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Chapter 779 Laxi Enters the City

Chapter 779 Laxi Enters the City

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 779: Laxi Enters

  the City Mammoth City is located on the east coast of Mammoth State, less than 600 kilometers away from Silver Moon Bay, while the distance from Silver Moon Bay to Golden Gallon Port is three times this distance.

  Although the Tasang River is turbulent and its basin is not as wide as the Yongliu River, it can benefit two or three states and cover 20 to 30 million people.

  With its unique geographical advantages and close to a group of “cat slaves” who are good at doing business, this settlement has never developed, which is quite confusing.

  The population of Mammoth State is at least tens of millions, while the only settlement in Mammoth City has only 800,000 people.

  The poverty of Golden Gallon Port was the problem of the Empire before, but the poverty here does not seem to be the Empire’s fault.

  After all, the Empire’s control over the local area has always been in a vague state. Although this place is nominally the territory of the Empire and the nobles and people of the Empire live here, due to the lack of road network and river transportation links, Tiandu himself often forgets that he still has this land.

  In other words, the degree of autonomy here has always been very high, and Wu Tuo only thinks of managing this place when there are very few times.

  Regarding this phenomenon, Ms. Han Mingyue, a social science researcher of the Alliance Scientific Expedition Team, conducted an investigation and initially concluded that serfdom caused a part of the population to be kept in the nobles’ manors, hindering the “urbanization” process of Mammoth City.

  Another reason is that the “infrastructure accessibility” of Mammoth State is too poor, and the crops produced cannot be transported out, and the goods from outside cannot be transported in. Self-cultivating farmers only need to produce food for their own consumption. There is no need to exchange what they have, and naturally there is no need to gather in the city.

  The second problem cannot be solved in a day or two, but the first problem was solved by Grandpa Laxi with a quick knife.

  The nobles’ manors are all distributed along the Tasang River, and even the river embankment for flood control and irrigation was built by the nobles.

  If the river embankment is blown up, won’t the problem be solved?

  Now the land in the hands of the nobles and the local army they raised are all soaked in the flood.

  Even if the serf didn’t want to escape from the manor, he had to join the group of people fleeing famine…


  Outside Mammoth City.

  The flood that suddenly overflowed the river not only destroyed the fence wall outside the city, but also washed away the village not far from the fence wall.

  In the past two days, the weather has improved, and the flood has finally receded. The villagers who hid in the mountains and forests to avoid the disaster finally returned to their homes with large and small bags on their backs.

  When they saw the situation at home, they all fell silent, staring at the collapsed wooden house and fence and the missing livestock with their eyes wide open. For a moment, they were all at a loss and didn’t know what to do.

  Slowly, people seemed to finally recognize the reality.

  Some people began to move their feet and numbly walked towards their collapsed houses, trying to pick up some usable things that had not been picked up by the people who came earlier, at least to make do with their families today.

  Others wandered around, either silently searching in the ruins, or asking everyone if they had seen their families.

  However, everyone knew that this was in vain.

  ”Mom! Dad! Where are you?”

  Next to a collapsed wooden house, a 13 or 14-year-old child stood alone, staring blankly in one direction, shouting from time to time.

  His voice was weak and his throat was almost hoarse, but no one paid attention to him until a group of people with white bandages on their arms came over. With

  an LD-47 rifle on his back and the shoulder strap welded tightly to his shoulder, Ackerman stopped beside the child and looked him up and down.

  This child was somewhat similar to him a month ago, with no parents and a cowardly look… He should be the person Laxi was looking for.

  He didn’t waste any words and asked directly.

  ”What’s your name?”

  The boy stared blankly at the fierce-looking guy in front of him, then glanced at the people with guns, and moved his lips subconsciously.


  Ackerman asked.

  ”What are you doing?”

  ”I’m looking for my mother… She seems to have been washed away.”

  Woody whispered, looking at these people with expectation, hoping that they could take him to find his family.

  However, to his disappointment, even despair, the child in front of him, who was about his age, did not do so.

  ”She’s gone.” Ackerman took a captured Eviscerator rifle and stuffed it directly into the child’s hand, looking at him and asked, “Do you know how to use it?”

  The boy looked at the gun in his hand blankly, and then looked at him, with an expression of being at a loss.

  Ackerman patted his shoulder.

  ”It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to use it. I will teach you. Now you are my soldier.”

  ”But… I have to wait for my mother to come back.” Woody took a step back in fear, but his shoulder was pulled.

  ”I said, she is gone, and your father, your brothers and sisters. If they were still alive, would they leave you here?”

  Looking at the silent child, Ackerman squeezed his shoulder tightly, and then loosened his hand on his shoulder.

  ”Everyone will experience this day. I have experienced what you have experienced, until a man grabbed my collar and told me that as long as the Empire still rules here, what I have experienced will happen again and again, and everyone around me will experience it again and again, unless we send those nobles to the gallows and kill all those who enslave us.” ”

  …It’s the Empire.” The boy recited silently, his breathing gradually became rapid, his eyes were red, and his hands tightly grasped the Ripper rifle.

  Looking at the boy who held back his tears, Ackerman patted the back of his head in appreciation and pulled him to his side.

  ”Yes, follow me.”


  The villagers outside Mammoth City didn’t know what happened, and the survivors in Mammoth City didn’t know what happened either.

  Most people just yawned, and then they heard someone shouting “The water is coming!”, and then the flood came over.

  The first thing to be washed away was the fence wall outside the settlement.

  That thing was only used to keep out wild boars, wolves and crocodiles, and it was useless in the face of the roar of the Tasang River.

  The next unlucky ones were the messy shacks and brick houses built directly on mud. The former were washed away when the first wave of floods came, while the latter were collapsed by the river water that flooded the streets.

  Apart from the nobles with good economic strength, only the church of the Silver Moon Church and the houses of some merchants in Silver Moon Bay survived.

  Due to the habit of living in Luoxia Province, they are used to burying foundations under buildings so that they can sleep peacefully.

  However, seeing that the whole city was flooded, and only their own was not affected, the merchants in Silver Moon Bay did not dare to stay here any longer. They packed up their belongings and boarded the ship to escape. Only the fearless missionaries stubbornly stayed in the church. The

  first thing Laxi did after entering the city was to send a company to the church next to the fishing boat dock to protect the clergy there.

  It was not that he believed in the nonsense that “the Moon God of the Moon Clan and the Silver Moon Goddess of the Silver Moon Church were from the same school”, but it was purely because the development of Mammoth State needed those wealthy charlatans.

  Whether he believed in that stuff or not, at least he had to pretend to respect the other party’s beliefs.

  As for himself, he led his men to occupy the City Lord’s Mansion of Mammoth City and used it as the headquarters of the resistance army. He arranged for the resistance army’s men to lead people to disaster relief, and commanded his confidants to “invite” the gentry and nobles in the city.

  Sitting on the city lord’s chair, Laxi looked down at the group of dignitaries who were shivering with their heads down with a trace of contempt in his eyes, his military boots lifted up to his knees.

  ”I don’t care what titles you had before. From today on, whoever dares to act like a noble lord in front of me, I will chop off his head with the title!”

  Everyone was silent, feeling like they were standing at the entrance of hell, with two-headed dogs watching on both sides. They dared not say a word, and their knees were weak but they dared not kneel down.

  Seeing that no one objected, Laxi cleared his throat and continued.

  ”I came here to do three things, but you only need to know one.”

  ”From now on, Mammoth State will ban slaves. Whoever dares to keep a slave, I will make him move his head!”

  The voice was neither light nor heavy, but it echoed in the ears of all the nobles present like thunder.

  Looking at the silent city lord’s mansion, Laxi saw that no one responded, his eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly raised his voice and scolded.

  ”Did you hear that? Speak!”

  Startled by the voice, the nobles could no longer hold back their fear and fell to their knees.

  ”Yes, yes! Sir!”

  ”I, I will go back and release the slaves at home!”

  ”We won’t dare to do that again!”

  ”We… don’t want to embarrass the Moon Clan… It’s all because of your Majesty… Bah! It’s all because of the order from that witch, we have no choice…”

  After all, the Moon Clan was a nobleman of the previous dynasty. Although not everyone was a noble, their overall living standard was much higher than that of snakes, rats, insects and birds, and the proportion of educated people was not low, so there were many handsome men and beautiful women who were well-educated.

  Because of his majesty’s order, all the Moon Clan members in the empire were demoted to slaves. They did take advantage of the situation to collect some “beautiful canaries” and keep them in their own houses as toys.

  These things can’t be washed away even if you want to. Just ask anyone in the city and you’ll find out.

  Laxi looked down at them and sneered.

  ”I’m not talking about the Moon Tribe, no other tribes are allowed to have slaves. From today on, Mammoth State will talk about equality!”

  At this point, he didn’t care how confused the kneeling nobles were, and just slowly added a sentence.

  ”In addition, I said you are not allowed to kneel.”

  After that, he waved his hand.

  ”Drag them out, each of you will receive ten whips before you leave.”


  The guards standing aside received the order, their eyes flashed with fierce light, and they strode forward, dragging the nobles who were sitting on the ground like catching chickens to the yard.

  They wanted to do it a long time ago.

  If it weren’t for the discipline, how could they allow these lackeys of the empire to walk into the mansion standing.

  One by one, they took the whip and used all their strength.

  The screams of the nobles and the sound of whips lashing echoed in the empty yard, and the ground was covered with blood.

  Looking at the nobles being whipped, the elders of the resistance army felt something was wrong, but they said nothing in the end because of Lacy’s majesty.

  Although Lacy said that equality was important, this forced equality was somewhat different from the equality they imagined.

  They always felt that they could use a better way, just like what the Alliance did in Golden Gallon Port, to promote the reform of Mammoth City in a more gentle way.

  But now it was useless to think about anything.

  The number of resistance soldiers was no longer the two thousand earlier, but was about to reach tens of thousands.

  The guy’s prestige in the army was rising, and almost all young men regarded him as a spiritual leader and role model.

  Even if they wanted to replace him, they didn’t have that chance…



  Governor Bamute, who was in a coma, was awakened by a basin of cold water.

  When he raised his wet head, he found that General Dacina and other officers had disappeared, replaced by an officer full of banditry and several young men with wolf-like eyes.

  The murderous sight made him sweat coldly, and he woke up with a start.

  Memories like paste gradually filled his mind. He vaguely remembered that when the flood came, he hugged a crooked tree tightly, kicked the guard who was holding his thigh unconscious, wrapped his sleeves around the tree branch, and then soaked in the muddy river water. Not long after, he passed out.

  Later, a raft approached, and several guys with white bandages on their arms grabbed his arms and pulled him up.

  Then he lost consciousness.

  As for the current situation, there is no need to ask more. Judging from the environment here, it is obviously a prison cell in Mammoth City.

  Obviously, he was captured.

  ”Well, I will pay the ransom…” Without time to reflect on how he lost, Bamt coughed and said quickly, “According to the sacred contract, you need to ensure my three meals a day and personal safety are not violated. Of course, I will cooperate with you as much as possible…”

  The teenagers laughed when they heard his words, and their amused look clearly showed that they did not take his words seriously.

  Bamt’s eyes flashed with annoyance, but he did not dare to lash out with his clenched fists. He just stared at the officer fiercely, trying to scare him away with the majesty of the nobility, but he did not expect to be slapped in the face.

  The slap stunned him and his eyes widened even more.

  ”You! You dare to hit me–”

  ”Speak!” The officer suddenly shouted, interrupting him halfway through his words.

  Startled by the voice, Bamt’s tone softened unconsciously, and he immediately lost his noble airs, and the whole person shrank like a mouse.

  ”Say, what did you say?”

  However, the officer did not ask, but just stared at him for a while, then smiled coldly and said slowly.

  ”You still dare to be stubborn, beat me!”

  Bamt: “???”

  Before he could come to his senses, he heard a crisp sound of “whoosh” breaking through the air, and then a whip hit his face.

  The whip was probably soaked in salt water, and it hurt so much that he screamed. He regained consciousness not long ago, but almost died of pain. He wanted to use his arms to protect his head, but found that his hands were tied to the back of the chair. He couldn’t move at all after twitching for a long time.

  He had been a master all his life and had only whipped people with a whip. When had he ever been whipped? The pain made him cry and beg for mercy, looking so cowardly.

  However, those soldiers didn’t care about his title at all, they just threw the things in their hands at him.

  ”I… I said…”

  Hearing the weak voice, the officer raised his hand, and the young man holding the whip stopped his hand, staring at Bamute standing beside him with a vicious look.

  The dying Governor Bamute hung his head, panted for a long time, and squeezed out a word from his mouth weakly.

  ”Wait a minute, do you… know who I am…”

  Everyone looked at each other and showed a mocking expression on their faces.

  It’s already this time.

  This guy is still dreaming.

  The officer was also amused by this brainless remark, walked to his side, pinched his chin and lifted it up, and smiled at him kindly.

  However, in Bamute’s eyes, that smile was not kind at all, even like a devil, which scared him so much that he swallowed the words on his lips and dared not say a word.

  ”Who are you? Ha, don’t say you’re just a duke, even if Wu Tuo himself comes here, I can make him like a dog, making him unable to live or die.”

  Hearing this disrespectful remark, Bamt’s eyes widened, bloodshot in the whites of his eyes, but he could not see any anger, only deep fear. At

  this moment, he finally recognized the situation in front of him and understood his own situation.

  These Moon Clan members did not intend to ask for any ransom at all, and they didn’t care. They just wanted to get back the suffering they had suffered from him, an imperial noble.

  He only regretted why he didn’t act ruthlessly before.

  As a result, these Moon Clan members fled to the edge of the Tasang River and blew up the dam there.

  This not only made him suffer, but also made the affected manors along the river suffer.

  Mammoth State was already poor, and now it was even poorer and had no food…

  The officer didn’t talk nonsense with him, and spoke when he saw him wake up.

  ”I’m asking you, you just need to say yes,”

  ”Yes…” Bamt said dying without daring to disobey.

  The officer continued.

  ”Did you blow up the riverbank of the Tasan River?” Just as

  the word “yes” was about to come out, Bamt suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and came back to his senses, and said quickly.

  ”No, no… Sir, how could it be me–”

  The officer raised his hand to interrupt him, just looking at him coldly.

  ”What did I say just now?”

  That look made Bamt feel like he was falling into an ice cave, and he forgot to breathe for a while.

  ”It seems that you still don’t remember, I will ask you hello later.”

  The officer laughed, got up from the chair, waved to several sharp-eyed young soldiers next to him, and threw out a sentence neatly.

  ”Don’t kill him.”

  The soldiers’ eyes flashed with murderous light, and they answered in a sonorous and powerful voice.



  The door of the cell was closed heavily, but the finger-thick door still couldn’t stop the miserable wailing.

  The officer didn’t listen, walked out expressionlessly, and saluted Lacy standing at the door of the prison.

  Looking at his confidant coming towards him, Lacy returned the salute and asked casually.

  ”How is the situation?”

  This man was named Shava, and he was the captain of the stormtroopers appointed by him. The

  so-called stormtroopers are another unit that directly serves him besides the SS.

  And it is a combat unit, mainly performing some special operations tasks.

  For example, infiltration, sabotage, assassination of enemy dignitaries, and purge of enemies in the team, etc.

  Most of the members of this unit are young men over 15 years old and under 19 years old, especially young men from the Moon Clan.

  Most of them are slaves, without parents, and absolutely loyal to Lacy himself.

  And Lacy did not treat them badly. They were not only equipped with LD-47 assault rifles produced by the Alliance, but also equipped with a small number of bulletproof breastplates and even exoskeletons, and were trained by him as reserve grassroots officers.

  The reason for establishing such a unit is that on the one hand, the Moon Clan Resistance Army does have this need, and on the other hand, it is their imitation of the Alliance managers.

  Most people in Golden Gallon Port are learning from the Alliance, whether consciously or unconsciously, including himself.

  When he was still the head of the militia, he heard that the Alliance’s managers had a guard regiment. Since then, he has been thinking about setting up such a force.

  Now that he has resigned and joined the guerrillas, he has the opportunity to show his talents, and he finally has the opportunity to put all his ideas into action.

  A ghost-like force can form a strong deterrent to both the enemy and internal dissidents.

  Although this assault troop is composed of only one battalion, its firepower configuration is not inferior to the Empire’s thousand-man team. The previous bombing of the riverbank of the Tasan River was their work.

  However, of course they can’t drink this dirty water themselves.

  From the beginning, he thought about pinching the noses of the imperial nobles and pouring this bucket of dirty water into their stomachs.

  ”… I haven’t made any plans yet, but it should be soon.” Hearing the boss’s question, Shawa grinned with a disdainful expression on his face, “The nobles of the empire are all weaklings, and the higher the nobles, the more so. I just touched his face and he peed his pants.”

  It was really pathetic.

  He was once hung at the gate of the Lowell Camp for three days and three nights, and was left with only one breath left in the sun, but he didn’t beg for mercy.

  When he followed Lacy to take down the Lowell Camp, he personally hanged the warden on the tower road to avenge the guy who caused his family to be destroyed.

  He still remembered that Lacy pointed at the warden hanging on the tower and said that one day he would hang all the nobles of the empire.

  From that time on, Shawa decided to follow the noble in front of him.

  Whether it was the nobles of the Sun Clan or the nobles of the Mammoth Clan, they were all nobles of the Empire.

  Their persecution of the Moon Clan was the same, and they kept many Moon Clan slaves in their manors.

  In their eyes, the Moon Clan were like animals in a sheepfold, so he naturally had no reason to be polite to these nobles.

  Moreover, compared to the suffering he had experienced in the Lowell Camp, a few beatings were simply too merciful for the nobles of the Empire.

  Lacy nodded expressionlessly and continued to ask.

  ”Have you found Dacina?”

  That guy was the commander-in-chief of the local army of the Mammoth State.

  Originally, they were going to put the blame on that guy, but they didn’t expect him to slip away so quickly. They didn’t know whether he was washed away by the flood or ran away. In short, they didn’t catch him. It was

  a bit far-fetched to let Bamt take the blame, after all, that guy was a great noble and had a lot of land along the Tasang River.

  In comparison, it would be much more reasonable to let Dacina do this –

  [An incompetent general misjudged the rapidity of the Tasang River and blew up the riverbank in order to drown the Moon Tribe people who were forced to the riverside. As a result, his cleverness backfired and killed himself.]

  This story is at least logically coherent.

  Shawa shook his head.

  ”Not yet, but that guy shouldn’t be able to run far, his organization has been disbanded.”

  Although it was a trouble not to find it, Laxi didn’t care too much, just gave a brief instruction.

  ”Keep looking.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”In addition, send a letter to the Assassins and the Federation respectively, first tell them about the establishment of the new authorities in Mammoth State, and inform them of our victory. Then mention the disaster, and lower your posture to ask them if they have any surplus food. If you can help us, the residents of Mammoth State will be grateful.”

  Those people will definitely help.

  He can be sure of it.

  ”Yes!” Shawa’s face became serious, he stood at attention and saluted, then turned and left.

  Watching his confidant leave, Laxi walked in another direction, and walked out of the prison of Mammoth City with a group of guards beside him.

  Bamt was just giving an explanation to the local survivors, and he could give it at any time, there was no rush.

  Now the top priority is to set up a new authority.

  Otherwise, as the officers of the Tiger Army laughed at openly and secretly, the bandits will always be bandits and will never become a force to be reckoned with.

  This flood, which was unexpected by everyone, provided him with an excellent opportunity.

  When he entered the city in the name of disaster relief, he took control of Mammoth City with almost no effort.

  From the local gentry and ruffians to the wealthy businessmen with huge fortunes, and even the nobles who were whipped, no one did not cooperate with him, and they all responded to the call of the resistance army, dismissed the slaves at home, and firmly supported all the decisions of the new authorities. On

  the one hand, it was because they suffered so much from the disaster that they really couldn’t afford to support those slaves.

  On the other hand, it was because all of them knew that a large-scale, locust-like refugee team was pouring towards them.

  Among them were serfs who escaped from the nobles’ farms and free people who lost their homes.

  No matter what their identities were before, they were all hungry. They were much more terrifying than a group of resistance forces that looked like bandits.

  The few servants in their homes could not stop them. If there was no strong army to protect Mammoth City, they would be eaten by the refugees in a minute without even a bone left.

  Bamt and his local army were finished. They had no choice but to offer loyalty to the new master, and they had to hold on to the thigh of the new master tightly.

  Lacy was sure that even if he robbed the whole city, no one would dare to say no.

  However, he certainly would not do such a thankless stupid thing.

  Although Mammoth City has the word “city” in it, it is as poor as a big rural area. Even the homes of the great nobles do not have much oil and water. It is nothing compared to the Golden Gallon Port, which at least has a Kraba Market.

  Even if he robbed, he couldn’t get much. Instead, it affected the evaluation of him by the Federation. Moreover, this was his territory now. How could he rob himself?

  He had to do three things here next.

  The first was to abolish slavery!

  Only by abolishing slavery could compulsory education be implemented and the productivity of Mammoth State be liberated!

  Another thing was to take advantage of Bamt’s defeat and the unprecedented decline of the local nobles who supported the empire to grab the land they had accumulated!

  Thanks to the flood, these two things would not be too laborious to do.

  The nobles’ manors were basically by the river, and the most fertile land had long been enclosed by them.

  Now these manors were also the worst hit, and the serfs who couldn’t escape were basically drowned in them, and the price of those lands was even worthless. The new authorities only had to put a little pressure on them and could easily get the land in their hands without even shedding too much blood.

  Part of these lands could be used to build some large farms operated by the authorities themselves, and the rest could be distributed to farmers and soldiers.

  As for the last thing, it was the most important of the three things he had to do.

  Mammoth State is an agricultural province. Bullets and rifles cannot be grown from the ground. To get rid of poverty, industry must be developed, and to develop industry, foreign exchange must be obtained first.

  He has carefully read every “Survivor Daily”. Although he does not have a systematic understanding of how to develop industry, he at least has a vague concept.

  The industrial boom of Jingalon Port is largely due to the backward production capacity eliminated by the Alliance, and using its own population and raw material cost advantages to make these backward production capacities have a second spring on the land of Borneo Province, and later caught up with the era of the establishment of a new order by the Sticky Community on the wasteland.

  Although Mammoth State started a little late, it is not completely without opportunities.

  Coinciding with the end of the civil war in the southern seas, the northern islands are in ruins, and the huge infrastructure market and the huge labor gap form a sharp contrast.

  It is said that the local engineering unit still gives silver coins!

  There are 800,000 people in Mammoth City and tens of millions of people in the entire Mammoth State. What he lacks the least at this moment is people, especially the poor who can’t survive.

  Although the slave trade was banned, a certain gang member who was not presentable had already set a good example for him with his actual actions. There

  are many ways to make money by relying on people.

  In addition to “labor agency”, there is also the method of “labor dispatch”…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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