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Chapter 781 How about we borrow some too?

Chapter 781 How about we borrow some too?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 781 How about we borrow some too?

  On the North Island in the southern sea, seagulls flapped their wings and cooed in the sky above the construction site, leaving bird droppings everywhere.

  It’s not just the residents of the North Island who are being fed.

  As the battle to land in the Haiya Province is about to start, a large number of players have flocked to the North Island, and all kinds of birds on the island have been fed fat and strong.

  Some are even too fat to fly.

  Looking at the faces of all kinds on the construction site, [War Wolf] held the shovel in both hands and said with a strange expression.

  ”Is it my illusion?”

  [Dog of the Catheter], who was dusting, looked up at him.


  The War Wolf touched his chin and muttered.

  ”Why do I feel that there are more people competing with us for business?”

  Originally, there were only about thirty people on the construction site. Excluding him and his three civil engineering brothers, there were less than thirty NPCs.

  However, no one knew what happened in the past few days. The number of people on the construction site has been rising rapidly, and it has doubled again and again without knowing it, and it is about to exceed two hundred!

  In reality, this number is normal, but the problem is that this is the southern sea area of ​​Wasteland OL, and the total population is just over one million.

  Where do so many people come from in this damn place? !

  ”It’s not an illusion,” Farsighted Eagle narrowed his eyes and said lightly, “The war is over. The rational analysis should be that there is a baby boom, and the baby boom leads to an increase in population… No problem.”

  Catheter Dog: “Fuck! Your baby grows up so fast?!”

  Shit Stirring Stick: “…”

  Although several players couldn’t figure out the reason, there are indeed more people in Tianbei Island these days.

  Not only on the construction site, but also at the dock, as well as supermarkets and restaurants, etc.

  These people seem to have appeared out of thin air, and most of them are unfamiliar faces.

  Putting aside the skinny physique and timid eyes, these people look a bit like residents of Luoxia Province.

  I heard from the brother who entered the game early that many survivors in Luoxia Province migrated from the Great Desert in the early Wasteland Era.

  Of course, the Great Desert was not called the Great Desert at that time, but should be called the four major industrial zones of the southeast, northwest, and northeast.

  Curious about where these NPCs came from, the warlike wolf stepped forward under the instigation of his friends, stopped a man and asked.

  ”Hey, where are you from?”

  The man obviously didn’t want to pay attention to him, but he didn’t dare to offend him. He mumbled after hesitating for a while.

  ”Mammoth State.”

  The warlike wolf was stunned.

  ”Where is Mammoth State?”

  the man explained.

  ”Bora Province.”

  The warlike wolf nodded in confusion.

  ”Oh, that place… that’s really far away.”

  The man didn’t say anything, he was in a hurry to move bricks, and hurried away after saying “borrow”.

  The warlike wolf didn’t stop him, but just looked at the hunchbacked man and looked at the group of people in the distance.

  Although their appearances were different, some were young and some were old, some were handsome and some were ugly, but their temperaments were surprisingly the same.

  He couldn’t think of how to describe these people, but subconsciously thought of cows.

  This is the most bizarre place.

  He remembered that the cattle tribe should be the nobles of Borneo Province, but these people were more like the sacred cattle carrying the sun than the cattle tribe.

  It seemed that there was an invisible rope around their necks, and their backs were facing the scorching sun. No one was leading them, but everyone seemed to be led by the nose.

  The stick brother standing not far away sighed, took off the miner’s exoskeleton, walked up and stopped a man who was a little over the age limit.

  ”Old… sir, you are too tired to move bricks, wear my equipment to move.”

  He came to the construction site not for money, but to mix regional reputation and contribution points, and to brush up the experience of the power sequence and “social practice”.

  This is the game mechanism of “Wasteland OL”, which was determined a long time ago.

  When players want to use VM and various mechanisms attached to VM to carry out activities in a certain area, they must start with some grassroots tasks and brush the regional reputation to more than 1000 (friendly).

  The man who was suddenly spoken to was a little overwhelmed and hurriedly declined.

  ”I, I don’t know how to use it.”

  Thinking of being a good person to the end, the stick brother said enthusiastically.

  ”It’s okay, I’ll teach you!”

  ”No, no, no, sir, I’m afraid I’ll break it for you, I… I really can’t afford it.” The man looked terrified and waved his hands desperately, refusing to take it.

  ”It’s okay! This thing is not expensive, only 2,000 silver coins, it doesn’t matter if it breaks, I can just get a new one.” Brother Gun turned on the translation function of VM, smiled and repeated these words in non-standard human language.

  The man smiled bitterly and said nothing.

  2,000 silver coins.

  He only made more than 100 silver coins a month…

  But even if it was 100 silver coins, it was much better than when he was farming in Mammoth State.

  Farming in the manor of a noble lord, you can only eat beans when there is too much grain to sell, and you have to eat a meal of dirt at least every three days.

  The people here not only provide food and accommodation, but also only need to work eight hours a day, so he can save the 100 silver coins and send them back home.

  I heard that some diligent guys who move a lot can earn 5 to 8 silver coins a day, and maybe more than 200 a month!

  200 silver coins is 2,000 gallons, which is a high salary even in the Golden Gallon Port, not to mention that he doesn’t have to pay for food and accommodation here.

  Thinking of the mouths at home, he stopped wasting time with this stranger who had no good intentions at first glance, and hurriedly said “excuse me” and left to move the next one…


  fate is so wonderful. A seemingly unsolvable problem can’t be solved no matter how hard you think, but in the end it gets a perfect solution in an unexpected place.

  Mammoth State?

  It’s a great place.

  When the trade relationship between Mammoth State and the South China Sea Alliance is established in the future, maybe the South China Sea Alliance can really consider investing there.

  Li Minghui never thought that he was planning to give up, but before he even started to doze off, someone handed him a pillow.

  And 100,000 pillows were handed over at once.

  These young and middle-aged laborers from Mammoth State are between 18 and 30 years old, and they are all married. They have at least two children at home, and some have elderly people to support. The

  Mammoth State authorities promised him that these people who came to work through labor dispatch companies would never run around, let alone commit crimes, and would leave after taking the money after finishing the work, and would never occupy any public resources and social welfare of the South China Sea Alliance.

  The only requirement is that the South China Sea Alliance should provide ships to transport these people and be responsible for the training of these personnel.

  In other words, they are only responsible for the supply of people and the management of people.

  When Li Minghui heard that there was such a good thing, he immediately agreed and even transferred the nuclear-powered cargo submarine that had just been launched to recruit people.

  Up to now, there are already 50,000 Mammoth State workers working in the South China Sea Alliance, and the construction sites in the northern islands are rising like rockets.

  Although he doesn’t want to do too many unnecessary things in the remaining term, if he doesn’t pick up this kind of bargain with only benefits and no disadvantages, he will be too sorry for the people in the southern sea area who support him.

  However, what Li Minghui did not expect was that even so, he was still picked on by the Representative Council of the Southern Seas.

  It was a sunny afternoon. He was sitting in his office drinking tea and reading newspapers. Suddenly, footsteps came from the corridor outside.

  He had just put down the newspaper in his hand when Si Wen, the secretary general of the Representative Council, pushed the door open and walked in, staring at him and said,

  ”What’s the matter with those people on the North Island construction site?”

  The Representative Council of the South Sea Alliance is similar to the Alliance. In addition to the general representatives, there is also a committee elected by the representatives, and the secretary general generally represents the unanimous opinion of the members.

  Although Li Minghui does not like these noisy guys, they have the final say in the law after all, so he still has to pay attention to it and explain.

  ”Those are refugees from Mammoth State.”

  ”Why did refugees from Mammoth State appear in the Southern Seas?” Si Wen stared into his eyes and said aggressively, “The Representative Council has not passed the relevant resolution. How can you make a decision without authorization!”

  Li Minghui did not answer his question, but asked back.

  ”Will the Council of Representatives prohibit labor dispatch?”

  Si Wen frowned, not knowing what geoduck was hidden in his shell, but he still said it in accordance with the rules.


  Li Minghui continued to ask.

  ”Will the Council of Representatives prohibit the alliance’s companies from coming to Beidao to work?”

  Si Wen said impatiently.

  ”No, what do you want to say, are those guys all members of the alliance?”

  ”Then what’s the problem with the labor dispatch company registered in French Fries Port dispatching 10,000 workers to Beidao?” Li Minghui’s face showed a dagger-in-cheek smile, looking at the stunned Si Wen and spreading his hands, “This does not violate any law. If I reject their kindness, you will blame me for abusing my power… Sorry, I’m not that stupid, or you can go back and discuss it and redefine the identity of the labor company’s dispatched employees, but this is your business.”

  A president who can’t and has no interest in re-election is invincible.

  Looking at Si Wen who was speechless with a frustrated face, Li Minghui felt so happy in his heart.

  This group of “%¥#@”, relying on the alliance behind them to do whatever they want, are used to being lawless and always pick on him for no reason.

  When he wanted to be Charas before, they were on guard against him every day, and now that he doesn’t want to be one anymore, they still talk to him every now and then.

  This time, he finally got a chance to be proud of himself and let them suffer a setback in their own home court.

  ”Anything else?”

  Li Minghui took a sip from his teacup and looked at the secretary-general who couldn’t say a word leisurely, and said jokingly.

  ”Why don’t you go back and have a meeting to discuss it?”

  Si Wen glared at him fiercely and was about to turn around and leave when another person suddenly came to the door of the office.

  But this time it was not from the representative council, but the secretary of the Presidential Palace.

  Seeing that the door was open, the secretary walked straight in, looked at Li Minghui who was sitting at the back of the office, and spoke quickly.

  ”Mr. President, Duke Nihak from the Xilan Empire wants to see you! On behalf of the Xilan royal family, he expressed his willingness to provide the South Sea Alliance with a loan for post-war reconstruction, a total of 10 billion Xilan coins, no interest required, and can be repaid within 20 years.”

  Li Minghui was stunned, and after thinking for a long time, he still couldn’t remember what the Xilan coin looked like, so he asked subconsciously.

  ”How much is it in silver coins?”

  The secretary was also stunned, and said with an awkward expression.

  ”Well, there is very little direct trade between the Alliance and the Empire, and it is usually through the port of Jinjialun Port… The current local recognized exchange rate is 4 gallons for about 5 Xilan coins, and the anchor is mainly cotton for textiles and beans for feed.”

  After the embargo ended, the market price of a pound of beans in Tiger State and Leopard State was about 5 Xilan coins, and the market price in Jinjialun Port was about 4 gallons on average, mainly for oil extraction and feed.

  Although the Xilan currency in the Golden Gallon Port Bank was “loaned and sold in large quantities”, which caused the Xilan currency to become waste paper in Lowell State and even Tiger State and Leopard State, the empire is not a stone city after all. It not only has a large population but also is hardworking. The blood and sweat of nearly 100 million serfs flowed into Tiger State and Leopard State along the Yongliu River, and they just lifted the Xilan currency back.

  Not only that, the original value of the Xilan currency was determined by the two single export commodities of slaves and livestock. Now, due to the existence of the Golden Gallon Port, the import and export business of the empire has become busy all of a sudden, and it has changed from “no outsiders are interested at all” to “having a relatively stable exchange rate” at the beginning.

  Using the data given by his secretary, Li Minghui counted on his fingers and roughly calculated it. It didn’t matter if he didn’t calculate it, but he was shocked when he calculated it.

  800 million silver coins? !

  If this exchange rate is reliable, it is equivalent to the Xilan Empire lending 8 silver coins to the South China Sea Alliance for each person? !

  Is this empire so rich? !

  Li Minghui felt that his hands were shaking. He didn’t shake like this when he was bombarded by ships on Anle Island.

  Si Wen, who was standing next to the desk, was also confused. He opened his mouth but couldn’t speak. He just stared at Li Minghui with his eyes, wishing he could grab the pen on this guy’s desk and sign the loan agreement for him!

  800 million silver coins…

  Each citizen of the South China Sea Alliance can get an average of 800!

  In fact, there was no need for the crazy hints from the Representative Council. Li Minghui just swallowed his saliva and stared at his secretary and asked hurriedly.

  ”How will they pay? No, I mean when will they send the money?”

  The secretary whispered.

  ”Duke Nihak didn’t say… But he is in North Island now. Don’t you plan to meet him and talk face to face?”

  Li Minghui quickly looked at Si Wen, who was as docile as a well-fed seagull and consciously retreated to the door of the office.

  ”I’m fine now. I wish you a smooth negotiation. Respected General Li Minghui, I hope you can lead us from one victory to another.”

  This guy has never called him a general, especially in this presidential palace.

  Looking at Si Wen who had already left the door, Li Minghui couldn’t help but curse.

  ”This bunch of money-grubbing guys!”

  After saying that, he coughed and looked at his secretary.

  ”Invite Duke Nihak to dinner for me… the highest standard, don’t neglect the distinguished guest.”


  On the front line of Haiya Province, the battle situation is as fierce as ever.

  With the update of Beta0.7 version, the upper limit of closed beta players has been raised to 100,000 and a large number of new players have entered the game. Recently, the alliance has given birth to many new corps that have made Chu Guang’s eyes shine.

  For example, the “imitator” of the Burning Corps – the Hellfire Corps.

  As the second airborne corps composed of players in the alliance, the establishment of this corps has reached a scale of 1,000 people.

  However, unlike the Burning Corps, they are more like light paratroopers without power armor, and are used to using W-1A unpowered gliders and an airdrop motorcycle vehicle produced by Goblin Technology.

  Although the veterans of the Burning Corps always tease them as ghost-fire teenagers, this corps’ performance on the northern front is still quite good, reaching the T3 level, and even surpassing the Silver Corps, which has been firmly in the position of the leader of the miscellaneous troops in the A test stage. At

  least it is much more reliable than the Abstract Corps, which is mainly based on live action.

  In addition, a new “mountain regiment” has emerged, named the Climber Corps! There are

  many hills in the northern border of Haiya Province. More than a thousand players of this corps have not only figured out a unique set of tactics in dozens of deaths, but also cooperated with the NPCs in the Dawn City Industrial Zone to develop a set of special mountain combat equipment.

  Including a hook gun and short military boots with hooks, etc.

  Without the exoskeleton, they can even burst out with combat power that is not inferior to that of exoskeleton soldiers with these simple and cheap equipment.

  In addition, Qiangren Suonan, who is keen on preaching, and I Xiangjing quietly formed the Raptor Corps.

  The 99-level garbage picker who originally belonged to the Burning Corps but never followed the group finally retired from the Burning Corps and officially joined the newly formed Corps.

  At present, the actual combat performance of the Corps is still a question mark, but the future is promising.

  Because the players are too powerful, Chu Guang has recently felt more and more like an NPC.

  His daily job is to stand at the resurrection point, and then watch the players on the front line charge forward and throw shells forward without money.

  The current situation on the northern front is minced meat. There is room for operation tactically, but basically no strategically.

  From the ten 10,000-man teams reinforced by the Legion, to the Alpha Task Force of the Academy, and the mercenaries and rookies sent to the front line by the enterprise.

  However, it is encouraging that under the siege of the coalition forces, the fatigue of the Torch Church has become increasingly obvious, and it may not take long to end this protracted war.

  The area of ​​Haiya Province is less than 1.5 Mammoth States. The fact that this war lasted so long is really because the Torch Church is too fussy. On

  the first weekend of November, Chu Guang originally planned to take a half-day off to learn some lessons from the Internet on Earth and see how other “operators” cut leeks. Suddenly, Cheng Yan, the foreign minister of the alliance, called him with a video call.

  ”… Dear Mr. Manager, although you may have noticed it, I still have to remind you that the Empire seems to be making small moves around us recently.”

  Chu Guang raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

  ”Oh? What moves?”

  Cheng Yan continued cautiously.

  ”… They gave the South Sea Alliance an interest-free loan of 10 billion Xilan coins, and only made simple requirements on the use of funds, that is, goods must be imported from the ports of the Xilan Empire. In addition, they also negotiated an export order of steel and cement worth 1 billion Xilan coins at a price 50% lower than the market price.”

  Chu Guang was stunned for a long time and didn’t speak.

  It’s not that he was scared by the empire’s big hand, but mainly because he didn’t understand what kind of operation this was.

  In the past, this kind of situation where he couldn’t be dealt with only happened to players, and it was relatively rare for “NPCs” to be unable to deal with him. The

  last time was when the Grey Wolf Army raided the French Fries Port. He looked at the map for a long time and couldn’t figure out what the Empire got besides being beaten.

  This time was the same. He couldn’t figure out what new tricks the witch was going to play.

  In fact, objectively speaking, debt as an economic lubricant is not a problem in itself. After all, lending local currency can stimulate the export of local products, and exports are one of the three pillars of the economy. In certain circumstances, lending money to outsiders is more useful than lending money to your own people.

  Especially when the money supply in the local market is less than the actual market demand-that is, when facing deflation, it is also a basic operation for a small economy to actively “import” a small amount of inflation, especially an economy with a rich family background like the South Sea Alliance.

  However, the problem is that the province of Borneo is still a serfdom economy. Many survivors are in the “livestock” category according to the standards of “Stellaris”. Obviously, this is not a problem of deflation or inflation, but there is no market in the classic sense there. Why must we force the market?

  If we must consider it from the perspective of the imperial royal family, Chu Guang might add a supplementary clause of “repaying with an equivalent amount of dinars or silver coins”, or require the South Sea Alliance to accept Xilan coins when selling things to the empire, which would not seem so funny. Even if

  we put aside the “benefits” themselves, this operation itself is full of puzzling things.

  Before, the Alliance borrowed money from the Stone City. The reason why the Stone City was willing to lend was, on the one hand, because it had guns in hand, and on the other hand, the two sides had mutual investment, and the scale was not small. Basically, the anti-debtor BUFF was fully stacked, and even if the Alliance considered its own interests, it was unlikely to directly default on the debt.

  Just like the South Sea Alliance could not default on the alliance’s money.

  In fact, Boulder City also adopted a similar economic control model for the various farms in Jinchuan Province, including the Kamm tree plantation that Lister had invested in Jinchuan Province a long time ago.

  It was just that the nobles in the inner city were too greedy and arrogant, and the chips on the gambling table were too high, and finally they ruined themselves.

  As for the Empire…

  Maybe it is indeed much more bloody than Boulder City, but it does not have any other conditions, at least in his opinion as an outsider.

  Chu Guang thought for a long time and couldn’t figure out what the Empire was thinking. It stands to reason that charity is not done in this way. It seems more like someone is giving Wu Tuo a bad idea. But

  someone is giving money for free, which is a good thing for the younger brother of the alliance.

  After all, the South Sea Alliance is no longer experiencing inflation, but “the local currency has collapsed directly”, and even the salaries of the government employees are paid in the silver coins of the alliance.

  At this time, someone is willing to come to the South China Sea Alliance to buy air that is worse than “beer bubbles”. Locals who are not fools will not refuse.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. In addition to the academy, there is another guy in this wasteland that he can’t guess.

  The Sticky Community and the Golden Gallon Port gave the empire a sum of money, but he did not expect that the emperor there would use it in this way.

  ”Why don’t you ask the Duke of Galawa to see if we can borrow some too?”

  Cheng Yan was stunned.

  ”This… is not good.”

  He is not in charge of the economy, but he always feels that too much debt is not a good thing, and he feels that Xilan currency seems to be useless.

  However, Chu Guang and he have different ideas, just smiled encouragingly and said.

  ”What’s wrong with it, just go and ask… Of course, if others are really unwilling, forget it, and don’t force them.”

  Seeing that Chu Guang was not joking, Cheng Yan could only say with a smile.


  After the call was disconnected, Chu Guang was going to put the matter aside, but he couldn’t resist the urge to use his main account to update an announcement on the forum, revealing the news of this huge sum of money to the professional players in the southern sea area. No matter

  how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and the South China Sea Alliance may not be able to eat all of it. It is better to let the players active there help the locals digest it.

  For example, help them cash out the unspent Xilan coins at a 50% discount into silver coins or something.

  Although Xilan coins are of little use in other places, they are still very useful for professional players active in Golden Gallon Port…


  (Thanks to the six alliance leaders of “Makabakamo” for the reward!!! Awesome guy!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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