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Chapter 772 Progress on the South and North Lines

Chapter 772 Progress on the South and North Lines


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 772 Progress on the South and North Lines

  ”The acting is not bad.”

  In the captain’s room of the Iron Heart, Chu Guang was drinking black tea with milk while watching the stage play on the holographic screen with an interested expression on his face.

  ”The acting is online, and the script is also okay.”

  ”It’s just that there are too many hammers and mothers in the lines… This thing was actually written by the locals themselves?”

  He had long been tired of watching real-life film and television works, and the localized works that players moved were mostly awkward. In comparison, he was more curious about some new tricks that the survivors in the wasteland had come up with.

  For example, “The Awakener Bol” written by Sberg made him shine, and earlier there were those “limericks” written by Hal, and even the picture book “Hairy Father and Son” presented to him by the little honey badger princess.

  Compared with “imported products”, these local works can better reflect the spiritual world of the wastelanders.

  As a manager, his responsibility is not only to guide, but more to do is to “understand”.

  In the latest sociological research report on Borneo Province from Ms. Han Mingyue, such a representative work is attached.

  Although the old-fashioned stage play and the overly trendy viewing equipment are not very compatible, it is surprisingly reasonable to put them in the wasteland.

  Back to the stage play itself.

  The name of the play is “The Story After the Heavy Rain”. The screenwriter is a cattle poet, including the creation of the script, the design of the lines and even the music in the stage play are all completed by him alone.

  All the stories of the entire stage play take place in a house on Tulip Street. According to the portrayal in the play, the house is actually the Governor’s Mansion of Nihak, and the heavy rain refers to both the rain outside the window and the “wind” blowing into the Golden Gallon Port. However,

  the entire stage play is not about Governor Nihak and his servants, nor is it related to current affairs or the overall situation. It just witnesses the end of an era from the perspective of a small noble, and uses two unrequited love stories as clues to highlight the protagonist’s confusion in the “exploration period”

  -everyone around him is leaving him, but he himself doesn’t know where to go, let alone where he is.

  In a sense, the spiritual world of the protagonist in the play is very similar to the spiritual state of the local old nobles.

  After landing in the Borneo Province, although the alliance did not plunder the property of the locals, those nobles no longer had any privileges of the old times, and were no longer respected and worshipped by those around them.

  Even if their lives are not bad for the time being, if they cannot adapt to the times, it is only a matter of time before they sink into the tide of the times.

  At the end of the stage play video attachment, Han Mingyue left his point of view as a researcher.

  ”… What interests me is not the plot of the stage play, but the shadows of existentialism and nihilism that appear in this stage play at the same time. I think this work is as representative as Red Soil. The latter is the voice of the radicals, and the former is the conservatives. They all belong to this period, and they are also a microcosm of the unique cultural phenomena of this period.”

  After turning off the holographic image, Chu Guang continued to look at the report written by Ms. Han Mingyue.

  According to the views mentioned in her latest research report, the new cultural movement in Jinjialun Port is in full swing, and its enthusiasm is no less than that of the local major infrastructure.

  The buds of the two art forms of romanticism and realism appeared in Jinjialun Port at the same time.

  Even more than that, the former has gone further – as for the leap-like evolution, and on this basis, the embryonic form of existentialism was born.

  That is, apart from human survival, there is no natural morality and external soul. Morality and soul are created by people in the process of survival, that is, people are not obliged to believe in specific religions and rituals.

  These things have appeared in the history of the Human Union, but it is really precious to see them in the wasteland era after the prosperous era.

  Of course, at the same time, there is another extreme that appeared in Jingalon Port – nihilism.

  That is, the negation of all meanings, believing that everything people do is powerless and futile.

  The survivor culture of the Boro Province originated from the Lowell Camp, and the culture that the local survivors are proud of covers 4 million square kilometers. In comparison, the Haiya Province, which touches the sensitive nerves of the three “fallen empires”, is even smaller than a state of the empire.

  Even the slaves in the farm manor can hold their chests high and say that the “fallen empire” and the “war in heaven” are just a few strange-looking crabs fighting in cricket cages.

  However, facing a new survivor force that had just risen for two and a half years, their pride was completely smashed to the ground.

  Even if they counted the thousand pillars of the City of Thousand Pillars ten thousand times, they could not understand why when the Alliance fought with the Torch, the wind that blew inadvertently by swinging their fists destroyed the “Grey Wolf” that the Empire was proud of and regarded as the spearhead.

  Although arrogance and inferiority are two extremes of self-cognition, it is not contradictory to appear in the same person. It can even be said that the two attributes are actually inseparable.

  Compared with the City of Thousand Pillars, the Lowell Camp, which symbolizes authority, is the spiritual totem in the minds of the survivors of the real Borneo Province. Even if the locals have never prayed to it, they will even unconsciously lower their heads and speed up their pace when passing by its door.

  However, few survivors of Borneo Province truly realize that prayer is just a “form of expression” for believers to express their awe to the gods, not the whole of faith, and has nothing to do with the essence.

  People in primitive society compiled myths out of awe of wildfires and thunder, danced to the gods out of awe, and offered sacrifices to totems…

  Myths, dances, and sacrifices are not enough to summarize the essence of faith. Awe from the heart – or fear – is what matters.

  With the arrival of the Alliance, the majesty of the Lowell Camp was trampled underfoot. The local old nobles not only lost the income from slaves, but also lost their spiritual sustenance.

  At present, the trend of nihilism is popular among the local upper class, and it is mainly reflected in the two fields of music and painting.

  After all, these two fields have a higher “entry threshold” than writing. The residents of King Gallon Port who have just learned to write are still at the stage of learning the “Alliance flavor” of human language.

  ”…’The Story After the Rain’ is just a small episode in my research report. I know you are more concerned about the voices of progress rather than the groans of conservative forces. But I believe you are rational and should know that radicalism and extremism are only one step away, and the torch is the most intuitive example.”

  ”At present, the survivors of Kinggallon Port have reached a consensus on demolishing the one thousand pillars of the City of Thousand Pillars, and all sectors of society are unprecedentedly united because of the same consensus. Although I prefer to think that the majority opinion is to demolish in a spiritual sense rather than a physical sense, I am worried that this movement will eventually get out of control and cause damage to important relics of civilization and research materials.”

  ”Before it is destroyed there, I want to investigate the local area. It would be best if I could leave some video materials or something. This is valuable sociological research material… Although my research results cannot immediately show any practical effect, I still want to apply to you for the relaxation of regional authority for the issuance of tasks, as well as a Viper transport plane and a tactical team of twelve people.”

  Chu Guang read the report to the end, tapped his index finger on the desk, and finally rejected her request.

  ”…I don’t mean to despise sociological research. On the contrary, I attach great importance to it. However, we have signed a ceasefire agreement with the Empire. If we rashly cross the ceasefire line, the Legion may be involved in the already complicated regional affairs, and even drag the Sticky Community, which should have gone all out on the front line, into a new quagmire. I cannot approve your request.”

  ”Of course, I will seriously consider your suggestion and urge the residents of the local shelters to support your research through indirect intervention and protect the new heritage of the ‘Post-Prosperity Era’.”

  The Torch Church is waiting for changes. The Sticky Community has only completed the siege of it. It will take some time to completely solve this trouble.

  If the Alliance increases its interference in the Borneo Province, the Legion will immediately follow up to expand its influence and territory in the Borneo Province, which may not be conducive to the spontaneous changes of the local survivors in the end.

  It is better to maintain the status quo, use the Golden Gallon Port to contain the West Sail Port, and let the local survivors decide their own future.

  Moreover, the local survivors are actually doing a good job.

  The officers transported from the Golden Gallon Port to the inland, turning the tide of the Moon Clan’s resistance army, are passing through the Tiger State and heading towards the northeast corner of the Borneo Province.

  According to the report that Fang Chang made to Xiaoyu at the “hearing”, the “military strongman” they invested 10 million silver coins to support has successfully obtained the first round of venture capital from the people of Golden Gallon Port and French Fries Port, leveraging nearly 20 million silver coins of capital, and is preparing to build a “new Golden Gallon Port” at the mouth of the Tasang River in Mammoth State. The

  economic potential of this port may not catch up with the Golden Gallon located at the mouth of the Yongliu River, but it can also radiate to two or three inland states adjacent to the Tasang River.

  Although this pie did not fool Xiaoyu, several shareholder representatives who attended the hearing at the same time were indeed tempted by this pie and stood on Fang Chang’s side without hesitation.

  To be honest, if another Golden Gallon Port can really be built, will the 10 million silver coins be lost?

  Not at all!

  Ideal City has a rich family background so it doesn’t need to expand. It can live a happy life behind closed doors and still have spare money to reward in the wasteland. But does Dawn City have such a family background?

  Overseas business must be expanded!

  Now we have food and mines, and we only need population.

  If that Laxi can really turn the livestock in the Borneo Province into humans, who cares what he is? No matter how outrageous he is, can he be more outrageous than that witch camel?

  After seeing the series of “physical evidence” presented by Fang Chang, Xiaoyu didn’t say anything in the end. After the former supplemented the complete plan, she lifted the summons.

  In fact, her approach was entirely based on the charter of the alliance, and there was no deliberate favoritism or deliberate suppression.

  Chu Guang was also very pleased with such a result.

  Whether it is for Baiyue Company, Xiaoyu, or the changes that are taking place in Borneo Province under the guidance of players.

  It is also a wasteland there. There is no main line wasteland and a branch line wasteland.

  The corruption of Jinchuan Province originated from the torch of Haiya Province, and ultimately in Qingquan City of Hegu Province – or the mother nest of Qingquan City and Shelter No. 117. The

  Naguo of Haiya Province came from Baiyue Province, and the key to finally solving the Naguo – the B-type Naguo strain also came from that province, or from the slime mold mother nest in Baiyue Province that has not been discovered by players so far. The

  development of Baiyue Province cannot be separated from the support of the survivors in the southern seas, including the study of the remains of the sunken Tianting, the alien species and the mother nest on the seabed.

  The same is true for the development of the Great Desert. The Alliance must bring together the survivors who “have been there and escaped from there” to solve their problems, or at least bring together those who are willing to walk out of there again.

  Everything that happens in the wasteland seems to be separated, but in fact they are all linked together.

  If they don’t take every step well, no matter how much legacy they inherit, they will never be able to return to the starry sky they once touched…

  At least he is afraid that it will be difficult to see it in his lifetime.


  The sun and the moon on the battlefield are like snails on the tip of a leaf. The battle line on the north line moves slowly and steadily.

  Time slowly came to the end of September.

  The coalition forces on the north line have successfully controlled the entire territory of Laishan City, and have penetrated into the hinterland of Haiya Province in the form of blooming on three sides.

  Facts have proved that the coalition’s war of attrition is effective. Even though the representatives of the Legion always criticize that this is the alliance taking advantage of the system of the sticky community to enrich themselves and take the opportunity to develop their own industry.

  However, after seeing the casualties of the alliance on the front line – especially the casualties of the residents of the shelter, they can no longer say those harsh words.

  The enterprise has no objection. Stable and continuous investment and foreseeable output are their pursuit. They only worry about unexpected risks, not expected ones.

  As for the academy, no one can guess what they are thinking. Chu Guang himself can only guess one or two percent at most. Those people are obsessed with secrets, just like their attitude towards knowledge.

  The Torch Church seemed to be planning to wait and see, continuing to increase its stakes in the southern seas, and sent an advance force eastward, trying to set the fire on the Prancing Horse Province.

  This advance force, led by a pioneer and hundreds of apostles, happened to run into the 99th Mechanized Infantry Division of the Enterprise.

  The two sides fought fiercely in the plains, and in the end, the latter, whose equipment became more and more fancy, gained the upper hand, and the advance team was defeated.

  A few new players participated in the battle as mercenaries, and it is said that they got a lot of equipment.

  However, in the end, these equipment were basically recycled at high prices by companies such as Giant Stone Military Industry. After

  all, those big guys in the military industry gave too much.

  In addition, there are also people who go to the Legion or even the Hound Special Forces to be mercenaries. Some players who are keen on “unconventional ways” even summarized the rewards for working for various forces and the most cost-effective way to fish on the official website forum.

  Among them, the Alliance has the most stable income and the smoothest growth curve, as if it was carefully designed.

  After all, it is the “protagonist force” chosen by the game officials, and naturally serves the majority of people. It is suitable for ordinary players who don’t want to go too far and a large number of legions.

  As for the enterprise, as the local tyrants in the background, the first big bosses to get rich in the wasteland, even ordinary soldiers may become NPCs to issue tasks, and the money given is also the highest. The only flaw is that the actual combat value of the equipment given is a bit low.

  In addition to the bionic chips and some implanted prostheses, things like exoskeletons or light weapons are really better sold for money.

  If you are pursuing equipment, the Academy and the Bughra Free State are better choices. The former’s own technical reserves are the ceiling of the wasteland, while the latter relies on the support of the Great Rift Valley and no one dares to fight. In the past century, it has stolen a little from the former.

  As for the legion, the money given is not much, and the equipment is also average, but there may be unexpected gains, just like the guy in the [Battlefield Atmosphere Group].

  After reading the post written by the player, Chu Guang couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

  This guy really understood the new version, at least he has to be a slave of five surnames.

  Of course, without violating the “Player’s Handbook”, Chu Guang has always been encouraging players to “go out” on their own initiative.

  However, these small details have little impact on the overall battle situation. Chu Guang only learned about it through Xiao Qi and did not put his perspective on it to observe carefully.

  At present, the area of ​​the “purification zone” in Haiya Province has expanded to 70,000 square kilometers, which is close to one-tenth of the total area of ​​670,000 square kilometers in Haiya Province.

  Its significance is roughly equivalent to biting off the first hill of Shifeng Mountain, and there are more difficult “hills”, and each one is more dangerous than the other. It would be great

  if the southern line could open a breakthrough. Chu Guang, who was commanding the front line, thought so more than once.

  Especially now that the Conch submarine has been completed, the Meissner effect armor has been successfully installed on the flagship of the South China Sea Alliance, and the radar base station and missile launcher on Shazhou Island have been deployed one after another, the timing of the decisive battle has never been better.

  Just when Chu Guang was thinking about whether to urge the allies in the south to take action, a telegram with a battle plan was suddenly sent to Xiao Qi through the special line of French Fry Port. The

  code name of the plan was “Laken” – that is, the most ferocious sea beast in the southern sea, probably similar to the death claw of the Valley Province.

  The author of the plan was Li Minghui, the commander of the South China Sea Alliance Navy. The South China Sea Alliance authorities gave him all the command rights of the Anle Island Naval Base and the garrison fleet.

  ”… The fishing boats and harpoons hunting Laken have been polished, and the South China Sea Alliance fleet is ready to take back everything or sacrifice everything!”

  ”We plan to launch the final decisive battle in early October to completely wipe out Charas and his followers who are holding the residents of the North Island hostage! And completely exile the Torch Cultists and mutants on the island!”

  ”This action will affect the future of all of us, and we need your support!”

  The telegram only has three short paragraphs, but the attached battle plan is a full dozen pages.

  Including using the captured Reef as bait, creating loopholes to lure the “Hai Ya” battleship out of the port, including suppressing the anti-aircraft firepower on the island, covering the alliance’s ground forces landing on the island, etc.

  Since there are torch troops on the North Island, the South China Sea Alliance hopes that the Shuguang City will be the main force in the ground battle.

  After the success, the close cooperation between the South China Sea Alliance and the Alliance will continue. At the same time, the North Island will serve as the alliance’s logistics transit base and can be used as a springboard for the alliance to attack the south bank of the Hai Ya Province.

  After reading the battle plan in its entirety to the end, Chu Guang suddenly laughed out loud.

  ”Well done!”

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the pen holder, tilted his head.

  ”Master, do you think their plan is good?”

  It felt that this plan still had certain risks, and the South China Sea Alliance had almost put all its chips on it.

  Chu Guang’s mouth corners raised slightly, and his index finger tapped the holographic screen several times, sending the battle plan to the General Staff and the corps commander on the southern line.

  ”…whether it is right or wrong, we can’t tell by looking at the map. We have to try it out first.”

  He looked at Xiao Qi and issued two orders in succession.

  ”Notify the players on the southern line to gather at French Fry Port! You don’t need to notify them in detail, just say that there is a new activity on the server!”

  ”Also, let the Burning Corps and the Goblin Corps enter the battle preparation stage immediately! Be ready to accept deployment at any time!”

  Seeing the excitement flashing in Chu Guang’s eyes, Xiao Qi also gave the alliance salute with full enthusiasm.

  ”Got it!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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