation, felt in his pocket, and regardless of the eyes of the people around him, he gritted his teeth and stuffed a banknote into the old man’s hand.

  Happiness came too suddenly, the old man widened his eyes and thanked him ecstatically.

  ”Thank you, thank you!”

  Arnold stared at the pocket that seemed to contain countless magical props.

  She was not interested in the colorful paper, but she still wanted to eat the candy she had eaten before.

  Her father said that she would have endless candy to eat with this brother in the future. She thought that was good. If she really couldn’t finish it, she could share some with her brothers and sisters.

  Looking at the old man who wanted to say something, Ling Chong stared into his eyes and said meticulously.

  ”Don’t thank me, this money is not for you, but for her tuition! I was abrupt that time… I don’t deny that it was indeed my fault, but you can’t hold me back, right? I will find someone to keep an eye on you. If you don’t send her to school, I will… I will tear your house apart!”

  The old man’s face changed again and again, but fear still prevailed, and he nodded timidly.

  ”I will definitely send her, I will…”

  He couldn’t afford to offend these big shots.

  The events of that day were still vivid in his mind. Mr. Fang’s men just frowned, but the ferocious Laxi killed the brothers who offended the alliance without even frowning.

  And without asking a single question, the entire team of ten was shot.

  Ling Chong forced a relieved smile on his face, but Arnold’s face showed disappointment.

  ”Brother doesn’t want Arnold?”

  Mom specially washed her hair and put a beautiful hairpin on her.

  Ling Chong squatted down and comforted her softly.

  ”You don’t need me, or to be precise… you don’t need anyone, but school and books.”

  He gradually realized that there was no shortcut to what they were doing.

  They gave something to the survivors in this wasteland, but after all, some things had to be done by those people themselves.

  Otherwise, they would become black boxes.

  Black boxes in another sense.

  After they leave, everything will change back, and they don’t even have to wait for them to leave. In the end, it will be the same as the Federation in the southern seas.

  ”But… then there will be no candy.” Arnold lowered his head and whispered softly.

  ”Study hard and learn knowledge well, and there will be a lot of candy in the future. You can buy it yourself, or give it to children who cry when they don’t have candy like me.”

  Ling Chong subconsciously reached out to touch her little head, but suddenly remembered something and took his hand back awkwardly.

  This time he didn’t show any mercy.

  No matter how pitifully those big eyes looked at him, he didn’t reach into his pocket to take out the candy. He just waved and watched the father and daughter walk away.

  After the two disappeared, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned to go back to the cafeteria, but found that his three bad friends were watching him not far behind him, holding the packed plastic bag in their hands.

  ”I know you are not full,” Erliang Moonlight said with a playful smile, shaking the buns in the plastic bag, “Chusheng wants to take me to see the world, do you want to go?” ”

  Just to the theater to watch a stage play,” Chusheng glanced at the animal next to him with dissatisfaction and complained, “Can you not use such a misleading statement, as if I am really a beast.”

  Erliang Moonlight looked at him in surprise, and his eyes seemed to say “Isn’t it?”

  Shanhe Rumeng walked up and patted Lingchong on the shoulder, grinning and said.

  ”Do you know why you are not allowed to give candy to others? No matter how you explain, it will turn out like this in the end.”

  Simple kindness is not a mistake, but the right things do not always have good results.

  Because they are two completely different dimensions, or even completely parallel and non-intersecting dimensions.

  Ling Chong sighed.

  ”I see… Isn’t this changing?”

  The butterfly effect of a piece of candy is not as big as that of a pistol, right?

  I believe that under his coercion and inducement, the old father should send the child to school.

  At this moment, he suddenly understood why Brother Fang always told them to do less unnecessary things…


  (Thanks to the leader reward of “Makabakamo”!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode