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Chapter 777 Rich spoils!

Chapter 777 Rich spoils!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 777 Rich spoils of war!

  After the fall of the Charas authorities, the residents of the North Island had already made plans to spend the winter, but they did not expect that the days ahead would not be as bad as they imagined, but would gradually get better.

  Needless to say, the navy of the Southern Alliance was originally a family, and of course they would not embarrass the residents of the island.

  The discipline of the Alliance army was rare in the wasteland. Instead of interfering with the lives of the locals, they lifted the curfew and wartime material rationing system during the Charas period. On

  the streets near the port area, people who had been hiding at home for several days finally ate up the food they had saved, and returned to the streets one after another driven by hunger.

  Although the new order after the war was announced on the radio and radio a few days ago, not everyone believed what was said on the radio, and they just thought that the rebels had occupied the radio station.

  Information warfare during the war was a routine operation, and the Charas authorities implemented strict curfew measures, so most people lived in information cocoons, not to mention leaving the house, and they didn’t even dare to open the window to take a look outside.

  Although the new authorities told them that the war was over, they couldn’t force their rooms open and drag people out.

  It was obviously not cost-effective in terms of execution cost, and there were so many things to do that they couldn’t spare the time to take care of those who were still living in the past.

  Anyway, the Charas authorities had collapsed, and a new order had been established. Those who were still living in the past would sooner or later face reality.

  As the last group of people returning to normal life, when they walked carefully to the street and saw that the supermarket on the street had reopened, almost everyone opened their eyes wide in disbelief.

  ”Strange, the supermarket is open again?”

  A thin middle-aged man muttered in a low voice, suddenly remembered something, and quickly ran back home. Regardless of the surprised eyes of his wife and children, he rummaged through the boxes and took out a large stack of banknotes and stuffed them into his pocket, and then rushed to the supermarket with a plastic bag for scavenging.

  Since the Charas authorities implemented the wartime rationing system, the federal currency in the Northern Federation has become waste paper that can’t buy anything, and supermarkets have closed because they can’t get goods.

  Now that the supermarket has reopened, he immediately took out all his savings, wishing he could exchange them all for milk powder, bread and canned food, fearing that if he was slow, they would be sold out.

  When he rushed into the supermarket and saw the dazzling shelves, he froze in his tracks, as if he was hallucinating.

  The people queuing to shop noticed him, but they just glanced at him and said nothing.

  Such people often appear these days.

  Everyone has experienced that difficult time, so no one dared to laugh at him.

  The man’s Adam’s apple moved, and he walked quickly to the shelf.

  Looking at the label of the digit, he held his breath, and felt his heart pounding. Without even looking, he put a bunch of money into the plastic bag, and then hurried to queue up.

  When he got to the cashier, he grabbed a handful of bills from his pocket and put them on the cashier.

  The salesperson standing behind the cashier saw the pile of wrinkled bills, sighed with an expression of “as expected”, and pointed to the sign on the counter and said.

  ”…You are holding federal coins. Look carefully at the label on the shelf. We only accept silver coins here.”

  Silver coins?

  The man was stunned for a moment, his face gradually turned red, and he hesitated for a long time before he could say a word.

  ”What should I do if I don’t have silver coins…”

  The salesperson said patiently.

  ”Then go find a job. There is a relief station of the refugee home at the port. You can fill out a job application form there to get relief food. When the job is arranged, someone will naturally notify you. In addition, some large recruitment units will advance one month or half a month’s salary, and there are also helpers to apply for living allowance loans. You can go and ask around. My job was arranged by the refugee home.”

  The man hurriedly said thank you and left the supermarket in a hurry.

  He used to be in import and export trade. Maybe he could find a job to support his family at the port or Baiyue Company…


  Due to the lifting of the wartime rationing system, iron pots and kitchen knives that were not seen before, as well as bread and grains, etc., reappeared on the shelves of the supermarket.

  Of course, these supplies did not grow on the shelves by themselves.

  Some are produced in Luoxia Province, some are processed in Yinyue Bay, and some are from Jingalon Port.

  These goods are produced in their respective production links, first transported to French Fries Port for loading, and finally uniformly distributed to the resource-scarce Northern Islands, where they are placed on shelves and sold at silver coins.

  In addition, the refugee home’s relief station has also set up relief outlets on the North Island. While distributing relief food, it registers the professional skills and academic qualifications of unemployed residents, introduces them to jobs, and reduces their waiting time for employment. The

  Ocean Current Power Station needs to be rebuilt, and the facilities on the North Island also need to be rebuilt. There are many places that need people.

  Especially for technology-intensive positions, there are more positions than people.

  The only fly in the ointment for local residents is that the federal currency issued by the federal authorities has changed from nominal waste paper to real waste paper.

  Although this thing has lost most of its functions as a currency since the moment the Northern Islands could no longer hold back the soaring inflation and announced the implementation of a rationing system, it still has a little purchasing power.

  As for now, with the collapse of the federal authorities, this thing has lost its purchasing power in the legal sense, and it is useless to use it to wipe your ass.

  The South Sea Alliance is planning to issue a new local currency to ensure the normal operation of the economy.

  However, at this stage, since the settlements in the southern sea area are highly dependent on the input of resources from the alliance, and the new authorities are operating with loans from the alliance bank, everything from public expenditure to material procurement is temporarily settled in silver coins.

  At this moment, at the military port of the North Island, the construction team from the French Fry Port is repairing the damaged facilities, especially the gantry cranes and automated loading and unloading facilities installed on the dock.

  And at the dock not far away, there are two large cargo ships loaded with containers waiting to be unloaded.

  Standing on the edge of the port, Channing was squinting his eyes and looking at the war-torn harbor, talking to Commander Li Minghui standing next to him in a casual tone.

  ”…When the military gets involved in politics, it becomes like this. The stronger the execution, the greater the destructive power. We must not follow the old path of the Northern Federation. What do you think, Mr. Li Minghui?”

  Two weeks have passed since the end of the civil war. It is now mid-October.

  During this period, Li Minghui went to Dawn City and met with the managers of the South Sea Alliance as the wartime president of the South Sea Alliance. It is said that the talks lasted for three days.

  This matter is not only highly concerned by the outside world, but also by the South Sea Alliance’s own representative council.

  Although the South Sea Alliance, like the Alliance, has local affairs and central affairs that belong to two different systems, Channing, as the highest local official of the Ring Island, has no intention and should not get involved in the power struggle of the South Sea Alliance’s central affairs, but he has to speak up for the residents of the Ring Island on one matter. It is

  not against the interests of the survivors of the South Sea to move closer to the Alliance, but if their generals become new Charas in the process, all the sacrifices will be in vain.

  Hearing the temptation in Channing’s tone, Li Minghui suddenly laughed out loud.

  ”Coincidentally, my idea is the same as yours. It is better for professionals to do professional work. People like me are more suitable for intrigues on the battlefield.”

  After a pause, he said again.

  ”After the war with the Torch is over, I will resign as the wartime president and return all power to the representative council representing all the survivors of the South Sea… That thing originally belongs to them, and no one knows better than them how to go in the future.”

  Looking at Channing with a surprised look on his face, Li Minghui smiled faintly and said.

  ”Don’t be so surprised. I just resigned from the post of wartime president and returned the command of the army. I didn’t say I would retire completely. Haha, if you don’t dislike my command ability, I will continue to serve as the commander of the navy.”

  In fact, he did hesitate more than once before talking to Captain Wick.

  However, after seeing the crazy look of that guy, the last trace of ambition in his heart was also extinguished.

  Charas was not like this before, and Wick was not like this before… They were all very enthusiastic about the future of the survivors in the southern seas. No one wanted the people here to live a better life and truly end the wasteland in this sea area more than they did.

  However, once the crazy idea came into being, it could no longer be stopped.

  In order to overthrow the rule of Shelter No. 70, they made the fleet selectively blind, let the Torch Church in, and then began to fabricate lies to coerce those who were skeptical and blindly followed.

  As the chips on the gambling table continued to increase, they went further and further on the wrong path, and eventually became devils without exception.

  In the late stage of madness, they would rather burn the two centuries of hard work of the survivors in the southern seas than admit that they were wrong.

  Those who become madmen and those who indulge madmen eventually go to hell, and now the button to end this cycle is in his hand. He only needs to press it to become a hero.

  This is the best choice.

  Just as the gentleman in Dawn City said to him, doing things for one’s own selfishness is only a temporary pleasure, and only by doing things that will be immortal can one truly be immortal.

  Looking at Li Minghui with a calm expression, Channing was stunned and respectful, and nodded slightly to him.

  ”…The survivors of the ring island will be grateful for your choice, and I believe the survivors of the islands in the southern sea area will be the same.”

  Looking at a thriving port, Li Minghui said with a relaxed smile.

  ”Haha, you’re too polite! That kind of thing is what I should do!”


  At the same time as the reconstruction work was underway, the Alliance and the South China Sea Alliance were also counting the “legacy” of the Charas authorities.

  Under the building of Beidao Heavy Industry, two Chimera armored vehicles were guarding the front and back doors respectively, and they stayed there for two whole weeks.

  At first, the employees working here were a little scared, but later they found that the people who were taken away for questioning were all company executives, so they calmed down and didn’t take it seriously.

  Especially since their wages changed from food coupons issued by Charas to silver coins, and the salary was not bad, most employees had no complaints.

  Except for those who designed weapons for mutants.

  Charas once hoped to narrow the gap between the Northern Federation and the Alliance in ground armament by arming mutants with the technology of the Prosperous Era, so he ordered Beidao Heavy Industry to set up a separate mutant equipment research and development department.

  These equipment not only appeared on the battlefield of Shazhou Island, but also appeared in small quantities on the northern front and even on the battlefield of the Prancing Horse Province.

  Therefore, when they received the meeting notice, from the project leader to the engineer engaged in the specific design, no one was afraid and trembled.

  But to everyone’s surprise, the Alliance did not embarrass them.

  Standing in the meeting room, Fang Chang looked at them and said.

  ”…The South China Sea Alliance does not intend to hold you responsible. After all, you are also civilians who are coerced. Our position on this issue is consistent. We also tend to hold the decision makers responsible for the main responsibility, and the decision makers’ accomplices responsible for the secondary responsibility, rather than the people who are coerced.”

  Hearing this, everyone, whether it is the company’s senior executives or grassroots employees, breathed a sigh of relief.

  If there is a choice, they certainly don’t want to design weapons for mutants, but Charas’s gun is pointed at their heads, and they have no other choice.

  Looking at the relieved staff, Fang Chang paused and continued.

  ”But from now on, your department will be abolished, and you will transfer the projects and materials in your hands to the new organization and cooperate with Giant Stone Military Industry to produce “anti-mutant” weapons.”

  ”Of course, if you don’t want to, you can also go through the resignation procedures or apply to be transferred back to the original department. We will not force you to do things you don’t want to do like Charas. The war with the Torch Church is important, but we also respect your choice.”

  The Alliance has no mutant soldiers, so naturally there is no need to develop weapons for mutants.

  No one was surprised that their department, which should not have existed from the beginning, was abolished.

  However, after hearing the subsequent arrangements, everyone started to whisper among themselves.

  Fang Chang did not continue to speak, but gave them enough time to discuss.

  At this time, an executive raised his hand and spoke at his nod.

  ”Excuse me… do we need to move to Boulder City to live?”

  This is the question he is most concerned about, and it is also the most concerned issue for his engineers and experts.

  After all, they are not refugees, they all have their own families, and they have their own social and social relationships in the local area.

  Going to a new gathering place not only means adapting to local customs and living environment, but also affects all aspects of the children’s education.

  Understanding their concerns, Fang Chang smiled after hearing it and said in a gentle tone.

  ”That’s not necessary. Our signal tower will soon be laid on the North Island, and then there will be submarine cables. Communication between the various settlements of the alliance will only become more and more convenient. The new organization is still located in the North Island, and cooperation is mainly through online and regular exchange meetings.”

  After hearing this promise, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and joy appeared on their faces.

  After the reorganization, Beidao Heavy Industries still offers very generous salaries, and they certainly hope to continue doing this job if possible.

  Moreover, from now on, contributing knowledge and strength to the cause of justice can also alleviate some of their guilt for having designed weapons for mutants.

  ”Then I plan to stay!”

  The executive who asked the question raised his hand first, and the others raised their hands one after another.

  ”Me too!”

  ”Add me in! Anyway, I can’t do anything else well except designing equipment.”

  The core layer of the entire department has a total of 35 people.

  Except for 3 people who applied to be transferred back to their original departments and 2 people who applied to resign, the remaining 30 executives and engineers all accepted the conditions for transferring to the new department.

  The whole process was very smooth. After a meeting, Director Fang quickly picked up the next list and began to prepare for the next one.

  During the reign of Charas, in order to concentrate limited resources and productivity on the war, he used administrative means to integrate the industrial facilities left on the North Island during the Shelter No. 70 period and established a large military enterprise called “North Island Heavy Industry”.

  This thing is like a replica of the Giant Stone Military Industry, and it is even more exaggerated than the Giant Stone Military Industry. The production line covers all fields such as land, sea and air.

  Including LB-1 jet fighters, anti-aircraft missiles, anti-ship missiles, “Alligator” amphibious armored vehicles, exoskeleton assault rifles equipped by the Federal Marine Corps, etc., are all produced by the production workshop controlled by this company.

  This degree of industrial chain concentration is almost unimaginable in reality. After all, the chips used in missiles alone are not a problem that can be solved by just one company.

  But for the survivors who have inherited some of the technology of the Prosperous Era, it is not difficult to produce equipment from the old era. Many components and production processes that were irreplaceable in the old era can find good substitutes.

  For example, carbon-based semiconductors, etc., have directly subverted traditional silicon-based semiconductors from the root, and this is just one of the technical details.

  It is like the ancients had to spend 9981 days to forge a magic weapon, and they might not be able to cut better than modern stainless steel kitchen knives. If modern people want to forge a magic weapon used by ancient people, they just need to throw a steel ingot on the lathe to “rush it”, and at most it has no “soul”.

  It is difficult to evaluate whether the Charas authorities’ industrial strategy is good or bad, but it is always convenient for later people to explode gold coins.

  The auditing agency commissioned by the Union authorities took only 7 days to check all the accounts and came up with a more scientific “trophy recovery plan”.

  The first thing the Union had to do was to split the huge Beidao Heavy Industry and convert part of the excess production capacity to civilian use, while the rest of the production capacity was incorporated into the Union’s production system, making it part of the Union’s industrial system.

  In simple terms, it was to turn Beidao Heavy Industry, which “can build anything but use everything as it comes”, into more than three specialized industrial bases.

  That is, let the shipbuilders figure out how to build better ships, the amphibious equipment builders study how to build amphibious equipment, and the guided weapons designers design guided weapons.

  As for the research of exoskeletons, rifles, aircraft, tanks, etc., the Union already has a large number of excellent military enterprises that are responsible for the research and development of these equipment, and the production department of Beidao Heavy Industry only needs to think about the accessories.

  This is partly due to the need for resource integration, and partly due to strategic needs.

  After joining the Union’s industrial system, the residents of Beidao will live a better life than before with advanced production methods.

  But if they were separated from the alliance’s industrial system, they would also live worse than before.

  Just as Fang Chang was holding a meeting with the employees of Beidao Heavy Industry, Lao Bai led a group of people to the warehouse of Beidao Heavy Industry.

  The space here is extremely spacious, as big as a football field, with all kinds of heavy equipment parked in the middle.

  A small part of them are what they have seen on the battlefield, such as the “Alligator” armored vehicles with two different turrets, such as the infantry landing craft that appeared on Shazhou Island.

  There are also some that they have not had time to see, such as the main battle tank that is 4 meters high.

  The thick and long gun barrel must be 120 mm, and the cockpit is ridiculously spacious, it doesn’t look like it is for people.

  The Killing Dagger walked to the side of the tank, jumped onto the turret and took a look inside the hatch, and concluded.

  ”This thing is probably for mutants.”

  Kidney Fighter laughed.

  ”What’s the use without air superiority? You’ll be a living target on the battlefield.”

  All the good names were taken by dogs. He shook his head and said slowly.

  ”That may not be the case. It depends on which side of the battlefield. The northern route is definitely useless, but the southern route may not be useless. If the federal fleet can gain control of the sea, our planes will not be able to fly in. It is still a bit difficult to use power armor to attack this thing.”

  For example, in the terrain of Shazhou Island, if the mutants were given a few tanks, it would be a bit difficult for them to stop them with some individual equipment.

  After getting off the turret of the tank, the Killing Dagger walked to a square metal bracket.

  Looking at the humanoid armor in the center of the metal bracket, his face suddenly showed an expression like discovering a new world.

  ”Fuck, power armor?!”

  There is an interface for nuclear fusion batteries at the back of the armor.

  Judging from the shape and design details of the whole set of armor, it is exactly the same as the one on Old White. This thing is undoubtedly a replica of the “Dragoon” power armor.

  Seeing that the old man of the Burning Corps finally let go of the tank designed for mutants, the technicians who followed him hurriedly said.

  ”Sea Lion power armor… This is a test model copied by Beidao Heavy Industry based on the drawings of the Dragoon power armor! We have improved the motor equipment, and can use deuterium and tritium as fuel in the absence of helium-3… But we really don’t have the resources to build a heavy water plant, so the research and development of this set of armor has been shelved.”

  Listening to the technician’s introduction, Kidney Fighter couldn’t help but sighed and said.

  ”My God… There are really a lot of good things here.”

  The Killing Dagger couldn’t help but nodded.

  ”… Fortunately, the Federation is on a small island. If they were given a continent or a few islands with more resources, this civil war might be able to shut down the game.”

  The good name was taken by the dog, but he didn’t care, just curled his lips and said.

  ”Poor students have more stationery.”

  The equipment is more fancy than the other, but they are still beaten one after another on the battlefield?

  Old Bai, who had been silent, laughed and patted the technician’s shoulder gently.

  ”Follow us and you don’t have to worry about those problems. We have enough resources. No matter what kind of heavy water plant or other plant you want to build, we have the conditions. You just need to continue with this project.”

  Not only this “Sea Lion” power armor, but also the tank for mutants can be used with a little modification.

  Including the latest destroyer parked in the shipyard that is about to be completed, the gold coins exploded from this Charas are really not small.

  This victory can be described as a great harvest!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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