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Chapter 775 The End of the Civil War

Chapter 775 The End of the Civil War


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 775 The End of the Civil War

  Under the cover of the bombardment of naval guns, four “Viper” transport planes quickly broke through the defense zone of the North Island coastline, and a total of 25 power armors were quickly deployed at the airport.

  Faced with this group of fierce and evil people armed to the teeth, the guard company responsible for airport security was defeated almost as soon as they started the exchange of fire, and they were defeated in just one encounter.

  Gun flames kept flashing around the periphery of the airport, and the tracers of bullets shuttled freely on the runway, like a dense net.

  Leaning against the square sandbag wall, the platoon leader wearing a bulletproof vest leaned his helmet against the sandbag tightly, and did not dare to lift the gun out of the bunker to fight back.

  Not far away from him, the medical soldier was rescuing the wounded lying on the stretcher.

  The wounded had lost half of his leg in the explosion, and his pale face was covered with sweat. He was breathing rapidly like a stranded goldfish.

  The platoon leader gritted his teeth and shouted loudly into the intercom.

  ”The outer defense zone has collapsed! Their firepower is too strong! We need reinforcements!”

  There was a lot of noise on the other end of the walkie-talkie. He waited for a long time but received no response. He only heard a series of explosions.

  ”Damn it!”

  The platoon leader cursed, put the walkie-talkie back on his shoulder, leaned down and stuck his rifle out of the bunker, and fired at the source of the gunfire on the opposite side.

  However, before he could fire two shots, two thick tracers brushed his gun barrel and hit the ground in front of him.

  The bullet was at least 20 mm thick, and it jumped into the sky the moment it hit the ground, but the roar of the bullet hitting the ground made his head buzz. The

  stones hit by the bullet covered his face, and he couldn’t help but let out a cry of pain and sat back on the ground.


  The alliance did not cease fire.

  One power armor carried a 20mm lance and fired intermittently to suppress the bunker, while the other three power armors advanced towards the bunker in an orderly manner, and the muzzles were quickly aimed at the guards behind the bunker.

  There was no suspense about the outcome.

  The platoon leader of the guard company immediately dropped the rifle in his hand, and even before the other side opened his mouth, he squatted by the wall with his hands clasped over his head.

  ”I surrender!”

  Lao Bai gestured to his teammates next to him, indicating that the latter should take out the plastic strips to tie up the prisoners.

  Then he raised his right hand again, and swiped his index finger on the floating window of the tactical eyepiece several times, setting the next stage of attack targets for each team on the map.

  The Y-2 drone that fought with them had completed a full-scale scan of the battlefield terrain, and the identified enemy unit targets had been indicated on the map with red marks.

  The whole process was like a game.

  Although this was originally a game.

  With the assistance of the quadcopter drone, the six teams arrived at the target area as planned, controlling more than 80% of the airport’s facilities and the most critical runway.

  ”The guard station has been suppressed!”

  ”The hangar has been taken!”

  ”Enemy reinforcements have been found! 317 people have been witnessed, there are 10 police armored vehicles, and two suspected armored units! Suspected to be the Federation Marines!”

  Hearing the voice on the communication channel, Killing Dagger almost laughed out loud, and couldn’t help but teasing.

  ”Why are there only so few people?”

  Looking at the smoky airport, Kidney Fighter also said in a teasing tone.

  ”You have to think about it. There are only tens of thousands of people on the entire island. They have to support the navy. It’s good enough for the army to get a battalion out.”

  The situation here is completely different from that of Borneo Province. The area of ​​the entire North Island is not as large as that of Jingalon Port, and the military force can’t even get a thousand-man team.

  Of course, even if the military force can’t get a thousand-man team, it’s still no problem to throw the guard company of the airport here to Borneo Province to fight a thousand-man team.

  After all, the Xilan Empire picked up the scraps eliminated by the legion, while the armed forces of the Federation were designed with the legion as the imaginary enemy.

  The productivity and education level of both sides are completely incomparable. Even the military literacy of ordinary soldiers here is much higher than that of many grassroots officers of the Xilan Empire.

  Just as the two were chatting, Lao Bai’s voice came from the communication channel.

  ”…Don’t let your guard down, the battle is not over yet! Sha Bi, the Federation Marines are on your northwest side, and it is expected to make contact within three minutes. I will give you the command of the two nearby teams. Stop them! Don’t let them get close to the runway!”


  Listening to the voice in the communication channel, Sha Bi immediately responded and shouted to the brothers behind him.

  ”Brothers! It’s time to live!”

  ”Oh oh oh!”

  With an excited roar, the Kidney Fighter inserted a new drum into the light machine gun in his hand and loaded it with a click.

  At this moment, Lao Bai, who was at the guard post, had already controlled the airport’s communication equipment and contacted the headquarters of French Fries Port through the local radio tower.

  ”We have controlled the airport, 10 minutes faster than originally planned. How long will it take for reinforcements?”

  After a brief rustling sound of electricity, the voice of the operator came.

  ”The reinforcements have already set out, and they are still 15 minutes away from you.”

  ”Tell them to hurry up, I’m worried that Torch will send reinforcements to the North Island. If the battle on the ground cannot be ended as soon as possible, there will be another tough battle… I’m afraid it will be difficult to control civilian casualties.”

  ”Understood, we are communicating with the reinforcement crew.”

  After the communication ended, Lao Bai left a team to defend on the spot, and immediately took the rest of the players to reinforce the northwest side of the airport.

  The three teams led by Sha Bi will intercept the Federation Marines head-on, and they will intersperse to the flanks of the enemy units after the exchange of fire between the two sides, and cooperate with the Alliance’s air units to eliminate the relatively difficult enemy armor. At the

  same time that the vanguard of the Burning Corps was ready to meet the enemy, the Federation Marines had already touched the entrance to the northwest side of the airport.

  With the explosion of a rifle grenade, the war was ignited in an instant.

  The airport, which had been silent for a few minutes, was once again drowned by the noisy gunfire.

  The Federal Marines organized a battalion of troops to meet the enemy, and even drove out the police explosion-proof vehicles parked in the police station and the “Alligator” amphibious armored vehicles that had not yet been officially put into production and only two were trial-produced.

  The latter was an amphibious combat equipment developed by Beidao Heavy Industry under the order of Charas, and was originally planned to be used in the landing operations on Anle Island and the Ring Island.

  However, before this equipment could be put into use, Beidao was landed on by the South China Sea Alliance first.

  Although the firepower of this light armor is much stronger than the “individual armor” such as power armor, the number is still too scarce after all.

  Not only that, because the equipment itself was still under development and had not been officially deployed, the Federal Navy did not have enough experience in vehicle-infantry coordinated operations.

  The two “Alligator” amphibious armored vehicles were almost out of touch with the infantry as soon as they arrived at the front line, and were blocked in a small alley near the airport.

  Seeing the fleeting opportunity, the Killing Dagger immediately took off the pigeon missile launcher on his back without hesitation, threw a sentence “Cover me!” to his teammates beside him, and climbed over the half-collapsed low wall to the roof of the alley.

  The two armored vehicles were in full view. The leading one was holding the 30mm rapid-fire gun and venting firepower in the direction of the airport, trying to drive away the “Viper” transport plane hovering in the air to provide cover for the ground troops. The

  Killing Dagger took a deep breath, skillfully turned on the camera function of the launcher, and pressed the shutter at the armored vehicle only 150 meters away. The sensor on the head of the missile immediately locked the target.

  All preparations were ready, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation, shouting excitedly.


  Although what was fired was not an RPG at all, he still shouted it habitually.

  The thick white smoke shot straight at the bottom of the turret of the armored vehicle like an arrow, and then the armored vehicle exploded like a lighter, with a deafening explosion and a dazzling firework. The

  dove-type missile with a metal hydrogen warhead is far more destructive than the general RPG armor-piercing warhead, although the cost of the former is also more than ten times that of the latter.

  The soldiers of the surrounding federal marines were stunned by the flames of the explosion, and when they came to their senses, they turned their guns and concentrated their fire in the direction of the white smoke. The

  murderous dagger was about to load the next missile, but found that the armored vehicle behind him had pointed the gun barrel at him, and was immediately startled and jumped down from the roof.

  But he soon found out that it was just a false alarm.

  After noticing the explosion of the armored vehicle in front, the armored vehicle following closely behind was obviously frightened. It reversed madly while firing at the roof.

  The roar of the muzzle made the Marines guarding the two sides of the armored vehicle dizzy and tinnitus. Not to mention aiming at him, even the guns could hardly be held steady.

  ”Fuck, hitting friendly forces, experts!” The murderous dagger who had already jumped down from the roof was stunned. If he had known that these guys were so poorly coordinated, he would not have stayed on the roof.

  And while he was stunned, a series of air-breaking sounds whizzed past his head, followed by the roar of the machine gun and the raging sound of shrapnel almost at the same time!

  The armored vehicle that was retreating in a hurry and firing was obviously marked by friendly forces. In addition, the fire from the firing exposed its position. The brothers flying in the sky didn’t even need to use ground-to-ground missiles, and directly opened the can with a burst of machine guns.

  The top armor, which was not very thick, was like paper in front of the 20mm armor-piercing incendiary bombs carried by the aircraft, and even the turret was lifted into the sky.

  The soldiers squatting next to the armored vehicle were also buried in the dust by the splashing shrapnel, and the whole alley was silent in an instant.

  Looking at the sparks blooming like fireworks and the P-2 “Lightning” attack aircraft flying low over the ruins, the players who were leaning behind the bunkers and firing cheered excitedly.

  ”Well done!”

  The Killing Dagger, who had just completed the lock, pressed down the missile launcher in his hand and smacked his lips with satisfaction.

  ”MMP! You took my head!”

  However, machine guns are cheaper than missiles, so just take it.

  Unlike the Burning Corps, the morale of the Federation’s Marines has fallen into the abyss at this moment.

  Looking at the burning alley not far away, the Marine Corps Commander Lundy’s eyes were bulging out, and his face was ashen and full of despair.

  The two “Alligator” armored vehicles were almost their only support, but they could not even last ten minutes after they collided with the Alliance’s airborne troops.

  Although their equipment and training were much better than the airport’s guard company, and they even had some equipment left over from the prosperous era, they were still far behind these professional guys.

  At this time, the figures of two “Overlord” transport planes had also appeared in the sky. Their huge bodies and narrow plasma plumes were as conspicuous as meteors in the night sky. The

  towering fuselage was heavily attached to the runway of the airport, and after sliding for a distance, it stopped steadily, and then lowered the wide and heavy hatch.

  Eight murderous armored vehicles drove out of the hatch. They were the Alliance’s “Chimera”!

  Nearly 500 soldiers armed to the teeth with exoskeletons got off with them.

  They held compact assault rifles in their hands, and the shiny bulletproof breastplates exuded a cold light.

  ”It’s over…”

  Continuing the fight would be meaningless except for sending the boys from Beidao to their deaths.

  If the Alliance’s planes can come once, they can come a second time. With just their limited force, it is impossible to recapture the airport.

  Even if the battleships come back, it will be useless. A fleet without a port is an orphan on the sea.

  After seeing the two transport planes land, Lundy had completely lost the idea of ​​resistance.

  Looking at the adjutant beside him who was also pale, his Adam’s apple moved, and finally squeezed out the helpless words.

  ”…We lost.”


  After the resistance was fruitless, the Federal Marine Corps finally chose to surrender.

  Except for Charas’s guards who were still resisting in the presidential palace, there was no resistance in the entire North Island.

  Charas did not allow the mutants to go to the island, which was also the only thing he did.

  Otherwise, the situation would be much more troublesome.

  After communicating with the Navy Command of the South China Sea Alliance, the command of the French Fries Port Military Base decided not to adopt a bombing strategy against the presidential palace, but to send ground troops to arrest Charas and his followers.

  After Lao Bai and Fang Chang joined together, the two quickly formulated a plan to attack the Presidential Palace, and unanimously decided to pull another plane of people from the French Fries Port, and let the task of attacking the building be given to the newcomers in the Corps to practice.

  As for Charas himself, he may be of great significance to the South China Sea Alliance, but he seems dispensable to the alliance and the players.

  In contrast, ensuring the safety of local survivors and the integrity of industrial facilities, especially preventing the landing of the mutant forces of the Torch Church, is the top priority.

  As for the locals’ own affairs, they have never had the tradition of intervening.

  At the same time when the Burning Corps occupied the North Island, the Federation’s fleet and the South China Sea Alliance’s fleet finally came into contact.

  The signals of both sides appeared on each other’s radars, and the situation became tense in an instant.

  On the Harpoon cruiser, the fleet commander Wu Meng looked at the signal on the radar screen coldly and was about to issue an attack order.

  However, at this moment, a communication request came from the command center of Anle Island.

  ”…Can you connect to the Haiya communication channel?”

  Hearing the voice of Commander Li Minghui, Wu Meng was slightly stunned and frowned.

  ”Yes…but is it necessary?”

  ”Contact them!”

  Wu Meng thought for two seconds and finally nodded.


  After the instructions were issued, the communicator began to try to contact the Haiya battleship.

  However, he did not waste precious time in waiting.

  He knew very well what kind of person Captain Wick on the opposite side was. That guy was a thorough warmonger and also the most loyal fan of Charas. The

  word surrender did not exist in that guy’s dictionary at all. It would be better to expect Charas to resign than to expect him to surrender.

  If nothing unexpected happens, the electromagnetic cannon on the opposite side may have begun to charge, and it may even be aimed at him.

  Wu Meng calmly issued a first-level combat readiness order, allowing the weapon systems and defense systems of each ship to enter standby status.

  The adjutant standing by looked at him nervously.

  ”Do you think he won’t surrender?”

  Wu Meng said lightly.

  ”I hope he doesn’t surrender.”

  ”Why?” The adjutant was stunned and looked at the captain in surprise.

  Wu Meng’s expression did not change at all, but he said it concisely.

  ”The southern waters need to recuperate. We can’t afford another war… Moderate reduction of arms is not a bad thing for us, but rather beneficial. Otherwise, we are likely to be dragged into another war that does not belong to us by our allies, even if they have just reasons.”

  ”If they really want that thing, they can pay to buy it from our shipyard. As long as they pay the money and materials, our workers and engineers can build another one for them and let the young men of the alliance drive it themselves.”

  And the most important thing is that Charas and his followers must be completely eradicated.

  If the alliance interferes with their judicial system for strategic needs, allowing the crew of the Sea End to easily escape the post-war trial, or even continue to serve on the battleship, it may sow greater disasters in the future.

  Of course, this is just his own judgment.

  If the top leaders of the South China Sea Alliance have other ideas, he can only keep the regret in his heart.

  At the same time, Commander Li Minghui, who was far away at the Anle Island Naval Command, was pacing back and forth in front of the sea chart.

  Victory is just around the corner!

  His palms were full of sweat, half of which was excitement and half of which was nervousness.

  Charas could no longer stir up the wind and waves, and now there was only one last mine left to be removed.

  That was the Federation’s fleet!

  Those ships were the property of the survivors of the South China Sea Alliance. They had poured a lot of effort and sweat into them. Losing any one of them would be a huge loss!

  If possible, he hoped to avoid the final exchange of fire.

  As long as those guys were willing to turn back, everything could still be salvaged.

  In order to gain bargaining chips for the division of post-war interests and for bargaining chips with the alliance, he needed the “Hai Ya”, and the residents of the South China Sea Alliance also needed it!

  What’s more, there was no point in fighting anymore, as Charas had already lost the decisive battle! The poor guy was shivering in the bunker!

  Finally, he succeeded in contacting the bridge of the battleship Haiya. He immediately walked to the communication terminal, put his hands on the table, stared at the face that appeared on the screen and said.

  ”Surrender! Wick! The Burning Legion has landed on the North Island. You have already lost!”

  Wick looked at him coldly, not with a trace of panic in his eyes, but with contempt.

  ”Cowardly traitor.”

  ”Traitor?” Li Minghui was stunned for a moment, and was amused by his words. “You helped Charas suppress the residents of the islands of the Federation, and threatened them to follow your master with the cannons and shells they made for you. How dare you say the word traitor from your mouth.”

  ”What about you?” Wick narrowed his eyes, “What’s the difference between what you did and what I did?”

  ”I have been fighting for them from beginning to end.” Li Minghui stared at him without blushing or beating his heart.

  Regardless of whether he had greed in his heart, he could ask himself that at least he had not crossed the line so far.

  However, after hearing his words, Wick suddenly laughed out loud as if he had heard a very funny joke.

  ”Stop talking big. How can you be more noble than Charas? At least he can bring us a brighter future! And you, you take the guys in the southern seas to be puppets of the alliance! To expand the territory for them!” A bright future


  Just like the current state of Beidao?

  Li Minghui looked at this stubborn guy with pity and clicked his tongue.

  ”Your understanding of puppets is that you don’t want to be a dog for Charas or Torch? What a pitiful thing, dogs really see everything as dogs.”

  But he regretted it as soon as he said this.

  He suddenly remembered that he came to persuade people to surrender, not to mock people.

  Sure enough, the other party was not moved at all by his words, and didn’t even take them to heart.

  Wick gently adjusted the captain’s hat on his head and said expressionlessly.

  ”Politicians like you are good at talking. You are good at saying white is black and black is white. This is your duty, but not mine.”

  ”… There is no point in talking. Let’s see the truth on the battlefield.”

  Li Minghui’s eyes widened.

  ”Are you crazy? Can’t you see that even if you win, it will be meaningless!”

  This guy is the captain himself. He should know better than anyone what the current situation means!

  ”No meaning?” Looking at Li Minghui with a stunned face, Wick had an indifferent expression and smiled coldly, “Does it make sense to turn you into ruins?”

  At this point, his expression suddenly became ferocious.

  Just like a beast trapped in a trap.

  ”Don’t try to convince me with your mouth! Either we go to heaven together, or we all go to hell! I might as well destroy the southern seas with my own hands than let you insects rule it!”

  It’s just a change of home!

  As long as he could wipe out the South China Sea Alliance Fleet, and then march straight to Anle Island, and take Li Minghui and a group of officers as hostages, he might be able to save Beidao!

  At least, he could use that guy as a bargaining chip!

  The war has come to this point, and the Alliance should not think of staying out of it. If you don’t want to see the settlements in the Baiyue Strait turned into a scorched earth, then withdraw from the North Island immediately!

  Count on me to surrender –

  don’t even think about it!

  Looking at the dark screen, Li Minghui’s face was full of astonishment.

  The communicator sitting next to him was also astonished, but apart from that, he was also a little speechless.

  With this level, you dare to talk nonsense? It’s better for me to persuade you to surrender!

  The headquarters was silent.

  Li Minghui’s Adam’s apple moved, and it took a long time for him to squeeze out a word from his dry throat.


  Whether it was Charas himself or the people who followed him, they were all crazy…

  He took two steps back and sat on the chair in front of the command table, pinching his brows with his index finger and thumb and not speaking.

  What happened next would not be suspenseful.

  Before the start of this battle, they had practiced on the sea chart countless times, reducing the possibility of all mistakes to a minimum.

  But when he thought of the battleship, Li Minghui couldn’t help but feel a pain in his heart.

  That’s a battleship…

  What a sin!


  A dazzling white light flashed across the sea, crossing the overlapping waves, like a bridge from the battleship “Hai Ya” to the cruiser “Harpoon”.

  Ballistics is a complex subject. Its content is not just a simple calculation of projectile motion, but a complete design of the entire projectile motion process.

  If the electromagnetic gun is understood as a powerful flying brick, then the imagination is too poor. Even in the classical era before the Prosperous Era, people knew to equip the shells with timed and disguised tail fins or other intelligent guidance components. For the Prosperous Era, it is

  naturally not a difficult thing.

  The bolts installed inside the tail end of the mass projectile can use the memory characteristics of the material itself to record the time parameters, so that the shell can release the flexible tail fins retracted at the tail end after reaching the predetermined height, so that the shell flying diagonally upwards can make a large curvature arc motion in the air… From a macroscopic point of view, this is like a shell turning in the air.

  Including the “anti-air resistance” design of the shell warhead, everything from the launch device to the launched warhead is a product of the Prosperous Era. The

  only thing that can fight against it is something that is also a product of the Prosperous Era.

  The battleship Haiya launched three mass bombs in succession. The drone flying along the clouds captured the trajectory of the mass bombs and focused the lens on the cruiser Harpoon.

  However, a scene that stunned everyone on the battleship Haiya happened.

  The Harpoon did not activate the deflector shield to resist as they expected, but took the blow with the ship’s hull.

  They wanted to use the electromagnetic gun to trigger the overload of the shield capacitor, but they didn’t expect it to hit the target.

  However, what is incomprehensible is that after the mass bomb like a meteor hit the bow, it did not poke a hole in the wide bow, but rubbed it and blasted into the sea!

  Water columns tens of meters high shot up into the sky. The huge kinetic energy even created a huge cavity under the sea surface, pushing the towering cruiser.

  Wu Meng, who was standing in the bridge, held the railing on one side with his right hand and glanced at the screen. The last shot only knocked out 12% of the energy of the Meissner effect armor capacitor.

  Perhaps because of the slope of the armor, most of the kinetic energy was blasted into the sea. The performance of this thing in actual combat seems to be even more amazing than the data calculated by the experiment. At this pace, I am afraid that he will be fine if he drives the cruiser within the visual range of the opponent.

  After all, during the moment he was surprised, the shipboard reactor was slowly charging the armor capacitor.

  The battleship Haiya was obviously still unconvinced and fired another round of three shots.

  This time, the guys were unexpectedly lucky and hit two shots, with only one shot missing.

  Seeing that the opponent could not do anything to him, Wu Meng was completely relieved.

  Just as the battleship Haiya was staring at the cruiser Harpoon and beating it, an anti-ship missile flying close to the wave crest had broken through the blind spot of the point defense system of the destroyer Flying Fish, and blasted a large hole in its hull.

  A gap appeared in the left defense of the federal fleet in an instant. The only remaining destroyer, the Defender, could not protect itself, let alone protect the Haiya next to it.

  The towering steel behemoth was like a wounded lion, surrounded by the hyenas that were leaning over and roaring.

  The “Shark Tooth” ambushed nearby took the lead in seizing the opportunity, biting it without hesitation, and fired a torpedo carrying a metal hydrogen warhead at the arrogant sea monster.

  The flames of the explosion rose to the sky on the sea.

  Although this torpedo was detonated in advance by the bait bomb, the Shark Tooth quickly launched the second and third ones.

  Including the other two attack nuclear submarines.

  They were born for this moment, and in the end they did not disgrace their mission and sent the traitors of the Federation – or the South Sea Alliance – to the bottom of the sea.

  The only remaining destroyer, the Defender, raised the white flag wisely. The captain of the Harpoon, Wu Meng, ordered a ceasefire and accepted the surrender of his former comrades.

  Looking at the ripples on the radar screen gradually disappearing and the ripples on the sonar gradually enlarging, he sighed with relief and took off his captain’s hat to cover the screen in front of him.

  ”It’s finally over.”

  Although the war to liquidate the Torch Church has not yet ended, at least we don’t have to face those familiar faces anymore…


  (Thanks to the leader of “Li Zai Jian Zou Hou” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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