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Chapter 784 Landing Exercise

Chapter 784 Landing Exercise


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 784 Landing Exercise

  Li Minghui still remembered that a few days ago, he had just complained to his secretary about the Alliance being too kind, but within a few days, his “good friend” brought him a big surprise.

  The idle people on the roundabout island probably had too much to eat, because a few people were burned to death in a ravine that could not be found on the map, and they ran out to hold up signs to protest the economic cooperation between the South China Sea Alliance and the Empire.

  Well, this is indeed too much.

  But this protest really made him unable to do anything.

  To be honest, if you use your brain a little, you can see who is giving money to whom for free and who is bleeding whom, but these people just understood that he was a dog for the Empire.

  After hearing about this, Li Minghui was furious at the time, and he wanted to go to the roundabout island immediately to sort it out with these fishermen.

  20 billion!

  The South China Sea Alliance can get 20 billion for free without doing anything!

  They don’t even need to think about where the benefits of not starving to death without doing anything come from!

  Look at how the Alliance spoils them!

  In the end, it was the managers of the alliance who had foresight. They saw at a glance that Xilan was a shithole. He drew a circle and played by himself, not taking them to play at all.

  And the Legion…

  But the Legion is another matter. It simply did not treat the people in the zoo as human beings. That is another matter.

  People have different bottom lines.

  Just when Li Minghui was sulking, Si Wen came to his door as he expected, staring at him aggressively.

  ”Mr. Li Minghui, I advise you to carefully consider the object of cooperation. We have suffered enough from the Torch Church… Let me put it bluntly, a considerable number of residents in the South Sea Alliance do not want to cooperate with the Empire.”

  Seeing this guy’s face changing like turning a book, Li Minghui almost got angry.

  ”So do you still want to sell him the warship?”

  ”Yes…” Si Wen spoke subconsciously, but then he changed his mind and said, “I can’t not.”

  ”…You can be the president.”

  Li Minghui pushed the chair away and was about to leave. Si Wen was so scared that he quickly went up and grabbed his shoulders and held him down firmly.

  ”That won’t do. You have to sit here until the war is over! We agreed before… Don’t joke like that!”

  ”Then tell me, how the hell can I sell it and not sell it at the same time?” Li Minghui laughed out loud in anger, “Only collect money but not ship it?”

  He was just saying something in anger, but he didn’t expect the guy in front of him to agree to it.

  ”It’s not impossible.”

  Li Minghui was stunned.

  He thought that he was shameless enough to think about dismantling the warship into toys, but he didn’t expect that there would be people who were more shameless than him.


  It’s so damn dirty!

  Li Minghui stared at him.

  ”…You want to take all the benefits.”

  ”Why not?” Si Wen said with a wandering look, “You signed the bill approving the purchase, but your next person will sign the procedure for approving the delivery… You signed the agreement to buy a window of time for the survivors in the southern seas to recover after the war, no one can blame you, and your next person refused to sign the delivery agreement for righteous reasons, and no one can blame him either.”

  Li Minghui sighed.

  ”You are bullying people.”

  ”Then what else, we sacrifice ourselves for others? Give them your ship and let them have fun on our territory? Wake up, you think the alliance is too kind, why are you soft-hearted when it comes to you?”

  Si Wen scolded him harshly and continued.

  ”The representative meeting will help you buy time. After you sign the contract first, we will respond to the calls of those doves and issue amendments… You are still our hero, and even leave a glorious opportunity for your successors.”

  After saying that, Si Wen left the door, leaving only Li Minghui and his own secretary.

  The office was quiet for a long time.

  Li Minghui sighed and looked at his secretary.

  ”It seems that my intuition is right. We really need these guys who chatter endlessly at the meeting… Ahem! Please make an appointment with Duke Nihak for me. Just make an appointment at the Presidential Palace. Also, prepare a copy of the latest issue of “Survivor Daily” in French Fries Port for me. I might need it.” It

  was really hard to hold it.

  A few days ago, he and Si Wen were still arguing with each other, but now they have “shaken hands and made peace” twice in less than a month.

  The secretary nodded in confusion.

  ”Okay… sir.”

  Maybe his level is not enough, he is increasingly unable to understand these guys…


  Swords, shields, armor… even the chopping board have been prepared, but Duke Nihak, who received the invitation, did not know that he had become the fat cow in the Colosseum, while his new good friend was boringly swinging swords to warm up behind the scenes.

  Thinking that the supreme war hero of the South China Sea Alliance remembered his rich and mysterious old friend again, he happily put on a luxurious dress made of devil silk and went to the scene.

  This is his favorite dress.

  The sunlight outside the window was a little dazzling.

  Li Minghui stood up and walked to the window and gently closed the sunshade. He brewed his emotions for a moment, then turned around and looked at Duke Nihak who was calmly drinking black tea and said seriously.

  ”Mr. Nihak, you guys are a bit too much.”

  Duke Nihak frowned.

  ”What do you mean?”

  Li Minghui coughed lightly.

  ”I mean… the newspaper you put under the teapot.”

  For the sake of 20 billion, he restrained his tone, and Duke Nihak really relaxed his brows and his eyes fell on the headlines of the newspaper.

  He didn’t look at the words on the paper carefully before, and Li Minghui reminded him that this was a “newspaper”. ”

  The executioner of Mammoth State, Alayyang who annihilated 100,000 “enemies”! ”

  [Picture: Stone Village Massacre. 】

  Seeing this title and the accompanying picture, Duke Nihak’s eyebrows twitched fiercely, and he didn’t even look at the content of the text, and explained with a dark face.

  ”We can’t interfere with the decision of the general on the front line… He really did a bastard, we will hold him accountable later!”

  This damn Alaiyang! He

  doesn’t even know how to wipe his ass

  after taking a shit! He guessed what happened at a glance. It was nothing more than someone being soft-hearted and letting the survivors live and expose the matter.

  If they had killed all the people, would there still be such trouble?

  That would not be called the Stone Village Massacre, it would be called burning a hundred thousand troops!

  Of course, he only said that he would hold someone responsible. He pushed Alaiyang up personally. Wouldn’t it be like slapping himself in the face if he held him responsible?

  And this has nothing to do with your South China Sea Alliance.

  Li Minghui sat opposite him, poured himself a cup of tea, and sighed.

  ”…It’s very difficult now. I don’t really want to get involved in this kind of thing, but some residents of the circular islands have jumped out and opposed me selling warships to you.”

  The warships are not for sale? !

  Then the 10 billion he spent before wasted? !

  Upon hearing this, Nihak’s face changed immediately.

  ”What do you mean! How can you go back on your word!”

  Seeing that this guy seemed to be overreacting, Li Minghui quickly softened his tone and coaxed him.

  ”Mr. Duke, you misunderstood. I don’t want to go back on my word, otherwise I wouldn’t have been in such a hurry to invite you to come and discuss countermeasures.”

  Seeing that there was still room for discussion, Duke Nihak finally calmed down and his tone softened.

  ”Then tell me how to talk about it.”

  ”The representatives asked me to give the residents an explanation, but to be honest, they don’t know shit. They don’t know how important the Empire is to the South China Sea Alliance. However, I am helpless. I am just a nanny. I have to coax them even if I don’t want to pay attention to them,” Li Minghui sighed, put on a difficult expression, shook his head and continued, “If we can’t get past them, let them replace someone who opposes the Empire, and I don’t know where this warship will be sold.”

  Nihak became nervous and said hurriedly.

  ”Can’t we… get rid of those people?”

  As he spoke, his eyes moved left and right, and his right hand gently made a gesture of wiping his neck, the meaning was self-evident.

  Li Minghui’s eyebrows twitched fiercely, and he coughed and said.

  ”You, be normal… We are discussing something very serious.”

  Not to mention that he couldn’t do it, even Charas couldn’t do it. The most that madman with high aspirations and low skills could do was to impose martial law. If he

  really attacked his own people, I’m afraid he wouldn’t even have a chance to fight the local bunker boy, and there would be no need to fight the battle at the airport.

  Nihak was puzzled for a long time, but he didn’t think he was abnormal. Besides, he just gave an idea and didn’t say that he had to do it this way.

  Seeing that Li Minghui didn’t agree, he could only think from a different angle, and after thinking for a long time, he slowly seemed to grasp some key points.

  ”So as long as we can make that representative happy, it will be fine, right?”

  ”Yes,” Li Minghui nodded quickly, with a sincere face – or eagerly said, “We are friends, you have to do me this favor!”

  His idea was to let Nihak propose to place an order as soon as possible, negotiate the contract and design drawings, and pay the deposit and advance payment.

  However, he still overestimated the intelligence of the duke. The latter may be used to being a rich man and regard the South China Sea Alliance as his own home. He waved his hand and said.

  ”That’s easy! I will give you another 10 billion Xilan coins loan!”

  Li Minghui, who was drinking tea, almost spit out a mouthful of tea. He coughed several times before putting down the cup.

  ”It’s not a matter of Xilan coins… Well, of course, you are willing to support our reconstruction work, and we are also very supportive, but… We are now discussing the sale of warships. Can you understand? These are two different things.”

  Why can’t this guy turn his head around?

  Looking at this fat and big-eared guy, Li Minghui didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this, but he could only patiently explain it to him.

  Nihak frowned and pondered for a while.

  ”Mr. Li Minghui, there is no one here, you might as well make it clear… What exactly do you need me to do?”

  Li Minghui didn’t beat around the bush and stared at him with a sharp eye.

  ”I hope to place the order as soon as possible, before those guys who chattered in the meeting take action against our close friendship!”

  Nihak was overjoyed when he heard this, rubbing his hands and saying.

  ”That’s great! I thought so too! What is your most powerful ship?”

  Seeing that the fish had taken the bait, Li Minghui immediately said.

  ”The battleship Haiya! It can shoot down a legion’s airship in one minute!”

  Duke Nihak was shocked when he heard this, and almost stood up from the sofa, staring at Li Minghui and screaming.

  ”Is it so powerful?!”

  Li Minghui said with a dry cough.

  ”…You can buy it and try it.”

  To be honest, war is not like throwing dice to compare the size, and this kind of question itself is stupid. However, there is no way, the customer will buy this, and he can only use this amateur metaphor.

  Duke Nihak’s eyes really became hot, and his thumb and index finger were about to rub sparks, and his greedy saliva was about to fall to the ground.

  ”How much!”

  Looking at the anxious Nihak, Li Minghui’s heart was pounding, but he still kept his composure and continued to talk.

  ”Maybe… 1 billion silver coins? We have to wait until the design comes out before we can estimate the price – of course! We support installment payments here. You can pay a deposit of 50 million first, and our shipyard can start construction. After construction starts, you can pay 10 million every month until it is paid off.”

  The latter sentence was mainly because he was worried that the big fish would be scared away.

  As a result, he didn’t expect that the guy opposite was not scared by this astronomical figure at all, but stood up in great joy.

  ”Great! 1 billion silver coins… How about this, we will suffer a little loss, and give you 10 billion Xilan coins!”

  Hearing this “we will suffer a little loss”, Li Minghui almost choked to death on his own saliva and quickly interrupted the duke’s daydream.

  ”Mr. Nihak, respected Grand Duke of the Empire… This can’t be calculated like this, it must be paid in silver coins.”

  Nihak was stunned and frowned.

  ”What do you mean?”


  ”We borrowed so much money from you, and you bought so many things from us with Xilan currency, tens of thousands of tons of steel, cement, cotton, soybeans and sugar! Now we have to use silver coins to buy your things?! What do you mean?”

  Governor Nihak’s eyes were slightly unfriendly, and a trace of suspicion appeared in his turbid pupils.

  The debt of Xilan currency must be repaid with Xilan currency, this is written in black and white.

  Do these guys intend to pay back the money?

  Li Minghui was also stunned.

  He had sharpened the knife for killing the pig, but he didn’t expect the pig to suddenly wake up, and he hurriedly patched it up.

  ”It’s not that I don’t want to accept it… Of course we are willing to accept it, but this…” His mind turned quickly, and suddenly he thought of a solution, “It’s the shipyard that won’t accept it!”

  Nihak was stunned, a little confused.


  Why did he bring up the shipyard again? !

  ”Yes…” Li Minghui sighed, making a helpless expression, “The company of the Alliance holds shares in Beidao Heavy Industry, they want to check the accounts, and Beidao Heavy Industry also has to use silver coins to pay employees’ salaries… We can’t do anything about it. We can’t force them to accept Xilan coins, right? Not to mention whether the shareholders of the Alliance will do it, the workers in the shipyard won’t do it either.”

  He didn’t even mention that the electromagnetic gun of the battleship was from Shelter No. 70, and Shelter No. 70 was currently managed by Shelter No. 404, and Shelter No. 404 was the Alliance’s business.

  But Duke Nihak didn’t ask, but pondered over what Li Minghui said very seriously, thinking that it seemed to make some sense?

  Although he always felt that the problem was big, he couldn’t say where the problem was.

  In fact, it’s okay to use silver coins.

  After the closure of Jinjialun Port was lifted, trade between the inland rivers and coastal ports of the Borneo Province and Jinjialun Port resumed, and the monthly throughput even exceeded one million tons! This

  is equivalent to an average of one ton of Jinjialun Port residents exchanging goods with residents in the empire every month!

  Since the agency entrusted by the Jinjialun Port authorities collected tariffs on behalf of the empire, the revenue from the tariffs also rose along with the trade volume. After a few months, there was a floating profit of 70 to 80 million silver coins, which was much better than the previous human trafficking.

  However, no matter how good it was, the royal family needed silver coins more than dinars.

  This foreign exchange was mainly earned by merchants and nobles in Tiger State and Leopard State, and most of them used it, such as exchanging silver coins to buy machines, seeds, fertilizers and consumer goods of the alliance.

  However, these guys who eat from the outside are not good people. They get the advantage all day long and sell it. While expanding their business, they cry poor to the court, and the taxes can never be collected.

  Rather than letting them waste the silver coins, it would be better to let them use them to do something truly meaningful for the empire.

  ”Okay, how do I pay the deposit of 50 million silver coins?”

  Li Minghui said in a trembling voice, restraining his excitement and ecstasy.

  ”Same as before…you transfer the money to the bank in Jingalon Port, and the agency we entrusted can collect the money on your behalf!”


  The beach facing north on the North Island in the southern waters is as lively as ever.

  Since the capture of the North Island in early October, the Alliance has designated this beach as a military training area and has conducted more than ten large and small beach landing operations.

  Now it is mid-November, and the situation on the northern front has gradually fallen into a stalemate. The Sticky Community Coalition urgently needs to open a new breakthrough in the south.

  This glorious and arduous task naturally fell on the Alliance.

  In order to ensure that the operation is foolproof and to reduce the loss of expensive equipment in battle, the players of the Burning Corps also played a twelve-point spirit in the exercise.

  I saw a number of “Alligator” amphibious armored vehicles painted with blue digital camouflage rushing onto the beach from the shallow water. Not far away, there were six large landing ships floating on the undulating sea, looking towards the shore like a towering beast.

  After rushing onto the beach, the armored vehicles immediately began to pull smoke and threw smoke bombs forward. I saw smoke covering the entire beach in an instant!

  As the armored vehicles broke into the middle of the beach, the hatch at the rear of the vehicle suddenly popped open to both sides, and infantrymen wearing exoskeletons filed out of the car, and acted quickly in groups of three under the guidance of the “visual battlefield guidance system” in the helmet eyepiece.

  Following closely on the shore was the “King Crab” amphibious all-terrain infantry armor, with thick and long gun barrels emitting a cold light in the sun. It

  took only 4 minutes and 31 seconds from the landing ship to the landing of all combat units!

  The whole set of actions was completed in one go, without a pause!

  In addition to the officers and staff from the Alliance Command, there were many passers-by outside the isolation line on the shore watching.

  The residents of the North Island were no longer surprised by the Alliance’s exercises.

  After all, more than a month ago, these people had a “real” exercise to liberate them from the tyranny of the madman Chalas.

  Not to mention the “Alligator” amphibious armored vehicles, which were designed by their engineers, but the turrets were redesigned with goblin technology for logistical needs.

  Some snack shop owners even pushed out food trucks and ice cream trucks to sell to the trained “wanjia”.

  Although these soldiers from the Alliance sometimes behaved a little strangely and spoke the human language incoherently, they were disciplined and had no airs. The locals were not very afraid of them, but were happy to interact with them. However,

  although the residents of the island were not surprised, the laborers from the Mammoth State were all stunned.

  Too strong!

  What on earth was their majesty thinking, daring to provoke these monsters!

  They deserved to be beaten black and blue!

  In the crowd, the representative from Mammoth State, Weru, opened his mouth in astonishment, staring at the murderous armor.

  Is this the full strength of the Alliance?

  It was even more exaggerated than he had imagined…

  He was one of the officers who followed Laxi out of the Jingalon Port Militia, and he was also one of the officers in the Mammoth State who had the most profound understanding of the Alliance’s strength.

  After all, when the Alliance landed in Jingalon Port, he was watching from the side, watching the city defense army being beaten to a pulp on their own territory, watching the Gray Wolf Army behind being driven into the Everflow River to swim…

  He was just impressed by the power of technology at the time, and did not have a clear concept of the Alliance’s own combat effectiveness.

  It was not until now that he realized that the Alliance might not have used its full strength at that time.

  No –

  to be precise, it should be the Burning Legion that did not use its full strength, and the Alliance had far more than one Burning Legion…

  Weru swallowed his saliva involuntarily and swallowed the shock in his heart.

  It would be great if this army could be invited to Mammoth State…

  Of course, this might not be realistic.

  But it should be no problem to earn more silver coins and buy some similar equipment to take back.

  On the edge of the crowd, several engineers from Beidao Heavy Industry were also looking through binoculars, laughing and chatting from time to time.

  ”Is that big crab the work of Shelter No. 70?”

  ”To be precise, it is an improved work based on the design drawings of Shelter No. 100.”

  ”Tsk, these old guys have a lot of treasures.”

  ”The landing craft still needs to be improved… Wouldn’t it be faster to release the landing craft from both sides than from the middle?”

  ”It’s probably too late to change the production plan now. The Alliance’s landing force has already equipped six ships, and there are two more to be delivered at the end of the month.”

  ”It feels so good to have endless resources.” ”

  What about improving on the original basis? For example, install a row of elevators on the side of the ship.”

  ”You have to consider the impact of changing equipment on the soldiers’ training…”

  The equipment invested in this exercise was the largest in history. Several “Cloud Dragonfly” flapping-wing aircraft even flew low over the sea, and “Lightning” and “Thunder” cruised above the clouds.

  The opponent is just a group of mutants, at most equipped with some weapons sent by Charas. Using so many high-tech equipment is a bit like using a cannon to kill a mosquito.

  Watching the fighter jets flying low over the exploding white fog, the crowd watching on the shore cheered and cheered from time to time. Almost no one would doubt the upcoming final victory.

  Looking at the fully landed troops, Old White, who was standing on the shore and watching, glanced at the time on the VM, grinned, and then shouted into the communication channel.

  ”The exercise is over. Thank you for your hard work! Remember to collect the garbage before you leave. The rewards will be settled later.”

  He is usually a little strict when training NPCs, but there is no need to be so strict when training players. After all, death will only take three days. It is

  very encouraging that these guys can take the exercise seriously, not make trouble, and not fall behind.

  It is no exaggeration to say that only their Burning Corps and Storm Corps can do this kind of exercise. After that, it can only be the NPC Corps.

  Hearing the boss’s voice, there was a cheer of disbandment in the communication channel.

  ”Call it a day!”

  ”Shaved ice! I want to eat shaved ice!”

  ”Damn, I lost my shoes just now. Who will go back with me to find them…”

  ”Hahaha! Fuck! You want to make me laugh to death.”

  ”My cow is laughing!”


  As the exercise ended, the landing ship in the distance returned to the port on the south side of the island, and the players also walked to the shore in groups of three or five.

  Looking at Lao Bai standing at the edge of the exercise field, he said with a smile.

  ”Boss! How is it this time?”

  Lao Bai laughed.

  ”It’s OK!”

  No family: “Fuck! Just OK?!”

  ”I’m afraid you’ll be proud,” Lao Bai said with a smile, patting his brother on the shoulder, “but this result is already good.”

  In a beach restaurant not far from the exercise area and the military base, Mosquito, leaning on a lounge chair, drank coconut juice and fished, while admiring the beautiful women passing by the roadside from time to time, and occasionally glanced at the “Survivor Daily” in his hand as a decoration.

  Goblin Technology is also one of the several large partners of Beidao Heavy Industry. The 37mm turret and automatic loading system of the “Alligator” were redesigned by the former.

  In order not to miss the landing day, he ran from the north line to the south line and threw the card duel competition in Kun Town, Weifu City, to a certain rat clan brother to take care of.

  The rat clan guy is indeed a genius. He imitated his duck voice and held the duel competition in a lively manner, successfully making the Willant people and the gluttons in Ideal City compete with each other.

  The cards that cost less than 0.01 silver coins were not only sold like crazy in the NPC group, but some new players who didn’t know the truth also collected them as game Easter eggs.

  Of course, this was just a small episode during the war.

  No matter how expensive the cards were, it was impossible to make more profit than the arms trade.

  Looking at the acquaintance lying on the recliner, Fang Chang threw his helmet aside, sat casually on the chair next to him, and laughed and teased.

  ”Why don’t you go up and fly a few laps?”

  ”Well, the flying technology has been engraved in my gene sequence. That thing was designed by me. It doesn’t matter whether I practice or not.”

  ”You are still good at bragging.” Fang Chang cursed with a smile, looked at the waitress in a maid outfit beside him, smiled and nodded, then took the menu she handed over and ordered a mojito for himself.

  Recently, there are many things that can only be found in Dawn City on the North Island. Although it is mainly to make money from players, it can also be regarded as promoting the artwork of the Vine House.

  The local residents are not very opposed to these foreign cultures, whether they are elegant or vulgar.

  After all, compared to the high-pressure life in the Charas era, every day after the civil war was as happy as living in a dream for them. There was

  an acquaintance sitting next to him, and Mosquito was too embarrassed to flirt with the NPC girl openly. He pretended to bury his head in the crumpled newspaper.

  He didn’t know until he took a closer look at what was written on the headline and was shocked.

  ”Fuck… a big deal!”

  The Xilan Empire spent 1 billion silver coins to order a 100,000-ton battleship from Beidao Heavy Industry!

  My goodness, the Alliance didn’t have such a powerful thing, but this old man in the Borneo Province used it? !

  Of course, the reason why the Alliance didn’t have it was more because it really didn’t need it.

  On the one hand, the Alliance had summed up a variety of more economical and effective tactics when fighting with the Legion, such as phase guns that could paralyze shields and anti-gravity systems with one shot, such as terminal low-speed guided weapons, and boarding battles, etc. Even balloons with little technical content could paralyze the propellers of airships under certain circumstances.

  The South China Sea Alliance would build such a weird thing as the “Sea End” battleship purely because they only regarded the Legion as an imaginary enemy but had no actual contact with it.

  Objectively speaking, this thing is indeed powerful, but it is not economically cost-effective.

  It’s like a sword with a diamond on the hilt. It may indeed have the effect of increasing the winning rate, such as distracting the opponent, but the price of a gem can buy the equipment of a knight’s order.

  Fang Chang glanced at the newspaper in Mosquito’s hand and said with a smile.

  ”Did you know about it today? I knew it the day before yesterday.”

  Mosquito coughed and argued.

  ”Ahem… I’ve been busy with business recently and haven’t paid much attention to NPC news, but why is no one discussing this thing on the forum?”

  Fang Chang said casually.

  ”The debate about the power of battleships was discussed before the decisive battle of Beidao. Facts have proved that the battleships can only withstand a few more torpedoes than destroyers. The CG of the sinking is indeed spectacular… What else is there to discuss? The plasma engine with greater thrust is our research and development focus. It will also be used after the outer space map is opened in the future. You know that.”

  Ignoring Fang Chang’s words, Mosquito continued to read the newspaper, and his eyes became more and more excited.

  ”1 billion silver coins, 50 million in advance, 10 million in monthly payments, and the reconstruction loan obtained by the authorities from the Xilan Empire has increased to 30 billion… Hiss, how can this empire be so rich? By the way, don’t you consider moving forward?”

  ”How can you say such obscene things when you say this…” Seeing Mosquito looking at him with desire, Fang Chang rolled his eyes unhappily, and after a pause, he continued, “And guess where the silver coins in the Empire come from?”

  Mosquito chuckled and took a sip of coconut juice.

  ”What’s so hard about guessing? You gave it to me, right?”

  Fang Chang smiled faintly.

  ”Since you know, why are you asking?”

  When they first entered the Golden Gallon Port, the total import and export volume of that “slave trading port” was only a few hundred million dinars a year.

  However, after they turned the livestock there into humans, the monthly trade volume of the Golden Gallon Port was more than that, and even a straw bag like Wu Tuo could earn tens of millions of silver coins in tariffs. There

  is no point in simply occupying a few pieces of land. If you want to earn more silver coins from NPCs, you have to turn more NPCs from livestock into humans.

  In fact, this is the hidden “reward mechanism” of “Wasteland OL”. It is easy to find out as long as you know a little about the game rules designed by A Guang. The Baiyue Company he runs has been doing this for a long time, and it has been doing well so far.

  Not only in Jinjialun Port, the survivors of Huzhou and Baozhou have gradually lived a little like human beings. Although they can’t be compared with the survivors of Dawn City, at least they live a little more like they did before.

  ”…Although, I always feel that you expect to change them by making them rich. It may be wishful thinking. Although I haven’t been to the Borneo Province, I have met a few people there when I was in the Weifu Wasteland.”

  Looking at the sunny beach, Mosquito, who was drinking coconut juice, sighed. After thinking for a long time, he couldn’t think of how to describe the little brother of the rat tribe he had received.

  After all, it is a cultivation game. Most of the players in this game are very good to NPCs. For example, Teng Teng almost raises Huahua as a daughter, although the latter is much higher than the former. For example, the Luoyu brothers are not even human. Xiaoyu is not even human.

  He was no exception. He had always been good to his followers and had taken good care of the young rat man financially. However, no matter how much money the guy had saved, how many books he had read, and how much he had learned, he always had a strange feeling for him –

  he was not like a normal person.

  ”It felt like… the programmer had maliciously deleted two key lines of code when editing the guy’s program. Both Xiaoyu and Yinyin thought they were human, but the guy didn’t think of himself as a human at all. Therefore, his personality was not special, but he just didn’t fit in with the people around him… Of course, I mean outside of work.”

  Fang Chang laughed.

  ”You’re not his father, why do you care how he lives?”

  ”Yeah, I’m not. I’m just a fun person. I go wherever there’s fun,” Mosquito grinned and threw the newspaper with an exaggerated headline in his hand to Fang Chang, “What about you? Do you want to be their godfather?”

  ”Or you might as well guess, are they buying this broken toy to use it to fuck the Weilant people, or to fuck you.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode