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Chapter 774 Landing on North Island!

Chapter 774 Landing on North Island!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 774 Landing on the North Island!

  On the rough sea, a majestic cruiser is breaking through the waves.

  Its name is Laken, named after the most ferocious sea beast in this sea area.

  When Shelter No. 70 built it, it was equipped with the most advanced anti-ship system and sea surface fire control radar. In theory, even if the destroyers of the Northern Federation and the South Sea Alliance were added together, they would not be its opponents.

  This will be a battle without suspense, or a one-sided massacre!

  The atmosphere in the bridge was tense, and the radar operator stared at the screen intently.

  When he saw the ripples appear on the screen, he shouted reflexively.

  ”The Reef appears!”

  ”The target is moving along the original route! It is expected that we will be discovered by the target radar in 5 minutes!”

  Now the Reef should still be kept in the dark and continue to play the role of the seemingly harmless “bait”.

  Hearing the report of the radar operator, the captain of the Laken, Fu Hongyi, nodded.

  The attack window is only five minutes.

  But this time is enough – even a little too long.

  When the Reef finds out that it is Laken instead of Flying Fish that is coming to pick them up, they will probably not even have a chance to pray, and will be sent to the bottom of the sea by their anti-ship missiles to feed the fish.

  However, when he thought that the target of the attack was his former comrade-in-arms, Fu Hongyi still felt a little complicated.

  Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he slowly spoke.

  ”Can you contact them?”

  The communicator sitting in front of the terminal shook his head.

  ”No! They have entered radio silence as planned…”

  It was exactly as planned.

  Although he had no intention of really contacting them, Fu Hongyi still sighed softly and ordered combat units at all levels to prepare.

  Seeing that everything was ready, the adjutant standing next to him hesitated again.

  After struggling for a moment, he asked in a low voice.

  ”Really… do you want to do it?”

  The captain was silent for a while, and reached out to gently straighten the captain’s hat on his head.

  ”The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly, and hesitation will lead to defeat… Sink it.”

  There is not much time left for them.

  The ambush fleet of the South China Sea Alliance is nearby, and the Laken must fight quickly and decisively, and it is best to break away from it and immediately change course to meet up with the main force.

  It’s really ironic to think about it. Although the fleet in the southern sea area was established to guard the legion, so far there has been no sign of the legion. The only achievements were contributed by our own people.

  This fleet is worse than nothing.

  Fu Hongyi smiled bitterly in his heart.

  Perhaps after cleaning up the chaos at home, Mr. Charas can let these fleets really play a role.

  At least use them in other places in the wasteland…

  ”The fire control radar has illuminated the target!”

  ”The ‘Riptide’ anti-ship missile is ready!”

  ”Safety released!”

  ”Ready to launch!”

  A series of voices echoed in the bridge, but at this moment, an inappropriate voice suddenly sounded.

  The operator sitting in front of the sonar system control terminal suddenly screamed.

  ”The sonar system detected an unidentified object approaching!”

  Fu Hongyi’s pupils suddenly shrank, and countless possibilities emerged in his mind, but in the end they all turned into despair.

  ”Throwing torpedo decoy bombs–”

  Before he even finished speaking, the left side of the Laken seemed to be hit by a sea beast, and his whole body shook violently.

  Everyone in the bridge suddenly crashed into the glass window on one side as if they were weightless, and then they were engulfed by the flames and heat waves that rose into the air.

  From a distance, the cruiser named after Laken was like a chopstick cut in the middle, slowly sinking into the sea in the raging fire and the flames of ammunition explosion.

  It happened in an instant. It took

  only fifteen minutes from the torpedo hit to the sinking of the entire cruiser. In a war beyond visual range, finding the trace of the opponent means that everything is too late.

  Just about 20 nautical miles west of the cruiser, an attack nuclear submarine slowly surfaced, revealing a bridge with radio equipment.

  They have been silent here for three whole days, lying on the seabed like a real reef.

  The silent radio waves sent the victory news of the successful attack to the naval command on Anle Island.

  ”This is ‘Sharktooth’. The Laken has sunk. We will go to the designated location as planned to meet up with other ships.”

  After completing the report, the Sharktooth submarine sank again under the sea surface and turned its course to sail in the direction of the main fleet.

  The bridge was unusually silent.

  Unable to bear the silent atmosphere, an officer quietly left the bridge and went to the corridor, but found that someone was already standing there.

  Seeing his heavy face, the man whistled, trying to ease the awkwardness of looking at each other in silence.

  ”Counting the Cold Night… we have taken the heads of two friendly forces.”

  ”Does that count as friendly forces?”

  ”Let’s count it for now, at least we have trained together before.”

  The embarrassment did not seem to be relieved at all, and the corridor became quiet this time.

  Standing at the door in silence for a long time, the officer sighed and said.

  ”… Let’s end it quickly.”

  He didn’t know how people in the future would evaluate this tortuous past.

  Perhaps sinking to the bottom of the sea is the real relief.


  The Sharktooth submarine, which completed its mission, continued to move towards its original goal.

  After sailing a distance according to the original plan, the destroyer Reef found that it was not sunk and no one came to pick it up. For a time, it fell into a “vacuum period” without any mission. The

  Anle Island Naval Command did not arrange the next combat mission for it, and it was obviously no longer necessary to continue to advance along the original route.

  Not long after, the sonar system of the destroyer Reef detected the wreckage of the cruiser that sank to the bottom of the sea.

  Zhang Ruowen did not hesitate and ordered to immediately advance to the sea area where the Laken sank.

  Although the probability of those crew members surviving was slim, he still planned to try to save them.

  Save as many as possible.

  As for Alzu who lived in his mind, he had disappeared. It was unknown whether he was just silent or really disappeared.

  But no matter what it is, after all this is over, he will have a small operation to take it out.

  The bionic chip is indeed useful, but he no longer feels any confusion about the future and no longer needs to listen to the gospel of the so-called “heaven”.

  At the same time, in the North Island Navy Command, the dead silence spread like a plague in everyone’s heart.

  Charas’ pupils widened, his eyes were full of bloodshot, and his fists were clenched tightly.

  At this moment, he was like an angry beast.

  The people standing beside him did not dare to breathe, let alone make a sound, for fear of being angered by this beast.

  ”… waste.”

  Charas cursed fiercely, endured the pain in his heart and calmed down, looked at the commander beside him and said immediately.

  ”What about our main fleet? Have you found any traces of the enemy fleet?”

  ”Not yet… Should we detach a destroyer to track the sonar waves that sank the Laken?” Looking at Charas nervously, the commander hurriedly added another sentence at the back, but did not expect to be scolded.

  ”Are you a pig? We only have two destroyers left! Relying on one destroyer to cover our battleship?”

  What a bunch of idiots!

  Looking at the commander who lowered his head and didn’t speak, Charas cursed a few words, calmed down and looked at the sea chart again.

  Not counting the destroyer that was about to be launched, he only had three ships left.

  One battleship, two destroyers, the configuration can be said to be extremely unbalanced.

  On the other hand, the South China Sea Alliance has more and more equipment and personnel. Three destroyers plus a cruiser, and another three nuclear submarines, and a submarine carrier that has not appeared so far.


  he is not completely without a chance.

  As long as the Haiya battleship can catch the four sea combat ships of the South China Sea Alliance, and his Flying Fish and Defender destroyers can eliminate the remaining four submarines, there is still a possibility of winning!

  But why?

  Charas stared at the sea chart intently, his brows twisted tightly.

  Why hasn’t his battleship found any trace of the South China Sea Alliance fleet so far?

  Did they use some new anti-radar coating or some special jamming device?

  If the Reef is a bait, the South China Sea Alliance fleet must be lying in ambush nearby…


  Charas suddenly reacted, his pupils almost shrinking to the limit.

  They already know that I know the Reef is a bait.

  They must have known that the battleship Haiya would be waiting nearby.

  Just like they guessed that it was the cruiser Laken that approached the Reef, it is reasonable to infer the movement of the main fleet of the Federation from this.

  After all, no matter what, I would never let a single cruiser attack hundreds of nautical miles. The main fleet must be waiting somewhere within a hundred nautical miles.

  ”If I were Li Minghui…”

  ”I would never give my only family property to the battleship, but take advantage of the battleship’s absence to sneak attack the North Island Port…” He

  whispered with trembling lips, and a drop of cold sweat slid down Charas’s forehead again.

  This time it was not just him.

  Everyone in the command room was like him, and they came back to their senses after listening to his muttering.

  North Island is their target!

  The final decisive battle has begun!

  Realizing this, Charas widened his eyes and shouted desperately.

  ”Let the Seaside return to defense immediately! Immediately!”

  ”Yes!” The communicator responded nervously and quickly operated the terminal to send a message.

  At the same time, the radar operator at the command center turned pale and screamed.

  ”A large number of air targets are approaching us! 1,447!”

  The sound was like a fuse that lit a powder keg, and the noisy voice suddenly became noisy and boiling.

  ”It’s a jammer! Start the active illumination radar to lock the target airspace! Turn on the optical observation system!”

  ”Put the anti-aircraft missiles on standby! Quick!”

  ”The radar burned through the target! There are 20 left… Damn it! How can there be so many?!”

  ”The electromagnetic pulse bomb exploded in our near-air! The anti-pulse device is effective!”

  ”Reflective foil! They dropped a lot of reflective foil! I can’t see clearly here!”

  ”It’s just some tricks… Let our planes go out to fight! Quick!” In

  just one minute, the Beidao Command, which was originally as silent as water, suddenly boiled like boiling water! In

  the park in the center of Beidao, on the temporary runway converted from the lawn, four “simple-shaped” fuel fighters slowly drove out of the spacious hangar and rushed into the sky along the runway.

  A dazzling spot of light flashed in the distant sky, which was the foil scattered from the air.

  And in the distance, the alliance’s planes were rushing towards this side, and the number was unknown!

  Sitting in their respective cockpits, the faces of the four pilots were full of tension.

  Although they had flown 200 hours of training before, this was their first time on the battlefield.

  Before the alliance came to the southern waters, the Federation had not developed an air force, nor did it have a reserve of relevant technical personnel. The two fighters code-named LB-1 were purely the product of the “powerful flying brick” design concept, and even the fire control and radar systems were copied from the destroyer and modified.

  If the opponent was the alliance’s first-generation jet aircraft “Lingyun”, or a large number of propeller aircraft, this thing might still be able to compete.

  But this is obviously impossible.

  At the same time when Charas finally noticed the strategic trends of the South China Sea Alliance, a huge submarine slowly surfaced on the sea 100 nautical miles away from the North Island, revealing a majestic figure among the rolling waves!

  It was like a giant whale surfacing, but what emerged from the majestic bow was not a column of water, but a series of carrier-based aircraft launched by catapults!

  After two L-10 “Thunder” fighters and two P-2 “Lightning” attack aircraft were launched into the air, they quickly formed an arrow-shaped battle formation in the air and roared towards the sky above the North Island.

  The former is a joint work of the Goblin Technology and the Alliance Scientific Expedition Team, and the latter is the crystallization of the technology of the Giant Stone Military Industry for a century and a half!

  The power source and engine used by both are small controlled fusion reactors and plasma thrusters. The energy system has left the Northern Federation’s LB-1 behind by a whole street!

  In fact, before this, the Alliance also developed an “underwater carrier-based aircraft” specifically for the Conch Submarine.

  It was just that most of the prototypes were broken during training, and the problem of mass production was not solved in time, so it was a pity that they could not appear in this battle.

  Sitting in the cockpit of the Thunder fighter, Luo Yu took a deep breath and glanced at the radar interface.

  Looking at the red dot on the radar, his eyes gradually became sharp. The index finger of his left hand picked up the switch of the missile radar and the seeker, and then his left hand was placed on the throttle.

  ”Enemy flying units are found! All units, pay attention, release the weapon safety, and allow the exchange of fire!”

  A uniform answer came from the communication channel.


  Four light blue plasma plumes were like daggers piercing the sky, and after breaking through the heavy clouds, they quickly intertwined with the four burning flames.

  After the beyond-visual-range missile confrontation, the two sides quickly entered a close-range fight.

  Flying tracers were wantonly waving in the air, intertwining with the decoy bombs flashing with bright white light, just like fireworks blooming in the clear sky.

  There was no suspense in this battle from the beginning.

  The air force temporarily formed by the Northern Federation was 90% new from personnel to equipment. After firing the missiles and engaging in a dogfight with the experienced pilots of the alliance, they were completely played by one-sided.

  The wing of an LB-1 was cut off by a machine gun, and it turned into a ball of fire meteor in the air and fell to the sea.

  Ignoring the pilot who ejected and parachuted, the fighter plane driven by Luo Yu directly broke into the defense zone above the North Island. At the moment of passing at low altitude, it launched an anti-radar missile carrying an EMP warhead towards the source of radar illumination! The

  raging pulse current instantly paralyzed the internal electronic components of the radar, and the air defense force on the Northern Federation Island was like blinding an eye. The originally fierce air defense firepower lost its accuracy in an instant.

  Two P-2 “Lightning” attack aircraft fired a total of eight air-to-ground missiles together, destroying all the launch devices that exposed the coordinates.

  Including the launchers for launching anti-aircraft missiles, as well as the silos for launching anti-ship missiles!

  The main fleet of the South Sea Alliance approached the coast of North Island. Two destroyers raised their guns and, under the guidance of drones, fired at the military port of North Island and the military camps near the port.

  At this point, North Island’s air defense force was already in name only, and the ground resistance was also shaky.

  If the Federation had a destroyer nearby, the raid would not have been so smooth, and it would be impossible for the Alliance’s aircraft to approach within 50 kilometers of the island.

  However, there are no ifs on the battlefield.

  The victory or defeat was decided in the moment when one side was in a trance.

  The Marines and security forces stationed on North Island quickly assembled.

  Obviously, Charas knew very well what the Alliance would do after gaining air superiority.

  Before the Federation’s fleet returned to defend, he had to delay the Alliance at all costs!

  At the same time as the battle in the air was decided, four “Viper” small transport planes parked in the cargo hold of the Conch Submarine were successively sent to the upper deck by the elevator.

  The steep deck is the biggest difference in appearance between the Conch Submarine and the Dolphin cargo submarine.

  In addition to the spacious internal structure and the catapult track for carrier-based aircraft, the top of the former has also been converted into a deck and apron for conventional aircraft to take off and land.

  A total of 24 heavy infantrymen wearing “Xiaguang” power armor have assembled next to the “Viper” transport aircraft. They not only carry automatic firepower such as light and heavy machine guns, but also carry brutal individual anti-material weapons such as 37mm “heavy cavalry guns”.

  Although there are only two squads of troops assembled here, no one dares to underestimate their firepower!

  They are the best-equipped and most powerful unit in the alliance – the Burning Corps!

  Put it in Shifeng Mountain or the Weifu Wasteland, this troop of more than 20 people is more than enough to annihilate a mutant thousand-man team!

  The waves hit the side of the ship, and the white foam washed the towering bow.

  Old White, wearing the “Dragoon” power armor, walked in front of the brothers, opened the mask of his helmet and said loudly.

  ”Our air force brothers have taken down the enemy’s head, now it’s our turn to cut off their fire!”

  ”The target is the airport in the center of North Island. We need to ensure that the runway is intact and suppress everything that points its guns at you!”

  ”Remember to control the combat zone and don’t hurt civilians by mistake!”

  ”Yes!!” The high-spirited roars echoed on the plywood, and all the players’ eyes were filled with excitement.

  Responding to the pairs of pupils burning with fighting spirit, Lao Bai closed the visor of his helmet and waved his right hand cleanly.


  As the order was issued, a group of agile figures quickly boarded the Viper, which was ready to go. The

  light blue plasma plume spewed out from the engine nozzle, dragging the streamlined fuselage off the deck, and rushed towards the direction of North Island along the crest of the waves.

  At the same time, North Island was filled with smoke, and billowing smoke rose everywhere.

  Especially on the south side of the island.

  The entire stretch of land from the military port to the edge of the settlement looked like it had been plowed by a bulldozer, leaving only a devastated wasteland.

  The 150mm naval guns had blasted the area from top to bottom, and even the nearby shipyard was hit by two stray bullets that blew up the dome.

  Four Viper transport planes flew directly through the dark smoke, breaking through the defenses on the coastline of the North Island like a sword piercing into the belly.

  The Marines, who were dazed by the explosion, hurriedly got out of the bunker and raised the muzzles of their rifles to shoot at the sky.

  However, the 7mm bullets were not enough to threaten the Viper transport planes. Without their anti-aircraft weapons, they could only watch the plane rushing towards the center of the island.

  Leaning against the broken ruins, the Marine Corps commander wearing an exoskeleton took out a walkie-talkie and shouted in despair into the communication channel.

  ”…This is the southern coast defense line!”

  ”The enemy air force has broken through our airspace! Their target is suspected to be the airport in the center of the island!”

  ”We…can’t stop them!”

  Charas, who had just retreated to the basement of the Presidential Palace under the cover of the Marines, had no time to catch his breath before he received bad news from the front line.

  When he heard that the alliance’s target was not the Presidential Palace, he instinctively breathed a sigh of relief.

  However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, his heart, which had just been relieved, rose to his throat again.

  The airport!

  The alliance’s target is the airport!

  ”No! We must not let them take the airport!” He roared, and reached out to grab his confidant, the commander of the Marine Corps, Lundy, who was following him, “Take your people over! Don’t worry about me! You must defend the airport at all costs!”

  If the Alliance occupied the airport, the Alliance’s transport planes would land directly on the island.

  At that time, even if the federal fleet returned to defend, it would be useless. There would be no port for the federal fleet to supply in the entire southern sea area.

  Being grabbed by the collar by Charas, Lundy felt hot sweat on his forehead and back.

  ”But you…”

  ”I said! Don’t worry about me!”

  Charas roared angrily, interrupted his nonsense rudely, pushed him to the door, watched him stumble to the corridor, and then ran to the exit of the basement.

  After the back disappeared, he cast his murderous eyes on the dusty officers.

  ”And you! Get out!”

  No one dared to mess with this guy.

  The people who had just sat down on the chairs moved their butts away, trembling out of the door, and gave the room to him.

  The room fell silent.

  Chalas calmed his breath and it took him a long time to calm himself down.

  The whole room was unusually quiet, as if he was the only one left in the world.

  He heard his own breathing and even his own heartbeat.

  This seemed to be the last one…

  His ambition had come to an end before it even began.

  But why?

  Why couldn’t these rubbish just do what he said!

  He closed his eyes painfully and held his wrinkled face with both hands.

  If the Laken sank the Reef as planned, and the ambush fleet devoured the South Sea Alliance fleet as planned, then not only Anle Island, but also Ring Island and even French Fries Port would surrender to him! At that time,

  he would also drive the warship into the port of Silver Moon Bay, conquer the Hump Kingdom and continue to march westward, heading inland to the Borneo Province! Go upstream along the Yongliu River until the front line is pushed to the West Sail Port controlled by the Legion!

  He will build an unparalleled and huge empire on the sea! The guys in the southern seas can do whatever they want in the wasteland!

  However, these guys just wanted to go against him!

  They just refused to listen to his plan!

  For a moment, he seemed to have an illusion, as if he was not curled up in the basement of the Presidential Palace, but sitting in the palace of the Lord of the World.

  However, in just a moment, the dreamlike picture quickly disintegrated like soap bubbles, pulling him back to a dark abyss called reality.

  Looking at the trance light, he suddenly thought of a name.

  That might be the only person who could save him.

  His Adam’s apple choked and he called out in a trembling voice.


  The room was dead silent.

  This guy was still the same, he liked to disappear at the critical moment, and no one responded no matter how he called.

  However, now it was different from the past. In the past, he never placed his hope on an outsider, but now that guy has become his only lifeline.


  Facing the silent silence, he couldn’t help but feel a little panic in his heart, and shouted again.

  ”Arzu!! Come out!”

  This time, the voice in the void finally responded.

  But the weak tone made him fall to the bottom of the valley again after he had finally ignited a glimmer of hope.

  ”What’s the point of me coming out?” Looking at the crazy Charas, Arzu sighed.

  Seeing that guy looking like an outsider, Charas was completely angry.

  ”Don’t look like you don’t care! You said we are allies, we will prosper together and suffer together! Give me a hand, help me! Where are your biological weapons! Take them out! I still have a fleet, as long as they come back, there is still a chance! I haven’t lost yet!”

  Arzu looked at him silently, and suddenly there was a trace of pity in his eyes.

  This guy was not like this before.

  Or are all “people” so ugly at the last moment of their lives.

  When he was in Jinhe City, he attributed the failure to the unreliability of the Holy Land itself, complained that Luo Qian gave up too early, and concluded that “imperfect divinity is not as good as human nature” and “human nature should lead the believers on earth to build their kingdom of heaven”, and proposed to the Son of God the necessity of building the “Second Holy Church”.

  Although most of the forerunners opposed him, the merciful Son of God granted him the ability to use the sanctuary as a human.

  When he was preaching in the diocese of the southern sea area, he always practiced indirect control methods such as puppetry, using the “power of the gods” to support a “king” on earth, and then used the king’s hands to operate the chess pieces on the chessboard.

  However, the result was so disappointing…

  ”I never said you lost, but… it is obvious that you already know your ending in your heart, and you are even lost in crazy fantasies.”

  Looking at the hands that stretched out to his collar and passed through his collar in vain, Alzu smiled bitterly, and his turbid pupils were full of fatigue.

  ”… Your Excellency the Holy Son, your servant has tried his best.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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