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Chapter 778: Destruction is much faster than construction

Chapter 778: Destruction is much faster than construction


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 778 Destruction is much faster than construction.

  Official website of Wasteland OL.

  [Announcement: The southern sea area is now open. Players can enter and exit the settlements freely by holding VM and downloading the electronic pass plug-in. ]

  [Recommended gameplay:

  1. Life occupation players can register a mining company locally, purchase a cargo ship and a resource exploration cabin, and then go to the deep sea to explore and discover the remains of underwater facilities in the era of the human alliance and undeveloped underwater deposits! (Recommended for advanced players)

  2. The northern islands in the southern sea area are being rebuilt. The South China Sea Alliance welcomes players to invest, start businesses and find jobs. Supporting local construction will receive generous silver coins, regional reputation and contribution rewards. There are endless bricks to move and screws to be screwed here! (Recommended for beginners)

  3. Scientific expedition team and biological research institute mission: The alliance scientific expedition team and biological research institute have established research stations in Coral City. The Tianting space station near the entrance of Shelter No. 70 is now open for investigation. After arriving near the map, find the mission-related NPC or directly accept the mission through VM.



  【The above is only the recommended gameplay by the development team. Please explore more content in the game! 】

  Soon after the announcement was issued, the comment area below was instantly boiling.

  Especially for life profession players.

  The recent updates have strengthened the gameplay of combat professions. After waiting for a long time, the spring of life profession players has finally arrived!

  Ya Ya: “Oh oh oh! Great news! Life professional players have been epically enhanced! (*`)” Quit

  Smoking: “There are no mushrooms for you to pick after the enhancement. (Stupid)”

  Ya Ya: “I’m not only good at picking mushrooms! I’m also exploring the game world, okay! (`Д)”

  Debt Eyes: “Tell me more about exploration. (Sex)”

  Ye Shi: “What are the measurements of the manager? (Funny)”

  Ya Ya: “How should I know!! (*ω)╰ひ╯”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “Dog planner, I beg you, just give me a helmet!! TT”

  Professor Yang, the King of Lightning: “Good guy, you’re asking for food while standing.”

  Ye Ao Nai Wo He: “I laughed, it’s just a fucking pie, is it that important? Relying on a bunch of PV videos to cheat, haha, whoever believes it is my dad! (Sweating soybeans)”

  Yirena: “Then you should take the bid that was reserved for two and a half years. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “My dad is okay, is this guy trying to say, ‘I’m Ning Dad’s typo. (Funny)”

  Farsighted Eagle: “If you don’t understand, just ask! How much does a mining ship cost, and how long does it take to make back the money? ”

  Warlike Wolf: “Can I be a pirate? I want to be the Pirate King! I want a river of blood to flow! (Furious)” Shit

  Stirring Stick: “Pretending to be a mining ship in the southern waters to rob the merchant ships of the Willant people should be no problem, probably, if there is a problem, just ignore what I said. (Funny)”

  Catheter Dog: “Hehe, golden hair, and it’s still big, hehehehe.”

  Scapegoat: “Brother, be normal…”

  Night Ten: “A Guang: How the hell should I know, please explore it yourself in the game. (Funny)”

  Quit Smoking: “Hahahaha, fuck!”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Brother Ye Shi, work hard, when will you open the door to the Wandering Swamp. (Funny)”

  Night Ten: “Hey, don’t say it, it’s all tears if you say too much, this corner is too hard to dig. (Headache)”

  Kuangfeng: “You’d better dig the wall. (Slanting smile)”


  Just as the players and cloud players were talking about it on the forum, a super-fast agile player had already taken the Dolphin cargo submarine to experience the “new map” first. The

  underwater settlement located next to the coral group and kelp forest has restored power supply to 50% of the area, and many Coral City residents stranded on the island have returned to their familiar homes.

  With the activation of the lighting system, the transparent domes are like fluorescent jellyfish standing still, and the colorful waves spread along the seabed like a gorgeous rainbow.

  Looking at the colorful scene outside the submarine porthole, Tail excitedly opened his mouth into an O shape and pressed his nose against the glass window.

  ”Oh, oh, oh! Is this the legendary Coral City?” Rourou

  standing next to him was even more exaggerated, and a large furry mass almost filled the entire window.


  The cat ears on the top of his head swayed gently, and Zhima Paste standing behind Tail also sighed from the bottom of his heart.

  ”It feels like the ideal city under the sea…”

  Although the scale is not as large as the ideal city, the technical content here is no less than that of the ideal city.

  According to Mr. Fang, who has been in Ideal City for half a year and has taken a certificate, the prosperity of Ideal City is actually a bit “watered down”.

  This is not to say that Ideal City is not prosperous enough, but that most wastelanders’ first impression of Ideal City is much more exaggerated than the actual situation there.

  The reinforced concrete used there is actually just the technology of the early prosperous era, and the endpoint cloud is just a quantum computing network developed based on the core of the colony ship. In addition, the holographic imaging equipment, rail transportation, and magnetic levitation highways are shocking, but they do not actually reflect technical strength, but only productivity.

  This is also one of the reasons why the Academy and the Legion do not take the prosperity of Ideal City seriously. They are from the same family and they know each other’s true family background very well.

  Ideal City is essentially a society that has fallen into stagnation after a high level of prosperity, but the stagnation here is not a derogatory term, but a neutral term. After all, rationally speaking, they have indeed developed the land under their feet to the extreme.

  If the goal is the prosperous era, they really don’t have any major areas that need improvement.

  Compared to the ideal city that “looks far more prosperous than it actually is”, the Coral City belongs to another extreme of “actually much more exaggerated than it looks”.

  It is located in the deep sea below 100 meters, and the deepest point can reach hundreds of meters.

  It is a remarkable thing to build an underwater settlement for normal human life, production and research activities under such a high-pressure environment.

  The technology needed to maintain the operation of this settlement is no less than that needed to maintain the operation of a space station.

  In particular, the local survivors can do this without a stable input of nuclear fuel, which is enough to show that they are really good.

  Listening to the shouting voices, Captain Chen Jianhong couldn’t help but curl up a smug smile at the corner of his mouth, and laughed and said.

  ”This is not the most magnificent time for this settlement. It should only be restarted to about 50% at present. When all the facilities here are restarted, the situation here will be more amazing than now! Of course, it will consume a lot of energy. I’m afraid we have to wait until the ocean current power station is repaired.”

  Sisi, who had been silent, said with emotion.

  ”It only takes a moment to shut down… but it takes more than half a year or even longer to restart.”

  Chen Jianhong grinned and said.

  ”… About the same, after all, destruction is much faster than construction.”

  This is the case with Coral City, and the same is true for the Prosperous Era.

  He heard that in the distant past, magnificent megastructures connected the sky and the ground into one, and the torrent of metal and cement spread endlessly on the horizon. The endless desert was transformed into farmland, and the messy and inefficient buildings of the old era were demolished into a tree-lined wilderness. People relied on their imagination and technical strength to divide the planet into several distinct worlds.

  And above the sky, the towering colony ship even expeditioned to a new world five light years away.

  In that extremely prosperous era, the bottleneck of science and technology was no longer the limit of imagination, but imagination became the bottleneck of the former.

  After human civilization reached the peak of history, people who came after spent two centuries and failed to return to one ten-thousandth of the prosperity of the past.

  Today’s Coral City can only be regarded as an inconspicuous pearl among countless treasures.

  ”… Today I took you to visit my hometown. How about you take me to a more distant sky in the future?” Chen Jianhong said with a smile.

  Jumped down from the glass window, turned his head and gave a thumbs up with full enthusiasm.

  ”Oh! It’s a deal!”


  Chen Jianhong was amused by her cheerful look. Although he didn’t take it seriously in his heart, he still said with a smile.

  ”Okay! It’s a deal!”


  Just as the storm in the southern seas gradually subsided, a bigger storm was brewing on the land of Borneo Province. In

  the northeast corner of Borneo Province, in the Mammoth State on the banks of the Tasang River, the winding trenches were engraved on the barren land like scars.

  The soldiers squatting in the trenches were all soldiers of the Moon Clan Resistance Army. Some of them held the Eviscerator, some held the LD-47, and some were in groups of two guarding a water-cooled “Maxim” that was eliminated from Qingquan City.

  The latter had been very popular in the tide of Qingquan City because of its high rate of fire, low cost and easy maintenance.

  Although the Alliance has long stopped producing this thing and there are already good substitutes, for Laxi, this cheap and easy-to-use equipment is exactly what he needs most.

  In addition, there are a series of goblin technology products such as 88mm mortars and early versions of 20mm “cavalry lances”. Although they are not good enough to be placed on the front line of Haiya Province, they are still rare and good things in Boro Province.

  After all, the opponents of these Moon Clan Resistance Army, except for a few 100mm artillery, many infantrymen even use iron tube rifles or even bows and spears, and they can’t even dig a trench properly!

  Especially the trenches without “discounts”, there is not even a turning point to unload the shock wave. If a shell falls into the trench, everyone in the line will die, and there is no place to hide.

  As most players who have been to this land said on the forum, this place is completely different from Haiya Province and Baiyue Province. If the

  Marines of Charas were brought here, they might win more easily than the Burning Legion.

  Of course, this is without considering the supply and terrain factors. If these two things are taken into consideration, the victory or defeat is still very particular.

  On the position of the local army of Mammoth State, the governor of Mammoth State, Bamt, held a monocular telescope in his hand, looking at the high ground not far away with a smile, and a hint of sarcasm hung on the corner of his slightly raised mouth.

  It’s just a group of serfs.

  With just a few people, they dare to challenge the authority of His Majesty. They are simply ignorant of the height of heaven and the depth of earth!

  Although Mammoth State is a little far away from Tiandu, he has spent every penny on the army.

  Moreover, unlike the group of weaklings in Tiger State who were corrupted by merchants, there were no pervasive profiteers in Mammoth State. The local army was not only firmly controlled by the nobles, but also absolutely loyal to His Majesty Wu Tuo. The

  Tiger Army dared not care about these Moon Clan people, but he would not be polite to these traitors.

  He would chop off all their heads, load them on the carriage and send them all the way to Tiandu, so that those traitors who were ready to make a move would see what the fate of being a traitor was!

  ”…I heard that Laxi was just a slave. It seems that Duke Nihak didn’t train him well.”

  Listening to Duke Bamute’s words, General Dasina, who was standing aside, said with a flattering smile.

  ”Haha! How can Duke Nihak compare to you? If it were you, you would definitely train him to be humble and obedient, and he would never dare to show his teeth to his master.”

  Duke Bamute smiled faintly.

  ”Train? It’s better to hang such a traitor on the city wall.”

  After a pause, he suddenly thought of something and spoke.

  ”Speaking of which, does he have any family?”

  General Dacina was stunned and shook his head.

  ”It seems not.”

  ”That’s a pity.”

  Bamt clicked his tongue regretfully and returned the telescope to the guard beside him.

  It is the most boring to be an opponent with such a bachelor who has only one life. Even if you win, you can’t enjoy it.

  However, this guy’s identity as a member of the Moon Clan is still useful. I hope Your Majesty will like this gift.

  At this time, a two-meter-tall strong man suddenly stepped forward and nodded respectfully.

  ”Dear Duke Bamt, General Dacina, please allow me to be the vanguard! I promise you that I will catch that dead dog in front of you before sunset!”

  Bamt glanced at him and felt that this warrior was born mighty, and his brows couldn’t help but show a hint of admiration.

  Seeing this, the general standing aside stepped forward half a step and introduced him sensibly.

  ”This is Zakshir, my subordinate. He is a captain of a thousand men. His Longfang Thousands are the elite of our army! It’s not a problem for him to be the vanguard!”

  ”Very good,” seeing the professional’s opinion, Duke Bamt nodded in appreciation and said to the two-meter-tall sturdy man, “Captain Zakshir, since your superiors are optimistic about you, then you can be the vanguard.”

  The sturdy man was delighted when he heard it, and hurriedly thanked him profusely.

  ”Thank you, Duke! Thank you, General!”

  Mammoth State is located in a remote area, and it is rare to encounter such a big bandit problem. If he can make contributions, he may have the hope of becoming a captain of ten thousand men in his lifetime!

  After receiving the order, Zakshir did not hesitate and immediately turned back to his tent, called a group of officers to hold a simple mobilization meeting, and then led more than a thousand people to the front line.

  They all held rippers and two 100mm infantry guns, which were pulled by two two-headed bulls. The firepower was abundant!

  Looking at this group of aggressive guys, the soldiers on the local army’s position showed awe and consciously made way for them.

  ”It’s the longfangs…”

  ”Captain Zakshir actually went to the battlefield himself!”

  ”This group of Moon Clan people are probably dead…”

  For them, the officers of the Gray Wolf Army and the Willant people were too far away, but the Longfang Thousand Man Team was a war god that they could see with their eyes and stood next to them.

  These guys not only used the most sophisticated equipment, but also were all tall and strong, looking as strong as calves.

  Almost no one doubted that as long as these guys took action, the group of bandits would be defeated in an instant.

  In fact, since the resistance army entered the Mammoth State, it has never lost a small-scale battle, but has never won a large-scale battle. The main force has retreated again and again, and now it has retreated to the edge of the Tasang River, relying on the higher terrain to barely stand. There has been

  a lot of rain these days, and the Tasang River is turbulent. Even if they want to cross the river and escape, they are afraid that they have no chance.

  What’s more, General Dasina has long calculated that they intend to cross the river and divide the territory and defend it, and has already assigned a 10,000-man team to the other side of the river to guard this group of people.

  At the same time, on the position of the Moon Clan Resistance Army, the scout lying in the observation post immediately discovered the movement of the local army and passed the news to his superiors without saying a word.

  The news was reported layer by layer, and it reached Laxi in less than half a minute.

  In the military tent.

  Laxi summoned a group of officers who followed him from Jingalon Port and held a simple combat meeting. Everyone expressed their opinions on the map and exchanged their views.

  ”A thousand-man team, all of them with guns, probably the elite of the local army of Mammoth State!”

  ”The Longfang Thousand-man Team? I heard that the captain is called Zakshir, a Mammoth, and seems to be the son-in-law of General Dasina, the highest commander of the local army.”

  An officer sneered.

  ”Heh, damn, they dare to let their own people take the lead. These guys really don’t take us seriously.”

  Another officer pinched his chin and thought.

  ”Since the Longfang Thousand-man Team is here, their commander should be on the front line. I’m afraid we can catch a big fish this time.”

  Looking at Laxi who had been silent, the leader of the first regiment of the resistance army said with a sharp look.

  ”Close the net! General!”

  ”Well, it’s really time to close the net. We have let those 50,000 pigs go in the past two weeks.”

  Although the local army claims to have 100,000 people, judging from the speed at which they set up and dismantle the camps, as well as the garbage and toilets left behind after the dismantling of the camps, there are only 50,000 or 60,000 animals pulling supplies.

  Laxi, who had been staring at the map for a long time, nodded, picked up a pen and carefully drew two marks on it, then looked up at his confidants and gave an order with a serious look.

  ”Tell the brothers that it’s time to counterattack! Don’t hold back anymore, hit me hard!”

  The officers stood at attention, saluted the alliance, and shouted loudly.


  As the order was issued, the soldiers on the resistance position moved like a clockwork gear.

  At this moment, Zakhil, who was leading his men away from the position, was unaware of it. He only felt that the high ground was quiet, and the Moon Clan people squatting in the trench were probably scared silly. There

  was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the officer next to him and ordered.

  ”Kukas, let your artillery fire ten rounds at him on the earth slope! Mikheino, wait for the tenth cannon shot, and then rush up with your men!”


  The two centurions took the order and ran quickly to their subordinates.

  Soon two cannon shots rang out, and the silence on the battlefield was quickly broken as the shells landed.

  The deafening sound of the cannons echoed in the positions of the Moon Clan resistance army. The young men holding rifles pressed their heads tightly against the edge of the trenches, and their eyes flashed with ferocious light.

  No one showed a fearful expression.

  No one showed hesitation on their faces.

  Because while they were enduring the bombardment, their commander was standing with them!

  They believed that the man could lead them to the final victory!

  In the roar of the artillery fire, Laxi did not hide in the anti-artillery cave, but went to the front line, squatted in the trench and shouted loudly into the loudspeaker.

  ”Bury your heads in the trenches! Just pretend you are dead!”

  ”Don’t feel ashamed, you will soon dig open the stomachs of those wild dogs, scatter their intestines on the ground, and use their faces to wipe your leather shoes!”

  ”Remember this cannon sound! Wait for our cannon sound! We will return this fear and our roar to them double!” At the

  same time as his roar fell, a deafening explosion suddenly came from the far northwest.

  The sound seemed to come from the river.

  When he heard the explosion, Duke Bamt, who was on the local army’s position, was slightly stunned, still wondering what the sound was, but General Dacina next to him changed his face instantly.

  ”The river bank… It’s the river bank of the Tasang River!”

  Mammoth State is located in the lower reaches of the Tasang River and is located on the alluvial plain. Although the land is indeed fertile, the river floods in the rainy season. Not only the farmers suffer, but also the nobles who control large and small manors are also complaining.

  Therefore, the nobles who controlled several fertile lands along the river gathered together to build a river embankment on the widest river channel to irrigate the land of their own estates. There has been

  a lot of rainfall in Mammoth State recently, and the Tasang River is in flood season. Once the river embankment is breached, the entire downstream will be soaked in water!

  Not only here…

  even Mammoth City, hundreds of kilometers away, will suffer!

  Hearing the voice of General Dacina, Duke Bamt suddenly came back to his senses, his face turned pale, his lips trembled with anger, and his breathing became rapid.

  ”This lunatic! What does he want to do!!”

  And weren’t all the Moon Clan resistance forces surrounded by him by the river? How come there are still people making trouble outside the encirclement!

  And what are those guys guarding the river embankment doing! Such a large river embankment can’t even be defended!

  He has too many questions to figure out, and he doesn’t have time to think about them.

  Eighty percent of his “100,000-man army” stayed by the Tasang River. The water from the upstream could flood not only one or two miles, but also turn the area of ​​more than ten to twenty kilometers around the river into a swamp…

  There was no chance to run!

  ”Quick! Load all the food on the cart!”

  General Dacina shouted desperately, urging the soldiers to quickly pack up the rations and ammunition randomly piled in the shed, and he ran to the side of the ox cart.

  It seemed that the rolling tide had been heard, and the livestock in the barracks became restless.

  At the same time, Mikhaino, who was waiting for the opportunity to attack at the front line, did not know what was happening in the rear.

  Finally, he counted the tenth “cannon” and excitedly called on his centurion to rush up.

  However, before the centurion rushed up two steps, he heard the eleventh cannon.

  Mikhaino was just wondering why the artillery fired an extra round, and the erratic shell fell in front of the resistance position.


  The flash of the explosion was fleeting. The resistance soldiers were not knocked down by the explosion, but the soldiers who were charging forward were knocked down by the raging shrapnel because they did not have time to lie down.


  ”My leg!”

  ”Arm! My arm!”

  Several soldiers whose arms and legs were blown off fell to the ground and wailed. The bloody scene frightened the friendly soldiers next to them and they slowed down their pace involuntarily.

  ”What is this artillery doing!”

  Mikheino was shocked and angry. He looked back hurriedly. Before he could curse, he heard the sound of gunfire coming from above his head.

  At some point, a machine gun had been set up right in front of their heads.

  As the rapid gunfire sounded, tracers accompanied by flickering gun flames were thrown on their faces like raindrops.

  The scene could only be described as tragic. The soldiers who rushed to the front did not even have time to scream, and fell to the ground silently like wheat that had been cut down.

  The soldiers behind were stunned by the machine guns. They lay down on the ground and huddled behind the bunkers, not daring to move forward.

  However, at this time, there was another burst of gunfire from the front left position, and bullets whizzed from the upper diagonal.

  It seemed that the bullets were fired from the rear position. This time, they didn’t even see the gun flames, and they were hit all over. It was useless to take a lower bunker or lie down on the spot.

  Seeing that half of his men were killed in an instant, Mikhaino felt so painful that he felt like blood was dripping. He could only grit his teeth and call back the soldiers who had not yet rushed forward.

  After this, there were only 20 to 30 soldiers left in a hundred-man team, and the remaining soldiers looked frightened.

  Didn’t their superior say that the guys on the opposite side were all serfs?

  Is this a battle that serfs can fight? !

  It was not only Centurion Mikhaino who was stunned, but also Thousand Captain Zakhil who was a little further back.

  What made the two even more confused was what happened next. How did the mud under their feet get soaked in water during the battle? !

  When everyone came to their senses, the broken river water had already reached their knees, and soon it reached their chests.

  A large number of driftwood and stones were washed down from the upper reaches, as well as the remains of collapsed wooden houses.

  The broken river water rushed down the plain, and the area within a hundred miles became a swamp.

  The local soldiers standing on the front line were washed away by the flood, holding driftwood and dead trees and shouting for help. Those who couldn’t swim and those who were slightly shorter were directly drowned in the river and became one of the floating corpses rushing downstream.

  They didn’t even know what happened, and they couldn’t contact their superiors. Their superiors were the same. They only cared about escaping for their own lives, and they didn’t care about the soldiers under their command.

  Looking at the imperial soldiers soaked in the water, Laxi, who was standing on the position, curled up a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

  Is this the empire… It’s

  really not worth fighting.

  ”…This flood will probably last for five or six days.” Standing next to Laxi, his adjutant said cautiously.

  Their original plan was to use the broken river water to flood the trenches of the imperial local army, force those soldiers out of the trenches, and then take advantage of the broken river water to rush down and wipe them out.

  But now it seems that the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

  They were unfamiliar with the place and underestimated the turbulence of the Tasang River. The chain reaction caused by the river bursting was stronger than they imagined. They had already won without even rushing down with the river water.

  The troops hiding upstream should have completed their assembly by now.

  They tied the ammunition and supplies to the rafts prepared in advance, and they should rush over to join them in no time.

  Six thousand against fifty thousand, the entire battle had less than a hundred casualties, and this battle was enough to be recorded in the military history of the Borneo Province…

  ”Don’t say five or six days, even if it floods for another ten days or half a month, it won’t matter.”

  Looking at the flooded plain, Laxi continued expressionlessly.

  ”We are just in time to go into the city to provide disaster relief.”

  As long as they take over Mammoth City and the dock there, and let people see the hope of victory, there will naturally be a steady stream of food and money sent to them.

  Whether it is from Golden Gallon Port or French Fries Port.

  And he can start the subsequent plan…

  (It’s the beginning of the month, brothers! Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket!! Please!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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