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Chapter 782: Lend it to you? Don’t even think about it!

Chapter 782: Lend it to you? Don’t even think about it!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 782: Lend it to you? Don’t even think about it!

  ”Wasteland OL” official website forum.

  [Announcement: Xilan Empire borrows 10 billion Xilan coins from the South China Sea Alliance. Any company registered in the settlements in the southern sea area or any company with related business in the local area can apply. The money can be used to import raw materials from Xilan Empire. Please explore the relevant gameplay by yourself! 】

  Quit Smoking: “Fuck!”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “The dog planner is giving out benefits again!! I’m so angry, why don’t you give out helmets, I’ve been booking for a year!”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “Damn, I’m crying with envy. TT”

  Canyon Escape Mole: “You don’t have a helmet, what are you envious of. (Funny)”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “I’m crying because I don’t have a helmet! Wait until you guys have fun, and I can’t play any more games when I go in! TT”

  Night Ten: “(Funny)”

  Edge Pad: “10 billion Xilan coins… Is this Wu Tuo crazy? They are so poor that they have to swim in the Yongliu River. (Sweat)”

  Canyon Escape Mole: “Then your vision is too narrow. Only with property rights can poverty and wealth be defined, and there is no such concept for livestock. (Squinting smile)”

  Fang Chang: “Indeed, but I still don’t understand what the meaning of their doing this is. Even if there are too many unsalable goods to put them in, finding a place to dump them is more effective than this way of taking a big detour… Besides, they are not that rich.”

  WC is really a mosquito: “You’d better not try to understand the logic of the third brother of the wasteland, it’s better to analyze the impact. (Laughing with squinting eyes)” Fang

  Chang: “Well… there is nothing to analyze. As long as the South China Sea Alliance is not stupid, it will definitely find a way to exchange the Xilan coins it picked up for free into more valuable products to cash them out, such as selling Xilan coins and buying silver coins, which will benefit the banks that provide foreign exchange services? After all, they can take advantage of the opportunity to make a profit.”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Got it! The Goblin Bank will open soon!”

  Tail: “(Copying homework.jpg)”

  Edge paddling: “Wow! So fast!”

  Fang Chang: “…In addition to the banking industry, in the short term, it may raise the prices of bulk commodities in the coastal areas of Borneo Province, especially those priced in Xilan coins. For example, soybeans, cotton, sugarcane, flax and the like may be bad news for the primary manufacturing industries such as oil pressing, textiles, and sugar making in Jingalon Port. After all, they have to pay more Xilan coins for raw materials, and the final debuff will be reflected in the profits of the manufacturing industry. But in the long run, it may be a good thing.”

  Tail: “Oh! Raw materials are more expensive and profits are declining. This is easy to understand… uh, but why is it a good thing in the long run?”

  Fang Chang: “Because most NPCs in this game are as smart as real people, not the dull wooden ones in ordinary RPGs. On the surface, Wu Tuo opened a large amount of Huabei for the southern sea area, but in fact, it was the survivors of the Thirteen States who paid the bill. If it was Niuzhou and Mazhou, it would not matter. The interests of the nobles were consistent with the emperor. Even if they were dissatisfied, they could only endure it. However, it might not be the case for the warlords in Huzhou and Baozhou. They no longer relied on the imperial power but the gun. ”

  Sisi: “In the long run, local forces will issue their own currency, or look for other more valuable equivalents… such as gallons or silver coins. Right?”

  Fang Chang: “Smart! (Thumbs up)”

  Quit smoking: “Fuck, I don’t understand it at all! (Dumbfounded)”

  Tail: “Oh oh oh! It’s worthy of being Si…giao! Tail doesn’t understand it either! (ó﹏ò)”

  Sisi: “Give up, Awei, if it doesn’t work, just understand it as… our respected planner has spent money again, I will pick up your share together.”

  Roushan Damomo: “Damn… I feel suppressed. TT”

  Aoao Zhimahu: “Ahahaha…hahaha. ”

  The Mole on the Run in the Canyon: “In fact, there is another impact. The rise in raw materials will stimulate the nobles in the provinces of the empire to accelerate the annexation of the free people’s land in order to expand production… God, this is illogical. How can you stab yourself with a knife?”

  Fang Chang: “In fact, there is nothing illogical. Maybe it’s just that the time has come. (Dog head)”

  Baiyue Company is of course partly responsible.

  After all, this would have been a gentle and slow process. Without external interference, it would take dozens of generations or even dozens of generations to promote it. However, the arrival of players has put a rocket into everything.

  From the first gunshot at the Port of Gold Galleon, the myth of the invincibility of the Imperial Army was broken. The first seed buried in the Port of French Fries grew into thriving roots and flowers.

  Everything is on the road of rapid development and can’t stop…


  Lend it to you? Hahahaha! Don’t even think about it! No, I should use your words to say that there is no way! Hahaha! ”

  Sticky Community Building.

  Accidentally bumping into the Duke of Galava who had just finished a meeting in the corridor, Cheng Yan walked up to him with a smile and exchanged a few words with him, and then told him everything Chu Guang had asked him to do.

  Although he didn’t really want to deal with this duke, out of respect for Chu Guang himself, he still put his 120% energy into doing this matter.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that the Duke of Galava not only misunderstood his enthusiasm, but even put on an expression of “you have come to this day” with joy, and then refused with an arrogant look.

  Admiring the “deflated” expression on Cheng Yan’s face, the Duke of Galava had a smug smile on his lips, and he felt so happy in his heart.

  Yo , isn’t this the stupid foreign minister of the Alliance? Why is he begging for food from the Empire? This humble and submissive look doesn’t seem like you?

  Of course, if you kneel down and beg him sincerely, it’s not impossible for him to consider it with mercy. Anyway,

  it’s just a matter of your Majesty’s lips to print a certain amount of Xilan coins.

  Seeing this guy’s smug look, Cheng Yan’s brows twitched fiercely, but he still restrained his temper.

  After all, this is a public place, and you can’t just lie down and bite back if you get bit by a dog.

  The respected administrator asked him to do his best, but didn’t ask him to lose the dignity of the Alliance. Since the Empire has this attitude, there is no need to force it.

  ”Okay. ”

  Throwing this sentence lightly, he walked around Galawa who looked very proud and went to the other end of the corridor.

  Seeing Cheng Yan walking around him, Galawa was immediately confused, and the arrogant expression froze on his face for a moment.

  What the hell?

  Not trying anymore? It’s

  not like he won’t lend.

  And if he could become the creditor of the alliance, it would be a good thing for the empire.


  He stretched out his hand and wanted to shout wait, but saw that the figure had disappeared at the other end of the corridor, and immediately withdrew his hand angrily.

  ”You ungrateful guy!”

  Galava cursed angrily, shook his sleeves, and walked away from this place of trouble.

  Looking at the Duke of Galava who turned and left, the envoys who had just come out of the conference room exchanged glances and couldn’t help teasing.

  ”Is that guy here for diplomacy or to break up?”

  ”Who knows, he’s from Xilan.”

  ”I never understood how this thing got in.”

  ”Then you have to ask the Willant people, they pulled it in.”

  Hearing everyone’s discussion, Benoit had a dark face and didn’t say anything, just wanting to wait for the Duke of Galava to walk away before leaving the conference room.

  It was true that he pulled the man in, but he didn’t expect that this man could be so bad.

  The representatives from the enterprise saw Benoit’s face full of black lines, and teased him about something that was not related to the topic.

  ”You allies?”

  ”Get lost.”

  Benoit turned around and glared at the representative of the enterprise, who was not angry, and walked away with a laugh, leaving Benoit alone there gritting his teeth.

  For all parties in the Sticky Community, the friction in the corridor was just a small episode and did not affect the progress of the subsequent meeting.

  After all, Duke Galava is not short of jokes, and everyone is used to his stable performance.

  It is worth thinking about when he will be normal one day, or when the Xilan Empire suddenly wakes up and replaces a normal person.

  After the work of the day was over, Cheng Yan reported the news to Chu Guang, and Chu Guang did not say anything after listening, but just sighed with a little regret.

  ”It’s a pity, they are smart this time.”

  The alliance is no longer the alliance it used to be. It is indeed a bit difficult to use the old method to get the wool.

  Think about it.

  With the current size of the alliance, I am afraid that even if the stupid master Sid wanted to lend them money a year ago, he would have to consider whether he could get it back.

  Let the South China Sea Alliance, a small account, get the wool.

  Looking at Chu Guang with a face full of emotion, Cheng Yan coughed lightly with a subtle expression.

  ”You may have misunderstood… Maybe that Galawa didn’t think so much, but just avoided the trap you dug for him. I can be sure that every word he said at that time was not thought through.”

  Chu Guang laughed and said, amused by this statement.

  ”Don’t say that… Also, never underestimate your opponents. Although they have taken some detours now, you can’t say for sure in the future. Maybe they can do something earth-shattering. At least in my opinion, the survivors in the wasteland all have such potential.”

  Although he had no doubt about what the manager said, Cheng Yan had been dealing with the people of the Xilan Empire for so long, but he didn’t have a good impression of them at all. He could only sigh and say.



  At the same time when Cheng Yan reported to Chu Guang, another duke of the empire, Nihak, was drunk at the most luxurious Beidao Hotel in Beidao.

  Like Beidao Heavy Industry, Beidao Hotel is also the legacy of Charas. Although the civil war has not ended, that guy is already fantasizing about making a post-war order. This hotel is prepared to receive guests from various survivors.

  A month ago, the Asset Inventory Committee auctioned this asset, and it was later bought by a travel company registered on the Ring Island, which reopened it.

  In the most luxurious hotel on the North Island, and accompanied by General Li Minghui, a war hero of the South China Sea Alliance, Nihak naturally drank to his heart’s content.

  However, when this man got excited, his mouth also became wet.

  ”… With General Li’s bravery, it would be a pity if he didn’t serve as president for a few more years.”

  This scared Li Minghui, and he said quickly.

  ”Let’s drink, but don’t say such things.”

  Seeing Li Minghui’s nervous expression, Duke Nihak laughed and said.

  ”I know, it’s all because of the alliance, right? If you don’t want to say it, then don’t say it. Come, I’ll toast you a glass!”

  Looking at the pair of shrewd little eyes, Li Minghui sighed in his heart.

  How did this guy do it.

  He obviously knows nothing, but he can act like he sees through everything, and thinks that others can’t see through his tricks.

  However, he did not expose the Duke, but sighed “bitterly” and said a few words in line with the latter’s meaning.

  ”…Our situation is different from yours. People here are very petty and don’t know how to be grateful. When they need me, they call me general, and when they see Charas coming, they hide behind me. When they don’t need me anymore, they start to disparage me, and they wish they could bury Charas and me in the ground together.”

  Duke Nihak looked at Li Minghui with a sharp eye and suddenly spoke.

  ”It’s a pity that a wise and brave general like you can’t show your talents on the battlefield, but is constrained everywhere! How about you come to Xilan as the commander? I can assure you that as long as you are willing to come to the empire, my majesty will not treat you unfairly! How many people you command here can be five times more in our place!”

  Looking at the five fingers gestured by Governor Nihak, Li Minghui almost choked on his saliva and said hurriedly with a dry cough.

  ”That’s not necessary… But if you are interested, I can introduce you to a few young men in the navy. It’s no problem for me to be your consultant.”

  He just complained bitterly. This guy really thought he was excluded in the South China Sea Alliance.

  Are you kidding!

  He is a war hero after all?

  If nothing unexpected happens, he can sit in the position of naval commander until retirement, but he is not interested in resigning and going to the zoo to be a captain.

  But he doesn’t mind picking two young men from the navy system to develop there. Anyway, there will be no war to fight in the southern waters in the future.

  As for the Empire, it is estimated that there will be many wars to fight. And when the Empire’s navy is trained, it can’t still fight with the broken fishing boats bought from Silver Moon Bay, right?

  Then I can sell them a few destroyers.

  Anyway, that thing is a large toy after dismantling the radar, sonar, fire control and other messy systems. He is not worried about any trouble. By the way, it can also help the unemployed engineers of the South Sea Alliance solve the employment problem, and the Representative Council will be happy.

  Duke Nihak was really happy when he heard it.

  ”Are you serious?”

  ”Of course I am serious… uh, but it’s not easy to fool the Representative Council. I have to serve them well before they will let me go.”

  Li Minghui said this casually with the mentality of trying it out, but he didn’t expect that this casual remark would hit the heart of Governor Nihak.

  Unable to hide the joy on his face, Duke Nihak slapped his thigh and said,

  ”That’s easy! I can provide you with another 10 billion Xilan currency loan!”

  I can give it to the military adviser today.

  Wouldn’t I be able to buy warships tomorrow?

  Nihak’s eyes were red with excitement, and the opportunity to redeem his previous shame seemed to be right in front of him!

  Li Minghui naturally didn’t know what he was thinking, but he didn’t expect that the empire was so generous and gave out another 10 billion.

  After a moment of surprise, he stood up in awe and raised his glass.

  ”On behalf of the residents of the South China Sea Alliance, I thank you for your generosity!”

  ”Haha! General, you don’t have to be polite, it’s just a little thought!” Nihak smiled and waved his hand, “The empire doesn’t lack this little money, just treat it as making friends!”

  Looking at the corners of his mouth that were raised in ecstasy, Li Minghui smiled lightly, clinked glasses with the duke, and then drank the wine in the glass very considerately. It’s okay if I

  don’t lack this little money…

  Then I’m the one who begs for food?


  But to be honest, this meal is not too shabby.

  Although these hangers-on were really nasty, they were really clear when they gave the money, starting with a string of zeros.

  For the sake of these hundreds of millions of silver coins – oh no, the 10 billion Xilan coins, he suddenly felt that this duke was not so annoying.

  After having a good meal, Li Minghui asked his secretary to drive Duke Nihak to the port area.

  The duke seemed to be allergic to the alliance and insisted on staying on the empire’s ship, refusing to stay in the hotel on the shore.

  As for Li Minghui himself, he didn’t even move his butt, and directly called the waiter to clean up the table, and then started the next game.

  First, it saves trouble, and second, it saves money.

  And the person he is about to meet is none other than the representative of the new authorities of Mammoth State, named Weilu.

  The young man is not very old, only in his early twenties, but there is a rare calmness on his face for his age, and the upright sitting posture shows that he is a trained soldier.

  To be honest, although the benefits brought by the Mammoth State authorities to the South Sea Alliance are far less than the 20 billion given by Xilan, Li Minghui prefers this handsome young man in front of him to the nouveau riche face of Duke Nihak.

  Looking at Weilu who took the initiative to pour wine for him, Li Minghui smiled lightly and said with interest.

  ”Aren’t you curious about who I met just now?”

  Weilu clinked his glasses with Li Minghui respectfully, drank it all, put the glass on the table, and said indifferently.

  ”No need to ask, it must be Mr. Nihak.”

  Li Minghui said with a smile.

  ”You are a member of the Moon Clan, don’t you hate him?”

  Weilu’s expression did not change at all, but continued to speak casually.

  ”There is nothing to hate. The conflict between us and them will be decided on the battlefield. This has nothing to do with our friendship.”

  After staring at the expression on his face for a while, Li Minghui suddenly laughed.

  ”Haha! Young man, you have guts! To be honest, it’s still your Laxi’s temper towards me. I am also fed up with those guys who keep nagging me all day, as if Charas was killed by their chanting…”

  When he said this, he held the wine glass in his hand for a long time, and suddenly sighed and shook his head gently.

  ”But sometimes I feel that I really can’t get rid of those guys…”

  ”You are right, our leader actually knows in his heart that those people are not good at fighting, but they are indispensable for some things, so they have been kept in the army… Your glass is empty, I will toast you another glass.” Wei Lu said respectfully, picked up the bottle and wanted to fill it for Li Minghui, but was pushed away by the latter.


  Looking at Wei Lu with a surprised expression, Li Minghui smiled at him, poured a glass for both of them, and continued after casually drinking it.

  ”You are more likable than Nanihak, so I will give you some extra tips. The Empire is not only planning to sell us cement and steel, but also plans to import some naval consultants from us…including naval equipment and so on. I think they are also very interested.”

  Weru’s face was a little heavy.

  He was not afraid of the Empire’s navy. That thing could not enter the Tasang River. At most, it would hang around the edge of Mammoth City.

  They have rented an area near the shore to the believers of Silver Moon Bay, and many people there have interests with the Alliance. Even if the Empire wants to bomb the port, it has to weigh the consequences.

  At that time, the victory or defeat will still be decided on land.

  What really worries him is another thing——

  ”Are they so rich already?”

  Li Minghui laughed and said.

  ”I don’t think so. They are just pretending to be rich. The Xilan coins they gave us are not popular. We have to work hard to get rid of them. You are a soldier, and so am I. I won’t beat around the bush. The price the bank on the Alliance side gave us is 100 Xilan coins for 1 silver coin. The advantage is that they can eat it all at once, but the disadvantage is that the price is too cheap! We have also contacted the bank on the Golden Gallon Port side. In fact, it is also run by people from the Alliance and the forces they support. The quotation is better than that of the local banks of the Alliance, but they are only willing to give 80 for 1, and only 5 billion… After all, they just helped Baiyue Company digest a batch of Xilan coins, and now it is temporarily saturated.”

  In fact, it is not only to help Baiyue Company digest, but also to help some local old nobles exchange Xilan coins for gallons. He learned all this through his secretary.

  There are many merchants in French Fries Port who travel between Golden Gallon Port and Baiyue Strait. You can find a bar by the port and sit at the bar, or just ask the waiter there to find out.

  Weilu’s pupils flickered slightly, and he keenly sensed the opportunity that the president, who was a military man, had revealed to him.

  ”How much do you have left?”

  Li Minghui looked at the sensible young man with a smile and continued.

  ”We have already sold 4 billion to the private bank on the alliance side, and the Golden Gallon Port also sold 4 billion. After deducting the consumption of buying building materials, there is still 1 billion left. But just now, Nihak gave us another 10 billion. Now we have 11 billion Xilan coins in our hands.”

  Weilu said with difficulty.

  ”This is too much… 1 billion is okay, 10 billion is a bit difficult for us, and we also need silver coins to rebuild.”

  The Mammoth State authorities have a reserve of silver coins, including the labor dispatch company, which also settles in silver coins, and the profit of a month can be 10 million silver coins.

  Weilu knew clearly what President Li Minghui meant. He hoped to settle part of the wages with Xilan coins, which was also a disguised sale of part of the Xilan coins.

  In exchange, the Mammoth State can get a cheap exchange rate, as long as it is more favorable than the 1:100 offered by the private banks in the alliance.

  Although the neighboring states have imposed an embargo on Mammoth State, the port of Golden Gallon Port can still sell Xilan coins.

  As long as the empire exists, Xilan coins are valuable, at least much stronger than the “federal currency” of the South Sea Alliance.

  If you can’t understand it, just think of Xilan coins as “soybean coupons”, “cotton coupons”, “sugar coupons”, and “mining tickets”. The

  Mammoth State authorities don’t have to worry about exchanging for a bunch of waste paper that can’t be spent, and can even earn a “interest rate difference” from it.

  However, the only problem is that the primary resources that can be bought with Xilan coins are not what Mammoth State needs. They don’t have a strong military backing, and they don’t have time to develop light industry from making shirts, and they don’t even have time to resell bulk commodities.

  But at this moment, Weilu suddenly thought of something and asked anxiously.

  ”Can you get preferential prices for cement and steel from the Xilan Empire?”

  Li Minghui nodded approvingly.

  ”Yes… and the cement and steel produced by the Legion for them are impeccable in quality, but ridiculously cheap. But to be honest, there are too many of them and they take up space. We can’t digest their inventory in a short time unless we decide to build the fourteenth artificial island.”

  ”We need steel and cement!” Weru looked at him with a sharp look in his eyes and said, “We can pay you silver coins, and you pay Xilan coins to the Empire’s factory, and then reload the unused cement and steel at the Golden Gallon Port and ship them to us.” It’s

  not just the currency that can be transferred, but also the preferential terms attached to the loan agreement. The South Sea Alliance doesn’t need to pay anything, just transfer the half-price coupons given by the Empire to the Mammoth State authorities who also need to rebuild. It does

  n’t matter if there is no profit. The authorities themselves are not profit-making organizations, and they don’t have to consider making money.

  As long as the “useless Xilan coins in the southern waters” can be quickly converted into “silver coins that can pay salaries to South Sea Alliance employees”, it will be a great political achievement.

  Looking at this flexible young man, Li Minghui’s eyes became more and more approving.

  This young man has good understanding.

  It seems that the Zoo Province can also produce two talents.

  ”That’s easy. The bank here will directly provide you with infrastructure building materials at 50% of the market price. In fact, the discount given to us by the Empire is also this number. You have caused a disaster, and I am really embarrassed to make a profit from your price difference… Of course, the premise of this agreement is that the discount given to us by the Empire has not been cancelled. Will the representative agree that I will use the property of the survivors in the southern sea area to subsidize a place they can’t find on the map? Please understand this.”

  ”Thank you so much!” Wei Lu showed a pleasant expression on his face. He quickly stood up and said respectfully with both hands holding the wine glass, “Thank you for your generosity to the survivors of Mammoth State… Please allow me to toast you a glass!”

  Looking at Wei Lu who drank it all, Li Minghui smiled and waved his hand and said “You’re welcome”, and then he also raised his glass to drink.

  For him, this meal was much more enjoyable than the previous one.

  At the same time, Nihak, who had just gotten off the car at the port area, was drunkenly bidding farewell to the secretary who had accompanied him all the way, and returned to the ship with the help of his attendant.

  When passing by the deck, a gust of cool wind blew across his neck, causing him to shiver unconsciously, and he subconsciously looked around vigilantly.

  The surroundings were a peaceful sea, and no one was staring at him, let alone the Alliance’s guards waiting for an opportunity to ambush.

  Realizing that he was being overly nervous, Nihak’s old face couldn’t help but blush, but he still muttered and cursed.

  ”This damn alliance…”

  On the other side, the secretary who sent Nihak away returned to the North Island Hotel and happened to see the president who sent the Mammoth State authorities away downstairs.

  After seeing his secretary return, Li Minghui got into the car directly, and while instructing him to drive to the Presidential Palace, he also briefly explained the agreement he had reached with the Mammoth State authorities.

  ”… Please draft the contract as soon as possible. You can consult my staff on the details to see if there is anything that needs to be supplemented.”

  The secretary nodded seriously, but his expression was still a little hesitant.

  ”We signed such a contract with the Mammoth State authorities… Is it a bit unfair to the Empire?”

  ”Fair?” As if he heard something very funny, Li Minghui snorted with a fake smile.

  ”Although Si Wen, that bastard, talks a lot of nonsense, he said one thing that was too right. The Alliance is good in everything, but it is too kind. It is good to be civilized to people, but it is also too wasteful to be civilized to animals.”

  ”Even in the ideal city, money is not omnipotent. As a result, a slave owner just had a few days of good life and thought that he could do whatever he wanted with money… Hehe.”

  Looking at the night scene flying outside the car window, he said slowly.

  ”Didn’t they say that they are not short of money? Let them buy a lesson.”

  To be honest, Nihak should be glad that he was talking to himself instead of Charas who had been burned to ashes by the residents of the southern sea area.

  If that guy won the civil war, he would probably pour wine on Nihak’s head to humiliate him, then use the naval guns to destroy the port of the empire, set fire all the way to his hometown Tiangong to talk face to face, how can he not be short of money?

  Just when Li Minghui curled his lips and threw the affairs of the empire aside, the Mammoth State, which had just suffered a flood, was ignited with a raging fire again…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode